NUHSEKYMEN WILL ATTEND fía* the Annual Rose Nhow in Portland to Be Great Event. F|H-rty .T.'O a. In les Cu , III , 126 a roll 12 r deviling. n>-Urn l. J. F Martin Co.. Si l«4 * ! .. I'urUaiul S...I fur Ulurk I lai anU pru—r BANDMEN: HOLTON and BUESCHER Iwnd ln«irum.nt«. Th. moat r-mplata «tnrk < f Mualral M.-r. har.ll«. In (ha Northw«al Wrila fur < «inhwmu. ( BEST PLACE TO KEEP FRUIT hKIIO HLING-l l'CAM MIMIC CO. IM K« traa prira Ual and ahippiiur sea, N M L'NUA CO.. HJUIUK IIIM1M Portland, Or. The National Nur- scryrnen’s association of America will hold its annual convention in Portland next June and u la'Ko rnajor- Ity ut the 3000 delegates will come to Portland In time to take inf the Rose show and Rose festival. The Rose festival week comes June I» to 14, and the floral exhibit will be one of the greatest drawing cants for the first three days of the celebration. The National Nurserymen’s association is the most Important floral organization in the United States i nd in the mem­ bership and among the delegates who will bo here will be the foremost pro­ fessional rusarians in the country. Special attention will be given to their entertainment while here and th« judging in the Rose show compe­ titions will probably be done by some of these uX|>erta. roiruku OU A Toy for Cats THE CATNIP BALL For fun and health. At ■Ini*. toy «nd d.partrn.nt .<.««• Writ» ML A. C BM U 15. le IVUll.lfeafa,. t‘rr l«.»k >*n Cals. Putting It Delicately. He was a stage aspirant, and bad contrived somehow to gain an Intro­ duction to a well known mauagor, who agreed to fix a date for a trial. I This duly came off. and expectantly the aspirant awaited the verdict. "What do you think of It?” he asked, after a deep silence. “Well,” the man­ ager implied slowly, "all I can say te that If ever you are put In prison for acting It will be a grave miscarriage of justice." , Erratic Traveler. 1 Opportunity Is th« slowest thing tn the world when It I« approaching you; but when It la going tn the other di- , rectlon It (rm«!« taster than light. i I W 0 Where persona have a house with eight or ten Inch beams on which the floor Is laid In the first story, the spaces between the b**ami make an eg- oeUent place to keep canned fruit in tha collar Boards can be nailed firmly to the underside o' the beams, forming shelves oh which the fruit can be *eL Wide boards are best The air la dryer In this point In the collar than nt any other place, and there Is a freer circulation, too. keep­ ing the fruit In a mor« even tempera­ ture and better atmosphere than Io possible In a fruit cupboard or on shelves built along the side walls. In erecting such shelves care should be taken to secure the boards well with nails A good plan In to saw the boards to fit a certain place, allow­ ing tha ends to be just even with the sides of th« beams. Then a small board can be nailed firmly on the end of the shelf and. when ,n place, nail­ ed to the outside of th« beams. Meddling Stage Directors In a recent lawsuit regarding the ownership of a play a stage director testified that In thirty two years' theatrical experience he had never heard of a play being produced as 1 |M < hlef duty originally «rill* n of a stage director.' ,’’ he said, "Is med- dllng with manuscripts, I have even beard of stage directors who tried to Improve on Shakespeare by revamp­ ing his works ” N W»rr not macU to do Markin« Work, but thrra la a marhinr- mad# to do Wumrn’a Wurb, and It do«« it quirkvr and bettor than It’« erer b*an done brfor*. THE MEADOWS POWER WASHER TAKEN THE WORK OUT OF WASH DAY. Fr** Illustrated ratal«»* arnt upon receipt of th* roti pun below or postal men t lent ng thia paper. Space Batwaan Bearne Provid** Dry Spot th* Moot Fitted for Ita Proper Precorranoti. Mother« irti! find Mr». Winslow"« Soothing Syrup i.‘ « beet ret ><-dv t<> u«u tut m«U «trituren ?uilu* .“is teothing period. The Wrong Burna. At the town of Ayr, two mll«a out of Glasgow, aland* the cotta«* built by William Borns, In which li a son Robert was born A Californian, who waa In Scotland recently, was asked If ho would Into to see the cottage of William Burns. "Sure, 1'11 go." r» • ponded the American, "but I'm bleaeed If 1 see how he finds time to live there very much." ONES free Meadows Washing Ma­ chine catalog. CARD SERVES AS DIAPHRAGM Intertstlng and Instructive Expert m«nt May Be Tried With Any Talking Machine. Here Is an amusing and lnstructlvs experiment that may be tried with any talking machine. Heretofore It baa been supposed that the needl* and sound box were necessary tc transmit the words or music etched In the disks or rolls used as record» on these machines. You may be sur­ prised to know that an ordinary visit­ ing card, or any similar card, will be quite effective an a diaphragm. As tho disk revolves push aside th« needle and apply the corner of th» N mm . Oldest Known Prescription. The oldest prescription In the world Is In the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It Is on a piece of stone 3x4 inches lt> size and was probably written 3.601! years ago In Egypt. The prescription takes up both faces of the stone and la written In the old cursive charao ters, tho compound being a remedy that was used for a fumigation. bhuid blu* !■ a writk solution. A mid It. Buy Red Cr zler. In each pot stands a ladle as ting. Leisurely. ancient as the pot. ONLY ONE "nnoMO QCININE" “The hired man fell off the fenc« When a customer comes with a pen­ today. It will make That fa LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Ixink down In tho meadow lot just now!* for th« ni»inature uf E. W. (¡ROVE. Cur«* a Cold ny in goes the ladle and comes up full the “inner man” "Had he hit tho ground when you in Ona Day. Cum* Grip in Two Day*. 2£c. of savory broth and chunks of meat, strong and healthy left?"—Louisville ' *