Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, November 07, 1912, Image 4

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Enti«*ii a» S«*eond Class Mail Malier at lolite. Oregon. Auguat 26, 1911
Published Every Thursday at Lents, Ore., by the M t . S cott IT hiishinu Co.
A. DARNA1 I.. E ditor
Office Phone: Home 1111.
M anaubm .
Startling Presentation ot Com­
ing Events.
Residence: Tabor 2*13
gm'trinea or teachings, we may be
sure Hie true application Will tit well
A frog tin« u sage look. a wise look
It swells Itself up In un lippa lent eti
tenvor to liiipre»« the iM'hoider.
h * holder.
.Kent mouth well reptesvlit« It* chief
power, used to croak.
Applying these symbol« we learn
thnt mi evil spirit, influence, teiichlng.
will come from the I’nitvstant church«*«
reiterated. from the t'iiureh of Rome,
«nd from the Civil authorities. nil In
Cull agreement. The «pit'll of all will
be IsHisttul; un air of «U|*erlor wisdom
«nd knowledge will Is* proudly a Hsu in
ed all will croak In harmony All will
tell ot dire results that would follow,
Involving the interest» of bi it li I lie
present and the future life,
■viinsel be not follow-,si llnwe'
fileting the cre«*d«. the differences will
tn* Ignoreil in the general pro|H>sltlon
that nothing am-lent must Is* disturb
ed. or looked Into, or repudiated
Th«* Divine authority of th«* church,
and the Divine right of kings, aside
from the Church, will not la* allowed
to conflict. Any persona or teaching«
in conflict with thes<> boastful and un-
scriptural claims will tie branded as
•««•rythlng rilr, ut the mouth« of these
"frog»" speaking from pulpits and
platforms ami through th«* religious
«nil H«*cnlnr press The nobler senll
meats of Horn«* will la* strangle«! by th«*
philosophy of the same evil spirit
which «poke through Calapba«. tlie
high priest. res|>«a-ting J«*sus. As Oaia-
phns declared It exp«*dlent to commit
i crime In violation of Justice, human
slid Divine, to tie rid of Jesus and Ills
teachings, so this “frog" spirit will up
prove of every violation of principle
tiis-essary to their self protection.
The croaking of these "frag" spirits or
doctrines will gather th«* kings and
prim-«*», financial, (axlltieal. religious
mid Industrial Into one great army.
Tin* spirit of fear. Inspired by the
rroaklngs of these "frogs." will «courge
the passions of otherwise giaal and
reasonable men to fury. des|wratlou
In their blind following of these evil
spirits, evil doctrine«. they will ta*
ready to sa -riflee life and everything
on th«* altar of what they mistakenly
suppo««* Is lustice. truth and righteous
ties«, under a Dlvln«* arrangement.
For a brief time, as we understand
th«» Scripture«, these combined forces
of Artuagtaldon will triumph
speech, free mails, and other liberties
which have ct»me to l*e the very breath
of the masses in our day. will be rutli
l«*ssly shut otT under the plea of ms-es
slty. the glory of ilml. th«* commands
of the Church. etc. All will seem to Is*
serene, until the great social explosion
in our context descrilied ns th«* "great
Earthquake "
An "earthquake.** In
symbolic language, «Igulflcs «ocla I
revolution, und the declaration of the
context is that none like unto It ever
(Rexelation xvl. IS.
l»*f'-re is-currisl
Ill i Jesus di*scrlts*«l It a« a tina* of
trouble such a« never xvas slrn-e tiwre
was a nation. —Matthew xxlv. 21
HE Herald never at any time matter of local control of the
desires to do any one an liquor business will hardly lie so
of All Denominations and the
injustice either through its news easy as at present. With a good Churches
Civil Powers of Earth Are About to
or editorial columns. Occasion­ set of county officials the control Unite In Common Cause—Powerful
ally through some misinforma­ of that business would be far Influence Preparing For the Battle
tion a statement does slip jn and more satisfactory under county of Armageddon—A Reign of Anarchy
One Will Be the Result ot the Wartars
it is at this time that we wish to control than under city.
Until The Messiah Takes Control.
correct a snggestion made in a very important matter that will
Brooklyn. N. Y..
recent issue in regard to one of probably be attended to now will
Nov. 3. —The
the sentorial candidates. The be that of sewage. The need of
Brooklyn Academy
idea seems to have had cred« nc ? in an improved sewage system
of M u s I c vv n s
crowded to the llm
this section that Mr. A. F. Clark Guild not be m t as at present.
It today to hour
was at one time connected with Only a city could attend to that
Pastor Rusnell's
some oil exploitations at Payette.
dlscours«* ou th«*
"Battle of Arma
Idaho, which turned out unfavor­
gvddou." His text
ably. Since the time of publish­
was: "lie gathered
ing this we have had occasion to
them together unto
make some inquires in regard to
(ff5$KX ItUXMUjj a placed call«*d tn
the Hebrew tongui*
the matter. First, we are told
A r m a g e d «1 o n."
that Mr. A. E. Clark of Portland
The speaker said'
The following program was rendered
is not the individual mentioned: at the meeting of Evening Star Grange Armagedtlon In the Hebrew signitie*
the "Hill of .Megiddo." or Mount of De
second, we are informed that Nov. 2:
structiou. It was fatuous as a tiattle
even if it were, the said Mr.
Covel Smith. field tn Old Testament times
Clark had conducted his business Reading, pap«>r on “Alfalfa,” by O. A. The Lord has seeu tit to associate th«*
relations in a satisfactory manner Stevens. Mrs. E. A Nib in tokl of tlie name Aruiage«ldoti. with the great con
value of the present day magazine. J. troversy between Truth and Error,
to all concerned, even though J. Johnson «iiecussed the Benefits of the right and wrong. Go«l and Mammon,
some of his associates did not do Grange along several line», especially with which this Age will close, [lerlsh.
their part.
We hope that any i ‘ Cooperative.” Mrs. H. L. Vail recited and the New Age of Messiah's glory
ushered in He has purposely used
person who might have been ac­ some of the benefits of advantages ac- be
highly symbolical figures of speeeh in
quainted with this misinforma­
the last book of th«* Bible, evidently
through contest degree work. with a view to hiding certain imp«>r-
tion who may see this statement , granges
A vocal solo was rendered by Miss Helen tant truths until the due titn*- for their
will take the opportunity to in­ Smith, an Instrumental piece was given revealment.
But even tn the dm* tltne.
form themselves correctly, as a by Miss Clara Smith, and Mr. Ogilvie the Bible assures us, "None of th«*
wicked shall understand" (Daniel xil.
matter of justice to the man in rendered an amusing Scotch song.
This being the last meet ng before the 9. lOi—none who are out of heart har­
mony with God—but only the wise of
Again, last week when we election the various measures on the His people—the "wise virgin" class of
ballots were discussed bv various ones
the Master’s parable
were absent, and unable to go present.
long avoided presentation of
over the proofs, a remark was E. T. Peterson spoke for the formation my I have
understanding of our text and Its
made in reference to candidates 1 of Cascade couutv and against the Ho­ context. 1 take It up now by request
for the county superintendency tel Inspection and the State Highway and because I believe It Is du«* time tn
be understood I disclaim any special
which would have been marked Inspector. James G. Kelly told about inspiration
In some parth-tilars my
the various road bills. He thinks that
out had it come to our attention. the county bonding for trunk road* the views agree with those of other Bible
As read it suggests the view that better and is opposed to the State En- students, and in other res|>ecti« they
none of the candidates who have geneer and general bond issue. J. D. disagree. Each hearer must use his
own Judgment, do his own Bible study,
previously aspired to the county Lee talked about the tax measure- He and reach his own conclusions
superintendency, except one, thinks that the State Tax commission Kindly remember that I am not r«*-
was working in the right direction, and
Ths Lord Will Gather Them.
were w’orthy of the place. We tbeir bills were the best and also spoke sponsible for the figures of spe«*cb used
by the Lord My Interpretations do In­
The false frog like lem hltigs will
deny the intention of ever wish­ in opposition to Single Tax.
B.‘L. deed constitute a terrible arraignment
gather together Into one host tlv gr ■eat.
ing to convey such a thought. Paget »poke for Woman's Suffrage and of institutions which ire have all rever the rich, the wise, the learned and the
We have voted for some of these opposition to Majority Rule, R. C. enc«*«i nnd which embrace good |>eople king« of t* ■ earth, to battle. At thia
of good words and good works God's jun< lure Divine Power will step for
candidates, and unless we had Wright, io a general way. covered the saintly
|ieople in tli»’<* various Instltu- ward, and our text tells tia that HE
bill« not talked about bv the other
felt they were qualified we would speakers. Mr. W. H. H. Dufer of Wood­ lions, being comparatively few. are «hull gather the marshaled hosts to
not have given them support. lawn Grange was present and voiced his Ignored when systems as a whole are Armageddon—tu the Mountain of De
NCE again the great quad-
event is come and
O renniel
While it is too early to
opposition to Single Tax especially.
Master W. H. Black of Woodlawn also
«poke, especially on the good of the or-
There were four candidates for the
first and second degrees in the morning
session and the attendance was fair.
In secret session the grange expressed
its decided opposition to Single Tax.
give a full report of the results
it is safe to say that for the
second time in over fifty years
the country has cast its vote
with the party of Jefferson and
Jackson. This was anticipated Loniis Schermerhorn, born in New
for weeks, and practically con­ York state, May 25, 1844, died in I^nt»,
ceded the last few days before Ore.. October 14, 1912, slightly over 68
election. Appearances indicate years old. Deceased lived in that state
a number of years and then moved
that Congress and the President with her parents to Jackson county,
will be mainly of the same polit­ Wisconsin, where she was married to
ical faith. The party in power R. 8. Hummel, April 20, 1863. To this
will have little excuse for not union five children were born, two of
carrying out their promises. The whom are living : I. W. and Oscar A.
Hummel, of Lente; also an ««’opted
president elect is a man of will -laughter, Mrs. Laura Holte, of Fair­
and good judgement, and he view. The buaband also survives the
should be able to make a record deceased. The family moved to T^nts
in this administration. The peo­ in 1905, living here continouely. She
ple of the country expect it and was a member of the Lente Tribe of
Ben Hur Lent Grange and Shilo Cir­
the future success of the party cle W. R. C. She became a member
demands it. The failure of con­ of the Baptist church when a young
gress in the time of Cleveland to lady anti remained a faithful an«l true
carry out its pledges was repaid member of that organization until the
by retirement from power. The time of her death, always being a true
Christian an«l friend an«l a character be-
people expect great things from I loved by all.
Mr. Wilson. The country is at
peace and prosperous and the Rub a sore throat with BALLARD’S
general approval of his candidacy SNOW LINIMENT. One or two ap-
would seem to ensure a safe i licvtions will cure it completely. Price
transition of power to the politi­ 25c, -50c and *1 00 per bottle. Sold by
Lente Pharmacy.
cal leaders whom the people have
selected, and general financi­
How to Can Kraut.
al and commercial conditions This is the way I can kraut and it
should remain unchanged. We never spoils. Put it into granite kettle
trust that such will be the case with plenty of the brine To every
quarts add two tablespoons of
unless some personally selfish in­ four
meat fryings or lard, and to every
terests undertake to retaliate for quart add six fienies Be sure that
inability to control our political all is cooked well together, then can-j
in jars, same as fruit—H C., Suther-
HE Herald has hopes that the
desire of people of Lents to
unite their fortunes with the city
of Portland will prove to be all
that they expect it to be. That is
not, however, likely. There will
undoubtedly be some advanta­
ges. On the ether hand the
land, la.
Another: Put the kraut in cans just
as you take it from the jar, adding
enough of the brine to cover it well.
Should there not be enough of the
brine to cover the kraut well in the
cans, make a weak brine and pour it
over the kraut. Use glass cans and
it will keep all summer put in this
way.—Mrs J. W A., Cheyenne Wells,
dealt with in prophecy.
«traction The very thing which they
«ought to avert by their union federa­
Our context tells us thnt three Itn tion. etc., will be tile very tiling they
pure spirits iteachlngsl will go forth will hasten
Other Scriptures tell uh
from the mouths of the Dragon, the that God xvlll tie represented hv the
Beast nnd the False Prophet, nnd these Great Messiah. and that 11» will l>e on
three will lie In accord, and symbolical the side of the masses. Thus we rend
ly tlie doctrines are represented by In Daniel xll, I; "At that time shall
"frogs." These three doctrines are to Michael |the Godlike One - Mesalnh|
have a mighty influence throughout the stand up" assume authority lie Mill
ctvlllz«*d earth
They are to gather take possession of Ills Kingdom in a
the kings and their armies to the great manner little looked for by many of
Battle of Armiig«-ddon
those who erroneously have l>een
The ecclesiastical kings and princes, claiming that they were ills Kingdom,
and their retinues of clergy and faith and authorised by Him to reign in Ills
ful adherents, will be gathered In solid name and In His stead.
phalanx—Protestant and Catholic. The
Jesus declared. "His servants ye are
kings and captains of Industry, and a« unto whom ye render service.” Some
many as can be influenced by them, may be rendering service to Satan and
will be gathered to the same side The to error, who clnlni to tie rendering
political kings and princes, with all service to God and to righteousness;
their henchmen and retainers, will fol­ and some of these may be serving Ig
The I nornntly. ns did Saul of Tarsus. Mho
low in line on the same side
financial kings and merchant princes "verily thought thnt he did God a serv­
and all whom they can Influence by the ice" in [lersecutlng the Church The
moat glganHc power ever yet exercis­ same principle holds true reversely.
ed in .he world, will Join the same As an earthly king does not hold him
side, according to this prophecy.
«elf responsible for the moral character
These "doctrine« of demons.” repre of each soldier who tights in his hat
Rented by the "frogs." will lend
ties, so the Lord does not vouch for the
noble people in this great army to as moral character of all who will enlist
sume an attitude quite contrary to and fight on IDs side of any question
their preference.
For a time the "His servants they are to whom they
wheels of liberty «nd progress will tie render service." whatever the motive
turned backward nnd medieval re­ or object prompting them
straints will tie considered necessary
The same principles will apply in the
for self-preservation—for the mainte­ coming Battle of Armageddon G«sl'a
nance of the present order of things
side of thnt battle will be the people's
In giving this interpretation. It Is side, and the very nondescript host,
necessary for us to Indicate what Is the people, will lie pitted nt the liegln-
symbolized by the Dragon, the Beast, nlng of the battle. Anarchists, Social­
and the False Prophet Bible students ists. and hot-bended radicals of every
of nearly all denominations agree with school of reason nnd unreason, will tie
un that the "Dragon” of Revelation In the forefront of that battle The
represents the purely Civil Power. majority of the [mor nnd the middle
Protestant Interpreters generally agree clans prefer iieace Ht almost any price.
that the “Beast like a leopard" iReve A comparatively smnlt number. God's
latlon xili, 2> represents the Papacy consecrated fieople. will nt heart lie
But fewer still, we fear, will be ready longing for Messiah's Kingdom These
to support our view that Protestantism will hide the Lord's time and wait pa
Is the “Image of th» Beast” (Revelation tlently for It; they will lie of goisl
illl. 15i In our context given another courage, knowing the outooaw outlined
Dame, "the False Prophet." We urge In the "more sure word of prophecy."
no one to accept our Interpretation, to which they have done well to take
nor «ball we think hard of any who beed. "as unto a light whining in a
refuse It. We will neither slander nor dark place until the bay dawn” — II
otherwise Injure them now. nor threat Peter I. in
en them with eternal torture. They
The masses will be restless of their
have the same right to their views that restraints, but will
be conscious of
I have, nnd the same right to make their own weakness as compared to the
them known to others. And 1. foi kings and princes, financial, religion«
one. will tie very glad to consider any and political, which will then hold
thing which opponents may net forth away. Besides, the masses have no
as tbeir InterpretaHons of our text.
sympathy with anarchy. They realize
“UneUan Spirit« Lika Frog«.”
truly that the worst form i *f govern
The symbolisms of Scripture, right ment Is better than none.
ly understood, are a I ways forcefu
will seek relief through thi i«*kllot and
When the Holy Spfrl^ naed a ■•frog peaceful re-adjustment ot ’ eJrHh'a at-
to symbolically
represent certain fair« for the elimination of erll. for
The Dragon. Beast, False
the placing of tnono|ni'h*s nnd utilities a mere ln«*< huulslli to n living tore«*
and the supplir« of tint-ire In th«* hand« ProtrHlnnt Federation realize« that It«
of tbi* people for the public gissi
1‘hi* ! oruftnlxntloii will Htlll l>t> futile UlllCHH
erta:« Mill I m * reucfii-d xx lien tin- hither j It receive vitalizili Ion nule*«* 11« rlergv
to upholder« of Intv sitali l»*<mil«* vlo directly or Indirectly «linll I h > rv.'og
latore of th«* law nod resister* of tlie ititeli il«
of >l|MMt<ill<- ordini!
Mill of the tunjorlty ns «-vpre- rd lit itoli Hltd authority In teiu-h. Thla thè
the ballot
l-'rnr for the future xvlll prophecy Indi' lites will come from the
'«■ad the well me.inlng** tod,*s|*«*i' two horned I h -. i «L which, we liellrvr.
iitl'ui: and niiiin-hx Mill r<**«iiit m I m * o symbolically re|«re**<*tita the Church of
Sis lallsiu fall*.
High handed actlvltlea of
I’roiestiiiitlHin and <'ntiiollcl*un, ojieriit
Th« Cloud's $ilv«r L*mng.
Horrible tvoilhi tie this outlook fot lug In conjunction for the «ttppreaalou
the future did tvr not hate tlir tur.till of hiininii lll*«*rtl«*s. nwait tills vivifying
hl«* Word of God assuring Us *>f II of the I range Tbl« may come soon,
but Armageddon cannot pre«*<*d«* It. but
glorious oiit' oiii«*: Dlt Im* Wisdom tn
must follow pvrbnim a year after It.
m Ithlu-ld until our dav tin* great kmm
according to our view of the Prophecy
«sigi* nnd skill m hl< h Is nt tin* s ki
Still another tiling Intervene«: Al
Ilin«* brrisllng nillllonnlres nnd dl-«*>
though tit«* .lew« are gradually flowing
trill« Had God llftisl the teli n th**'
Into pnleatine. gradually ohtalnltig con
sand yeurs somer. ttn* world wool
irol of th<' land of Canaan, and al
have Illusi up for Its Arnui^*-'ld<>ii
though report« any that already nine
thouHiitid year* sooner
Itti« iti
teen iiilllloiuilre« are there, neverthc
would have ls*rn too soon fur tin* I
le«« prophei y require« ait evidently
vim* |uir[*ise. l»H-nuse Messiah's Kl'i.
larger numlM*r of wealthy Hebrew« to
dom Is to Is* Hu* great I'lioii-ni
I»«- there iHifore the Armageddon crl«l«
Year Sabbath of the nur'd s hl«t....
le* reached
lnd«*«*«l we understand
God In kindness veiled our rie- il '
that "Jacob'« troulilc" In the Holy
tb«* time when the gathering to v
Land will ‘oiiie nt the xery clone ot
magtsldon would I m mediare I.x pre* '
Itien Memlah's King
Mrssinh's taking to Himself Ills gi*
doni «III liegin to he miinlf<*«ted
[lower, mid lieglunltig Ills reign Hex«
Thenceforth l-rnel In the land of prora
latlon xl. 17. ifk
l«e xx III gradually rl«e from the ashes
“Send Them 8trong Delusion«.”
St. Paul wrote prophetically of our of the pn«t to the grandeur of proph
Through It« Divinely ap|M>|nted
time, that It would Is* one <>f seri >
trial nnd testing to many profe ,lug i - prince« Messiah’« Kingdom, nil |Hiwer
lie Christian«. Th«* reason for this be fui tut In visible. will begin to roll
«tal«*«—they received not the Truth in away the curve mid to lift up innnklud
tbeToxe of it. (II Tli«**saTonliius II. 1"
11.1 They preferred their own erronr
oils theories, th«* A[>ostle explain«, and
therefore Go«l xvlll give them over to a
"strong delusion." nnd let them believe
the lie which they preferr<*d. mid let
them Ntiffer for missing the Truth
which they did not love Thus they
will lie In the condemned hunt, "fight
Ing against God." Iwo-mise of their lark
of love for the Truth.
It Is «nd to say that we nil hr Chris
Hans have been laboring under a thor
ough (Il lusion res|ss tIng God's Pinti
We have clnltmsl that Christ set up
HI« Church In Kingdom power, mid
thnt the Churi-ii has been reigning on
the eurtli as 111« repreaentatlve On
the ntrength of this delusion. Jew« mid
heretics liav«* been persecuted to denth
uh opiionents to ChrlHt’s Kingdom
the while we thoughtlessly re|M*ated
the I-ord'a prayer: "Thy Kingdom
come; Thy will be done on earth, ns In
Heaven.” We knew thnt the Hedee liter
«aid that He would come ligniti to
make us HI« Bride and Joint heirs; but
we Ignored the Scriptures, We were
drunk, as the Scriptures symbolically
say, "all nntiona were drunk” with the
false doctrine. It Is this fain«* doctrine
that will constitute the
which soon will begin to
prepare for Armng«*ddon.
The Bible presentation 1 h that the
world Is a section of the universe In
rebellion against Divine authority, un
der the captaincy of Satan and his as­
sociated fnllen angels. By Divine grant*
Jentts has nlrendy "tasted death for
every man," and the merit of that sac­
rifice must, eventually, grant Adam and
his posterity a full, fair opportunity
for the attainment of everlasting life
All who thus a«*e the Divine program
and are walking in the light mny know
something nt least re«[iectlng the "times
and seasons." These brethren “are
not In dnrkness, that that day (and
that battle of Armageddon) «houli!
overtake" them “as a thief” — un
Armageddon Not Yet but Soon.
For forty years the Armageddon
forces have been mustering for both
«ides of the conflict. Strikes, lockout«
and riot«, great and small, have lxs*n
merely Incidental aklrmlsbes as the
lielllgerent parties crosseil each other's
Court and Army acandala tn
Europe, Insurance. Trust and Court
«candela In America, have shaken pub­
lic confidence. Dynnmlte plot«, charg
ed by turna on employeea nnd on em­
ployers. have further shaken conti
deuce and tended tn make each die-
trustful of the other. Bitter nnd nngry
feelings on both sides nre more nnd
more manifest. The lines of battle are
dally tiecoming more distinctly mnrked
Nevertheless Armageddon cannot yet
be fought. OHier matter« Intervene,
according to prophecy.
Gentile times have still two years to
run The "Image of the Beast” of our
context must yet receive Uf»— power.
The Image tnust be trausformeU grotti
In the Matter of tin* Estate of Rosa
Mary Galvin. Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un­
dersigned, William G Calvin, has beep
appoint«'! executor of the estate of
R >«a Mary Calvin, deceased, by the
Comity Court of Multnomah County,
Oregon, and has qualified as such. All
[lersoi s having claims against said es­
tate are hereby notified to present the
same, duly verified according te> law, to
the said executor at the office of his at­
torney, J. J. Johnson, 311 Spalding
Building. Portland, Oregon, within six
months from the date of tirst publica­
tion <>l this notice.
Dated and first published October 24,
Executor of tlie Estate of Rosa Mary
Calvin, Deceased.
J. .1 Johnson, Attorney, 314 Bpanld-
ing Bldg . Portland, Oregon.
How's Thia?
We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Ro
ward for any ca c of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by I lull's Catarrh
r. j. cHExrr a co .. o!<*«lo, O.
r • ’ -n<-1. I ■ a I nnwn F. J.
Wo, t:. • u ' r
Cheney tri
I t r> x
■ *. ami l><-lleva
Mm i' rt ■ '¡.
I i all buslnes«
Iran« i •!< ■ i r i r
I'.- cl I ■ tn carry
out L ■/ I b"
n j r
i ly hla Arm.
Toledo, O.
Ha'l'.if it-rr!i Curo II taken Internally,
acting '
' I . r - in I .in blood ami inu-
«»us muri-
<f i
ryntvin Testimonial«
■< nt fr<
T.'> cent« p- r botti«-. Hold
by nil I rue -lsl«.
Take liait'« 1'amlly Pills for constlpailoa.
Porto Rico’« New Wonder.
From far away Porto Rico come re­
port« of a wonderful new discovery
that 1« believed will vsstly benefit the
l>eople. Ramon T. Mart-ban, of •Barce­
loneta write«, “Dr. King’« New Diicovery
i« doing aplendid work here, ft cured me
almut five time« of terrible cough« and
coltl«, also my brother of a severe'cold
in hi« cheat and more than 20 other«, who
need it on mv advice. We hope thia great
medicine will yet lie «old in every drug
«tore in Porto Rico " For throat and
lung trouble« it liaa no equal.
A trial
will cor vine« you of it« merit. 60c anil
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