Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, February 06, 1913, Image 5

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350 to $2000
Portland Residence Property
------ fc
$750 and Up
Mr. ami Mrs. W. II. Hamilton, of
Motitavilla visited his parents, W. II.
Hamilton Hr., a couple of days last
Farm Land in Oregon and week,
WaHhington Impr ved or un­
The telephone line ■« again in opera­
improved to suit purchaaer. tion after a silence of two weeks.
The Baptist minister. Rev. W. R
You will do well to list your llowett, who II«« been holding «».vil-ee
property with uh for sale or at Cotliell and Orient, called on several
of the neighbors here last week.
Mrs Emma Millsled, of Oregon City,
visited ber parents, Mr. ami Mr«. A. C.
Wihlton several days last week.
Mr. Ed. Sealer had the misfortune to
. lose one of bls beat mwi last Hunday
morning of bloat from eating too mu< h
202 i I mii ■ i11<>t. Bhlg
Portland. On*.
Phone« A 4011
Marshall 4623
Mr. and Mr«, lxruis Miller, ami Mr.
and Mrs Harris Hamilton, spent a
'pleasant evening at the home of Mr
ami Mrs. Ralph Neibauer last Friday
Mrs. Fay visited her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. J. Hoeaner, near Troutdale,
several days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Msrksll, of
Storage Company
Pleasenl Home, visited st tbs home of
Make« all points between Portland j Mr. and Mr«. G. I.iiRtmi last Hunday.
and Lenta on Mt. Scott Line.
Bright Realty Co.
Rose City Van
Freight. Expreaa, Baggage and all
kind« of Tranafer Work.
tt-------------------------------- «
Footer Road
thebuilding season
& bundy
Dunning & McEntee
Punirai Directors
Heventh and Ankeny Streets
L. H. Carter & Son
Contractor« and Builder«
Manufacturer« of Window Casing«, Herren '
Door« and Window«. Moldlti««. Column«, Pan­
el«, Ornaments. Etc Custom I’lalnlnx and
Hand Hawing owner« lent» Plaining Mill«
and Wood Working Factory.
t.tati, Orrron
General Blacksmithing
Repair ami Wagon Work
East Foster Road, Lents, Ore.
W. F. K lineman
C. E. Kennedy
2nd Ave., Lenta
Ktinttdy « Kllntim
Real Estate and Rentals, Notary
Public Work
Office Phone T. 2012
Main St. and Carline, I-ents, Oregon
WANTED:—Tailored suits and coats
to make, Mrs. 8. Holmes, care of Mr».
D. ¿1. McKinley.
WANTED—Boys mav be had and
sometimes girls. The older ones at
ordinary wage« and other» to be
•chooled and cared for in return for
slight service» rendered. For particu­
lar» ad * I re»» W. T. Gardner, superin­
tendent Bov» ami Girl» Aid Society of
Oregon. Portland. Ore.
FOR TRADE—A quantity of furni­
ture and light rig for chickens, a calf or
cow. Mrs. P. J. Campbell Mayfield ad­
dition. near Mt. Scott greenhouse
Phone, Home 412.
3 t
FOR HALE—A complete air pressure
pumping ontñt for water well at a bar
gain hy H. D. Hmalley at Woodmere on
Mt. Scott car line.
3 t
FOR HALE—10 months old buff leg­
horn cockerels. Brothers of prize win­
ners. $1.50 each
Egg« (or hatching. 65
Ave. 8. E ami Rayburn Ave. Tabor
3426. Chas. Griswold.
4 t
Hours at l^*nta 8 to 10 a. m.
C. €. morland, Dentist
First House Fast of Grange Store
Phone—Home 5811
Tuesday evening with a party. Many
guessing games were played and prizes
were won by Mrs E. W. Aylsworth
Mrs. A. Hevel, W. R. Kern, and C. J.
Lundquist. Home of the beautiful pres
ents received were s cut glass sugar
bowl and creamer and a silver cresm
spoon, a silver cake Iwsket ami knife,
an embroidered doilv and lunch cloth.
There was about forty guests present.
The hostess was assisted in serving a
twocourse lunch by the Misses lsal>el
Metzger and Helen Hoss. The guests
departed at a late hour after expresssng
tTiemselves as having had a moat de­
lightful evening.
Mrs Emil Kardell will entertain with
Jenkins anil Mrs. Darnall.
A number of Lents school ma’ms an­
ticipate a visit to Salem the last of the
week in the interest of the legislation
now pending in their behalf.
Comunion services were held last
Hunday at the Methodist church., .The
church was Ailed to its full seating ca­
pacity. There were ISO to take com­
Mr. and Mrs. Cosper Koneig, who
live on Fifth Ave. and Beach street,
entertained a number of friends from
Portlsnd at supper Hunday evening and
a jolly good time was bad by all.
a Ave hundred party tonight in honor
of Mrs. W. J. Hollenbeck, who is here
visiting tier parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.
D. Kern.TUB
j'Among those assisting at 8hattuck's
store during the sale this week are Roy
Kern, D. M. Roberts, Johann Haldor-
sen, Kenneth Roberts, and Everett
Mrs. W. J. Hollenbeck and children,
will leave next Saturday for ber home
in Heyburn, Idaho.
Miss Marie ljrne entertained a num­
ber of her friends at the home of Mrs.
W. R. Kern Wednesday evening with a
party the occasion being her sixteenth
H. G. Mullenhoff and family, of
Pleasant Home, visited friends in
Gresham last Sunday.
Mrs. Florence Wihloa, of Portland,
was a Gresham caller Monday.
Miss Irene Knapp, of Corbett, visited
friends in Gresham last Saturday.
It is rumorrd that the Mt. Hood line
will lie run by electricity within thirty
Mrs. Gregg, of Corbett, is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Ella Hornisb.
Lloyd Tegart visited friends in Eugene
last week.
Mis. Robt. Lansdowne, of Cottrell, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. F.d. Rusher.
Mrs. Bradtield is suffering from an
attack ot the grip.
Mrs. 0. J. Tramblay, and children,
have returned from a week's visit with
friends in Vancouver, Washington.
Miss Grace Lawrence visited friends
in Portland over Hunday.
The Misses Maudeand Maybell Burch
spent the week-end at the home of their
brother in Portland.
Miss Lucille Johnson, of Portland, is
the guest of Miss Alice Roberts.
The Misses Eagan and Spooner, of
Portland, visited Miss El zaheth Shoe­
maker last Sunday.
The Lents Furniture Co. will give away absolutely Free,
one piece of Good Furniture each week during the month
of February.
One chance to be given’with every 25c spent
in our store.
Remember this is no drawn-out contest as the prize will
be awarded to the holder of the lucky number every Monday
During the contest we will maintain the same low prices
that have always prevailed in our store and that have proved
a saving from 15 to 40 per cent to the wise furniture buyers
of Lents.
This is an opportunity that no one in need of furniture
should miss. See our windows for this week’s prize.
Lents Furniture Company
N. Main St.
Phone Tabor 1361
Theckla Bright Co.
"She Sell» Her Own Property”
F^cr-Room Plastered House, Lot 50x100, Fenced,
Woodshed, Chicken H> use—$230.00 cash—bal
ance terms.
Four-Room Plastered House, Lot 40x100, cloee to
car. $50 00 down, balance terms. Rents for
$8.00 per month.
Theckla Bright Co.
Lents, Ore.
Home Phone, Lents 2111
Tabor 4249
Office on Foster Road 1 Block from Poat Office
In Oregon’s Most Reliable Association
Oregon Fire Relief, Oregon Merchants Mutual
Fire, American Life and Accident In­
surance of Portland
John Brown, Gresham, Ore.
The heaviest expense at this
season, unless carefully se­
lected and wisely bought
We Meet
Both Conditions
Kemmerer Coal
per ton . .
Coal Valley
Coal per ton .
$ 7.50
Good Wood at Lowest Prices
A Ton of Coal or
A Load of Wood?
FOR SALE—Good Fresh Cows, Jer­
sey and Durham. A. Hess, one fourth
mile east of Lents.
Lent«, Oregon
Residence 200, Hth Ave., Cor. Main St.
FOR SALE:—Three good adjacent
Resilience Phone Talior 2587
lota in Arden Park
Level, in cultiva­
tion. Bargain for home location.
City Office 71* Ifektim Bldg., Cor quire of Mt. Hcott Pub Co. Lents.*
3rd and Washington Sts.
LUMBER—At our new mill 1'4 miler
City Office Phone Main 5i*>5
southeast of Kelso. We deliver luinher.
Jonsrud Bros
rnr$. losk Warden
Mrs. F M. Campbell is very ill with
ItiHamatory rheumatism.
Camp Five to the big tunriel, is done
and the osinnnl work has all been com­
Mr. C. Lindburg w-nt to Astoria last
Over $2,UOU,oOO has been ex­ week.
pended on I hie gigantic operation. This
has furnished Iota of work for a great
J. D. Ifenberger is constructing two
many people ami under the present
management very little complaint has new houses in Liberty Heights.
l*een heard
Mr. ami Mrs. Harland Cone visited at
The Multnomah A Central R R , no­
cording to a late i«*>ue ol the Journal at th** home of Mr. and Mrs. J. If. Cone
Portland, has placed » mortage of $200 • I last week.
• NJO with the Portland Trust Co.
looks like business as they now have ttie*
The Rosier Home being built on
money to go to work. They have only i North Mein Htreet is ready for incloe-
six miles of the right of way wholly I tire
secured from Cottrell to Handy although
the larger part lias been secured all the
Mr. E. J. Curtis, of Lents, went to
way to Welcfiea. It is thought by some Raymond. Washington, last Wednes­
that this 1« s branch of the Chicago, day.
Milwaukee A Ht. Paul R. R. and they
are seeking this way to get into Port
P. A. Lepzig of the P. R. L. A. P. Co.
is in charge of the station at Lenta Junc­
Harvard college has now endowed
tion during Mr. Campbell’s illness.
a chair for the investigation of psychic
phenomena. This Indicates progress
Miss Minnie Royer, of Firland, visit­
and the Oregonian in a recent isaue
friends in I^nts last Wednesday af­
comments in a very fair minded and
able manner on this step.
Intelligent ternoon, January 29th.
people ar« pretty nearly done with the
Mice Marguerite Boland and Miss
warring and janglingaecretarians who A 1
the air with their din about what they Alta Wood visited Miss Hagorsky’s and
believe. Let us hear something now Miss Everet's rooms of the I^nts school
that they know.
The hrighest mind last Wednesday afternoon.
the orthodox church baa produced in
fifty years—Prof Henry Drummond—
Miss Dorothy Waugh entertained at
says ‘•the position occupied by the luncheon on Tuesday at her apartment
Orthodox church is not impregnable.” at Welbsly court Misses Sansum and
We have about eighteen inches of
snow at Welches.
Walter Creighton lost one of his valu­
lent« Phone« .... Tabor 1424
Home B 6111
-------------------------------------------- ■
able mares last week. The mare wa»
"'■aggrd In the throat on a broken man­
t----------------------------------- «
F. W. Tussy, Manager ger at Rowe several weeks ago.
Mr. Gregg ami family expect to move
The new Mt. Hood hotel at Arrah
Ask for Root City Van
Wannaii Park fell down almut ten day« to Eas'ern Washington next week.
Mrs Lucy Kincaid entertained Ham
ago on account of the heavy weight of
Hnllt ami family and Mr. and Mrs. N.
snow on the root.
Mr. E. Coleman returned to («over- P. Gleason Hunday.
There was a good attendance at
inent Camp after a week end visit in
Grange, Saturday. February 1st An
Mr. E. Franzetti, of Rhododendron . excellent dinner was served by the
ladies and everyone seemed to enjoy a
lias gone to Portland lor a visit.
Donald Bodley is visiting at Welches good social time. There was initiation
Call and get our prices on
in the first and second degree« and a
tor a few day«
Billy Welch and Price Jones are haul­ name recommended for membership.
brick, cement, piaster, lime,
The director» will give a dance Batur-
ing bark for their fireplace*.
sand and gravel. We can
Ben Totten ha» gone to Kandy to visit day evening, February 15th.
Mary Sbybrock wa the guest of Ruby
save you money. Our de­
with Arlie Mitchell tor awhile.
Rasmussen Hunday.
livery is prompt and our
Mr. Ackertnan and family are moving
Welch'« place.
goods are the best.
Home of the little people of Welches to Newberg this week.
sre learning to akii also, ljttle Veluia
Mrs. Lee Evans enjoyed a visit with
We carry a full line of hay,
Murton, I.utie Welch. Felix Crutcher, her mother and sister, Mrs. Brunk and
grain and feed.
Let us
Leonard Murphy, and Billy Faubion j Mrs. Rogers Bergfeldt, of Troutdale,
last week.
show you how to save a
each have a pair of skill.
Mr. and Mrs. Hprague were guests at
dollar by buying right.
! the Lewis Reed borne Sunday.
Mrs. Lota Benfield returned Thurs-
i day from a trip to the Hound, where
she has been visiting relatives.
February days are here.
Roth Phone«, Tabor 96 m , L*eal 3112
Will Crows ton, a former resident of
The entertainment at the church last this neighborhood but now a resident
I block east of Postoffice, Lents
Saturday night was not largly attended of British Columbia, is visiting relatives
on account of the bail road» but tho«e and friends here.
present api>eared to lie well pleased.
Mrs. M. K. Reel, who has been in
The entertainment will lie repeated la­ Portland since Tuesday being treat***!
ter on when the roa*'» get better.
for everitis, is much improved but there
Jelin Vanderhoof. of Marmot, whs is yet some intismation in the left eye.
taken through here Sunday by a game
W. R. Knight was in Portland Tues
warden for some infracti n of the game day.
Floyd Reed wa« at Warrendale Mon­
The hatchery at Salmon has l*egun day looking after a launch he has un­
operations this week. It is hardly like­ der course **f construction at th at place.
HA. M. t<> A P. M., II* raid Office, la*nta ly that many Ash will I m * able to get
Mrs. A. Woodward is on the sick list.
fi P. M. to 9 P. M., Residen«*, Gresham past the dam at Camp Six. A Bali
ladder is required to l*e placed there
but they are not very satisfactory.
J. P. McEnteo
<t. D. Ifunning
Most of the work is done on the tun­ •8-------------------------------------------------- 5
nels and dam on the Sandy near here.
Pitones: Main 430, Home A 4558
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Kern celebrated
The canal, over one mile long, from their thirty-flftb wedding anniversary
Lenta Office •
FOR HALE—One fourth acre,cleared,
in Wahlen Park. Five dollar navmentr.
Enquire at Mt Scott Publishing Co’»,
FOR SALE—Newspa|>ers for wrap­
Lenta, Ore. ping or kindling. Mt. Scott Pub Co.
E. W. Miller Co.
50th St. and Powell Valley Road, Portland