Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, January 23, 1913, Image 4

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    Entered as Second Class Mail Matter at Lents. Oregon, August 25, 1911
Published Every Thursday at l.ents. Ore., by the M t . S cott P vmushinu C o .
H. A. DARN ALL, E ditor and M anaurr .
Office Phone: Home 1111.
Residence: Tabor 2S13
IELD demonstration work by
the Oregon Agricultural
College, widening the usefulness
of that institution greatly, will be You heard how these noble women
realized to a much larger extent went forth in that cold Iteeetnber. brav­
than has hitherto been possible ing the elements. having convenMonali-
if Senate bill No. 72 is passed by ties, that they might destroy th» mon­
the legislature. This pleasure strous evil which already threatened
homes. That they should dan* so
provides for the appropriation of their
much after their years of endurance was
money by the state and counties marvelous,
but their manner of doing it
to carry on co-operative field was even more marvelous and left the
demonstration work among the onlookers divided between laughter and
tears. Taking their knitting, their em­
farmers themselves.
broidery, or their sewing, they swarmed
The bill was drawn by the the
saloons, seated themraw and
Central Oregon Development watched, or prayed as God directed. All
League, in connection with the el** was put aside. Their whole energy
Oregon Development League and was nut into this great cause. But this
not go on forever
The women
the Oregon State Rankers’ As­ could
could not keep up such work. It took
sociation agricultural committee. them too much away from their hotnea,
It provides for a well organized and after about fifty days they went
to their homes but kept on with
system of field work, conducted back
their prayers. Saloons were then re­
by experts under the direction of opened.
men gathered a* before, swear­
the O. A. C. The demonstra­ ing that silly women bail done more
tions in agriculture will be given harm than good, and amid curaea and
in different parts of the state ribald jest.«, drank to the health of Jtlie
and the plan is what might be ■‘defunct
But the movement had shown that
called a system of traveling ag­ woman possess»« 1 a power hitherto un
cognized even by herself, and there were
ricultural schools.
There is found to be need for many, prominent in l«oth church and
who now stood ready for more
this work, particularly in the society,
aggressive work.
newer sections of the state where When the force of this uprising had
settlers are flocking in and tak­ somewhat spent itself, and the reaction
was felt, a call was rent out from Chau­
ing land. They must be given a tauqua
August. 1974. signed by Mrs.
start in the proper agricultural Mattie in
McClellan-Brown. Mrs Jennie
methods suited to the country if Fowler-Willing. Mrs. Emily Hunting­
they are to prosper, and demon­ ton-Miller and others, for a convention
stration work by the state col­ of temperance women, to be held in
Ohio, in the following Nov.
lege will do this and do it right. Cleveland,
Eighteen states respcmded to the call.
The plan of the bill is extremely Hear the call, O gird your armor on
practical, meaning to p'ace the
Grasp the Spirits mighty sword,
demonstration work right out was their stirring battle cry.
Miss Willard says of that Convention
among the farmers so they will “Something
divine wa- in the air. a
not have to waste valuable time breath of the new dispensation The
in visiting some far point It is daily prayer meetings were times of re­
thought friends of the agricul­ freshing from the presence of the Lord.
was no waiting, everything was
tural interests of the state will There
fresh, and spontaneous. Such singing I
rally to the support of the bill in never heard, the Bible exposition was
the legislature and secure its bread to the soul. Everybody «aid it
wasn’t a bit like men«’ conventions”,
and “all the better for that was the uni­
versal verdict.”
At this convention the first National
/"iNE of the hopeful signs of Woman's
Christion Ten>|«erance Union
'J the times is the action of was organizes! Mrs. Annie Wittenmeyer
the Lincoln High School in form­ wa.« the first president of the national
and held the office until 879,
ing a new society for the pur­ society,
when she was succeeded by Miss Willard
pose of cultivating simplicity in who tilled the position until her death
dress and persona! apperrance. in 1898 To her leadership and broad
It does seem a little strange, conception of the work, the society is en-
for its “Do Everything Policy”
however, that the movement debtea
The largest society of women in the
should have originated among world, numbering in the United States
the girls. Why not their moth­ today, approxmately 375,000, and in the
ers? Perhaps because mothers world over half a million, managed en­
tirely by women.
It covers over forty
are usually more to blame for departments
or work. These depart­
their daughters' foolish use of ments are classified under six general
money and time than the girls heads. Organization, preventive, educa­
legal. and social. In
themselves. If a girl has the tion, evangelistic,
there are two branches, the
right sort of advice and example addition,
Loyal Temperance Legeon and the
set her at home she is not likely’ Young People«' Branch.
to go silly in dress or hair ar­ Pursuing their “Do Everything Policy"
the Womans’ Christion Union stands
rangement. or complection. But not
only for total abstinence, but for an
it is probable that the results of equal
standard of purity for men and
the new movement will be more women ora« Miss Willard so aptly puts
satisfactory, having originated it, “a white life for two, and for wom­
with the girls, than had it begun ans equality in the home, the church,
the state.”
with the mothers. The girls and
Is there an exposition, or a «tate or
now feel that it is their idea and county fair? The W. C. T U. will have
that they have a personal inter­ a booth, with temperance literature and
est in its cultivation. Let us temperance drinks, and will see to it
intoxicant« are prohibited from the
hope that it will prove success­ that
grounds and buildings. Is there a gather­
ful and that it will extend to ing of doctors, lawyers, ministers, or
other shools and to other grades. chiefs, the Womans Christian Temper­
In this connection it is not amiss ing Union sees to it, that through
of its delegates, a resolution is
to note that Lents girls and their some
passed favoring the tempierance move­
mothers might consider some­ ment, and pledging its support along the
thing of the sort. When girls particular line of work represented.
in the 7th, 8th. and 9th grades Is congress in session, or a state legis­
lature, there is a representative at hand,
find it necessary to carry rats, with
petitions, asking for prohibition,
face lotions, and powder to the lietter protection of women and girls
school and make application of and the better enforcement of the Sab­
them behind their books between bath law,
The Crusade showed the women the
intermissions, something must drinking
man; they went to him. got
be radically wrong at home. him to sign the pledge, and to “seek
Perhaps the mothers consider the Lord behind the pledge.” The Cru­
the most valuable sentiment in a sade showed them these Ding man; they
over him, and persuaded him to
girl’s nature to be cultivated is prayed
give up his bad business, often buying
the mating sentiment. But a him out and setting him up in a more
mother who is really worth while legitimate line. Sometimes placing him
is the mother who cultivates the as keeper of the reading room, into
they converted his saloon,
home circle rather than the idea which
But many times the drinker returns
of family disruption.
to hie drinking, and the seller to his sell­
ing, the former saying he could not atop
a habit of so many years ; the latter of­
TATE senator Perkins has fering as an excuse for his fall from
a bill prepared now requiring grace that somebody was «ore to sell the
stuff, and it might as well I»- he a« any­
music teachers to take qualifica one
­ Then said the women in reply to
tion examinations.
This is a the first: “Of course we must educate
movement in the right direction, our boys and everybody's Ixiy«. and tin­
the leadership of Mr«. Mary H.
we are prepared to say there are der
Hunt, every state in the union has en­
more incompetents and imposi- acted legislation providing for the study
tors posing as professional music of phy«iology ana hygeine in the public
instructors, and robbing.the peo­ schools, with special reference to the ef­
of alcoholics anti narcotics on the
ple of 50 cents to $1.00 per hour fect«
human system. Similiar legislation has
of an assumed service than in I Iteen passed by congress providing for
any other in proportion to thenum- instruction in all schools under Gov­
ber engaged. Every person pre­ ernment control, and in all naval and
tending to teach, for pay, should military
To still further educate the youth in
be compelled to stand a good the penicions effects of alcohol and to­
bacco. the Ixiyal Temperance Ix*gion
searching examination.
and Young Peoples Branch were organ­
T day then are approxiinatily
Loyal Temperance Legions in
Being an optimist sometimes 300,000
the U. S. an«l about 100.000 member« in
develops into being an octopus. the Young Peoples’ Branch, with the
numlier constantly increasing, all l»*ing
trained along these lines.
•‘A g xxi example before one e neigh­
To the rumseller's excuse they replied
bor’« children it the most potent power Yankee fashion: “But suppose the peo­
for good. It far excels words; and a ple could be persaude.1 not to let any
bad exampie destroys more than every body sell? that would be God’s answer
other agency can build up.”
to the Crusade prayers” and they ts-gan
with petitions for prohibition to all leg '
islativv Iswlies municipal, state, and
federal, gathering up 10,000,001) or more
Meanwhile they were never aslt<ep
They wen* constantly devising furili<*r
means to protwt their homes. They
would have the children learn that the
Bible stands for total abstinence, ami
induced the S. S. Convention to pre­
pare a plan for lessons on this subject
As time passed these women found
that not one. but three curses threatened
them jointly, by the present system of
civilazation—the eurae of alcohol and
nicotic; the curve of gambling; ami
th«* eurM* of the social sin -the deadliest
of all—ami that the** Hire«* are inter
woven ami interlocked ami their warfan*
is against each ami all.
In ISS3, Miss Willard in a visit to the
Sandwich Islands. China, and Japan,
saw the great nevsl of oilier nations, and
at the next annual convention recom­
mended that a conimireioner (»appoint­
ed to report the next year plans for a
World’s W. C. T I’. Thia was done,
and Mrs. Mary Clement la*avitt was sent
out. starting a work in the Samlwicli
In January 1-84 she left for
New Zealand, traversing a large territory.
forming ten strong Unions, with Mrs
Judge Ward at their head
She then
went to Australia crossing 1130 miles of
<svan organizing in Qmvnsland. New
South Wales, ami Tasmania, She re­
mained in Australia until autumn when
she started for Japan. In that country
her success was great ami th«* W.C. T.
U was thoroughly «-stablished in that
lami. In China and India the met with
lews enthusiasm On she went to Ceylon,
to Madagascar .to Africa. Mrs. L-avitt's
sueceav lead to the «emiing out of other
missionaries who organiztsl in Norway
Sweden ami Switzerland, until tmiay
al1 around II»* worhl the white ribbon is
twined, all arouml the worhl the glorious
light has shown.
WW I. 0. 0. F. IQDGt IS
BORING, ORE, Jan. 21 Boring
Lodge, No 234, I. O O. F , was insti
tuteil in the l ive Wire hall here last
Saturday night by Orient Isaig**, No.
17, L 6 O F , of Portland Sandy
Lodge. No
ime ill a lady, and
Gresham and various lodges throughout
the county were represented. Grand
Master W A Wheeler and Grand Sec
retary E. E Sharon were in charge of
th«* ceremony. The degree work was
don«* by One* t L«alge degree team
At 12:!0 o'clock th«* party marched U>
Ritzer’s Hall, where a supper was serv­
ed. The officers appointed for the local
lidge for the following year are: E.
F. Donahue. N G.; J W Roots, V. G.;
William A. Morland, secretary; Wal-
lace R Telford, treasurer; C. M. Lake,
R S N G ; II A. Beck, I, S. N G.;
\\ l child«. K. s V G . George
Tacheron. I S V G ; Louis Kitzer,
warden; J E. Siefer, conductor; Elmer
S Hickey, R S. S.; W E. McVIeerv,
I.G.; John Meyer. O. G.; Claude r’.
Cross, chaplain The next meeting
will be held in the Live Wire Hall next
Saturday night at 8 o'clock to complete
th«* organization of the lodge an«l ap­
point committees.
Start an account at our bank and get into
know it is the right thing to do.
If not, why not?
Let us do your bookkeeping and relieve you from the
It is a good plan to know what you sjiend
from month to month and a checking account will tell
you to a cent just what you save.
No person ever
tried transacting all his business thru a bank and re­
gretted it.
If it will save you time it, will also save
It is up to you and we cordially invite
you money.
your business.
The small jars in which candy
sometimes comes should be saved for
picnic use and lunches, as they are
excellent for carrying salad and
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