Wall Paper If you intend to do any papering or inside furnishing we have the right Quality for the right purpose at the right price. 88 artistic de­ signs and patterns selected from the 3 largest stores of Portland. Come in and have a look. Screen Doors We are agents for the American Express Company. Have your packages come direct to Lents for no extra charge. We sell Money Orders. Lents Hardware Company Lents, Ore. Both Phones : Bargain Days : Friday and Saturday August 23d and 24 th Reg.. Vai. Bar. Pr. F4 50 $ 06 44c 0« 6c 7c s to 10c 10c 124c 39c 50c 75 to 85c 65c •iOc 4 qc 17c 1 24c 25c 21c 15c 10c 25c 16c 50 to 60c 39c 1 50 9Hc Ladies’ All-wool Sweater»................ Pilgrim Calieo, guaranteed fast color, per yd Silk Finish American Print, per yd Amasgeag Gingham, per yd................................. l're»» Ginghams, per yd....................................... Ladie»’ Hoee, Burson Silk Lisle, per pair Sheet», full size seamless..................................... Sheets............................................................. . ... Pillow Slips............................................................. Unbleachable Sheeting, good grade, per vd.. Men’s Sock», b ack and tan, per pair............ Men’s socks, green............................................. Men’s Summer Underwear, per garment ..... Boy’s Summer Suits............................................... Lents Emporium H. S. Hashim, Mgr. Main St. New Hashim Bldg, Prof. A F. 11 «rahner Mr. and Mr«. Barnes of 4th. avenue, have gone to tdieridan to visit their eon. , few days at Bay Ocean. Lents, Ore. ■ Big Saving for Men and Women All $25.00, $28.00 and $30.00 Suits Now 50 See Samples In Windows Mr». Edith Kramer, of Fall City, Mr». Pearl Horner ha» gone to W»ih- t|*etit several day« visiting the Hogues. ington to visit her brother, Mr. V. Milla- paugh. September 5, 6 and 7th Miss Cyntha Thomas entertained Mrs. Durand, of Portland,spent Sun­ several (i lends Irorn Portland last Sun- day with her parents, Mr. aud Mrs. day. Dunsetli, ol 4th. Ave. The ladies of Lents and the Mt. Scott District are cor­ dially invited to call and inspect the largest and l>est se­ lected stock of modern millinery ever shown in this section - • Why Go To Portland? Dr. C. E. Waiste, Dentist Will Open Offices Over The Lents Hardware Store Thursday, August 29th Dentistry at Portland Prices From now until Sept. 7th a chance will be given, for each $1.00 purchase, on a new $10.00 hat, the drawing to take place on the evening of Sept. 7th. Don’t Forget the Date Lents Millinery Miss Blanche Hershmer ha- eonunuled on a valuable homestead near Madras, | Mr. and Mr». Waller Hurst, of Ore. and is home where she will remain Spokane accompanied by their son, are this winter vistiug in this city at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Riley on South Main Mr». S. C. Bryant ba* gone to Fall» st reel. City, Oregon, to visit I er daughters, beside» renewing old time acquaint­ ance». The reading at the play-grmmd Wed- nesday afternoon was attended by mor»' than 125 children. Next Wednesi lay Messrs. Williams and Ames, of 4th Ave., have made their homes look like Miss Fox will again read to the childrim, new by giving them a fresh coat ot which will lie the last of the aeMiiii. paint, 1. lieshear doing the work. Main and Carline Miss Belle Snyder,of Republican City, Neb , an old acii «díñate of Mr« M B. Hogue, is spending a few days with her. Ml»» Snyder is a t aciier of many year» experience and is so delighted with ttie country »be may decide to make Oregon her home. s. W. Grathwell, of Berea —Now Selling At— Greatly Reduced Prices Men and Boys can Save Money by Buying their Underwear Here. New Line of Rain Coats Will be Received Next Week College, TheClothesShop Kentucky, is delivering a «cries of lec­ tures in Eastern Multnomaheminty. date» follow : Boring. Aug Hi* 23; Dania»- W. B. Moore CU», Aug. 24; Sunnyside and Ml. >< <>tt. Aug 25; Cottrell, Aug. C. J. Grifftlis, a resid -nt of Washou­ 27. gal. Wash., visited in Lent* over Sunday with his old friend, J. L. Harvey, who« recently purchased the Baker resilience. Tbe visitor is also an acquaintance of J. C. Hutchinson and Tbe Herald re­ porter, all formerly residing in Elgin. Damali Bldg. Kelso, Aug Lents, Ore. Cutting Prices Mr». J. E Carter, who submitted t<> a surgical operation m ttie Good Samari­ tan Hospital -everal week* ago at the bands <>i Dr. Nelson, was brought to her home in Lents Monday evening ami 1» on the rapid road to complete recovery. 3 3 Jas. R. Wilkinson, aged 6': years, died in this city, Monday, Aug 19 Death resulted from cancer ol tbe lace. 1 he funeral services were conducted in Hie M. E. Cliutili We inerdav and tbe le inaiue interred in the Multnomah Cem­ etery. Deceased leave» a wile and two dau^lit is. Beginning Monday, August 26th This is not a fire sale or Bankrupt Sale, but a Legitimate Price Cutting Sale dur­ ing which we will give the people of Lents a bargain offering unheard of before. We »eldom use printers ink, but when we do, we mean to make it count and mean exactly what we say. Look these prices over carefully, come and inspect goods offered and de­ termine whether or not we are giving you Real Bargains F. W. Tossy, manager of the Rose i City Van Co., r. turned reeentiy from an outing at Long Bea h Wash. Mr fussy lias been suffering from hoirseness for several weeks and received but little l»*n- efit from In- trip to flu- II,- lam- , ily remained at Long Beach. Here Are the Real Bargains The next regular meeting of Mt. s mt W. C. T. I . will f>e at the home of M.- L. IL Additou, We-lnesilay -vug. 2» A gixsl attenuance is desired, and al! are, reipiealed to bring needle, thread and thimble a- it i- expected then- may !»• • work to finish for our B.izaar, which will' lie Sept. 9. Sp'l'e». |»T i Kll Dr. W B. Lyman, a prominent phy- « cían and aurgemi of Boise, is a _ gueat ai ite buine ul Dr Mi Sloy. Dr. Lyman was Dr. Alcnloy’» p e<%pior in tie Rush Medical College, of Eau Clair, Wi«., of which both are graduales. The local kl D. is some pumpkin» from the stand- I«iii4 of avoirdupois bill has a superior U Dr. Liman and the two make a gissi ' «am. Il is needle«» to state that the tail I» one ol rZlreme pleasure to troth. I I Fruit Jars and Rubbers Groo ries I ! Don’t f-.rgi-t the excursion to Bull Run I'rrk i. » for 25/ Piruv er, Carnetion Milk, p»-* cali b/ Yellow Brand Umidori* d k| Ik, : er cari.......................................... 3 tur 25-,» I Holly Brami < otideriHed MiB, iin l<<* Canti -il Salinoli. Iie«' brand, culi l's» o ■< ii ii .. •’i ft» 3 for 5b/ Sardines, large • rwliR........ ........ 2 for k< 3 for 35/ Cairned Clam* 1, 3 for 35/ Canned Shriin 0. X ofsf 5/ Laundry Soap.' ib ............................ 4 for 25/ .10/ Gloss Starch ... All Other (irocerles Reduced In Proportion Heg. Pr. Bar. Pr. M h « oii Fruit Jar«, pints per doz 4ft quart* |»*r doz i!5c 5ft> -i «. .. o.q». •• •• ,.W “tic Atlas Jars, pints jwr o*tal card ein.«« entertainers, were a «tur altra- lion ¡ from Mrs. t.. O. Boardman, who is at at til«- lsi- thl- week. Tl.ey will ap|»-ar North Platte, Neb Mr- Boardman ex­ at the L«i« again next Tuesday evening. I pects to return to Lents in Oct. * ! presenting that |s>pular farce-cmmsly, ‘On their Honeymmgi.” Charles Thoma* and Roy White have gone to Scappoose on a hunting and fishing trip. The boys are to lie gone Tin- attentimi of our reader» is called two weeks and expect to bring home to the announcement of Dr. C. E. Iota oi game, besides having a good tune Waiste in this issue Dr. Waiste is a dentist and will npeii office- otter lamts Miss Ihwsie Christian, w ho ha* held a IIaadware Company. Helia- practiced position as assistant in the Lent* Port­ in Portland for some time tmt hails or­ office for tbe past two year-, ha- gone to iginal ly, from Mi liticai« dis. Vancouver, B C., where »he is visiting her brother ami where she will spend a much beetled vacation. Prohibitionist Tours County. Main St. Big Saving for Men and Women x —oi the Lents Millinery Lents Leading Tailors Watch for Prices A F. A. Mortreude made a trip to Rattle Mi-» Fiorame Myer*, of Tacoma. I* n Ground, Wash. Sunday, going in hi« guest oi Mi».- Fern Riley in thia city. auto. Schweitzer & Manz Hashim Bldg. is »pending W. Eliseli!. Ed. Kelly, Mr» t'iark «nd Mrs. D. W Eaton and mother, Mrs. Mrs. \pplegate »pent Sunday with Mr. I.innegar. returned nwntly from a land Mr». John Radke at Valla \ ista pleasant outing at Seaside. — Win. Trust. of Sacramento, i* visitiitg Prof. Geo. Wheeler, of Kansas Agri­ cultural College, visited lus brother-in- In» brother. .1. Trust, oí North .Main St. Beton* returning home he will make a law. E. P. Smith, last »wk. trip to Seattle. — Now is the time to get that much needed screen door and save 25 to 50c on each purchase. We have the heaviest and strongest doors in town 90c and up including hang­ ers, handle and hook and eye. Main and Carline Grand Opening All Dry Goods» Shoes» F:urnishings and Notions Reduced from 10 to 20 per cent We are going to Reduce Cur Stock and Low Prices Will Talk During this Sale McNeil Brothers Store South Main Street “Quality Always” Lents, Ore.