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About Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1913)
NEWS NOTES OF PRESIDENT-ELECT. TOWN OF HIS BIRTH AND PRESBYTERIAN MANSE IN WHICH HE WAS BORN r OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST CURRENT WEEK General News of the Industrial and Educational Development and Progreaa of Rural Communities, Public Institutions, Etc. .....- Resume of World’s Important Events Told in Brief. 1 ■•■■■= ■ r-7T.r-u iwi I (LEAR LAKE IS WONDERFUL ldeul Source of Water Supply for Valley Town«. A list ofJ4 bulletins and circulars issued by the Oregon Agricultural col lege which are now available to all who will write to the extension divis ion for them is as follows: Albany Clour Luke, which the state l/oard of health la planning to utilize * as a source of water supply for the A complete reorganization of the 1 • __ _ cities and towns of the Willamette Mexican federal army has been com- menced. valley and the state institutions at' III t.I.KTINH. Salem, Is situated in the southeastern A baby weighing just 17 ounces was No. 102 Digestibility of Kale, part of Linn county, about 77 miles born at Aurora, Ill. It is healthy Vetch Huy, Steamed and Unsteamed and perfect. southeast of Albany. It lies about Silage. W i t by combe- Bradley. The Volunteers of America fed 12,- No. 103 Mortality of Incubator two miles from the Willamette Valley _ ; wá L w WI 000 hungry men and women in Chica Chicks. Perot. & Cascade Mountain Wagon road and go December 29. Orehard Management. is about four miles from the summit No. Ill Lewis. California’s Progressive legislators of the Cascade mountains. C. E. No. 112 Soils of Oregon. have invited the regulars to join with The main b<aiy of the lake Is nla/ut Bradley. them in legislation. No. 113 Orchard Irrigation Studies two miles long and three-fourths of a A portrait of “Aunt Delia” by a in Rogue River Valley. Lewis, Kraus, k mile wide. Connected with the main noted Boston artist was presented to Rees. body of the luke by a neck of water President Taft as a New Years’ gift. CtKCVLAHH. on each side of a small island, is a Portland had a total rainfall of 2.21 No. 12- Three Spaciaa of Plant Lice smaller laxly about one-half mile long inches Sunday, causing much property in Oregon. Wilson. loss by slides on the hills west of the and one-fourth of a mile wide. The No. 13 Orchard Sprays and Spray- lake is remarkably deep, so deep, In city. g. Cordley-Jackson. fact, that no one who has ever visited Roosevelt is preparing a magazine No. 18 Swine Husbandry. Withy it has had a line long enough to meas article in which he states that Japan, combe-Potter. ure its depth. The water is SO clear not Russia, first sued for peace in the No. 19 Oregon Station Trap Nest that the bottom of the lake muy l/e Russo-Japanese war. Dryden. seen in some places, notwithstanding No. 20 The Pollination Question. it is many hundreds of feet deep. The Turks appear inclined to present K raus. more moderate demands in the peace bottom is irregular and there are evi conference, and the allies show anxi dently high cliffs at various pluces, ety to close negotiations. Biennial Report Eastern Oregon Sta though they appear as small precipi tion, 1909-10. tous formations from the surface. Idaho will call a convention to take KXTKNHION Bt l.t.KTtNH. A most peculiar feature of the lake, up the matter of a state highway and Series 4. No. 1 Highway Improve which makes it uniqu« among all the branches, in conjunction with the ment, Earth Roads and Culverts. Ay lakes of the state ami probably of the same movement in adjoining states. nnlllW country, is that it contains at least 50 res. The London Times devoted an entire miro *”rn Series 4, No. 46 Road Materials in petrified trees, standing upright. The page to presenting the condition of trees ure in the north end, or smaller the Willamette Valley. Parks. the etty’s poor, and declares that the M>iit of the Series 5, No. 2 Economic Geologi portion, of the lake. increase of pauperism is "dismay trees stand in groups, only u few feet cal Resources of Oregon. Parks. ing.” apart. Some of these trees appear to be so Thomas Harding, aged 91, is dead OREGON TIMBER ATTRACTS close to the surface that they could be at his home in Redland, Ore. He sold to retailer and consumer, prevent PRESIDENT-ELECT HOME reached with an oar, but it is evident was famous as a newspaper writer and ing competition which would reduce Eastern Capitalist Surveys Yellow from attempts that have been made to was the author of the poem entitled, the price to the public and creating a Staunton, Virginia, Gives Noisy 7*7^ Pine of John Day Valley. reach them by lines that they are hun “Remember the Maine.” monopoly by concentrating the entire Welcome to Wilson. dreds of feet below the surface of the interstate traffic in this commodity in The United States army officer who Prairie City L. B. linker, of New Staunton, Va. -Virginia enthusias York, representing a syndicate of cap water, though the portion of the lake the hands of jobbers and retailers who wrote a satirical poem on the exploits where they stand is not so deep us the abide by price agreements exacted by tically welcomed home Governor Wil of the German-trained Turkish army italists interested in the lumber indus remainder of the lake. the defendants. It is alleged that the aays he had not the slightest idea his son, the eighth of her native sons to The water of the luke is remarkably verses would create international com Governor of Islands Reports defendants have invoked the patent be chosen president of the United try, visited the John Day Valley this cold. So penetrating is its coldness laws through the use of a patented States. From the moment the presi week for the purpose of investigating plications. carton in which the flakes are packed dent-elect crossed the state line at the extent and quality of the yellow that a person cannot keep his hund in Progress and Prosperity. A Chicago policeman, on discover A large as a mere “subterfuge and device” to Alexandria in the afternoon, after he pine forests covering the foothills that it very long at a time. ing the basement of a church to be on spring, which bubbles up on one aide escape the provisions of the Sherman had a ten-minute glimpse of the na fire while Sunday school was in ses of the lake and which is one of the skirt the valley for 65 miles. law. tional capital, until 9 o’clock, when he sion, quietly notified the teachers, who Commerce, Homesteading, Trans Mr. Unker will investigate all the leading sources of the lake's water The government asks for injunc reached the little parsonage where he had the organist play "Onward, Chris portation, Public Works, tions to prevent the company, its offi was born 56 years before, the recep available yellow pine forests of East supply, is even colder than the lake it tian Sodiers, ” while the pupils march cers and agents from controlling the tion was one of great enthusiasm, ern Oregon during his trip, with re self. It is a practice among |as>ple Health, Etc., Improve. ed to safety. price of the breakfast food after it noisy demonstration and spectacular gard to accessibility, cost of logging who have visited the lake before to and manufacturing into lumber and offer to wager those visiting it for the leaves the hands of the manufacturer. display. Railways are making preparations transportation to the Eastern markets. first time that they cannot keep their The suit is regarded by the govern for immense business in 1913. Escorted by cavalry, militia com Washington, D. C.—Hawaii has en ment as of vast importance because of It is recognised by lumber experts hand in this spring for one minute. panies and a torchlight procession, the Standard Oil stock took a sharp ad joyed greater prosperity and progress its bearing on the right of a manufac governor and Mrs. Wilson motored that the Eastern Oregon pine is avail This has been tried many times, but, vance in the New York market. during the last year than during any turer to control prices to the consum through the streets of Staunton to the able, much of it, for"manufacture Into so far as known, the feat has never been accomplished. So cold is the A government attache says plenty other in its history, according to Gov er. It is alleged that the company home of Rev. A. N. Frazer, pastor of the best grades of finishing lumber. The supply of this material is be water of this spring that if one b II ows of fuel is the chief need of Alaska. sells only to jobbers, refusing abso the Presbyterian church. In this ernor Frear’s annual report, submitted his hand to remain in it for 20 seconds General Wood plans for a big mili to the Secretary of the Interior Fish lutely to deal directly with the con home Rev. Joseph R. Wilson, father coming scarce in the Middle West and pain becomes apparent both in the Eastern states, while the demand for sumers or with the retail trade. The of the president-elect, lived in 1856. tary display at the inauguration of hand and arm as well. er. The preceding four years had commodity, according to the petition, it is increasing. Wilson. “It is fine to be back again,” ex- Clear Lake is a very beautiful laxly been notable for their prosperity, says is sold to jobbers at a uniform price, claimed the president-elect, as he A 3-year-old child was burned to the governor, but this year witnessed of water and its charm is enhanced by under an agreement that the jobbers stepped indoors. CONTRACT WILL BE LET SOON beautiful natural surroundings. The death in a Christmas tree fire at Rio even greater strides forward. will sell to retailers at a price fixed by Suffering from the effects of his Bonita, Cai. Three Sisters are many miles from the In commerce, homesteading, im the defendants. The defendants are cold, he returned immediately to the Work on Line South From Portland lake, but a beautiful view of them is provement in class of immigrants, bet charged with strictly enforcing the Prune packers of Vancouver, Wash., room in which he was born to rest. obtained looking across the lake from terment of transportation facilities, agreement of sale by absolutely refus Will Regin Next Spring. are preparing a shipment of four car Staunton was not alone in celebrat north to south. construction of public works, public ing to deal with any jobber who fails Oregon City Mark Woodruff, an loads to go direct to Germany. ing the arrival of the distinguished There is a large quantity of lava in health, administration and public to maintain the specified price. visitor. Fireworks shot across the official of the Portland, Eugene <<• the vicinity of Clear Lake, and as no Archduke Ferdinand, of Buglaria, school facilities there had been and red lights threw a festive Eastern Railroad, is authority for the crater has been found nearby, it is MEXICAN SHOPMEN STRIKE skies plans for a new Slav empire under the marked advance. glare at all stations along the route. That the United States reclamation rule of the Hapsburg royal family. statement that work on the 40 miles sup|s>sed that the luke may be an old act be exended to Hawaii is one of the Higher Wages and Shorter Hours Mrs. Wilson stood with her husband from Portland south will be commenc volcano, though the border of the lake on the rear platform of the train and dos not have the appearance of a cra Admiral Dewey at 75 years of age governor’s recommendations. He enjoyed the demonstration. ed in the spring. The contract for ter now. Demanded by 7000. says he stays young by keeping regu says there are large areas which The lake is the main source of the lar hours and avoiding midnight ban should be made available by irrigation the 40 miles has not as yet been let, Laredo, Tex.— Seven thousand shop Big Mills Oust Hindus. quets. for settlement by Americans in colon employes of the National Railway of but it is on President Strahorn's desk McKenzie river. The river flows out at the southwest corner of the lake Vancouver, B. C. - Drastic steps and will be shortly dealt with. Mexico struck Friday because of the The council of the city of Portland ies of considerable size. and about one and a half miles from Imports and exports of the islands refusal of the management to grant an have been taken by the management has forbidden the use of firecrackers Owing to rumors of difficulties en where it leaves the lake the river by the Chinese in celebrating their during the year totalled $84,100,000, eight-hour day and an increase in of the Small-Bucklin Lumber mills, at countered by the right-of-way depart plunges over a cliff 60 feet high, form an increase of $14,680,000 over the wages. The strike was called simul New Westminster, B. C., arising out coming new year. ment of the company, Mr. Woodruff ing a beautiful waterfall. preceding year. The increase was taneously at Nuevo Laredo, San Luis of recent perjury cases. Owing to was questioned. He says that the Investigations which have been chiefly in trade with the United Potosi, Mexico City and Aguas Cal- ________ disclosures ____ made to the effect that company is not finding uny greater made disclose that the water-ef Clear States, which constituted more than ientes. At Nuevo Laredo 100 «killed j ¿7^us had be^ in the habit of pay difficulties than usual and that there PORTLAND MARKETS Lake is of splendid quality and admir nine-tenths of the total. The increase mechanics^ an^ 100 other employes ¡ng foremen on jobs and other officials will be comparatively few condemna ably adapted for supplying cities and Wheat—Track prices: Club, 80c; in exports from the territory was 12 walked out. The shops are closed. . I bribes to retain their positions, the tion suits brought. towns with water for drinking pur- Because of the demoralized" condi- I i owners of the mills have decided to dis bluestem, 84c; 40-fold, 81c; red Rus- times as much as that in the imports, The old Willamette Falls carline |x>ses. sian, 78c; valley, 81c. being $13,500,000 against $1,180,000. tion along the line of the railway as miss almost 100 Hindus and to replace will soon be a thing of the past. Barley—Feed, $22.500 23 per ton ; The exports totalled $55,400,000; the the result of the rebel activity the J them with white labor. The shacks Property along the line has advanced. Teach How to Grow Vegetables. brewing, nominal; rolled, $26.506/ imports, $28,700,000. strike has caused the greatest concern. | that the Hindus resided in were burned 27.50. Governor Frear reports that “the Railroad officials refuse to discuss the to the ground by the company. Four vegetable growing courses will Ashland Creek Water O. K. Corn—Whole, $36 per ton; cracked, percentage of homesteads taken by situation beyond saying that the strike be given at the Oregon Agricultural $37. Americans and other Caucasians has will not cause a tieup of the lines and Ashland Word just received from College short course, Jan. 6 to Feb. 7. Simple Ceremony Preferred. Millstuffs—Bran, $22.50 per ton; been much larger this year than that they believe regular train service the state board of health is to the Commercial vegetable growing, mar shorts, $24.50; middlings, $30. usual.” Washington, D. C. — Inauguration can be maintained. effect that samples of water from Ash keting, vegetable and flower forcing, Hay— Timothy, choice, $176/18; During the last two years the de At several points bridges and sta ceremonies in the past have been too mixed Eastern Oregon timothy, $120/ parture of Japanese steerage passen tions have been burned by the revolu spectacular and pretentious, in the land creek, submitted recently to that and home gardening will be covered. body for analysis, are free from con “A large per cent of the vegetables 15; oat and vetch, $12; alfalfa, gers exceeded the arrivals by 489. tionists and long stretches of roadbed opinion of President-elect Woodrow tamination with typhoid germs. This we consume, except onions and pota $11.50; clover, $10; straw, $607. Wilson. Governor Wilson talked with destroyed. is welcome news to this community, in toes, are imported,” says Prof. C. I. Oats—No. 1 white, $256/26 per ton. PRICE-FIXING TO BE TESTED The employes presented their de William Corcoran Eustis, recently view of the doubts which some have Lewis. “The state should be an ex Fresh Fruits — Apples, 50c6/$1.50 mands some weeks ago with an ulti chosen chairman of the inauguration entertained as to the purity of the mu porter of vegetables instead of ship box; pears, 75c0$1.5O; grapes, $1.60; “The thing has been matum that if they were not acceded committee. Oppor Malagas, $8 barrel; cranberries, Suit Is Begun Against Breakfast to, a strike would be called before the overdone in the past,” said the gover nicipal water supply. In the mean ping in hundreds of carloads. time a few wells on private property tunities for production here are un Food Concern. $10.500 12 barrel ; casabas, $2.50 doz. end of the year. No intimation had nor to him. “I wish you would have will be investigated, in furtherance of surpassed, and the demand constant.” Potatoes — Jobbing prices : Bur Detroit—The Kellogg Toasted Corn been given that Friday was selected as the ceremonies as simple as may be a determination of the board of health banks, 60065c hundred; sweet, 2Jc Flake company is alleged to be violat the date of the walkout. consistent with dignity and order.” to adopt every necessary precaution. Fort Rock Sees Activity. pound. ing the Sherman law in a petition in Fort Rock A surveying outfit form Onions—Oregon, 90c6/$l sack. equity filed in the United States dis Soldier of Fortune Dead. Gum Chewer Discredited. Experiment Farm Urged. ing part of the Harriman system has Eggs—Fresh locals, candled, 32Jc trict court here by order of Attorney- Reno, Nev.—With both hands cut Chicago - United States Judge Car McMinnville—A movement has been been working through here for several dozen. General Wickersham to settle for all penter revealed one method he has of started to have a walnut experiment weeks setting stakes along the right Butter — Oregon creamery, cubes, time the extent to which a manufac off and his skull fractured, Max Von Buelow, «aid to be a descendant of judging whether a person is testifying station here and several joint organiz of way surveyed for the proponed Ore 37jc pound; prints, 38}039c. turer can control retail prices. Count Von Buelow, the famous Ger- j truthfully. If the witness chews gum ing committees have been selected for gon & Eastern railway, which is to Poultry—Hens, 146/,14Ic; broilers, The company and its officers, en * ' . and talks rapidly the man general, was picked up on the . . . chances .. . . are . . no . a meeting to consider what legislation run from Vale, where it taps the Ore 14 0 14ic; turkeys, live, 24 0 25c; gaged in the manufacture of Kellogg’s dressed, choice, 27Jc; ducks, nomi toasted com flakes, are charged with railroad track near the state line and gr.eaLWelghL\hOUl.,1_^_“t.t8rh“!.^ !?? will be necessary. The County court gon Short Line, to Crescent. There it satetments, the court said. This de has set aside ten acres of the best land will join the Natron cutoff of the nal ; geese, 16c. fixing prices at which the flakes are died two hours later in the railroad veloped when the court told Joseph of the county farm for this experi Southern Pacific. It is currently ru hospital at Sparks. Von Buelow was Pork—Fancy, 91010c per pound. a globetrotter and soldier of fortune. Burns, a witness chewing gum while ment station. This tract is west of mored that actual construction work Veal—Fancy, 3J/q4c per pound. Smallpox Under Control. Several years ago he married Miss on the witness stand: “The harder a this city and is ideal land for this pur will be going on through here before Wool — Eastern Oregon, 48c per Washington, D. C.—Rigid steps by Christine Plummer, a wealthy wo person chews gum the less responsibil pose. next fall. pound; valley, 21J 6/ 22jc; mohair, the public health service have brought man of Pueblo, Colo., and they trav ity you can place in his testimony.” choice, 32c. State School Fund Needed. Himalaya Berrien Grow. Cattle — Choice steers, $7 (a 7.25; under control a threatened serious out eled through Europe in regal style. Schrank Model Patient. Salem -It is probable that the legis Newport Carl Herren, a Newport good, $6.5006.75; medium, $66/6.35; break of smallpox along the West Von Buelow was highly educated. Oshkosh, Wis.—John Schrank, who lature will be asked to sanction the lapadist, is exhibiting branches of choice cows, $60 6.50; good, $5.506/ Virginia-Maryland border. Dr. B. S. Beef Cattle Are Scarce. attempted to assassinate Theodore use of $10,000 from the state school Himalaya blacklwrries in his window, 5.75; medium, $4.5005.25; choice Warren, detailed to investigate the calves, $7.50 6/, 8.75; good heavy situation, who has just returned to Chicago—Fewer cattle by 281,298 Roosevelt, is reported to be a model fund to be used for paying the ex which were grown in his garden with calves, $607; bulls, $30 5.50; stags, Washington, reported 11 cases in the have been received at the Chicago patient at the Northern Hospital for pense« of carrying the Henson-Hyde out glass and are ripe and of excellent The state flavor. Mr. Herren was induced to $506. vicinity of Martinsburg, W. Va. stockyards this year than in 1911, ac the insane. The superintendent says cases through the courts. Hogs — Light, $7.2507.60; heavy, These cases, all within from three to cording to figures given out here. he is faithful in his work and spends land board, through the attorney gen attempt to produce ripe berries for $6.256/6.75. ten miles of the city, are under proper Despite this fact, more money was much of his time reading and writing era), will attempt to get back about Christmas after learning that Peter Sheep—Yearling wethers, $4.256/. control. All suspected persons in the paid for beef in 1912 than in 1911 by and doing work around the criminal 50,000 acres of land said to have been Schirmer, the Burbank of Lincoln 5.35; ewes, $3.250 4.35; lambs, $56/ region will be vaccinated and kept un- $3,282,735. The total paid out this ward as it is required of patients fraudulently secured in those transac county, produces ripe strawberries tions. every month in the year. der observation for 15 days. J year was $183,488,_909. jthere. 6.75. 150,000 garment workers have been ordered out on strike for better wages. ■ I 111 HAWAII MAKES GREAT STRIDES r