Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, December 26, 1912, Image 7

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Styles Are Prettier and More
Varied Than Ever.
Crmlne-Trlmmad Toques a Prsasnt
Fancy—Heavy and Filmy Matari­
ala Used In Combination—
Handaoma Fur Bata.
EW YORK.- Never In tbs bl»
lory of fashion bare tha small
fur trliumud nock muff and hat
sets boon so varied and ao be­
witching aa they are thia season.
materials In voguo lend thamaelvM
delightfully to such purposes and furs
are to be had of ao many kinda and
at such a wide range of prices that
the fur trimmed cot seems to bo with
In almoat any clever woman's reach,
though the amart little Imported Beta
allowing decidedly clever and orlg
Inal feat urea are priced ao high that
they are but little lean expensive, If
at all, than bandaonie ail fur neck and
muff aota.
At the name price the latter are
of course the more practical invest-
They are auro of at leant a
few aeaeona modlahneaa, while the
combination act a. owing tbelr vogue
to thn whim of fashion, rather than
to Intrinalc value, are likely to loae
tbelr emartneaa with the pawning Bea
son; but if a woman can make up a
pretty and effective Bet heraelf—and a
surprising number of women can do
that Bort of thing—or can have one
made by some little furrier or milliner
under her own careful direction». than
th<> combination net la altogether de­
sirable and will give cachet to a aim­
pie costume.
Among the conventional neck and
muff fura the fox sots hold their popu
larity. They are not of neceaalty ex­
travagantly high priced, though If one
wanta to apend money one can die-
pose of a very large sum In the buying
Of »liver fox
Evon the cheaper vari­
eties of fox when Imported In fnney
end beautiful »eta bring high prices;
but one can buy a very good looking
muff and neckpiece of pointed fox or
white fox or dyed brown fox or even
good croaa fox for a price by no mean»
extravagant aa prices of good furl
go. and black fox la dlatlnctly rea
Fox Fur With Velvet.
For the younger contingent thorp la
nothing In tbo lino of fura more null­
able and more practical than fox
and with the omnipresent velvet and
velveteen frock» and aulta of thia
winter white fox will bo enormoualy
Ermine 1» »mart for the
youthful wearer and effective with
velvet; but It la hardly ao becoming
or youthful aa the fox. and when real,
la more expetialve. “When real." one
aaya; and the reservation la neces­
sary, for an unbelievable number of
rabblta and cat» and other humble
beasties perish nowadays In order
that ermine may be worn.
Home of the Imitations are not bad.
are. In fact, quite effective and pretty
enough to use for little touches
of trimming; but one must be sure to
pay the price of Imitation; and unfor­
tunately one does not always find hon­
esty In this regard. The reputable fur­
riers are reliable In matters of this
kind, but Importing milliners, dress
makers, etc., are not Invariably so,
and only within the last week a wom­
an who purchased a velvet and er­
mine set from a certain Fifth avenu**
shop noted for chic models and paid
the price of real ermlno was told by
a furrier to whom she happened to
go wearing the set that her ermine
was only an Imitation. And the moral
of that 1» to recognise your cat or
rabbit; but, as has been said, a great
deal of tho Imitation fur la at­
One of the most pleasing details m
tho fur fad this fall Is the clever use
of fur In millinery and tho piquant
harmonising of hat and muff or of
bat, neckpiece and muff. Tho Idea,
to be sure. Is now new. There have
been fur hats and fur trimmed hats
before; but not within the memory of
thia generation has tho thing been ao
well done or done with euch infinite
All Materials Utilised.
No material is to flinty or too rich
to be combined with fur, and the mil­
liners, going upon that theory, have
produced nets for morning, afternoon
and evening, for sports and for smart
social functions, for tho woman who
does not care what she pays and for
the woman who, like Mrs. Boffin of
blessed memory. Is "a high flier after
fashion" but has little money to spend
on dress.
Among the girlish sets adapted for
winter sport, but qulto as suitable for
street wenr Is a handsome white fox
set whose muff and neckpiece are con­
ventional enough but whose hat takes
tho piquant form of a little pointed
crown cap of black plush trimmed
round the face with n band of the
white fox.
Simple? Of course, but
eminently girlish and becoming.
There are many of the close cap-
llke fur hats for girls and for wom­
en. some of the prettiest draped a lit­
tle and trimmed only with a slnglo
cluster or blossom of dull gold or
silver or color; and there aro still
more of the amnll draped toques and
hats made of velvet or plush or silk
and fur trimmed. And then there are
the small hats of two furs In combina­
It seems useless to attempt
description, so varied and so numer­
ous are the models, but citing a few
may give some Idea of the general
Among the close small toques, for
example, there was In one well known
and exclusive millinery establishment
a low, bowl crowned shape of ermine.
the pure white ermine which has al­
most pushed the white and black er­
mine out of eight. The closely rolled
brim of this hat was of mole and tho
trimming was In the form of two
osprey feathers crossing each other
and posed at the two sides near the
back of tho hat. Next to this model
was another which was all of ermine,
a little higher than the last, though
still closer and draped Just a trifle. A
»Ingle line of largo brilliants ran
around the crown, half hidden In tho
fur. and the trimming was a single
ostrich feather at the back. A charm­
ing evening hat, this
Mole and Ermine.
Mole and ermine are much used to­
gether by the milliners, but one sees
loss black and white fur In the now
millinery than one did last year. Hate
with draped crowns of rich moire,
corded silk, velvet or brocade and
with brlma of fur are popular, and
many of them are exceedingly likable.
Tho Rembrandt tain la easily and suc­
cessfully developed In thia combina­
tion, and there are countless other
shapes, small and large, that aro aa
Tho big hat whose crown la entirely
of fur while the brim la of chiffon or
lace fur trimmed Is considered exceed­
ingly chic and Is otfen very lovely.
Hometlmes the crown of the big bat
Is of white and kllver brocade or of
brocade In some darker coloring, and
the wide brim la of chiffon, Ito flat lay­
er» edged with narrow lines of fur,
and often the whole large shape to of
velvet or satin or brocade and the fur
la used merely In a scarf or band
around the crown or perhaps In a scarf
and aa a border to the brim.
Whole muffs and draped hats of
stunning brocade, with very slight
trimming of fur, are among the Im­
ported eats, and some of them are
very good looking, though others are
rather conspicuous for anything save
evening wear Velvet and plush are
used In tho same way. and any one
who has even a few scraps of good
old fur can easily find use for them
In thoan sets.
Long Scarfs Much Admired.
The very wide long scarfs of fur In
which the whole body may be swath­
ed have their counterparts In similar
scarfs of chiffon, lace, silk, etc., fur
trimmed, with big hats en suite, and
some of these seta are wonderfully
lovely, though not every woman can
wear such a scarf gracefully. A set
Boms Points Which Scientists Declare
Will Battle Question of Interest
to Parente.
Hadn't Dene Bo Badly.
Can gat you fane/ prtaaa tor Wild Duaka
and ©thar ra/na In a***or>
Writ* ua for
raah ulf*r on all kind* of poultry, park, au.
”1 might have married a mtllloo-
sire," declared Evsrywomaa. “Ona of
my old schoolmates Is now one.”
i "And several of your schoolmates are
working right in this Urn for 810 a
week," retorted Everyman, "while one
of them is tn Jail. I guess in marry-
tng a chap getting 81,500 a year your
average is fairly good." And then
Everybaby set up a bowl and they
had to stop quarreling to attend to
him.—Pittsburg Poet.
Pearflon-Page Co., Portland
If a child of three years knows his
name and can thrust a chubby Anger
to his nose, mouth and eyes, when
asked about those organs, he's a nor­
mal kid
If he can’t, then It’s time
papa and mamma got busy with Pet­ bolUr». «awmilla, ate. Th* J. E Martin Co.. K3 1st
MU Portland. Sand for Stock Liat and prUwa.
ty’s little think tank, or he’ll grow up
For a New Umbrella.
to be a boob
Before using a new umbrella inject
Thia. In plain Iloweryesque. Is the
a small quantity of vaseline into the '
translation of the formula given in
Deal direct with manufac­
scientific terms by the medical sav­
turer, We pay th« hùrfoaat hinge portions of the frame.
f ariaaa f»/r haw Fura. Writa line will not spread like oil and spoil
ants of tho Mental Hygiene Confer­
for fro* prica hat and «hipping
the covering, and is a sure preven- i
ence and Exhibit, who are holding
tive against rust. Wet umbrellas
“tests of children" in the hall of tho
should be stood on their handles to
city college.
j dry; this allows the water to run out
“A child of 4," continues the scien­
■ of them, instead of into the part
tific formuly, “Is expected to know its
where the silk and ribs meet, thus
sex and to be able to recognize such
causing the metal to rost and the
objects as a key, knife or a penny, and
silk to rot
to tell the comparative length of lines.
"At 5 a boy or girl should bo able
Uncle Pennywise 8ays:
to draw a square and to repeat sen­
Things political are moving so fast
tences When a child is 6 we ask for
that some of the old wheelhorsea are
definitions. I might ask: 'What Is a
having hard work to keep from being
fork.’ If a boy answered; 'I eat with
run over.________________
u fork.’ It would be sufficient for that
age, but If he inserted the word
Mathen will find Mrs. Winslow'« Snotain»
Fyrnp t’ • b<-»t rei >edr to use *or theii vbUdrea
‘something’ In his definition, as ‘A.
luring .*!• teething period.
fork Is something to eat with,’ It would j
place him tn the 8-year class. If ho
Obliging Clerk.
An out-of-town man walked Into a
said: 'A piece of tableware,’ he would
of 1100 or more by buying your
1 Fort Scott store and asked if the
bo In the 12 year class.”
Piano or Player Piano direct
"boss’’ was In. A clerk who sat laz­
A child of 10 is asked what he
from factory »tore.
ily gazing Into space blinked several
would do If ho missed a train. Here
BUSH A LANE PIANO COMPANY times, muttered hls lips, and lapsed
tho answers vary. Any reply that is
355 Washington St., Portland, Or.
back Into hls former stage. "I say,
an answer Is accepted. One child
Is the boss in?" inquired the man In
said: "Walt for another.” Another
not a very mild tone. "No, he’s gone
said he would "run and catch It”
out," returned the clerk, without tak­
While a boy from the Bronx said be
ing hie eyes off the space. "Will he
would go home for the day.
Chock «ant by return mail fur v*al. pork, poultry,
What to do if struck by a playmate hid*». Highest price* guaranteed. Tag*, pnea be back after dinner?” Inquired the
I mt free. Are you receiving hortest weight*, top man.
"Nope,” yawned the clerk,
was the most puzzling of all ques­ prioaa
and check try return mail? If not. *hip u*.
"that’s what he went out for."—Kan­
tions. Boys Invariably looked at their
sas Citi* Star.
Paid L > Capital $10.000
mothers when the question was put
"Forgive him," was the answer only 141 ¡43 Frm Su-f.
Destiny of America.
a few times.
A nation is not a conglomeration of
The beet examination passed so far
voters, to be represented by hungry
was by 7-year-old Donald Grant of 607
politicians empowered to
partition !
West One Hundred and Thirty-eighth
the spoils of office, bft a people ani­
street, who passed the examination for
mated by a common impulse and
Also I«and Plaater, Lima. Cement. Wall Plaa-
the child of 10.—New York Journal.
U-r and Shingiea. Write for price*.
seeking to work out a common des­
tiny. The destiny of America Is mu­
Crystals of Vitality Save Uvea.
102 front Street.
tual service; labor Is the corner stone
About ten years ago a Japanese re­
of our nationality, the labor of each
searcher, Takamine, in the laboratory
for all.—Ralph Waldo Emerson.
of Columbia university, made the dis­
covery that a certain substance, se­
His Best
creted by a gland of the ox or sheep,
“He's a brute." “How so?” "When
when Injected Into the blood of other
she promised to be hls wife he said
band instrument«. Tha moat complete atork
animals, had the power of greatly In­
he would do everything In his power
of Mu«ir«l Merchundtae in th« Northwest.
Write for Catalogues.
creasing their blood pressure and con­
to make her happy.” “Well?’’ "He I
sequently their vitality. He called this
spends all of his time at the club!”
134 Sscond Street.
Portland. Oregon
substance adrenalin and succeeded In
"Well, If he Is really a brute that
refining It to light yellow crystals.
ought to help some.”
When the suprarenal glands which se­
Lucrative Find in South Africa.
Red Cr-*«a Bail Blue will wash double aa many
crete this substance were removed by
South Africa's possibilities as a pro­ clothe« aa any other blue. Don't put your money
an operation from the living animals, ducer of vegetable oils are wide In­ into any other.
they invariably died, showing that it deed If the results of recent experi­
What He Called It.
was necessary to the life of the ani­ ments under the auspices of the Mo­
"Are you troubled with Insomnia—
mals. However, only small quantities zambique authorities are translated sleeplessness?” "I should say I am.
are needed by the animal, and hence Into commercial realities. For In­ Some nights I don't sleep three
but little Is secreted by the glands, stance, the fruit of the “macua- hours." "That so? I’ve got it awfully
and then only in very weak condition, macua” was shown to yield no less bad. I’ve been afflicted now about
being mixed with other substances. than 60 per cent of fine edible oil, and two years. The doctor calls It neuris
The crystals are pure and have ex­ of the "pombula” 52 per cent.
Insomnia paralaxltts.” "I've had It
tremely great power. One part of the
about eighteen month" and we call It
adrenalin dissolved In 100,000 parts of
Law of the Harvest,
Ethel.”—Ocean View Vidette.
water Is strong and capable of per­
The law of tho harvest is to reap
forming miracles. In fact, one-half more than you sow. Sow an act and
Sliding Scale.
thimbleful, or about that much, has you reap a habit; bow a habit and you
*Tm a taxpayer," gibbered the citi­
been used In hospitals all over tho' reap a habit; sow a habit and you zen, "and I demand consideration.”
country, time and time again, to en-1 reap a character; sow a character and "Lemma see your tax certificate,” re­
able a man to pass a crisis when his ' you reap destiny.—George D. Board- sponded the city official calmly, “and
natural strength would have failed man
then I’ll know just how much consid­
him. Hundreds of men and women
eration you are entitled to.”—Kansas
can thank adrenalin for their lives.
City Journal.
Has Its Advantages.
"Nations are not fed, clothed and
London Largely Built on Marsh.
housed by legislation,” says a sapient
Makes for Smooth Existence.
Abundant evidence as to the marshy
Thero Is a good deal said about the
nature of the ground upon which t
loss of Individuality, a loss when real sometimes pays well to be a member large part of the city of London war
which wo all deplore, but a man is of a legislature, Just the same.—Louis- originally built is still to be discover
more llk-'ly to keep bls individuality, ville Courier-Journal.
ed tn such names as Fenchurct
with his life, if ho follows in his mo­
R«d Crrww Rail Blue, all blue, best blu'nir value street. Flnbnrv and Moc-fielda.
tor the formulated lines of traffic in the whole world, makes the laundnMB smile.
rather than meet another man in his
motor on the wrong side of the road.
The Doctor—Did you hear about
If both men hnppened to be tn a civic
To Exterminate Vermin.
parade there would be no loss of In­ that Methodist preacher's daughter
Mix and let stand for several hours
dividuality to the man who kept his down south who turned sleuth, hunt- one-half gallon of gasoline and ten
place behind instead of driving out bd up the pickpocket who bad robbed cents' worth of corrosive sublimate.
from his place In order to get farther her of her purso, and finally landed Pnt the mixture Into a pint oil can.
ahead of tho man behind him, or in him In the penitentiary? The Profes­ with a long spout, and spray Into ev­
order to slip tn ahend of the one sor—Good for her! 8he was an M. ery place where there are bugs. Air
ahead of him. Keeping In line means E ala. with a vengeance.—Chicago the room thoroughly. After a few ap­
a simple thing often, but It is one Tribune.
plications the vermin will have entire­
of the trifles that make for a perfect­
ly disappeared
Indexing Extraordinary.
ly smooth existence.
Indexers have been responsible for
There are seeming restrictions in
Europe's War Material.
many errors, but possibly the strang­
Europe withdraws from Industry 4,- l
Itfe that hamper, but there are a great
est example of curious Indexing oc­ 500,000 men to make soldiers of them. ;
many others that forward. It is easy
curs In a law book Turning over Its They are kept from one to three j
to understand the gains when compli­
index, a correspondent of the London years What an appalling waste;
ance of a purely mechanical sort—but
very necessary—has been made. By Chronicle noted the entry: "Best. Mr. how doubly preposterous If efficiency
reasoning from their analogy we may Justice. His Great Mind,” and refer­ can be insured with militia training; '
find out to our advantage that thero ence to the page brought this: "Mr. —New York World.
Justice Best said he bad a great mind
are many others I osh tangible, a com­
to commit the witness for contempt
pliance with which would do wonders
of court.”________________
in making the world go round, and in
making ourselves the happiest and
Had to Know ths Tims.
most successful people.
’T understand," said the Judge, "that
you stole the watch of the doctor who
had Just written a prescription for
Stolen Turkey.
Rev. Algernon 8. Crnpsey, in an In­ you at the free dispensary. What
terview during tho Little Falls strike, have you to say to this charge?”
said of a very religious and very no­ "Well, your honor,” said the prisoner,
“It is true, but I found myself In a
torious child-labor millionaire:
"This man reminds me of Uncle Cal­ hole. His prescription said a spoonful
every hour, and I had no watch.”
houn Clay.
"Uncle Cal was accused of stealing
Andrew Lang's Handicap.
a turkey, and the Sunday after tho ac­
The London Spectator says that
cusation being communion Sunday,
the old fellow was one of the first com­ Andrew Lang always had poor health,
and most of hls work was done when
municants nt ths little white church.
"His pastor, Rev. Washington White, he was tired and sick. This being
In the Cyclone Belt.
said to him reproachfully, after the the case. It is easy to understand and
”1 tell you what,” said Gotham, en­
forgive hls frequent crankiness.
tertaining hls western cousin, "every­
"‘Calhoun Clay, I’m ashamed of you.
thing's so high here It's almost Impos­
The idea of your coming to commu­
sible to keep a house going.” “Well,"
nion after stealing a turkey!’
replied the Kansan, “the winds are so
Synip. T«.t„ Good. Vu
" T<ands a-mnasy, parson.’ said old
high out our way it's almost Impossi­
I* Um*. Bold by nrngrirt».
Uncle Cal, ‘do you think I'd let a skin­
ble to keep a house from going.”—
ny old turkey, hnrdly worth ten cents
Catholic Standard and Times.
a pound, stand betwixt me and the
T ime fertilizer
Stop coughing! Coughing
rasps and tears. Stop it I
Coughing i, epares the throat
and lungs for more trouble.
Stop it 1 There is nothing so
bad for a cough as coughing.
Stop it I Ayer’s Cherry Pec­
toral is a medicine for coughs
and colds, a regular doctor’s
medicine. Sold for seventy
years. Use it! Askwuidoc-
tor if this is not good suVice.
Unless there is dsiJy action of the buvr-
els, poisonous products sre absorb««,
causing headache, biliousness, nausea,
dyspepsia. Ve wish you would ask yoor
doctor shout correcting your constipation
by taking ltxafive doses of Avar's Pills.
Mad« bg th« J. O. 4VZB CO., tvwell. Ma*
“Pay as You Enter.”
A thrifty hnsband and wife at Har­
risburg have been attending di Teros*
church on Sundays, each giving •
nickel. They talked the matter over
and ccncluded that the plan was e»
ttavagant. Now both »»tend the cams
place of worship and expect to enter
tha golden gate ou the same nickel.—
Carrier Mills Mail.
Just Like Other Men.
Most surgeons »Imply go way up fa
the air when one of the world's great
ones is stricken. When Sir itederls
Treves was called to operate on Kls*
Edward he split him open as nos»
chalantly as if the king had been aa
apple or a watermelon.—New York
Wise Precaution.
Shopper—I want to buy a necktie
suitable for my husband Salesmaa—
Sorry, madam, but we are not per­
mitted to sell neckties to women wba
are unaccompanied by men.—Puck.
Pettit's Eve Salve
that attracted much attention In one
shop, though, as one woman put It, “It
would be dirty In a moment and It is
a sort of Imitation which I despise and
yet It is pretty," consisted of a hat,
muff and enormous scarf of white
plush, the very handsome silk deep
pile plush which, as every woman
who has priced It knows. Is not ex­
actly cheap. Tho trimming was of
ermine or of Imitation ermine tails—
who shall say which?—set on the
plush scarf and muff to make deep
bordering bands and holding the drap­
ery of the toque.
An evening set In better taste,
though the plush set did have a cer­
tain charm, was made of white satin
embossed In velvet In a floral pattern
of many soft rich hues The big drap­
ed muff was shirred Into a narrow
band of white fox at one side and
drooped lower at the other side to dis­
appear under a whole white fox pelt.
The neckpiece was a capelike shoul­
der drapery of tho brocade on one
side bordered narrowly with fox to
be held by a whole fox skin that went
over the right shoulder, the head be­
ing brought around to meet the bro­
cade drapery in front and the tall
hanging straight from the ehoulder In
the back.
New Brocaded Coat.
Tho coat illustrated Is In brocaded
velvet on silk, with satin under-dress Lord's table?’”
and skunk fur trimming. It la an up­
to date vlaltlng gown deatgn. The hat
8wlsa Savings Banka.
la of white velours faced with black
The number of savings banka kt
velvet, and trimmed with a fancy
Switzerland Increased from 450 In
LAS7 to 1.050 In 1898.
Why cough?
Stop it I
causes anxiety among those who are
sickly and run down, whose blood io
impoverished, and vitality low; bet
don't remain in that condition.
will build you up, strengthen the
entire system and prevent Stomach
Ills, Colds and Grippe. Try a bottle
and be convinced.
Start today.
Painless Dentistry
U car pride—our tabby—our study for ye*r* **<*
bow our Buccea*. *nd cure ie tho Jait r*lnioe* worfc
to be found anywhere, no metu r bow moch yo*
p*y. Compare our Vrk-**.
We finish piate an*
bridge work foe
of town rstn’M la
on* day if daairoj.
Palale«* «xtractkm
fr-o when p «toe e«
bridge work is oH*w>
CoMuiUtio* Irea
•rCrwn, $5.00
22k I BriSf, Tw»k4.00
Gold i .~iui«r«
E rmk I Fillwtf* 1 00
Sihwr Fill in <«
Good Rubb*r
B* b I Red RuU*r
Famket Extr’tîa*
« .50
All work fully cuarante»*d for f.fto«n y«« r *a
Wise Dental
Painless Dentists
Ftillng Building. Third and Washington PORTIA*©, 00%
OftteaBrnr«: • A. M. 0* • f. M tundara. • 9*1
can receive proropt »re*0-
went« of Mon-Poiaoaoa*.
Heal th-boDdiag reaedia*
the Chinone I mio »,
Try once more if you havo E«en Horfortn* with
thia one and that one and have not obtained nor­
manent relief. Let thia *r»>at natnro healer dla«»
new your came and prescribe aome remedy whew
action ia quick, aure and safe Hie preecripl.’oa*
are compounded from Keota. Herb«. Bud* aad
Harka that have been gathered from everv quar­
ter of the «lobe. The arcreta of thene rnedicin«*
are not knnwn to the outaide world, hut hav« beam
handed down from father to eon in the
familiea la China.
If you live out of town and cannot call, write flor
•ymptotn blank and circular, enelotittg 4 cent* ta
162J first St, Cor. Morrison
Portland. Or«».
n .
No. 52—'IB
WHEN writing to adnrtloww
tion this pa tor.
Color more goods brighter and taster colors than any other dye. Ono 10c package colors silk, wool and cotton equally
well and is guaranteed to give perfect results. Ask dealer, or we will send postpaid at 10c a package. Write for Ire*
booklet bow to dye, bleach and mix colors.
MONROE DRUG COMP ANT, Quincy, Illinois.