CONVICTED MEN ARE FREED MEXICANS FIRE Sixteen l-abor leader« Have la-ft DOINGS OF OREGON’S LEGISLATURE l^avenworth Prison. ON U. S. TROOPS A Brief Resume of Proceeding« of the People'« Representatives Assailant Quickly Driven Off and Four Killed. Negro Soldiers Rush Into Battle, Barked by Citizens and Cow­ boy« Boundary Crowed. Douglas, Ariz.—For nearly hulf an hour Sunduy morning a force of 60 Mexican soldiera cngug<«l 16 United State« troo)>era of the Ninth cavalry, under Lieutenant Michaelson, on thu international boundary lino here until probably six of the Mexican« hud been killed, several wounded and troop« E and F, of the Ninth cavalry, arrived to reinforce the handful of American«. ItejHirta of the casualties differ, Home running an high iih «lx Mexicans killed and other« giving only four an the definite number of dead. Four American army officers, walk­ ing on the American lino three mile« from Douglas, were fired on by 60 reg­ ular Mexican soldiers patrolling the border out of Agua I’rieta, op|K>site Douglas. Sixteen of the negro troop­ ers of the Ninth rushed to the place of the firing, and a spirited skirmish en­ sued. Thu American soldiers are holding their position at thu international line, reinforced by two troops of the Ninth. The Mexicans were routed, leaving four killed on the field and others struggling through the brush nursing their wound«. It is «aid that the American troops became so excited that they overstepped the boundary an>l pursued the Mexicans for some distance. The fight caused great excitement at Douglas. The townspeople armed themselves and rushed to the bound­ ary, believing that the Mexican sol­ dier« were intending to Invade the United States. Within a few mo­ ments hundreds of citizens were at the place, urmed and ready. Cowboys rushed in from nearby ranches. City officials of Douglas in commu­ nication with state officials in Phoen­ ix, immediately after the fight, de­ clared the negro troops had killed six of their op|M>nents and urges! the Statu department to use every effort to pro­ tect the lives of Americans on thia aide of the border. LENIENCY SHOWN TO HEIKE Sugar Trust Official la Relieved of Prison Sentence. Washington. D. C. President Taft has commuted the fine and costs, the sentence of Charles R. Heike, secre­ tary und treasurer of the American Sugar liefining company, of eight months in the New York county |H-ni- tentiary und a fine of $5000. Heike was convicted of conspiracy to defraud the United States in effect­ ing entry of dutiable sugar at less than its true cost. The president ucted upon the recom­ mendation of Attorney General Wick- ersham. l*a|M>rs in the case were file«! with the department showing that Heike, who hud not begun to serve his sentence, was suffering from a complication of diseases of the heart, kidney and lungs. To remove him from his home, it wns urged, would endanger his life. British Suffragettes Mobbed. London The public temper is rising against the surffagettes. Wild scenes were witnessed Sunday afternoon in Hyde Park when a mob of several thousand broke up a suffragette meet­ ing held under the leadership of ''Gen­ eral” Mrs. Flora Drummond. Several free fights occurred and masses of turf torn from the ground were hurled at the speakers. It -required a strong Isxly of police to protect the suffra­ gettes ami escort them to a place of safety. Similar scenes marked a meeting at Wimbledon common. In both cases women were knocked down and bruised. Drinkers Yield Surplus. Washington, D. C.—The booming of customs receipts and the record drink­ ing and smoking of Americans, yield­ ing enormous internal revenue, hnve given the Federal government a sur­ plus of $7,379,000 for the current fis­ cal year as compareti with n deficit of $20,570,000 a year ago. Total re­ ceipts for February reached $54,903,- 000, from which was expended $52,- 839,000. The working balance which the Democratic administration finds in the treasury, is indicateti by the state­ ment, will be alaiut $78,000,000. Ernesto Madero Worried. Ithaca, N. Y.—Some concern is felt over the condition of mind of Ernesto Madero, the Cornell student and broth­ er of the late President of Mexico. After engaging railroad transportation to New York last week with the Inten­ tion of going to meet his family in Havana, it is lenrned he remained here in the care of friends. He was deeply affected by the tragic deaths of his brothers. It is now thought young Madero will go to Havana. Italiana Repulse Arahs. Tripoli —Several hundred Arabs at­ tacked an Italian jsist, but were re­ pulsed with heavy losses. They T left 35 dead and carried off others In addi­ tion to the wounded. On the Italian side two nntive soldiers were killed an J an.officer was wour.Jed. Leavenworth, Kan. Olaf A. Tvlet­ at the Htate Capital, Bill« Introduced, Pa««ed, Rejected, Etc. moe «nd Eugene A. Clancy, Isith of San Francisco, two of the labor leaders convicted at Indianapolis last Decern- Ths following measures have been pas*«i Il H. 419 Making Mtat« Insurance Com- by b'llh huiiMM of th« legislature and signed , oilssluner H’ate and County Auditor. Iwr u|Kin charges by the government by th« Governor: II 11 46» -Creating pulle« relief In Mult* ft— Repealing section 2632. obsolot». no mah County. I B of conaplring In thu illegal transporta­ H II. II. 1 1» Hepiallng section 3233, ubaol"’* I H M. 483 - rising ths Oat« for th« gtn- election. tion of exploaivea, were released on II 11 1 41 Abolishing office of Htatc Land I eral II. It. 501 -- Relating to office of Htat« Im Agent migration Agent. ls>nds from th« Federal priaon here ! H. _ 11. 47 Providing for manner of es* ____________ Il li Val Prohibiting circulation of fai«« « utlng saMsfactlons of mortgage by th« r« ports r»gar«llng banks. latu Sunday. Htate l«an«i Board. Il irr I school. H. «1 » Appropriation for deaf mute H. B. Hi Limiting Indebtedness for The order from the court for the re­ gaUun districts, H U. 616 Appropriation for f«ebi«-mlnd- lease of the lalxir men waa brought II II 17 lu-pcallng Metlons 3441 i *d school. relating tu terms of office uf lb« M ‘ H 617 “ Appropriation for blind school. here by Edward Nockela, aecretary of 3H2, H B. 619 Relating to reciprocal demur- r< tsry of Hi«»«-. Htate TrtMMurer, Printer and in« Judg« B. th« Chicago Federation of Labor, and "fl B 623 B F2‘i Amending motor vehicle law Appropriating for mlacellan- at 5:30 o'clock Tvletmoe and Clancy If II B 115 Amend« section 2099, relallv. «•OUS claims to penalty for «««lorny H. li «25 Making appropriations for wore free. At 6:30 o’clock the two, li B l»l II* peals ««ction 7956. «»b«olet- Mol«1lers‘ Hom»- an«! Htate Fair fi*23, | 11. II. 62>> Making appropriation for Stat« in company with Nockles, left for Chi­ if l< 199* Itvpeals section« Inclusive Training Mthool. cago. H B 2»M> Hep. als srctloM »tlM to tWH II li «27 Making appropriation for Htate II II. Hi Amend« ««-ctiona 513 relative »o Tvletmoe, who is secretary of the malriti num «• and cuatody uf children affect Penitentiary. H It R'gulMting use of vehicles. California building trade« council, •4 by divorce. H. B. 21 Idacing charitable Institutions II. B Im rraslng snlarie« nn'! depu i under control of Htat«» Board of Health. said that after two weeks in Chicago ties In office of Assessor Multnomah County H B 119 R'dating to publication of de- he and Clancy would return to Cali­ H B. .30 i’learlng Government'« till« to ilnqupnt tax list. land« at Fort Ht«-v«ns Military Jte«««rvation H. B. lUA Relating to coadrinninc for fornia. H II 35 Providing cuinponaatlon for p« r county roads. eons as witnr ss«»« In criminal cases. ”1 have no regreta for the past and H. h»4«l H. B. 234-JUlatlng to publications of II. l.Ll Amends section 2DIH) ami re summons. no f«ara for thu future,” he said, p.’als s«<-tlon 4791 and 4792, pertaining lo H B 235—limiting tim« for foreclosing conduct. es. "and I am going back to devote my- disorderly il II. 16 it.-latlng to ballot titles on mortgag H H 236 Making uniform warehouse re­ referred to the people. aelf to helping vindicate labor of these measures ceipts. II H 1.91 /Jivll service for teachers h B. 212—Relating to appointment of charges.” • school districts of 2o.o»k* or mure population guardians ud litem. II II 31 Making 1<»O pounds the standar 1 He said that all of the men impria- weight B. 246- Reimbursing citizens uf Weston. for a sack of potatoes oned with him were treated well at If H 46 K< iatlnx to the descent and dis H B. 253 Prescribing duth-s of parents In trlbutlon of real property. regard to school census. the prison. H li 1<»I iUlatlng to rnilk Inspectors. H II. 252 -Fixing boundary line between If B 13*> Authorizing sg to certificate« of nomination. H. B. 4M—Pertaining to eloctlona. H. B. 1*6— Relating to petitions for noml- nation«. H B. 487—Relating to copies of petition« fur nomination«. H. B 488 -Pertaining to «lection«. H B 48»—Amending «action« relating to eiecliuna. H. li 190 Pertaining to abstract of vote«. H B 491— Repealing section relating to eh «-tlon«. H. 494—Relating to elections. B. 495 — Naming day of primary «lee of H MONEY TRUST REALLY EXISTS Committee Recommends Strict Supervision By Law. Action Centern on Montan Banlu - "Banking Ethics” Assist Oper­ ations Remedies Offered. 281—Appropriation for O. A. C -Appropriation for O. A. C. - Appropriât ion for O. A C. -For extension work _______ at . „. U. __ of O. msthom st'Gc.nrren roe rkgi lation -For streets abutting on U. of U For building at U. of O. or MONEY TBLST. B. 288 I—For additional funds for th« U. of O. Requires clearing houses to be­ B. 280—For irnpro,-ments at U. of O. H- .. Q come state corporations and give H B. 290 . jfor „(jujprn,.nt M| Q H B. ““ 32» ‘— -Fur improvement uf streets for right of membership to all solvent O. A. , C. if c Ji. 337—For relief of Georg« Nessllng. banks. H. U. B. 349 -Relating to articles of incor- Prohibit clearing houses from fix­ poratiora H. B 382 * —Relating to local option law. ing rates on out-of-town collections. M. B. 4<>5—Relating to election precincts. Prohibit transmission by mail, H. B. 496—Relating to National commît­ te«men. telephone or telegraph of orders to H. B. 27H -To ________________ _________________ establish experiment station In Hoo«j River County. buy or sell, or quotations on any H B Reguiat i.g fishing In Elk a id stock exchange not incorporated un­ Sixes River. .1. B. 570—Fur Ferroreling Capnoi juhd- der state laws. ing. IJ B. —For maintenance of Ü. of O Require corporations listing nfedicai department. stocks to make complete disclosure li- l.'H—For experiment station In Clat- County. of their affairs. 229—Relating to railroad fences. Require margin of at least 20 per 63—For armory at Eugene. 114—Creating 12th Judicial ' ‘ district. * - cent on stock purchases. 1 45 - Game cod«. B. 8.5—Commission to Investigate Eu- Prohibit "wash sales.” County to Portland for playgrounds. rural credits. at large In ccrtahi townships in Malheur nomah Prohibit private pledging of cus­ >i. B. 296-For estimate of amount to be H. “ B. '* 293 Public levee act. County. . raised by taxation. H. B. 318—Providing for Jury list. tomers’ securities. II HI- -Increasing _________ w . salarles uf all Cir H. B. 270—Providing for demonstrktion 8 B. __ __________ _ _ ____________________ 323 — Relating to the duties of Sec ­ APPLE SIZER IS BIG SUCCESS cult II Judges to fl <«>n a y< T. farms. Give access to books showing act- of Mtan*. X. B «8 Repealing sections 2222. 222.. retary H B. 292—Validating certain marriages. 8 B. 328 R«dating to discharge of grand 4U54 kih I 49<1 d . H. B. ¿46— For celebration of 50th anni- • uai names of customers to postmas- Juries. If. _ B 7‘.» ________ Relating to the Inspection _______ of Hood River Growers Make Move to railroad i ter-general. H B. 336 R<-la!lng to sp«-cial taxes for versary of Battle of Gettysburg. track «raies. H. B. 330 _____________ —Relating __________________________ to proof of documents and highways. Il B. 138 Amendments relating to th« roads of corporations. Redure Co«t of Production. H Ji. 96 -protecting hotelkeepers. rwtirement fun«! aa«>*<*lation. H B. 408 - Making certain records admis­ 8 B 110 Relinquishing claims held upon >1 B 173 Pruvbllng fur th« suspensi-m I land sible as evidence. by stat«- to John Morrison estate. Hood River, Or. — With the low and Washington, D. C.—That a money investigation of the interstate schedules to terms of County “ ‘ M H B. 128 Relating to time of taking ap- I H. B. 412— Relating uf rullroitiiA befut .- M.«mc become « ff« « live. I peals. Courts. price for apples during the past sea­ H B di* ________ trust does exist and that its powers Providing ___ for __________ «teriilzation of H. B. 424 — To license practice of medl- H B 183 Rtdating to time of taking ap- criminal« and moral perverta. cin<*. in civil cas«*s. son, the grower« have come to consid­ habitual H ____ B 116 •*- -<’r«-«tlni .................................................... __ t the office of clerk | ■ peals 8. ---------- — —providing ... H. B. 506—To provide for protection of should be curbed by stringent Federal B. 25| for special referen* Court l_ __ _____________ . n Klamuth County. salmon. <1 u rn «lection. er as one of their greatest problems of H th« B. Circuit Rui" regulations as to the conduct of Na­ ntlng Mf-utiun 2608 B. 530—R« pealing certain sections. H. II 21 Making appropriation for Indian 78 -Maklnx II h crim« to threaten ' war B. 537—To prevent failure tu support veterans. the cutting of the cost of production or ’ II M' 11. Str tional banks, clearing-houses and stock th«* commlMion of a felony, or children. 40—Providing for manner of regis- II B in* llfprallng sections relating to I 1 terIng r B voter«. H. n. •>/.» -For state Insane asylum maln- exchanges, were the findings of the und preparation for marketing. Work­ road (Mill tux. tenant c. i H 1 _ ________ ________ ___ ____________ B 205—Creating bureau of mine« and ing with this in mind, Cutler Bro«., B II Pm Protecting ro-opcrntlv« «»<• 1 geology. _____________ of ______________ horticulture house money trust committee set forth H. B. 12»—For protfctlon In the u»<- of th»- terms co-operative, H. B. 371—To provide for fire patrol sys- in the majority report of its investi­ who have one of the largest tracts on elation« H B. 265—Creating county scaler of H B l*5 Defining adulterations und es­ weights tern. an«l the East Side, spent this winter in tablishing standard» for ice «ream. H. B. 596—Providing for sheepherder’s gations filed in the house Saturday. H li. 278—Making appropriation for pa- H. B. ---- “ “ 292 For ■’ th« relief of Ralalgh C. I vlllon : li«n. for state fair grounds. Portland perfecting an automatic siz­ Wilson. The report, signed by Chairman R. B. 514—Relating to Juvenile Court. j H. B. 375—Making appropriation for a li B *243 Relating to the sale of com 8 B 64 _ — _________ ________ _ Providing __________ marking __ of packages er, which they exhibited to the mereiai foodr-tuffs. ¡•almon hatchery. Pujo and six other Democratic mem­ of intoxicating liquors. II B. 446 Providing for taking up es- Hübet it ute il. B 53- ITovIdlng for rota- growers. r S B. 23!—Providing for wild game refuge. bers was accompanied by two bills, In th«’ uh «- of water and appropriating S H _’"x .-To authorize dlstrlbutlon ■“ " ~ ~ Hu- of H. B 521 — Providing Tor the compilation A large number of the growers met tloh one to regulate stock exchanges additional funds for the Water Board. I pr«mc Court reports. laws. 73 1'rovidlng for th*- detailed sur­ of election at A. I. Mason’s apple house, where vey H of B th«- 8 B. 26»—Authorizing State Land Board through forbidding the mails to ex­ B 515 — Providing for the printing of wate r r« sour«-es of the state. i to pay certain claims. i the Supreme Court reports. the sizer was put through the most II B 143 Regulating the business of com­ 8. B. 200—Relating to advertising certain changes which do not comply with I H B. 5«k*—Amending law for determin- I diseases. inerr bants. lDj h«lrs for estate. difficult tests. It was the opinion of mission Federal regulations, and the other to I 8. ~ ---- — - - -- H li 2l<> Authorizing County Courts to Il. 30"! Relating to notice of appeals. B 274—Relating to bill of exceptions. E. II. Shepard and other fruit exjM-rta establish MMs«-asfn«'nt road districts. 8. B. .*530—Forbidding sale of firearms. regulate clearing-house associations, . . __ _ ___ __ ____________ B. 277 — To provide for depositories of >< B 315» Making County Judges ex- ' ounty funds in Multnomah County. : r . B . 334— __________ Providing _____ for _________ screen« ____ for _____ irri- that the grading and sizing done by officio through forbidding National banks to fire wanlens. 8 B. 320—Authorizing County School Su- ration ditches. H JI. 3M> Relutlng to County Clerk depu- H. B. 94—For establishment of schools In join such associations unless Federal the machine was better than could be | tie«. | |M*rfntendent of Multnomah to hire one of­ certain counties. kaslstant. done by an expert fruit packer. By H. 11 381 Relating to the County Clerk’s fice H B. 187—Relating to irreducible school regulations are observed. >< B. 139—Relating to bill of exceptions. fund. office In .Multnomah County. the use of the machine, which is driv­ I! B. 7o— Amendments pertaining to mines 11 B 174—To provide for Yamhill walnut H. B. 318—Relating to bids for construe- On the question of the existence of ••xperln *ment station. oil. en by electric power, unskilled labor an«! a money trust, the report is specific H I B. 211 Providing for use of voting tlon of bridges. 1! JI. 198—Empowering school boards to machines. H. B. 383— Providing ___________ for manner _______ of paying ____ _ can tie used in apple sizing. maintain continuing night schools. and detailed. H. B. 3"3 Relating to County Auditor of I for Pr-dera! liquor license. il B. 200 -Creating a state board of ac­ Multnomah H. B. 417—Relating to brands. Frank Cutler, a member of the or­ countancy. County. "It would, of course, be absurd,” H. B. 480 — Giving preference to union sol ­ Sub. H B. 300 To create State Highway chard firm of Cutler Bro«., is the in­ If il 2.58— Consenting to the purchase of Commission. diers and sailors on public employment. said the report, “to suggest that con­ «nd canal at Oregon City S B 231— Relating to diking districts. I! B. 422—To provide for state printing ventor of the machine. He is a me­ th« II. I«« B. ks 433 Cr< atlng th«- state board of board. S B. M—Prohibiting sale of liquor outside trol of the bulk of the widely distrib­ incorporated cities and towns. chanical engineer, having graduated Huhntitute If. B 53—To provide fur rota- Hub. H B. 434—Blue Sky law. uted wealth of a great nation can be 8 B. 156— ~ Relating * * * to * turning • over state H. B. Hl — Providing for method of com- fiom the University of Illinois. It is tl4 Fixing commencement of the exchange codes. whose overwork Is rankest folly, she conditions. Assuming this to be the wife desertion, after he had told the term of office of the Governor. 8. B. 133—Increasing number of Justices may make an Impression before the case, the Telegraph says, doubts are judge that he preferred hard labor in 8 B 168 -Amending section 72. TL 24—Requiring goat and kid meat to of Supreme Court. prison cither to returning to Mrs. be 8 labeled. 8. II. 143—Relating to petition for dedica- sveratrain has earned its aure penalty expressed whether the allies will not 8. R. 35—Making Lincoln’s birthday. tlon of road. insist upon Turkey’s making direct at a bad breakdown. Davis or contributing to her support. Washington ’s birthday and Columbus day 8. ■ 187—Repealing section 5366. overtures to them, and whether they Davis was in court a week ago and legal holidays. 8. B. 2( »4—Relating to issuance of spe- Cake Filling. Ro«e- clal certlficates to teachers. 8 B. 115—Providing ------------ * for armory ----------- at *------ will consent to any terms while Adri­ wns given that much time to deter­ burg. 8.____ ____ „ to relnstatement of B. 2«r»— __ Relating Mix three-fourths cup sugar, one anople and Scutari still hold out. corporations. mine which he would prefer—impris­ 8 B. 117—Prohibiting officers. stock­ dissolved “ holders and employes of banks from re­ s. “ B. 224--Relating to duties of school tablespoon flour, on« cup boiling wa­ onment or reconciliation. His liberty ceiving gifts. boards. 8 It 117 Relating to water rights. R. B. 317—Relating to pleading counter- ter. one cup chopped raisins and nuts Calero May Be Aspirant. on a bond of $1090 was offered him. 8 B 1’19-Creating officially the Oregon claim. and cook until it thickens. Roll the Stnte Fair. H. B. 113 Relating to county fruit In- Mexico City—Manuel Calero, ex­ dough very thin and place the filling B. 23? To provide for support of Ash- ■pcctor. Bryan Lectures on "Peace.” ambassador to the United States, who -To determine compensation between two layers. Bake. Normal «teheed H. R 220 __ ___ B 178—Regulating the administering for crosulng land. on the floor of the senate the night of Raleigh N. C.—W. J. Rryan si>oke of anestb«'tirs. H B 361 Tn require correspondence i ____ here Sunday to 8000 persons on s. n. 199—Relating to the duties of a school« to furnl.«h proof. February 2 declared that he had lied II. B 401 Requiring fire drills In schools. Cleaning Copper. of conveyances. to the American government for ten "Peace.” He was a special guest of recorder II. B. -Ill-Making training courses op ~ 8. B. 210—Relating to stock running at Although vinegar may be used tc months in an effort to convince the tlonal with teachers. the North Carolina Peace Conference, large In Marlon County. H. n. 454—To reimburse Ada Weils. clean the outside of copper cooking Washington authorities that condi­ R. B. 131—Fixing salary of Governor’s which was in session in this city. Mr. Secretary. 8 R. 2W2—Providing for execution of utensils, care should be taken tc laws. Bryan and party, accompan1 xl by II. B. 147 1 —To secure Interest on county criminal H. R. 125—To prevent spread of bubonic avoid letting any fall on the tin lin­ tions in Mexico were not serious, will plague. compete with Felix Diaz for the pres­ Josephus Daniels, who, it is reported money. H. B. 4»—To abate disorderly bouses H. R. 191—Appropriation for Oregon So­ ing of the pan. To clean the pan In­ will be secretary of the navy in Pres­ If. Tl. A3— To regulate railroad and hlgh- cial Hygiene Society. idency, if he yields to the persuasion H B. 254 Stock at large 1 In * Sherman side and out. by far the best method of friends. A meeting of Calero's ident Wilson’s cabinet, left for Wash­ way crosslngs. w provide for Inspection of an