| Rut he could see for himself that t ment. Dsrfectiy Indifferent to th« ■•» CHURCH DIRECTORY the mechanician was not seriously In­ ■atlon caused by their entrance. jured. without Floyd's reassuring nod. ( All < hur»he» ar« rvaasalvd toaviul Io Th» “You are unwell, airF’ the clerk !><• rubi notvea. »null »• thv Mlowlng, tur punii- "Call me what you like." 8tanton i ventured, regarding him wide eyed, rui'h wv«k liv« ) permitted, between clenched teeth, as i "No,” he denied laconically. QKRM a N evangelica !. i . utiikran he dragged out his handkerchief to i But he looked far more fatigued curiteli Uray» l'ro»»liig. K G ll»»a, pa.tor Hiimlay HehtHil al 10 uo HervM** al lituo. bandage the slender arm. than his comparatively frail mechan- Dormali Hchool Halurday al 1 10. WHEN YOU WANT LIGHT GROCERIES. The appalled crowd was upon them. . Ician, neverthelesa. Fatigued, and HL CHI'HCH Gray» Cr«».ins. KO. Ilcaa paator With a sputtering roar the Duplex ma­ "You didn’t hurt yourself In our up- Suiulay Ht ho.il al 10:4X1 mirvlss st lituo Urr- BAKING GOODS. CONFECTIONERY. CI siali School, Haturday LIU. chine rounded the turn and sped down i set, I hope," Floyd said with anxiety, GARS. FRUITS. VEGETABLES. ETC. tT l*AUI.*SBril4C<>PALCIIUR<'H,WOOt>MKRB the straight stretch. Its mechanician i when they were alone In the stiff, Im- SsrvtoM sn.,evsry Sun- staring back over his shoulder at the i personal hotel room. day. Hiuutay Hehool al »:00 a. m Continua. “No. 1 had • bad night of ft.” Stan- wreck. Rut Floyd brushed the girlish i Ion aorvlvo.on aveond Hutulay ot »ach nioitlh. curls off his forehead and staggered I ton explained. He sat down tn an Dr Van Water and Rev. Oswald W Taylor. erect, helpless laughter shaking him. arm chair, resting his head against the LENTS UAITISTCHCKCH Tirai Avonuo. naai “Call you? I think you’ve got the cushioned back. “Make yourself com­ Foater Road. Hvv. J. N. Nolaon paslor. nun- By best disposition an' the worst temper fortable as you can, Floyd. There Is day Sctiool lo a in l'raachln« Ila m, and [letnor M. logran I ever saw! Tte thia up an’ wa'll nothing the matter with me—ther« 7:Sup in II Y. I*. U uivvla al 4:90. I'rayvr- mootln« Thuradaysooalng al 7:*). right the car. We've got to be movin’ can't be. I never was sick a day sine« Author of ’'Th« Game ■WKIUHII I.UTIIKRAN MEETING Meld»oory I can remember. Probably I need on.” and the Candle.*' "The Hu nday al l" » a n>. and In iho ovenlngM 1 There were plenty of sympathetic feeding; I've eaten nothing sine« that Flying Mercury." etc. Ilio Cha|*l al cornar ot W <>,,dl,ln« streut and . helpers. Incredible to the witnesses, confounded dinner lust evening, and Orlatid avvimi*. K»v H H, Ny aironi paalor. In Oregon’s Most Reliable Association /IA>rf»»M»a. X» but as Floyd had foreseen, the Mer- it Is nearly six o'clock now.” ■ WKIUHII IIKTHANIA CHAI'KI., ANAHKL- fredcric Tkersbergb Hva udì na viari Huiiday Hohool al II a. in., But. after all, when the food was i cury had not materially suffered. The Illblv stiidy and prayer mvvliiis gridar al* Oregon Fire Relief. Oregon Merchants Mutual big car was righted by fifty hands; brought, Stanton could eat none of p. tu Hcnndliiavlan pvoplv curdlally luvllvd and »rivolli,, Stanton and Floyd—unaided, accord- It; although maintaining a pretena« Fire, American Life and Accident In­ OBAt K KVANilKIICAI. l'lll'Rl II. LENTO of doing so. which forbade his com ­ ! ing to racing rules — put on the new 4 surance of Portland Presidiln« Huuday al II a ni. and tiSOp m tires, and took their seats amid hearty panion to comment upon the fact. Huuday A limi' rv* ry Solida) al lo a tn. ™. Ta* Huoa* M«rnU Cvotpxu/ 5 etiti» 1*001*108* Alliance ••«< ry Huuday al »:<*o "Were you feeling 111 yesterday?“ admiration and good wishes. I* tu l'rayvr inroilna amt Hlblv aludy vavh PROTECTION AND BENEFITS MODERATE RATES Twenty minutes after she left the Floyd Inquired, when the last course Wcdiivaday vveulug Hi-, lai mualo All SYNOPSIS, cordlally wvloonaa Kov f oiiklln. eaalor. course, the Mercury shot down It once was removed and they were left to LENTS FBI KN HS < Itl'ltCH South Mal» Hl more. By the time the grand stand themselves. Hli own bun ring wai Iris Nabloith Hchool IO:» in. Hcrvlee II ia>a tu. At the beginning of great automobile < hrtatlan Kndoavor 4:»op m , Kvanai-Ilallo race t. r.u auk ¡an of the Mercury. was fully aware that "Stanton had assured than usual, hi* gaiety subdued avrvlcv 7:40 l*ray, r involino Wc*,|ii l'rayrr iiiovilu» Tliuraday vvori started to »peak, checked himself, and flowers fr n M -a Carl • \ which he 1<- more comet-Uke than ever. In» ol vavh w* ek All uuwl eordlally luvllvd. ■om S-aaton meets Miss Carlisle on a at last lu v. U lloyd Moor«, paalor. Impulsively put the indiscreet But Stanton took the turns conser ­ train. T‘ <-y alight to take walk, and question: train !eav< s Stanton and Miss Carlisle vatively; for him. TKKMONT VNITKD HHKTIIKKN l'lirill lt- Weekly Oregonian $1.75 follow in auto Accident bv which San­ A.*nd Ave. Wlh Hl H K nunday School at "Do you mind telling me where you The race was lost, Even Stanton ton Is hurt Is mysterious. Floyd, at lunch lumi» tu. 1‘rvavblng II : p m ** ............. ; tow igiln meets Miss Carlisle and they "Of course not, Stanton returned, l'rayvr niveilug Thuraday ,?:»u p n> Mt, given his competitors, Late In the d't.e together Stanton comes to track Daily and Sunday Oregonian Lyiit, paalor 8.00 •lek, but makes race. fourth hour he signaled Floyd to lean without s trace of hesitation. “With Mit LAND AVK l*RKHKVTKKI IN CHURCH ____ .. Mr. Carlisle of the tire company, Daily Telegram until Dec. 20 closer, and when he was obeyed: 4.50 K„v. 14>vl Johnann. paalur Kealdenrv niatinn that a brief rar«I ran I»«1 run as a rear casing blew out, wrenched spectacular driving, the record of the ant manager had given the account of tree uivh'f thl» Ii<'a4lng Mvttd plat-«, 'lay and Itself bcdily from the wheel and rolled fastest lap and highest speed ever Stanton’s amazing disappearance. hour of Hireling.) Farm Journal 1.25 like a hoop into a field a hundred made on that course, the second place "Acute indigestion, your doctor H.KAHANT VAI.IJCY o RANUR N o 14® .................... 1.25 ! Meet« »rruiml Maiurday al 7 *• |i ni . and fourth McCall’s Magazine (Ladies’) yarn.; a * -v , won In spite of the accident, almost called your attack?” Saturday al 10 ®0a in. awry mouth. "Something like it." The machine tottered to the edge eclipsed the Atalanta's victory. R GRANIK MrrU thr Aral We.|- n«*®day *»f rarh month at * p m. and third Mat» “Miss Carlisle doesn't »ecm to b* of the road, stepping under the power­ In the midst of the joyous tumult, This price is for delivery by mail only and only when re- urdav at in a. m. ful brakes. Floyd sprang out, drag­ Floyd descended, stiff and weary- a lucky companion," Floyd observed Mil I MiMAH GHANGR, NO 71 Meat® th® mittance is made with’order. Papers may be sent to sepa- ging loose one of the extra tires car­ enough after the continuous run of dryly. "She made you miss your train fourth Saturday In «-vary mouth al 10 ®o a. jn . In Grat gr hail, Orient. ried. while Stantcn reached for the five hours and fiftyeight minutes. But here, you came near breaking your rate addresses. Subscriptions may begin at any time. FAIKVIKW OHAN'.E Mart® Aral Aalurday toci-bcx. They nad no need or time Stanton did not follow; leaning upon wrist with her car, and her dinner and th«* llilrtl Friday of rarh mouth. for conversation, as they worked, peo­ his steering-wheel, the focus of snap­ seems to have poisoned you. What XI LVII.LK URANUR.NO. B&a-Mrrta In lh<- •« hoolbotiae th® third Saturday of varh ple from all directions flocking around ping cameras, curious crowds, and did she give you, lobster and Ice­ rnonlti. in a pushing, eager circle to watch the blended congratulations and sympa­ cream ?” RVRMNQ RTAR GRAWOB Meet® In their “No—I hardly know. I never care proceedings. hall al ?*ouih Mount lalwrun lha dr«t Malur thy. Only when one of the judges dav of < arh month al Io a tn. All vlaltor® ar® what I eat. ” He passed his hand Im ­ The two worked well together, came over to shake hands, was the ex­ Welcome» patiently across his forehead, sudden­ Floyd's deft swiftness balanced by planation made evident GHKUHA.M GRANGF Meet® eecond Saltir ly giddy. day In rarh month al 10 *' a m S antcn's strength. When the task “if I am to get out, some one will Floyd leaned nearer. DAM DM ’ I H UKANGK, NO. MO — Meet® Brat w as finished, the driver first regained have to help me.” announced Stanton Katurday each tuotilh. “Stanton, how did you feel? WhatT h's place. Impassively, and unclasped his mask, GRAN g K Meet® second !4atur p. m., II :15p.a> the mist. He was irritated by the lost time, he Lenta. Oregon Airlvaa 7:on a. in.,1 .»> p. tn.,r.;«>p. in ,lo:S»p rn send order toJONHHUD HKOH. Borin« RD I “I'm tired.” he conceded. felt more ill than be could have been OREGON WASHINGTON HEATTLK It seemed to him a long time after­ Residence 3)t>, Hth Ave., l’or. Main St. brought to admit, and Interference I'bona A 6191. Private es. 1 ward that a sensation of exquisite Resilience Phom* Tabor 25H7 pricked him like a spur, ; Leaves »:■> a. m.. 1:44 p. m.. >:U0 p. m.. 11:00pm coolness extinguished the flame-like "¡U give you a lesson In driving, City Office 711) Ih-kuin Bldg, Cor. Arrive» 4:1. a m.9:h>p n».. '■ vi p. in ,4:au p.m pain binding his temples, although the I'ENIiLKloN IJH'AI, he cast across his shoulder, and bent 3rd and Washington Sta. rich sunset glow was still tn the room Leaves 740 a. in , arrive» 4:8i a. m. over the wheel. when he opened hfs eyes. Floyd was City Office Phone Main 5'5 THE DAl.LEH LOCAL Jt was Stanton at his worst and best bending over him, bathing his fore­ Leaves44Sp. lu.. arrives luioUa. m. who made the next two circuits of OVERLAND head with light, flrm touches. Stan- l’hones Tal»>r—lain Il 2501» the long course. Other racers, warned Leaves ln:A) a m.. S:u> p to . arrives 19:44 a. m. the savage irritability of a strong man 4:00 p. in. by their mechanicians of the thunder­ "What a position for you and me! HI-OKA NE bolt bearing down upon them, drew U. C Birney» m. D. What will you do for me—the engine Loaves 9:09 p. rn . arrive» 11:45 a. m. prudently to one side, preferring the la shaking loose from the chassis, b_* SOUTHERN PACIFIC chance of later regaining the advan- 10W?Lu Hawthorne Ave. th« feeling? Get your tools." WILLAMETTE LIMITED e«ge. From every angle and curve the We have listed perhaps the “Don’t try to talk. I have sent for Portland, I Leave» 4:15 p. Bl.,arrive» 11:16 a. u>. people fled, at sight of the gray car biggest list of bargains in ASHLAND a doctor," soothed Floyd. "You »re followed by its whirlwind of dust and Leave» S:W a. in., arrive» v SO p. rn all right. Here,” a hand was slipped real estate of any firm in carrying the huge "5” on its hood. ROSEBURG behind his bead, a glass of wat .* held Twice the Mercury rushed past the People From All Directions Flocking to his lips. "Drink this." the city. Our list includes i Leave» 1:40 p rn.. arrlvea 440 p m Around. grand-stand, to a tumult of cheers CALIFORNIA TRAINS many excellent buys in “You might have been a nurse.” ; leave al I :•> a in.. 4 to p. m , S:16 p. m drowned by the car's own roar. The Stanton wandered dreamily. "You: I Arrive al 7:u> a. in., 4:15 a. in., 340 p. m. Lents property. We also second time, the two men glimpsed an all those familiar with his usual su- sister couldn’t do better. And you're WENT HIDK •Octal rising, megaphone in band, and perb endurance. have houses for tent and A little later Floyd, some of the so nonsensically good looking! Floyd." Corvallla, leave 7:90 a. in., arrive 6:30 p m rightly guessed that they had made for sale on easy payment Hillsboro, leave» 7:S> a. m., 6:45a grime removed, somewhat rested, th« feverishly brilliant eyes fln < , • JO P- the fastest circuit of the day. in.. 5:40p. m. and issuing from the ambulance sur­ wld«, "what is your sister's name?" plan. Arrive H:00a. m., 10:90 a. tn . 9 4.5 p. m.. 4:10 p. And Floyd had received the prom­ “Jessica.” geons care With his arm bandaged in tn. ised lesson, for Stanton had safely ne­ “Jesse—Jersfca?” civilized fashion, felt a touch on his JKrKERSON STREET First-Class livery and feed gotiated the turn that before cost them “ W« are twins; I told you that Ilallaa. leave» 7 in ». n>. arrive» S:4A p. m. shoulder. ■ tire, at a pace equally fast. Slables at Boring and Sandy UNION DEPOT They named us so purposely." “I'm going to get out of this up­ Safely, onie; but, not content, he Dalia», leave» 4:10 p. ni., arrlvea !<>:*> a. u> Th« heavy white bandage enclrclir roar, ” Stanton briefly Imparted. “ Come Tran»|>ortation of all kinds same around the second time driving ■ HEHIDEN-UNION DEPOT his mechanician's left arin caught th- of Baggage to Sandy and MRS T. BRIGHT I.eavi-iat 4:00 p. rn , arrlvea 10:A> a. m. •■ furiously, with unslackened speed. with me; send for your things and patient's failing attention. interior points .... TILI.SMOOK Down upon the turn they swept again, stay at my hotel tonight.” Foster Road East of P. O. "You've had a bad day; go h>n:< Floyd drew back, hesitating oddly. Leave» Hillabort», |o:00 Tillamook 4 M Btauton unerringly repeating his ex­ For further Information phone or write and rest,” gasped Stanton the brute leave» Tlllani.xik 7;uoa m , lllllihoro 1:M “I'm sorry,” he began. quisite feat of skjll and twisting the P m , arrive» In Portland 7:46 p m before things slipp'd from his ki n. E. F. DONAHUE, Prop. Stanton's straight dark brows con ­ north hank Mercury around on the two inside (TO BE CONTINUED.) Boring, • - Oregon Phone A 1’,'Xil, Marlhall WO wheels; then the predicted happened. tracted. "You mean that you don’t want any­ ASTiiRIA AND SEASIDE The crack of an exploding tire came Escaped, but Without Bocty. Leave»B:nna m..9 10 a. n>. 2:110 p. m. Sat., while they were on the bend. Instantly thing personal to do with your brute A wealthy Swiss merchant at Lan p m .arrive» |j ai p. m , pi U1 J(<>n 9:10 p. ui., Io »0 p. rn. echoed by the bursting of Its mate of a driver? Oh. say so.” anne has Just outwitted theive» wtr "No, no! Only—I—” RANIER LOCAL from the opposite wheel; the car tore The steel-keen eyes sent one direct sent to him a letter demanding that L'avea I :oo p. m., 4:4» p. m ,arrlvea 9:45 a. itself from control under the double Historic Example. large sum of money should be brougt fi:15 p. m. glance Into the troubled gray ones. ■hock and shot off the course into the Procrustes bad chopped off a snfll- LYLE IIOLDENDALE "Good-by,” pronounced Stanton defi­ to a certain place, and threnteiiinK h field beyond, plowing deep furrows in clent portion of a tail guest to make murder him If he refused tn send It L-av»a 9:M a. m., arrlveaburn p. m. nitely, and turned on his heel. the soft earth until it overturned with him fit the bed. SPOKANE EXPRESS "Stanton!” cried Floyd, In distress. He Informed the police, aril a trat leave» 9:M a. m . 7:0o p. m. arrive» 4:10 a. ■»., a final crash. “I got the idea,” he said, “from ■was set. A servant, carrying a racket The other kept on. unheeding. 7:44 p. m. Partly held by his steering-wheel, Call and get our prices on "Stanton!” Floyd appealed, overtak­ of worthless paper, went to the up watching the makeup man on a daily COLUMBIA IX1CAL Stanton was flung out on the meadow paper crowd a column and a quarter pointed place — a railway station wber> ing him. "Please—I give you my I L>ave»5:»op m , arrive» 9:M a. m. brick, cement, plaster, lime, grass as the car upset, its speed then of live matter Into a space of a col- an express train stops for a shor ELECTRIC LINES word I never meant that. I’ve got •o much checked that he escaped OREGON ELECTRIC sand and gravel We can to be back at my own hotel, tonight, while When the train, arrived a w< umn.” scarcely bruised. Floyd, unprotected, Salem and way point» that was all. I'll do anything you man dashed out of a first-class coir The Way tor Do It. had been hurled from his seat by the save you money. Our de­ Leaving at 4:14 7:M, » 40, 10:40; 1:80. 4:40, 4:14 partment. snatched the packet iron say.” t:l4 about "I have Just been reading first shock and lay half-stunned near the servant's hands, and re entered th. Stanton slowly halted. livery is prompt and our Arrive» 1:44, ll:U; 1:11,4:1», »:«>, »¡is,S:N,11:1S Montaigne." the edre of the course. “Will you come with me now, to train The train, which usually start lllllaboro and Yoreat Grove “ What about him? ” From far and near came the people's dinner? Sult yourself.” goods are the best. from the station within a few minute, l-eave» 4:40, S:10,10:»0. l:oo, 4:oh, 4:40. 4:14 lint Raw “ He said that whenever he a cries of horror and shouts for aid. But Arrlvea7|40,14:00,19:04, a. m., a:»5 »¡is 7:40 "I'd like to,” was the humble stir- of the arrival, was delayed by ar We carry a full line of hay, 9:04,11:14 p m. baftvre the first man reached them. r«ndv- Like a women, Floyd yielded rangement, and the detective entered good thing he always annexed it.’’ "Well," declared the sardonic Joke­ UNITED RAILWAYS Stanton was up and at the side of to a superior will; like a man, there They found the compartment empty grain and feed. Let us Third and Stark, phone m 4r«l Maraliall 990 smith, "he certainly had the right idea bis me haiiiclan. were no small reservations in bis with the door on the side furthest Leavhiv hourly (rom 4:14 a m to 5:14 p. m. show you how to save a "Floyd!” lie pan’ed. "Floyd!” Arriving ** 7:45 a. m. Io 4:»4 p. m from the platform wide open They 'or running a humorous column.” yielding. PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT A POWER Floyd was already rising to one saw the woman enter a motor-car con There was a taxicab waiting; to It dollar by buying right. Alder HI Station, A »141, IKUW Main knee; gasping tor breath, soiled with S’anton led the way. A Boarding House Romance, Orr ion city, arrlvea n„l leave» each half hour talnii.g three men. which raced away from 4:Hoa. m lo midnight. dust and grass-stains, and with the “They aay the way to man's heart ’I he destination was one of the Caiadero, arrive» and leave» <1:44, 4:44, 10:44 a. blood welling from a jagged rent in large hotels of the city, and neither la through his stomach.’* ■n., 19;44. 9:46, 4:44,4:44 p, in , »toi'i'lng at How to Be Prominent. Troiitdnle. ami Gre»ham. Way i>olnta. bis left arm, but with bis attention of the companions were dressed for ’’I believe It,” declared the land- "Why aren't you a suffraget?" Greaham, Troutdale, leave» at 7:44, 9:44, 11:44a. only fixed on Stanton. lady, “ The typewriter boarder won m ,1:4.5,4:46,4:44, 11:04 p rn. the public dining-room. In the “I think I can get more publicity by Both PhotMW, Tabor Dfi.H, Ixical 3112* Vancouver, »tatlon Washington and Second “You’re—all right?” he articulated. guest-crowded lobby Stanton paused opposing the movement,” replied the the shoe clerk boarder by letting him 4:16, 4:40, 7:96. 4:0», s:tf, 9:10, 9:60, 10:40, *'11 Yes. A fool always Is. You* 11:60a m . 19:90, 1:10. 1 nA, 3;.«6, 4:|6, SM, eat all the dlshea served her that to order dinner sen’ to his own aoart- prominent lady courteously. 1 block east of Postofficc, l.ents »:»0,1:14, 4:6u.«:». 7:ra. 7:40,4:14, t:M. IO i M ■he didn't want.” UI44 Remember the Name-BOHNA STANTON n WINS n Ice Cream, Sodas and Soft Drinks at Our Fountain INSURE NOW f John Brown, Gresham, Ore. THE HERALD WITH ANY OF THE FOLLOWING ONE YEAR Try The Herald Job Department. JONSRUD BROS. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS BORING-SANDY STAGE LINE Bright Realty Co. Herald $1 Yr. THE BUILDING SEASON IS HERE mckinlev & son