T CITY SURVtYORS BUSY IN LENTS. LOCAL ANO PERSONAL LITTLE MARGARET BULLFINCH DEATH CLAIMS MR. CELEBRATES 3rd ANNIVERSARY HOWARD W. GOSSETT. Howard W. Gossett, aged 49 years, a Mrs. Keath, who ha* been very ill the resident of Stella street, died Tueadai Hayground» and North Main Street peat two weeks is slowly improving. at two-thirty p. in., of dropsy and •object of investigation. heart trouble. He had been ailing fur City engineer» have been buay in and There is a new l>arber »hop in the several month». Hi» funeral was con around lent» for the past week. Their Lenta* building at Gray» Crossing. ducted from l*ea»e'i undertaking appearance began with an investiga­ room», a »hort service by a Christian tion of the grade for the Oddfellows A new arc light is being installed at Science leader. The Bona of Veteran.« building. From that they have been and member» of the local G. A R. post 4th avenue and Mt. Scott. working North. They have surveyed took charge of it then, and marched to the Playground thoroughly, locating all Mt. Scott cemetery, where a military Miaa Stella Parnell is visiting rela ­ the points, and marking the trees and service wa» conducted by the Son» of the pit. It is supposed that the city tives at Pleasant Home thia week. Veteran». park department intends to make large Mr. Gossett leave» a wife, two son- J. F. Wing is putting the finishing and a daughter, who, with nutnerou« improvements at the playground» at an early date. Notice hat been sent the touches to bia garage on Foster road. relatives mourn hi« departure. Parent-Teacher club officer» that a lot of additional apparatus will be added to Born to Mr. and Mr». William Onda. R. 8. Humma! leaves June 3, for an the grounds this summer. This will extended visit to Ohio and Wisconsin. Stella street, May 14th, a baby girl. tend to make of it an ideal plavgrouud. The essential thing will be good super­ Mr. Stanford Moore of Willamette Mr. Nelson Rogers of Vernonia, vision. Thia will have to be supplied University spent Sunday and Monday Oregon, who has been attending by employing some one all the time, as with his parents. Philomath college, visited at the home the method of part time as tried last of W. E. Thomas last week. year was very unsatisfactory, much of Master Clovis Sines sustained a seri­ the material suffering damage, and the ous accident the past week resulting in Mr. Page Sr., 1» ill and unable to re­ grounds were infested with disorderly a broken arm. sume his duties at the New Method persons at all times of the night and laundry. George McCullen is taking day, when the supervisors were not G. N. Sager, a prominent farmer of his place. there. Pleasant Valley, was a Lenta visitor Monday. E. V. Cavin of Clarkston, Wash., Tuesday afternoon, May AHli, quite a tin oilier uf little Miss Margaret Bull- finch's friends and neighbors called to enjoy with her the 3rd anniversary of her birth. It was sweet to see the dear happy (aces and hear their merry laughter as they played “Ring around the rosy” and other games of child- hood. Besides friends from Portland those present were Edith and Irene Smithers. Dorothy Allen. Eva and Lyle Walrod, laRea Rayburn, Dorothy MiAirue and Lillian aud I .on me Bull­ finch. It was a genuine pink affair, and the decorations were pink carna­ tions The gifts were numerous an«i greatly appreciated and enjoyed by the dear little recipient who looked like a fairy in her pink drees and ribbons. Each guest received a nice souvenir of the occasion and one of aouiewhat larg­ er growth carried away a cute “Snookums” to add to her household treasures. After a bountiful repast had been en- jovtd by old and young, all reluctantly departed to their home«, hoping "Babe" may live to have many birthday cele­ brations and lie always as well and happy as now. LENTS GIANTS DEFEATS COLUMBIA HD’W. TEAM visited at the home of M.S Carman, SUDDEN DEATH OF Mrs. W. H. McDowell and daughter on 09th street 8. E. .last Monday. Mr MRS. D. N. SHEPPERD Mrs. D. M. Simonsen, of Kenton, were Cavin and Mr. Carman were neighbors The I^nts Giants defeated the Colum­ Lente visitors Monday. in North Dakota a number of years ago The jieople of the community were bia Hardware Team Sunday in a very ____ much shocked Saturday evening to learn loosely contentested game. Owing to Mrs. Harris and family are cflnfined The Millard Avenue Preebyteiran of the death of Mrs. Shepperdof Millard the wet ground the game was not up to at home with the mumps and chicken­ church has been raised and a basement Ave., which occured very xuddenly as the standard of what the Giants gen­ pox. is being put in which will be used for she was returning to her home. Altho erally deliver to the fans, bnt they won Sunday school purposes. There will al­ she haakley 2b Al Boland from Prairie City where he has been en­ the Isis program Sunday. St. Clair ;x>wer to help her. She panned to the Lakeen ¡ 3b C Depeon and Emerson are heed liners in their life Ix-youd at x 30 on May 17. Cohn 1 gaged in epecial eye work. SB Jas. Shea specialties, parodies and dances. There A large circle of friends will long miss Bell If W. Webb Those who attended the Dutch social will be a matinee at the Isis and a the cheery wonts and pleasant smile, al­ King ! ef J. Depson Gu'Jaford I given at the M. E. church last Friday epecial reel of war photoplays will be in ways ready to welcome them, and the Feison rf Eveyrbody is planning example of a well x[>ent life will long be enjoyed a tine entertainment and Dutch the offering to attend the G. A. R. benefit play. rememlxTed by all who knew iter. supper. “The Lone Tree Mine.” next Wednes­ In Memonam Father now within thy keeping Leave we now thy servant sleeping. Mr. Harry Fawcett, who has been day and Thursday evenings at this Whereas it has pleased our Divine A FRIEND Master to remove from us by death our spending the last few months in Cali­ popular bouse. worthy and much respected Sister Mrs. fornia, returned to his home last Fri­ Ella K. Sheppard, one of our most de­ day. voted members of St. Pauls Mission and Whereas our sisters absence from our i G. A. Jones left town enroute for meetings will be noted with much re­ Sea View, Garibaldi Beach last Sunday gret morning, to superintend the erection Therefore be it Resolved by St. Paul'e of tents for summer campers. Guild that we hereby express our heart­ felt sympathy to the bereaved family The Grand Army of the Republic and that a copy of these resolutions be will hold Memorial services in the M. Musical Sketches, Character Songs, Buck and Wing Dancing spread on the minute» and copy be sent E. Church next Sunday morning at to the family, and St. Paul’s Guild. 11 a. m. Dr. Fawcett will deliver the sermon. Sunday At The ISIS Emerson and St. Clair Matinee Decoration Day Advertised Letters. Advertised letters for week ending May 10th 1913. Bair, L; Brock, Earl; Gakon, Mr. Stanley; Haines, Mrs. Doctor; King, Mrs. Thomas; Loveall, Mrs. Andrew; Munay, G. J. Sherlock, Mrs. L; Thomas, Johnie; Geo. W. Spring, Postmaster. Special meeting of L. V. F. D. at the engine house tonight at 8 p. m. Im­ portant business. All fireman should be present. F. R.Rayburn, chief, M. S.Hazen, secy. Wonderful Skin Salve Sand and Gravel at Reduced Prices Bucklen’s Arnica Salve is known everywhere as the beet remedy made for all diseases of the skin, and also tor burns, bruises and boils. Reduces in­ flammation and is soothing and healing. J. T. Sossaman, publisher of News, of Cornélius, N. C.. writes that one box helped his serious skin ailment after other remedies failed. Only 25c. Re­ commended by all druggists Read the ads and trade at home Watches Clocks and Jewelry and Made to Order Repaired J. P. Nordin — Last Sunday morning communion service was held in the M. E. Church and 110 took of the communion. The church Benevoieoce was also raised in full. R. Meytlng 82 St. and 45th Ave., 8. E. Will be pleased to meet my friends and customers in my new location Coffman’s .Place 2nd door East of Main St. WE GIVE S. A H. STAMPS WE GIVE S. A H. STAMPS G. F. RUSCH CLEANING, PRESSING, ALTERING, AND DYEING FOSTER ROAD, NEXT DOOR TO P O LENTS. OREGON Lenta, fire. Mt. Scott Carpet Renovating Company PAINTING R L. STAMPER, Mgr. Route 1 For the benefit of the G. A. R. TAILOR TO MEN AND WOMEN SIGNS AND Lents, Oregon “The Lone Tree Mine” CHESTER’S UNION SANI­ TARY BARBER SHOP Cleaning and J. L Johnson Wednesday and Thursday May 28-29 Prompt Delivery Call Telephone Tabor 2063 Lents, Oregon Main Street Special Reels. ‘The Days of ’61’ Carpets and Rugs Cleaned and Renovated Price 5c to ISc.per yard Get Out That Straw Hat Straw Hat Bleach will make your old hat look like new. Not necessary to blow $5.00 for a new one. We Make Will do your Painting. Tinting, Papering and Finishing. He Guarantees THE WORK Estimates Free 203 Gilbert Road PHONE TABOR 1417 Leave Orders at Mountt Scott Drug Store Fluff Rugs To Order Office and Factory, 7th Ave. and Foster Road Address Box 507 Lenta, Oregon The Cleaner Does The Work 10c and 25c Mt Scott Drug Co. ’100 Pays for new Continen- A tai Wire Screen Door None better for the money. Complete, Stained, with Latch, and Spring Hinges Better Door if You Want IL Extra Heavy Chicken Wire Prices to Suit We Meet all Competition on Building Supplies and Lum­ ber. Other In Quality or Price OUR MOTTO: UVE AND LET LIVE Copeland Lumber Co. 2 Blks. East of Main on Foster Road m o «otto oo Lenta, Oregon Msmnm <* «omm : BARGAINS GALORE AT The Biggest Little Department Store in Portland H. Baumer & Company 369 EAST MORRISON STREET Dry Goods Men’s Goods China and Glassware Dinner Sets Notions SPECIAL For One Week 10 qt. Granite Dish Pan 1 c Complete Line of Granite Ware 369 East Monjson Street East Side 1