Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, May 22, 1913, Image 2

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Eair Ni'^poaeae of Seattle Will Be
T’joronghly Americanized.
Whole Outfit, Including Bomba, Re­
ported Safe in Mexico.
Nogales, Aria. The war aeroplane
which crossed into Mexico near Naco
Tuesday night was the same flying
machine confiscated by United States
Federal officials two weeks ago. The
Work of Convicts on Columbia Tract of 71 Acres at Springfield la machine has disappeared from a ranch
between Tucson and thia point. With
Auto Highway Nears End.
Highly Developed.
Hood River--The fund of $10,000
Springfield--R. H. Pierce and R. L. it disappeared Rueben Hopkins, a Old V easels Repaired Full Supply
uf Stores and Ammunition
donated for the Columbia River auto­ Landis, owners of the Pierland tracts, United States deputy marshal of Tuc­
mobile road by S. Benson, the Port­ near Pleasant Hill, a few miles south­ son, who was left to guard the air
Hurried on Board.
land lumberman who passed the win­ east of this city, have just completed craft.
ter in Southern California, has been the planting of 71 acres of loganber­
The machine, in sections, was taken
depleted, according to County Judge ries. This is said to be the largest
Philadelphia All the battleships of
George R. Castner.
However, the single tract of loganberries in the in three automobiles south to the in­
work, done by state convicts, who be­ world. It will require 350 pickets to ternational line and safely crossed in the Atlantic reserve fleet at the Phila­
gan their task May 23, 1912, is almost gather the crop when the vines are in daylight. With it went high-power delphia navy yard are being prepared
bombs of the gravity contact ty;>e that
completed. Governor West went from full bearing.
for instant service, mime of them for
Salem to Wyeth, the nearest station
It is the intention of the owners to the insurgents expect to drop on the
on the line of the O.-W. R. & N. com­ dry the entire crop on the premises, federal gunl>oat Guerrero, which lies the first time since the Spanish-Amer­
pany, to inspect the work and to con­ and arrangements now are being made in GuaytnaH harbor, ready to assist the ican war. The work is being done
fer with Adam Shogren, who is in to erect suitable evaporators for thia garrison of the town In defending the quietly, and officers of the yard deny
charge of the crew of convicts.
As the loganberry yields only remaining point in Sonora state th«>y are taking any unusual action,
Up to the present time no agree­ I about one-third of a crop, or approxi- held by the central government.
The flying apparatus and Istmbs for but visitors to the yur«l note on every
ment had ever been reached between ! tnately two tons to the acre, during
use went south on a special bund activities in the marine barracks
the county officials and the railroad ' the second season, the owners will
company. However, because of the , begin immediately to make prvpara- train. The attack on Guaymas has »nd on the battleships and cruisers.
contract that was signed recently be­ ' tions to care for the [crop next year. been postponed, it is explained, await­
Seamen ashore said unusual prepar­
tween the railway authorities and the Camp grounds for pickers will be ing the aeroplane to offset the |a>wer ations were being mn«le.
The ships
Multmonah county officials, the local prepared. In addition to thia large I of the gunboat.
commissioners think that they will tract of loganberries the company has
soon come to an agreement with the also planted this year 40 acres of Ital­ supposedly safe in the keeping of the equipment and much of the apparatus
railroad company.
ian prune trees and will dry the prod­ Federal officers, led to a search for the that is usually carried for the comfort
Local citizens are urging that the uct on the place. It is also preparing missing deputy marshal. It is assert­ and recreation of the bluejackets ami
Columbia River road be made to ex- to plant at once 20 acres of beans and ed that he was kidnajied. The Mexi­ officers.
tend east from this city up the Colum­ will set out between the prune trees can customs collector of Nogales, So­
Most significant is the fact that
bia gorge to Mosier and thence on to gooseberries and gather that crop till nora, passed the incident with the re­ several of, the older vessels, including
The Dalles. At the present time a the trees become too large to permit
the old cruiser Minneu|M>lis and the
road crosses the range of hills separat­ the'successful growth of the berry but we got it.”
The biplane was held two weeks battleships Ohio anil Alabama, that
ing the Mosier district from Hood Riv­ vines.
ago, when Didier Masson and his me­ have not been in service for years, are
er. The grades on this stretch are
Thos. Deane, begun setting up Iteing overhauled, repaireti and out-
at Pike's ranch, 20 miles tittesi for sea, and sea stores and am­
County Roadmaster Marshall recent- I
munition are being taken aboard.
ly inspected the route up the side of : Big Shortage in Hop Plants Found below Tucson. Masson and Deane es­ These are not always kept on the ves­
caped with some necessary parts of
the gorge, which he believes is feasi­
on Investigation.
the machine, and it was rumored that sels, but during the last few days have
ble, but he declares the time for build-i
another aeroplane had been smug­ been taken on. An ammunition lighter
ing it has not arrived.
lay near the Massachusetts during the
over the line.
gation of hop yards in al) parts of
night. Other ships, said th«« sailors,
Polk county shows that a large per
O.-W. R. & N. ORDERS SURVEY cent of young vines in the hills are
ar«« in the course of preparation for
TO CLEAN CAPITAL’S SLUMS sailing at the shortest notice.
missing and that the growth is short
Condon-Foaail and Ukiah- Pilot in the larger regions. On the east
bank of the Willamette river, J. R. Wife of Preaident Get« Big Job JAPANESE HOUSE IS OF GLASS
Rock Routes Considered.
Under Way.
Cooper and Morrison & Percival, the
Surveys for two proposed rail lines,
leading hopgrowers of that section, re­
D. C. — When bills Correepondcnt Says Foreign Own­
one from Condon, Gilliam county, to port much shortage in plants.
ership la Barred in Nippon.
Fossil, Wheeler county, and the other i After an investigation of Polk transforming Goat alley and Snow's
from Pilot Rock, Umatilla county, to | county hopyards, Mr. Linn, of the court, two of Washington's worst
The excitement of Japan
Ukiah, in the same county, have been firm of Linn & Catlin, of Salem, in slums, into parks, are introduced in over the California alien lami owner­
ordered by the O.-W. R. & N. com­ company with Dr. Stackberger, of the congress this week, Mrs. Woodrow ship is well founded and comprehen­
pany, and crews will start to work on United States department of Agricul­ Wilson will have accomplished more sive, according to an analysis of the
toward eliminating poverty, vice and American-Japanese situation sent by
each project at once.
ture, said:
disease in the capital than any other the Tokio rorrrapondent of th«« Welt
These surveys are to determine the
"It is impossible to assign any reas­
cost of the work and upon the reports on for the shortage in the yards The President's wife has ever done.
Korrespondenz Agency, printc«! in the
Her recent slumming trip, on which semi-official Nonideutsche Allegemeine
of the engineers will rest the proba­ conditions of cultivation, the location
bility of the eventual construction of of the yard or the soil, have Japparent-
Zeitung. The Japansese, however, he
tives Kahn and Curley, are the reason
either road.
It is understood, how­ ly nothing to do with it.
We always for the determination of congress to said are scarcely in a position to plac««
ever, that if the expense will not be find the conditions changing every
difficulties in the way of California's
clean up Washington, whose alleys,
too great both lines will be built,
year. Still there are Beveral thrifty rookeries and ancient tenements vie land plans.
“We don’t know whether we ever new yards which show an encouraging
The correspondent says the Japanese
with the worst slums of New York. ar«> living in a glass house because
will build either road,” said J. P. I report. ”
Led by Mrs. Wilson a mass meeting of foreigners ar»« now barred from own­
O’Brien, general mannager of the O.-
Washington women will be held to ing land in Japan a feature of the
W. R. & N. company. "We have
Orchard Sells for $52,000.
consider these conditions further.
these two projects in mind as among
situation which has heretofore been
Three thousand women, many of left unnoticed in Germany.
Medford—One of the largest orchard
the most important in the develop­
ment of Oregon, and if conditions jus­ Sales of the present month .was closed them from the highest Washington writer expresses the opinion that
tify we will authorize early construc­ last week, when A. K. Ware, of Med­ society, are expected to enroll under Japan will favor keeping aloof from
ford, sold his highly developed proper- the banner Mrs. Wilson has unfurled. the Panama-Pacific exposition nt San
tion work.
Society gasped at first; now it is Francisco, which he regards ns
l ty, lying one mile south of Medford, to
Never before has a Presi­ Japan's only weaf>on against the Unit­
Curry County Is Progressing.
$52,000. The tract contains 26 acres, dent's wife gone slumming.
ed States.
Gold Beach—The Brookings Lum­
which is in bearing apple and pear
ber & Timber company, a Missouri trees. It is improved with a beauti­
corporation which is developing the ful residence. Mr. Ware accepted as EGG PRESERVATIVE IS FOUND JAP SITUATION STILL TENSE
large timber interests of Southern part payment a hardware business at
California Educator Diacovera Sub­ Imputation of Racial Inferiority la
Curry county, has filed a mortgage
with the county clerk here to secure a
stitute for Cold Storage.
Deeply Resented.
Mr. Doner also purchased the Kiser
bond issue of $850,000.
The St. orchard, near Jacksonville, for $45,-
D. C. — Tension over
Louis Union Trust company, of St. 000, giving in exchange an orange
Louis, Mo., is the trustee which is | grove and property in Uplands. The Professor Jaffa, of the agricultural de­ th«« Japnnes«« situation continues to
partment of the University of Califor­ excite attention in official and diplo­
handling the bond issue.
' orchard contains 65 acres and is in nia, believes that he has found a suc­ matic quarters, but there were no
The company is incorporated fori bearing apple and pear trees.
cessful method of defeating the cold specific developments at the White
$1,500,000, and will spend over $1,-
Mr. Doner announces that he will storage egg and the price a»k««d for it. House, the State department or the
000,000 in building mill and other im­
provements in Southern Curry county, bring with him several families from It is somewhat similar to the old-fash- Japanese embassy.
Southern California, who will locate in ione«l metho«! of salting eggs.
Nin«« of the 30 days Governor John­
before they begin cutting lumber for
The disroverer of the new fluid pre­ son has under the California constitu­
the market. This is the beginning of | the Medford district.
servative announced tn the fraternities tion to sign the alien land bill have
Fight Use of Strong Spirits.
Wheat—Track prices: Club, 920
an epoch of development for Oregon’s
last year that he had found a new and elaps«*d, and th«« impression is begin­
Cheese Factory at Work.
Berlin—German military authorities backward county, yet in natural re­
92Jc; bluestem, $101.01; forty-fold,
method of preserving eggs ning to gain ground here that th«« gov­
94c; red Russian, 90091c; valley, 92. who for several years have carried on sources one of its richest.
Oats—No. 1 white, $31.50032 ton. a campaign against the use of strong
Superintendent Ward stated that he nesday from the Laidlaw cheese fac­ which left no taste and showed the ernor will avail himself of the full
Cora — Whole, $28.50; cracked, spirits in the army have decided to hoped to have the plat of the new tory to Portland of two tons of full chemical composition of the egg to un­ measure of time, even though he has
dergo absolutely no change.
declared his purpose to approve the
$29.50 per ton.
send a circular to all recruits in the town of Brookings ready to file at the cream cheese, as savory as any ever
Under varying conditions some 12 Webb bill.
Millstuffs— Bran, $24.50025 per future describing crimes committed July term of the County court. Work made in Oregon, marks the substan­
Secretary Bryan has not communi­
ton; shorts, $26.500 27; middlings,$31. within the military service traceable is progressing rapidly on the logging tial progress of this section of Centra) dozen were "canned” in December,
being placed in the new solution and cated with th«« governor since the re­
Barley—Feed, $27.50 per ton; brew­ to the excessive use of alcohol and also road, millpond and wharf.
left to stand in the cellars. The first ceipt of his telegraphic message set­
ing, nominal; rolled, $28.500 29.50.
Some time ago J. B. Wimer, of week in May they were raked out and ting out his reasons for upholding th««
showing punishment given the convict­
Hay — Eastern Oregon timothy, ed men.
Garden Prize Offered.
Laidlaw, installed a cheese factory. found to be fresh and having no taste action of the legislature, but is simply
The campaign waged by
choice, $17018; alfalfa, $13014; army officials already has proved de­
TheO.W. R. & N. company will It is now turning out nearly a ton of whatever, other than of eggs. The waiting for the final act of signature
straw, $60 7.
fine Oregon cream cheese each week.
cidedly successful and the use of dis­
Onions — Oregon, $1.25 per sack; tilled spirits among the soldiery has award a sterling silver cup to the The cheese is finding a quick market various boarding clubs are going in before making reply* to the Japanese
for the discovery on a large scale.
not«« protesting against the legislation.
school making the best score of points
Bermuda $1.5002 crate.
been diminished.
in its garden contest, gardens to be I and a good price on account of the ex­
Vegetables — Artichokes, 75c per
judged on the following basis: Larg­
Tokio Still Shows Faith.
dozen; asparagus, California, $1.50
Young Heiress Sought.
Protest Delegation Off.
est average size vegetables, 20; larg-
per crate; Oregon, 75c0$l per dozen;
Chicago The Chicago police have
Tokio—Faith in the American p««o-
Helena, Mont. — Governor S. V. est variety, 20; quality, 20; quantity, ■
Canby Heavy Egg Shipper.
beans, 10012c per pound; cabbage,
Canby — Canby is coming to the been asked to search for Margaret ple to see that justice is done the Jap­
2103c; cauliflower, $2 per crate; Stewart, accompanied by a delegation 20; general character, 10; best story
Hawthorne, 26 years old, and, accord­ anese is the dominating note in the dis­
eggplant, 25c pound; head lettuce, from Northern Montana, left Wednes­ of how the garden was planted and re- front as an egg shipping center,
This prize is an I During the month of April 2000 ing to a telegram from a law firm in cussion of the California alien land
$2.50 per crate; peas, 608c pr pound; day night for Washington to protest suits secured, 10.
War talk is
peppers, 35040c per pound; radishes, formally to Secretary of the Interior open competition to all of the 28 cases were sent out. As there are 30 Hastings, Mich., heiress to n fortune ownership legislation.
10012c per dozen; rhubarb, 102c per Franklin K. Lane against any diver­ schools having community gardens, , dozen to the case, this means 60,000 of $450,000 left by David Shafter at denounced as ridiculous and only cal­
pound; spinach, 75c per box; toma­ sion of reclamation service funds from without regard to size. This is the dozen, or 720,000 eggs, an average of Vassar, Mich., who died five years culated to embarrass the two govern­
The young woman was the ments, which are laboring for a peace­
24,000 daily, which means an income ago.
toes, $2.500 5 per box; garlic, 708c Montana to projects of other Western first new prize offered this season.
It is
At Great Falls Governor
to local farmers of approximately daughter of Almina and Harry Haw­ ful settlement by diplomacy.
pound; turnips, $1 per sack; pars­ states.
thorne, but they separated shortly af- , conceded, however, that failure on the
Stewart will be joined by prominent
High Court to Organize.
nips, $1; carrots, $1.
Salem—The Supreme court, with ¡I, j In addition to this 19,500 pounds of ter her birth. The child is supposed part of the Americans to respond to
Green Fruit—Apples, 5Oc0$2 per citizens who are particularly interest­
______ _____
new members, Charles
McNary, of I butter was the output of the local to have been left in this city, and the the Japanes«« appeal for a discontin­
box, according to quality; strawber­ ed in the Sun River project.
this city, and William Ramsey, of Me- creamery, further enriching the farm- police fear she may be unaware of her uance of the alleged discrimination
ries, Oregon, $3.5004; cherries, $1.25
own identity.
would lead to some estrangement.
Ancient Urn Is Uncovered.
Minnville, will be organized the after- er9-
01.50 per box; gooseberries, 12Jc.
Berlin—An urn containing a collec­ noon of June 7. The court will be di-1
---------------------- .
Poultry—Hens, 15c; broilers, 250
vt * si «»
7 - a
70,000 Acres to Be Sold.
Cruiser to Be Repaired.
Utility Act supersedes,
27c; turkeys, live, 190 20c; dressed, tion of gold articles attributed by ex­ vided into two deparments, Chief Jus- i
Washington, D. C.— Mark Morris,
Seattle, Wash. The armored cruis­
Salem—In an opinion rendered by
choice, 25; ducks, 17025c; geese, perts to the seventh and eighth cen­ tice McBride presiding over both. The
turies before the Christian era was departments will alternate weekly in Attorney General Crawford it is held of Grand Rapids, representing the er Colorado has arrives! at the Puget
young, 15017c.
Eggs — Oregon ranch, case count, uncovered by well diggers on an estate hearing arguments and rendering de- that the public utility act supersedes Booth-Kelly Lumber company, has Sounil navy yard from San Francisco
in the vicinity of Eberswalde, about cisions.
all city charters when it comes to the j completed arrang«‘ments with the at­ and will go into drydock immediate­
18J019c per dozen; candled, 20c.
> regulation of the rates of public util- i torney general for final purhaae from ly for a genoral overhauling. Repairs
Butter—City creamery butter cubes, 27 miles from Berlin. The urn, which
Storage Plant Planned.
the government at $2.50 an acre, of costing $100,000 will be made to tho
is among the most ancient finds ever
280 29c per pound; prints, 290 29 J c.
made in Germany, contains 78 articles. ’ Medford- At a meeting of the mem- j The opinion was given at the re- , 70,000 acres of land included in the i warship. The armored cruiser Pitts­
Pork—Fancy, 111012c per pound.
These include bowls, bracelets and bers of the Rogue River Fruit & Pro- I quest of Medford, where the Home Oregon anti California grant. This burg, of the Pacific Reserve fleet, will
Veal—Fancy, 13|014c per pound.
Hops—1912 crop, 10015c per pound; rings supposed to be of Phoenician duce association Saturday it was de- Telephone company holds a charter adjustment was made under the inno­ not, as at first intended, take the Col­
origin and imported to Germany by cided to build a cold and dry storage from the city, the company contend- : cent purchaser clause of the bill auth­ orado's place on the activ«« list, but
1913 contracts, 13c.
plant, to be available for the 1913 j ing the Railroad commission had no orizing the government forfeiture suit will remain at the navy yard for fur­
Wool — Eastern Oregon, 10016c; way of the Baltic.
fruit crop. Twenty thousand dollars jurisdiction over its rates because of against the railroad company.
ther repairs.
valley, 14016c; mohair, 1913 clip, 30
Sixty-Seven Burned to Death.
had been raised by the sale of first this charter,
0 33c.
Fritchie Bodies Moved.
Ocean la Ix?t Into Canal.
Shanghai—Sixty-seven farmers of mortgage bonds, and it is planned to
Cattle — Choice steers, $8.500 9;
Orchard Holdings Increased.
good, $7.750 8.25; medium, $7,250 Shen Chow Ting, in western Honan, raise $20,000 more by subscription.
Frederick, Md.—The bodies of Bar­
Panama The waters of the Pacific
Hood River Alexander B. Brooke, bara Fritchie, heroine of Whittier’s ocean were let into the Panama canal
7.75; choice cows, $707.75; good, who had resisted attempts of the sol­
Fish Oil to Be Manuiactured.
of Cherryville, Or., has closed a deal poem, and that of her husband, Jphn Sunday.
$6.5007; medium, $60 6.50; choice diers to destroy their crops of opium,
A giant blast of 32,750
calves, $809; good heavy calves, were burned to death in a building
Oregon City—The Columbia Fish with Charles A. Tucker whereby he C. Fritchie, which were recently dis- i pounds of dynamite was fired, demol­
$6.500 7.50; bulls, $6.2506.50.
where they were holding a meeting, Oil and Fertilizer company, of which became owner of a 10-acre orchard interred from the Old Reformed cem­ ishing the dike to the south of the
Hogs — Light, $8.2508.35; heavy, according to a dispatch received here H. W. Plach, of this city, is one of tract in the Central Vale district. Mr. etery here and placed in the mauso­ Miraflorea locks and allowing the wa­
by the North China Daily News. The the principal stockholders, has been Brooke, who will come here to make leum at Mount Olivet, will be buried ter to flow into an extensive section,
Sheep — Yearling wethers, $6,250 dispatch adds that the soldiers started organized and is building a fish oil j his home, has owned 17 acres in the with appropriate ceremonies on Mem­ in which excavation practically has
I plant in this city.
7.25; ewes, $5.2506.25; lambs, $708. I the fire.
, Summit district for a number 6f years. orial Day, May 30.
been completed.
^jattle, Wash. — Madame Butterfly
•r.d Mias Purple Eyes are doomed. In
ibeir place looms the new Japanese
« woman of the club type, emancipated
and progressive, who promises soon to
reduce the little brown man to the
conventional submissive state of the
American husband.
Governor Johnson, of California,
Kimonas have been cast aside for
signed the alien land ownershjp bill.
scant tailored suits; huge ornamented
A small tornado wrecked a church hairpins are replaced by Parisian
ami several residences at Valparaiso, model hats, and the wee little feet are
expanding in the roomy recesses of
booties of approved English cut.
It is reported that London militants
But most significant of all. there
hire women of the lower classes to has just been formed in Seattle a Jap­
act as incendiaries.
anese Women’s club.
The "price committee" of the Chi­
This stride in civilization was taken
cages Butter and Egg board has been at a meeting of 35 Japanese women in
permanently abolished.
the Y. W. C. A. rooms, at which the
Bryan’s latest reply to Japan on the following officers were elected: Mrs.
alien land ownership question is being S. Yosioka, president; Miss Kigo
Nte, vice president; Miss Kusanna.
kept a profound secret.
secretary, and K. Sakamoto, treas­
Employes of the Portland Railway, urer.
Among the members is the
Light & Power company are said to be daughter of the Japanese consul,
secretly forming a union.
ko Takashi, and the wife of a Japan­
England. France, Germany and Italy ese banker, Mrs. S. Takashi.
Local American club women assist­
have all sent protests against the pro­
posed new tariff bill to the United ed their brown sisters to organize,
after which tea was served.
Cincinnati streetcar men have re­ LIPTON WILL COME EOR CUP
turned to work, an agreement having
been reached to settle their disputes
Challenge of Great English Sports­
by arbitration.
man Is Accepted.
A striking telephone lineman was
— Once more America will
badly wounded by a revolver shot in a
fight with Home Telephone employes defend the America’s cup. The classic
yachting race was assured for Sep­
at Oswego, Ore.
tember, 1914, when the New York
A cut to the starvation point in the Yacht club Wednesday sent by cable
wages of women workers in Illinois, an acceptance of Sir Thomas Lipton's
provided an eight-hour law is passed, challenge.
was threatened in open hearing before
The race will be sailed under the
the state senate sub-committee on la­ present rules of the New York Yacht
club as to measurements, time allow­
While at torpedo practice in Narra- ance and racing conditions.
Sir Thomas lost no time after the
gansett bay the dynamite cruiser Ve­
suvius was badly injured by a torpedo receipt of the acceptance in laying
she had just launched, which turned in plans for building the finest challenger
the water and struck the stem of the he has ever sent across the Atlantic.
Even as yet he does not know whether
he will be allowed to tow the craft
Mexican constitutionalists have suc­ across the ocean or not, but he says
ceeded in getting at least one army this does not especially matter, as he
aeroplane safely across the border, to­ would want to tow the yacht only in
gether with a supply of gravity bombs, the event of a head wind, or a dead
which it is believed they intend to calm.
Rqlying entirely on the sportsman­
drop on the government gunboat in
ship of the members of the Neyv York
Guaymas harbor.
Yacht club, the Irish sportsman re­
A steel umbrella rib, swallowed fused to consider the possibility of be­
about four months ago, was removed ing opposed by a bigger boat than the
from the side of a cow belonging to challenger he will send. He now has
Martin Hora, of West Kelso, Wash. Charles F. Nicholson, yacht designer
The cow sustained no suffering, but a of Gosport, England, at work on mod­
few days ago a large swelling ap­ els for the new yacht.
peared on her side, and the veterinary
who was called decided to operate im­ THOUSANDS WILL EMIGRATE
Walter H. Page, newly appointed Pioneer Steamship Man Says Rush
ambassador to England, is being op­
Will Follow Canal Opening.
posed by 50,000 trade unionists in Lon­
don, as being a bitter enemy to labor.
Seattle, Wash.—‘‘Tens of thousands
of the most thrifty, intelligent and in­
Secretary Lane commits himself to dustrious people of Scandinavian coun­
Federal ownership of Alaskan rail­ tries are preparing to emigrate direct­
ly to the Northwest and Puget Sound
All movements'of American troops when the Panama canal is opened,”
and warships are to cease while the said Captain John L. Anderson, pio­
neer steamship man, who returned
Japanese controversy is on.
Wednesday from a three months’ busi­
Companies writing tornado insur­ ness trip in Europe. Captain Ander­
ance in Omaha have been rushed with son emphasized the fact that $4,000,-
business since the recent disastrous 000 had already been subscribed by
Swedish and other capitalists to es­
tablish a direct line of modern steam­
The threat that any wage reductions ships between Scandinavian ports and
will be rigidly investigated by the Seattle via the Panama canal to handle
government caused a warm debate in this traffic. He said it was impossible
the house.
to describe the enormous proportions
of the emigration movement of the
people of the north.
Resume of World’s Important
Events Told in Brief.
Battleships Stripped of All But
Fighting Equipment.