GUARDINO ROYALTY AT NIGHT POULTRY AND GAME Can I«t you fancy price« far Wild Duck« •ml other fam« in «•••on. Writ« us for ra«h uflcron all kind* of poultry, pork. etc. Pcurson-I’age Co., Portland L _____ _________ Machinery boiler«. Mwmllla, «tr. Th« J. K Martin <*».. B3 tot MtM Portland. H«nd fur Htock I tot and price«. YOUNG MKN AND I.ADIKM. herum« toi» «rauh >«. «««y to learn, »toa^iy work, »hur, hour«, fin« opi>'*rtMN KH UP. Seventh mid Ankeny Street« Cun ven tont frrr »eYHng el««whrre. Mrntl« n thi» I’M»«’ and ««nd th» nt m** uf llv« I »• et*«f >v* fatnwr« *r will •* i»«1 ><»u i<«»ktot. Marketing Inetructton« to pa on auger locks himself In the king's antecham­ I Ettore grdng to tawf, ami he gotup ber. which no other person la allowed without tba «r<>up lu th« morning.” to enter. The valet Is forbidden to Prfoo, 25o„ 5Oa., 91.00 open either door until morning under penalty of death. The czar of Russtk. the closest guarded cf any monarch. Is protected at night by several companies of sol­ diers. Including Englishmen, members of the secret police, and a body of Cossacks. The various companies work Independently of one another. The sultan of Turkey is nightly watched over by a very large number of soldiers and councillors, who re­ main within the neighborhood of bls bedroom until morning. The sultan changes bls sleeping apartment cf- tenor thnn any other monarch. He has the choice of two-score bedcham­ bers, aril be visits many of these in turn throughout the year. His holiness the pope Is guarded by an attendant who Is able to watch the welfare of his master through a spy- Make Little of Life's Ills. To b. poor la not always pleasant bo Io In the wall of his bedchamber, but worse things than that happen u’ so that the pope is always undfer ob­ sea. Small »hors are apt to pinch servation. but not If you hove a small foot; 1 w. have little means It will be wel He's a Wander to His Wife. to bave little desires. Poverty Is n< A Missouri Indy is trying an experi­ shame. but bring discontented with li ment Her husband Is a brilliant man, Is.—Charles H. Spurgeon. but loquacious. Realizing his short­ coming«. the wife Is feeding him on Unfortunate English. fish. Three or four times a week she The general Impression that th< prepares Hah in Bome delectable way. Englishman's life la rather prosy ii He Is showing acme uneasiness and supported by thn statement of a Lon has a marked prédilection for water, doner who visited at Clay Center. lis but being innocent cf bls wife's mo­ said be never had tasted fried chick tive, continues to eat tho dishes set be- en or strawberry shortcake, the twe i fore him. being unknown to the culinary art U To her pastor, the wife recently con­ hla country.—Kansas City Star. fided: "You see,” soberly, "John Is a very Rw! Cms, Hatt Him* «Ivés double value for ymn «nouer, gura tw Ke a. far a. any other. Ask rvul romarkable man, but ho wastes too grvear. much time sermonizing when he should be thinking. He talks altogether too Apology. Conjurer—"Now. air, you admit that much. To counteract this, I am feed­ the card you have just taken out of ing him fish. During the last two the handkerchief la the queen of clubs, months I have served him with seven­ yet tho card you clioso and securely teen differed varieties of fish cooked tied there—namely, tho see of spades In forty-seven different ways.” "Why fish?" asked the pastor, great­ —I now produce from this hat." Tlpiid Volunteer—"So sorry—my mistake."— ly interested. "Because," replied the wife, "fish is Punch. food for thought." Tho Current Craze. "I see," said the reverend gentleman, “A great many old playa are being "but have you noticed any marked fitted out with alleged melodies and change?" sent out as operettas." "That's right The wife's face grew sad. But they're going too far. I know of "Do you know, Mr. Jones, that hus­ one actress who Is going to star In a band of mine is such a chatterbox musical version of the multiplication that I do believe he could oat the table." whale that swallowed Jonah and never lose a syllable!"—Woman's World. Somewhat Contradictory. Tn America, aavs tho Louisville Electricity Used as Food. Courier-Journal, a school teacher Professor Bergonie of Paris has ad­ works, upon the average, for about vanced the theory that electricity can half as much as a bricklayer, and has be made to take the place of food in to tell the boys that education Is a sustaining life. His idea Is that the necessity If they would get on in life. essential purpose cf food Is to supply the body with Internal warmth. He Philanthropic Penology. claims to Lavo proved that low tension, "What is that open-air structure yon high frequency currents of electricity have Inclosed with mosquito netting?" can be passed through a man In such "That," replied Farmer Corntoaael, “Is our village jail." "But you want Iron a manner as to produce the required bars for a jail?" "Not here. Any­ energy warmth of maintained life. body we put In there will be ao thank­ Tho grwat thing to guard against is the production of a temperature high ful to got away from the moaqultooa enough to be fatal. According to Pro- that he wouldn't think of leaving." feBS-.r Bergonie, electric “food" Is much superior to vegetables and meat. All Have a Duty. Every man or woman la one of man­ Inasmuch as it imposes no work on kind’s dear posse«-dons; to hla or het tho digestive organs, the food being just brain, and kind heart and active directly absorbed by the nerves. Thus handa, mankind Intrusts some of Its Is avoided, tho savant asoerts, tho or­ hopes for the future—Robert Louie dinary fatiguing, wearying process of Intestinal combustion which Is so ex­ Stevenson hausting to invalids or to patients In a weakened Btate. "Ono dose of elec­ tric 'food,' ” we are told, “will do a man as much good as three solid meals of ordinary food. More than that, elec­ tric food actually increases the pa­ tient's weight" SLOANS LINIMENT For the Hair Are you so fortunate as to be well satisfied with your hair? Is it long enough, thick enough, rich enough? And your hair does not tall out? Well.well.thatisgood. But you may know of some not so fortunate. Then just tell them about Ayer’s Hair Vigor. They will surely thank you after using it, if not be­ fore. Remember, it does not color the hair. Show the list of ingredients to your doctor. Let him decide their value. He knows. Guesthouses In Asia. The guesthouse is a real institution In Asia Minor. It Is sometimes owned by an Individual, but is usually the common property of tho village. To this guesthouse, like the travelers' bungalow in India, every traveler has a right, but as all have the same rights, one may have more company than he desires. Howeve.-, the head man of the village usually arrange matters for the foreign traveler, and the na­ tive guest will often courteously make way for ijlm. In the guesthouse Is one large room, In one part of which our horses munch their hay. with the driv­ ers lying beside them, while in the oth­ er part we spread our rugs and set up our beds and unlltnber our cooking ap­ paratus. Some guesthouses have two rooms connected by a wide opening, without a door. In one of which the animals and anlmnl drivers sl e ep-and In the other the pampered guests from abroad.—National Magazin*. Tims Saved. In a large family, whore there are many children, much loss of time and snnoyanoo is saved if, before putting stockings into the wash each week, each person will tack tho two stock­ ings of each pair at tho hems, says Suburbsn Life. There Is no trouble In trying to mato them afterward, as each person may use a different col­ ored thread. No Good Thing Is Evsr Lost. Remember that truth, tho most Im­ portant and encouraging of all truths. Tour life may not seem worth while, tho sacrifices that you'make for oth­ ers may not seem worth while. Hut no good thing Is ever lost. And he j who does his duty contributes for­ ever to the sum total of that which la good In ths universe. a rares WMIe Yon Walh. Allen's Foot-Ksse Is »certain eure for hot, si* eating, call us, sn<1 swollen, whlng feet. h-ilo»a, 6 msvm a«/e urlll «•■/(/»•ly »»«wear ( m S»e/re of ordlnorr ohooo, oomo oo fho iron , ohooo. W.LDougla« maUs and eeBs more »3.00,»3.50 A »4 00 .boe« than any other manufacturer in the worM- THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 30 YEARS. Th« workmanship which ha» mad« W. L. Douglas shoes famous ths world over is maintained in every pair. Ask your dealer to show you W. L. Douglas latest fashions for fall and winter wear, notice the thort vamp» which make tho foot look smaller, points in • shoe particularly desired by young men. Also the eomoruatlvo tty It» which have made W. L Douglas shoes a household word everywhere. if you could visit W. L. Douglas large factories at Brockton, Mass., and see for yourself how carefully W. I- Douglas shoes are made, you would then un­ derstand why they are warranted to fit better, look better, hold their shape and wssr longer than any other make for tho price. fart Crttriylrt, CAUTION To proSoct roe a««leo« inforier shoos, W. L D ou «I m stomoa his aaaw on tho hot |MI Looh for tho stew» Bowaro of subsSilotss. W. L. Dónela» slwxa aro soM « 78 owi otaros on I -Koo dealers every where No mottor where row live, they are within » nwrooch M your dealer eeonol .upply you. write direct lo laclar, f.M estelo« ihowin« how to ordo —..I Shoes sent ever> -Kero, deitvory charas» ¡trepáis!. W LÜuuilai, B'-rekloa. M om Real Test. There Is something finer than to do right against Inclination, and that Is to have an inclination to do right, There Is something nobler than re- luctant obedience, and that Is joyful obedience. The rank of virtue is not measured by Its dlsagreeableness, but by its sweetness to the heart that loves IL The real test of character is joy. For what you rejoice in. that you love. And what you love, that you are like.—Henry van Dyke. Quite Another Thing. "What makes you so sleepy today, eld man?" "I was up at 4 this morn­ ing?” "Come off! You never got up First United Statee Stocking Factory. at 4 In your life." "I didn't say I got The first United States stocking up; I said I was up."—Boston Evening factory was set up at Cohoes. New NEW PERKINS HOTEL Transcript. York, In 1832. The machine for knit­ ting v as the Invention of Lee. an MAKES SORE Englishman, who took out a patent EYES WELL In 1589. The Lee machine was Intro­ Accentuating r-iant Characters. duced In the Colonies during the Rev­ It has been found that under r«*d olution. but a sharp Yankee Improved light (light through red glass) plants on It, and set up the first factory at become more robust than in any oth­ Cohoes. er. They also become more pro­ - .b Fine for Two. nounced In their chief characters—the "Did you ever tell that young man leafy plant becomes more leafy, all WES shades of green bt come more pro­ that late hours were bad for one?" nounced, the r nsitive plant more asked father at the breakfast table. EUROUa HOTEL sensltivs and all tn every way become "Well, father,” replied the wise daugh­ PERKINS' WITH BAIR highly gpec'ni’en-t I ter, "late hours may be bad for one, BAY UF PORTLAND.09E. Lut they're all right for two.” WirttCCT BATH »!•• UP ■« rat««» iiuan^ Watah Built In a Pezrl. A tiny watch, which has been mad" NOTE REDUCED RATES New Idea in Renal Reform. Inside a pearl as large as a big pea. Most Centrally Located Chocolate and music have been in- i has just barn constructed by Gallopin troduced into a Swiss prison, with the I & Co. of Geneva, fifteen months being Idea of reforming the inmates. spent on the work. The empty pearl ■m weighed forty-five grains and la di­ ameter is less than an Inch. This pearl watch can be worn on a ring or as a pendant and cost 86.000. Be thrifty on IfttJe thintr« Hk« bluing- Don’t •©» Bt water for bluinx. Aak for Red Cro«« Bail e. tho extra goxi value blue. Home nappiness. Probably nlneteen-twentieths of the happiness you will ever have, you will get at home. The Independence that comes to a man when his work is over, and the feeling that he has run out of the storm Into the quiet harbor of home, where he can rest in peace and with his family, is something real. MotheTV will And Mrs. Winslow*« Boctatng •yrup C « bv»t retnedr to mo luz ibslt "hiHr*n AurUig ,*M teothing ¡«nod. Poetry at the Bottom of tho Mug. "He will work,” said a Tottenham (Eng ) constable of * defendant, "If he knows there is a pint of beer at the end of the job.” This must have been very much the sort of thing Tennyson had tn mind when he wrote "Follow the Gleam ” for the Man Who Smokes “WHAT’S THE ANSWER” Are you going to continue sutfering from Poor Appetite Sick Headache Indigestion Constipation Malaria when for 60 years Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters has been proving its ability to overcome such ills very quickly A Trial Today Will Convince l’on Bore Shoulders and Necks. Bore shoulders and necks tn horses are, as a rule, due to an Improper fit In collar or hames. Occasionally un­ aven surface or hard lumpy areas In the filling may be the cause, or Im­ proper care of the horse In early spring before the skin and underlying tissues have become hardened to tho sobar presure. As a Precaution. dozen tiny bells, and every bottle of poison is brought house tie a bell to the neck, the dark the bell will tinkle Get a time a into the Even In Its warning. There is smoke pleasure in this pure old v irglnia and North Carolina bright leaf. Thousands prefer it to any other pipe tobacco. Thoroughly aged and stemmed and then granulated. A perfect pipe tobacco—nothing better rolled as a cigarette. One and a half ounces of this choice tobacco cost only 5c, and with each sack you get a book of cigarette papers FREE. The other pleasures are the presents that are secured with the coupons in each sack of Liggett Myer» Duke’s Mixture. These presents delight old and young. Think > of the pleasure that you and your friends can get from a talking machine, free, or such articles as—fountain pens, balls, skates, cut glass, china, silverware,. tennis racquets, fishing ’ rods, furniture, etc. As a special offer, daring November and December only we will send yoa oar new illustrated cata- log of presents, FREE. Just send us your name and address on a postal. from ’ i-r -•¡:v auorCfdwil» from HORi.ES! J.T..TINSLE.VS NATl’RAL LI GRANGER TWIST, coaforu FOUR ROSES (/(» -du d-.He emr PKK PLUG CUT. PIEDMd. . OGARETTIS, CUX CICARETTES, iMg rtJUr ta»i tad iMfomSy bs . j \ « Premium Dept. *• ST. LOUB.MO. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color more good.« brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c package colors silk, wool and cotton equa..-A, well and is guaranteed to give perfect results. A sk deader, or we will send postpaid at 10c a packace. Write for fre«* booklet how su dye. L'each and mix colors. MONROE DRUG COMPANT, Quincy, lUxnoi*.