i I — Entered as Second Class Mail Matter at Lente. Oregon, Annual 35, 1911 Published Every Thursday at lent*. Ore., by the M t . S cott P vbushinq C o . H. A. DARN ALL, E ditor ah » M anaum . Office Phone: Home Uli. Residence: Tabor 2S13 Wilt OBSERVE Ml MORIAL DAY. DO YOUR BUSINESS WITH A GOOD Deco ration ceremonies al Molt- noniah cemetery, May :10th, under the auspices of the G, A R , by the Span- ini, War Veterans, Sous of Veteran», Circle, and «ebool children from Lents, Woodmere, Arleta and civic order*. The several I hh II ss will asneiiible at their respective rendezvous at 9 a. m. The parade will form at th« Lenta school and will move at 9:30 a. in «harp, in the following order: lxmts school, Sons of Veterans. Spauish War Veteran«, G. A. R., Circle, civic orders and vehicles. The Woodmere school will start at 9.35 sharp and inarch via the Oregon City road to Foster road to await the IMtrade from Lents. The Arleta school I will start at 9:16 sharp, and march to I the cemetery direct. At the cemetery the program will be: I Song by school«, Prayer by Post Chap­ Public markets, municipal pav­ lain Anderson, Lincoln's Gettysburg ing plant, public playgrounds, bet­ Address, read by Mira Nellie Horner, ter regulation and ultimate mun- General Logan’s "Order No. 6,” reed ici-pal ownership of public utili­ by Prof. A. F. Hershner, Song, Star ties, better regulation of liquor Spangled Banner, Decoration Day ad­ dress by Rev. Dr. Nelson, Decoration of tartTic, public docks and riparian Graves by school children, Bong, rights, war on white slavery, com­ Marching Through Georgia, Salute, mon user clause in all famchisea. T pe. Marshall of the day L. Rossall. Paid Advertisement. BANK It is interesting now days how NEW PRESIDENT ELECT EN­ TERTAINS W. F. BL SOCIETY much sympathy is wasted on matters where the conditions do not warrant it We were inter­ The W. F. M. Society of the M. E. ested the other day in a report Church, were entertained at the home where the condition of the coun­ of their new president, Mrs. A. F Hol­ lingsworth. last week. Mrs. Hollings­ ty jail was described as being worth had plan nisi a surprise for the deplorable in several features. Ladies’ of which there was about 40. The opinion seems to be now- After the usual order of business several days as held by a considerable musical selections were given and read­ number of people that the coun­ ings. Mias Kennworthy. a returned from India, gave a very in- ty, and state retention homes I missionary tereeting talk on the Bible women of should be furnished with brussels India and pass'd around about 50 views carpets, at least; rocking chairs, of India's everyday life. Miss Kenn­ sofas, feather beds, silver ser­ worthy is a power tor good in our vice, electric fans, icewater, church here, and hopes she may be health tojo back again to her turkish baths, valet, servants at given work as a missionary. Mrs. Hollings­ the dinner table, with pie and worth assisted by the Misnee Hollings­ angel food at every meal. There worth, served a dainty luncheon and all is not a jail in the state but departed thanking the host«* for a what is a thousand percent in pleasant afternoon. LEGAL NOTICE CSS advance of that of a century STANDING OF NOMINEES IN CONTEST In the County Court of the State of ago, and that is not now on an RECEPTION GIVEN TO Oregon, for Multnomah County. REV. P. CONKLIN average more comfortable than DISTRICT NO. 1. In the matter of the estate of John the accommodation usually oc­ Geo (Hickey) Wrisley. tenu Allen Young, deceased DISTRICT NO. ». cupied by the “guests” that are A reception was given at the Evangel­ Notice is hereby given that the under­ ZMUAO signed, W. B. Burton as administrator1 H*iel Tboinu accustomed to patronize these ical Church Wednesday evening in honor Fred ZB*« Helman. Lente Rev Conklin and family who have re­ of the estate of John Allen Young, I public holsteries. The ventila­ of turned to this charge for the third year. deceased, has been filed in the above j tion, the lighting, and the The church was tastefully decorated in POULTRY HINTS. entitled court and matter, his final ac- j healthfulness of any jail in this flowers of the season. A program con­ Be sure you have a hopper contain- i count as such administrator, and said | county will equal, if not surpass sisting of music, readings, and greetings ’ mg grit. charcoal, and oyster shells | court has fixed Saturday, the 91st day the home surroundings as to the of welcome from the different organiza­ hanging on the wall of the chicken of May 1913, at the hour of 9 o’clock, in tions of the church was rendered in the house Grit helps the chicken digest the forenoon of said day, and the court- I healthfulness of half the homes. auditorium. C. L. Me The guests then retired to the base­ ment of the church where refreshments were served, and a general good time was enjoyed. The members are glad to have Mr, Conklin with them again, and a profit­ able year is anticipated. its food, charcoal keeps its bowels in room of said court as the time and good order by absorbing gases, and place for the hearing of said account to- get her with any objections that may lie oyster shell makes egg shell. Fresh water is best for chickens, de­ offered thereto, and for the settlement spite the fact that they will drink of said -state. Date of first publication May 1, 1913. dirty water even though you have W. B. Burton, Administrator, provided the fresh If possible, keep them away from the dirty water; it John Van Zante, Atty. will prevent the spread of disease. Constipation Cured Another thing chickens like to do is Dr. King'« New Life Pills will relieve to lay eggs in odd places on the range, I constipation promptly and get vour in a barrel or a box. Take a look bowels in healthy condition again. John around once in a while 1 Supsic, of Sanbury, Pa., says “They are Be careful in feeding too much corn the beat pills I ever used, and I advise Give variety. Add some buckwheat, everyone to use them for constipation, oats, barley and the like I ind gestion and liver complaint.” Will Just why some people get to the front will remain a world’s wonder. At the recent city pri­ mary the man who secured the highest record for councilman has been a member of that body for some time, and yet if he has any considerable merit that, should cause him such popularity Attention is called to the lecture at I the Baptist charch in Lenta this Thurs­ there seems to be very few day evening. Mrs. Wallace, who people who are able to define it comes from Kansas City, to ad­ One of the city weeklies calls dress us is an interesting speaker. him all sorts of defamatory The admission is free. I help you. Price 25c. Recommended Hogs don’t need, or want, a wallow all druggists. things this week, enough to send The annual essay contest will be held They do need, and want, a bath A | at the Friends church, next Tuesday them to perdition if they are in afternoon concrete bath tub for the hogs wilt j May 27th. The meeting wrong, and yet we do not antici­ opens at two o’clock and the business pay big dividends, especially as the j pate any serious trouble for the matters for the day will Ire quickly dis­ bath water can be mixed with a little publication. This particular pol­ posed of, so that ample time may he dip to destroy parasites and germs — itician has been in the habit of given the contestants. The topic for discussion is “Industrialism vs Purity.” How’s This? appealing to the sympathies of Mrs. O. E. Lent will be the hostess. We offer One Hundred Dollar« H» I his constituency by sending them Everyone is interested in the subject, ward for any case of Catarrh that I a postal card appeal on one side particularly at this time, and as the cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh ; of which was a picture of his in­ church is on Main street so near the Cure. First-Class Livery and Feed J. CHENET ¿C>.. T “cJo. O. fant son. He is now a leading car line, it is hoped every person who We, F. un 'r rsifrnc !. Ln-wn r J. | Stables at Borine) and Sandy can possibly do so, will attend this Cheney the for t Li.t 1"» y - ; and believe candidate for a commissioner­ meeting and bring a neighbor. him perf»- ly 1 - r I i all business ' 7 ranaportation of all kinds a- I f : i” !’/ al l' ta carry , ship. His only qualification for At a recent meeting of social workers, transactions out any oblljatii . Ly Lis firm of Baggage to Bandy and NATIONAL L... II C.' COMMERCE. interior points . the job is his unlimited nerve. held in New York, many subjects for Toledo, O. It is to be hoped that the name the betterment of mankind were dis­ nail’s Catarrh Cure taken internally, For further information phone or write j of councilman Clyde will be pass­ cussed. John 8. Elliott of the Hudson acting dir* ■ tly up n the blood and rnu- | E. F. DONAHUE, Prop. Guild, says “The Survey, held that it cous surfao 4 of the system. Testimonials j Boring, • - Oregon ed up by enough voters at the should more and more be the final ef­ sent free i ri ■ 75 cents per bottl-. Sold by al! Druggists. approaching election to ensure fort of the settlement to bring the Take Hall's Family Pills for coaetipation. ' his attention to other matters. mothers and fathers into the streets, into the schools and into the dance Don’t forget it NOTES OF THE W. C. T. U. BORING-SANDY | 1 4 A bank account means more than the dol- lare you put into it, when you make up your mind to start. the conditions under which they live, and contribute of their own experience ; and power in reorganizing communal life ” Would it not be helpful in try­ Mr. Editor: ing to better condtione in our own la your paper of the 8’.h tost: yon Mt. Scott district, for parents to do made erroneous statements regs rding our this thing—to gain first hand knowledge family which we wish you in justice to of actual conditions that exist, good as correct. Residents of former places can well as bad. and will certify that we are not “very | unpleasant people’’—on the contrary EVANGELICAL CHURCH. we have always tried to be kind and neighborly with those who could or ’ At 11 o’chck next Sabbath morning, would appreciate it. That our child at the Evangelical Chcrch, the Pastor has been the unfortunate victim of a , will preach on “The Realty of Jesus 1 vile old man is not our fault and Christ.” And at 8 P. M. the theme will should call for the sympathy of right be, A Wise Boy.” P. Conklin Pastor. thinking, more fortunate ¡people. Our | present neigh bore children mistreat our CARD OF THANKS. small children bo h by word and deed. We thank our iriends and neighbors, Hoping this information will enlighten you. and those who were evidently un­ aleo the lodge organization« for their kindnes« and assistance through the re­ friendly as well as untruthful. Mr. and Mrs B Killian. cent sickness and Death oi our husband and father. Mrs. L. R. Gossett, Mr. J. W. Gos­ For The Weak And Nervous sett, Miss Elsie Gossett, Mr. O. V. Tired-out, weak, nervous men and *vossett. women would feel ambitious, energetic, full of life and always have a good appe­ Best Medicine For Colds tite, if they would do the sensible thing j for health —take Electric Bitters. Noth- ' When a druggist reecomends a reme­ ing better for the stomach, liver or kid­ dy for colds, throat and lung trouble«, 1 neys. Thousands say they owe their you can feel sure that he knows what I lives to this wonderful hr me remedy. he is talking about. C. I»wer, Drug- I Mrs. O Rhinevault, of Vestal Center, gist, of Marton, Ohio, writes of Dr I N. Y., says: “I regard Electric Bitters King's New Discovery: “I know Dr. as one of the greatest of gifts. I can King's New Discovery is the b* st throat I never forget what itdtas done for me.” and lung medicine I sell. It cured my Get a bottle yourself ami see what a wife of a severe bronchial cold after all , difference it will make in your health. other remedies failed.” It will do the i Only 50c and 91.00. Recommended bv same for yon if yon are suffering with a cold or any bronchial, throat or lung' all druggists. cough. Keep a bottle on hand all the time for everyone in the family to use i There is little danger of plowing too Itis-a haneutuctor Price 50c and |1.00. i deep in the garden. Guaranteed by all druggist. Communications. IRISH BROS young man. Banking relations—financial friends - are needed More launching in any business. If you think we can help you call on us. The Multnomah State Bank U. S. POSTAL DEPOSITORY Lents, Oregon EGGIMAN BROS. Will Not Quit Business! They will continue to handle good meat at moderate prices in spiie of the increase in cost to themselves. Ask for their Cured Meats, Bacon Ham, Etc., None Better i A good supply of Country Produce always on hand, and fresh from the Gardens of this vicinity. j j Eggiman Bros. Sanitary Market Ia>nte, Oregon Main Street University Of Oregon a «#?”™» SUMMER SCHOOL by Twenty-five Instructors—Fifty Courses Distinguished Eastern Educators Added to Regular Faculty University Dormitories week. Open. Board and Room at $3.60 per Reduced Railroad Rates. For Complete Illustrated Catalog, Address STAGE LINE _______________ halls that they may come to understand A banking connection means a lot to every Interest Paid on Time Deposits The Registrar, University of Oregon, Eugene ▼ INSURE NOW In Oregon’s Most Reliable Association Oregon Fire Relief, Oregon Merchants Mutual Fire, American Life and Accident In­ surance of Portland PROTECTION AND BENEFITS MODERATE RATES John Brown, Gresham, Ore Architects and Builders. Excavating, Concrete Construction, Building, Plas­ tering and Finishing. We do the whole thing-You move in without worry or risk Remember the Name-BOHNA WHEN YOU WANT LIGHT GROCERIES, BAKING GOODS. CONFECTIONERY, CI­ GARS, FRUITS. VEGETABLES, ETC. • Estimates Submitted on all Plans and Specifications Phone Tabor 3993 Plans Free With all Contracts Irish Bros., Lents, Oregon Ice Cream, Sodas and Soft Drinks at Our Fountain I uU I Inc of Plumbing Supplies Ibth Tuba, and Plumbing1 ? Connections and Repairs Theckla hrigiht Co -•Popular Prices-- (ioocl Service Guaranteed Lents Plumbing Co. She Sells Her Own Property” Values $800.00 $950, $1000 Phone Home 4423 Foster Road Geo. W. Baldwin W ilson Beneflel Fast Side Funeral Directors 414 East Alder St., on East 6th St. Auto s,rvl< e Lady Asaistant Prompt, Efficient and Courteous Treatment Moderate Prices Lents, Ore. Home Phone, Lenta 2111 • - Tabor 424» Office on Fonter Road 2 Blocks east ot Poet Office B. I . I »uses F. S. Dunning, Inc. Terms Cash, Payments, Exchange Theckla Bright Co. Near Post Office j East 52 Portland, Oregon B-2S2S I