Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, August 22, 1912, Image 7

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Farmcrw and Merchants
Write un for our cash offer on your
Farm sial Dairy Produce.
If we
don’t handle II will refer you to re­
liable buyer.
I*.rtles4. Or«,.».
Mach i nery
bollar«. «Mswmlll«. «In. Th« J K Martin
'M lat
•U 1‘urlUnd
H«nd für Mtuck Liai and pricaa,
Hud W.«i,
Of the 100,000 Animals Murk«l«d ut Chlcngo Not Mora
Thnn 6,000 Would be Termed A-1— Economy of
lletavy Mor« on Farm for Work and Produ*
eins Colts Is Summed Up by Expert.
Mads of Three Shallow Boxes Bet al
Anglos Upon Each—Site M/y
Dopond Upon Tasto.
in «
««««is I« wuais
(Isa H. w,,rx nnlih.
I., «„mwx
lllm h.-t in
.nr «ta«, ntixi. ur »OI.
for >i>«n. lirios 1 R».| «
tn> he.
I lul.t wviuht I
H.<„t |xWl.nl4 on
Monxt r.twnaxS If n<4 ..tur».
. I
■<>H.1, t>.< «... <1... I.,|f ,,f nfi.i ¡i
. IM,
A'Mf.'-n M.W M< »1.1 It vt <H »
wwnll rwn Io rxr<l..,4.
i*o,tlnu4. Or
The picture Illustrate! s nwnt ant
serviceable bird bouse. It is mad«
of three shallow boxes set at angle«
upon each other, says a writer 1c
Amvrlcuu Hoy. The slxe of the boxei
depends upon your own taste. 1 think
18 Inches squnre and •> Inches <lee(
In designing
Is about right for each
the house I Intended it as a refug«
for untamed birds und so made at
ninny compartment» as possible. Eact
r»»lls tfawtapart. 10o. any
¡4*rK«Msl ami Iwast of the shallow box oh la divided Intc
shop In N<>rthw«»«t.
four spaces, us shown In the illustra
pl*»" price lut on mqUSBl
lion The space "p" Is where the post
II sm I r«*wultM suar«iit*«wi
comes up through the center. Th«
X?’ perches and openings are cut out with
l*.-l. Iluild'g, Seattle 11 small cisele saw. The roof Is ol
tin or galvanised Iron. It Is mad« ol
Bnr«h«r«, «U 1
Uerte a»« tula *1| four triangles lapped over each othei
R im .
N««t, « («Min, i and riveted.
Two coats of steel gray
i>»u«*iu«a<AÌ, nottvon
lent. chr«|>
L mu paint on the outside will add to th«
•II ••••«4* M»<l*« «»<
•oui, «aa’t «Mill ut appenrunce of the house und make
lip pvp; will n>>< «oll It weather resisting.
nr lajura anythin*.i
<hixr»tti4'«><l «'fitM tir* I
It should be set upon a high post
*•14 by <*al«ra «n
ami made ns Itivitlng as possible foi
• «cat pr*i>*l<i fur tl
lûul*eh«Ub A»«.. Br««<lm. M. T the feathered visitors, liemember that
TF- 1 MTiáí/X -
Vineland, N. J.
M*fit oft trial whrre no! kept. Hokl In th« hr*«
Coa«t CilUm. V Portland drakrw aril them.
one now,
Element of Decay.
Indirect Influence bad its nearly per­
fect work tn the Persian empire,
where the Queen Mother was permit­
ted to exercise an injurious Influence
over the king, the court, and ths em­
pire It was one of the tendencies
which leads Rnyce, the historian, to
say, after touching upon It: “In
short, the empire contained within it
from the first all the elements of de­
Wisdom In Action.
The times are waiting for men who
shall serve and not merely Inquire;
Strive and not merely Investigate;
give to their ago and their kind not so
much learning In bulk as wisdom In
action; great doing aa the only true
fruitage of great thinking; the conse­
cration to the uplifting of one's fellow­
men of one's boat rather than the con­
serving by mere culture of ono's self.
—Henry Potter.
Blessed Sympathy.
Sympathy with animals blesses anft
humanize» men and women. To get
into real relations with an animal la a
liberal education. It la something to
be really Interrated oven In a plant
and to observe the working of life In
any sphere not our own. How much
more when that life la directing a
personality which consciously looks
up to us and will love us if wo will lot
it!—Christian Register.
Longevity In French Villages.
A remarkable record of longevity 1s
to be found in Some of the rural par­
ishes of Prance In the village of St
Thomas de la Filch* there have been
only fourteen parish priests in three
hundred years, the fourteenth being
•till in possession. The parish of BL
Germain du Vai, In Paris, haa had only
three pastors In one hundred years,
while that of Glvry en Argonne has
had but live In 13d years.
No Wonder,
Nerve Specialist—My dear sir, 1
can't understand your case at all. Her«
you wero practically cured a few dayi
ago and now your nerves are It
frightful shape again. Have you ha<
a sudden shock of some kind? Patleni
—1 received your bill yesterday.
• ’ *
* '
* b V
The Household Remedy.
John Lind. Yo»t, Utah, writes.
'•We hare been u.lng your Mei lean Mus-
tnng Liniment In our fani.1, ever One,
taea .nd find it to bo a sood a rile la to
have In the houae and are never without It.
I have revommendrvi it to many of my
friends who have also found the same very
2Sc. a bottle at Drug A Gaa'I Storaa
Painless Dentistry
I b oar prlda-mir bn» by-oar atady for yoon and
bow our anecaae. and our« is the b* at palnl««a work
to be found anywhere. no matter how much you
pay. Con*pare our Frit««.
We finish plate and
brt<l««< work fot out
ot Iowa patron« lu
one day if d«elr«'1.
Palnlea« oitractloa
fma when plat«w or
bridge work is order-
•d. Conauitailon tree.
Molar Crown
a 15. 2?
22k Bridf«Teeth4.
Gald : .-mi««.
Silver Flllinta
Good Rubber
Beat Red Rubber
st W i. Wttt tnwm MX Mluua f il'I'it Ixt/tkx
aa u * m iiiuuntii m mbtim «
■ ** t mctmoob
All work fully gunrnntoed for fifteen year*.
Wise Dental Co., inc.
Painless Dentists
P. N. U.
An Excellent Farm Team.
There are a number of considera­
tions for the farmers to keep in mind
Ji breeding horses for tbe draft horse
trade. Among these are that size,
weight, condition and character each
»ear an Important Influence in de-
ermlnlng the prices paid on tbe mar­
tels and therefore that this influence
reflected upon the prices which
they receive from tbe country ship­
pers and buyers, says the Wisconsin
Agriculturist. Nothing that influences
tbe large central markets for tbo prod-
jets of the farm falls to affect the
»alo ot a single article directly on the
Probably the one thing which the
(eneral run of horses that reach the
markets lack more often thpn any
other Is size and Incidentally there-
fore weight, It in stated from good
authority that there are more good
horses marketed in tbo Union Stock
A Bird House.
Yards at Chicago than any other
has encroached upon the do place In the United States, and yet
main of the wild creatures only Ihre« >f the 100,000 horses marketed there
courses were o|>en to them; either tc lot more than 25,000 would weigh
move to remoter regions, to adapt over 1,550 pounds, and not more than
themselves to modern conditions or tc 5,000 were what would be termed A-l
die out altogether. The robin Is on« horses. First class draft horses for
of the spec lex that has made the best the city trade should not weigh less
of things and tried to stay with us than 1,600 pounds when In working
It Is Interesting to study Its hnblts and yondltlon, and If they weigh 1.750
bls shelter will aid you In doing so pounds they will satisfy all tbe better.
Here are some things to discover fot To carry such weights horses should
youraelf. Do the robins nrrlve from Hand about 16 banda high or over
the south singly or In flocks? Do th« and should have conformations in
•exes migrate together? How long proportion.
Tbe condition of a horse is all Im­
after the arrival does next building
begin? What la their food, is it th« portant, both as to soundness and
Horses that have poor feet,
same In various months? All these thrift.
and a doten more linea of inqulr, bad hocks, weak wind, or poor shoul-
will make the shelter interesting.
lers are sticklers on the market They
sell very slowly and at very low
So also do horses that are In
a poor condition of thrift. Fat always
Mitt 8llpped Closely Over Finger« helps to sell Worses quickly and at
good prices, for It makes them look
Prevents Flow ef Water and
good and the horses, moreover, do not
Facilitates Stroke.
need to be conditioned before they
A swimming mitt, having a body o! can be put to work. A horse which
a length and width to slip fairly . looks thin when It leaves the farm Is
closely over the four Angers of th« : liable to look considerably thinner
hand. Is shown In the Illustration • after it has been shipped and arrives
! at the sales stables. Fat horses ship
far better than thin, thriftless ones.
Then, too, the suspicion of being a
poor doer on the best ot care Is liable
to attach itself to the thin horse In
the mind of the buyer, whereas when
he looks upon a well conditioned
horse no such suspicion occurs to him.
Character is a valuablo asset to
any horse that is placed on the mar­
ket, and like size and weight is gen­
erally lacking in the usual stock of
horses to be selected from in the
country. A horse that shows lntelll-
The purpose of the mitt Is to mak« , gence, good breeding and those qual-
possible a more effective stroke ' itles that come through careful
swimming by preventing any flow ™ . handling and good training will out-
water between the fingers.
' tell the common, plain looking horses
a considerable margin; size,
Beaver's Work.
i weight and condition being otherwise
The beavers not only cut down tree. ' alike.
for the purpose of making dams, but
The man on the farm engaging in
also use the smaller branches as a
horse production from the viewpoint
storage supply of food for winter use i
says a writer In Our Dumb Animals i of dollars and cents and anxious to
These branches, from two to fout | make his acres earn the highest net
inches In diameter, are cut intc' returns should breed his mares to the
lengths of two or three feet and then i best sires that are available combin­
by wonderful engineering ability arc i ing size, weight, soundness and char­
carried beneath the water and intc acter, and should breed to them con­
the beaver«' houses, or the burrow« sistently. They should endeavor also
with which the bank of every beav­ as soon as- possible, either by pur­
er's dam Is honeycombed, Here the, chase or by breeding up, to possess
are carefully stored. The green bark themselves of big drafty mares com­
The only re­
Is the staple article of food throughout bining those qualities.
grettable thing about the sale of the
the winter.
The dams are of varying height and dapple gray mares on the January
length, according to the ;>artlcular lo 11, 1912 Chicago horse market for
cation. I found a dam in Mesa coun­ »1,000, Is that the mares were not
ty, Colorado, which was just six feel purchased by some good farmer to be
from bottom to top and Impounded a used for breeding and farm work pur-
body of water six feet or more In depth 1 poses instead of by a Chicago teaming
and covering an area of several acres I firm to draw a big wagon. It Is re­
This dam was perfect In construction grettable that they should ever have
It was composed entirely of willow ' gotten away from the farm, for if
bushes, aa no large timber grew in th« | they were worth «1,000 for draw ing a
big wagon and heavy loads, certainly
they were worth that on the farm
where they could do work to earn
Could Spare Ono.
One day Charlie, aged four, and hit their cost of maintenance and raise
baity sister were playing with so tn« colts worth »1,000.
The economy of the heavy mare on
small marbles when one of them dis
appeared and could not be found the farm, both from the standpoint of
Their mother assisted In the search doing farm work and producing coljs
and was very much alarmed, fearing compared with light and medium
weight mares is nicely summed up aa
the baby had swallowed It.
"Oh, well, don't worry about « follows by Secretary Dinsmore of the
matnma,” said Charlie. "We’ve Sol Percheron Society of America: “The
cost ot maintenance under farm con­
«nough marbles without It.”
ditions is about the same, the heavier
mares are more efficient in the work
Play and Display,
Teacher—What Is the difference be of the farm, the colts are ready for
work a year younger, and if carried
tween "play" and "display?”
Bright Boy—Boys love to play ant to the same age, will bring about
I twice as much as th« colts from the
girls love to dlrplay.
Ext Goldan Canal K w /I» and HX'mm.wl there to year ax«|aaln».
one«**. You r«t battwr quality and mor« for your monoy.
They aw
mad« in your home atata from the bent Orcsun Oats arid WI mwc
14k rye parkf»««« ton fain a Handaomo Pramiora and all good* aww
guaranteed. Aak your grocer.
Golden Hod Oats.
Golden Rod Pancake FI ms »
Golden Rod Wheat Flake«.
Ralston Select Bran.
Golden Rod Wheat Nuts.
Golden Rod Chick FxoA.
Displeased the Widow.
A Philadelphia traveling man, bar-
Ing gone upon that journey for which
there is no return ticket, bis many
friends of the road consulted together
as to the remembrance to be sent by
them, and finally decided upon a de­
sign which was not only original, but
which they considered peculiarly ap­
propriate. They never could under­
stand why the widow would not re­
ceive the beautiful suit case, made ot
whit* flowers, with the words, "His
last trip," in purple violets, on one
light weight mares and about one-
third or one-quarter more than the
colts from the medium weight marcs.”
This summary was drawn up after
some careful thinking, upon the ques­
tion being put to the secretary by an
extensive land owner looking forward ■' Liquid blue 1« a weak solution. Avoid it. Buy
to the purchase and breeding of Red Cruv Ball Blue, th« blue that’s all blue Aak
your grocer.
horses, "What kind of mares should
I use? I want to know all things con­
Worth of Clothes.
sidered, whether I should buy a 1,200 | The influence of clothes must eon-
pound, a 1,400 pound or a 1,700 pound tlnue to be, as it has been from the
mare?” In other words, the land be^nnlng of hlstroy, either "sacred or
owner as a business man wanted to ar profane," a foremost factor in those
know wbtat would be tbe relative cost forces by which man's destiny is
,of maintenance, what the relative effi- 'guided. His health and comfort, alms
'clency on the farm and what the rela­ , and purposes, social standing and
tive market value of the colts pro­ business prosperity; everything indeed
duced, of these three classes of mares. that makes bis life worth living mag
Here U how he thinks out the mat­ be affected by It In directions never
ter, and his thinking was based on ex­ dreamed of by the tailor who. If be
tended observation and experience:
| does not actually make the man, is
All three classes can, of course, be largely Instrumental In making him
managed, as far as maintenance cost what be is.
is concerned, at about the same gen­
Their Proper Place.
eral figures. But in respect to working
The folks who are perpetually pro
efficiency, if we rate the 1,700 pound
horse at 100 per cent., liberal allow­ testing that their consciences ar«
ance is made if the 1,450 pound horse clear and that they have nothing foi
is credited at 90 per cent., and the which to reproach themselves are gen
1,200 pound horse at 80 per cent. The enflly in a bad way, for the probabil
colts bred to a good draft sire will ity Is that their much-vaunted con
average somewhere
1,500 sciences have stopped working anc
pounds; colts from 1,450 pound mares are of no further use. Such peopk
1,600 to 1,700 pounds, and colts from never allow that they are in th«
1,700 pound mares, 1,800 to 2,000 wrong; their favorite sentence is. "1
pounds. Then, too, the lighter weight told you so!” and their proper place
colts necessarily make their full Is on a desert island with thick
weight only at maturity and they will skinned turtles for boon comnanions
not be fit to sell until they are four
Hair Fabrics.
and one-half or five years of age. The
Tn the manufacture of hair fabrics
lame is true of the medium weight
colts, but buyers are scouring the the hair is reduced to a paste by a sol­
country for heavy colts. Every good vent and aJl kinds of hair and fibers
gelding Is gathered up at three years are used. Tbe paste Is run through
of age. The heavier colts sell earlier, >n artificial silk spinner and drawn
or If carried until they are older and from the spinner in threads. Some ot
then put on the market, the prices ad­ 1 these are a yard or more In length.
vance accordingly. Colts weighing They can be braided or woven like ar-
aropnd 1,500 pounds will not bring tlficial horsehair. Hair composition
kept tor
for tne
the man-
more than »140 to »175 on the average, i ! of superior 1«»
“^ ■ is
’ «ept
because they come in competition'
with the great glut of common 1
light drafters on the market Those' No thoughtful person uses liquid blue. It’s a
of blue in a large bottle of water. Ask for
weighing around 1,650 pounds to 1,700 pinch
tied Cross Ball Blue, the blue that's all blue.
pounds will bring »200 to »240, and
heavy weight geldings will bring »300
Ancient Italian City.
to ,350. The heavy mares therefore
Asolo, which inspired two of Brown­
produce colts that bring from o ne­ ing's verses in “Asolando," and which
third to twice as much money as tto is observing the centenary. Is a forti­
lower weight mares.
fied town In Treviso, In northern Italy.
It was the ancient Acelum, and pos­
sesses a cathedral and a ruined aque­
duct The former palace of Catha­
rine Cernaro, queen of Cyprus, Is In
the neighborhood. There are beauti­
ful seats tn the vicinity, and the town
Fed I tn Conjunction With Corr, has a population of under 6,000.—Lon­
don Globe.
Will Tiring Animals Up to
Largo Weight in
Short Time.
Pastor's Merited Rebuke.
When Samuel S. Colber w as preach­
ing In an old log schoolhouse In John­
son county. Missouri, In 1852, his
congregation was quite small. One
Sunday all were sitting at the desks
forward near the puncheon floor.
The sermon was monotonous and the
old log seats had no backs. Observ­
ing the sleepy, downcast look of the
congregation, the minister woke them
up by shouting: "Arouse, heaven Is
not under the floor!”
In finishing hogs I make a slop ot
ground oats and shelled corn (ground)
and a small handful of oilmeal to each
hog, says a writer in Swine Breeders’
This feed, In conjunction
with ear corn, or shock corn If possi­
ble, will bring hogs up to large
weights in a surprisingly short time.
I believe that most up-to-date stock
raisers will agree that with such kinds
of grain as wheat, rye and barley,
grinding and mixing with other feeds Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow*« 9oothto«
is absolutely essential. For example, Syrup the best remedy to use lor their cbUdrea
no on© would think of feeding wheat * wring t*ie teething ;>erlod.
to hogs without first thoroughly soak­
Stabbed by Umbrella.
ing it or running It through a feed
Perhaps the strangest weapon ever
mill. It may not b« necessary to grind used for killing was an umbrella. In
it very fine, but It should at least bo October.
______ ,_____
1908, ______
a man named Ernest
crushed pretty completely, or ground Smith
was found dead ,j in Chiswick
-------- --------------------------
tine enough so that the hard, compact] i High street, England. He had a punc-
portions of the grain will not go' , tured wound In the eye which had
through the animal, undigested. This . ______
reached his brain and which the doe-
Is true for old as well as young snl-1 • tors
undoubtedly been
tors agreed
agreed had
had undoubtedly
' I caused by the steel ferrule of an un>
Another point upon which most peo­ brella.
ple will agree Is that for the young
growing stock, especially animals
Uncle Pennywise Says:
which do not have a full set of teeth,
Countless ages of time passed, ss we
grinding is necessary. It not only en­ compute time—before the earth was
ables young animals to get more of prepared for the advent of man. The
their feed, but they eat greater quan­ oldest civilisation known Is that of
tities and grow much more rapidly. Egypt, and the pyramids are things
On unground feed of the type noted, of yesterday compared with the for­
a young animal would do very little mation of the alluvial plains of the I
good; but if wheat, barley, rye, etc., Euphrates, or the delta of the Missis­
be ground and mixed with a little corn, sippi, not to mention the Laurentian
they will thrive.
Leveling Board.
A leveling board attached to the cul­
tivator helps to reduce the loss of soil
moisture by evaporation. When the
ground is kept fine and level, less sur­
face Is exposed to the air and the
capillarity at the surface Is less ac­
Mirage Easy to Be Been.
The celebrated Fata Morgans, a
presentation of natural "moving pic-
lures" on an immense scale which It
occasslonally seen in the Straits of
Messina, is explained by a scientific
writer as being a mirage, such ss fre­
quently occurs In various parts of
the world; "In fact," he says, "one
may see a mirage any day by looking
through the stratum of air overlying
a hot stove, or adjacent to the side
of a wall heated In the sunshine.”
Young scientists will be Interested la
’erlfylng this statement.
The Peanut Flux.
The last thing to recover from the
effects of a big celebration Is the five-
cent bag of peanuts. It ilwJmile< pain­
fully during the Influx of great crowds.
Other foods remain comparatively
•table In quantity for a fixed price
but the mob diminishes the allowance
•t Doanuta for a nickel by half.
eatwmal; larr«* riunpus; modem eqtdparxnt: atb»
ietK-Mj new i-V/M) Kymnaaium under cunstraattMU
PREPARES IhGTOQirhly, and in tbe •hertaafe
pr««ible time, for Collect, Buslaaaa, Tmehlaqt
Civil Service, and Citixrn*hip.
14»a<u«c«a a
Eirht i oarae«; no entrance examinattoaa; •»*>
eiai claiMie« for fiiF^ijcnem.
EX PENHEM LOW: Tuition, board, ranm anj
waahingr. nin«* month*. 81S0; eighteen weeka, $Mc
nine week*. |W).
Yow uk: How can you fumivh all this for Baaa
than the usual price of br^ard and lud<in*t Wa
aaswrr: By the aid of our church we ar« “--»hiea
to rive our student* more than they pay for.
We can't tell all here. Our free 50>pa<e eat»»
logue will do it. Head for it.
N. J. HONG, Principal
Parkland, W'ash.
Lacking Important Point.
Can a woman be a successful ”ca»
glclan?” A contemporary wizard say*
that she can, and that in London tber*
are many society women who har*
taken a course In wlzardy as a mean*
of becoming proficient In toms kt*«
of “parlor trick” by which to enter-
tain company. It does seem, though
that a magician without coat sleeve*
to pull back, as a preliminary to do­
ing his marvels, would be fatally ««.
ficient in paraphernalia.
Tells How She Keeps Her
Health — Happiness For
Those Who Take
Her Advice.
Scottville. Mich. — “ I want to tell yot*
how much good Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg-
e table Com pound and
Sanative W ash hav*
done me. I live on *
farm andhave worked
very hard. J am
forty-five yean old,
and am the mother
of thirteen children.
Many people think
it strange that I am
not broken dowis
with hard work and
the care of my fam­
ily, but I tell them of my good frien<4
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Cam­
pound, and that there will be no back­
ache and bearing down pains for them if
they will take it as I have. I am scarcely
ever without it in the house.
“ I will say also that I think there to
no better medicine to be found for young
My eldest daughter has taken
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com­
pound for painful periods and irregular­
ity, and it has helped her.
“I am always ready and willing to
speak a good word for Lydia E. Pink­
ham's Vegetable Compound. I tell every
one I meet that I owe my health and
happiness to your wonderful medicine.’*
— Mrs. J. G. J ohnson , Scottville, Mich.,
R.F.D. 3.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com­
pound. made from native roots and herbs,
contains no narcotics or harmful drugs,
and today holds the record of being th*
most successful remedy for woman’s ill*
Its Only Purpose.
“O Willie, Willie," cried a teaches
to a hopelessly dull pupil, "whatever
do your think your head is for?“
Willie, who evidently thought this an­
other of the troublesome question*
that teachers were always asking,
pondered it deeply. "Please, miss,”
he replied at length, “to keep my
collar on!"—Youth's Companion.
or Tonic ?
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla is not a
stimulant. It does not make
you feel better one day, then
as bad as ever the next
There is not a drop of alco­
hol in it. Ayer’s Sarsapa­
rilla is a tonic. You have the
steady, even gain that comes
from such a medicine. Ask
your doctor all about this.
Trust him fully, and always
do as he says. He knows.
Who makes the best liver pills? Th*
J. C. Ayer Company, .of Lowell, Mas*.
They have been makirfg Ayer’s Pills fas
over sixty years. If you have the sllgh*
est doubt about using these pills, ask
your doctor. Ask him flrst, that’s best
. sue* kr «»• *. O. ATM OO.. Lx^xU. «m. »