Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, May 22, 1913, Image 7

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    "T always show up wh«u I'm want­
ed, " muttered Brumfield, entering as
lh« woman unlocked the door Inside
was a bare desk and an office chair.
"They've seised the books, but I've
papers In duplicate here," aald
Blow on Head Causes Man to th« the
wouiau with a chuckle, and. turn­
ing up the carpet, she lifted a board
Forget That He Was
In th« floor and pulled out a mass of
"O, we'll make them smart." she
aald maliciously. "We got one of 'em
John I>niu>n.-lil yawusd and stretch last night Drumfield!"
•’<1 hlmarlf, thru hr looked serosa th«
"What!" shouted Drumfield
room at Ida watch and sprung out of
The woman stared at him. 1
bad In aatonlahinrnt It waa nearly thought our fellows would have told
tan minutes to tan! Thia waa hla you." she said. "Slugged him with a
wedding morning and hn had nvarly sandbag on Twenty fifth street, they
forgot tin I There waa Just lime to be said, and served him right, the prying
at thr church In Brooklyn by half paat knave "
lie was entirely at sea. If he was
It waa to bo a quirt wmldlng Lucy Patterson, who wus Drumlleld? And
and ha had loved each other for y«ara. where waa Lucy? Th« thought of her
doapllr the objection« of her father, sent a shiver of apprehension through
oho of the leader* of the bar, who him He must have been conducting
wanted her to make u brilllunt tnar some criminal business, then; the po­
ria a !• Hut ho had bi-cotnu reconciled lice were after him! He turned to
at leal. and. with hla backing. Drum i lhe papers with feverish energy. Only
field's own law practice had improved a few minutes showed him tbo nature
■efficiently to warrant hla taking out of hla occupation. He waa conducting
a loan business, and h« was the shark.
the wedding licence
Drumlleld paused In Irresolution, for No doubt the police were engaged on
hla mind waa aa hary aa though he one of their periodical crusades
had overslept for five yeara Instead of against such people
one night Three were not hla room*;
Into the half ream of documents
thin waa It hotel A placard, announ had been compressed the pitiful trag-
ctng that one ring would brlug the I edles of many Ilves School teachers,
bell boy and two the chambermaid small clerks, city officials all were
Stood over th« faucet. Above the In hla net He. Henry Patterson, sat
mnntd waa a notification that «molt­ there like a spider and sucked the
ing waa not permitted and that th« blood out of those fellow creatures
management would not be responsl- who liad written down their oblige
ble for valuable« unless loft In the tlona on these pages There were legal
safe Brumfield's head waa aching and Illegal bonds and undertakings,
badly Aa h« passed the mirror he salary assignments; there was a spe­
caught eight of hla face lie had gone cial fund for tracking down abscond
to bed a young man and now hla hair Ing debtors Within an hour Brum­
waa turning gray, and thrra ware field's ttalned legal tnlnd hud shown
lines In hla face that had not been him th" exact status of his enterprise.
"Mr Kbenezer Jones Is outside, sir,'
there when he retired to t>«d
Thoroughly alarmed, ho dressed said the woman, putting her hard face
himself and hastened down At the In at the door. She ran her fingers
hotel desk a young clerk looked up over the documents and pulled one
and arnlled "Hurt your head?" he out "That's him.” she said, snlckor
Drumlleld put up hla hand Ing "Borrowed 350 three years ago;
and found that hla scalp waa gaahed has paid back 1195 to date, and still
It muat have bled freely during the j owes us 3122 50 There's a dollar tine
night, to judge from the evidencee for being ten minutes late with the
Imimfield mutt«red something and last payment." She whlsp«r«d: "The
walked away. At the eland lie bought | sucker will stand a lot of blood-suck*
a newspaper The next moment he i Ing yet. 1 told him we might renew
waa clutching at apace and staring In the loan for a consideration. Shall 1
terror at the date on It. lie had gone show him In?"
to sleep In hla rooms In August. 1906;
"Yes. and stay with us," said Drum­
and he had awakened In a cheap hotel field. quickly. "I'm not quite familiar
In February. 1913. He had alepl eight with the details of the business here."
The woman snickered again and
lie then hurriedly took the eubway called the man Inside. He came In
to Brooklyn It aeerned to him that humbly, hat In hand He was an old.
the eubway had not run to Brooklyn rheumatic, farmer-looking man, and
when he waa laat awake, but thia waa the moment he waa within the door
only a minor problem now He got he fell upon bls knees at Brumfield's
out at the Borough Hall and atood feet
looking round him uncertainly. "Want
"For Ood's sake, give me a chance,"
a cab?" naked a tail driver. Drum he pleaded. "My wife died yesterday,
field put hla hand Into hla pocket me and I've got to keep her out of a
chanlcally and found a pocket book pauper's grave. Let me renew, and
containing a five dollar bill and two I'll work my fingers to the bone for
of the value of a dollar each. He you."
nodded and leaped In. Then, glancing
"That's how you all talk." said the
Into the aide glaaa. he aaw that hla loan shark clerk, contemptuously.
head waa swollen and that a mana of
"I will go In!" shouted a voice out­
blood had matted hla hair.
side "You shall not keep me back.
Five mlnutea later th« cab atopped I'm going to see Mr. Patterson him­
oppoalte a deep excavation and the self. I—"
The woman clerk swung around and
cabman descended and opened the
filled the doorway with her burly
"Here's thr church you naked for. body., Outside a young
B om ," he aald. pointing to the hole In pressed Impotcntly against the closing
the ground
j door.
"Let her come In!" called Brumfield,
Hrumfleld jumped out "What do
you mean?" he ahouted In bewilder* and. reluctantly, the clerk let her
i pass.
"You said the DeKalb Avenue
"Another of them down and outs."
church." anawcred the driver with a she shrilled "Case No 247. School-
grin "It waa pulled down two teacher Borrowed 340 to pay for her
months ago I can t help It If you’ve Mister's Illness, and owes us 3125. and
overalept yourself, Mlater. Two dol­ says she's too poor to settle. Ugh!
lars. plena«.”
I'd settle her."
Drumfield flung him the two bills
Slowly John Brumfield drew out the
and etrod« away, while th« driver two papers He tore them Into frag­
looked after him uncertainly The guy ments and let the pieces flutter out
aeerned crazy; perhaps he had escaped of the open window.
from a sanitarium Should he go aft
"Your debts are paid," he said to
er him? Hla attention waa attracted, the old man and the girl. And while
however, by a fare, and reluctantly i the woman stared In horror and
he sacrificed a possibility to n proba­ i amazement he quickly ripped the rest
bility. By this time Brumfield wan of the documents to pieces.
lost In the crowd
ends this business," he said.
Hla mind was whirling He knew
Outside there came a hammering at
that Lucy would not have waited the door. The woman turned quickly.
seven years for him besides, he could
"I thought you was mad," she whim­
not remember her address, or her pered "Now I know what you are, ,
father's Who waa he? Was he a ris­ you dog. You're one of the govern­
ing young lawyer with a happy mar ment men. Oh. God! I've queered the
ring« before him. or a crazy man? He business Seventy-five thousand dol-
must go cautiously. He roust not be , lars gone up in the air!"
tray himself In his pocket ho found
With a crash the outside door
n key and the pocket book, and Inalde ’ yielded and two burly men came In al
the latter a printed card bearing the a run. followed by an elderly gentle­
name Henry Patterson The name man. They made straight for Drum-
seemed to awaken vague remem­ Held.
brances In his mind and gavo him his
"Got you. Patterson,” they chuckled.
clue. The address wan Nassau street. “Come along now. I guess he's a
He would go to Patterson. But who nervy fellow, to come here, with sev­
was Patterson?
en indictments pending, eh?"
Then the probable solution burst snapped the handcuffs on DrumHeld's
upon him He must be Patterson. He wrists.
had heard of cases of double person­
Suddenly the elderly gentleman be­
ality, In which the afflicted subject as­ hind them uttered a cry.
sumed another name and carried on
"John!” he exclaimed. "How did
hla business without recollection of hla you get here? Take off those hand
previous life, until he awakened to cuffs, boys; this Is John Drumfield!"
reiume that where he had left It off
John Hrumfleld found himself look­
He renched the building and waa ing Into the face of hla prospective fa-
shot up In the elevator for eleven ther-ln law, now the district attor­
stories Upon the door of a room at ney.
the end of the passage he saw his
"John!” cried the latter, "what In
name. He opened It and entered. «A heaven's name are you doing here? I
woman and a girl sat at two desks spent all laat night searching for
and aa he npproached they looked up you. They heard you had been sand­
at him curiously. The woman's face bagged by Patterson's men. Lucy has
was hard and devoid of any expres been half crazy.
When you didn't
slon. Drumlleld moved toward the In­ come home last night she left the chll- j
ner door, and suddenly the woman dren with Della and went—"
spring to her feet.
"Children? Whose children?"
"Mr. Patterson!" she exclaimed. "I
"Why. yours and hers, of course.
knew you from your face at once. Are John. Why do you look at me like
you going Into your office?"
that? Have you been dreaming?"
"Yes.’ answered Drumfield curtly.
Suddenly the cknids rolled away
"It's dangerous, air I shouldn't from Drumfleld's brain, and he re­
have thought you would have come nt membered all.
this time, with the Investigation on
"I guess I have,” he said, with a
and the district sftorney hunting for laugh. "I dreamed that I had gone
you. Why, Mr. Patterson, I'vo been to sleep eight yeara ago, and that
here ten months and you never show­ Lucy and had never b< en married.*
(Copyright, by W. O. t hapaaan.)
ed up until now when you're wanted *
If Furs-Bred and Well Cared for They
Pay Handsomely—need Shelter
In Severe Weather.
Enjoyed by Children of Larger Growth
as Wall aa by Little Folks—How
It Is Played.
Fruit basket Is a game which Is «n
joyed by the "children of largei
growth" almost as well an by the lit
lie folks. It la so mirth provoking
that no one can take part without hav
Ing u Jolly time. The players seat
themselves In a circle, with a leader la
the center, who gives to every one the
name of a fruit, also a number and Im
mediately counts alao a number. He
then calls out a number and Imrnedl
ately counts 10 very rapidly. The per
son who has the number muat answei
with hla fruit name before the leader
stops counting If he does not do thia
be has to give up his seat to the lead
er and take hla place, otherwise the
leader continues with other number«
until he catches some one. Every lit
tie while the leader shouts "fruit bas
ket," which means all are to change
seats The one who Is left standing
takes the floor.
My sheep are pure American Merf
nos, all registered. Two of this kind
1 can keep In summer or winter with
the same care and feed with which |
one of inoat any other breed can be
kept, says a writer In an exchange
My sheep barn Is a closed building
With a broad door so that the sheep I
can go in and out without crowding
each other. The feeding racks in one
room are on the outside; tbe other
room bas a double rack through the
middle. I give rny sheep a large run
In the fall so they go into winter quar­
ters In good condition and never leave
them out in heavy rains through the
Th« breeding ewes are let out every
morning In winter to eat their grain,
which Is oats, and to give them exer
else. I feed them hay three times a ■
day. Home only feed twice. I only I
give them a little at noon time, also
give their pens a litter of oat straw
two or three times a week. I try to
have my sheep shorn before they drop
their lambs so the little fellows have
no trouble to find their first meal. The
ewe that Is In good condition has a
good supply of milk and almost al- .
ways owns her lamb. I never keep
salt by them, but feed It to them once
a week I have water by them all the
time I never allow the ram to run
with the ewes. Tbe rams that are to
be us«d are fed three quarters oats
and one quarter wheat mixed. The;
young lambs In the fall and winter are
fed twice dally a grain ration of oat»
and sometimes wheat bran half I
* <1
Arrangement of Matchee.
forent rectangles can you find In thir
arrangement of forty matches?
One hundred rectangles of whlct
thirty were perfect squares could b«
found in the diagram of forty matches
Another Interesting puzzle consist«
In discovering the least number ot1
matches that may be removed frotr
Orator Slightly Mixed.
Helping ths Little Fellow
The United Shoe Machinery Com­
pany Is the only real obstacle to the
formation of a shoe trust. We help
the small manufacturer to start In
business and keep going. He could
not afford to buy and care for bls ma
chines, but he can afford to lease them
on the terms we give him based on
the number of shoes he makes—an
average of less than 2 2 3 cents a pair
—and let us keep tbern up to date.
That is a fair arrangement. Some of
tbe big fellows don’t like our system,
because they think we ought to give
them special rates. But the little fel­
stand with us because they know
When Your Eyes Need Care lows
we treat all manufacturers alike no
Try Marine Eye lUrnedv. No Smarting—
matter how many machines they use.
—Act» Quickly. Try It for
Watery Ey*M and Granulated Eyelid»«. IHua* If It were not for our methods of doing
Crated Rook iu rath Package.
Murlae 1« buslneigi there would be no small fac­
CNrnpoand<-<l by <»or UealiMta out a “Patent M~l- tories anywhere and no prosperous
Trick Is to Find How Many Rectan
Ing» — but umw I in *□«•-»*( u I Pbyticlanh' Pnac-
Mcm for tuaoy yearu. Nu» d«*dlcat4Ml to tbe Pub- factories In small towns.
glee May Be Made By Removing
liu and sold br brugglht* at 26c and 60c per Bolt to.
The United Shoe Machinery Co.,
liarii.-t Kyo Bair« In Aseptic Tube*., 25c and 60c.
Little Bite of Wood.
Murine Eve Remedy Co., Chicago Boston, Mass.—Adv.
Br thrifty on little thinn lik e bluing. Don't as-
Remembering that a square I m al
Preachers With Odd Names.
er pt water for bluing. A«k for Rad Ooas Ball
ways a rectangle, but that a rectangle
the extra guud value blue.
At Canterbury a Partridge preach­
la not always a square, bow many dlf ed, at Peterborough a Pheasant, at
Raising Race Winners.
Ripon a Swann, at St. Albans a Gos­
to patronize any
ling, while at Lincoln a Bullock was particular declining
though his blood
listened to. no doubt with great at­ lines may be stallion
pleasing, the small breed­
tention and profit. At least a few of er who is desirous
raising race win­
the present members of the Anglican ners should learn of
whether the horse
episcopate can not assert that they has sired race winning
speed or not.
are neither fish, flesh nor fowl,” for He should also learn whether
we find among our bishops In various cestors of the stallion on both the sides
parts of the world a Henn, a Part­ have been successful either as race
ridge, a Peacock, a Woodcock, a Pol­ winners themselves or as sires or pro­
lock and a Roach.—Church Family ducers of uniform race winning speed.
The horse all of whose ancestors for
Mother« will And Mrs. WlmloW» Soothing several generations have been the
rrrup th t» at r-i.rdr to uw tut their Uilklrsa most successful In this respect, other
urla< ‘be leethlug period.
things being' equal, is the most likely
to transmit race winning speed.
A former senator of the United
States was addressing a meeting la
bis home town to celebrate the appzw
priation by the legislature of funds
for the erection of a new state capfk
tol. "My fellow citizens,” said h%
"we will build here the greatest ep*-
taph under God's green footatooL”
Is Near
Are you smiling? Look­
ing forward with pleas­
ure and a keen appetite
—or is your stomach so
bad you “just don’t
care”? Then you should
Stomach Bitters
It assists digestion and
makes you “forget” all
about stomach ills.
Didn’t Look Good to Her.
My five-year old niece went to a
restaurant with me one day. I or­
dered some bash for both of ub . When
the waitress set it on the table my
little niece kept looking at it I asked
her why she didn't eat and she re­
plied, "Aunty, I don’t eat anything
that looks like a puzzle to me.”—Chi­
cago Tribune.
Man’s Personality His Own.
“A man's personality," writes J. W.
Scott of the University of Glasgow,
"is a thing which needs to be made.
He does not bring It full-edged Into
the world with him. Strange as It
may seem, personality is a thing
which a man absorbs from his envir­
onment as a plant absorbs air and
light We are all plagiarists. In the
last resort everything we have or
He Couldn't Deny It.
"Sir!” she exclaimed when he kiss­ know is borrowed.”
ed her; "you forget yourself." "Pos­
Hot Corn Bags.
sibly,” he replied calmly; "but I can
An excellent substitute for the ex­
think of myself any old time. Just
now you are occupying my undivided pensive hot water bottle of rubber Is
made by heating common field corn,
attention."—Boston Transcript.
shelled, In a pan in the oven. When
thoroughly warmed, pour it into cloth
placed gnjnrhfrr, at­
bags, such as salt and sugar are pack­
and Milla all
file*. Neat, cica», er-
ed in. These filled bags are light and
BaOM-Dtal. couvraient,
pliable, and satisfactorily answer ev­
cheap. Lasts all
ery nurpose of the hot water bottle. I
metaL caa'tapúl or tip
ever j will a t i .lof
—McCall’s Magazine.
In) uro anyth i*ff.
Gcarantne«! e fleet i ve.
Bold br doaUr*. or
• sent by nprtuprt-
paid for fl.
■ABOLD BOMKÄB, IM DoKsJk Ar*., Brooklyn. ■. t.
Shoeing the Colt.
Ths first shoeing of a colt Is tha
most Important, not only tn tbe fit off
the shoes, but also in seeing that th*
colt Is not badly scared by the forgw,
the unusual handling and new sound*.
Horses mean to shoe are generally th*
result of improper handling at early
Tour druggist will refund money If PAZO OINT­
MENT fall« to cure any case of Itchins. Blind.
Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 4 to 14 days. 10«.
Hard Work Called For.
One of the popular song demonstra­
tors was makihg more racket than
usual the other day in one of the big
stores, his voice reaching far beyond ,
its usual limits. A sales woman in
another department, seeing one of her
customers wince at the terrible vocal j
noise, »»plained: “You see he got here ;
a little late this morning and has to ,
sing loud to catch up.”
Solution of Puzzle.
the diagram so as to break up al
squares—that la, leave as many match
cs as possible, but have no absolute
!y perfect squares In the arrangement
lhe accompanying diagram show«
how the removal of nine matchet
breaks up all squares.
Indoor Pastime In Which No One li
Allowed to Smile or Laugh Dur­
ing Progress of Game.
of oar
Methods of
Extract in*
A street car and an automobile had '
had an altercation which ended with
the latter, in a more or less battered ;
condition, lodged on the fender of the
former. A little boy and his mother
happened along Just at it was over,
and when the youngster saw them he
cried out in glee: “Oh, look, there s
an auto standing on that street car’s
This Is a game In which no one it
allowed to smile and laugh. All the
players, except one, sit in a row ot
half-circle, one goes out of the room
and returns with a stick or poker It
his hand, and a grave and solemn
face. He Is supposed to have just re
turned from a visit to Buff.
No Use Trying.
Dally Thought.
The first player asks him: "When
Come to think of it, the man doesn't ;
At whatever value a man set
do you come from?"
exist who can blow out an electric
himself, at that value he should be
"From Buff.”
t¡mated by his friends.—Cicero.
The next asks: “Did he say any
thing to you?"
To which the reply Is:
"J am an old man—and many of my trouble»
never happened.”—ELBERT HUBBARD
“Buff said Baff.”
And gave me this staff.
Telling me neither to smile or tc
FTlHE white hair and wrinkled faces of our busy men and women tell
I of doubt, fear and anxiety—more than disease or age. Worry plays
havoc with the nervous system—so that digestion is ruined and sleep
Buff says 'Baff' to you all his men
banished. What oil is to the friction of the delicate parts of an engine—
And I say 'Baff' to you again.
And he neither laughs nor smiles.
I m ;
In spite of all your cunning wiles.
But carries his face with a very goof
And passes his staff to the very next
is to th« delicate organs of the body. It's a tonic and body builder—because it
If he can repeat all this without
stimulates the liver to vigorous action, assists the stomach to assimilate food—thus
enriching the blood, and the nerves and heart in turn are fed on pure rich blood.
laughing he delivers up hla staff tc
Neuralgia "is the cry of starved nerves for food." For forty years “Golden
some one else, and takes his seat:
Medical Dieoovery** in liquid form has given great satisfaction aa a tonic and
but If he laughs, or even smiles, h<
blood maker.
pays a forfeit before giving It up.
Haw it can be obtained in tablet form—from dealer» in medicine
•r eend SO one-eent »tampe for trial box. Write R.V.Pierce,Bniralo,
"What Is the matter, dearest T' ask
ed the mother of a small girl wh<
Believe conetipatloa. resálate the liver,
had been discovered crying In th<
and bowels.
Baay f take aa candy.
"Somefing awful's happened, moth
ML ». A.
M immi
Out-of-town peo­
ple can have their
plate and bridge­
work finished in one
day if necessary.
An a'bsoluts ruar»
antee, backed by JS
years in Portland
Wise Dental Co.
orricr hours :
S A M. ta 8 P. M.
Sunday« 9 t. 1
Phone«: A 2029: M»n 2029.
rallies Bid«.. Third «nd Washington. PerHeed
can rece !▼« pro ni pt tr*et
menta of Noa-PoiMaoaa,
lMblth-kaU41a< r«m«Mtas
the Ch In— doctoa.
Qolden Medical Discovery
"Well, what la It. sweetheart?"
"My d doll-baby got away from tn<
and broked a plate In the pantry.”—
is what they ah say
Constipation causes and seriously ag­
gravates many diseases. It is thor­
oughly cured by Dr. Pierce’s Pellets.
Tiny sugar-coated granules.
If yon live out of town and cannot call, write for
symptom blank and circular, ancioain« 4 cento La
Mam pa
162) Hr« St., Cor. Morrison
Poetlend, Oregon.
P. N. U.
No. ai-nib
VVHI-’.N writing tn adrartlMT«. pl«Me
” tlon thia paper.