BEAVER STATE HER ALD LENTS, MULTNOMAH CO., OREGON, THURSDAY, JANURARY 16 1913 Subscription, $1.00 a Year. CONTEST INTEREST GROWING NEW NAMES ARE NUMEROUS THE SILENT DELEGATION. Parents of Wayward Boys Dimick and Thompson Pre And Girls Will be Called on pare to Lead Fight to Se to Explain Why They Are cure Passing of Bills Over Thirty-five People named Already and Others in View, torcycle Takes General Attraction. Votes Will be Announced From Next Week Till Close Nice results are being shown already by the contestant» in ilie new conteat, Mr. Mark Conklin wa» the first contrat* ant to drpiadl vtiliarripttoii money; Fred Heiman wa» second and Fri da Alplanalp waa third, In another iviluinu will lie found tlie name« of nominee« to this date. Otla-r naimw will prolmbly la- ad ded from time to time until the Contest gets well «imler way. During the next week a letter of in- tristuction will 1» addrmaed to all con testant« and any of tlioar who have not received order blanks will |>l«*aM< notify ua and they will be sent at once. Ex planation will ato«> ba made <>( our two coiiiion »ystems, adiUtional to that run each week in Tin- Herald. All tin«««« feature» give additional opportunity for M< uring vote«. Ws suggest that cm 1 tea tents make a careful study of The Herald. Few coun ty i>aiM-ni contain the various commend able <h-|«artinent» ax well suetained ax tin«y are in The Herald. The front page to always well filhsl with good reliable news. The iariou» country de|«artmenla furnished by correspondent«. 1» unexcel- l««l anywhere in the state. The Herald to raaentially a local ucw»pa|>er, that is it attempts to give news relative to peo ple near the plare of publication or with in ths county. But it« xeeond page i>re«enU a wide range of news in brief from all over the country. Tlie column of “news noUsa" to well calculated to kcei> busy people iiif<>rnie<l of lendenciM of II»- tin»«-», rag,- three to a continua tion of world news. Page six usually lias agiMxtHlory, which by the way to fre. uuentiy a very high class piece of work. Other column» ol this page are devoted to U m - home, farm improvements, live stock. the dairy. poultry. »«•< general in formation. In abort, Tin- Herald to an old round newspaper, which if carefully read from cover lo cover will keep any- out* in touch with what is going on and keep him well informed. All this to slip pliol for only one dollar a year, fifty cents for six month», twenty-five cents lor three months, and half v tniicli more to foreign readers. If you have been contemplating entry into tlie contest do not delay but get your name up. FOSSLER MARKE F GEIFIN6 ROTULAR? The Fussier market is coming to be so popular that the proprietor contemp late* putting on a night shift. Satur day trade opened up at 4:30 a. rn. Mr Fussier was not preparrel for the rush .nd th. case seeinrei to demand action. He and hi. |>artnrr, somewhat scant>1» attired made a quick answer tn the call and meet the visitor preparing t<» leave with a week’s supply of provision- But on the way Mr. Fussier got ruix««d up with a lol of lumber, a .and pile, and other iaiplimeuta. Mr, William» reaced the market door in time to greet the early necr with an upper cut wnich found la ding in the region of the visi tor*. eye. but be got a well directed re turn which for the time put him out of the contest. Before Fussier got over the sand pile and Williams cauie to, the visitor bad left without his shorts »ack. He may have it anytime he calls. By the way, Fowler intends to cultivate the habit of sleeping with his lioots on. He sa)S if he had a couple of guns, a bull dog, some flash lights, two (tail long tMxits and an ulster coat or two, he might entertain hi. early cus tomers in a manner more satisfactory to himself it not to th. other (ellow. AARON FOX Gt IS CON ÎRACT FOR SUPPLIES CONST ABLt WISE SENATE SCENE MAKES STATEMENT OE FIGHT TODAY • »- A w . PROF. LOWE SEES POMPEII, PAL- ERMO AND THE CATACOMBS Allowed to Carouse Nights Governor’s Vetoes of 1911. It ha. been a long time since Lents had any officer of the law announce their intention, of looking after tire pro tection of the people of the community ax re|<eated report» »eem» to indicate is a necessity. In tire first place thereto entirelv too much disregard of tlie feel ings or others not only on tbe streets, but in public halls and meetings. Par ticular mention is made of a bunch of smart young boys who congregate at the station, along the car line and indulge in remarks to the girl, and young women, ex|«cialiy, as they leave the cars. Izrud and ungen tieman I y talk or conversation suggestive of improper thoughts have been all too common. Boys and girl, roam around on the street, at unseemly hours of tlie night without any excuse whatever and not only a risk to them selves but a menace to respectible people who may liave to be out late at night from some good cause. It may ax well tie known now as later that Constable Wise intends to make an example of some one shortly, and par ent. who have children who will not or who have not been required to stay at home, an- advised that they are taking a risk of having to appear before tlie ju venile court, or the justice court, and make explanation, if poeeible, why tiiey should not be placed in the care of the county or state detention officers. It is particularly important that girl, who nave been in the habit of trailing the streets at night instead of being at home helping their mothers or devoting them selves to «»me sort of self improvement should consider their improprieties, for they are just as liable to be called upon fur an explanation as noia; or rude SALEM, OREGON, JANUARY Ik- War to tbe finish will he declared to morrow tietween conflicting factions of ths State Senate when the Governor’s vetoed bilie come up for final disposition an 1 determination will lie res- hed as to whether Governor West or Treasurer Kay will have a dominating influence in that body. It is generally conceded that one or tao of tbe bills which will be voted upon will either spell a deatbknell to much of tbe Weet program or at least disclose the strength of his hand. When the judiciary committee today met for a final consideration of vetoed Senate bills the two that affect tbe ad ministration vitally were given long consideration. These are bills which were introduced in 1911 by Wood, of Washington. One provides that it shall be unlawful for any official, trustee, manager, director or superintendent or board of commissioners of any public institution to create a deticien y. LENIS INVENTOR HAS PATENTS COMING Emergency Board May Save. In event of a deficiency where tbe life of the institution is imperiled a board of emergency including the Governor, Secretary of State and State Treasurer, with tbe Speaker of tbe House Presi dent of tbe Senate and the chairmen of tbe two ways and means committees, may meet and cover such an emergency. Any other means of covering an insti tutional deficiency carries a heavy pen alty under the bill. Tbe othe«- Wood hill prevents the Secretary of State from auditing a claim for which there is no appropriation. West is opposed to these two bills. Kay ia heartily in favor of them, ac cording to numerous statement» made in tbe judiciary committee meeting to day- The committee itself is split on the matter, there being three in favor «>( tbe bills and three against. Bean was absent, but be said tonight, bow« vex, that be is in favor of sustaining 1 ie vet-’es. NOV. 3u. 1912.—Pompeii to the most I out at ail. No laying aside overcoats They interesting spot I have seen in all my . here I see that plain enough. travels. Wonderful! wonderful! won | undoubtedly have those beautitul Italian Troutdale jieople rejoice in the auceean skies and balmy, delightful breezes in derful ! walking along the very streets, of their local merchant, Aaron Fox. hav and treading on the very pavement» ” o vuturner lime the same as we have in Portland, but they are entirely out W est friends See Fate. ing secured the contract for county sup worn deep hv chariot wheels 190H years of order at this season of the year I Dimick and Thompson intend to lead a ago ; ami paintings every where, on the plies for the next six month.. He wax J. M. Cadwell is the inventor of two find, though it never freezes here as fight to secure the passing of these bills in cuu>|>etition with Meier A Frank, wails, with colors as bright as though it does in Portland, I can tell that by very practical household conveniences. over tbe Governor’s vetoe-«. If tbe fight they bad been placed there ves- the vegetation. As it is out of the ques Old» A King, Everding A Farrell, and terday. A place of about 10,000 it tion to try to talk to those dummies One is a new style substantial ironing is won it will mean that the Governor has not much chance in the Senate with Sperry Flour Co. and Armour A Co., on must have l>een, a country seat for tbe PRIZES TO BE EXHIBITED. here, I have to draw my own conclu table which folds up into small form. his general program. This much is The county farm wealthy, judging from the elegance of sions about everything. I'm surelv in The other is a table designed for camp Arrangement has tiern mail« for »»me part of the auppliea. conceded even by some of bis friends. the houses. The streets are all narrow, a foreign land now and no mistake. of the prizes to be on exhitat most of is located close to Troutdale and it the two principal ones tunning at right Haven't heard an English word spoken ers and banquet halls, or for home use. the time. Tlie motor cycle is now on show aeema just that some of the county or- angles, l>eing shout 12 ft. from curb to since I came here and don’t expect to I It is light, strong, and packs away so at various time» during the oon- den* at least, should go to that town. curb, The side walks are all raised about hear one on the Island. Tbe reason is I neatly that a four foot table will form a ta-st. The piano likewise will be brought a foot above the street and on the main obvious This is out of the regular line ' bundle four feet long, 4 inches thick out during the last month. Lack of The bid made by Mr. Fox wax over »»•0 thoroughfares are about four feet wide convenient place lai make a satisfactory Oloaer on the $2000 order than by any ,o,nn*t travel, very few Americans i and 8 inches wide. He has patents In manv of the st reels, however, they are visiting here. s<i they have no occasion i pending. display is th" reason for not having of the other. only about three ft. wide on one side, Yet with the \ them all the time. and from one and one half to two ft. I to learn the language. few Italian word. I’ve picked up I make Mr and Mrs M. C. Reed, ofPortiand | on the other. The pavements are made j THE EILER PIANO IS WELL . it alright. But i’ve seen enough of the visited the Misses. Shoemaker from of large blocks of stone of all sba}>ee. the , "Italian»’’ and as»oon as I get on board known in Lenta. It, or one of the same Saturday to Monday. largest I notice»! lieing about four ft, the vessel I’m going to ait right down style ami value, was on exhibit here Miss Nellie Fox, county librarian, long ami two feet wide. Everywhere and forget every Italian word I ever last spring for ten weeks and received visited the Gresham library Tueedav. along the streets were fountains about iknew. unanimous approval from every one Mrs. A. H. Gould went to Portland four ft. square anil three ft high, the I got a nice room here however for | that tried it. Its quality of tone, its Tueaiay to see her son-in-law, A. G. walls always l>eing of single slabs of L 2. but living is expensive, a equate style and finish all were highly com «tone and standing there as perfect ap An eight monthsold Rhode Island Re«i Pullen, who is still quite ill. » meal at a restaurant running from 2)y mended Miss Grace Lawrence has resigned parently as the day they were made i I to 34 L. and while some of the dishes ■ Pullet belonging to Master Bowen Faith Since planning to give an The l.ents Parents Teachers' Aseocla- Pottery of every sha|>e and size from : of Clemson 8t. has a record. Hereggsare her position as secretary of the Mult are fairly palatable others are altotnin- tion will bold its regular monthly meet great earthern jars that wonld hold 50 I EAGLE MOTOR CYCLE nomah and Clackamas County Mutual 1 able, but the only way one can know I of exceptional site but when slie plact-d a ing at the Lenta school Friday after-1 We have bad a large number of experi noon at 2:30 o'clock. An interesting gallon to small drinking cups was found that, is to try them and while they I 8x7 7-8 inch egg to her credit the other Telephone Co. and Mi-s Eva Anderson has been elected to tbe position. every where All the smaller articles enced motor cycle |*ople commend the don’t get me the second time on the »lay it was thought to be of sufficient program has been arrange«! ami it ia I Robert McKarrow, who has been »election of an ’’Eagle.” Tbe style, imped that a goodly number will lie that the tourist could carry away have same dish thev're sure to catch n>e on importance to give her some public no lieen putin the museum but hundreds of <ome other. I must sav, however, that tice. She is a pet and has developed a working at Bull Run, came down this wearing quality, am! j»iwer are all win present week for a few days. the larger ones are standing around in ning pointe with people who know they construct a doughnut here that’» whim for the society of human beings Rotiert l-ansdown. of Cottrell, was a the rooms everywhere. You must re about motor cycle quality. They all pretty hard to heat. As to pie, they and declines to associate with the feath Gresham visitor Monday. member that all the roofs, excepting ered inhabitants of the barnyard. Her »ay that the fellow who gets that ma never heard of the like, hut their cakes the arched ones, h id caved in, hut al) Miss Ethel Wilkinson has received a chine as a prise, will have a lot of rea of all kinds are up to the standard, neat has been located -on tbe back porch that rubbish has been removed, and the where special preparhtions have been teachers certificate and will teseb a son to congratulate themselves for their though pretty expensive spring term near Sandy. rooms are as clean as the day the good sucre»«. There is nothing beautiful about this made for her convenience. Mr and Mrs. Lewie Shattuck enter house wife last swept them. Wherever „n ------- ------------------------ ,— Hut—The essential thing now ia to fine pictures were found on the walls town.nd bayfrem^em^ntoinx'ure- tained with a five hundred party last get into the race. Don’t lie the last one Friday night. There were enough .^Mh\m,VeT*nremi^ ¡LTs'knngT ‘“t to present some one's name, and don't present to make seven tables. A two large temp!.-, two theatres and an I iX^n^ b<- backward if you waul to try it your large temple-, two theatres and an course lune" was served and every one self. Just fill out a nominating blank What might hava la-en a very serious expreseec themselves as having passed and send it in at once and get your accidi-ntoccurred Saturday night. The immense amphitheatre for gladiatorial the first I ve seen since leaving Hono a pleasant evening. The prizes were 50l)u votes as a la-giiming. That will bakers had removed a large uuanity of j combats, etc., give ns some idea of the 1 lulu, and the |>apvrus plant, the first I social spirit of that time. won by Miss Mabel Thomas and Mr. put yon on the list of candidates and ashes and half btirmsi coals. Evidently ever saw. I Uimight St. Peters’ at Manv of the bake ovens are still in Rome waa about the most beautiful Burke. The following were present: }M-«ple will begin to deposit their enpons the gas rising from the slnmhering I kix to your credit. Several people have of tire and aalii-s wax of a poisonous na tact and the hand mills by which they thing in the world, but the churches Lents is headquarters for a good many Meedames. Geo, Leslie, Alva Hevel, gronml their wheat are standing near called this week to credit tip their cu ture for one of the bakers was suddenly The latest is an eye Max Schneider, Jas. Elkington, 0. A. here, although not nearly so large, have good things. Eastman, W. R. Kern, Arthur Dowsett, pons to candidates after this week the seen to ealla|>ae, and the other one fell 1 by Those who liave made a careful St. Peter's lieat to a finish in the mat specialist Dr. Sarah L. Rilea, connect ' study of the subject can tell what al Fred Everson, W. R Burke, F. A. lihl of««eB will l»e priuted and you half<amarions. The noise of their falling ter of decorations. I never saw any ed witli on* of tlie leading optometrical most every room was used for. Thus, Short, E. G. Kardell, Lewis Shattuck, see that - our name ia among the num called the owner’s attention and they thing like it in my life It's wonderful houses in Portland will establish a her. It is bsrdly a compliment to be were reeceued l>arely in time to save bed rooms and sitting rooms by their what human lieinga can do along tho«e branch office in Lents and ultimately Misses Hughe», Dowsett, Thoms« Messrs size and the kind of pictures on the nominated at the Inst ot the time limit their lives. confine herself to local practice. With Alva Hevel, Msx Schneider, Jis. Elk lines when they s-t about it walls. Merchants by the tnarble count fot nominations. The weather being inclement. I put some ten thousand people to serve, it is ington, O. A Eastman, W. R. Kern, j era, and if he was a wine or oil dealer, if you want further reasonable to suppose that this field Arthur Dowsett, Fred Everson. W. R. by tbe large ja-s standing around. One the forenoon in in tbe churches, and the should support one or two eye specialists Burke, Carl Shattuck, H. Hughes, J. I'm INFORMATION ABOUT ENTERING room was known to tie a barber shop i catacombs and tnus lost no time. A Patenaude, A. Davis, Lewis Shat- very comfortably. from tlie finding of r»z >rs and other ar af ai>l I shall lie tempted to become a tdek. Geo. Leslie Call al the Mt. Scott Pub. Co’» office Catholic if I visit these beautiful ticles in it. In one small room about J. G. Metzger has sold two and three and we will tiy to get you “right" so ehuicbes 11 Ucii oftener. But as to the 10x12, ami facing ou ton tlie main street, DISTRICT NO. 1. quarter acres to the Catholic church. far as anything concerning prizes or Matthew Boland, i-ataeomhs! sav, 1 l>elieve I'd rather be Lentil I lie five sketil-ms in a heap just as they They will begin at once to erecta chap method of work is concerned. We ate Hasel HumtnerveH, Lenta were found, supposed to liaie been one th«-custodian of one of those museums el. school ami parsonage. particularly willing to explain jnsl how Pearl (’lark. Lent» than any other job I've seen yet. So I family. The door is closed by a large Peteraon. Ixjiita Guv Fieldhouse was a Portland visi to go about it to get results, but we will Fred Ruth Howe. Lent* gins« plate with an iron railing in front. jusint «il l obedient, always stay where tor Wednesday. not give anyone tlie apvnutage in' ad Opal llnnd, Lenta I '<>11 pm them, and as you tmt them, no Whenever a »oom is to he opened lip all Mrs. Danfienback was injured by a vice. Everyone gets the same advice Edith Smithurst, Lenta A tools are laid aside, and the earth (1 back talk nr any thing of the kind. McNeil. Lenta street car in Portland and bad to spend and the same favors and no one can Myrtle tourist in Berne had told ine how the Albert Rndrlaxl, Lenta sample of which I am bringing home) Saturday and Sunday in the hospital. then claim discrimination. ¡conductor- w uld rush the sight-seer Hasel Conlee, Lenta it carefnlllv removed by hand You She is teaching altbongh still suffering Opai D ht I r , Lenta ............. 1 through if they could, so being fore RECEIPT BLANKS ARE READY Lent. Court 82, Forresters celebrated from her injury. know the city waa not destroyed by lava Alma Glbaon, I«enta Arthur Walker, Ixtnta.................... such as the recent flow, but hy great warne«) I was forearmed and when I had celebrated Monday evening, the occa Mr. aud Mrs. Geo Leslie entertaine«! for those who have twen nominated. If E'aa Schmidt. Lenta...................... chosen an old monk to be my guide I rivers of mud com pose, 1 of ashes, and sion lieing the installation of the term about twenty-five Grangers at their you are ready to go to work call and get Ruth Richards, Lenta said : "See here, two hours, L. 1 ” oil t water formed from the condensing officers of the lodge. About 250 lepre home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. U’nta one ami we wjll make any necessary ex Adlna Mortrude. DISTRICT NO. 2 •«entstive, of Court Mt. Hood from Hollenl>e<k of Heybnrn, Idaho. Avery I stream, so that digging in those rooms is no he shook his hea-l. I said, “al planation and yon can liegin to pile up Kenneth Forte, I »ent« then, ” and started away, but he much like Jigging into and old ash heap. . Portlan I was ei|*ct»d to be p esent, pleasant evening was passed in playing your bunch ol votes. II it is not con M S Ha/en. tanta .......................... me back, as I knew he wonld, and w* but only aliont 175 actually came, and five hundred and Mrs. Hollenbeck ana The Italian government has charge ot ; Rodffera, Lents .................. venient to call send word you want one Ruth «tarted down a long stair-way leading Mark Conklin Lent* ................... the excavations, about two-thirds of the there is sums dispute about that. The Mr. Kavanaugh succeeded in winning and we will send yon one at once. , Geo (Hlckctr) Wrlaloy, I^enta The Lents Court now has over 40 members, ancient city having thus far teen ex to the underground corridors. the pris s Those present were Mr. Frieda Alpiaualp, Lenta cards will give yon sonu- faint idea of humed. The cost mnst have been and with invi ed friends, the trail was and Mrs. M. D Kern, Mr. and Mrs. D. ICIaie Brit lit, Lentil ........................ what I saw there. The old monk said Montia Parker, Lents......... .......... pretty well fi'ied. The Court Mt. Hood W. Metzger, Mr. ami Mrs. Geo. Sleret, ••ri'rinous but an admission fee of L. Lillian Thomas, Lenta 2.50 will amount to a gisxi many thous- j there were alxiut 20.000 skeletons all Drought along its uniformed drill team Mr ami Mrs. Frank Hodge. Mr. and district NO 1 told and I don't doubt it, as there was and« of dollars each year and will ■ an<l essayed to put on tbe installation, Mrs. Kavanangh. Mrs E. G. Kardell. Fred Heiman, l»ent« ................ The which they did in a very satisfactory Mrs L. T. Lusted, Mrs. Chas. Mnrrill, The M. E. Church will give a recep Cleveland Bliss, Greaham H 9 eventually j»ay the total cost; I,. 50 to corridor after corridor of them. old rascal tried to hurrv me along, but tion at the church to its new member, Floyd Met/ffer (Treaham ........... charged extra for the amphitheater. manner. Mias Birdie Allen, John Fieldnouae, Pitta, Greaham R 2 .... at 8 p. m Jan 21. All memlier» and Mamie I went to Pa’ermo on the 10th. of I took mv time, »0 he eat down on the Lunch was served and a programmed Mr. ano Mrs. W. R. Kern, Mr. and Rar Keatersen, Gresham R I coffins and waited while I examined friends are invited to the reception. Iceland Moore, Gresham R 8........ Decemb r anti stayed there three davs. music and drills and literary features Mrs" W. J. Hollenbeck, Mrs. Alva Meetings of tlie last two weeks have May Kesterson. Greaham R B.... A cold drizzling rain fell all that dav the various exhibits to mv entire satis- was rendered. Everyone seems to have Hevel. Mr-. W. R. Kem and Mrs. Al fleeter Ritchey, Gresham R B ... 1 • • ___ — - __ and if I hadn't her. had my umbrella f ..... l> ” 1 thomnyhlv enj »yM myself been quit«-successful and a large num Gian had an excellent time and commend va Hevel assisted the hostees in serving Kesterson, Gresham Bl . tier have l*en added to the membership. Marian Brown, Greaham and overcoat I couldn't have ventured th. lodge of the hospitality extended. (Continued next week.) a dainty two course lunch. LOCAL NEWS NOTES FROM GRESHAM PARENTS-TEAGHERS TO Mt ET FRIDAY RHODE ISLAND PULLET MAKES REMARKABLE RECORD. MT. SCOT! BAKERY HAS ACCIDENT DR SARAH I. RILEA TO LOCAR IN LENTS STANDIN6 OF NOMINEES IN CONTEST FORESTERS HOLD INI TIATORY CELEBRATION RLCfPriON.