Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, December 26, 1912, Image 5

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    lents Homes
Three R ooijj __ flotta«, Lot 58x100,
Hutch KiU'lien, City Water, Sink,
Fenced. »750, V>0 down 110 per
Four Room*, Pla*tered, Wired, Cab­
inet Pantry, Room for Bath, Toilet,
City Water and Sink. Lit Mix 100,
Fenced, Wood Hb«d. |I3 i O. IftO
down 115 |a*r month.
Many Other Properties.
Before Buying
Bright Realty Co.
East Foster Road
202 Hamilton Bldg.
Pilone* A-4011.
limita,. Or«.
Portland, Or«.
Marrii al I 4823
Rose City Van
Storage Company
Make* ell points between Portland
and l^nta on Mt. Scott Line.
Freight, Express, Baggage and
kind* of Tranafer Work.
I,»nt* Office -
l<ents Phones
Foster Road
.... Talmr 1124
Home B 6111
F. W. TuNsy, Manager
Aak for Rose City Van
llrsl-Class Livery and feed
Stables at Borlny and Sandy
Transportation of all kinds
of Baggage to Handy and
interior pointe ....
For farther Information phun. or writ*
E. F. DONAHUE, Prop.
Call and get our prices on
brick, cement, plaster, lime,
sand and gravel. We can
save you money. Our de-
livery is prompt and our
goods are the best.
We carry a full line of hay,
grain and feed. Let us
show you how to save a
dollar by buying right.
M c K inley & bunoy
Botti Phones, Tal*>r VBX, Local 3112
WANTED—Good, dean cotton rag*
at ji^c ■ pound. Mt. Scott Pub. Co.
WANTED—Boy* mar lie had and
sometime* girl*. The older ones st
ordinary wage* and other* to lie
schooled and enroll for in return for
slight service* rendered. For particu­
lars address W. T. Gardner, superin­
tendent Boy* and Girls Aid Societv of
Oregon, Portland. Ore.
FOR HALE—Good gentle cow.
A. F.
LOST—A silver watch 18 size, tie­
tween 80th- street and Gleisan street
Dec. 7. Reward. A. C. Ball Boring,
Ore., R. 3.
FOR SALE—Five room modem bun­
galow. Built in Buffet, and Book Case.
Panelled dining room, bath, Dutch
kitchen, Linen closet. All new. One
and a half block from station Lenta.
Enquire at Herald Office.
FOR HALE—A No. 1 pure bred black
Minorca cockerels. Two blocks north
and two blocks west of school house,
Lents. W. Fairbanks.____________ 4 t.
LUMBER—At our new mill IX miles
southeast of Kelso. We deliver lumber.
Jonsrud Bros.
FOR HALE—One fourth acre,cleared,
in Walden Park. Five dollar payment».
Enquire at Mt. Hcott Publishing Co’s,
FOR SALE—Newspapers for wrap­
ping or kindling. Mt. Scott Pub. Co.
FOR RENT—4 room house-in good
location. Inquire at Herald office.
!x*l goodwill and good cheer abound!
Try and forget that yon havean enemy
In the world on tbi* Christina» week.
"lo-as iniich a* ye did It unto tlie
least of one of those, ye did It unto me."
■re the word* of Him who spake a*
, never man spake.
Dr. Botkin went to Portland last Bat*
unlay and will probably remain over
Ray Murray ami wife went to Port-
I land last Wednesday and returned Sat­
Will Allen ami family came up to
Cherryville on Sunday from Cottrell
and will remain at their home on R R.
Avenue until after Christmas.
Chris Mensingrr of Portland gave a
fine Tom turkey that he raised on hi*
ranch near liere for a Christmas feast
and the recipient treated it with more
than loving kind no** for some time pre­
vious to ttie appointed day of U m - treat,
hot the sagacious old bird after |«rtak-
ing freely of the choice feed given for *
l>eriod of a month, and mistrusting that
Uiere would "be something doin'' around
| Christmas, took flight om- early morning
ami iteapitc that diligent search was
made for him has not yet lieen found.
He is probably hiding out somewhere
I in U m * brush until after the holiday *ea-
I aon.
A. B. Brooke haa returned to Cherry­
ville for U m - holidays after three month*
alM-nce al Hood River when* he la de-
i veloping a fruit ranch.
Will Allen ami family, came back to
< Cherryville for the holidays ami will re­
main al Uieir home until tlie last of the
Week. Mr. Allen has a contract for de­
livering a lot of cord wood near Cot-
Quite a number of tlie Austrians at
Camp Five and Six and also at Bull run
have gone lawk to Austria to "join the
colors" on anticipation of a scrap with
I Hervia.
Come to the banana belt I
Compliment* of the season I
The right-of- wav has been secured
for the new railroad nearly all the way
from Sandy to Welches so that the peo­
ple of this vicinity have strong hopes of
lieing in "the swim" in the not distent
The old year is rapidly drawing to a
close. Pretty near time to swear off.
In a recent trip to the mountains, up
to Mr. ami Mrs. Ezra Truemans on the
south side of the Bandy, near Bull Run
Reeerva, the writer was shown over tbs
new projected road now partially com-
plated up over the Cascades and it must
lie admitted that this new road is a
complete aurpriae on account of the
eaay grade. This grade is barely 5 per
cent and does not ezceed this all of the
way over the mountain. This it the
beat possible route over tbe Cascades
up and down the entire length of the
alate It require* but little discernment
to foresee the day when thi* route will
lie utilized not only as an auto and
scenic road over the mountains down
into th« world famous Hood River Val­
ley but as an electric R R. from East­
ern Oregon into Portland. This road
«kirta Mt. Hood for more than 40 ndles
and commands a magnificent view of
Mt. Hood the entire distance
1 time is not far distant when this will
tie one of the most popular trips in the
entire state both for autos and electric
roads. People are now buying land
near the Reserve for the purpose of get­
ting in on the ground floor before the
boom sets in.
A Mr. Totten, of Corvalles, and a
former employee of the Forestry De­
partment has taken tip a claim on the
Bull Run Reserve near Mr. Trumans
with the expectation of getting it set off
as agricultural land.
It lays near the
new road over the mountain* and is all
good land.
Pinchot, the groat land conservator
is writing letters to people in Oregon
trying to get them to help keep the
present Reserve intact and under charge
of the National Government.
ing doin.” Oregon for Oregonian* and
all the vast tree e. R. R grants, Mili­
tary road grants, and Forest Reserves
must he turned over to the state where
thev rightfully belong. Fully one-fourth
of the state is now kept out of use and
is greatly handicapped thereby.
The old Oregonian is terribly dis­
tressed over the report that Bryan is
liable to be a member of the new Cabi­
net in the spring.
A sincere patient
worker for the common weal is rank
poison to cold blooded, selfish greedy
grabbing grafters everywhere.
dog has his day and these tariff hogs,
land thieves and corporations sharks,
are out in the wet where they will stay
the next four years.
Fred Bechel of Brightwood, is an old
acquaintance of Henator Harry Lane of
Portland and says there will sure be
something "doin’’ at Washington when
he get* on the job
No mollycoddle
about him.
Advertise in the Herald
' the acene on Friday evening of a moat f
enjoyable bosket social and programme
by the pupils of the school. With song,
dialogues and recitations tbe children
entertained the large nnmlier of friends
and neighbors gathered there. In sen­
timent and well drilled effort the pro­
gram partook largely of X mas and much
credit is due Miss Kearns for her large
share in the evenings entertainment.
A pleasurable feature was the perform-
on the violin by Merle Chapman, neice
of Mrs. Mooney, of Lento. She will
soon graduate from St. Mary’s acadamy
of Portland and will soon after tie taken
to Europe to complete her education. A
mere child, she bids fair to take her
place in early woamhood with fa mens
world musicians of the day. Henry
Johnson played the role of auctioner
and sold the baskets to a good advan­
tage. Tbe proceed*, nearly |I7, will be
added to that earned laat year and used
toward tbe purchase of a naw organ.
Born to the wife of Lewis Haughlaw, a
daughter, December 15th.
Jon*rud Bro* have purchased a «team
feed for their mill.
Miss Iztniereaiix will take the teachers’
examination in Oregon City thi* week.
There will la- a Christina* tree program
and basket social at the Kelno aebool
houmi on Saturday evening, December
A birthday surprise was tendered Mrs.
Walter Kyser la*t Saturday evening and
a general good lime I* reported.
A literary and debating society was
organized Saturday evening, December
14th, at tlie school house. Robert Jons-
rud wa* elected president and Margaret
Milan secretary. The next meeting will
be Saturday evening, December 28th,
Born to Mr. and Mrs. John lekter.
when tlie following question will be de­
bated : Resolved that country life is Decern tier 12th, a son.
more desirable than city life. J. H. i Mrs. A. E. Whitesides, of Portland,
Revenue was appointed to lead tlie af­ and Mrs. 8. Johnson, of A riete, visited
firmative, anil Mrs. Robert Jonsrud the at the home of tlie latter’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Hamilton, Hr., last
Victor Forsberg, wife and infant son Tuesday. The latter is an old friend
have arrived from Hood River and will *nd neighbor of Ed Hamilton and fami-
make tlieir home with hi* father, 0. A. ly. from Albion, Nebraska, whom they
hail not seen for over 20 years.
Mrs. J. Goff returned to her home in
Portland last Saturday after a stay of
£ over a week with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Lusted, on account of sickness
in the family.
M ins Mave Lovelace, «ho is attrndin
The children here enjoyed three days
college at Willamette, *pvnt Thanksgiv­
vacation, the school lieing closed for
ing with her parent* here.
Mr*. Lulu Young and tier son, Don­ teachers’ institute last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Rauw and Mr.
ald, ot Shaw, Oregon, visited Rockwood
and Mrs. Fred Eze and family were the
friends the last week in November.
B. F. Powers wa* down from the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Serter last
Waldo hills for a few days last week.
Martin Multhauf Jr., on his way to
Sycamore last Saturday evening, ran
his motor cycle into a buggy, throwing T
him off and breaking his coiar bone.
<—... ................................. s
A man living on tlie Watson place,
A wool pulling party was given at tbe
proprietor of a little restaurant, wan
home of Mrs. C. H. Hunter last Thurs­
held up on Saturday evening aliout 7
day afternoon.
Those present were
o'clock and robbed. He was shot in the
leg thrqr times. He says they were Mesdamea A. C. Newell, Jobnaon, Pon- '
ley, Henrick, N. Ponleyand Misses Mae
mere boys, about 18 or 19 years old.
and Janette Newell, M bs Emma Chit­
A jolly crowd gave Mr. O. J. Brown
wood, Miss Fay Young, Mrs. Chitwood, i
a surprise on Saturday evening last.
Mr. and Mr*. Roland, of Tigard, Miss Nora Henrich, Blanch Rowley, i
Verna Hunter, Ixiuisa Hemrich and
■¡¡ent Sumlay with their daughter, Mrs.
Mrs. C. Hunter, Tbe afternoon was
May Richmond.
in pulling wool (Mohair) bat real
Miss Clara Stendaland is home from
(heep wool. Refreshments were served
school on the rick list.
Theodore Stendsland was married on at 5 p. m. the party breaking up at I
Tuesday of last week at Portland to a dusk. All the ladies report a fine time
Miss St. Clare. Theodore i* well known and leave a nice lot of fine clean wool
here and all hie friend* unite in wishing as tbe result« of tbeir labor.
Mies Hasel Stradley with her brother
him well. He is both an Odd Fellow
I Laurence, are spending the week at
and a Granger.
Rockwood Grange had election of of­ Corvallia.
ficer« on Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Engberg, of Lente,
■pent ths week with Mr. and Mra. N.
The Rock Creek Bunday school is pro- I
The heaviest expense at this
season, unless carefully se­
lected and wisely bought
We Meet
Both Conditions
Coal Valley
Coal per ton .
rj rfk
• «tJV
Good Wood at Lowest Prices
A Ton of Coal or
A Load of Wood?
Why Not, For Christmas
W. Miller Co.
50th St. and Powell Valley Road, Portland
_ ___ :
greasing nicely.
The teachers were
elected last Bunday so they will soon be
IL R. Trowbridge, of Portland, who
able to go on with the regular work.
recently purchased tbe Chas. Smith I
A party of young folks of thia place
property, wa* out on th* farm a few
have started a singing party and are to
days last week.
Miss Irene Knapp is spending a few meat at Mr. Nathan Powleys home
days at home this week, school having Thursday evening. They meet once a
week at different homes 'and evening*
closed Friday for a weeks vacation.
spent in singing; refreshments are
Miss Lulu Pullen, of Park Rose, wa*
the gueet of Miss Ethel Smith Saturday served and all have a sociable time.
There were 18 present at the last meet­
night and Bunday.
Gilbert Burkholder, of St. Johns, ing which was at Mr. Cooks.
Mr Fred Cook of this place was
spent several -lays last week in this
married to Mis* Bertha Beek of Sunny­
vicinity visiting relatives and friends.
Mr. McDonnell came out from Port­ side last Wednesday evening.
land Saturday to look after his cherry
ranch here.
Albert Fox was a Sunday visitors ■t S COLUMBIA HEIGHTS f
the W. H. Reed home.
«--------------------------------- K
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ross gave a party
•8-------------------------------------------------- — S last Thursday for their only daughter,
— s
Another stroke of paralysis has de­
prived the wife of Wm. Cummings of
her sfieech leaving her in a helpless
state. The sympathy of the entire
community is extended to Mr. Cum­
mings and his family in these anxious
hours. Mrs. Ruby Wilson, the young­
est daughter, has come from her cozy
home uear Corbett, Ore., to take care
of her mother.
Roy Buckley spent Thanksgiving at
Buckley Grove with bis mother and
brother, Lionel. He reports the Grand
Ronde reservation county as prospering
and has prospects of a railway system
established near or through the farm
bought by hie father.
The Sorenson boys won new laurels
at the late chicken shows capturing a
nil miter of first and secon I prizes.
Sorenson brothers deserved great credit
for their practical system of handling
poultry stocks and the extreme neat­
ness and tbeir broading pens.
Jack Webber is running an up to date
truck business and markets daily in
John Windsor, foster son of Mr. and
Mr*. E. E. Arnspiger is taking a busi­
ness course in the Holmes College.
Walter EVerhard, of Wisconsin, is a
house guest of Lionel Buckley.
Wm. Crosier came down from Skag­
way, Alaska, recently to spend the win­
ter in "God’s country.’’
Ablaze' wiih light and with walls
highly decorated with Oregon grape
and Christinas bells. Buckley school wen
Miss Laura, at Chantecleer, the occa­
sion being the 18th bitthday of the
young lady. Chanteleer was a scene of
much beauty and Mrs. Henderson de­
serves much praise for the manner in
which she entertained the guests. The
spacious rooms were brilliantly furnish­
ed and lighted, and with the magnifi­
cent view overlooking the famous
Columbia, it was more than entrancing.
About 20 enjoyed the hospitality of
both hostesses and when at a late hour,
time came for leaving, everybody wish­
ed Mis* Laura Ross many Happy re­
turns of the day.
The grand ball at Columbia Grange
last Saturday night was a noted affair.
The ever popular Lataurelle orchestra
kept the merry dancer* in happy mood
till a late hour. The Grange will give
a banquet to the members and written
invitations will be issued to friends,
who will be requested to present the in­
vitations at the door on New Year's
Mrs. Tsylor spent last week in Port­
land. She intends to leave ths ranch
very soon.
Ray Anderson spent a couple of days
visiting relatives in the city last week.
Mrs Tricky and daughter, Dorris,
are spending the holidays at Milwaukie.
The Gilbert school gave an entertain­
ment with a Christmas tree last Satur­
day night for the pupils. A large
crowd was present.
Mrs. Hornish, of Gresham, was a
guest of Mr and Mrs. Graigs a couple
oL «.lays laat week. Mrs. Hornish is a
sister of Mrs. Graigs.
In Oregon’s Most Reliable Association
Oregon Fire Relief, Oregon Merchants Mutual
Fire, American Life and Accident In«
surance of Portland
John Brown, Gresham, Ore.
Could Shout For Joy.
“I want to thank you from the bot­
tom of my heart," wrote U. B. Rader, of
Lewisburg, W. Va,, "for the wonderful
double benefit I got from Electric Bit­
ters, in curing me of both a severe case
of stomach trouble and of rheumatism,
from which I had been an almost help­
less sufferer for ten years. It suited my
case as though made just for me." For
dyspepsia, indigestion, jaundice, and to
rid the system of kidney poisons that
cause rheumatism. Electric Bitters hare
no equal. Try them.
Every bottle is
guaranteed to satisfy. Only 50 cents at
All Dealers.
Foils A Foul Plot.
When a shameful plot exists between
liver and bowels to cause distress by re­
fusing to act, take Dr. King’s New Life
Pills, and end such abuse of your system.
They gently compel right action of
stomach, liver and bowels, and restore
your health and all good feelings. 25c at
All Dealers.