1)01 N( j S OF OUR NEIGHBORS WRESTLING BOLI! ON FOR FRIDAY NIGHT BKlIf.ZV ITI MS CONTRIBUTED BY HI RAI.B IMPORTERS AT NEARBY POINTS Down » her husltaml, who is working at Caimis, CHERRYVILLE Wash. •* Mrs Frank Dickenson is able to be Cheer up I out again. $5 Per Month The clouds have rolled away. Mrs. F. Crane ami her two sons, All rsconlx have been broken loir George ami Fred, are sojourning in the Lots $35 August la Oregon. Mountains. ABSTRACT FREE WITH HtU'klebrrry picking ia now on Mis» Esther Htentsland Is staying at programme and a big «irop al>oiiH purchasers. «•ut EREE ___ Spend your outing here and en­ The Hocialista say that "Teddy is Tin- recent rain may have damaged joy the hunting, fishing and milking their cow." One thing is quite the grain crop som«* but not as much as obvious, ami that ia that the great ma»» it has benefited other < ro|s<. Petal«»-» beach pleasures. th«- people all over th«* coatitry are li­ promises t«i Is- a large crop. Round Trip 'Ticket Good Till of able to lie stHm|*«xled by the Bull M«iose. Miss .Marian Robertaou is visiting October The common people are very much dis* friends in Portland this we«*k. anti»tle«l with the present state of af­ Miss Nancy Hosuer, <>i Troutdale, $4.00 fairs ami aie very iiiui h inclined to turn visited her sister, Mrs. lay Tumbling, “Bull Mooses" or Socialists. several dsy’a last Week. Mrs. Il««iry Biedetmtein went to Port­ Mr. ami Mrs. B. (’. Altman, of Hceni«*. land last week for a week's «ml visit Inta lawn taking an outing near Bull with nls<-n<<- Mr am! Mrs. John F. Friel last Wed­ the sii|»-rinlend«-nt ¡«ml teacher». PORTLAND’S NEAREST nesday night that a 81 quite gem-rally of W. II. Hamilton ami wife and lheir AND NEWEST. ON P. R. attended. The »tar attraetmn was a t w<> daughters, Miss«-» Marie and Irma, «isili'il the former’s parents, W. H & N. R. R. ON GARIBALDI high class tenor from Portland. There is a go««I deal of talk alxiut the Hamilton Sr. and wife h - mth I days re­ BEACH high cost of living nowa St. Johns Monday where tlx-y pralieally applies to |>eople in towns. will muke their hUine. They will occu­ Fully equipped with beds, bed­ Here in the country h person can keep py th«- property that I m * purchased from ding, stoves, tables, chairs, and a Cow, range free, and on a very »mall his father som«* time ago. dishes, ¡is well as cooking uten­ patch raise enough kale to keep her all Ed. serter ia building a fine cotntnodi- sils. Make reservations early at winter, whil«< in a garden here leas than us residence on his farm. 44'3 Sherlock Bldg., corner Third one-fourth of an acre in extent there ia and Oak. Office open till 8:30 growing far more potatoes, cabbage, Saturday evening. onions, corn, beans, l»*etx, lettuce, I COLUMBIA HEIGHTS MANt eoTTAaKH AM* MISISKSB turnips and radishes than an ordinary •a ItOt'HKH NOW UStlKB CONWrRUCTlON lamily can use in a year, to say nothing J. Knapp and sister, Flora Knapp, of salsify, swiss chard and parsnips. For further Inlutuisilon regarding of Washougal, were guests of the Ben­ this N h in tn vr r«Mk>rl nil out ihln tou People, e»|H*cially those of limiteil poti alni rw«*lw emup|<*t<* and min­ field bungalow last week. ute <1«*talh bjr inali, or < all at o filer means should keep out <4 towns unless ■lean I Arsen and bride visited at Mrs. ami •<«<* pbotograpii« they are mechanics and then they can Lottie Benfield’s last week for a couple Name do belter in the country Ixxause living of days. They left for Grays Harbor is so much ch«iaper. Friday. A■ grand view from this (stint was greatly enjoyed by all present. pie out this way. Mrs. James Benfield ami little eon are Billy Welch return«*«! front Oregon City with a smiling la«»-, but Mr. Er­ at the present with friends at Garden win, th«- gain«* warden, feels rather blue. Home. Several of the Heights gentlemen Alllie Mitchell is stationed at Camp Zig Zag with Ray Garwissl for a few motored to Portlami last week in the Costner auto. days Torn H. Deaver spent a couple of days Mr«. Georg»- William», of Samly, was is manufactured in our own taken ill while <>n lier vacation ami was Iasi week at his home here. plant. Buy our Ice Cream taken to the Gissl Samaritan Hospital, Mrs. Taylor is entertaining several antephens Monday. From Mr. ami Mrs. sig Knighton and Mr. Pleasant Home she went to cam * at ami Mrs. Johnson and son. of Gresham, Bull Run with Alice Stephens, where who have Isen up to the big meadows Miss Altman’s family is spending the *‘H7»rrr the Lar St opa" fishing, report tin«- fishing up there ami rest of the month—if rain don’t drive DON'T FOHUET THE PLACE also at Clear Lake. them homeward. I>r Devenny and family, cliinlssl Zig I>r. O. 8. Murray »pent the day at Zag Mt. Sunday bringing back loads of Bull Run by the babbling brooks, view­ black erries. ing the mountains, returning on the 5 For Painting, Tinting, Paperhang- Frank Anderson's wife and brother o’clock p. in. car well paid fol the day’s ing and Decorating reasonable prices are now in their summer cottage ut tramp among the wilds. and work guaranteed see Welches. Mrs. J. B. Kelley broke camp and is Miss Beatlie, of Portland, is visiting visiting friends at Tacoma, Washington, R. J. Stuffy at th«* home of C W. Kern nt Arrnh for 10 days, then they go to their home Estimates furnished. Residence, Wanah Park. in San Francisco. J. R. Kelley has an 203 Gilbert Road, one block east of engagement with the White Auto Co. Lents School or leave orders at Mt. % in the golden gale city and after that Scott Drug Store. ROCKWOOD expires he exp«*cls to return to Pleasant a Home ami build a residence in the Th«* Ladies’ Ahl will serve a ten cent grove and engage in the fruit raising. Horses and Mares Light ami Heavy can be had in Lenta. tea at the home «4 Grandma McKeown His 35 acres in fruit looks promising. Mrs. Douglass, and Irene came from Call an«i look them over. Prices will on the -.*Vth of thia month. Everyone suit. Trial and Guarantee. interested in the work is cordially invit­ Portland the 14th. and took a load of Inquire of Kennedy & Klineman, Real ed. furniture to the city. They bought Estate or at Grange Store Mr. and Mrs J. Richmond, of this property on the peninsula and will make F. J. Ward place, attended a birthday party on that a permanent home. Many new homes ase springing up <>f Sunday la«t given in honor of Mrs. Richmond’s mother, Mrs. Alice Boland, late, new families coming to occupy At Your Service of Tigerville. About 30 guests were their acre tract, a growing crop of pota­ present. Iis* cream ami other refresh­ to«*! on six different tracts, makes an improvement over a meadow. Pleasant ments wee served. Phone Tabor 2074—Home 4421 Quite a numlter from this vicinity are Home is fast settling up with an indus­ preparit g to take an outing at the hop trious ami happy people. The Mercantile Co. is running on a fields. Joe S lantin was last beard from in full up-to-date stock ami is please«! with Dangerous Swelling« l New Y k, his motorcycle having taken the prospects of business. and VARICOSE VEINS nr.« Mrs. Jno. Lender back i< over the hills him from Portlami to that place. promptly relieved—often Mrs. Wm. McKeown is entertaining at Redmond to visit her daughter. cured—by wearing our Kranzer Bros* baler outfit, of Eagle Mrs. Mathiews, of Portlami, this week. Silk Elastic Hosiery They Creek, is busy tilling all small orders are old time friends. Free n.eMnren.enl blank on reqix-e« Master Robert Childers, who lixx for baling hay. WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. PORTLAND. OREGON Mr. and Mrs. Marked attended the lieen spending his vacation in Eastern Oregon with relatives ia ex|w*cteerty here Try electric Milk Shakes at Lambert Mrs. Martha Cook »pent a week with rection of A. E. Muslin, of Wash., D. & Thompsons. % Sea View Tents For Rent G. A, JONES REALTY CO. Summer Refreshments Our Ice Cream Our Candies LAMBERT à THOMPSON AUTO FOR HIRE ANY TIME I. F. C. 5 Ì After much ion. The winner take» flO j«e. ■ cent of tie- groan receipt» ami the lexer nothing. Ely hax wrestled and ix»x«i in various I points «4 tie- Northwrsxt ami ix »aid to be ami <4d ham! at tire gat»«-, but noth- J ing ix definitely known of hi- wr«*»tling | ability. Otto is a I-«•al Icy ami hax par- , ticipah-d in very few matcln-». Iis - the heavier of the two, however ami ' with th«-training he is receiving at the bamin of Waller Ardnt, will put up a g«xxl exhibition. Bupportera of Ely claim, and bay«- offered to l»et, that he ' can throw Otto thn-e times in xtic«-*-»»i<>ii | with < «u«-, whiie on the other hand, i sii|>)M>rterH of Otto have xerioiui doubt» if' Ely can throw him at all. No side bet has Keen made ami the mat men will i wrestle for nothing but tlie gab* nweipta. Both men are confi«l«*nt of winning ami will do all they can u> win, which ax- Hiire» a gixxl Ixjut. Tbt* admission eliarge«I will I»- 25 cents • straight. SUNDAY’S BALL GAME WON BY LOCALS The fans who witnessed the ball game last Sunday betw«?en the Salem Woolen Mills team, of Portland, ami l^nt. team were treated to one of the best games played on the local diamond in many moons. The contest lasted ten innings and latuts came out with the long end of a 1 to 0 score, after a decidedly inter­ esting contest. Tlis game was not only a pitcher’s battle but a fielding game as well, and both twirlers were backed up in cham­ pionship style, the lone score coming in the last half of the tenth frame. Lund and Boland composed the bat­ tery for Lents and Hoes and Klun for the visitors. Both twirier» did efficient work, but Lund had the better of the argument, allowing only two sate hits. while the locals garnertni seven, I.und fand 12 men and Hoss 10. Grimm, Webb, Boland, and Ottie tigur«*d conspicuously with the willow. Kent Sunday th«* locals play the Port­ land Ravens on Portland grounds. Stock Tonic a Specialty Tel. 5O> C. H. LANE NEW TAILORING FIRM We have open«*d a new general tailor­ ing firm in the building adjoining the Lents Hani ware Co., corner Main and < arline and are prepannlto do anything in the tailoring line. Ladies’and men’s i suits hand tailor«*«!, cleaned and pressed at reasonable rates. Prices lowest and , work the best. Call and inspect our , line of samples. G. F. RVSCH Traveling Salesman for the J. R. Watkins’ Medical Company Cleveland Ave. Gresham. Ore. Flying Men Fall victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles just like other people, with like results in loos<4 ap|x*tite. backache, ner­ vousness. headache, and tired, listlees, run-down feeling. But there’s no need to feel like that as T. D. Peebles, Henry, Tenn., proved. ‘‘Six bottles of Electric Bitters’* he write», “did more to give me new strength ami good appetite than all other stomach remedies 1 used.” So they help everybody. Its folly to sutler when this great remedy will help you from the first .lose. Try it. Only o0 cents at All Dealers. Sallow complexion comes from bil- Ions impurities in th«* blood and the fault lies with the liver and bowels:— they are torpid. Th«* medicine that gives n-sults in such case» is HERBINE. It is a tin«* liver stimulant and bowel regu­ lator. Price .Vic. Sold by Lents Phar­ macy. Try the electric Milk Shaker at Lam­ berts & Thompsons. C., has resumed work. The^ are camped on the Calvin place and will remain here (or a month working in a south­ easterly dir«*c ion. «- • DOVER Government Inspected Clean, Wholesome Meats » Eggiman’s Meat Market Main Street Lents, Ore. August at the Beaches The beach season is in full awing. Go while the crowds go. Enjoy the cool breezes now, while the heat is so unpleasant inland. Bathing, boating, hill’crimbing, fishing, bikes over delightful trails. Oregon beaches better prepared than ever before to care for the crowds. Plenty of Accomodations. Lots of fun. The water is tine! S» Mr. and Mrs. Reid entertaine«! Mr | Reid’s father and mother, from Van­ couver, several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Augustine Miller left Friday for Iowa. Mr Keith Gaylord and Helen, re­ turned from the hnckelberry patch Sat­ urday with a nice supply of berries. The farmers welcome the warm sun­ shine after ttie heavy rain which «lain- | aged the grain to some extent. Mr. and Mrs. Ahnart, Ralph and Rild>a Roberts, were visiting at Jos. DeShazer’s Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Seward attended special meetings at Troutdale Saturday ami Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roberta were visiting in Kelso Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Keith were visiting Mr. Cupps Sunday evening. at OO VIA THE Newport, Excellent train|service Nehalem, Bayocean, Tillamook County Beaches 0 1 SUNSET 1 (OGOEN&SHASTA I ROUTES Season ro und-trip fares. Spec ial week­ end and Sun day fares. Send lor illustrated booklets obout the Oregon ResortsJ and our special folder on "Vacation hays in '»regon. ” It tells all about the beaches, springs, mountain resorts, etc. Call on nearest agent fur information relative to fares, litera­ ture, etc., or address JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore.