Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, May 22, 1913, Image 3

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Increase for Year Indicatea (»ener­
al Prosperity.
W".r,h,,*1JQu‘et While
J.p(|«K. ion " !*«<»■<.
Washington, D'C.
Pre"ident w*>-
Washington, I). C.—According to a
Note» and Instruction» from Agricultural Collega and Experiment Station»
statement of Secretary of Commerce
son has determined (hw. no war"h'pe
of Oregon and Wa»hlngton. Specially Suitable to facHic Coad Condition»
William C. Redfield, the total value of
or troops shall be tnswed, a. “^Biing
the imports of those articles known as
resembling a military or uereti k,emton’
luxuries, such as art works, precious Two Serious Peats in Northwest for this station to secure, at the ear­ atration carried on by the llnl»“’1
liest possible moment, reliable data
stones, laces, feathers, perfumeries,
States while diplomatic negotiation« *
regarding this important industry.
cigars, wines and the like, for the
“Two serious pests of the gardens
“Eastern Oregon is the great meat­ with Japan over the California alien
Bomb Outrage« .Mixcarry, But Bri­ fiscal year ending June 30, 1913, will on the Pacific Coast are the millipeds producing section of the state; hence land legislation are in progress, so All Wfrtb Down; Damage in Coun­
tain la Worried Official Pa­
be greater than ever before, judging und the slugs,” says A. L. Ix>vett, as­ it would be desirable to conduct ex­ that no alarming interpretation can be
try Not finown Many In­
per Not Suppreaaed.
from the figures for the nine months sistant entomologist of the Oregon Ag­ periments in live stock feeding under placed on even the ordinary maneuvers
jured by JVreckage.
ricultural Experiment station.
conditions prevailing there. 1 would
ended with March, 1918.
“They feed on a variety of garden therefore earnestly recommend, first, of the army and navy.
The value of art works imported crops and, apparently, their depreda­ that preparation be made to take up
The rumor which called for the
Ixindon There wm h startling »e- during the first nine months of the tions are becoming each season more this work at experiment stations in White House statement probably be­
Seward, Neb. — A tornado] which
quel Saturday to the warning received current fiscal year is over 50 million severe and extend over a greater area. co-operation with this station at the gan its rounds when the War depart­ took a toll of ten lives, injured 30-odd
by th« officials of the Midland railway dollars as compared with less than 30 Neither of these pests is an insect in earliest practical date, and second, ment recently made public orders to persons and destroyed more than a
the strictest sense of the word, but the
on May 12 In the form of an anony­ million for the corresponding months serious nature of their attack warrants that the three hundred acres of land three officers and two companies of third of the town passed through Sew­
not at present utilized for experimen­ Coast Artillery to sail from San Fran­ ard shortly before 6 o’clock Thursday
mous letter which said:
of laat year and about 20 million in ua in giving attention to them.
tal work be devoted to the growing of cisco for Honolulu about May 24. night.
“The millipeds are elongated, worm­ forage crops for the special purpose of These orders,* it was explained, were
“It is my duty to inform you that a the same months of 1910* and 1911.
Twenty-two residences, including
in conformity with the program for several of the best in the town, were
deaperate act will be attempted In a This is a new high record. Importa­ like creatures closely allied to the cen­ fattening stock.”
the creation of a permanent and suffi­ entirely destroyed and many more
f«w daya to wreck a main line ex­ tions of diamonds and other precious
marked, the integument fairly hard.
cient garrison in Hawaii, outlinedin were partially wrecked, but the busi­
Silver Nitrate for Sore Eye» of
press. '*
atones amounted to about 35 million They may be distingushed from the
the last annual report of the Secretary ness portion of the place did not suffer
Two men. giving the names of John dollars this year as against 30 million closely allied forms in that they have
of War, and merely carried out plans greatly.
I. C. Sisiman, of Fort Klamath, of long Htanding.
Wilson and James Lucas, were arrest­ In each of the two preceding years. two pairs of legs to each segment.
The tornado formed northwest of
ed before daybreak on a high viaduct Thia total haa l>een exceeded only in
“The slugs are slimy, repulsive, wrote the Oregon Agricultural college
Further representations from the the city and swept across the country,
near Whalley, in Lancashire, which 1910 when the importations were snail-like creatures, mottled gray in
Japanese government in support of its taking many buildings along its
carries the Midland tracks connecting abnormally large by reason of the color, and about two inches in length trouble at birth. The eyes are sore, protest against the California land course. It struck the western or resi­
Manchester and Liverpool with Scot­ very light importations of 1908 and when mature. A mucus slime is ex­ and in some cases have become cov­ legislation were forecast when Vis­ dence portion of the town of Seward
land. Crowbars, sledges and other 1909. Laces, embroideries, and other uded from numerous glands on the ered with a light-colored scum. Some count Chinda, after being informally and swept everything in its path clear.
Pads were found in the vicinity. The articles of this class show a total for body. This forma a slimy trail on I become blind, and one two weeks old notified of Governor Johnson’s inten­ It came on the town so suddenly that
prisoners were remanded for a week the nine months amounting to about whatever object the slug crawls over. ' developed an inflamed growth on the tion to sign the alien land bill, called only part of the people had opportuni­
in custody.
“The millipeds feed on sprouting eyes. The same condition existed last twice at the State department to in­ ty to run to cellars or other places of
36 million dollars, slightly less than
The atfair has caused a sensation for the corresponding months of 1912, seeds and later burrow into the roots year. The ewes are in good condition, quire when the governor probably refuge. Those killed generally were
having been wintered on wild meadow
throughout Lancashire, where it is but more than in 1911.
caught in the wreckage of their homes,
Wines im­ or up into the fruit where it is in con­ hay. The lambs are strong and seem would act.
firmly believed the men were alxiut to ported amounted to about 7} million tact with the soil.
which were crushed to pieces like egg­
attempt to carry out the threat of the dollars, an increase of about half a
“The slugs feed at night usually,
Dr. B. W. Hollis, the college veter­
militant suffragettes.
The tornado, after passing through
million dollars over last year.
Im­ and do most of their injury at the sur­
A bridge over the Great Western ports of feathers, natural and arti­ face of the ground. They feed, how­ inarian. advises him to drop a few
Seward, continued on its course to the
railway near Westtioume Park sta­ ficial, reached 9| million dollars this ever, to a depth of three inches or
northeast, doing great damage to rural
tion, in the west end of London, also year, as against 6i million last year, more in the soil, and climb up to feed part to 5,000 of water, in the eyes of
Note of Warning.
homes. Reports say that the towns of
was the object of a “suffragette” ostrich feathers alone showing a gain on the leaves, even attacking the fo­ the lambs as soon after birth ax they
Aberdeen, Wash. — “The Panama Lushton, Grafton, Utica and McCool
bomb attack. The canister used was of about two million dollars.
liage of the bush fruits.
canal, which appears to be the great­ were in the path of the twister, but
filled with gun cartridges enclosed in
“Birds feed on the slugs, also ten days. This proportion solution, 1 est blessing to the Pacific Coast, may all wire communication to those points
Some striking increases are shown
wool, which was saturated with par- by a comparison of the value of the moles, shrews, certain of the carabid
become our greatest curse, if steps was destroyed.
uffino oil. The attached fuse had been imports of articles of thia general beetles and centipedes aid in holding store. He does not advise the prepar­ are not taken to ward off immigration
An appeal was sent to Lincoln be­
ation of the solution at home.
lighted, but had gone out.
class for the first nine months of thia
of the scum of Southern Europe once fore the one remaining telephone wire
Another machine was found in the year with the imports for the corres-
“Traps consisting of pieces of
come much inflamed due to this treat­ the canal is opened. I consider that was lost, for physicians and undertak­
letter lx>x of the Wandsworth district |K>ndirig period of 1900.
<>( art boards, sacking and similar materials ment, he recommends its discontin­ we are facing our greatest crisis. We ers, and they left on a freight train at
|x>atofllcc in Southwest London. It works, the imports in the first nine placer! al>out the field prove inviting.
will be feeding these people from 10:30 p. m.
consisted <>f a glass tul>e containing months of the fiscal year 1900 were The pests collect here, and by going uance at the end of five days, substi­ soup kitchens and paying for the soup,
Reports from surrounding sections
fluid. A partly burn<*d fuse was .at­ valued at but a little over two million over the field in the early morning
if something is not done. The solu­ indicate that the effects of the tornado
tached to one end. The police believe dollars, ax compared with 50 million they may be collected in a salt water
tion, if it is not too late, is to attract were felt over a wide range of terri­
the bomb was set there by militants. in 1913. The chief increase in thia solution or otherwise destroyed.
the sturdy men and women, home­ tory, but until telephone communica­
Small Fruits for Home and
“Arsenical sprays applied with an
Still another canister of explosives class haa occurred since the enactment
builders, from the northern countries tion is restored the number of casual­
with a partially burned fuse was found of the existing tariff law, which underspray nozzle to the lower surface
ties will not be known.
and fill our lands with them.”
in Holy Trinity church at Hastings, a placed art works twenty years old and of the leaves will help control the
The tornado was followed in Seward
This is the view taken by President
Answering inquiries, Prof. Victor
|*>pular watering place on the South over upon the free list.
Diamonds slugs. Poison bran mash, consisting Gardner, of the Oregon Agricultural L. H. Brewer, of the Southwest Wash­ by a hail and rain storm.
coast, where the militants have been ami other precious stones for 1900 of 16 lbs. coarse bran, 2 qts. cheap college, says of small fruits for can­ ington Development association.
moat active during the week.
show a total importation of but 11 syrup and enough warm water to make ning and home use:
A defeat has been inflicted on the million dollars’ worth, compared with a coarse mash is very good for cut
“There are a number of varieties of
government by the “wild women” in 35 million for thia year, and cotton worms, and should be equally effective blackberries grown for the market in PRESIDENT FOR FREE WOOL
Johnson Stands Firmly Upon Right
the matter of the suppression of the laces, embroideries, etc., 15} million for slugs.
It should be placed in the Northwest.
I am inclined to
militant suffragette newspaper, The dollars’ value in 1900 against 30 mil­ small heaps about the plants to be think, however, that the bulk of the “Not Looking for Or Accepting
to Exclude Aliens.
Compromises,” Say« Wilson.
lion for 1913.
larger growers are coming rapidly to
Cal.—Governor John­
“Air slaked lime, 10 parts, with 1 favor the Oregon Evergreen for com­
After Archbald Bodkin, counsel for
Washington, D. C.—President Wil­ son’s final answer to the request of the
the treaury, hail announced that the
part white hellebore powder, scattered mercial purposes. This is especially
government would prosecute anyone SALT LAKE TO RECEIVE N. E. A. over the soil proves a protection true where they are growing for the son came out strongly as the champion Federal government that he withhold
printing the newspaper in the future,
against the slugs, but the application cannery. The berries of this variety of free wool and free sugar-in-three- his signature from the Webb alien
the laltor press and some of the Liber­ Big Convention July 5 Will Be must be repeated after a rain. A are very firm and can without falling years, as provided for in the tariff bill land bill was telegraphed to Secretary
Bryan at Washington, and in sub­
recently passed by the bouse.
al newspapers, which are the strong­
strong salt solution applied to the to pieces.
Highly Interesting.
He announced emphatically that he stance amounts to a courteous but un ­
est supporters of the present cabinet,
Salt Lake City- -School teachers
“The Oregon Everbearing is the one
protested that this was an infringe­
used with care, as the salt will injure which grows wild in a good many was not considering compromises of equivocal “no.”
After making this statement and
ment of the liberty of the press.
some plants. Cabbage leaves dipped parts of Western Oregon and Wash­ any sort; that he stood squarely be­
Thereupon the Home Office issued a Association convention in thia city in grease drippings and placed about ington. Neither the Mammoth nor hind the measure as it passed the signing and sending the message, the
statement declaring that Bodkin's pro­ July 5 to 11 will have an opportunity < the fields prove attractive bait for the the Giant Himalaya have proved to be house and he regarded it as the duty governor went out to the ball game
of the Democratic majority in the sen­ and spent the afternoon. He intima­
nouncement had been misconstrued of making a first-hand study of the in­ slugs, which may then be collected as satisfactory as the Everbearing.
ate to fulfill its platform pledge by en­ ted that he did not expect any further
nnd that the Women’s Social and Po­
The Primus berry as we have seen
word from Washington.
litical union or any publisher could is­ land sea at a time when properties of
"For the millipeds bits of potato it, is a very fine fruit for home use, acting the house bill into law.
By the text of his reply, whieh was
"I am not the kind,” said the Pres­
sue the Suffragette, so long as it did the water are demonstrated daily by placed alout in the surface soil will but is not to be grown for the market.
ident, “that considers compromises made public as soon as it was dis­
Swimmers and prove an attractive food, and in this
not contain any incitements to crime. hundreds of bathers.
non-swimmers alike float like corks way the sprouting se^i may be pro­ It is too soft to stand shipping, and is when I once take my position. I have patched, Governor Johnson feels it his
atop the water. No one ever drowns tected. It would seem that this ma­ not productive enough to compete with taken my stand with the house leaders duty to approve the action of the leg­
some of the other kinds.
The Phe­
terial might be poisoned and serve a nomenal berry is apparently distinctly for the present bill. Enough said. I islature. His message to the secreary
am not looking for or accepting com­ of state not only affirms the right of
One session of the N. E. A. conven­ double purpose.”
inferior to the Loganberry. It is a promises.”
the state to enact a law barring Asia­
Separately and Combined 6.1 Counts tion, Tuesday, July 8, will be held at
lighter yielder and a shorter lived
tics from ownership in land, but also
Saltair, the bathing resort on the
Found Against Carrier«.
Long Life in Country.
Lane for Federal Railways.
defends the public policy of such a
lake. Delegates, however, can take a ¡
East St. Louis Five indictments daily dip in the lake if they choose,
Dwarf pears could be set between
“With air filtered through forest
Washington. D. C.—Secretary Lane, measure, citing the vote on the Webb
charging rebating and discrimination for the beach is only thirty minutes and cleansed by meadows and fields, standard pear trees as fillers. The of the Interior department, placed bill as proof of the demand for such an
on 63 counts were returned against from the center of the city and train free from the nerve-wracking noise of growing of dwarf fruits, however, has himself on .»cord as favoring a rail­ act in California.
four railroads and a coal company by a service is frequent.
With the sending of the telegram
cars, unannoyed by the odor of pack­ not been proved to be commercially way system in Alaska constructed,
Federal grnnd jury here. The indict­
owned and operated by the govern­ the controversy over the bill is at an
Convention visitors may go from ing house or manufactory, with the profitable.”
ments set forth instances wherein it is the inland seashore to the mountains, absolute control of water and food
end, so far as the California adminis­
alleged the laws were violated by the from the one kind of summer resort to supply, there seems to be no reason Pruning Currants and Gooseberries
“Government ownership of railroads tration is concerned. Governor John­
Vandalia, ('leveland, Cincinnati, Chi­ the other, in an hour or so. The con­ why the dweller in the rural home
In response to an inquiry regarding in Alaska,” he said, “seems to me to son has until June 16 in which to sign
cago & St. i/ouis (Big Four), Chicago, vention city has the shimmering sea should die save by accident or from the pruning of currants and gooseber­ be the one policy that most certainly the act, and in the normal course of
Indiana A Southern, the Grand Trunk on one side and the Wasatch moun­ old age,” says Dean H. W. Calvin, of ries, the division of horticulture of will make for her lasting welfare.”
events it will become a law at the ex­
railroad and the O'Gara Coal company. tains on the other. Canyons and foot­ the home economics division of the the Oregon Agricultural college re­
The secretray expressed his views piration of 90 days from the closing of
The Vandalia is charged in three hills extend into the city proper. 1 Oregon Agricultural college.
in a letter responding to inquiries the legislature, or on August 10 next.
plied recently:
counts with rebating, and the Big Mountain climbing vies with salt wa­
This, with an urgent plea for the
Both currants and gooseberries pro­ from Senator Pittman, chairman of
Four is accused in 21 counts with dis­ ter bathing as n popular sport.
necessity of much greater intelligence duce their fruit on wood two, three, the committee on territories, which
Mexican« Like to Be Prisoner«.
criminating in favor of the coal com­
Salt Lake City is preparing to en­ as to sanitation and hygiene on the four or five years old.
The new one now has under consideration bills pro­
El Paso, Tex.—American soldiers at
pany. The Big Four and the Chicago, tertain the largest convention in the farm than on the part of the average year old wood seldom bears much viding for the construction by the Na­
Indiana A Southern are charged joint­ history of the National Educational city dweller, constituted the vital part fruit. Wood more than four years old tional government of a railway system Fort Bliss are engaged more in pre­
ly in 20 counts with making discrimin­ Association. The state of Utah has of the address she gave at the confer­ usually grows rather weak and bears in Alaska.
venting Mexicans from becoming pris­
ating ratea and concessions in favor of appropriated 17000 and funds from ence on the conservation of human life only a small amount of rather inferior
oners than in detaining the 200-odd
the O’Gara company.
federal soldiers already held at the
other sources insure proper handling at Reed Institute.
Mrs. Wilson Sees Slums.
Texas army post. A report that many
“In the city there are boards of
of the convention.
It is generally considered advisable
Washington, D. C.—Mrs. Woodrow of the Mexican soldiers had escaped
health, inspectors, and intelligent. to remove all wood from both currant
Maximilian Law Decreed.
next-door neighbors to counteract neg­ and goseberry bushes that is more Wilson went “slumming” Saturday from the prison led to a count, which
Eagle Pass, Tex.—Governor Car- I
Briton and Wife Kill Five.
afternoon with a party of local social showed that there were six more pris­
ligence or ignorance, ” she said. “On
ranza has issued a decree directing1 Agua Calientes, Mex.—John Walk­ the farm each family has the entire than four years old. Then thin out workers and visited “Goat alley,” oners than originally were transported
the new canes that come up from the
that the law of January 25, 1862, pop­ er, a British mine owner, and his wife, responsibility for the whole of its lit- i ground or near the ground last season "Snow court,” “Ragland alley” and here from Naco, Arizona. The recent
ularly known as the “law of Maximil­ fighting shoulder to shoulder, recently tie community.”
to three or four of the strongest ones, other squalid spots at the capital. Be­ altering of the prisoners’ mess from
ian,” would be enforced against Huer­ kille<i five and wounded three men out
and head these back to about two feet cause of lack of ostentation which at­ regular meals to black beans is credit­
ta and his associates. This law pro- ! of a band of 11 employes at the mine
Urge« Stock Fattening Experi­ in length. If this plan is followed tends all Mrs. Wilson’s doings it did ed with the popularity of detention.
vides that any person making an at­ near Villa Garcia. The employes at­
season after season, your gooseberry not become known until later, when
tempt on the life of the chief magis­ tacked Mr. Walker in the office of the
members of the party let out the se­
Train Runs Into Dynamite.
“It is estimated that the farm live and currant bushes will consist each cret. The President’s wife entered
trate of the republic or any of his j mine because of his inability to raise
The Dalles, Or.—Striking an auto­
year of three or four one year old
ministers, engaging in a seditious up­ money with which to pay their wages.
shoots, three or four two years old, several tenements and talked with mobile truck, a part of the load of
rising against the legal authorities, or The attackers used knives and clubs ue of $82,645,942, thus indicating that the same number of three year old, mothers and children who had no idea which was a box of dynamite, a speed­
inviting the invasion of foreign troops, and Mr. Walker had been seriously cut the live stock industry is assuming ami also of four year old branches.”
of the identity of their guests.
ing O.-W. R. & N. passenger train es­
shall suffer the penalty of death. Un­ and beaten when he opened fire on very large proportions,” says Dr.
caped being wrecked here only by rea­
der this law Maximilian was executed. them with an automatic revolver. Mrs. James Withycombe, director of the
Seattle Folk Indignant.
son of the fact that the collision did
Walker backed her husband with a rifle.
Seattle, Wash. — Expressing indig­ not cause an explosion. J. W. Blake­
Cheaper Meat Predicted.
gents of the Oregon Agricultural col- ‘ school rather late the other day. On nation at the news that the historic ney, driver of the motor car, barely
Bodie» of Miners Found.
Washington, D. C. Officials of the
battleship Oregon is officially doomed escaped with his own life by jumping
department of Agriculture said Satur- | Belle Valley, O.—The bodies of 15 t lege. “With the exception of data her mother’s questioning her as to to be used as a target by the Navy before the engine hit his machine.
What kept her so long, she exclaimed:
day that importation of Australian men have been recovered from the secured from hog feeding experiments
department, instead of being honored The auto was carried more than 100
beef at San Francisco would mean a Imperial mine here, where two explos­ upon a restricted scale, there is prac­ “Oh, mother, a horse fell down on the as the first vessel to pass through the feet on the pilot of the locomotive.
materia) reduction in the price of ions early Sunday night resulted in
Panama canal, members of the Seattle
meat throughout the country.
An­ the death of 14 miners and one res­ state as to the cost and best methods to send for a horse doctor. And what Women’s Commercial club took up the
Six Cars of Mohair Shipped.
other thing, according to the bureau cuer. A rescue party descended Mon­ for fattening stock. It would seem. ! do you think? It wasn’t a horse doctor protest already started in Portland and
Salem, Or.—William Brown & Co.,
of animal industry of the department, day and brought the dead to the sur­
adopted resolutions urging that the of this city, have just shipped the
that will help the domestic meat sup­ face. The 14 miners are said to have
famous battleship be preserved by the largest single consignment of mohair
Treating Scalds and Burns.
ply. i’^the eradication of the cattle been killed almost instantly by the ex­
ever sent from the Pacific Coast.
tick that carries the Texas fever in plosion. The bodies were found a
Burns and scalds should be treated
“Some of these actors must be
There were six carloads, containing
the South.
Wire Connection Ordered.
mile and a quarter from the mouth of shameless as well as shiftless,” as­ with glycerine and flour, the latter
200,000 pounds of mohair, valued at
the mine. They were badly burned.
serted the woman with the angular well heaped over the affected part.
La Crosse, Wis.—In what is said to $70,000. The consignment went to
Women Risk Liven for Peta.
jaw. “Why?” asked her husband. Then tie round a linen bandage to ex­ be the first decision of its kind, the the Griswold Worsted company, of
350 Rebels Are Killed.
“Here is one who advertises even on clude the air. If cotton wool is handy Wisconsin Railway commission has Darby, Pa.
San Francisco—A fire in the fash­
ionable Blake apartments Saturday
Mexico City—A War department the billboard that he is supported by it is better to use for this purpose ordered a physical connection made
than linen.
morning spread with such rapidity report of the recent battle at Santa his wife.”
Long Trudge Pays Bet.
between the local lines of the La
that loss of life was narrowly averted. Rosa, northeast of Guaymas, says that'
Crosse Telephone company, an inde­
New York—Paying an election bet,
Colored Epigram.
The tenants were forced to leave by 350 rebels, were killed, including the
pendent concern, and the toll lines of Benjamin H. Anderson, formerly gen­
the fire escapes and four women among Indian chief Luis Bule. The Federals
A haberdasher complains that canes the Wisconsin Telephone company and eral secretary of the chamber of com­
A colored philosopher is reported to
them who returned to their rooms for lost four killed and 160 wounded. have said: “Life, my bredren, am do not find a ready sale in this town. the American Telephone & Telegraph merce and now secretary of the Butler
dogs, canaries and other peta, were Media Barron, the Federal comman­ mos’ly made up ob prayin’ for rain, This may be because it is difficult to company. The ruling will give sub­ Admen's club of Butler, Pa., is walk­
overcome by smoke and were saved der, was among the wounded. The re­ and then wishin’ it would cl’ar off.”— carry a cane and a hammer at the scribers on independent companies ing from Portland, Me., to Portland,
only by the bravery of the firemen.
same time.—Topeka Journal.
benefit of all the Bell toll lines.
port says the battle lasted 60 hours.
Or., leading a donkey.
Men Caught On Tracks With
Crowbars in Hand.
Twister Wrecks 22 Houses and
Kills Ten People.