Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, December 26, 1912, Image 3

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J. I*. Morgan Asserts Alleged Trust
la Impossibility.
Second Letter Is Now in Hands of
Postal Authorities.
r.riGMAMs or 1.
Inhabitants Resist lint il Amniu
nition Is Exhausted.
Slaughter Follow« Victory of In­
dians Young Women Carried
Off Into Mountains.
El Paso, Tex.—Yiupii Indians, after
an attack lasting two days, have cap­
tured the Sonora town of San Marcial,
slaughtered many of the inhabitants
and carried off several girls to the
The inhabitants of the town, the
s|>ecial says, fought until their ammu­
nition gave out, when the Indians,
who attacked in force of several hun­
dred, gained entrance.
Scenes of
terrific slaughter followed, only a few
escaping to curry the tale to the out­
side world. The Indiana retreated to
the mountiatins, carrying the young
women with them.
San Marcial is in the center of the
Sonora c al district, a little more than
fit) miles southeast of Hermosillo, This
is the first time so far as known here
where Yaquia successfully aaaaultad so
large a town.
The Indians are said to be using
military tactics acquired during two
years of training in Maderos forces to
advantage, gathering force until they
have practically what might i>e termed
an army. All are armed with high-
power ritles secured during the gov­
ernment service.
Official apprehension of another re­
bel attack on Juarez was aroused by
the operations of the Yaqui» in San
A recommendation from the State
department in Washington in Septem­
ber that HMM) men be kept in Juarez to
avoid a re|>etition of the casualties in­
cidental to the Madero revolution has
not been complied with. The town
has a garrison of 500 men and a small
artillery force.
All the money in Christendom and
all the banka in Christendom could
not form a monopoly that would
control money.
What 1 call money is the basis of
If he hud the credit and I had the
money (referring to a by|s>thetical
man in control of the credit of the
country), his customer would be
badly off.
When a man has vast |s>wer and
abuses it, he loses it and ho never
gets it back again, either.
The question of control, in this
country, al least, is personal; that
Is, in money.
I would rather have competition.
You must remember that not all
securities sold and issued are al­
ways good, and when there is a re­
sponsible fiscal agent, there is mor­
al strength behind them.
American stock holders take little
interest in the management of their
cor|a>rations. That is why we or­
ganize a voting trust in order to
protect the company.
j There is no place where mergers
• and consolidations have taken place
I to the extent they have in Great
t Britain.
| “You lM-lieve in buying up the
I com|a*ting line?” asked Mr. Unter-
j myer.
“Why, sure,” said Mr.
; Morgan.
My idea is that it (the stock of
’ the Equitable company) should be
j turned over to the policy-holders.
Washington, D. C. - J. Pierpont
Morgan told the money trust investi­
gating committee of the house that
“all the money in Christendom and all
banks in Christendom” could not form
a monopoly that would control money.
Mr. Morgan disclaimed any knowledge
that he wielded a vast power in mod­
ern finance, and declared emphatically
that he sought no such power.
For nearly five hours the chief wit­
ness called by the committee in its
investigation of the intricacies of
modern finance stood a running fire of
questions that covered every phase of
financial operation. In some respects
it was one of the most remarkable
TAFT ENROUTE TO ISTHMUS hearings in the halls of congress in
years, with Mr. Morgan as the em­
bodiment of financial operations on a
President and Party to Inapect colossal scale and the committee’s
Work in Canal Zone.
counsel, Samuel Untermyer, the rep­
Key West, Fla. With the guns of resentative of the element that seeks
the United States battleships Dela­ to probe the innermost, recesses and
ware and Arkansas roaring a welcome condilions under which these vast finan
President Taft and his party late Sat­ cial o|>eratiomi are conducted.
Mr. Morgan gave his views on com­
urday afternoon boarded the Arkansas
and set out for the Panama (’anal | petition, combination, co-operation
zone. It was shortly after 4 o’clock j and control in industry ami finance,
He declared
when the president, after making a particularly the latter.
short speech here, boarded one of the he did not "mind competition.** but
launches of the Arkansas, together that he preferred “combination” in
with Mrs. Taft and the remainder of his operations. He wax emphatic in
the presidential party, and was taken I his declaration that “there is no way
to the battleships.
A few minutes ! one man can get a monopoly of
later both the Arkansas and the Dela­ money. ”
ware, which will uct as an escort, had
weighed anchor an<l were steaming out AVIATORS’ BODIES PICKED IP
of the harbor.
The presidential party will spend One Corpse on Bench; Other Float«
three days in the canal region.
With Life Preserver.
ident Taft plans to get back to Key
—The bodies of Horace
West on December 29, and two days
Kearney, aviator, and Chester Law­
later to be in Washington.
Investigations of conditions in the rence, newspaf>erman, lie side by side
canal zone to determine whether the in a little undertaking shop at Redon­
time is opportune for establishing civil i do Beach, finally given up by the sea,
government there is the announced which had combined with the more
punstse of the prcxdent’s visit. Mr. mysterious forces of the air to destroy
Taft has Mid that he expected to issue them as they were seeking to write a
the order establishing civil govern­ new chapter in aviation by a daring
ment immediately if he found condi­ over-ocean flight to San Francisco.
Ten hours after the body of the
tions favorable.
The president for six hours rode young reporter, battered almost be­
through the fruit-l>earing country of yond recognition by waves and rocks,
Florida and part of the everglades. was found on the precipitous coast
Hix train then passed out over the near Rocky Point, that of his aviator
open sea railroad extension.
A spe­ companion was picked up a mile away
cial observation car had been attached at sea by a searching party in charge
to the train in Miami and the Presi­ of George B. Harrison, a skilled aero­
naut and close friend of the doomed
dent spent much time in it.
A short talk was made by President men.
Kearney’s body wax found entangled
Taft in Miami, in a.ldition to the one
here. In both addresses he said he in kelp and partially attached to a life
thought it incumbent upon him to es­ preserver, the white cloth of which,
tablish civil government in the Pana­ glistening in the sunlight, attracted
ma Canal region and not leave the the searchers to the spot.
task to President-elect Wilson.
Mercury Soars to
“Human Bomb” Gets Writ.
Los Angeles — Attorneys for Carl
Riedelbach, the "human bomb,” who
captured the Central police station
some weeks ago, obtained a writ of
halieas corpus directing the county au­
thorities to apfiear in court Monday
and show cause why the prisoner
should not be released. Riedelbach’s
attorneys argued before Judge Willis,
of the Superior court, that their client
had committed no crime, according to
the state's statutes. He merely ap­
peared at the central station carrying
an infernal machine.
Washington, I). C!~ Senator Cham­
berlain has been urged by the Mnzama
society, of Portland, to aid in obtain­
ing an appropriation of $250,000 from
this congress for widening the road
into the Mount Rainier National park,
in the State of Washington, from the
south construction of the branch road
to the Indian Henry hunting grounds,
the construction of horse trails in the
park and the survey for a highway into
the park along Carbon river.
Garrison Has Typhoid.
Hanau, Germany—An epidemic of
typhoid fever hns broken out among
the troops of the garrison here. Two
hundred and eleven soldiers are lying
in hospitals suffering from the disease.
The river Main is believed to be in­
fected and if this is proved to be so,
the health of the entire population
will be imperiled.
Mrs. Rockhill Describes Misery and
Relief Given By Red Cross.
HE present struggle with Tur­
key calls one's mind back to
an earlier world when all the
countries now engaged In forc­
ible disputations were Includ­
ed In th« Byzantine empire, which la
also popularly known aa the Greek em­
pire. and was founded In 295 A. D.,
when Theodosius the Great at his
death divided the Roman empire be­
tween his two sons, one of whom. Ar-
radius, was the first emperor of the
Byzantine empire. This empire iast-
•«! for more than 1,000 years. Its cap-
'tai was Byzantium, now Conatantl-
lople. Its greatest names are Justin­
ian. who reigned from 527 to 5C5, and
Loo the Isaorian. who seized the
throne In 716, During the succeeding
ages there were constant struggles
with the Saracens and the Bulgarians.
It was In the eleventh century that
the Byzantine empire »as thn-aten-
ed and Its power broken by the Seljuk
•Turks In 1204 the French and the
Venetians captured Constantinople,
and there was a period of western rule
for nearly 50 years The Turks first
made a permanent settlement tn Eu­
rope by the taking of Gallipoli In 1354.
In 1361 the Sultan Amurath took
Adrianople, and made it the seat of
government. Uullmately Constanti­
nople was captured by Mohammed II.
on May 29. 1453, when the Byzantine
empire came to an end. From that
day to this the Turkish empire in
Europe has been a well-established
fact, with many dramatic chapters, the
last of which may perhaps be told
In our day.
History of Ada-Kal«h.
One of the oddities of Turkish his­
tory Is the possession by the Ottoman
Turks of an island in the Danube. It
Iles just where the southwest of Hun­
gary nears Roumanla and 8ervta This
little Island fortress of Ada-Kaleh is
Turkish territory, its inhabitants are
Turks, who are naturally under the
Jurisdiction of the sultan, yet the fort­
ress on the island belongs to Austria-
Hungary. who provldeds the garrison.
The Island, which Is of great strategic
Importance, Is situated In the middle
of the Danube, just where It flows
through high cliffs about half an
hour's journey from the Iron Gates.
In the center of the Island Is the Turk­
Sydney, N. S. W.
twenty-two in the shade is the record
made by the first heat wave exper­
ienced in Australia this summer.
This was recorded at Eucla, the re­
peating station on the South Austral­
ian-West Australian border.
Homa, in Queensland, the mercury
stood at 110, while Newcastle, the coal
city of New South Wales, has had the
hottest spell for 16 years, accomjianied
by dust and wind storms. Other parts
of New South Wales were affected,
but no deaths were reported.
Washington, D, C.—The "literacy
test” immigration bill, which passed
the house Friday and was brought
back to the senate for its concurrence,
was sent to conference Saturday. Sen­
ator Lodge, of Massachusetts, moved
that the senate disagree to the house
amendments. A conference was asked
for, and Senator Gallinger appointed
Senators Dillingham, Ixxlge and Smith,
of South Carolina, aa conferees in the
Halibut Brings Big Price.
Seattle, Wash.—Fourteen thousand
pounds of halibut sold for the record
price of lilt cents a pound when the
fishing stenmer Molola arrived here
from a 22-day cruise off Vancouver
The price of halibut has
jumped rapidly since the fishermen’s
strike began two mrntha ago and the
few independent crews operating are
reaping huge prefits.
ish settlement with Its Oriental shops
and coffee bouses. These coffee bouses
are the scene of considerable life, es­
pecially on Fridays, the feast day
of the Mohammedans. Though the ta­
bles are thickly thronged, there Is no
noise; little conversation Is indulged
tn. most of the men merely quietly
smoking their long pipes or drinking
their Turkish coffee. Pretty girls flit
about, maidens as yet unuvelled, with
i henna-reddened fingernails and flowers
in their balr. From the minaret of the
masque floats the Turkish flag.
Ada-Kaleh baB had an Interesting
history, and played an Important part
In the Turkish wars of the seven­
teenth and eighteenth centuries. When
Ludwig the Great thought of erecting
a fortress at Orsova in 1371 the ques­
tion of the Island was considered, but
was rejected, leaving it to its
primeval forest, which served as a
hiding place for robbers and river pi­
rates. But in the year 1687, when the
Turks were driven back from Vi­
enna and pursued by Karl of Lothrln-
gen and Sobieski of Poland, these
two great commanders were struck
by the position of the island and or­
dered It to be fortified.
Small Salaries.
An interesting figure In the Balkan
struggle Is General Vukotlc, now
commanding the Montenegrin force in
tho Sandjak of Novkl Bazar. General
Vukotlc has traveled in America, as
aide-de-camp to Prince—now King—
Nicholas. While devoted, like all bls
nation, to his own mountains he is
very appreciative of the pleasures of
the great capitals, and particularly
forfi of Vienna He has very happy
memories of a visit he paid to Lon­
don some years ago, when he made
fils home at a West end boarding
house (for Montenegrin officers’ sal­
aries do not run to hotel prices), and
has a cordial liking for English peo­
ple; he does not speak the English
language, but converses fluenUy in
French and German. General Vukotle
is a man of middle age. splendid phy­
sique, and, like all his nation, a war­
rior born. He was received with wild
delight after the capture of Byelopolje.
one of the fortresses of the Sandjak
before this province of Turkey was
evacuated at the annexation of Bosnia
and Herzegovina.
POLITICAL TRAGEDY OF 1860 Weed. A vast silence seized it as
Nation's Historical Figure Heard of
122 in Shade.
Defeat Instead of Victory He
One hundred and
Bill Goes to Conference.
Aid for Park Asked.
Newark, N. J. President-elect Wil­
son's life has been threatened by a
letter writer. The letter was mailed
in New York on December 12, receiv­
ed by the governor’s secretary at
Trenton the next day and turned over
to the postal authorities. It is now in
possession of United States Assistant
District Attorney Lindabury, who de­
clines to discuss it.
The receipt of the second threaten­
ing letter became known at the ar­
raignment of Jacob and Warren Dunn
and Seeley Davenport, of Wharton,
the three so-called mountaineers, who
were charged with having sent Gover­
nor Wilson onjNovember 11 last a let­
ter demanding $5000xunder threat of
The hearing was not concluded, but
United States Commissioner Stockton
dismissed the case against Warren
Dunn and took under advisement a
motion to make a similar ruling in the
case of Davenport.
Against Jacob Dunn, alleged author
of the threatening letter, the govern­
ment made out a strong case, Commis­
sioner Stockton said.
He held Dunn,
pending the conclusion of the hearing.
i ikmpont mokoan .
Charles M. Harvey, describing some
of the breathless moments in election
history, recalls the almost forgotten
excitement of Uncoin's nomination,
when Uncoln was running against
Seward, with the odds overwhelming
ly against him, (he World's Work
Harvey pictures Seward at his home
tn Auburn, N. T., waiting for the re­
turns from the Chicago convention.
"An immense throng had gathered in
his grounds and on the streets near
by to acclaim their distinguished fel­
low citizen. Democrats were there
aa well as Republicans. On the porch
of his house, surrounded by many of
his Immediate friends, sat Seward,
calm and confident.
At their hal­
yards flags tugged for permission to
Cannon, loaded, awaited the
word from Thurlow Weed. Seward's
manager at Chicago, which would per­
mit them to proclaim the expected
glad tidlugs.
"Dashing down the street, a horse
man pulled up at Seward's house and
handed him a telegram of the first
ballot—'Seward 173. Lincoln 10L’
Tumultuous cheers greeted It as it
was read to the great concourse. Car­
ried by the same messenger a little
later was the second ballot—'Sew­
ard 184. Lincoln 181.'
“ *1 shall be nominated on the next
ballot,' said Seward.
“Intense emotion swayed the throng
aa it awaited the final word from
the messenger galloped down with the
fateful missive—'Uncoln nominated
T. W.‘
"The man who during every wak­
ing hour since Fremont'B defeat in
1856 had been expecting the candi­
dacy of 1860 and who, in the minds of
Democratic, as well as Republican
leaders, figured in the role of hie
party's standard bearer in that year,
passed into the house. Flags were
furled. The cannon, voiceless, rolled
away. Cayuga county silently dis­
persed and the curtain fell on aa no­
table a tragedy as American politics
has seen."
Unique Seaport.
The position of the port of South­
ampton Is that of England's premier
passenger port, and no further evi­
dence of this is needed than the fact
that 304,045 passengers and 47,968
troops, giving a total of 352,013 per­
sons. arrived in the port and depart­
ed from the docks in 1910. The geo­
graphical position of the port is not
only unique, in that it is situated al­
most midway on the coast line of the
English channel and within easy ac­
cess by rail of the metropolis, but it
is blessed with the unusual natural
advantage of double tides, which give
it virtually four hours of high water
twtee a day—an advantage enjoyed by
no other port in the world.
A Mere Surprise.
“I see where the stork recently paid
a visit to a sleeping porch.”
"Well! well! I guess rich folk will
now have their sleeping porches more
thickly screened than ever.”
Emphatic Note Being Prepared
for Dilatory Madero.
Brigandage and Ijiwlessness Rouse
Ire of American Government,
and Muât Be Stopped.
Washington, D. C.—Henry Lane
Wilson, United States ambassador to
Mexico, who has been here in confer­
ence with the State department offi­
cials regarding conditions in Mexico,
ha« gone to New York, preparatory to
sailing for his post.
He is without
the expected note of representation
this government is preparing to send
to the Mexican government demanding
protection for citizen* and their prop­
This action is taken as a further
evidence of the intention of the ad­
ministration to deal circumspectly
with this delicate situation. The com­
munication is being prepared with the
greatest care in the State department,
and will be transmitted to the United
States ambassador early in January.
The deliberation with which the
officials are moving is expected to re­
sult in the production of a brief that
is expected to be well-nigh unanswer­
able except by a promise of prompt
and adequate action on the part of the
Mexican government to meet fairly
and fully the demands of the United
States in the matter of the plain
American interests in Mexico.
Justification for this demand by the
United States is declared to be found
in the numerous reports from every
quarter that conditions in Mexico have
grown worse since the dispatch of
Secretary Knox's note of protest last
September, and that there has been a
marked increase in brigandage and in
the kidnaping of citizens of the Uni­
ted States for ransom and in the levy­
ing of forced war loans by rebels on
American mines and plantations.
Washington, D. C.—The condition
of dying men crowded around wells
endeavoring to obtain water is des­
cribed by Mrs. Rockhill, wife of the
American ambassador at Constanti­
nople, in a letter to Miss Mabel T.
Boardman, of the American Red Cross.
Mrs. Rockhill writes that in and
about one building in San Stefano
were lying 500 men in complete desti­
tution as a sequence to the Balkan
war. She says it is impossible to es­
timate the number of the sick or dead,
but that many corpses are unburied,
She report« that American effort« in
San Stefano have resulted in taking
care of the dying and the dead who
hitherto lay in helpless, hopeless
Through the co-operation of several
members of the British Red Cross hos­ Verdict in Suit Brought by Jobbers
pital unit, the American committee
Is for Defendants.
had been able to start a field hopsital
of 50 beds in tents.
New York—The American [Tobacco
company won a verdict by decision of
Judge Mayer in the United States
GIBBET FOR PANIC MAKERS District court in the $300,000 damage
suit brought by E. Locker & Company,
Wilson Promises Punishment Dire Brooklyn tobacco jobbers. The Met­
ropolitan Tobacco company, co-defend-
for Finacial Disturbers.
ant, received a similar verdict.
New York—President-elect Wilson
The plaintiffs sought treble damages
held up a warning finger to any man under the Sherman anti-trust law, al­
who might deliberately start a panic leging they incurred losses through
in the United States in order to show violation of the law by the defendant
that intended legislative policies were companies.
Judge Mayer told the jury that the
In a speech at the banquet of the questions involved were of law, not of
Southern society of New York he de­ fact, hence it was for the court to de­
clared he had heard sinister predic­ cide the case. John E. Locker, of the
tions of what would follow if the plaintiff campany, said he would take
Democratic party put into effect the case to the Supreme court of the
changes in economic policy.
United States if necessary.
The president-elect first distin­
guished in his speech between “nat­
ural” and "unnatural” panics. He DEFENDS ISSUING PARDONS
said that in many cases panic had
come naturally, because of a mental Arkansas Governor Tells Why He
disturbance of people with reference
Freed 316 State Convicts.
to loans and money generally.
Rock, Ark.—Characterizing
"But the machinery is in exist­
ence, ” he said, "by which the thing the Arkansas penitentiary under the
can be deliberately done. Frankly, I lease system as a burning, seething
don’t think there is any man living hell, consuming human beings, who
who dares use the machinery for that are being fed into it in a manner
purpose. If he does I promise him, which results in nothing but making
not for myself, but for my fellow fortunes for contractors, Governor
countrymen, a gibbet as high as Ha­ Donaghey, issued a statement in de­
fense of his action recently in issuing
pardons to 316 state convicts.
According to a newspaper compila­
Lissner Added to List.
tion, based on the state records, 43 of
Washington, D. C.—Senator Dixon, those pardoned by Governor Donaghey
chairman of the Progressive national were convicted of murder or man­
cosmmittee, said that the committee slaughter, 111 of grand larceny, four
of seven which is to visit Europe to assault, five robbery, 19 forgery,- 32
study governmental questions in be­ burglary, 26 assault to kill and 76 of
half of the Progressive party, would crimes ranging from hog stealing to
be named when the executive commit­ bigamy.
tee meets in New York Thursday.
Barbers’ Mortality High.
He said that only three men had been
decided upon. Two of these, Medill
Sacramento — Fewer bankers and
McComick, of Chicago, and Dr. Wal­ more barbers die of tuberculosis than
ter Weyl, of New York, were an­
nounced in Chicago, and Meyer Liss­ any other workers classified by the
state board of health, according to
ner, of California, may be added.
a report just made public. Bankers,
brokers, business men and those in gen­
Message Is Discussed.
eral whose work is mental rather than
Washington, D. C.—President Taft physical and whose surroundings at
and his cabinet discussed the presi­ work and at home are almost ideally
dent's forthcoming message to con­ sanitary, show the highest resistance.
gress at the regular Tuesday meeting. Barbers and hairdressers show the
It. probably will be the last session of astonishing death rate from tuber­
the year, because the president leaves culosis of a fraction more than one in
Thursday for Panama and will not be every four.
in Washington again uqtil December
31. The forthcoming message will be
Wealthy Galicians Fleeing.
devoted largely to a review of the ac­
Paris—Austria-Hungary is spending
complishments of the government de­
$800,000 a day to defray the expendi­
partments in the past year.
tures of the mobilization of her army,
according to an estimate made by a
Ranchmen Rout Raiders.
correspondent of the Temps, just re­
El Paso, Tex.—Fifteen ranchmen turned from Galicia, Austria. The
defend«! the Dumbre ranch, an Amer­ whole of the commercial and indus­
ican property in Chihuahua state, for trial life of the country has been dis­
nearly two days against 150 bandits, organized, he adds. In Galicia neith­
who later were dispersed by Federal er money nor food is to be had and the
troops, according to reports received wealthier part of the population has
here. Troops sent from Parral, near fled from the country.
by. through appeal from the American
consul, J. I. Long, routed the bandits,
Big Drydock Asked For.
killing 32.
Washington, D. C.—A $1,000.000
drydock in San Francisco bay will be
Alfalfa Men Optimistic.. . ... ask«! of congress by Secretary of the
Wichita, Kan.—Alfalfa millers from Navy Meyer in a recommendation he
Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Col­ will soon send to the house appropria­
orado clos«i their semi-annual meet­ tions committee. The secretary defi­
ing here with a prediction that $20,- nitely decided to ask congress for the
000,000 worth of alfalfa products $1,000,000 dock at this session. The
would be the output of their mills this appropriation will be included in the
Uniform grading rules were naval appropriation bill. If the sum
adopted, so that alfalfa miilers_can be is granted worff“"off the dock will be
begun within the year.
protected.J attar—_____