TO HAVE BIG BABY SHQW EVENWG STAR GRANGE HOLDS INTERESIIN6 SESSION. AT 1915 EXPOSITIONS. Local and Personal Mr*. R Heyting is very ill with the . Mis» Marie McMan is numbered with rin. ‘he »irk. Mist Lottie Shulenberg is ill this Chas. McGill is very ill with the grip week thia week. Mi;« Dorris Meyer has gone to Chicago Mr. J. B. Smith, ot 10th Ave , is »ut­ ter a short visit. I Irring with lagrippe. J. Stanford Moore ha» returned to Mrs. \y. J. Roland visited friend» and Willamette University. relatives in Linnton, Wednesday. George Kimber, of Portland, visited Mrs. E, B. Husted has gone for an ei- at R A.BrcAwn’» Sunday tended visit in the East. _______ —— Miss Marie Huxley ha» been quite Revival meerings began in the M. E. sick the past week with pleurisy. church, 7th and Gordan, Tuesday ev- _____ ening. Mr. and Mrs. Freeburg paid a buai- --------- nees visit to \ ancouver on the third. Clarence Cone has so far recovered -------- I from his operation for appendicitis as to Miss Lelia Lents has rettsmed her Bble to be about, studies at the Willamette University. ______ Mr». E. A. Kelley, now of Montavilla, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Baas are visiting with met with a severe fall recently in which their relatives, Mrs. Bass and son. David. her shoulder was dislocated. Mrs. Willie Yost and son is visiting Mr and Mrs. Belden of Arleta, spent her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cone. New Years day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Woods. Mrs. Bass, of Grays Crossing, has been very sick the past week but is much Mrs. L. D. Reed of Lenta, has moved better. to Portland where she will remain this winter. Mr and Mrs. Stepby. of Grays Cross­ ing, are now managing the Grays Cross­ B orn —to Mr. and Mrs. Koneig, a l per gal now ............. ular 25c now............................................................... 15c Inside Spar R' g $2 25 fier gal now.................... Corrugateli Elbows, Regular 25c now ....................... I5e Dull Finish H—ar $2 25 per gal now ................ Adjustable Elbow-, Regular 25c now.............................. 12c Lt. Hard oil R g $1 70 per gal now............... Oil Heater», Aluminum and Perfection Pattons Clear Fat Reg $2.27* per now No. I Alumino Oil Heater Regular $3 75 now $3 0 Gliddens Varnishes No. 2 Alumino Oil Heater Regular $5 00 now ..$3.95 M P. Durable lutei lor Reg $3 oo per gal now . $2 40 No 3 Perfection Oil Heater Regular $3.25 now $2 05 M P. Durable Floor Reg $3.00 per gal now $2.40 Wood and Paper Lined Stove Board« M P Elastic Interior Reg $2 50 per gal now $2.15 Light Hani Oil Reg $2 10 |>er gsl now $1.05 24x24 paper lined Stove Board« Ri g » .45 now ... $ 33 Silverware and Cutlery Department 26x26 paper lined 3tow Boards Reg • .60 now ....$ .44 28x28 paper lined Stove Board» Reg I 70 now...... $ 52 25 per cent off on all Silverware, Carving Seta, Pocket 30x30 pa;>er lined Stove Boards Reg $ .75 now...... $ 50 Knives, Razors, Hones, Strops, Brushes, F»ncy Plaques, Bowls. This means $1.00 worth of g< sds for 75c or 25c 20x30 paper lined Stove Boards Reg 5 .65 now..... .$ 51 24x24 wood lined Stove B -ards Reg $ .75 now...... $ 50 saved. A $75 00 Per Month Job for 63c $ <18 26x26 wood lined Stove Board» Reg $ .90 now 23x2» wood lined Stove Boards Reg |1 19 now...... $ 87 Buy a l-Vea- Guaranteed Alarm Clock, all Brass Bear­ ¡10x30 w< od lined Stove Boards Reg $1.25 now. ....$1.03 ings, I xtra large Face and Figures for 63c and be the EARLY BIRD THAI GOT THB WORM out of the 26x32 wood lined Stove Boards Reg 51.15 now........... (Help Wanted) columns of some paper. 33x33 wood lined Stove Boards Reg $1.50 now......51 20 ing at a Big Discount Household Department SEND 10 CENTS k VO O0VW poetate sad pa«il n< and rweotve thia vaiatile I crttocttaa ef pMlfait Wetter with toy big R laetraetlva, HeaattfaT and Plant B««k, j A toils all about the Beat vartoltoe of S*mds, Plants. etc k H.W. Bucrbes. G. F. Rusch Tailor to Men and Women Large Line of Careful Selected Suitings for Ladies and Gentlemen Best Suits on the CoastfortheMoney Wè Give ¿h>/Green Trading Stamps Foster Road Near P. O. Lents, Ore. J J ...................... 35c No. 1 Ga'vanized Tub» Reg 50c now ...................... 50c No. 2 Galvanised Tut» Reg 6Oc now ...................... 0Oe No 3 Galvanized Tubs Reg 70c now 10 quart Galvanized Pail» Keg 20c now ....................... 15c 12 quart Galvanised Pails Reg 25e no*.. ...................... 2< c 14 quart Galvanitted Pails Reg 30c now....... One and a Half Dozen Clothes Pins now G'as< " ash Boards Reg 35c now................ Brnss Wash Boards Reg 35 now ................... Clothes Line Rope Reg 36c now.................. . 25c Ic 25c ..25c ..20c LENTS HARDWARE COMPANY "We Are Determined to Grow in Bu-lnrss by Deserving lo Grow"