Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, August 22, 1912, Image 4

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filili TtMPLt
TheTwo Things
Necessary to Possess a Bank Account
I'hv many friend« of Mr». l.<>ni»n
Wilke will be grieved to hear of her »ud-
National Woman’s Christian <leu death Mr». Wilke li.ul gone to
visit her daughter, Mr». Meumler at
Temperance Union to Or.gon
City where »lie win taken ill
pul-lmhed Every Thur«day Ht I ente. Ore., by the M t . S cott PvaLisuixu Co.
and died i'neaday night. The funeral
wa» held at 10 o’clock I'hiirsdav morn­
H. A. DARNALL, F. ihtok xm > M axagkr .
ing from the German Lutheran church
to 26.
and burial wa» in the Gresham ceme­
Office Phone: Home 1111. Residence Tabor 2>13
tery. Mrs. Wilke leave» several daugh­
The first la the Desire or Inelination. Every­
ter» livre bcHldea the one living at Ore­
one hits a wish for money It is human na­
i L. H. A ihiitiis )
The following article occurred past: even on an average, of the The great national convention of the R. S. Erank, formerly a resident of
ture, for it takes money to possess the com­
but now of Portland, has
in the editorial columns of this recent past, which all goes to Elks is now a part of hist- <>ry Gresham
anti necessities of life.
»Igneti up a contract to play on the Or
paper last week, but for some suggest the necessity of the ex­ 1‘iirtlaiul more than sustaiin-d her envi pheum cuvut tor OS week», lie will leave
The second li'quirement is One Dollar or
in a few Mr. Etauk
unacountable reason in a sadly ercise of a practical scientific ag­ able reputation for hospitality, iu-leed i» lor a Chicago
more. The first deposit neetl not I m - large
Portland "matte good.”
mixed condition.
The writer ricultural knowledge.
W E Wood ia »|>cildii>g a few day«
after the first money is de|x>sited. you
Never was a m-n- inaguiffecnt wel­ hi Portland.
was not drunk at the lime it was
come given, never was our beautiful city
a bank account. The size of your bank
Mr». Emil l awald entertained for her
written though we admit some 1HAT competent nominees to more perh-ctly decorated. "Portland cousin,
Mias l'l-iv Metzger, I'nv.dav
account rests with you. All we require is
haste in its preparation, and a
the superintendency of the did herself proud’’ mid we are all glad. evening with a suipri««- birthday party.
good faith, come in and we will explain to
It was her eighteenth birthday and
slight indisposition, and we are Pendleton branch asylum should And now tin- next great gathering to many
preaenta were received.
not informed as to the condition decli ne the job is not in the least come to porthiii'1 is the National Station agent. Geo. Page, deserve«cred*
Woman’s Christian I'einperaiic«- Union,
the tine flower garden that he has
of the compositor or proof read- unreasonable.
To begin with October P'tli to 2tHli. F-»r the first I it for
the depot,
er. Not being in a position to the location is unsightly, the time in the history of the organization at Mr.
Jes-e Moore, of Portland, ia
see it before it went to press we buildings face the main line of the annual convention i» ■•« tiling our I apeuding a tew days viaiting li lends in
are not wholly personally to theO. W. R. & N. not over 40 way. Only twice la-fore ha* it ever met iivaham
Geo. Sunday is building a cottage in
blante for its errors. We re- f eet away, that forever prevents on th«* Pacific «•oast, one«- in Seattie ami Thompson
’s d.Jition for Mr. Squire*
once in Los Angel-*. Both of these
print it to correct any impression a good frontage.
Beyond the «•¡tie» tend'-riil a a «'Iconic and hospitali w ho 1» eilgilli-er on the Mt llood line.
Mr». Walter Johnson and little
that we willfully permit such railway the barren stony bluffs ty long to be remembered. The invita­ daughter,
wgo have I wen si-ending the
villianous misuse of spelling, of the Umatilla rise. The noise tion to come to Portland was -«-tit to summer tn Wyoming visiting her par-
iHllIHtO WITH SUNOaiVIlk 1MH1ICAH 8i»l. PORI I GO. 0*1 GO*
cute is expected home to-night.
grammar, or rhetoric:
and dust attendant to a score of the convention last fall backed by thvv Pul y Bro«, came up from Seaside for
rpHE man who travels through trains daily passing so close great influential tuxliesof the state ami a few days to look after tlnir property
city, and ho effective was the invitation here.
J. Oregon as a tourists gets a would be enough to drive a sane extended by Oregon’s repn-sentative,
to Mi and 'In Lloyd Poa to a
very superficial idea of its great­ housekeeper or nervous person Mrs. Ada Wallace Unruh, th«- state daughter,
Aug I'.'th. at Parsons, Kan­
ness or of its possibilities. He insane and precludes all hope of president, that it was accepk-tl as en- sas. Mr. and Mrs Peake were former
of Gresham.
either enters the state at night recovery forthose who are suf­ thusticaily as given and no other state residents
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Lindquist, and lit­
or completes his exit at night, fering from mentahdisease. Rest
tle son. spent the week end at Seaside.
"City Beautiful.”
Mt and Mrs Wallace Ball, of Cott­
and in neither instance gets a and quiet are essentials in such
Portland will again "make good" and rell, visited friends in Gresham last
just measure of Oregon’s size. an institution. Consider the ter­ will extend the moat overwhelming wel­ Sunday.
Unless he be an unusual indivi­ rific noise of a lengthy train run­ come this l»»ly of women ever received.
Wallace Wilkinson will begin work
for the I’. R. L. A I’. Co. the first of
dual he judge Oregon from his ning at full speed down such a It is now tima to start the ball in September.
lie will help handle the
. g the Columbia narrow defile as is formed by the earnest. Anti th«- national W. C. T.
freight at Boring
and across t. e eastern part of building and bluffs and you may Slogan has gone forth, to-wit. White A number of the friends of Miss Ixittie
Ribbon! White Ribbon! White Ribbon' Davis gave her a kitchen shower last
the state or from a ride from be able to imagine something of Hurrah! Therefore, Wante«!, lOtX) I uesday afternoon.
north to south over the Southern its nerve wrenching effect on an more men aa Honorary memliers of the Miss Grace Lawrence is spending a
few days at Seaside.
Except for a short asylum full of lunatics. It is a Multnomah county organization.
Gresham will have a bottling and ice
hour’s ride in Union and Ba­ rotten piece of business—that Wanted! 1GJ0 more women as active works in he near future. It will be
known as the Gresham Soda A Ice Co.
ker Counties, and a whisk down East Oregon Asylum.
The tnemliership campaign han» not
Mrs. Geo. Leslie spent Wedneruiay in
the middle stretches of the Uma­
closed but has been going quietly on, Portland.
tilla he would never suspicion that
HE talk about three cent and will continue through September. Walter Johnson made a business trip
Wanted! 300 horn«-» o[>en for enter­ to Estacada Tuesday.
fares, out this way, would
he was within a hundred miles
Mr and Mrs. Rolwrt Lansdown, of
of the relatively most productive seem to be unwarranted. It is tainment of the del-gate Isxly. night Cottrell,
cam«- dow n W«*dne»«l»y evening
wheat lands in the country; or well worth the five cents to with Mrs. Mary Mallet.
to attend the Thompson-Davis wedding.
Miss Lula Sweet, of Boise, Idaho, is
when threading the sand dunes reach Portland from any part of Wanted! Autos to meet the otlicia
-iwnding her vacation visiting her sister,
and tunnels along the Columbia, the Mt. Scott territory. Then if train ami escort the gm-ls to the head­ Mrs. Erank Wostell.
that the hills above are inhabited you want to do so you may ride quarters hotel. Anyone willing todo- John Brown started last Monday for
Douglas» county w here he has an inter­
by some of the wealthiest wheat to the town of St. Johns, Ken­ note their auto, communicate with th«- est
in some valuable in nee.
growers in the entire United ton, Sellwood. Riverview or or «-affateria, etc desirous of placing F. M. Campbell of Lents Junction,
States; or who when passing Council Crest for the same fare. their house on printed information list -pent a few hours visiting Geo Page
last Sunday. Mr. Campliell is the P.
along the lower river, would We venture to say that the Mt. communicate with Mrs. M.irgcn-t Hous­ R. L. A. P. Co. agent at Lents Junction.
imagine for a moment that the Scott lines offer as good service, ton at state headquarter», :Jn2G<-«xliiough T R. Howitt spent Saturday and
Sunday at Seaside.
snag covered hills to the west in­ if not on an average better, than building.
Mi»» Hope Anderson has returned
Any railway company or river boat,
closed the marvelous wealth in can be found in any other city in etc. having any special excursion trip to from the lieach and is visiting friends
spreading farm land of Washing­ the country. It might be advan­ offer during the week, communicate here.
ton County. Even in the famous tageous, at certain periods of the with Lucia II. Additon, Iz-nts, chairman boarding houses to aci-omtnodat«- our
Willamette Valley the extent of day, to run longer trains. It of excursion and sight seeing commitb-e. On-gon women. Mrs. Trumbull assisted
its valuable acreage is more than might, also, be more satisfactory Business bouses looking for official by Miss Catherine Burns, 503 Mill St.
and Special decorative material Social Functions, Mrs. Townsend. Pul­
half hidden by intervening for­ to the working, busy public, if a pictures
will communicate with the General pit supply, Mrs. J. W. Wilkins; Child­
estry. As a farming country it few of the extra large number Chairman. Ada Wallace Unruh, at
Indian Killed On Track.
rens demonstration. Mrs. M. F. Gates;
looks like 30 cents. Looks like of cars that run to the Oaks were state h«-adi|iiart«Ts. The decorations Publicity in city paper» sight seeing, and Near Rochelle, III., an Indian went to
there would be plenty of rock, placed on runs to accommodate will I m - the Star Spangled Banner and the excursions, etc, Mr». I. II. Additon, «Jeep on a railroad track and »«• kili«-«l
and lumber, and mud for build­ tired people who wish to come Pure White Ribbon. Let us make this U-nts, Phone Talior 17»; Chairman of by the fa»t expreae. H<- paid for hincarv
the whitest w«-ek in the history of entertainment, Mrs. Mary Mallet. Full leMum with hi« life. Often it« that way
ing purposes with a sufficiency of home of evenings instead of week
water and sand for bathing and chasing off to that carnaval of Partial li-t of Committees at work are
The alrove committees are now actively Don't ri»k your life when prompt u.«e of
scrubbing. It is only when one fakes.
as follow»: General Chairman, Mrs Ada at work, fitters from m ar by «tau-s Dr. King'« New Diwovery will cun-
Small house ami lot cloae to car line.
Wallace Unruh, who has the whole mat- re|s>rt a large delegation coining from them and ho prevent a daiigvrou« throat Cash deal. Inquire at Herald otlice.
gets away from the railroads and
An Eastern fanner who feeds ter well in. hand; General Secretary, their locality.
penetrates the back country that
or lung trouble.
"It completely cured
WANTED Good, clean cotton rags
Mrs. Ward S wo | h -. who is busy securing
The new Mallory Hotel will I»- the bio , in a »bort time, of a terrible cough at '„c a [mund. Mt. Scott Pub Co.
thatjhet hen decidesjOregon is not his cows on ensilage complains hotels
for executive meetings and »i-ire»
practically uninhabitable. Like that as the silo was emptied the of other important matters; Treasurer, convention licadouarters and the entire that followed a »evere attack of Grip,”
executive will I m - entertained there, wr-teH.I R. Watt», Floydada, Tex.,"and
cities which are entered through cows got to acting queer. The Mrs. H. O. Shane, watching the money other Hotels ar«- listed for ajM-i-ial dele­ I regained 15 pound» in weight that I Rear) tin- special bargains in the Em­
porium ad. in this insue.
their rear gates by the tranpor- supposition is that the ferment­ st-1«-carefully ; Chairman of hotel and gations.
had lo«t." < juick, »afe, reliable and guar
anteeil. Mi- anil *1.00. Trial I ki III c free
tation lines via “Stringtown,” ed ensilage made the cows drunk.
WANTED—Hoys mar be had ami
at Al) Dealer».
sometime« girl». The older ones at
“Tin Can Alley” or the “Cab­ If that be true will it not develop
ordinary wag«-» ami other« to I*
bage Patch” impress new comers that ensilage is an unhealthful
sch«M>led ami cured for in return for
»light services rendered. For particu­
or merely transients unfavorably. food since its alcoholic elements
Having di»po»ed of all my intereat in lars Hiliire«» W. T. Gardner, su|>erin-
Oregon is penetrated by its great must have an unfavorable effect
the E. W. Miller Limitier Co., all tho»e temlent Boy» ami Girl» Aid Society of
knowing tlieniHelve« indebted to me are Oregon. Portieri«!. Ore.
roads in such a way as to give on the herd all of the time of its
requeHted to call and Hettle accoil I»
false impressions. Who, flying being fed?
immediately. If account» are not paid
»■»<>»* HAI.K
within a reanonable time they will be
down the rugged gorge of the
placed in the hand« of a collector.
Are Ever At War.
LUMBER—At our new null |V4' mile«
Columbia would suppose that on­
Anyone desiring to buy groceries below cost call early as we positively close
There are two things everlastingly at next week. No reasonable offer refused on scales, shelving, counters cases, coffee
southeast of Kelso. We deliver lumlier.
ly by reaching the outlying re­ war, joy and pil«-M. But Bucklen’s Arnica
Jonsrud Broe.
gions by wagon road, may the Salve will banish piles in any form. It mill, ice cream tables, 3 burner Perfection stove and s<»la fountain. L<s>k over
list and you will see what you need:
FOR SALE—One fourth acre,cleareil,
true greatness of Oregon become soon subdues the itching, irritation, in­ our
Constipation i» the starting point for
M. J. B. Coffee, '■’> lbs....................................
Walden Park. Five dollar payments.
apparent? Then besides the well
M. J. B. and Royal Club Coffee .................
Enquire at Mt Scott Publishing Co's,
developed level farm lands, the
Fine Teas in Bulk, per lb.............................
BINE will remove all arcumiilation» in
ulcers, cuts, bruises, eczema, scalds, Ridgeway’s ami Lipton’s *-* lb. tins...........
possibilities arising through the boils,
the bowel« and put the sy«t«-ni in prime
pimples, skin eruptions. Only 25 cts at Ghiradelli« Chocolate, 1 lb..........................
First quality Fruit Jar Rubber»—4
utilization of the logged-off and All Dealers.
Prir-c 50c Bold l>v U-nla dozen for 25 cents at McNeil Bros. Also
Royal Club Peaches, Pears and Apricots ..
DelMonte tomato«* at 10 cents per can.
burnt-over areas becomes appar­
Baking Powder, 1 lb......................................,
ent. And still more remote in Teething babies always have a hard Violet Oats, 2 pkgs......................................
Modern f> room bungalow, »0x116 lot.
the process of development is time of it when this proce-s occurs in Post Toasties, 2 pkgs....................................
We have opened a new general tailor­ House well finished and good improve­
the additional acreage that will hot weather. They not only have to Spices, 4 cans................................................ .
ing firm in the building adjoining the ments Most sell at once. Address 2110
South Main, Lents
come into cultivation when the
l^nta Hardware Co., corner Main and
is disordered, bowels loose and the Vanilla and Lemon Extracts........................
untouched forests shall have been ! ach
l»ody uncomfortable. The best help you Dutch Cleanser, 2.........................................
FOR SALE—New-Hpaper« for wrap­
in the tailoring line. Ladie»’ and men’s ping or kindling. Mt. Scott Pub. Co.
removed, the land has been di­ ’«•an give the little sufferer is McGEE'S Celluoid Starch, 2..........................................
suits hand tailored, cleaned and pre<we<l
vided. and in small holdings con­ BABY ELIXIR. It corrects sour stom­ Best Gloss Starch...........................................
reasonable rates. Price» lowest and
verted into highly productive ach, oxils and quiets th«- bowels and
First quality Fruit Jar Rubbers—4
work the beat. Call and in«pect our dozen for 25 cent» nt McNeil Bros. Also
areas of intensified farming.
line sample«.
DelMonte toninto«-» at 10 cent» |»-r «-an.
Blueing, regular JOc
With this prospect in view the I bottle. Sol«i by Lents Pharmacy.
G. F. Ri <i ii.
Macaroni, 2 pkgs.....
Try an Electric Milk Shake at Lam-
possibilities of our state seem to
Shaker Salt, 2 pkgs
The Trials Of A Traveler
liert «V Thompson's
expand, and while it may not be "1 am a traveling salesman,” writes
If you sit in a enol draft when you are
able to maintain half the popula­ E. E. Ymings, I.. Berkshire, Vt.. "and
heated ami get a stiff neck or lame back,
W ANTF.D—Will pay cash for lot with
you will Is- looking for something that 2 or .3 rmim hou-e not too far front car­
tion of the nation at the present was often troubled with conati pation
will ease the pain. Fix your mind on line— Impure at thi» office.
time, when fully developed it and indigestion till I began to use Dr.
King’s New Life Pills, which I] have
will support a people of that pro­ found
don’t be talked out of itls-canse it is the
an excellent remedy.” For all
Read tli« sfiecial bargains in the Em­
portion. RutAhu must be done stomach, liver or kidney troubles they
Is-st. pain relieving liniment you can get porium ari in this issile.
by better methods of farming are uneqiialed. Only 25 cents at All
anywhere. Price 25c, 50c and |1.<IO jier
FOR RENT—4 room bonne—in good
hottie. Sol<] by L- nts Pharmacy.
than have been prevalent in the Dealers. ,
location. Inquire at Herald office.
—---------------- i——————
Eutred as Second Class Mai! Matter at Lents. Oregon, August 25, l‘.»l 1
Garoer's Cash Grocery
Gray’s Crossing