HKtKA Kt Ht K AH S Local and Personal INS I Al I 0111C IKS Mrs. Bogart, of Grays CroMing, who M in* Jeanette Maull, of Gray« Uro*»- ha* bet n ill, is better. ing wa» ou the »ick list la»t week l'he class in Civil Government under Mr* G E. Jone», of *2nd. avenue, the leadership of Mrs Lucia Additon Miss Edna Burns vi ited Miss Helen who wa« quite ill with tonailili«, i» im­ will meet at the Lenta Branch Library Johnson last Monday. every third Tuesday nt 2 o'clock The Mr. John Burns of Bucklev Avenue, proving first meeting toHv“pTace Tuesday, Janu­ The »chool examination* begin Wed ary 21 The class is open to everyone has been very sick recently. tieedav and all are working hard to interested in the studv of government Mrs Turysle. of Tremont, who ha» P*M Methods of study will la- blackboard been sick is improving. sixth and »eventh grade* of We* diagrams and quizzes especially arrang­ Mrs Dura rd of ninth avenue has ton The «chool are planning for an orches­ es! for the course One half hour will been sick with a cold. be devoted to the regular lecture with tra. one half hour for discussion and con­ Mr. Fish, father of Watchman Fish, Mr». J. N Wood and Mr». Robert ference. A carefully »elected hat of has been very ill this week. Bruder, of Nob Hill, were lent» visitor« I books recommended for reading will tie Mr* W. B. Moore, of Lent* visited Wednesday. , prepared. Mr». Gates at Gill>ert. Tuesday. Tne following outline of civic govern- The Isis theatre ha» been making Mrs. Hawer. of Grays Crossing, who l *>in* very necessary improvement* at ! ment study ha» been prepared: First lesson State government. In­ 1 its entrance this week is confined to her bed is no better. stitutions and problems State work Mis» Frieda Alpanalp has been quite Elfrieda Durand was absent several classified. Lecture, Governmental evo­ sick the past week, but is much better. davs this week from school on account lution or social progress of her mother's illness Second lesson -County administra­ T>ean Hughs, who has been very ill with pneumonia is now reported better. I Mr«. Griffith has »old her property tion, institutio is and problems. Lec­ ture, l’arable of the farmer, the con­ The L. T L. will hold its meetings 1 on Grays Crossing to a man by the servation problem. every Monday afternoon at the M. E. ! I name of Mr. Taylor. Third lesson—Municipality, city ad­ Mrs. Peterson, of loturelwoovl, who church. institutions ami problems was operated on at her home for appen­ ministration. Lecture, The call of the city. Several from Lents exhibited their dicitis is improving under the care of Fourth lesson—National administra­ cats at the cat show in Portland which Dr. Fawcett, of Lents. tion. institutions and problems. Lec­ was held at the Meir A Frank's store. Grandma Wilson, who has been quite ture. Governmental study. The body Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Wood,of Portland ill with erysipelas for the past few politic visited their daughter, Mrs. C. E. John­ weeks, has had a relapse ami the Dr. Fifth lesson—General survey, social son last Thursday. has given up all hopes of recovery. survey, social engineering. Lecture, ' Governmental action for social welfare Mr. and Mrs. H. Ewing, sou, and Mr Sand»rs, proprietor of Gray» Sixth lesson Nationalit es and sub daughter, are now visiting with their Crossing meat market, will move across races. Immigration versus social relatives, Mr. and Mrs F. Ewing the street to his new location adjoining 1 ject progress, international affairs and the Blackburn building. Mr and Mrs. T. McArthur of Port­ problems Lecture, subject to be an- land visited Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Curtis T Y. Cadwell has recently completed nounced. last Sunday. a very comfortable home in Clemson Seventh lesson— Eugenics : the prob­ Mrs. F. Pheasant of Portland has . j addition which he will place on the lem, an economic and psychological es well as a moral and domestic one. been visiting her son. Mr. Calkins of ; market. Gilbert station the past week. Mr». Otto Katzky received the *ad Lecture, Social hygiene. Eighth lesson Heredity and environ­ news Momlav of the deat of her sis Mrs. Cora Wright, living on south ; ter, ment, Biblical, historical, ethical Lec­ Mrs-Gertrude Fingal in Washing ­ 82nd. street has been seriously sick for ton D. C ture. Social control sometime. Little Velma Harris, who wa* so bad­ Mrs. Daisy Hazen of Campbell street ly burned a few weeks ago. is doing has been suffering from LaGrippe the nicely. It is found her burns will heal past week. without a skin grafting process. Mrs. John Huntington has been quite Miss Ethel Roddy is suffering from a sick for the past two weeks but is much severe attack of peretonitis. and has better. been removed to the Good Samaritan "In sweeping a room with a sick per E. W. Miller has been laid up with Hospital. The dairy herd of Wallace Fairbanks , son in it. alwavs use a damp broom to a pretty serious sickness during the were submitted to a tuberculin test I avoid raising a dust," said Mr* Alice past week. during the past week and were report­ Marks lXilman, instructor in home Sid Keller, for the last six months ed completely free from all evidence of i nursing at the Oregon Agricultural Col- connected with telephone work in Van­ disease This will be particularly I lege, in a rteent lecture. couver. B. C. has returned to Lents. "Never use a feather duster to dust pleasing to Mr. Fairbanks, for his sick­ Wilford Hollingworth, of Nashville, ness and misfortunes are numerous with, for this raises >lu»t. but does nor who has been confined to his home for enough without possible losses in this remove it,” she continued "A good solution to use on a dust doth, to several days with grip is again able to feature. moisten it, is a* follows Dissolve 1 1-2 make'daily trips to Portland. table»pnful* of c*r|s>|ic acid cry*tals TLe 2nd quarterly conference of the in one quart of boiling water and a Id M. E. CHURCH. Lent* M. E. church was held in Ben- < one ounce • glycerine. Re sure that Preaching service 11 A. M. and bap ­ nest's chape! at Gilbert station Tuesday tism , the carbolic acid cry*t»'» are all dissolv­ of adults. evening. ed, else there i* great langer of a seri- Preaching at Bennett chapel 3 P M. i ous burn. This solution is i mild dis­ The little seven months old eon of Mr. Let all new members give their name* infectant and will not injure wall paper and Mrs. Van Baune, who live on Sixth to Mrs. A. J Hollingworth, Nellie , or furniture. and Mt. Scot' avenues was operated on Woodworth or Mrs. R. A. Brown. • last week and is getting along nicely. The special meeting* closed with good and increased interest in all de The reception for the new members results I.OST—Gold watch this morning be­ which was to lie held at M. E. church partments <>,' church work. tween Clemenson addition and car W. BOYD MOORE, Pastor. the evening of the 24th. has been post­ track. Reward Finder leave at poned until Friday evening Jan. 31th. Schweitzer & Manz Tailor Shop, ANNOlMEMfNT. Master George Jones, of the Lente Miss Sarah Z. Rilea. a registered op­ school, fell from one of the rings the tometrist ir. Oregon, w ill be in I-ents on children plav on at school, and broke next Saturday, the 25th, from three to bis arm. It is very painful but he is nine o’clock p. m., at the jewelry store attending school every day. of J. P. Nordin on Main street, where The special meetings at the M. E. she will be pleased to examine eyes and church closed Sunday evening. In prescribe glasses for all who favor her epite of the fact that the weather con If you need glasses, call on Miss Rilea ditions were unfavorable there was a If you do not need gla-ses, come in any good attendance and a number of con­ wav and get acquainted. If the people versions. of Lents would like to have their optical The Mrdern shoe repair factory has work done at home, and will encourage moved from the Hedge building to the Miss Rilea to do so. she will make ar­ Deaton building, where with about rangements for regular visits to Lents double the space and many additional for that purpose. Special attention will conveniences. It will soon be prepared be given to the fitting of glasses for children. to accommodate its patrons. F. M. Campbell, who has been ill for several weeks is able to be out Are the child’s eves beginning to again. During hi» illness his mother, cross you should have them attended to Mrs Huntington, of Martins Bluff, at once. Wash, visited him, also his brother-in- law, G W. Dunlap, of Woodburn, Ore., and his father-in-law, F. L. Hyde, of For Furniture see Lente Furniture Co. Pendleton. Mr. Hyde will remain for Phone Tabor 1361. sometime. All makes repaired. In spite of tlie verv bad night l.ents Eureka Reliekah Lodge met uh usual last Friday evening The lent ore of the evening was installation The ritióme |y atormv weather prevented much of an attendarne, but it »»• decided to proceed anyway Mia* tiravo Fateh«), l‘. ti. was re-elpcteii N << ; Mis Par nail, V ti ; Mrs. Cos, recording serre- tarv ; Mr Eatchel, tinamial secretray; I'here otlievrs were installed. A com­ mittee wa* appointed to confer with the Oddfellow» ami ** a result the Oddlel low* made the Reliekahs a donation of (Aland voted to give them a more loyal support hereafter CALL FOSLER tor vour ' eat«", M--»t, ami quick Delivery—Phone Talior, 2235. Room ami Board 3nv I'aik Aw Lenta, Ore. 3t A Hero In A Lighthouse, For years .1. 8. Donahue. So. Haven, Mich , a civil war captain, as a light- housekeeper, averted awful wreck*, but a queer fact is, he might have liven a wreck, himself, if Electric Bitters had not prevented " I hev cure! me of kidnev trouble and chills." he writes, ‘ after I had taken other ao called cures for year* without benefit amt they also improved my sight. Now. at seventy, I am feeling tine F'irdvapepsia. indigestion, all stom­ ach. liver and kidney trouble». they're without equal Try them Only Atk't* al \ll Dealer. SEEDS Fresh. Reliable. Pure Guaranteed to Please Kvery Gar lent r an<1 I’laulrrebvul'i (ret the superior merit« of Our Northern G town >ee«t*. SPECIAL OFFER FOR 1O CENTS we will send post unit I our FAMOUS COLLECTION I Me• •»<> *’•» Tvoata .... I pkg. Priaeeas Koluk • • a • Me '♦•IM.raw lag Color« . . . I pkg. > arty Arraa head < abbaga . . 1 p*g. I HI. riu» Harlot lotiaoo . . AU* 11 1 orkoUoo Ufeoloo Ffeaor Hood« . • . . t«*a !«*• Vi>o I Ao I"o it» ft OU Write *>»iayt Send 10 conta to baip pay |*»U(« at-.l packing and ro< oi*a th« al* *• ‘ Fam "it Cull«» n." K>- goth«' with . nt Now and ln«tru< ti«o > 1» < t>. 1530 Ho»«’ Nt. Kotkfortl, 1 111 noli* WANTED Agency for varied lot of in­ stallment property Medium priced Houses, Lots and Ac­ erate. Kennedy & Klineman Lents, Ore. I YOUR CREDI T IS GOOD $100 Per Plate was paid at a banquet to Henry Clay, in Remember. .Miss Rilea makes a speci­ New Orleans in 1M2. .Mighty costly for ality of children's eyes. those with stomach trouble or indiges­ tion. To day people every where use Dr. Kink's New Life Pills for these troubles Highest Price paid for Second Hand as well as liver, kidney and bowel dis­ Furniture. Ix-nts Furniture Co. Phone orders. Easy, safe, sure. Only 26cta at Tabor 1361. All Dealers. 11 20 Per Cent Discount On every Suit bought during January paired. Why not get your Sew­ ing Machine now. Pay later. We carry a full line of White Machines, old machines taken in exchange Slightly used and second­ hand drop-head Singers, Whites, Wheeler & Wil­ sons, New Homes and other makes from $9.00 up. All machines guaranteed, supplies for all makes re- We still have a few calendars. White Sewing Machine Store Temporary Location, Foster Road Near Postoffice Lents Oregon CALI FORN I A Sunshine and Flowers paired and receive chance on new suit of clothes FREE. Schweitzer & Manz .• •. Oregon LOW ROUND TRIP FARES FROM Albany Corvallis McMinnville Eugene Portland Oregon *lty Woodburn Salem THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE DAILY San Francisco Express With Ol-ervation Car Pullman Standard Sanitary Market r_____ and T.rtirt»' Sleeping Car and all-ateel high back *e»t day coaches and dining car. Leading Dealers in Market Products Fresh and Salt and Cured Meats. Farm Pro­ ducts bought and sold. Market Prices for Fresh Pork and Veal. Try our Home-made Sausage. EGGIMAN MEAT MARKET Phone Tabor 2573 Roseburg tirant» Pass Medford Ashland ane Angel», Colton. Paaadena, River-'d-, San Barnadino and other California point» with stop-over* in either direction and long return limit. Eggiman Brothers Lenta, Ore. We know of nothing better than “Our Own White Pine and Tar With Rum and Cas- cara.” Outsells all other cough and cold mixtures and cannot ire beaten. Comes in 50c Bottles MT. SCOTT DRUG CO. 103 Main St. .• .• .• Lents, Ore. rmn—TTit r r« i m n m w t—■ ■« mnniam_x The Emporium January Clearance Sale Get your clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Re­ Lents DANGER The Land of Reached by the Leading Tailor» Stop That Cough California Express Will, Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars, all _________________ ______ rteel high b*ck *eat day coaches and dining car. All trains connect at San Francisco with through E»»tem trains via Ogden or south through lz>» Angele» or Sunset R< ute. For fa r r e, rl< eping car » i », ticket», <-i literature on California call on nenreat Agent, or write John M. Scott, Oeneral Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon Most every article reduced to a price which will give you satisfaction. Watch our win­ dows for the cut down prices. Do not fail to come in and get our prices on all the goods we have. All our 25c good* at tbi* »ale ................. |«c All our Mrjprods nl thia ante AII our $1.00 g<**l» at thia »ale ; q £ All our $1 25 g.H»|* at thia »ale........................... All our *1 50 g.»»l* at thia *al.-............... JI.2J A'l our $2.50 g> od* at thia »air........ | qk WV haye an .-xtia g..<»l bargain of Light (' .liar* and Ijidn-M w rapper* table $1 50. Tliewe are »lightly soil- rd. At this aalr at only $$c each. We nl*<, have a g,MH] bargain of men » Wia,| Sox, value 25c on »ale at Ik. All Other Goods Cut Down in Pro­ portion THE EMPORIUM Main St., H. S. HASHIM, Prop. : : Lents, Ore. i