Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, January 23, 1913, Image 5

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350 to $2000
Portland Residence Property
$750 and Up
Farm Land in Oregon and
Waahington Intpr ved or un­
improved to suit purchaser.
You will do well to list your
property with uh for Hide or
Bright Realty Co.
202 Hamilton Bldg.
I'liom-a A 4011
Portland. Ore.
Marshall 4023
Rose City Van
Storage Company
Makes all points between Portland
and Lenta on Mt. Scott Line.
Freight, Ex proa«. Baggage and all
kind« of Transfer Work.
Foster Road
I.enta Office ...
Woodmere Is very grateful to Gao. L
Hobson, the grocer fi'T Ills enterprise i
cleaning the neighborhood walks of
snow. With his two delivery horses
and a snow scraper, be had the paths
all broken earv Saturday morning
Mrs. Curtis lias returned from a visit
to her daughter in California
Mr. H. J. McDonald's mother from
Ohio, is s|iending the winter here with
her son
Mr. Malloy is building a new home
on 'kith (avenue. The new house is
much larger and more commodious
than Ilia one laicnpied at present by the
Hi. Paul's Church club met Monday
evening and elei ted Richard Wood sec
retary and treasurer hi till the vacancy
caused by the resignation of Ray Hhep-
Mrs. Rav Hhepiierd is »|>ending the
winter in California with her mother
Mrs. Jones, of Newberg, has liven
visiting her daughter,
Mra. H. J. Me-
Donald, , of Wood I mere.
A party will l>e given Monday even
Ing, January 27, by Ht. Paul’s club at
the home of Mr and Mr« Percy Harris,
Woodmere. The committee on arrange
ment constats of the M i « m * s Espin»'fti
and Della Purdin. RefreabmentH will
lie served during th« evening. All
intere»t«d in the club are cordially in­
Mra. McAneny ami children are
Spending a t*art of the wiuter with her
mother in California.
The lumber purchased by the ladies
of Ht. Paul’« Guild which was used tor
tables al the annual bazaars was store,! |
under Jlhe churclb^Rerm^LX—
la*en diaapiiearlng until nowj none is
left. Wo, ei liier« regreta thia very
inui'b, a« It I» quite a retlection on Oie
neighborhood. If anyone is in auch
diatress aa to need llim few pieces of
luiuber, charitable persona in the vicini-
ty will he glad to relieve such a esse,
but it is greatly to la» deplored that
anyone’s nseda »hould l>e «tealthily
• uppltsd from the clinrch baaeinent.
The ladies
ladiee of the
Ilie Guild will give a
card party at the horns of Mrs, Alvord,
at K»rri Park, Wednesday evening.
Januaiy 22.
Ask for Roar City Van
In Oregon’s Most Reliable Association
Oregon Fire Relief, Oregon Merchants Mutual
Fire, American¡Life and Accident In­
surance of Portland
Call and get our prices on
brick, cement, plaster, lime,
sand and gravel. We can
save you money. Our de­
livery is prompt and our
goods are the best.
We carry a full line of hay,
grain and feed.
Let us
show you how to save a
dollar by buying right.
John Brown, Gresham, Ore.
Both Phom«, Talior 968, L h ’ i «I 3112
h A M. Io 5 P. M., Herald Office. U*nta
6 P. M. to 9 P. M., Reaidenc.*, Gresham
J. P. McEntee
Main 430, Home A 4558
Dunning & McEntee
Funeral Directors
Seventh and Ankeny Streets
L. H. Carter & Son
Contracture and Builder*
Manufacturera of Window Caalnga, Screen .
Door* an<l Windows, Molding*, Columns, Pan
ela, Ornementa, Etc Custom Plaining and i
Hand Hawing. Owner* Lent* Plaining Milla I
ami Wood Working Factory.
We are anow-boiiod.
Know to the depth ol 3 feet covers all
the landscape and further up the moun­
tains is even deeper.
Archie Greenman and an associate of
Portland were in thia vicinity last week
cruising timber for a lumber company
but hail to leave after the heavy snow­
l>r Botkin waa called to Portland last
week on a busiues« matter and was
shut out by the heavy fall of «now.
The literary society met at Dr. Bot­
kina last Sunday night and read extracts
from the works of Ixingfellow and com­
mented on his life and character, ft is
strange that such masterminds are in­
variably unorthodox
It is only the
rabble or the unthoughtful that follow
after such ridiculous fellows as Bi'ly
Sunday or extremists of like kidney.
The stage from Handy to Welches and
Rowe made the trip up last Friday but
waa unable to return Saturday. The
mail came from Handy Haturday by
means of a pack horse.
Mr. James, school supervisor of this
district, was in Cherryville last week
and paid a visit to our school. In listen­
ing and supervising the exercises of the
children, he said he bail rarely ever
met two such bright boys as Raymond
Marray and Georgie Cooper aged 11
and 10 years respectively. He also said
that if tbewe Ixzy« hail enjoyed the
irivileges of the lad who passed through
( Hurvanl
i*r>lla«Lsa< at
at the
tiiaa age of 13
I *( # they
iarvard college
would have done equally as well. Mr.
James said also that of 750 pupils ex­
amined by him in decimals. Jessie
Clark in the 8th grade, and daughter of
F. E Clark, was the second one only
ihat gave him a correct answer.
No school this week on account of the
difficulty of the children in reaching the
school house.
Harold Kern is still very ill
Mi*a Hazel Wirtz is taking a vacation
and Mia« Ethel Merrill is taking her
place in the C. C. store.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Kern entertained
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Brown.of Portland,
last Sunday.
Mrs. Walter Winters is slowing re­
covering from her recent illn«*-s.
Dr. A. Thomvson returned Monday
evening from The Dalles, where he has
been visiting his son. Dr. Fred Thomp­
Rev. M T. Wire is visiting his par­
ents in Newburg thi« week.
Ray Metzger in very ill with tonsilitis
and the grip.
Kirk Thompson is attending Waah­
ington high school.
W. J. Hollenbeck has returned to his
sg----------------------------------- _a
Mr. George W. Chamberlain, an old
and respected citizen of thia vicinity,
passed away Tuesday evening at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. Will Rog­
ers Funeral services were conducted
by Rev. Soule at the house Thursday
morning and remains were interr««! in
the Evans cemetery.
Winter seems to have come to Ore­
gon at last, 23 inches of snow having
fallen from Friday until Sunday.
Mr and Mrs N. P. Gleason and little
son, of firass Valley, are visiting rela­
tive and friends here.
Misa Weltha I^sley and Ed Wilson
were married in Portland last week
The bride has grown to womanhood
here and has a host of friends who wish
her a life of happiness
Owing to the almost impassible con­
dition of the roads, Rural Mail Carrier
D. Sprague was unable to make the en­
tire drive over hia route every day,
snow in the vicinity of Brower being at
a depth of three f«set or more.
Mra. Mysta Reed waa in Portland the
last ten days having her ears treated
by a specialist Her many fnends will
1« pleased te learn she returned Sun-
day evening much improved. Her
daughter, Mra. Eva Toy, accompanied
Capital Prize $290
l.tnli, Ortroa
Any young man or lady is eligible to compete for the prizes.
Any employee or an immediate relative of an employee of this firm
will not be eligible as a candidate in this contest.
The Contest Manager reserves the right to reject any nominations
for candidacy.
No votes will be given for subscriptions for a longer time than two
years, nor less time than three months.
No candidate will receive special favors, but each and everyone will
be assisted alike by the contest management in obtaining votes.
Candidates are permitted to secure subscriptions anywhere, AU
subscriptions and orders must be paid for in advance to obtain votes.
Typographical errors in the publishing of votes will be corrected in
the following issue-
No contestant can win more than one prize
Should any question arise as to the interpretation of the foregoing
rules, the decision of the Contest manager will be final.
All subscriptions or other orders must be turned into the office by
the Wednesday following acceptance of order.
All ballots will be void unless received at The Beaver State Herald
office on or before expiration date as printed.
Orders may be taken anywhere for Advertising or Job work.^All
such orders must be cashed before votes are issued.
How The Prizes Will Be Awarded
Purchased from Lents Garage
East boater Road, Lenta, Ore.
W. F. Klineman
C. E. Kennedy |
2nd Ave., Lenta
HeniKdv * Kllntman
Real Estate and Rentala, Notary
Public Work
Office Phone T. 2012
Main St. and Carline. Lenta, Oregon
Hours at lent* 8 to 10 a. tn.
In Order to give candidates equal chances, the territory has been divided into
three districts. Each district gets a third and fourth prize. The person getting the
highest number of votes in all districts gets the first prize which will be that person's
choice of the two grand prizes. The person getting the second highest number of votes
in all districts will take the remaining grand prize.
Of the remaining contestants, that person in each district having the highest num­
ber of votes will have a choice of the gold watch or handsome diamond ring.
The person ranking next in each district will take the remaining prize.
No person can take two prizes
Each district will be awarded a gold watch and a beautiful diamond ring.
District 1.—Territory west of Main Street, Lents.
District 2.—Main street, I ents to Lents Junction.
District 3—Lents Junction and Eastward.
€. 6. morland, Dentist
’ U'titH, Oregon
Residence 200, 8th Ave., Cor, Main St.
Residence Phone Tabor 2587
City Office 711» Dekum Bldg., Cor. i
3rd and Washington Sts.
City Office Phone Main 5955
mrs. joslt Warden
First House East of Grange Store
Phone—Home 5811
Lenta, Ore.
The funeral of the late Geo. W.
Chamberlain, of Corliett, Ore., was held
at hi« residence at 11 A. M. on Thurs­
day, Jan 10, 1913. Had he lived a f«w
weak* longer, he would have ween hia
80th birthday. He was born in Alle­
gheny Co., New York, where he »pent
several year« of hi« early life, after««rd
removing to Pennaylvatiia, Michigan,
Kansas and lastly to Oregon, where,
with hia wife, he has lived near hi«
children f-.r the pa«t twenty year« on a
large farm
Beside bis aged widow, the deceased
leave« four daughter», Mrs. Hiiford
Lawrence, of Alabama, Mrs. J B.
Smith, of Portland, Ore., Mrs. E. D.
Chamberlain and Mrs. Wrn Roger»,
ls>tb residing on farms at Corbett.
There are also seventeen grandchildren
and twenty-four great-grandchildren to
mourn the ice« of their grandfather,
who “na« but gone on before.’’
The common faults in bread are given
in a bulletin on “Principles of Bread
Making’’ by Mrs. W. H. Calvin, dean of
home economics at the Oregon Agricul­
tural College. They are as follows:
“Sourness, due to poor yeast, to high
a temperature, or too long fermenta­
tion; moldinees, due to unclean uten­
sils, mouldy wheat, flour stored in a
mouldy place, or bread placed in a box
or cloth that waa mouldy; uneven tex­
ture, due to poor kneading; coarse
holes due to po r kneading, too long
fermentation, too cool an oven while
A Giri’s Wild Midnight Ride.
baking, or dough not stiff enough when
To warn people of a fearful foreet fire made; burned or underbrowned cruet
in the CatsXills a young girl rode horse- or misshapen loaves, due to faulty heat­
t>a<-k at midnight and saved many lives. ing of the oven.”
Her deed was glorious but lives are of­
ten saved bv Dr. King’s New Discovery
in curing lung trouble, coughs and
colds, which might have ended in con­
sumption or pneumonia. “It cured me
ol a dreadful cough and lung disease,” 10,000 Facts and Figures-Several
writes W. R. Patterson, Wellingion, Tex.
Hundred New and Special
“after four ¡ d our family had died with
consumption, and I gained «7 pounds.”
Nothing so sure and safe for all throat
and lung troubles. Price 50c and $1.00. i
Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by All J Our readers will be sarpris«d at the
vast amount of valuable information,
covering a multitude of subjects, at the
useful general knowledge and th«- im-
Bric-a-brac should be carefully ' portant new historical data contained
dusted before being washed in hot in the 1913 edition of the World Alma­
borax water or soap suds, in which nac. Almost 1,000 pages are devoted to
up-to-date facts and figures of every day
a little ammonia has been dissolved. interest to everybody. Here is a com­
pact and complete library, indispensa­
ble to every business man, merchant,
farmer, mechanic, housewife business
woman, school teacher, school boy and
school girl.
In it you will find, also, accurate par­
ticulars of the Panama Canal Act of
11'12 and the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty,
The new Pension Laws of 1912, Presi­
dential and Primary election returns.
Polar discoveries, Population figures.
Sporting records, Marine disasters. Im­
portant events of 1912, Historical events,
Income tax. Trusts in the U. 8. death
roll of 1912, Negro disfranchises ent,
Forts in the U. 8 . growth of the U. S.
Navy, prices paid for rare American
coins, Crimes and Penalties, Methods of
Punishment for Murderers, Armies and
navies of the world, banking, money,
taxes, insurance, political parties, se­
cret societies, births, marriages and
deaths, Woman suffrage and 10,000
other facte and figures Up-to-Date.
Price 25c. (West of Buffalo and Pitts­
burgh, 30c.) By mail, 35c. Address,
The New York World, New York.
General Blacksmithing
Repair and Wagon Work
$1000 Prize Contest
home in blabo and Mra. Hollenbeck
and children, will follow in a short
Mias Elisabeth Shoemaker. who
teaches in the Weeton school in Port­
land, was too ill to teach the first of the
George Faria will leave in a short time
for Louisana to look after 12no acres
which his lather owns there
The Mount Scott Publishing Company’s
I block east of Postofffce, Lenta
G. D. Dunning
Portland, visited
Arthur Lusted of
.. ________
hi« parent« last Saturday riturning
home Hunday.
Quite a number from here attendrai
the surprise party on Mr. A. Ruegg last
Tburaday evening, it being his birth­
Mr. Fay Tumbling has l>een hauling
bis potatoes to Portland for the pant
Monday Jan. 13th, snow fell to the
depth ol about five to six inches and I
roze some We are thanking our lucky I
star- that we are not in the Eastern I
states where the thermometer stands ;
at least ten below
Mr Max Davies shipped a car load of
wood to Montavilla last week.
Grandma Lusted, who has been sick
lor some time is failing slowly.
Mrs. Ed Heater and children have I
been down with the grip b >t is better.
Clyde Rnegg. Frank Eder, Herald
Eder, and Eddie Hamilton were unable
to answer the roll call at school several
days last week on acconnt of the grip. **---------------------------------------
lx*nt* Phones .... Tabor 1424
Home B 6111
F. W. Tussy, Manager
How’s This?
We offer Cue Hundred Dollars Re-
Wc:d for any cu □ of Catarrh that
cunuct ba cured ty Hull's Catarrh
r. J. cnzNrr C: c >.. to ’. cz >. o.
. !. ■
"S known r. J.
.3, and telievw
i j .-JI business
' • 1
cbl» t> curry
. : • i.i> eras.
: c.- comme - ce .
IT '"3 C- rr'i C re li tn'zen Intern'd!/,
a-t:nj <’ r, 1/ v ’ n t e blood and mu-
i 'in rurfa. . i cf ; e system. Testimonials
, sent fre->. Prl: ' 7J cents per bottle. Sold
by r!t Trii--Ists.
Take Halt s l'amily Pills for coutlpatloo
’" .i
C. :icy I
' 21 ! r:
at t a
FOMND—lady’s black handbag, call,
describe and pay this ad.
WANTED—Good, clean cotton rags
at %c a pound. Mt. Scott Pub. Co.
WANTED—Boys may be had and
sometimes girls.
The older onee at
ordinary wages and others to be
schooled and cared for in return for
• light services Tenderer!. For particu­
lars address W. T. Gardner, superin­
tendent Boys and Girls Aid 8ocietv of
Oregon. Portland, Ore.
FOR SALE—Good Freeh Cows, Jer­
sey and Durham. A. Hees, one fourth
mile east of Lents.
FOR SALE—3 Belgian Hares, 1 male
and 2 females. 129 First Ave.
FOR SALE—Petulama stock. Tbor-
ougbred White I-eghorns, 2 year old
laying hens. Mrs. F. C. High. 3-4 mile
east Gilbert Road.
FOR SALE:—Three good adjacent
lots in Arden Park.
Level, in cultiva­
tion. Bargain for home location.
quire of Mt. Scott Pub. Co. Lents.
Third Prizes
Three Handsome Gold
Diamond Rings
$ .25
ti00 Votes
Three monihC subscription
$ .50
15<M) Votes
Six month»’ subscription...
4000 Votes
One years' subscription___
Two year’ subscription ...
12000 Votes
For every advertisement secured through the influence of a contestant, votes will
be issued at th« rate of 500 votes for every dollars tn value of'advertising.
For every <1 Jlar « worih of Job printing, as cards, envelopes, letters, dodgers,
etc,, 500 votes will be issued For smaller or larger orders of eitner advertising or job
work in proportioe.
FOR SALE—Good gentle cow.
A. F.
LUMBER—At our new mill 1% miles
southeast of Kelso. We deliver lumber,
lonsrnd Bros
FOR SALE—One fourth acre, cleared,
in Walden Park. Five dollar payment».
Enquire at Mt Scott Publishing Co’s,
FOR SALE—Newspapers for wrap­
ping or kindling. Mt. Scott Pub. Co.