Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, December 26, 1912, Image 8

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Moderat ly
New and Second-hand Furniture Bought. Sold and Exchanged
N. Main St., Lents
Phone Tabor 1361
Christmas Candies For All
Mr. and Mr«. Peter Both, of Van­
Mr*. Holt gave out ticket* to the poor
couver. Wa*h., spent Christmas visit­
to a Xmas dinner.
Opal Hall ha* beeuquite tick the |>a*t ing friend, in Lent*
Mi** Ethel Griffith, who teaches at
week but is much better.
Mr and Mr*. M. Pater* »pent Satur­ Wall* Walla, is *|M»nding her vacation
at the hum* of her mother on 9th Av*.
day visiting friends iu Rainier.
A son was born to Mr. and Mr*. B.
The Melhodiat choir rendered special
S. Kramer last week.
Mr. E. J. Curtis returned from Ray­ Christina» innate both Bunday morning
I and evening in a very pleasant manner.
mond, Washington, last Sunday.
Mine Vera Kimber, who spent several
Grandin* Curtia ha* been very sick
the past week but is much better.
' months at Carson, Washington, has re­
Mrs. 0. A. White who ha* been ill turned home.
ha* recovered and able to be out again
Vincent Kiuiber, of Cauadian North
W. E. Wood, of Gresham, was a bus­ Weet. is visiting his parents over
iness caller in Lent* last Tuesday.
Mrs. Eda Hummel will leave Satur­
Clarence Cone, of Grays Ave , was
day for Wi*. to tie gone two month* to operated on for appendicitis Monday,
I visit her mother.
IVc. 23, at hi* home and is getting
The Christmas tree at the Friends along very nicely. Ikictors Fawcett and
church Tuesday evening was well at­ Newberger in attendance.
tended and enjoyed by all.
.Miss Peterson, of Saginaw Heights,
spent Christmas day with her sister,
Mrs. R. E. Smith.
Cecil Christian, of Vancouver B. C.,1
spent Christmas at the home of hi*
JI father. C. P. Christian.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Garrison from Ore-
I gon City spent Christmas with Mr. and
Mrs. J. Van Blaricum.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Parker spent
Exclusive Local
Xmas with their son-in-aw, J. Van.
Salesman for the
Blaricom at Gilbert.
ANTA CLAUS has selected this place
as his candy headquarters. We have
Holiday Boxes, plain and mixed, and
home-made candies. $ $ $
Modern Shoe
The employees of the New Method
Laundry presented Mrs. J.G. McDoug­
all with a brass jardiniere for Xmas.
Thomas Bros. Waiting Room
Confectionery, Cigar*. Tobacco
Mr. N. J. Parker from Vernonia,
Oregon, is visiting with bis brother, P.
: Parker
No Raise in Prices for this Occasion
Mis* Ellen Matbieson has returned to
her home in Rufus. Oregon, to spend
I Christmas with her parent*.
Schweitzer & Manz
Mr. and Mr*. 8. R. Purciel, of Van­
couver, Wash., spent Xmas day at the
home of the latter’» sister, Mrs. F. R
Leading Tailors
Misses Patent leather, Buttoned
Broad Toe*
Children * Sizer, Naw Stock, Full
Line, Moderate Priced
Modern Shoe
Repair Factory
Mr. and Mrs. J. Lehman, of Grays
Ave. South, are entertaining friends
from Bay City, Michigan.
Wilson Benefici
B. E. Lemons
Geo. W. Baldwin
F. S. Dunning, Inc
East Side Funeral Directors
414 East Alder St., on East 6th St.
Auto Service
Lady Assistant
Prompt, Efficient and Courteous Service
Moderate Prices.
Portland, Oregon
—Go To—
The Sunset Restaurant
For Your Sunday Dinner
—Always Something Special —
Also Full Line of Cigars and Confectionery
A. Cialichlo, Prop.
McGrew Bldg.
Main St.,
1 lUmDing*
Lents, Ore.
Full Line of Plumbing Supplies, Bath Tubs,
Lavatories. Boiler*. Sink* and
Connections and Repairs
--Popular Prices—
Good Service Guaranteed
Lents Plumbing Co.
N. Main St.
Lents, Ore
Mrs. M. Smith, of 9th Ave. South,
underwent <tn operation at her home on
Tuesday and is doing nicely.
Mr. J. Lehman is erecting a neat lit­
tle cottage just north of bi* residence
on Grays Ave.
J. Stanford Moore, who attends the
Willamette University, is spending the
holidays with hie parents. Rev. and
Mrs. Boyd Moore
Mr. F. A. Bohn* is the first resident
and business man in Lente to make use
of the new gas lighting system.
Mr. and Mr*. Darnali spent Christ­
mas day with relative* at Pleasant
Otto Katzky will start Friday evening
for a trip to Loe Angie* and Southern
California Pointe. He will go by steam­
er, probably the Rose City. He will
make a good two weeks vacation of it
and meet his father and mother while
George Wise has been appointed, or
rather selected by Sheriff-elect Word to
be one of the guards at the Butte.
Tbi* seems to be a good appointment.
Mr. Wise was formerly a guard at the
Butte and be proved his efficiency on
several occasions
Mr. Fairfowl, 94 years of ag*, waiting
to board a car for Portland last Satur
day morning, at Gray* Crossing, drop
ped dead
He leaves a num tier of rela­
tives in the neighborhood to mourn his
Mrs. Pearl Freeburg ha* been suffei-
ing from a sore throat this week.
Mis* Florence Lamphaer ha* been ill
I for several days.
Call Tabor 2235 tell him what
want and he will do the rest.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
Turkeys, Chickens, Geese, Ducks, Fine Steaks,
Roasts, Cured Meats, Home-made Sau­
sage, Vegetables and Fruits.
Eggiman Meat Market
Phone Tabor 2573
Lents, Ore.
Ladie«' Ho*i*r Gun Metal, But­
ton, Heavy Winter Shoe
with LOCAL APPLICATION«, as they
cannot reach the »cat of the disease. Ca­
tarrh I* a blood or constitutional disease,
and In order to cure it you must take In­
ternal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is
taken Internally, and acts directly upon
the blood and mneous surfaces. Hall’s
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It
was prescribed by one of the best phy­
sicians In this country for years and Is
a regular prescription. It Is composed of
the beat tonics known, combined with the
best blood purifiers, actin* directly on the
mucous surfaces. The perfect combina­
tion of the two Ingredients Is what pro­
duces such wonderful result* In curing
catarrh. Send for testimonials, free.
F. .1. CHENEY A CO.. Prop*., Toledo. O.
Bold by r>rn**1sts. price 7Sc.
Take Hall's S'amUy Pills for constipation.
Cards Ic Up
Booklets Ic Up
Calendar Packs *3 for 25c
103 Main St
Lents, Ore
Drive* Off A Terror.
band believes it ha* kept him Irom hav­
The chief executioner of death in the
winter ami spring month* ia pueumonia.
It* advance agent» are cold* anil grip. In
any attack by one of lhe«e maladies no
time should 1« loot in taking the I mw I
medicine obtainable to drive it off.
Oountle*» thousand« have fount! thia to
be Hr. King'* New Discovery. "Mv hu»-
ing pneumonia three or four times,'*
write* Mr*. George W. Place, Rawson-
ville, Vt. "and for rough*, cold* and croup
we have never fonnd it* equal." Guaran­
for all bronchial affection*. Prica
IWi ct*. and 11.00 Trial bottle free at All
Double Value in «¿w Stamps Given on
Shoes Sold on Thursday, January 2, 1913
Boots, Shoes and Rubber Goods
Florsheim and Selz Shoes
$2.50 TO $5.00
Ladies’ Shoes
The Lents Pharmacy
Thank your friends for the Christ­
mas Gifts they sent you and also
wish them a Happy New Year.
Mr*. Cook, mother of Olie Cook, is
very ill at the home of her son. Little
Miss Nona, who has been seriously ill is
. slowly improving.
Winning ticket to be announced Feb­
ruary 15, 1913.
WE thank you, one and
all, tor the liberal patronage accorded us
during the past year our first year with
you. Our business relations have been
highly gratifying from our standpoint, and
we hope that they have been such with you
that we may enjoy a continuation of your
patronage during the year to come, insuring
you only courteous and respectful treatment,
and good goods at right prices.
Again wishing you a Happy New
Year we remain
Respectfully yours
The Methodist church will give a free
musical treat to the public Friday
Mr. and Mr*. Bonneville, of Portl*ud,
spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mr*.
Joe Miller on Saginaw Height*.
Winning ticket takes a Suit of clothes
from your choice of any Pattern in the
And Booklets
Mr*. R. E. Curtis went to Rufus,
Oregon, to spend Christmas with her
Ticket on every 26 cent order ofclean­
ing, Pressing or Repairing.
E extend to the people ol
Lents and vicinity our sin-
cere wishes lor a Happy and
5^ Prosperous New Year.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Carman, of Millard
avenue, left this morning for Spokane,
Wash., to visit friends for a few weeks.
Wm. Huff and family, of Saginaw
Heights, -pent Xmas day with Mr*. |
Huff’s mother, at Estacada.
Local and Personal
$1.50 TO $5.00
Repairing Done Neatly and
Promptly at Popular Prices
Green Trading StampsGiv
en On All Shoes
103 Foster Road, Opposite New Postoffice
Lents, Ore.