INFERTILE EGGS KEEP BEST Larga Part of Lou Can Be Obviated. According to Investigation Just Completed. ^SERIAL^ STORY J A large part of the heavy loas from bad eggs can bo obviated by the pro­ duction of infertile eggs. This has SMp K rw VEAL. POM, FOULTRY. HIDES been demonstrated bejoud a doubt by OH»XV BY KFTl K\ the investigations concerning the I tn will '•»••i for provement of the farm egg which dur­ t nimio dünn« •vr N»*rti>*»»4 ing the past two years ha.e been con­ I l'tiltr? 1 H*. tell jour neidi ducted In the middle west by the bu­ reau of animal industry of the depart­ F. H. SCHMALZ a CU ment of agricultura rut* c«*, tu «M I4i-i«i h — a. rorru» ott Mention Ihl» l'lx'r nrllin« Secretary Wilson of the department of agriculture estimates that, between AGENTS WANTED the producer and the consumer, there OToryv hv-rr Send Sbc fa» »un¡'k» und two Hw is an annual loss of $46,000.000 tn the pratMwutK'nH by return mail. lXm't wa»te % aiuahh' ttew rettine Rtarted Show murpWw •eors of other remarkable "schemes in dirt.” Writs for proej-ectus. ROBERT H. CLARK. serious deterioration than will a for 140U East Irving SL. Portland, Oregon. tile egg. The secretary says that if farmers | and others engaged In the production of eggs would market their male birds ..1 • ;~ ===== Pea! direct with tnanufac- • as soon as the hatching season is j -. 1urer. We pay the hi^hes ’ over, a large saving would be made, ! I rices for Raw Furs. Write (Continued.) for free price äst axai shaping I as practically every infertile egg I was just about to unnounce my­ taff». would grade a first or second if clean self, when one of the men knocked N. M. INCAR CD.. FURRIERS and promptly marketed. over a brass candlestick which stood 191 Sraff $ m TOBTLCiD. ULL No more simple or efficient method on the desk, so that It rolled to the for the improvement of the egg sup­ further side. With a grunt of annoy­ ply of the country could be adopted ance. be stepped leisurely round and than the production of infertile ease dropped on his knees to recover It. Once out of sight of his companions, Li juid blue is • weuk solution. Avoid it. Bujr HOLTON and EV ESCH EK Red Croe» Ball Blue, the blue that's all blue. Aak however, he whipped out a square of band instrumenta. The most complete stock > ouj grocer. wax from his pocket, and with extra­ of Musicai Merchandise in the Northwest. Write for Cata.e^ues. ordinary rapidity took an impression The Rothschilds. SEIBER1.1NG-LVCAS MT SIC CO. from a key that he had kept con­ What chiefly struck one at the fu ­ ¡M Second Street Portland. Oreron neral of the late Baron Gustave de cealed in his hand It was all over In — Rothschild was the great multiplicity five seconds, and from the shelter the of relatives descended from his fath­ desk gave to him. no one but myself er. the first Baron James, the shrewd­ could have been the wiser. He rose, est and most funnily humorous mem­ replaced the candlestick, and con­ Also I and F’aster. Lime. Cement. Wall Plas­ ber of the Paris branch of the Roths­ tinued his work ter and Shir jræa. Write for prices. Whether the fellow had played his childs. that he founded. Among these NOTTI? GHAM & CO. descendants were a son. grandsons, ' companion a trick or not. I bad no I OX Front Stmt. PORTLAND. OR. and great- and great-great-grandsons— desire to be raught acting the spy \________ -_______ _______ > Rothschilds, Lamberts. Leonlnos, Eph- ’ So, pulling the curtains aside. I walked russis. Sterns, Sassoons. Gubbays. ' into the room. They all turned quick­ ÆP YOUR VEAL HCGS, POULTRY and EGGS They represented not only the prlt.ei ly upon me. the black bearded man pie of blood relationship, but the C-' staring hard as if attempting to re­ nance of Paris. Brussels. Genoa. Milan, I call my face. But Peace was the first Odessa, Bombay and Calcutta. Among ' to speak. “Good afternoon. Mr Phillips.” he the numerous multi-millionaires de­ 2D3i WutattM St.. PcrW Crete*. scended from the first Baron James said, as if I were a visitor he had ex­ dnd get top market prices and money by return "You are just in time to drive mail. «Market rep rts. shipping tags. etc., sent on there was one who devoted himself to pected «•quest. References: Lumbermen's Nat’I Bank. medical science, dramatic literature me back. Have you a cab waiting?" and the collection of autographs of "No." I hesitated. great writers—Baron Henri, only sot "It's of no consequence We can of the second Baron James. find another at the top of the street. And now. Mr. Nlcolln,” he continued, Salt Roasted Pumpkin Seeds. turning to the big man. who had never In some of the rural districts of taken hl3 eyes off me. "are you quite Macedonia the peasantry consume satisfied, or do you wish your men to large quantities of pumpkin seeds, make a further search?" salted and roasted brown The taste "No. Mr Insbector." he answered of this "nut.” like the taste of caviar, with a heavy foreign accent, “we is an acquired vice and some persons are quite content. Noding more is never succeed in acquiring IL—New necessary.” York Press. "Shall you be wanting to come again?” In the Same Boat. "No—for us it ts sufficient. It Is Belle and Ben had just announced their engagement. "When we are for you to continue. Mr. Insbector. married," said Belle, "I shall expect You tink you will catch these men you to shave every morning. It's who kill him. heln?" "We shall try." said Peace, with a one of the rules of the club I belong to that none of its members shall modest droop of the eyes. “Ach—but where can there be cer­ marry a man who won't shave every HIGH-GRADE. FIFTY-HQRSE- morning?" "Oh. that's all right." re­ tainty-In our lives? Come now, my POWER TOURING C AR. in first plied Ben; "but what about the morn­ children, let us be going. Alexandre, class condition, thoroughly over­ ings I don't get home in time? I be­ you have the door-key of the studio; hauled, newlv-painted. up-to-date long to a club, too."—Lippincott's give him to the Inspector here.” straight-line body with extra tires So It was the door-key, thought I. Magazine.________________ carried in r ar, center control, of which Mr. Alexandre obtained a all levers inside, equipped with top, side curtains and top cover, Pettits Eve Salve memento behind the roller-top desk! folding ra n-vision wind shield, Peace gave a polite good-bye to his speedometer, clock, e'ectric dash companions on the step, locked up the then He Thought Again. light, large gas headlights with Tie young man was fighting out little green door, and then started large-size Presto tank, combina­ ways and means "They say two can : down the street at my side. tion oil and electric side and tail "I had no business to come poking live as cheaply as one." "Do not de- lights, demountable rims with tw’o extra rims, two extra tires, Vide yourself. Ferdinand,” said the my nose Into your affairs." I said. four extra tubes, set of tools in­ /irl. "For one thing. I shall positive­ "Anything you say I shall thoroughly cluding jack. This car is suit­ deserve.” ly have to have a separate car.” able for stage, livery or private "Don’t apologize,” he smiled. "I use. Cost one year ago, $3150.00. was pleased to see you." Amazing. Will sell for $1500.00 cash; no "And why?” The scientists tell us. as the result trades. Address, “You can do better things than re­ of study of a paleolithic skull, that P. O. BOX 1171, primitive man was able to think be- ; main a wealthy dilettante, Mr. Phil­ fore he was able to speak. How times lips. You are too broad in the shoul­ Portland, Oregon ders, too clear in the head, for living have changed.—New York Tribune. in the world that ts dead. Such little Incidents as these—they drag you out of the shell you are building about Why We Can See 3moke. you. That Is why I was pleased to Smoke is not composed of gases see you. I have spoken plainly—are •nly. but of solid, or perhaps partly you offended?” liquid particles, which are mixed with Have you a live, up-to-date, honest commission i "Oh, no.” I said, waving my stick the gases and carried along by them. firm with facilities for handling: your Roods prop- } to a passing hansom, though I did or have you a man in a two-by-four office • It Is these particles of matter that are erly, with no facilities for taking care of your roods j not refer again to the topic which I visible to the eye, and not the gases when market conditions are weak? foresaw was likely to become person themselves.—St. Nicholas. GET IN TOUCH WITH US ally offensive to ms. He sat back in his corner of the cab. New Composing Job. We shall be pleased to send you references from ' Binks (to Smith, the great com­ shippers al! over the country. They are the best filling his pipe with dextrous fingers, while I watched him out of the cor­ poser)—"So you've given up writing evidence we can furnish you that ner of my eye. When It was well eratorlo and grand opera. What do alight, he began again on a new sub­ you do now?" Smith—"I compos* ARE THE KIND THAT SATISFY. ject. new tunes for motor horns.” We want Veal. Hog», Chirkens, Sqaabs. Turkeys, ' "London's a queer place,” he said, Purks, Ejtits, Mutton. Goats, Bulls, Cows, Staffs, 1 Word for the Dog. “though perhaps you have not had the “Society women criticised for fon­ Jack Rabbits, Spuds, Hides, Chittim Bark, Furs. ' There are for We guarantee you the highest market price, and time to find It out. dling dogs.” said a newspaper head­ charge you five cents on the dollar for handling elgn colonies, with their own religions line, and the New York World com­ your goods. and clubs and politics, working their ments: "It is not just to criticise a "We Mail Check Every Monday.” way through life Just as if they were I woman for enjoying the society of in Odessa or Hamburg or Milan ¡ her dog until you have seen her bus­ There are refugees—Heaven knows band." how many, for we do not—that have fled before all the despotisms that suc­ ceeded and all the revolutions that failed from Slam to the Argentine Tolstoi fanatics, dishonest presidents, ' The North Pacific College was estab­ anarchists, royalists, Armenians, j lished in 1898. It has departments of Turks, Carlists, and the dwellers In Dentistry and Pharmacy. No school in Mesopotamia a finer collection than America has better facilities forth« train­ even America itself can show. On ing of young men and women for success­ ful professional careers. The annual ses­ the Continent—well, we should be run sion begins October First. An illustrated nlng them in. and they would be catalog of information will be forwarded throwing bombs. But here no one troubles them so long as they pay upon application to rent and taxes, and keep their hands out of each other's pockets or from each other's throats. They under stand us, too, and stop playing at as­ East Sixth aad 4>re$03 St*., Portland, Orc sassins and conspirators But once Chronicles sf Addington Peace Machinery -»«• -, $450 PROFIT THE STORY OF AMAROFF THE POLE HUNTERS! TRAPPERS! BANDMEN: 5^^ LIME FERTILIZER1 VOGEL PRODUCE CO. AUTOMOBILE BARGAIN How Are You? --- PORTLAND. In a while habit ts too strong for them, and something happens” "As It hapi*en<*d to Atnaroff?" “Yes as It happened to Atnaroff “ "It was a political crime?" "Yes." "And the reasons?" "They have the advantage of alm pllclty. Atnaroff was a member of the Russian secret-service, detailed to mix with and observo the Nihilist refugees. The Ciar enters Paris in two days, and wheu the Ciar travels the political police of all the capitals are kept on the run. 1 suppose Atnaroff showed an excess of seal that made hla absence from laindoii desirable. Anyway, ho was found dead, and the Russians reasonably conclude It Is the Nihilists who killed him." "Who were those men in the ; studio?" "The big fellow was Nlcolln, the j head of the Russian service over here i I don't know a better man in bls pro- i Cession nor one with fewer scruples. f lhe other two were assistants. They ' came down to the Yard this morning with a request that they might search the studio for certain private patters which Atnaroff had and which belong­ ed to them So we fixed the appoint­ ment Into which you have just walk­ ed." "And they finished their search?" "You heard them say so." "Exactly; but why. then, did they want an Impression of the studio key?” lie turned upon me with a sudden impatience in his eyes "What do you mean?” he asked. I told him of my arrival, and what I had seen from my post behind the curtains of the doorway He did not speak when I had finished, but saL puffing at his short pipe, and staring out over the horse's ears. So we ar­ rived at our door. "If you have further news tonight will you call tn before going to bed?" 1 asked him as we stood on the pave­ ment. "I cannot promise you that. I have some Important inquiries to make In the East End this evening, and 1 do not know when I shall return ” I suppose I looked depressed at his answer; Indeed the prospect of a lonely evening In my rooms with such a mystery In course of solution out , side, seemed oddly distasteful to me "It Is a rough district, as you know." i he said, watching me; "but would you care to come along?” "There Is nothing I should like bet­ ter," I answered simply "Well It's against the regulations; , but they allow me some license. Be ready at nine, and I will call for you 1 Wear old clothes, a cap and a scarf round your neck to hide your collar Is that understood?" , "Yea.” I said, and so It was settled between us. We were punctual In our meeting, and trotted eastward over the roads we had covered on the previous day When we stopped It was at a narrow rift in a wall of mean dwellings We dismissed the cab and threaded our way down the alley, which opened out upon a miserable square The houses that surrounded It had once been of some pretension In a simpler age merchants had doubtless lived there, men who owned the tall ships that had lain In the river near by. But now the porticos had crumbled, the Iron railings had bent and rusted, the plas­ ter had fallen In speckled patches from the walls in the center a few ancient trees still dragged on a dis­ consolate existence. It was a silent place where wheeled traffic >never came. And when, through an upper window, a woman suddenly poured forth shrill abuse upon a drunken man clinging to the railings, each oath rang loudly In the furtive slleuco As we paused at the mouth of the alley, a tall man. with a drooping yel­ low moustache, brushed by us; and when we turned Into a beer house at the corner he followed us, standing a little apart in an angle of the bar. There were half a dozen men and women—of the life wreckage of the great city—sitting on the benches; but before the inspector was served with the drinks he ordered, they had whis­ pered one to another and melted away. As the last one slunk through the door. Peace beckoned to the tall man. who joined us. "Well. Jackson," ho said, "you can’t hide your light under a bushel In Stepney, that's certain." "I'm afraid not, sir,” he grinned. "Leastways not in Malden Square." "Well, have you found the place? Oh, that Is all right," for the man had glanced at me with a brief suspicion. “This is Mr. Phillips, who has been of much service to me In our little affair; let me Introduce you to Ser­ jeant Jackson, Mr. Phillips." I shook bands with the serjeant. fART’« who said that he would take a glass of beer "And the place?" asked Peace, when we had seated ourselves on a corner bunch out of earshot of the man be­ hind the bar a bottle nosed ruffian, who watched us furtively as he rlused the dirty glasses "That's the address, sir," said the serjeant, handing hla superior a crum­ pled sheet of paper. "A club. Is It?" he said, glancing up In him quick, bird like way "And what sort of a dub?" "Foreign, air. They call themselves social democrats, but our special branch men tell me that a full half of the crowd are anarchists, and such MOLE WORKS DURING WINTER rata as that. I think It must be so. for Nlcolln and hla Russians have had Little Animal Keeps Duty Where Ground Is Not Froxsn Too Hard— the place under dose observation for His Strength Is Marvelous. weeks. And you know what that means, sir " (By T. H. m'HKFFKR.) "Yea. I know what that means" The molo, like tho pocket gopher, "Atnaroff was not a member, but used to drop In there from time to. is more or lose active nt nil noanona II” ».<« very thick with the, of tho your, but It la during tho rainy man who runs the place, Greatman, j period, when tho noil la motel, that ns he calls himself They toll me that : hla work la pushed moat vigorously. Greattnnn eat an a model for some Hhalkiw runwnyn are then rapidly ex­ statue ho wan doing, back In July It tended in all directions and old run- must have been a funny sort of statue, waya repaired. When n molo makes up Ita mind for Greatman's a weedy little Polo, to go In a certain direction, nothing and drinks like a fish." but coucrvto or atone will stop him. For some time the Inspector sat In { silence, drawing circles on tbo floor I with the point of the light cane he carried The bartender dropped a [ glaae, swore, and then, with a stare I at us. retreated Into a little cage he had at the back of his domain lioubt- less the presence of detectives was no Incentive to trade In the bars of Mal­ den Square Hand, Foot and Noss of Common Mois. "This Groatman whnt more do you know of him?" Tbo atrength of these little animals in "We have had nothing against him marvoloua. They will heavy up the before; but all the same, It's his prl- J surface of a path trodden no hard vate room that has the sanded floor." 1 that repeated blown of a pick will be The Inspector's prophecy of the pre­ needed to break tho crust. vious night came back to me with a 1 Ordinarily the molo makes his way sudden remembrance: "Amaroff was through tho noil aa a root doea, or a murdered In a room with a sanded stake when driven by tho blows of a floor, probably at no great distance ■ledge. The earth is not excavated, from I onian street, seeing that they but simply crowded aside. Wbun tho carried him there In a coater's bar­ ground becomes very hard, of course, row .” I began to understand the n>or- ■ tbo mole la obliged to excavate tho bld algnlflcnnce of the private room passageways and push the loose dirt In thia little foreign rlub out through the openings of tho roof We were drawing nearer to our' of hla tunnel. game; the scent was growing strong ! Tho molo keeps at work all through er Addington Peace leant n little for- | tho winter in plucea where tho ground ward, with a twist In hla jaw that in not frozen too hurd. He works raised a ripple of muscles under the more fr<-qucntly lu tho morning and skin. evening. "Continue. If you please." he^sald Moina do very little harm to the "The room la nt the rear of the club, roots of gruln, grasses or vegetables, and there Is a back staircase to a yard except in pushing tho noil aaldo, and behind, where coaters store their bar- [ they live principally on tho whlto rows when not In use It fit« in with grub, earth worms and beetles. Ho thus proves himself to bo a what you told us to Inquire for. don't friend to mankind, because grubs are It. sir?" tho greatest acourg- n of grass and "Yes " The Ini’pector's stick recommenced other valuable plant roots. Its interlacing circles on the floor; I and we rat and watched, as If thereby , VALUE OF THE DRILL SYSTEM he were disentangling his sordid story. Sr> still were we all that the bartondor ' poked his luminous nose from his cage Question Most Frequent In Discus­ sions on Wheat Raising Is An­ In the hope that we had gone He swered by Many Farmers. withdrew It with remarks on the po­ lice force which were distinctly audi­ (Dy 1- C. BURNETT.) ble. and opposed to the complimentary. Tho value of tho drill 1s tho ques­ Suddenly the lns(>octor turned to me tion most frequent in discussions on with a motion of half apology, as If wheat raising. The results of four at the neglect of a guest. "There are times. Mr. Phillips,” he years' tests In Iowa ar>- found to be snld. "when evidence runs In absurd 4.2 bushels of winter wheat gain per contradictions. Observe the present aero when the grain was drilled, over rase. In which you are so good as to that which was broadcasted. Thia, Interest yourself We have it from the figured at 70 cents per bushel, tho average prlco of wheat for tho time Russian police that Amaroff Is their man. and that In their opinion—they covered by tho experiment, shows a being well qualified to Judge he was balance of $2 95 per aero in favor of murdered by Nihilists We now learn drilling. The opinion of farmers In all parts that he was apparently on Intimate terms with Nihilists, and we have of the country seems to bo nbout tho good reason to believe Unit he was name, when It comes to the valuo of strangled In one of their clubs What t!i<> drill. Edward Lefot of Minnesota says: do you gather from that?" "Five pecks per ncre la the usual "They discovered hla treachery, and quantity sown when the wheat is took an excusable revenge." said I. "A sound conclusion. And now let drilled, and alx peeks broadcast. Ex­ us suppose that Amaroff was not a po­ periments seem to indicate that a larger quantity of seed doos not In­ lice spy at all; b<‘lng. In fact, a dan­ crease tho yield. I prefer drilling to gerous Nihilist What then?" "Why set yourself such n puzzle?” "Not for amusement,” ho said, with his quiet smile. "And now I propose a little exixTlment. You must Intro­ duce us to thia club. Jackson; the door keeper will know you. and pnss us In. Afterwards you will go to the back entrance in the yard you spoke of. azid wait. It should be oaay to conceal yourself.” "Yes, Blr. Am I to stop Greatman If he comes out?” “No. Stop nobody. We had better be going ” The square lay desolate and lonely In the bleak moonlight. We crossed It, and stopped at a house In the shadows of the farther side. At our knock a slide flew back, and. In the gush of light, a hairy face examined us curiously. “Vat la et?" he said. 21Î 10 iS s'/ 10 (CHRONICI. es TO BE CONTINUED.) OUR METHODS AND RESULTS RICE & CO., Portland, Or. North Pacific College of Dentistry and Pharmacy Registrar, North Pacific College a ... Drilled. Broadcast. Showing Loss of Bushels Occasioned by Broadcast Seeding. ICES A UNIVERSAL DELICACY People of the 8outh of Italy Remark­ able for Their Fondneee for This Simple RefrsshmenL If you wish to realize what devotion to ices means you should go to Paler­ mo. All over the south of Italy Ices are eaten to an extent of which we do not dream, but In Sicily and Palermo In particular the custom has attained amazing proportions. Ices are eaten by people of all ranks and ages from morning to night. Where a true Briton would demand a glass of beer the Palermlan asks for an Ice. Morning, noon and night the consumption of Ice goes on. They are In wonderful variety and cheap. Ths stranger in that beautiful coun- try finds the cafes Invaded between 4 and 5 o'clock by Ice eaters, lie sees officers and men of tho army, mer­ chants and work people, the rich and the poor of both sexes consuming Ices with guoto No one evades this pleas­ ant duty. Lines of carriages draw up at the side of the pavement before the cafes, the occupants, the coachman and the footman all with their favor­ ite delicacy. At first thstranger wonders, then he falls a victim.—Lon­ don Chronicle. Mary Broken Up. Mary dropped her eyes on the floor as Henry burst Into the room. Her face lengthened rapidly, and she final­ ly pierced him with a glance. As his laugh rose and fell, she dropped her aw and her voice broke.— Judge. broadcasting, mainly because it places tho seed where each kernel will ger­ minate at once and thero I h absolute­ ly no waste of seed." A Pennsylvania farmer says: "Drill­ ing proves best here.” In Virginia, 30 bushels per acre has been and is being harvested each year from broadcasted seed. In Kentucky drilling is said to have given far better results than broad­ casting. A Missouri farmer writes: "I pre­ fer the drill, as It distributes the seed more uniformly.” From North Carolina a farmer writes: "If tho seed Is evenly dis­ tributed we think broadcasting best tn the south, as It keeps down all other vegetation.”