Ç seria ÎT? L STORY J STANTON n WINS n Copyright UxA Tb« Bubb«-M«mU Cwdupaukj SYNOPSIS. At th« beginning of great automobile race the mechanician _____________ of the ___ _______ . Mercury. Stanton'« machine, drops dead. Strange youth. Jesse Floyd, volunteer«, and is ac­ cepted. In th« rest during the twenty- four hour race Stanton meets a atranaer. Miss Carlisle, who introduces herself The Mercury vrfna r i St flowers from Miss Carlisle, which he Ig­ nores. Stanton meets Miss Carlisle on a train. They alight to take walk, and train leaves. Stanton and M‘ss Carlisle follow in auto. Accident by which Stan­ ton is hurt is mysterious Floyd, at lunch with Stanton, tel!« of h!s boyhood S’an- ton again meet:« Miss Carlisle and they dins together. Stanton comes tr irk ■ dent Floyd hurt, hut not seriously. \t dinner tells Stanton of his twin «’■ter. Jessica Stanton becomes very ill and loses consciousness. CHAPTER VII. The Girl Like Floyd. Stanton awoke slowly, with a con- ■ciousness of physical wellbeing and singular restfulness. The shades of his room were lowered, but the daz- cling sunshine streamed in around edges and through cracks, glittering over a near-by table covered with yel­ low telegrams, cards, newspapers, ho­ tel memoranda of telephone calls re­ ceived—all the familiar evidences of the morning after a race. And in the midst of the litter stood an ice-water pitcher containing a mass of pale­ yellow roses. Stanton frowned and looked about him for a bell. Some one rose from a corner and approached the bed. “Better, sir?” queried a businesslike voice; a distinctly medical young man tn glasses gazed down at him. The full situation came clearly to Stanton. "All right,” he gave brief asurance. "What time is it?" The young man consulted a watch. “Thirty-eight minutes past twelve. You have slept about eighteen hours, as I figure it. I told Mr. Floyd that was all you needed; you were knocked out by that attack of illness, followed by a day's work that was enough to exhaust a horse. I saw you race, yes­ terday." “Where Is Flovd?" “He stayed here until midnight, un­ til you had been sleeping like a baby for five hours. He was nearly all in. himself, but he wouldn’t leave until he was sure you were all right. One ■of the nicest fellows I ever met. He made me promise to stay with you. I,” with an expansive smile. “I have got more time than patients, as yet. Here, all this junk came for you, on the table, I have answered seventeen telephone calls and Bent off twelve posies in the water-jug. All right?" “All right, and much obliged,' Stan- -ton affirmed, beguiled into smili ng, -while he glanced casually at the table. “There isn't any one I am in a hurry ■to see or hear from. I think I will r—W© Phones Il 250-1 U. C- Birney, m. D, 1092‘i Hawthorne Ave. Portland, < i In-gon BORING-SANDY STAGE LINE first-Class livery and Feed Stables at Boriny and Sandy Transportation of all kind* of Baggage to Kandy and interior points .... For further information phon*- or writ» 8he Wai so Like Floyd He Could Have Cried Out In Hie Wonder. (TO BE CONTINUED.) Herald $1 Yr Carrying Jealousy Too Far. "I claim that my wife is the moat jealous person on earth.” "Oh, you merely imagine it” “No, it’s a fact. First she waa jeal- oua because I continued, after we were married, to have an affection for my fa. ther and mother. Then when our lit­ tle boy came It made her jealous to see me showing that I cared for him, and now, by George, ahe’s jealous be cause I have developed a liking for a nap on a Sunday afternoon.” —>--------------------- In the Case of Freedom. "I told the lawyer I wanted an abso solute divorce,” said Mrs. Flimgilt "And what did he say?” “He told me he was an old friend of my husband, and as a favor to him he would take the case.” worse ret. He—Speaking of diamonds, T’*e no Never build a spite fence. It doesn’t deaden the sound of your neighbor’s tlced that the girl who wears the head­ light usually wears a light bead. piano in the slightest degrea. She—But think of the man who gave it to her!—California Pelican. TltKMoST UNITED HKKTHKRN t'lK Kt'H Und Are Wtb M 9. K Munday hchfMtl al l0:U0a m Preaching II : p. tu Mr« Lyun. paaior. . MILI.ARD AVK. PKKHHYTF.K!AN a«lor Kc»|drn<:i 0Z4 l*J Lorvjoy mi . Hewirra Hunday Mvhuol at t io a. m . Mur n I ng Worship It a m. w ■ KVKNTH DAY a DVKNTIHT< III K< II ialur« day Mabbath Mrhool 10 A M . Haturday Preach Ing HAM Holiday Preaching •:<*> P M , All 1 wrlcutuv tu thvae inerting«. C. J. Cum* minga. Pastor, r«ml*lenoe w* Kaat «>th Hi I Phone Tabor guJI, l GRANDE DIRECTORY (Orange* are re.tu««l<~l to hii -I in The Herald Infnmation so that a brief card cun ba run free uixtrr thl* heading rteixl place, lay and hour of meet I ng. | PLEASANT V a LI.EY GRANGE N u l«a M... 1« »«vnn-l Hwlurday at I an p. in . aud fourth H«1 unlay al 1» go a. m. every nx-nlh. R o'clock a. m f-ol.l MlllA WHANG* No 867. -Meets In all day •eailoii flr*t Saturday In ••a.’h mouth tn grange hall near iorbeti al >0 a in. ____________________ ___ ________________ n RAILROAD IIMÍ CARD Hour« at l-t-nt* H to 10 a. ni •end order to JONHRCD BRnfl. Boring RD 2 REAL ESTATE OFUM a N KVA NG FLIP AL I.UTIII KAN CHURCH (Iraya Uroaulnf. K <1. Ilo»«. HmitUy Hvhool at 10«» Hervfoe at 11:00. German N« houl N«turr. Nun* day Hi'uoul lo a m rruachlng II a m., and T:«o p. m H Y. P. U. mreli al A;*>. Prayer« n>c'«llnn rach week frv«J E. F. DONAHUE, Prop. Boring, • - Oregon THE BUILDING SEASON IS HERE Call and get our prices on brick, cement, plaster, lime, sand and gravel We can save you money. Our de­ livery is prompt and our goods are the best.* We carry a full line of hay, grain and feed. Let us show you how to save a dollar by buying right. M c K inley & son Both Phones, Tabor 96H, IxwaI 3112 1 block east of Postoffice, Lents UNION DKPOT* NORTHKRN FACIFIC Phone A «Ml. Main 6«*I I>avra 7:10 a m.. 10^9«. p. m*. llH'p.m Arrive« 7:0u a. p. m. < p m , m OR KG ON W AHHI NG Tt >N MF, ATTLK Phone A 5ift, Private ex. 1 Leavra H:«o s. m., 1 r> p m.. 3:u0 p. m*. II :OTp m Arrives 6;K a in., 1:3»« p. m*.ft:.«» p. tu , 6:»» p n* FKNDLKTON LOCAL Leave« 7:50 a. m., arrive« .*>:»» a. m. THF* DALLFH LOCAL Leave» t:Co p. m.* arrives m. OVKKLAND lA?av<*a |o:00a m , p m ,arrive« 13:48«. m. »:0u p. m. 9FOKANK I^eavc« 9:0) p. m., arrive« 1! :i& a. m. 9OUTHKHN PACIFIC WILLAMF.TTK LIMITED Leave« fi:15 p. m., arrive» Il :U a. m. A9HLAND leaves 8:80 a. m., arrive« 9 30 p. m KOflKBl'RU Leave« 3:50 p. m . arrive» 4:oo p m. CALIFORNIA TRAlNrt I-eave at 1:3ü a. m., A *X) p. m , H:1A p. m. Arrive at 7:W a in . 8:1 > a. m., 2:30 p. ni WF.HT HIDK Corvall!«, leave 7:**X) ». m., arrive 6:20 p. m Hlllaboro, leave« 7:to a. m.,8:49a in , 6 jo p. m*. 6:-top. in. Arrives:«»a m„ 10:90a. m*.3:48 p. n„ 4:10 p. in. JF.FFKHHON RTRF.KT I).Ha*, leave, 7 «0 *. n>. arrive, 6:16 p m. UNION DKPOT Dalia., leave, 4:10 p. m., arrive, io:no a. m HIIKKIDKN-UNION DEPOT Leave* al 4:00 p. m., arrive* 10:JO a m. TILLAMOOK I.e*v<-> 0:46. Hlltabr.ro, 10:00Tillamook 4 M, l. -av.-* Tillamook 7 "0a, m , lllllala.ro 1:44 p. 111., arrive* In l'ortlaixi i:46 p m NORTH BASK Phone A 6661, Mar-ball WO AHT o RI a AND hKAKIDK Leave* 6:00a. m.,« 10 a m. 2:0Op. m. Rat., 6:64 P m., arrive* 12 JO |>. m , 12 40 p. m .Mon., Lio p ni., lo ao p. m. RANIER LOCAL Ix-av.-e 1:00 p. iu., 5: Io p. m . arrive* 4:45 a. m., 6:10 p. 111. I.YI.E'OOI,DKNI>AI.K Iæave* p:w, a. m., arrive* roso p. m. 8POKANKKXPKEM la-ave* a. in., 7: p. ni. arrive* 6:10 a. m.. 7:46 p. in. COLI'MIIIA IXX'AL t-cave* 6:10 p m . arrive* 0:66 a. m. KI.ECTRIC LINER OREGON ELECTRIC Ral.-m anil way point* Leaving «t 6:16 7:36, a 40, 10:10; 1:60 1:40 616 V:16 Arrive*«16, 1:16,4:16,6«l,6:16,6:10,11:16 lllllaboro and Foreat Grove Leave* 61«, 6:16,10:60.1M0.4M6.6:40,0:16 11:16 Arrl,- e7:6<>. 10:00, PJ.-06, a. m., J:»6, 6:1A. 7:4* 11:66, 11:16 p. m, UNITED RAILWAYO Third and Mark, phone » Ml Marahall W0 la-avlng hourly (rom 6:16a. m. to6:16 p. m. Arriving " 7:6'i a. m. to 4:66 p. m. PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT X POWER Alder At Htatlon, A 6181, fiOOfi Mein Oregon City, arrival and leavea each half hour from 6:10, m to midnight. Caiadero, arrive* and leave* 6:66, 8:48, io:46 a. m , 18:46.8:46, 4:46, 6:46 p. m., »topping at Troutdale, and Greahain, way l-olnt*. Gre*ham, Troutdale, leave* at 7:46, 8:46, 11:46a. m. ,1:46,8:46,6:46, 11:86 p m. Vanr-onver, nation Waihlngton and Hreond 6:15, 6:.10, 7:86, 8:0o, 6:86, 8:10, *:60, 10:80, 11:60 a m.. 18:00, 1:10, 1:60, 8:80, 0:16, 8:60, 4 M, 6:10,6:60.6:80. 7.06, 7:40,8: lb, 8 10 ig UNO. <