Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, April 24, 1913, Image 5

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    Grants Pass Wants Public Market
Ilrst-Llass livery and feed
.Stables di Borine) and Sandy
7 ran«|H>rtali<>n of all kind*
of Baggsge to Handy aiid
interior |»diita ....
For further Inlotmaltou phon« or writs
K. F. DONAHUE, Prop.
Rose City Van
Storage Company
Makea all points between Portland
and Ixinta on Mt. Scott Line.
Freight, Exprès», Baggage and all
kinds of Tranafer Work.
Lenta Office -
Foster Road
faints Phones .... Tabor 1424
Home B Bill
F. W. Tunny, Manager
Ask for Rose City Van
Call and get our prices on
brick, cement, plaster, lime,
sand and gravel. We can
save you money. Our de­
livery is prompt and our
goods are the best.
We carry a full line of hay,
grain and feed.
Let us
show you how to save a
dollar by buying right.
M c K inley &
Rolli Phones, Talmr W6 h , Local 3112
I block seat of Poatofflce. Lenta
Phone Ms
Mill 1 L< mile« Boutheaal nt Kelso
large Block ot Dimension Lumber on hand
Rough and Dreaaed lumber for all purpcMcn
•end order to JONHHI’I» MUM. H »ring RD J
H A. M. to 5 I*. M., Herald Office, l.’iito
H P. M. to U I’. M., Residence, Gn-ahauf
G. D. Dunning
J. P. McEntee
Main 430, Home A 4658
Dunning &. McEntee
Funeral Directors
Seventh and Ankeny Streets
L. H. Carter & Son
Contractor» »n<t Ruiiiier»
Manutactnri-r. of Wlntlow C»slng», Screen
Poor, »ml Window». Molding», I'Munins, ran-
el» Ornament». Ktc Custom Plaining and
Hand Hsu Ing Owner, lent. I'latnlng Mill,
»ml Wood Working Fsctory.
Lasts. Oregon
W. F. Klineman
C. E. Kennedy
2nd Ave., Lenta
Ktnntdv « KUneman
Reai Estate and Rentala, Natary
Public Work
Office Phone T. 2012
MainSt. and Carline, Lenta, Oregon
James Goodfellow
Horse Shoer and General Blacksmith
Foster Road *Bet. Htlth and Hist St.
Connections and Repairs
_______ I
Lents Plumbing Co.
Remember the Name—BOHNA
Ice Cream, Sodas and Soft Drinks at Our Fountain
Lowest Cost
Main Office Seventh & Alder Streets
A limit»! qnanity of 8. A W. cleaner
and 8. A W. polisher for sale at thia
office— Doe« excellent work on clothing
or furniture.
Full direction«.
Scott Pub. Go.
The Granta Pa»a Courier la urging
the establishment of a public market,
now that a co-operative creamery ia ««•
-“T—-T-' '
aured for that place. "The creamery,
WA NT KD— Boy» mav be liai! and
sometime» girla.
The older OHM ai the cannery and the pnbllc market be­ n
r4 is widvJjukHown and respected in Clack-
ordlnary wagM and others to lie long In the »am« category" It «aya.
«max County. '‘Grandma Jonsrud,” as
’ «cluxiled and carvd for In reltirn for
% «he is affectionately called, ia 72 year»
i «llght service» rendared. For partion-
i lar» addreas W. T. Gardm-r, «uparin-
old and in spite of having one leg
Bud» and blooms and bloaaoma.
Curry County For Better Roads
tendent Boy» ami Girl» Aid Hocietv of
crippled by a fall three year» ago. dore
The Curry County Commercial Club
[Oregon, Portland. Or«.
all her work and ia characteristically
It»« set to work for better roads. The wei-fcs started everytning growing.
cheerful. May tliey have many more
Kill* MAI.K
Forest Hervice, a»
happy anniversarire.
and hors«» to
at the church last Sunday.
Address W. Il Cl«v«land, well a» th« laauance of public bouda are I Mrs. SingUeld of Portland moved out i
I Greaham Oregon. Phon« 471.
4t the mean» proposed.
on her R. R. claim south of town laat | 9 —
I Saturday.
Wild. GIVE—6100 roll ami 6160.
j equity in more than quarter avie, 16
A fine entertain me nt and social gath­ %
Master Wilson to Visit Oregon
minute walk from Lenta, aa Ural pay­
ering was enjoyed by all the neighbor«
Mr Franzetti, of Rhododendron, has
National Muter Wilton of the Pa-
ment on houae ami lot near Mt. Scott
at the fine borne oi Mr. and Mrs. t)r. rvtiirnwl after a few days in Portland.
trona of Husbandry will come to Oregon ; Botkin« last Friday night.
carline. Box 260 R. 1. Lenta, Oregon
Carl Axhcotf and Al Emily spent Sun­
to attend the meeting» of the Htate I Road Commissioner Biicbolz and his day at the home of W. J. Fauliion.
FOR SALE—Cheap, halt acre on
Orange in May. He will probably visit i assistant, Fred Bet» hil were measuring
Itonald Bodley went to Dover Satur­
<*reKon City Road, fenced, two room
jibe Cherryville Hill the first of the day to i >lay tl>e violin for a dam-e given
houae, outbuildings, cleared, term«. Hie other northwest »tatea on hie trip to
week preparatory to planking it, which there.
the com !
Joa. Schweitaer, lienta ,Ore.
will be dons soon It was found to lie
Percy Shelly, Guy Talmage and Mr.
2875 (ret long. Thia will extend weat IjenU have return*»! j«z> Welches to help
For Sale—2 lota, 6 room cottage near
carline on Oth Ave Ixita aet lieanng DRIVE SICK HEADAGML5 AWAY to the Cache and beyond. It is expe< t- construct tlie Mt. Hood Hotel.
Sick headache», »our gaxey stomach, ad to plank another sketch of road near
August Homecker has returned to
fruit. Alao cleared lot near atation in
Woodmere. K. C. Griffith, l^nta Ore indigestion, blliousnea« di»appear quick­ the Toreil ranch, especially if the auto­ Portland after a weeks stay in Welches.
mobile club will give funds to belp in
Mr. Kern 1» having all the large fir
FOR SALE -Calkins Strain S. C ly after you take Dr. King’» New Life the latter job. When this ia done two tree» near the hotel topped to prevent
White Laghorn bal>y chicks, egg« for Pills. Tliey purify the bhsxl and put
hatching ami some stock for sale. new life and vigor in the system. Try ot the worst places lie tween Sandy and the heavy winds from blowing them
Welch«« will be fixed all sight.
Prices reasonable, satisfaction guaran­
teed Addn-sa Calkin» Poultry Farm, them and you will I* well satisfied.
Mr. Tuttle, who has been cruising for
Mr Malconuon’a brother and family
lamia Greaham Car, Gilbert Creasing. Every pill helps; every Itox guaranteed. a Portland lumber firm up in the 3 6 of Canada, have come to make their
Phone 2024.
t f
Price 26c. Recommended by all deal­
country, has about completed his task. home with Mr. Mah-omeon on his home­
He cruised over 2»)0o, acre« and compe­ stead.
FOR BALE:—Three g<»»i adjacent
lots in Arden Park.
I^vel. in cultiva­
tent lumber men were out last week in­
Rhododendron Inn appear« very strik­
tion. Bargain for home location.
Ia*nta Furniture Co., Second-hand specting bis estimates, and were well ing in its array of electric lights. The
quire of Mt. Scott Pub Co. Lent».
furniture, stoves and Rangea, especially, plea«c>l with his work. A deal baa hotel was lit up beautifully Sunday,
I.L’MBER- At our new null 1'4 miles North Main xtreet.
been partially closed for this entire April 20th.
I soulhea»t of Kelso. W« deliver lumlier.
tract, and when ac<-ompli»h«*d, work
Donald Bodley and Price Jones are
Jonsrud tiros
will start at once to build a tramway or plowing a large trait of land for '‘Billy”
Quite a Change.
F< • I: > All
< ln>' r . 'lit I. net. , i ’.-a r... I
Howell— Howell doean't «peak to hla fiiitue to get the tiinlier out towards Welch.
I in Walden Park. Fivedullar payments,
Powell And I can remember the Cherryville road. Tbi« will mean 1 A party comp«»wd of Misses Mildred
j Enquire at Mt Scott Publishing Co’s. wife
when he thought It wax worth SI to lots of work for men and teams. Mr. Naomi and Aneita Faubion and Ben
aay a few word» to her by long dis Tuttle rays those parties that sold out Totton, were fishing Sunday on Camp
FOR SALE- Newspapers for wrap­
tance telephone —Judge
ping or kindling. Mt. Scott Pub Co.
last fail up in that country sold out too Creek. Beside« catching several good
sized speckled beauties they reported a
We buy «eaind-hatid furniture Lenta
It la a fine thin« to know when to let
Kellogg Thayer, who is holding down [ enjoyable time.
Furniture Co. Phone Tabor 1361.
go Many a man hold» on too Ion«. It
a R R. claim over near Dover, wax in
Mrs. W. IL Creighton spentCSunday
Read the ad» in the Herald and pat­ la better to jump overboard than to «o
Portland last week and while there U. at the home of Mrs. E. A. Pierce.
ronaxe Home Merchants.
8. Attorney Townsend told him to go j Mrs. Horace Fisher ia spending a few
and see Judge Fenton, one of the high . days in Welches.
I Mil I.Inc of Plumbing Supplies, Bath Tubs,
price.! lawyers of the Southern Pacific School closed in Welshes Friday.
Jgg*. Lavatory" Boiler., Sink. and
R R. and
interview him about The roail to tlie Twin Bridges above
buying a peice of the -o-called R R, the toll gat*- is in a very good condition,
land. He did so, r
_J Judge
*-J— ”
—*— **
Very ----
little snow ' is seen and ...
but for a
told him he would like
u. . to «ell
n i him -i_.
gmBn trees, the road would he pas­
land, but in the first place the govern­ sable for automobiles.
• -Popular Prices--
ment would’nt let them »ell it and in
Good Service Guaranteed
the second place a New York city .
j money concern had a tug mortgage on '
I all of this land in Oregon and they dare 1
Phone Home 4423
not sell it at this time when the title
T. R. Howitt made a business trip to
Near Post Office
is in dispute. Thia ia the reason why
Foster Road
Eastern Oregon last2week.
: the R. R. Co. is fighting the govern-
Mr an<l Mrs. Max Schnieder madean
| ment to the last ditch. The very min­
ute the R. R lores out all of thie im­ auto trip to their farm at|*Domascus
mense sum will be called for from New last week.
C. A. Hill and’i'amily expeetfto ¡leave
■ York city as their security will lapse.
Mr. Thayer was informed that a decis- aoon for the TillamookCcountry where
i ion would be reached on the 28th of i they have been investing in some prop­
i thie month when it is thought the R. | erty.
R. Co. will carry it to the court of last • The banquet at the commercial hall
resort, in hopes of putting off the evil Wednesday evening was »¡fsuccess in
Messrs M. A. Nelson,
day of final settlement as long as pos­ every way.
Rev. Leonard, F. L.
sible. They have got a good beating,
Everson, H. L.StClair and Hon.|Staple-
ci-mingto them and they will get it.
Quite a party oi neighbors went ton were among the^speakers.
down to the dam at Camp Six last Sun-, Edna Goodwin was also *a speaker.
day and watched the salmon jump up Mrs. O. J. Brown sang three solos and
in a vain endeavor to get over the dam. I Miss Eva Campbell and'SMrs. O. J,
Some big fellows would get out ot the | Brown gave a piano duet. 30. A. East­
water 10 ¡or 12 feet when the madly man toastmaster andjcertainly made a
rushing waters would quickly take] fine toastmaster.
them back. The hatchery people are | .Messrs Roy and Clifton Peterson have
catching fish there now and extracting resigned their positions with the P. R.
the egg» and taking them up to the L. &P. Co. and will go to the coast to
work for the summer.
hatchery on baimou river.
Wallace Wilkinson will begin^work at
Dr. Wiley, who wax at one time Chief
: Chemist for the government until the the Mt. Hood depot May 1st.
Mrs. Stanley Arnold, of Portland, is
dope fiends and impure food wretches
brought pressure on Taft to let him out, visiting her sister, Mrs. D R. Shoe­
in a recent speech at Denver he said maker.
Mrs. J. C. Peterson and family expect
“half of the children in the United
States were underfed and 1700 within to leave soon to join Mr. Peterson at the
the shadow of the capitol building at coast where he is engaged in carpenter
Washington were starving.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Vaughn have pur­
an acre off of the Hunter tract
n----------------------------------- £ chased
just east of town and will build at once.
«----------------------------------- K I Miss Ruth Niblin, of Portland, visited
ELECTRIC LIGHT is the most suitable
her cousin. Miss Bessie Howitt, last
Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. Skogan. Apr.
for homes, offices, shops and other places need­
18th. a rt pound boy. Mother and child
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Sleret and Mrs.
doing well.
Cnas. Idlenian, of Portland, were |Gres-
ing light. Electricity can be used in any quan­
Bom to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hutch­
ham visitors Wednesday.
inson, Apr. 22. a » pound boy. Mother
tity, large or small, thereby furnishing any re­
Mrs. Patrick Collins died in California
and child doing well.
last Saturbay. Mrs. Collins has suffer­
R. E. .lari is the owner of a brand new ;
quired amount of light. Furthermore, electric
ed from cancer for several years and
I five passenger Ford machine.
went to California last week to take
Mrs. J. O. Matthews returned from a
lamps can be located in any place, thus afford­
treatment from a specialist. The fun­
lew days visit to her husband at Clifton
will be held to dav at 10 o'clock
ing any desired distribution of light.
where he is employed. She will move
from the Grange Hall.
to Clifton this week
The Misses Grat e Hessel and Oxa
No other lamps possess these qualifications,
The Ladies Embroidery Club met at
Wall visited the latter'» paranets at
the home of Mrs. Robert Jonsrud last
therefore it is not surprising that electric lamps
Hood River last.
Thursday. It will meet this week with
L. B. Shippy, of Vancouver, formerly
Mrs. Walter Kiser.
are rapidly replacing all others in modem es­
of Gresham, has purchaeed a grocery
The neighborhood Club will meet at
store in Portland.
the schixil honse Snnnay afternoon, Apr.
Mis» l.uella Shippy, of l*ortland. is
27th. at 2 o’clock. Current events will
visiting Mrs. E. A.Thompson'this week.
lie discus»«!, followed by a literary and
Mrs. C. E. Rusher and Miss Hoaglum
musical program. All are welcome.
attended the Sunday Schoolconvention
A number of relatives surprised Mr.
and Mrs. T G. Jonsrud Sunday the oc- at Onegon City this week.
M-s, A. Gordon and daughter, Misa
! caaion living their Golden Wedding An­
niversary. Mr. and Mrs. Jonsrud, who Edith, visited at J. W. Lawrence’s last
I are both natives of Norway, were mar­ Sunday.
C. S. Smith has rented hia house to
ried fifty years ago near Albert Lea.
Zimmerman; Mr. Smith will move
Minnesota on April 13th I8H3
came to Oregon in 1877 and «ettled in his family to Portland.
Telephones Main 6688 and A. 6130
Clackamas County on the place where
tliey now live in 18*8. Mr. Jonsrud is
78 years of age, but spryer than many a
I man ten years younger. While in Min-
| neaota he served as Senator in the State
legislstiire and in Oregon has been Jus-
tice of the Peaoe »otne thirty year«, and
—___ I
Jam«« Benfield anti wife left for Ray.
mond. Wash , Monday, where he haa a
lucrative position with the Civic Im­
provement Club of that rapidly growing
little city.
E. D. Chamberlain went to the Dalle«
last Tuesday to find a market tor his
rhubarb crop.
Mi«» Ethel Smith came down from
Palmer Friday evening »nd went to
Portland Haturday, returning in the
evening to spend Sunday at her home
Ferndale Place.
Mr«. Fred Shoultz vidted ber parent«,
Mr. ann Mr». L. Ruasell, at Troutdale,
Mr. Fred Beafield made a business
tnp to Gresham, Sunday.
Mra. anil Mrs. Albert Fox are now
located at Walla Walla, Wash.
Mrs. R. P. Rasmussen and daughter
Alice were »hopping in Portland, Sat­
Gene Larsen was at Troutdale, Sun­
R. M. Dodson went to Portland. Mon­
B------------------------------------------------- -B
8------ —------------------------------ a
Mr. Brook man and Mr. Csne sprayed
their young orchard thia week
T. F. Ziner baa one of the moat pic­
turesque home« on Mt. Scott.
T. A. Cane haa moved from the Benit
Deardoff place and ia now living with
bia eon in-law, O. A. Brookman.
Albert Deardoff haa sold the old
Deardoff bomeatead. He is iiviug eaat
oi the old place.
S-------------------------------- ----------------- b
-Mis« Eater Stenton haa been tick for
some time with pneumonia
Mr«. Hulman ia visiting ber sister
Mrs Armockat Klamath.
Mrs. James Forbes haa been aick for
the put aix weeks She will be up
Help Fight the Oreat Red Plague.
The Great Red Plague is attack­
ing the American home in the country
town and the ctiy. Young men and
boys are becoming infected with dis­
eases of which they do not understand
the seriousness Ignorant of the dan­
ger they are contaminating, the
daughters of our state who become
their wives.
Parents are urged to inform them­
selves and their children by securing
the circulars below, which will be
sent free on application.
Fpr Young Men
Circular No 2—The Four Sex Lie*.
Circular No. 9—Sex Truths for Men
For Older Boys (13 to 18 yrs. of age).
Circular No. 3—Virility and Physt-
cal Development.
For Younger Boys (10 to 13 years).
Circular No. 7—The Secret of
For Girls
Circular No. 4—A Plain Talk with
Girls about their Health and
Physical Development.
For Young Women
Circular No. 10—Physical Develop­
ment, Marriage and Motherhood.
For Parents
Circular No. 3—When and How to
Tell the Children.
Circular No 5—A List of Books for
Use in the Family on Sex Edu-
Circular No. 2—The Four Sex Lies.
Circular No 1—The Need for Edu-
cation in Sexual Hygiene
We will mail any one or more cis-
culars to you. free of charge or direct
to parties whose names you nuy fur­
Address Oregon State Board of
Health. Selling Bldg, Portland. Or.
If you continually complain of pains
in the stomach, your kidneys are out of
order. Neglect may lead to dropsy,
kidney trouble, diabetes or Bright’s dis­
ease. Thousands recommend Electric
Bitters aa the very best stomach and
kidney meilicine made. H. T, Alston,
of Raleigh, N. C., who suffered with
pain in the stomach and back, write«:
"My kidney« were doranged and my
liver did not work right. 1 suffered
much, but Electric Bitters wax recom­
mended and I improve from the first
dore. 1 now feel like a new man." It
will improved you, too. Only 50c and
81.00. Recommended by all dealers.
Coughs and colds, when neglected,
always lead to serious trouble of the
lung». The wisest thing to do when you
have a cold that troubles you is to get a
kittle of I>r. King’s New Discovery.
You will get relief from the first doee,
and finally the cough willJ3dis pear.
O. H Brown,of Muscadine, Ala., write«:
Carl Wirts came out from Portland I ‘‘My wife wax down in bed with an ob-
to visit the home floks Tuesday evening •ti’iate cough, »nd I lioueatly believe had
it not been for Dr. King's New Di«cov-
Let ns figure on your window «hades. ery, she would not be living to-day.”
No trouble to you, just call (up Tabor Known for forty-three years ae the beat
13*41, we arili take your order at your remedy for coughs and colds. Price 60c
I and 61.00. Recommended by all dealer*