BEAVER STATE HERALD Subscription, $1.00 a Year. LENTS. MULTNOMAH CO., OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19 1912. Vol. 10. No. 47 '¿Jt/L tnomah stae bank LENTS EANGIERS WIN GRANGE HOLDS COUNTY GRANGE LENTS’ REPUTATION BIG SESSION MAKES REMARKABLE RECORD MEETS IN GRESHAM VALUABLE ASSET IN POULTRY SHOW Many Prizes Taken by Lents State Master Spence Makes People at Northwest Show Talk on Road Legislation —Stock Not Wanting in and Why Grange Measures Failed.—Speedy Election. This Vicinity. lento has reason to be proud of Ito bank. Risiug from th» ruins of one of th» worst bank failures evar known on th» coait, in less than two year» Tha Multnomah State Bank has grown to lie oneoj th» very strongest country banks in th« state. This bank wu opened for busine»» July lat 1911. December 30, 1911 its cash deposits very nearly reached >30,000. At the end of June 1912, it exceeded >50,000; in November it had climbed to >64.185; pod llece tu­ ber 10, one and a half years from tha time of opening there were over >7<>,en» I with instru­ l^nta with favor There were an unuaually large num­ mental music by master George Jones; ber of high claaa entries thia year and a recitation by Myrtle Brock; Instru­ there waa no email difficulty in |>aaning mental, Alfred Nygard ; and a Ja;>ane»e judgement. A system ol grading on Drill. State Master Spence waa preeent The clamor of last week had hardly pointe waa adopted and the pointe were and made a talk about prospective road ceased when a new melody arose. This legislation, Among other things in in ­ then added up to give the result. No email fault waa found with the adding troduction, he explained as one reason time prominent lento people are includ­ of theee points Errors aa high aa three why the bills recently introduced by ed in the list of cupid’s victim»—Mr. points waa found to exist in some of the the State Grange were lost at the elec­ Win Goggins and Mis» Grace Hitching» additione. In a chow where the pointa tion It ia Mr. Spence's opinion was that being the person» captured. Both of were figured down to fourtha and a great many people voted no on every­ these people are too well known in eighths three (Miinta meant a whole lot thing because they were confused and lent* to need any introduction, both and numerous incidenta are mentioned did not know just which waa the bill having been engaged in business here The wedding oc- where the reault would have lieen en­ i they wanted. He holds that the liallot j for several months. at the home of the bride’s tirely different hail the totaling of title is not properly drawn and sug­ curred Mrs. T. J. Helliwell, of pointa by the judge l>een correct, and in gests either that the fellow who writes sister, aome cases the <*om|>etitorn themselves up the headings for the bills is badly Arleta. Sunday last at 2 p. m. Judge E. rearranged their prizes, regard lea» of overworked or hardly qualified for the I*. Tobin, officiating. The weddingdin- the fact that It might have caused them job Ballot title for bills should I* > tier waa served at 3 o’clock to those the loaa of the lead. The reault of thia more definite' and should bear the present, Mr. and Mra. Griffith, Mrs. la tied for the judge. Many of the names of the author, or some other Roes. Mrs. Goggins, and Mr. and Mrs. entrymen declare they will never show definite hint a» to the context of the Helliwell. The happy couple were the recipients proposed measure. with that judge again. of numerous useful presents, among the Reau I tn for local poultrymen are aa Mr. Bpeuce ia strongly in favor of follow«: local road control, either by townsb p number being a beautiful hand painted Mrs Pearl Freeburg, White Rocks, or road district. lie cited incidents tea set. The usual honeymoon was forgone 2nd on Collection, 5th on |>en, 5th on where the precincts In hie county had Mr. and Mra. Goggins were shortly and Pullet. Calkins Poultry Yard. White practically built all their improved leghorn», 2nd highest at the ahow on roads by direct taxation. He also re­ found at home in lente attending to pullet acoring 9l*t pointa, over 57 gretted the diecontinuauce of the collec­ their respective business institutions. otliera Also 2nd on pullet, 4th on lien, tion of the poll tax. Under Ute present Mr. Goggins will continue in the shoe and 5th on Collection. E. I). Hchanen. system there are a considerable number business and Mra. Goggins will continue 5th on Collection. John F. Khein- of people who do not have to pay any to handle millinery at the usual place holdt, Black Orpington«, let, 2nd, 3rd, tax whatever, and it is no more than on Car Line St. The Herald joins with friends in and 4lh on pullet. The first pullet took right that every (>er«on should contrib­ wishing the couple a long, happy, and 92f pointa. The third took VII4. He ute something to the mainlainence of got lat on Cockerel, acoring 93 \ pointa our public institutions and the govern­ prosperous journey through life. I.. D. Elliott took lat anil 2nd on Rhode ment which protects his rights. laland Red Cocks. and 2nd on cockerels. Mr». Flora Lyons gave an excellent talk Chas. Griswold took prizes on buff leg­ ou “A Better Crop of Boy» and Girls. * horn«; J. A Henn, on buff leghorn«, Her treatment of the subject was ex­ and Harry Marx on White Wyandotte«. ceptionally good and tactfully delivered. Blie explained ihe responsibility of par­ ent» and teachers in the care of boy» and girls and of the necessity of instruc­ Arrangements are completed for a tion in those matter» which have »0 public meeting at the auditorium of long lieen regarded with reticence, and i of the dangers which arise through ill the Creston school, Monday evening, advised marriages. The perpetuation December 23rd. Prof. C. I. Lewis, of of disease and mental disabilities were the Oregon Agricultural college, will be It is now six yeara ago aince Art. shown to tie common occurance» which present and deliver the principal ad­ Geisler opened up the Mt. Scott Drug are full of distress for the individual Store in a little 16 x 20 building aero«« dress. The object of the meeting will and degeneracy far the nation and urged the atreet from the preeent location. a carefu* consideration of all those mat­ be to develop an interest in agricultural After proving the propriety of locating ters which lead to the production of a training. The members of the school iu l.ente the firat suitable building in healthy and intelligent generation of board will be invited and most of the the town was »ecured lor a location and 1 young Americans. principals. -It is anticipated that an a change waa made. The new building Under the head of election of officers, offered more room and added facilities. agricultural «chool will be decided upon T. J. Kreuder was re-elected Master; A larger stock waa carried and addition­ sometime soon and that this part of the Mrs. Otto Katzky, Overseer; Mrs. Dar­ al help waa secured. For the last three city should be interested in its location. nell, Lecturer; Mr. Jacob Nelson was years the aaeiatant has lieen Mr Fred cboeen Hteward; W. A. Young was re­ Geialer, who a abort time ago waa made elected Asst. Steward, and Miss Lillian NEW TAILORING ESTABLISH­ a member of the firm, which now goes Thomar. Lady Asst.; Mrs. A. F. Miller under the name of Geialer Brothers. MENT TO BE OPENED was re-elected Chaplain ; Mrs. Ida Faler Proepecta are good (or the firm. Buxi­ was chosen Treasurer and Mrs W. L. ne«» ia normal even in thene quiet times, and the Mt. Scott Drug Co. is | Hotchkiss waa chosen Secretary; A. Merrilhew was elected G. K., and Miss­ The new sixty-foot building being getting it» share of what comee. Their ' ea Freda Folkman, Hazel Thomas and completed on Foster Road, near the line of Christmas goods this year ha» 1 attracted a great deal of attention and I Murel Smith were elected Graces. The postoffice will lie occupied after the fifth whole election was completed in 15 of January by the Rusch Tailoring Co. the genera) »«ti»factory manner wjth J minutes. Bro. Black of Woodlawn will The company will have one of the beet which they meet their customer» fore- I he invited to install officers at the Jan­ rooms in town. There will be several tell« a growing popularity. uary meeting. divisions in the building, work rooms and dressing apartments for ladies and gentlemen. Having moved into their new quarters, the company will carry a complete line of seasonable goods (or i both men and women, and they will ' cater to all kinds oi trade in the tailor- Living hardlv more than long enough | ing line. It is expected by the firm to know that her baby boy would sur­ One of the newer institutions in that the business will be put on a basis vive her, Mr». Anna I-aura Riggs, wife Lents is the Lents Pharmacy, corner of second to none in East Portland. of W. W. Riggs, of Ix*nts, passed to her Main and Foster Roads. This business final resting place last Wednesday at was opened up less than a year and a GROWERS AND DEALERS MEET. the age of 23. Born in Oakland, Cal., half ago and it was said at the time by on October 25, 1374, Mrs. Rigg» at an Closer co-operation between the fruit some of the wiseacres of the town that early age came to Portland, where she the drug business would be overdone. grower, the railroads ami all allied in- wm married to Mr. Riga in 1908. The Appearances do not seem to indicate I tercets was urged at a meeting of grow­ funeral service« took place Saturday af­ the truth of the surmise. The Lenta ers and dealers at a luncheon at the ternoon at 3 o’clock at Finley'» parlor» Pharmacy has been doing business Portland Commercial Club. It was and the interment was at the Mount every day and-its business has lieen ex­ stated by a prominent Eastern dealer Scott Cemetery. Rev. W. Boyd Moore that a study of market conditions and a tending very satisfactorily. officiated. The proprietor, Mr F. R. Peterson, better organization will prevent an over In addition to her husband and two finds the drug business more agreeable ' supply of Northwest apples and the hope childred, Mrs. Riggs is survied by her than his previous occupation and will, ! of the industry was said to be a closer widowed mother, Mrs. Cristina Ar- no doubt, build up a fine trade as the harmony in growing and marketing t I m > ronson, ami by two brothers, Arthur conditions for business increases in this fruit. and Alfred, all living in Lent«. part of the citv. Over eight miles of gas main will be Miss Helen Ho»», of Gresham, wa« a laid in Lent» this winter, every street Miss Lillian Alpanalp spent lazt Sun­ being prepared for connection with the plesant caller at The Herald office Fri­ day visiting with her aunt in Hillshoro. the line before spring. ______ day. bave been open«! and the volume of businaaa is such that it now requires three men most of the time to attend Different Granges In The People All Over the State to it. When the poetai bank system County Reports Prosperity Recognize Its Prospects. was installed The Multnomah Htate Bank was matte depository and there Election of Officers and Portland Investors Look­ are now over >7,700 of Government de­ General Business. ing This Way. posits in Ito hands. A good’shars of thia sxceptional inc­ essa is dus'to ths efficisnt management of the cashier, Mr. H Rostad and Mr. The Multnomah County Grange held Two times within the past two yean H. E. Bloyd assistant cashier ; who have its regular quarterly meeting Wednes­ prominent Portland people who have an lieen persistent in their efforts to ren­ day at Gresham. There was a moderate eye to good locations have suggested to der satis factory service to the growing attendance but a very good meeting. the Herald that they considered the patronage. The morning seeeion was taken up with prospects for • thriving suburb at this reports from the various granges. point the best of any around Portland. Gresham Grange reported over >20o The basis for this view lay in the dis­ cash on hand and a pro-perous condi­ tance from the city. The fact that it tion. Granges generally throughout ' ia the five cent car fare limit is one of 1« the county are doing well. the strongest arguments for its being a After a fine dinner business was re­ popular residence point Property is Christmas is drawing near. It would sumed. First was a special meeting of more reasonable here tba- elsewhere tie well to tell you little boys and girls, the Oregon Fire Relief Association. The similarly situated. Most of the advan­ date was the occasion for tbs election of why we celebrate Christmas. A large majority of children are under the im­ a director for the next five years. Bro. tage»! of city residence may now be en­ pression that ChrietmM is for Banta A. F. Miller was the only nominee, and joyed here without many other of the Claus only. The Christmas spirit will and was elected by acclamation. limitations and ex pence» that a nearer ■ The regular meeting wae then called be of a different nature when little folks in residence entails. understand that it is to honor the holy to order and a report from the commit­ Another strong point io the import­ tee on Co-Operation was asked. The child Jesus, liorn in Bethlehem. Tell ant roads leading into this point fro m them of the star that shines so bright committee reported having made some the country. Foster Road, Oregon City investigations in regard to the Co-Op ­ on Christmas night, which was the sign road, and Powell Valley road are all prophesied that Jesus was born, and of erative House in Portland and Messr- Stansberry. Davis, tributary to Lents, or eonviently near. the three wise men that were lead by Jobnson, Lake. The country reached over these roads that star to Bethlehem to find the new Crane, and others told of their experi­ is as good as any in the state and it is ences with the Company. Just what born baby, to whom they sacrificed generally occupied by some of the best, costly offerings When our little bov, was beet to be done in regard to indors­ most progressive, and comfortably who is five years old, slowed disappoint­ ing their manner of conducting busi­ situated farmers to be found anywhere. ment last Christmas because Santa ness was not very definitely proposed. These lines practically converge at Clause did not bring what be expected The idea of a Grange Bulletin board for Lents and that practically settles the I decided to tell him the truth, that : listing their property waa suggested. future of the place. Bro. Palmer told of his experiences there was no such a man, that it was Now the practical truth of this view father, mother, brother and sister, or I with a purchasing agent in Linn Co. has been already demonstrated The Bro. Barber of McMinnville told of his friends that brought the gifts. The past eight years has seen thousand» of idea la simply absurd that our children observations in Illinois, Kansas, and new people come into this district »nd other places, but did not make a definite shouldn’t enjoy it as well without stuff­ there is still room for many more with­ recommendation, at that time. ing them with the story that it was out much crowding. We have about Bro. Johnson introdneed a resolution Banta Claus. Banta Claus has too much closed up the gap to Sycamore now, for sway here. The enjoyment little folks urging the East Side Busineee Men in there is a continuous line of residences their efforts toward a public market and get from a visit from Banta Clans ia in along the line, and at the rate of tne nature of an excitement that almost commending them for what they had growth maintained in the past, it will done and the Telegram for its attitude reaches a state of fear and the worst of not be long till we annex Gresham and the effect it has on the child, as it on the subject of such an institution. bestow upon it some of the advantages A resolution approving of the organ ­ grows up, is simply that we told them of a suburban existence. izing of W ’ omens 8tudy Circles for the something that was not the truth. This Ten years ago there was one saloon, brings me to think of a poor minister study of matters of political importance one grocery, and a poetoffice in Lents. and civic institutions called forth a con- and hie wife, who bad been accustomed Yes, and a church and about three to tell their children that Banta was the I siderable discussion but was finally dwelling houses. Six years since, adopted in a modified form. There was giver of the presents they recieved, but pieces of property were bought for >250 when finally one Christmas they were also a resolution in reference to the that have easily since sold for >1200 to titles of initiative measures which was unable to purchase anything for them, >3300. And that is not the limit, for that it was not so, there was no Santa generally favored. The committee on others might be mentioned that have dinner arrangements reported a resolu ­ Claus. Then the oldest child said, ’’Well excelled this record Still Lents is papa I suppose it is all nonsense too tion favoring a change in appropria waiting for pome capitalist to come in tions favored a >20 appropriation for what you are telling us about Jesus and do something really big and then Christ”? This innocent reply showed places where there was an all day ses­ we will wonder why we did not do that sion and >10 for half day sessions. The the effect it had on the child as it had ourselves, just as we do when contem­ great continence in the Banta Claus ' resolution carried. One of the most discussed propositions plating the opportunities that have al­ fraud. was that favoring the adoption of a law ready passed by us. With light and i putting widows and orphans on a pen- excellent car service, and water and EVANGELICAL CHURCH TO GIVE i sion list to be paid by the state. There gas, and one of the finest school build­ ings in the city dr state, we have every ENTERTAINMENT DECEMBER 22 was considerable argument both ways reason to look for better things, and on this question but it was finally voted now at the beginning of a business re­ ' favorably. Under election of officers, T. J. Kreu­ vival and the new year, let every citizen The cantata that is being prepared by der was elected Master; Bro. Black, of the town prove himself ready to the Choir of the Evangelical church is Overseer; Mrs. Windle, Lecturer; A. F. boost for the things that should be rapidly being rounded into shape. Ex­ Miller, Steward; Mrs. H. E. Davis, ours. Lents needs, first, a live commercial tra rehearsals are being held this week, Chaplain; Secretary, Mrs. M. M. Eaton; club, officered by public spirited people Treasurer. E. L. Thorpe; Asst. 8., W, and everything promises to be in read­ B. Young; L. Asst., Mary Crane and G. who will be ready to sacrifice their own iness by the time for rendition. The K., H. W. Snasball. The Graces were advantages for the welfare of all that members of the Chorus are: Sopranos, Mrs. W. B. Moore, Mrs. John Sleret, all may in the end reap the reward of their energy. Mies Mildred Allen. Mra. W. O. Ash, and Miss Mickleson, lent» needs some important manu­ State Master Spence having arrived Mra. F. A. Boater, Miss Elsie Bright, facturing establishments to give labor he was asked to make some remarks. Miss Olive Clark, Mrs. C. L. Coffman, to the people who have decided to make Mrs. H. A. Goode, Miss Mary Harvey, He spoke at some length about the this their home. A commercial chib ia National Grange, answering questions Mra. N. G. Hedin, Mrs. R. W. Rey­ the essential agency to secure capital and telling of incidenta of the session. nolds; Altoe, Mrs. W. Raker, Mrs. Eva The evening session was taken up for the community. Bischoff, Mrs, C. 8. Bradford, Mrs. I. Lents is in one of the best small fruit with a fine program, some excellent F. Coffman, Mies Flora Gingrich, Mrs. areas in the state. Other sections of music from the Gresham Orchestra, a< d F. E, Hogue, Mrs. H. R. Tvler, Mrs. E. the state are reaping a rich harvest E. Ulrich ; Tenors, Mrs. J. 8. Ash, Mrs. talks by R. W. Gill, H. E. Davis, 0. E. from this sort of crop Why not Lento? Spence. E. B. Barber and others. W. Baker, Mr. C. 8. Bradford, Mr. The next session of the county grange Organize such a producing association Mark Conklin, Mr. Harold Retherford, as is being promoted for several points Mr, David Htanbridge, Mr. E. E. Ul­ will be held in Lents in March. up the valley and draw some outside rich ; Basses, Mr. F. A. Boster, Mr. capital into that. Lowell Bradfoid, Mr. Archibald Clark, Miss Reba Coplsn, of Oak Grove, was And so on, but the essential thing is a visitor of Miss Mildred Brown Sun ­ Mr. Clarence Clark, Mr. Isaac Gingrich, aome sort of a local organization to en­ Mr. H. A. Goode, Mr. N. G. Hedin, day. sure the necessary co-operation to Mr. Roy Ward, The Cantata is under The teachers of the Methodist Sunday the direction of Mr. Alvin K. Bradford; School are rehearsing the children for attain the end desired. Mrs. E. W. Morrill is the accompanist. the Christmas entertainment to be held The program will be rendered Sunday Monday evening. December 23rd. LENTS EIWM PRODUCES evening December 22nd, beginning Mr. and Mrs. G. Kimber, formerly of IT’S OWN CANDY. promptly at eight o’clock. A cordial Lents, were agreeably surprised at their new home on 37th and Hawthorne, invitation is extended to all. when 22 ladies and gentlemen of the M. E. church, came with well filled Thomas Bros, of lento, are the only baskets and »pent a most enjoyable day Cadwell Bros have the contract for Wednesday. candy makers in all of the Mt. Scott the new building being erected by E. P. Tohin A Co., and they are rushing it to C. Morris has purchased a lot on district, and of East Portland, too. completion in short time. It will be Mentone addition from R V. Jones A Right here in lento we have candy in readv tor the plasterer by Christmas Co., and has strrted to build on it. tbs original package, fresh from the and for occupancy by the first of the factory that makes it And that is no A. Stuart has just completed a six month. room house and moved his family in small matter to the man wishing to in­ vest in fresh candy. This feature of Frank Coffman is preparing to open last week. their business may not be generally up a new business house in lente in the A. Pentecost arrived here last Sunday old poetoffice site. He will handle and expects to spend Christmas with known, but it has doubled the trade automobile supplies, cigars and notions. bis family. within the pact year. READ THIS TO WEDDING BELLS STILL RINGING THE CHILDREN > PUBLIC MEETING AT CRESTON SCHOOL MOUNT SCOIT DRUG CO. MAKES GOOD RECORD « MRS. EAURA RIGGS LENTS PHARMACY LAID TO REST. DOES LARGE BUSINESS