Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, January 23, 1913, Image 1

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Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
-I JWt neri
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I RMI MM l tes CMl1
tswl -««»! twu«t«
WU IW« was CM.V A
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New Candidates Entering Daily—Voters Becoming Interested
Advertising and Job Coupons, 500 votes to $1.00
Ready lor Use
rpn Aavisiatl/Yl
L «1F
iw« n*i cw> nt
ww « MtctiA
VCST -------__
F ish
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The above
picture of the
F’.agle Motorcy* le w hich in now on ex
hiblt in Hie window of the office of the
Mt Sc<»tt Fubhrhingt o , mid which is
caUNiiig ho much inttoewl among the
young people of |j*nt4 and the nurroun<i*
Ing country. While the motorcycle is
proving to l»e a i»opular prize, it is not
more mo than the piano. One of the
moat important points in this connec­
tion ih the nntnber of <ountry content­
anta and they are going at it with vigor
V*ote» are coming in from the varioun
candidate* and it ih h pleasure to nee
h«»w thev are ru lining up. Over 215,-
7<M> voP H have lieen turned in alto­
The nvstem rm planned ie now in full
working order and there m no reason
why every c<»ritentnnt rhould not g»*t
some very i»atisfa< tory renultM. A |wr
• letter in Iwing nvnt to every ertndi-
date rath week
11 thev take advan­
tage ot tin* MUggewtluiin often <1 in thin
letter there i* every reason to feel that
all will he able to accomplish muck
n.«»re than they ran |M>asibly accornjdiali
if they are carelvM* about their instruc­
tion*. s veral candidates hwve vailed
Insecure the cou | mi U
and thev
will undoubtedly do some good work
with them. The coupon* are orders
for values at the oftice of tliv Mt. Scott
Publishing t’o., and cau be turned in as
cash on any s >rt of job work or mlver
Using at any time. Every candidate
can get one <»! these order liook* by cal­
ling (or it or sending.
I«et your friends know. One of the
difficulties that may arise will l*e due to
tardiness in umking up your mind to
engage activslv in the contest. Then
having decided there should I m * no de­
lay in letting your frieml« mi’l relative«
kn w that you are “in it" ami that you
ex|M>ct them to aiomit you. One of the
moat oueceaaful camliilate« that entered
the content laat year actually got come
of her friend« to xecure «ulieeriptiona
for her and furnt«be<l them with order
blank*. They «ent in a large ntnnlirr
of order« in thia way.
With thin article we connect a lint of
the contentantn and the voten they have
aecureil, except nuch eoupona an aoiur
of them may have withelil on nulwcrip
tiona mill that ainonnta to qnite a num
tier. One candidate turn«! in aeve>al
autiacriptioui at one time laat week.
That will run that individual', vote, up
neveral thounnml.
Now in a gmnl time to aanint your can­
didate by aaving cotqione or by giving
them your nubncription. Sulwcriptionn
will count more than anything elne.
Second to thia job work ami advrrtiaing
will run into figure«
It han been de­
cided to rame the vote given for the
latter two for the time, at leaat. I!
you have not aecureil the promine of
any huainean man lor their voten that
will lie insured them each month for
advertining it would lie highly advmable
to do no at once.
And, to tlione who have not yet enter­
ed the race, it is not yet two late. The
fun ban juat begun and if we are not
badly miataken there will tie neveral
otbere to try it and they may come
through an winner«.
('In <>nly hi their night roles, Harry
Gibb* Mtxl hia wife, <»f 2» 0 Eaat Eíghty-
»•• coih I street, Hed from their burning
home ut 3 3o Sunday morning ba rely in
lime to wave their Ilves. Through the
snow in her bare feet, Mrs. Gibbs ran to
n iieigiilxir t*»r assiatHiK-e ati<i aroused
from a deep slumber, he ran to the
lien rent ttre alarm box in bis pajamas
mid I bar«* ieet to turn in the alarm
Mrs. GibLs whs awakened by the
i-iat khng oí the flames and wrh «•«•arce-
Iv able to breathe from th»* dense
smoke which tille*«!
Awakening her husband thev hastily
arose, grabbed an armful of clothes
from the hall rack and !!• d fr <>i their
licking at then bevM
i‘he taltph »io*
svalem laong out of commisHioii on ac­
count ot the storm, the only way the
tire department could la» reached was
by turning in the alarm from a box
several blocks distance.
By the time Battalion Chief Stevens
and the tire <let»artrii«*nt arrived the
h<»nse and contents were destroyed.
The líenla department was called nut
hut liefore fully ready the tire had died
nut and the recall alarm was sounded.
Kaipn Ailder m Chicago Record-Herald.
Will Go Into Effect Feb. 1, Bids Will Be Received up to
And Will Cover About 25 Feb. 15—Plans call for
Miles. Looks Like Care- Concrete Face d With
fully Designed Maze
Brick To Cost $10,000.
New Postal conditions have overtaken
I>ent«. The city office has long had a
claim on a large number of the Lente
patrons and a new arrangcieut cutZ
many of these off and gives opportunity
for better aervice in other directions.
The newly laid out rente is a devious
oneUmi a complete diacription would
take a t wo column article to describe it
completely. It proceed« west from the
poatoffice to the Oregon City roail and
then south aliout a mile, whereit makes
a complete loop and then proceeds
Bouth over a mile. It then extendi)
east into Dearolf valley, and after
losing itneli it finally hits the trail over
Mt. Scott and reaches Foster road at or
near Bellroee.
It then g'-en west to
' Buckley avenue, and north and east
and lOuth to Gilbert road through Faxon
Park, north mam street to Powell Val­
ley road, east to Buckley avenue, thence
south to Fruiter road and then back
to tbe poetoffice, in all, about 2.5 miles
and serving several thousand people,
over some of tbe beet as well as some of
the worst roads in the state.
But it
will mean much better service for a
large numtier of people.
In this connection it might be men­
tioned that a new rural earner has taken
teaming it
iver the job with a view of learning
horoughly and staying with it per­
manently. This will be welcome news
to a large numtier of people who have
suffered inter mittenly for the last year
while new men have been training for
the job.
No. 4
(Continued From Ijist W«-k.)
such an aggregation of varied and inter­ been constructed by that tyrant for the
esting curios surely never exist«! out purpose of listening to the prisoner’s
conversation while at work.
«ide of such a place. It beat all the wm shown me where 7000 Athenian
museums I ever saw in mv life all rdll- ; prisoners were starved to death.
rd together and I fancy I’ve seen some
"Thus s-i<i my guide,
of the lie«, in the land
Su< h ridicu­
lous and outlandish poses nd ¡xisitions; But deep, perchance, the villain lied.”
1 fancy the old monks had a droll sense i Of course I had to visit several ca­
thedrals, all beautiful inside.
But the
of humor about them and gave it full
play while arranging the skeletons most pleasing of allto tne was the
al-nig the walla, for surely all ol those i "Promeifade Arethusa,"givings superbl
■ view of the s;»acioii« and beautiful bar- I
ludicrous poses cou .1 not have hap)*n«l l bor of Syracuse, said to la* large enough !
accidrnt Iv. killin’ hail theirfaces looking to shelter all of the fleets of Europe at
backwards, others had their n< >«-• gone
or tweak«! jauntily to onenide. in others the same time.
1 arrived at Laormina the morning of J
still, the lower jsw «eetned trying to
The beauty of tbe place be-
usurp the place of the upper one, or ; tbe tub.
came apparent at onco.
It’s situation
was reaching (or an ear etc., etc. Aa we
sauntered along, the old monk wore a is strikingly ;>ictures<|ue Perched as it I In the transfer of the clothes shop
ph-ase.! expression as much an to say: is like an eagle’s nest some 400 ft. above started in Lents last spring by Kohn i
“1 think we’ve shown considerable the water, it surely gives the observer , Moore to Mr. J. F. Enright, the store
a commanding view of the surrounding will take
____ The
a new name.
taste in arranging this exhibit, what do
you think alsiut itT" and some of the country. Back of it stand two great Milla Store will be the new designation.
faces did look so funny that it was hard uStatitala peaks, while tbe whole south- Mr Enright is a practical clothier, be-
to repress a smile even in that solemn western horizon i« filled hv the clear 1 ing a tailor by trade, and will connect
place. One fellow’s countenance es,ieci- and graceful line« of the beautiful py- cleaning, repairing and newly made
allv was so |ionitively ludicrous that I ramid shaped mountain of Etna, a sight goods with the ready-made stock, and
could hardlv keep from laughing “right to lie remembered for a life time. Next will continue to carry gents’ furnishing
in his face.” But even though some of t<i the gloriou« scenev of Laormina its stock. He has now assumed full
the poses are so ridiculously funuv, chief attraction is the Greek theatre, charge of the business and will be found
ones graver nature soon gains the mast­ said to be one of tbe most interesting ready to meet all patrons of the store,
__________________ _
ery and a feeling of awe and solemnity ruins in Sicilv. No other theatre of so
invariably takes possession of him. remote a period being in such a good
When J asked my guide where the •»ate of preservation, while the view
from it has been described as among the
France! Allen Boland, infant daugh­ corpses were first buried and how long finest in the world.
It is surely the
ter. of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Boland, of they remained in tlie coffins beloro be­ finest that I have seen, although the one
lx*nts, was found dead in lx*! tieside ing taken ont, he either didn’t under- from tbe castle at Palermo 2.500 ft.
her mother Thursday morning. Jan. 23. , stand me or consider«! that a secret, as above the sea is a close second.
No cause is known for the death.
she I I could elicit no information from him
As the R. R. keeps along the sea
Those hun­
had had a bail cold for several days on that point whatever.
shore, everything for Laormina has to
“Insufficient funds.” the fatal words
bill was not considered in danger. dreds of coffins sitting there did not be freighted up a long incline, and the! written
______ _____
across __ a ____________________
multitude of checks
Mr. and Mrs. Boland have the sym- surely contain fresh Iswiie« as there style and variety of vehicles and the and often leaving the business man who
tliy of a large nii'nler of friends and
to s,ieak of, and besides, many
ad outfits drawing them is surely one of has accepted the worthlees papier badly
relatives in their loss.
I shall not in the hole, will continue to be a fa­
glass sides so that one could see they the sights of the place.
were skeletons Ho I have no idea what start in telling you about them as tide miliar inscription in Oregon. There
letter is surelv getting tedious to you lias lieen a determined eCs-t among
STANDING OF NOMINEES IN CONTEST they did with the bodies at first. Thev alreadv.
1 Will observe in passing, how- credit men and bankers to have a meas­
may have a separate corridor in which
ever, that tbe women knew nothing of ure framed which would remedv the
clothes pins here, the garment being i growing evil. The Aesociation of Credit
Matthew Boland. Lent*
MOO small and contain«! the skeletons of lit­
MHO tle children.
Hazel Mutnmvrvrlt. Ix*nt>
Once in a while a feeble . invariably tied to the linea by pieces of , Men of Portland thought once of
twine, and the carpenters never saw a favoring a bill, but after considering the
Pearl «'lark lA’nts
attempt was made at decoration with a ; 1 | modern
Fred Prtemon, Ix’ntu
hand saw, a specie of buck difficulty of determining when a cneck
In the older skel­
Huth Howe, Lenta
S.4O few artifical flowers.
saw being used in its stead on all occa­ of this kind ia issued with fraudulent
.•<KO etons the akin had completely dropped
(»nal Hand, Latite
purpose and when it is merely a mis­
Edith Snwlhurfft, I,ent»
from the head and face, in others It re
Myrtle McNeil, I.ent"
I shall lie glad when I get back to take, gave up the idea. The bankers
main«! in patches with the hair and
Albert Kndrfiii, l ent»
Portland so that I can get some decent have been expected to make an effort
MOO beard intact, a gruesome sight indeed.
Ha tel < 'on lee, I » hi *
opai I’Hvi-. Lenta
In one long corridor the coffins were J fruit Not a banana or pmeap- le on along practical lines, but have not ar-
Altna GI Inion. l«enta
the island, while the oranges are small, roused the strength required for a big
Arthur Walker, Lent»
s»o piled six and eight high on either aide,
with plenty of seeds and sour enough to movement.
Ruth Richard», Lent»
MSO with a double row extending almost to |
make a pig squeal. Tbe lemons however
At times a man issues a check of con­
Adina Morlrudc, Ix*nt»
the vault«! roof in the center, and in ■ are
as good as the world produces.
siderable size when be has only a trifle
and there wherever you I
Kenneth Forte. Ia*nt»
:«x> niches here
My route took me to Messina, Dec j in tbe bank. On the face of the situa-
Moo looked, faces perhaps l(M)o years old.
M .** Hazen. Lenta
Rut I» Rodaera, Lanta
were peering placidly down upon you. Ml. 1912. I arrived here at 10 a. m. i tion, it is regard«! as certain that tbe
Mark Conaltn. Gut»
I owe
Well, I have surely written enough and if nothing happens should be on writer of the check knew he was draw­
(»et» (Hickey) Wrlalrjr, Lents
the boat tomorrow, then goodbye to ing far beyond bis means. Yet unless
IS». I on thia aubject and aa it is getting late
Frieda Alnlalialp. l.enta
1 Italy and if any one ever catches mein i the fraud is so palpable as to come
Ja». Wand», l«ents
Lillian Thoma», Lenta.
Italy again he’ll have to chloroform me ; within the broad and lose margin of ob­
R It M a I Hi< \ ■ r I vntw
MOO Night.
ami snake me in while I’m a«leep.
I arrived at Girgenti, on the 5th. of Poor Messina surely underwent a terri­ taining money by false pretenses, noth­
ing can be done under existing condi­
Fred Helman. Lenta
Dec. and have !>een moving ever since i
Cleveland Rite», <ire»ham R 3
M •
ble tribulation. Ruin and disaster still tions. As a matter of fact, none of the
ft 100 The day is the most beautiful I’ve seen
Floyd Metzger. Gresham
M<0 in Europe.
This place is famous for stare the visitor in the face on every local business interests remember when
II. A. Colt and wife, son-in-law and Mamie Pitt», Gresham R 2
a prosecution was attempt«! against a
Ray Keatersen, Gresham R I
5000 1 the remains of its numerous temples, ■ hand ; hut some new buildings are go-
daughter of F. (1 Strickrott, of l.enta. I.eland
Moore, Gresham It H
M im »
! inv up, noticeably hotels. Rooms I,. 3 man issuing such a check. Yet hotels
Tbe 1
are the parents of a fine H pound son, May Kesterson, Gresham IIS
MOO which are strewn every
and up.
With the exception of some and other business institutions which
fiOfiO dwellings like those of all other Italian
born Jan. 20. It ia doubtful who ia I ester Ritchey, Gresham RH
beautiful views from the hills back of cash many checks are often victimized
Kesterson, Gresham R :t
moat elated over the event, father or Glen
Marian Brown, Gresham
the lower stories seldom ever ! the city there is nothing here to interest I by checks of this class, anil are eager
Callie Elkhorn, Lent*
MO» and n«
the stranger whatever. It has been al to get some statute which would make
have windows,—a precaution against
thieves—the doors are constantly stand­ most impossible to get hold of any post men feel the effects of this oo common
cards since leaving Palermo. I suppose
ing open to admit light. There are al­ there are so few travelers in these re­ tvne of frau.1.
But in trying to frame a remedial
VOTE COUPON--Good For 25 Votes
ways a lot of messlev half starv«l
swine in the streets and thev walk ’n mote places that it hardly pays to keep law, it is found that it is difficult to
I send the women folks a pack­ discriminate between the man who
Thin coupon when neatly clipped and properly tilled in with the name of
and move around among the pot* and
that I have picked up along the unwittingly overdraws, and the man
the candidate you wish to vote for, will be count«! as Twenty-Five Votes.
kettles at pleasure, some times the in­ age
who apparently does so purposely.
mates drive them out and sometime'
NAME OF CANDIDATE.................................................................................
Everything resolves itself into intent,
thev don’t. Thev rather •erm to enj i
MESSINA. DEC. 11 —Hurrah, I urn and a definition of this element which
their «impsny, a« a matter of sociabili­ ■>n Iman! the Pannonia; have just fln-
ty. The dogs a e also sm’iabh inclined i-h«l an exi client supper. You het. it will meet legal requirements and also
Thia Coupon ia void after January 2!»
and persist in helping iu the kitchen •«•ms nice to read a bill of fare in Eng­ be effective has been given up by the
DISTRICT NO ........... Cut thia coupon out on linea ami send flat 'ot rolled.
(whivhis dining room, sleeping amt lish <-nce more. Have a two berth state credit forces—Telegram.
I drawing room combined,) by licking off room with no companion so far.
the In ing pans, plates, platters, etc.
We arriv«l at Palorena December 12,
and thus saving the trouble of washing at 8 and left at 4. The ship was anch­ MR. AND MRS. MOLDY
them. 1 have been all over the place or«! out in the bay and all of the
in one day.
freigiit as well as the pa-sengers were
I arrived at Syracuse at 9 s m. in the brought out in small hosts. There
Good For 5000 Votes
morning and got busy at once.
This were about .50 surrounding the vessel
Mr. and Mrs. Mondy gave a party at
famous city was founded by the Greeks snd the sight was a very interesting and their borne last Saturday evening. The
I wish to nominate............................................................................
734 B. « , and at one time, according to anitnat«l one indeed. I ahall mail this guests were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cox,
history, had a population of some IWO, at Naples tomorrow. It will go by fast Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Boone, Mr. Rich-
Address . .............................................................................................
000; today it has about 32,000 One of train to Paris, thence to London, and «rd Hughes and Mr. Wyner.
the most interesting places I visit«! from there bv swifter steamer to New
A light, but delicious lunch was serv­
Nominated by . ..................................................................................
was the Doric Cathedral, once the “Tr tu­ York,
that you will receive it last ed at 11 o’clock. Everybody departed
ple of Minerva,” and which has been a abrntt the time that I land in that city. t<> their homes a little after midnivbt
Address ...........................................................................................
place of worship contlnously (or over I shall stay in New York about a week after having one of the best times of
This nomination blank, when properly filled in and present­ 2,fit© years. Next in interest was an and then go on to Washington. From their lives.
ed or mailed to Contest Department of the Mt. Scott Publishing ancient quarry, now clothed with vege­ thst point my oourse is undetermined.
tation. but formerly used as a prison, They tell me that the only stopping
Company will count for 5000 votes. Only one of these blanks on
the border of which is the celebrat«! place after leaving Naples will be Gib
Mr. Victor Ooiteaux ia building • new
will be credited to each candidate. Void after Feb. 1st
"Ear of Dionvsius,” a huge excavation raher. This is all now till I g»t to New house on his five acre tract on Buckley
resembling a human ear, said to bars York.
Vol. 11.
Announcement ia made that the
building proponed by Duke Brothers ia
about to assume form.
Call for bide
have been issued and bida will continue
to tie received up to Feb. IS The plans
provide for a building that will cost
about ten thouaand dollars.
As an-
nounc«l liefore the building will be of
concrete, faced with brick, with plate
glane front, and two stories, with office
rooms and a few suites in the second
story. It will be heated by a furnace
and will contain such modern improve­
ment« as are customary with a build­
ing of that design. It will be the moat
expensive and up to date building in
town up to the time and hence will be a
very valuable addition to the town. No
donbt the second flixir will rind ready
renters for a building of that sort,
equipped with unusual advantage« for
the town, should meet with a hearty
welcome from any one in need of ac­
Mtilnomah State Bank stock holders
held a meeting on the 14th of the month
and e.ected director« f ir the ensuing
The board of directors of last
year were reelected with one member
adilitlonal, O. E. Thompson. Vice
president and manager of the Silvertion
National Bank was added to the board.
The local officials were also all elected.
Mr. H. Rostad will continue to have
charge of the coin and be will lie assist­
ed by Mr. Bloyd and Mr. Kesselb-i <>
The two years past bave been v. ry
successful ones for the Multnc . ,h
State Bank. It is doubtful if any <•■ her
management could bave come to Leota
and entered the held with any inch
success, when we consider the gener.. y
disturbed condition which existed at
the time it was organized and opened
up for business.
From a bare begin­
ning it baa grown to be one of the
strongest country banks in the state
and its deposits are doubling up every
day. Lent • ought to be proud of the
out come of the failure of the old Mt.
Scott Bank and the way the new insti­
tution has come into popular confidence.
A class in Civic Government to be
formed at the library on bouth Main St.
One of the interesting new move­
ments of to-day is the coming together
of groups of our new citizens—women
voters—to study civic govenment and to
get well informed as to their new politi­
cal duties an I obligations.
Mount Scott women are not behind,
but have arranged for a class to tie held
at the library on south main street,
Lents, on the third Tuesday of the
month at 1 to 3 ■■. m
The first in the
senes was held January 21st. The study
will be taxen up systematically; the
first lesson treated of btate Adminis­
tration, it fundemental ideals, princi­
pals etc. It was demonstrated by map
and blackboard also quiz.
One half
hour there will be a lecture on the
evolution, or development, of govern­
ments, or social pr gross. Time will be
given for conference and discussion.
The class is open to every woman
who wishes the opportunity to get the
studie«, and every woman who possi­
bly can should svail themselves of the
opportunity. Those attending are re­
quested to bring note book and pencil.
Remember the time, one to three.
will begin promptly at one o’clock and
close promptly at three, as other hours
are not convenient for the use of the li­
brary room.
Books on the topic treated of will be
found on the library shelves, and each
ine-ting sugge tions as to reading will
1« given The lessons are entirely free,
and open to all.
Lenta Athletic club will have a smok­
er on the 28th There will be a num­
ber of interesting features which will
be put on for the benefit of those pres­
ent. A number of boxing matches are
being arranged. Lyman Tillman will
enter against tome 115 pound opponent;
Baker will be pitted against a 120
pounder; Clarence Bischon and Harold
Ketherford will represent the 140 pound
class, and Walt Stevens will be match­
ed against some 160 pound individual to
be selected
After this there will be two live
restling matches An admission fee of
25 cents will be charged, the proceeds
to go to Chib funds.
Mr. and Mra. L. Leader moved to
their new borne in Albina last weak.