LOCAL AND PERSONAL ■»A l » Master Charles Hurd, of Woodmere, is suffering from the grip The L. T. L. are practicing for a pro­ gram to lie given In the near future at Tlie Ben Hur’s will hold their regular ! the Methodist church. meeting neat Monday evening. Entered »a Second CI m » .Mail Matter at Lenta. Oregon, Augnai 26, 1911 Pnbliahed Every Tburaday ai lenta, Ore., by the M t . H cxvtt Ponu.niiru On. H. A. DARNALL, E dito » amp M anaobb . Office Phone: Home 1111. Residence: Tabor 2S13 Mr. and Mrs. C. McClain and fami­ Mrs Dowler, of Elmo Height«, has ly, of Woodstock, visited at the home moved to Bbuuier Ht.. Cadwell Park of Mr, and Mrs W. II. Wood Sunday afternoon, Feb. 9th. The Potato OriapCo. are doing a rush­ ing huaineM shipping to Hillsboro, For­ Mrs. 8. M Foes, visited at the home est Grove, and Seattle. of Mrs M. J. Boland who lives on rtth. avenue and Reach street, Wednesday This Friday evening the young meu's afternoon. literary club will give a deltaic and en­ - tertainment at the Methodist church. S USUAL this session of the Saturday evening for the week's legislature has not escaped work, and unless they have pre­ the free text book crank. in viously drawn and spent their fact there have been several of wages they have plenty to care them. But it is hoped, with as­ M J Camnnx-k and wife of Clemson surance of coming true, that the for all the necessaries of living. Addition, are happy over the arrival ot bills which have been proposed, Finding ourselves unable to sup­ a ten pound girl baby torn Thursday ItilyuH Beans was doin some shoppin will never come to vote. Why ply Mr, Tuttle with necessary morning in iamts last weak and he come pretty textbooks should be furnished spending money we decided to The many friends of our local surgeon near bavin somscountortit money hand­ free to all the children in the dispense with his services about and physician, Dr. Fawcett, will t>e ed him for change. Bilyus had hearn state seems ridiculous beyond the first of November, since pleased to hear he successfully passed about it before He was wise. He says evry man in Lents bites the hard money comparison. Why not supply which date he has had no con­ the medical examination. ho gits or looks at his paper mouey shoes, or conduct free noon day nection with our business except mity carful now since the weather has caffeterias for every child. to turn in some collections which Mies Mildred Brown spent the mid got so cohi. term school vacation with Mrs. F. M. Why say that the shoes wear out he seemed to have forgotten. We Gatos at her country home at Gilbert and would soon have to be re­ think we are even on our ac­ Station. Our highly estemed sitisen, Mr. J. O. A. Winterside has l>een took to the hoe- placed. So do books. In the counts. There are no doubt sev­ country districts the average first eral others who would like to Shiloh Circle Ladies of G. A. R. will pitle this weak. Dr. Bitters said he Unfortunately bold an open meetiug the afternoon of had the appendickseatis, and would year pupil wears out two or three feel the same. hev to hev it opperated for. He leave« books, eats them up, or loses or we are not in a position to attend the 20th, 2 p. tn. All members and a wife and 7 childurn. tears them to pieces. Why to these delinquencies.— ED.— friends of the order are invited. Re­ should the whole people be taxed Later - We find we still have a freshments will be served. Several of the Holler farmers ar layin for a lite complected feller that hot per- for this any more than for shoes. I balance due on collections.— ED. Mr. and Mrs. Dowler, of Elmo Heights taters from them last month and give a There are several reasons why sold their property last week to a party check on the First National bank, Mil- individually owned books are HY does the Journal com­ from Oregon City. Mr. Dowler in­ wauky. They learned a lew days ago preferable. First, the sense of plain that County Assess­ tends to build again as soon as he can that the Mdwauky first National had ownership is developed. That is find a suitable location. not been organised. Such is life with or Reed agrees to save one-fourth out business experience, but they say one of the most important senses of the amount that is available the child has togain. Ordinarily, for the duputy expenses of the Geta chance on the prizes given by they are gittin it. the child’s first books are little assessors office. It appears to us I .ent s Furniture Co. $100 Reward, $100 short of invaluable to it. If this that $33.620 ought to be more The readers of t..K p.ifx r w.Il sense is properly cherished and than enough to keep the work of Royal Neighlior« of America will give plcuard (o l> ,.rn tl t ’i. i < it L nt»a ; dread« «1 «3. • i»«» i IF • L u-a b- . II developed it will lead to pride in the office up even if the official an entertainment and oyster supper aide tn euro 1 i n’l 1 • * -t.it.. 4L U Febuarv 14 at the Grange hall. Enter­ < ’utai rh. 11 . :i t «■ i . < ‘ ’Ì • / 1 its well kept pages, which devel­ head did nothing at all. There tainment free. Oyster supper IS cents. positive curt' r . i ti ( • <4 X 1 • fraternity. < • .i • n « t ■ > I I ops into a habit or trait of char­ is a good part of the time when Come one , come all. .« n 1 ti 2 t discus«', req .ria« mmt IL; fa < . r i < . I t . i i I:;- acter which will endure through the deputies of that office could ternnlly. u t n* « / ». it 1 J < d and mucous» . *i lift’ ' it! ; I ». life. The idea of self support is be reduced. It would not hurt a by ckstmyinir tofu. I < t t >• di caac. and g g t •• p 1 >. • « ’t * by 1 not discouraged in individual bit either if some longer hours builtilnz up t • n I a slatin’ nature in dits v. *’.. T » |»r prlrtor i ownership as it is when the books were required in most of the de­ have an mu ft f th •-» l‘w curative p»w- - era that they o**cr O ■•» Hundred 1» Ilari are loaned or virtually given partments of county work. Get­ for any cane tb-.t I» f Ils t > cure. H nd for list of testimoniala. away by the state. Again if ting around to work at nine or Äd.lrFMa F J < . •• CO . Toledo. Ohio. Hobt by all Prue'*!’’’*. 7 <•. books are to be handled first by nine-thirty is the custom, and Take Hali n Family I'llln f »r roontlpaUon. the children of one family, and half past four or five at most, is Surprise Your Friends then by those of another, how the usual day’s limit Why For four weeks n-gularly use Dr. will the tendency to spread con­ shouldn’t a man working at a King’s New Life Dills. They stimulate tagious or infectious diseases be public desk put in as many hours the liver, improve digestion, remove overcome. Fumigate? We know as though he were working for a blood impurities, pimples and eruptions disappear from your face ami tssly and how that works, not one school private individual or a company. it is yon feel better. Begin at once. in fifty will be prepared, or take Under such conditions there the trouble to attend to the fu­ would be no complaint if full migation. But the real impor­ eight or even ten hours were re­ in tant thing, or the most impor­ quired. But when a fellow is Tillamook Co. tant. is the kind of books that promised to a county job he gets at the head of deep water will be provided if the state is to more for less of time, still less of Agency for varied lot of in­ navigation on Nehalem manufacture them. The experi­ service. stallment property Medium Bay. A new lumber town ence of other states has been bad priced Houses, Lots and Ac­ just beginning to grow. in every instance. Producing erage. Some one Says that Dan Kella- Lots $35 to $85. They text books to order is no better her will be a candidate for mayor are 50x100 and 200 ft. at than writing a first class novel to at the coming city election. Dan $5.00 down and $5.00 per order. Books produced under would make them the best mayor month. Lents, Ore. such conditions are lacking in the the town had. Dan may not al­ F>>r further information re­ vital essentials necessary to in­ ways be right. But you may be garding Wheeler, fill out this structive quality. It takes abili- sure he will be what he is or may Coupon and receive complete and ity and that of the nature of be because he thinks he is right. minute details by mail. genius to produce a good text Then, too, you can generally tell Name. book that will be useful in the something about wherejhe stands, WANTKK hands of all sorts of teachers, or when the interests of the public Address. WANTED:—Tailored suits ami coats even of a good teacher. Cali­ are at stake, particularly. to make. Mrs. 8. Holmes, care of Mrs. fornia tried a state produced D. II. McKinley. STATEMENT books a few years since. Wash­ WANTED— Boys may tie had and of the financial condition ot sometimes girls. The older ones at ington made an attempt at it. ordinary wages and others to lie The books produced in both in­ schooled and cared for in return for slight services rendered. For particu­ stances were failures and have at Lentil, in the State ot Oregon, at the clone of lars address W. T. Gardner, superin­ since been displaced. It takes bunineae February 4, 1913. • 44*« Rh«-r!<>< k Bid* eorlrd and Oak iu. tendent Boys and Girls A id Bocietv of Portland, Or. Phones—Marshall :45R. Oregon. Portland. Ore. tf capital to produce good books, RESOCRCES A Office open until H:sn P. M every Saturday S M.-34Q and competition, and natural Loansand discounts KOH HAI.K Overdraft* 12 io ability, and these cannot be se- Bondsand warrants 11 FOR HALF White leghorn InyiSf cared simply by legislative de­ Furniture and fixtures ... ................ 2.000 00 Sullete, Hill «treat, Second house west of Due from banka (not reaerve mand. lain near Watson station. 2 t. b*nki) t 2, quire of Mt. Hcott Pub Co. Lents. j LUMBER—At our new mill 1^ miles southeast of Kelso. We deliver lumber. Jonsrnd Bros _______ (• | FOR SALE—One fourth acre,cleared, i in Walden Park. Five dollar payment«. Enquire at Mt Hcott Publishing Co's. I office. __ ___ I FOR SALE—Newspapers for wrap­ ping or kindling. Mt. Scott Pub. Co. habit the of adding to it know it is the right thing to do. every You day. If not, why not? Let us do your bookkeeping and relieve you from the work. It is a good plan to know what you spend from month to month and a checking account will tell you to a cent just what you save. No person ever tried transacting all his business thru a bank and re­ If it will save you time it, will also save gretted it. you money. It is up to you and we cordially invite your business. The Multnomah State Bank U. S. POSTAL DEPOSITORY LENTS. OREGON f • g Plumbing’ Full I Ine of Plumbing Supplica, Bath Tuba, »mk. .„d Connections and Repairs — Popular Price»— Good Service Guaranteed Lents Plumbing Co. N. Main St.--Op. Grange Store (ieo. W. Baldwin R W H E THE MULTNOMAH STATE BANK The Road To Success Lents, Ore. H. E. Lemon» Wilson Itcneflel F. S. Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral Directors 414 I .at Alder St., on l.aat 6th St. Auto Service Lady Aaaiatant Prompt, Efficient and Courteoua'Treatment Moderate Price» iUat 32 B-2S25 Portland, Oregon Remember the Name -BOHNA WHEN YOU WANT LIGHT GROCERIES, BAKING GOODS. CONFECTIONERY. CI­ GARS, FRUITS, VEGETABLES. ETC. Ice Cream, Sodas and Soft Drinks at Our Fountain INSURE NOW In Oregon’s Most Reliable Association Oregon Fire Relief, Oregon Merchants Mutual Fire, American Life and Accident In­ surance of Portland PROTECTION AND BENEFITS MODERATE RATES John Brown, Gresham, Ore. Copeland Lumber Co. Successors to Wilberg Lumber Co. Dealers in all kinds of Lum­ ber, Sash, Doors, Lath, Shingles and Builders’ H’dw. Mikado Roofing L nts *. *. Oreynn Subscribe For The Herald.