HEAVY RAINS DAMAGE CROPS 4 » » F* » Attornay-Gsnsral Wlcksrsham Investi- gatas Money Changara. CANAL FREE TO COASTERS ONLY ATTENTION TO A DAIRY CO\A Care Given Animals After Calving De terminée Milk Production—Good Method Given. Pretty Straw Hat Suitable for Either Late Summer or Fall Washington, D. C. — A colluterai phase of the so-called money trust. It The care given the cow just before developed recently, Is being Investi­ and for the first few weeks after calv­ gated by Attornoy-tlenerul Wicker ing determines very largely the pro­ sham. duction tor that period of lactation. Im­ The Inquiry, which may affect clear­ proper treatment will have a more dt ing house associations throughout the reel and lasting effect than at any oth­ country, revolves about the rule of the er time, and It means dollars and cents New York Clearing-House Association Spring-Sown Grain Hit—Hay and requiring its members to charge a Houss and Ssnats Agres—Clauss That (bat she bo bandied to give the maxi­ specified sum for the collection of out- mum production. Hopa Suffer Moat By Strong Might Havs Violated Trsaty of town checks drawn on certain parts The following Is a method that has Wind and Ram. Is Eliminated, of the country, and at the same time glvea good result^: Dry up the cow giving them discretion whether to from four to six weeks before the calf muke charges for similar collections is due, snd feed liberally, getting her 4 444444444444444444 In other localities. Washington, D. C.—An agreement to gain In flesh. Three or four day* A careful study of the workings of ♦ 4 <>n the I'unuma Canal administration before her time, place her In a box stall 4 Rain Storm Affecta Northwest. 4 this rule Is being made by the Attor­ bill was reached by the conference and feed dry feed. If any constipation 1» ney General, It Is said, to determine 4 4 4 Ha Irin No gleam of hope for 4 whether the Hliiirmiui anti trust law or committee of the House and Senate, noticed, mix a little linseed oil with Those cows liable to be 4 farmin' plight, ua continued 4 the National biink act is being vio­ I In which free passage Is denied to the grain. 4 rallia spell ruin to Hprlim uown 4 lated. 1 American-owned ships engaged In for- affected with milk fever feed very 11V If action Is taken It will take prece­ ielgn trade. Foreign shipbuilding ma­ Ue the laat couple of day a. 4 grain If the 4 4 luí (¡runde - Hmnll percent- ♦ dent for uli clearing house associations terials are admitted free of tariff to udder tends to cake milk out and rub having similar rules. It Is learned that 4 ugn of total buy tonnage lr- 4 the United States and power is given well. 4 reparably dutnuged by wind 4 the Attorney-General may refer the to the Interstate Commerce Cotnmls- After the calf Is born and baa taken whole question to the Secretary of the 4 mui rain 4 alon I o break up any combination of Its first feed, milk the cow and manip­ Treasury for remedial measures If It The Dalles No crop damage 4 | 4 'competing rail and water lines which ulate the udder thoroughly. Allow the i 4 reported 4 Is found that the law Is being tech­ It flndH are not for "the public good." nically violated or that the practice, 4 McMinnville Hop damage ♦ As perfected In the conference com­ calf to remain with the cow the first day and then put In a pen out of eight' 4 greater than at first nntlclpat- 4 while not Illegal, seems ugalnst public mittee, the canal bill now provide»: Very litde trouble will 4 policy. 4 rd Free passage for American ships en­ of the cow. be experienced with a caked udder, butj Dallas Hard at storm known 4 4 gaged In coastwise trade, POSTOFFICE BILL PASSES. 4 In Hummer season panses over 4 American registry for American- In bad cases milk three times a day, 4 ■ m ♦ owned, foreign-built ships engaged ex­ and after each milking bathe for some Upper House Reetrlcts Rights of Em ­ I'lillomslh Hopynrdn suffer 4 4 clusively In foreign trade. time in hot water and then rub well; ployes to Join Organizations. No tariff on foreign shipbuilding with turpentine and lard. 4 ami late-sown grain, yet in 4 It is Ute 4 materials for use In this country. 4 field, soaked by rains rubbing tbet counts more than the Un-1 Washington, D. C. — The annual Alluiny Vetch, IJnn Conn- 4 postofflce approplstlon bill was passed 4 Trust owned ships prohibited from Inieut. 4 ty's lending crop, gro drat suf- 4 by the Senate at the end of two days' using the canal. Take care to see that the afterbirth 4 sharp fighting over propositions relat­ 4 fcrer If rains continue. Railroads prohibited from owning Is passed properly, and do not allow Hi-attlr — II euv I rat rain on 4 4 ing to parcels ¡Mist, good roads Im­ competing waterway lines operating 4 4 record throughout state. Improper cases to go more than 24 “through the canal or elsewhere." 4 provement and the affiliation of postal 4 One-man government for Panama hours without treatment. The flrat day employes with labor organizations. 4444444444444444444 alter calving feed the cow very spar­ As It goes back to the House it con­ Canal and canal zone. The conference agreement will be ingly, then gradually Increase. With­ tains some restrictions upon the right Salem- Drizzling rain off and ou of postal employes to join outside or­ reported to the House and Senate im­ in three or four days, If doing proper-1 throughout thin week offered no gleam ganizations; and an entirely new sys­ mediately and it is believed It will of hope for the farmers' plight In this tem of parcels post based on the “zone meet little opposition. In dropping the ly, p't back with the rest of the herd section but added somewhat to the plan" with varying rates for varying Henate amendment giving tree pas- From then on Increase feed slowly un­ damage done to «onto of the crops, distances. sage to American ships engaged In til full feed Is reached. Determine thlz when the milk record falls to rise with the grain In particular. The measure w ill go Into conference foreign trade, the conference commit Three or four more days of similar' with many Important differences to be tee yielded to those who considered any further Increase of feed. weather, farmers predict, will practl settled. The House provided that no .this clause a direct violation of the t ally npell ruin to the Spring sown ■ employe of the postal service should treaty with Great Britain. grain Practically all the force of the DRAFT HORSES FOR FARMING be subject to reduction or removal for Pbwtu, Aj Luueiwwu « lUUt.WVud, 1. This has been considered a remark­ joining an organization having for Its Bourne railroad amendment attached ably excellent »canon for grain which object Improvement In conditions of to the bill In the Senate was retained Experience Teaches Most Economical, A black empire straw hat with facing of black moire. The brim slashed was sowed during the Spring months and Satisfactory Motive Power i by the conferoes. It was rewritten to labor or compensation. on the side. The hat Is trimmed with wings which are visible through until the latest rnln found a large Is Heavy Mare. After a fight Involving the right of give the Interstate Commerce Commis­ the opening In the brim. share of It shocked and drenched It Government employes to strike, the sion the right to determine whether through Today offered no Improve­ Henate approved this In part, but pro­ railroads should be allowed to hold There Is an insistent market d« ment. even had there been no rnln,: vided that employes should not join water lines and to sanction such rnand for high-class horses, especially DRESS HAIR TO SUIT FACE FROCKS ALL EASY TO PACK as It was cloudy and lowering and the an organization “which Imposes an ownership when It was in the public for draft horses, that cannot be sup grain was soaked. Interest. obligation or duty to strike or to as­ Reports continue to be received of sist In a strike against the United The railroad section of the bill is idled. On the other hand, says th« One of the Most Important Points to By No Means the Least of the Bless­ hop acreage going down, but the re­ States." Under the terms of the bill drastic and broad In the powers it Fanners' Homo Journal, the country Remember In Arranging the ing» of th« Styles That Mark Is flooded with common ordinary ports did not Indicate that ns much Coiffure. the Present Season. as It passed both Houses, employes «•onfrrs on the Interstate Commerce "plug” horses. They do not fill any acreage dropped as on previous days\ have the right to appeal to Congress . Commission. during the storm. It prohibits railroads, after July 1, particular requirement or demand I I will not go so far as to say that for redress of grievances. Let us rejoice and be glad that our After summing up the reports Sa­ 1913, from owning or controlling com- j lienee the very low and profit-killing “artistic hairdressers are born, not garments this year are all "packable." lem hop men say that propably their Iietlng steamer lines, “operating [ prices for which they must sell. Tht»; BALDWIN RANCH 18 SOLD. estimate of 5o0 acres of hops going through the Panama Canal or else­ Insistent demand for high-class draft, made,” says M. Calle, the well-kDown The tub frock Is a delectable thing coiffeur, in the July Strand, but let that embraces materials of all sorts, down was somewhat strained, but where." and gives to the Interstate they believe that now fully 500 acres 14,000 Homes to Dot Lata Turfman's . Commerce Commission the power to horses does not corns from the mar me hasten to say at once, therefore, and It can be bought very cheaply, I ket alone. of yards have gone down In the state. that the arrangement of the hair is especially when It is half made, which Last Holding, Just Sold. datolWiM whether the railroad and There also comes a demand from a study—not an accident, as it would means that you have merely to run Home of the hop dealers have sent steamship lines are "competing car- Ix»s Angeles. — H. A. Unruh, execu ­ reports to their Eastern houses plac­ i riers" within the meaning of the law. the farm, for this la a day of heavy seem to be regarded by those who up the back of it with your machine ing the acreage down at all the way tor of the will of the late Elias J. machinery demanding an Increased, have not studied the art of the coif­ after you have purchased It. from 300 to 000 acres. So far but little (Lucky) Baldwin, has filed final pa­ amount of motive power. Experience feur. For example, if a woman Is en­ DRIVE REBELS BACK. Lingerie robes, sweet little frocks damage la reported to the hops. It pers completing the sale of the has proven that the most satisfactory dowed by nature with a long face— of Shantung with colored embroidery, being possible to put up the great American Sailors, Guarding Legation, and economical form of motive power that la to say, a face longer than that muslin garments, and the others of majority of the vines In yards where Rancho Clenega O'Paso de la Tljera, on the average farm Is the heavy, I of the average woman—there Is one delaine, linen and zephyr, are all Take Hand in Engagement. they have dropped. A few more days the last of the great turfman's hold­ sound draft mare. Besides doing most golden rule that she must always bear alike in certain details. They ar« of the present weather, however, will ings. to the Ixis Angeles Investment Managua. Nicaragua. — The Insur­ result In the hop situation taking on Company, for a stated consideration of gents under command of Generals of the farm work she will raise a val­ In mind when arranging her hair— narrow and they are flat, they will something of a serious aspect, how­ $8.038,560. The total area involved is | Mena and Zeledon resumed their at- uable colt each year. If properly han namely, to do It as artistically full at pack without creasing and they taka lowing a train crew of six to work I Bureau forced a crisis, as the result of ■ notched about one-half Inch. The can Mlllnery grows more and more en­ from 5 a. m. to 10:45 p. m. On each | the lack of funds to pay pensioners. i may then be filled with water cov­ count the compnny la liable to a maxi­ I The San Francisco agency has a bal­ ered by a »mall pie tin or flower pot trancing every week. Several quite Noted Outlaw Captured. ance oi exactly 7 cents and Detroit fresh lines of expression have been mum fine of $500. saucer, and the whole inverted. Salt Ijiko City.—Bert Dalton, al­ only 4 cents. struck, and a much more reasonable The water will rise as high In the leged murderer of Marshal Dan Han­ attlude is observable in every way. Maryland to Carry Knox. saucer as the notches are cut In the The favorite upward sweep now is son. of Cokeville, and a member of Free Lunch Is Reprieved. Senttle. — The cruiser Marylnnd. can, thus providing a constant supply i the notorious Whitney brothers gang I-os Angeles—The free lunch has of water In which chickens cannot taken from a little to one side of cen­ of outlaws, who escaped In the jail which Is to sail from Seattle August ter front and is carried to an ex­ break nt Evnnston. Wyo., last week, 22 with Secretary of State Knox and won Its fight for an existence In Los drown and which prevents a very ceeding length, and usually finishes hla suite, who will nttend the funerai was captured near Sandy, Utah, by Angelos saloons until after the next small surface for evaporation or for rather sharply. It will be gathered Sheriff Joseph C. Sharp, of Salt Lake of the Emperor of Japan, arrived at election, at least, and the ordinance gathering dirt. from this line that this la no casual the Puget Sound Navy Yard from County. uplifting of a brim, but a specially Dalton was caught on a ranch, Seward. Alaska. She will begin load­ abolishing It will not go into effect Boys to Farm Schools. constructed shape. where he went to work. He Is now ing coal at once and then will be September 15. Not a day too early to be makini In the county jail here and refuses to painted and burnished. On August 21 The referendum petition circulated divulge the whereabouts of Ernest she will proceed to Seattle to receive by produce commission men was plana for sending at least one of the Pretty Wedding Gift. Crutcher and Walter Van Foaser, who her passengers. Captain J. M. Elli­ handed to the City Clerk recently hoys to an agricultural school next One of the most appreciated wed­ cott commands the Maryland and will escaped with him. bearing 25,500 signers, and will act as tall. Perhaps if he has a few acres ding presents of a recent bride was an proceed to the Orient with her. a stay of execution of the Council's for his own use he may be able to pay attractive basket containing six glasses order, until the latter body either re­ part of bls expenses. At any rate he of assorted jellies. The glasses were J. D.'s Estate Guarded. 8lander on Woman Goes. peal^ the law or places It before the Is entitled to an education and a fair Tarrytown, N. Y.—John Rockefel­ daintily wrapped in white crepe pa­ Milan.—The recent admission of people at the next election. start tn life. re? and the basket bad been treated ler's estate at Pocantlco Hills was women to the Masonic Order of Italy to a coat of white enamel paint, while guarded by a number of deputy shr­ has caused considerable discussion ns Option Paid in Pennies. Killing Poultry. to the relation of this step to the Ital­ the handles were tied together with ifts. beenuse of fear of violence on the ian women'» movement. Poultry should never be eaten the Rochester, N. Y.—A chest contain­ a bow of white ribbon through which part of discharged employes. Several Slgnorn Trolse, the well-known au­ ing 275 pounds of pennies is on de­ day It Is killed. The tenderest fresh- was thrust a tiny spray of artificial men recently were let go by the fore­ thor of Milan, and a leading suffra­ killed chicken will be tough as soon as posit to the credit of Carl V. Stordant. orange blossoms. men of laborers and trouble ensued, gist, declares that the matter Is of the animal heat has left the body. In culminating In an attempt to burn the very serious note. If for nothing else n real estate man. The pennies, more about 12 hours, however, th« muscles Pintucked batiste was used to build cottage of Foreman Antonio DI Marco than that ft "removes the eternal slan­ than 40,000 In al), were turned over to will relax, and It then becomes ac­ Corded Weaves Coming. this pretty waist which buttons down Mr. Rockefeller Informed Sheriff der on woman that she la unable to Stordant as an Initial payment to bind It 1s said on good authority that the front with small white croch«t tho sale of a restaurant. The pur­ ceptable for food. Doyle of the situation and asked for keep a secret." corded weaves will be popular In the buttons. An Irish lace collar finishes chaser had taken tn the pennies over aid. autumn. These new ribbed fabrics th« neck and straps of Irish lac« cross Food for a Hen. his bar during a long course of years. Rebel Attack Repulsed. will Include materials so light In He made a habit of brushing all the Experiments have proved that a hen Turks 8lay Christians. Vai Insertions and pintucking on th« Corlnto, Nicaragua. — The govern­ weight as to be suitable for dress drap­ sleeve. Th« peplu Is edged with lac«» Cettlnje, Montenegro—Reports are ment troops at Managua succeeded In pennies Into a slot which connected In good condition will eat, on an aver­ eries and heavier ones adapted for age, three ounces of mash In the morn­ circulating here of nnother massacre repulsing the attacks of the revolu­ with a cheat In the cellar. of Christians by Mohammcdnns In Al­ tionary army under Generals Louis ing, two ounces of grain at noon and suits, outer wrap« and trimming«. Thres-Milllon-Dollar Baby Born. Lace-Trimmed Vests. bania. A band of Mohnmmedans sup­ Mena and Zeledon. Their victory, how­ four ounces of grain at night Rose Parasol. ported by Turkish troops nttacked ever. w’As not pronounced. The bom­ Dainty undervesta of very ltgh> New York.—The anxiously-awaited a section of the Christian population bardment of the city was discontinued, $3,000,000 Astor baby was bom at 8:15 The rose parasol Is one of the nov­ weight cotton are edged at th« top Meadow Grass. In the Bcrna district of Albania. A but It Is thought to be only temporary. a. m., August 14. It Is a boy and will Several kinds of grass should N elties of the season. This Is made of and around the armholes with a ruff!« fierce fight ensued and women and The American marines and blue­ bear the name of his father, John sown when starting a meadow. Red taffeta In a lovely pink, and It Is en­ of fine Valenciennes lace. These are children nre reported to have been jackets at the legation are all well. Jacob Astor, who died so heroically in tirely covered with scallops, the edges not at all expensive and are soft and murdered by wholesale. Little girls Telegraphic communication between the Titanic disaster of April 14. It and aislke clover, timothy, redtop and of which are slightly gathered to re­ pretty enough to take the plac« of bluegrass make a fine combination were made captives. here and Managua has been restored. weighed 7*j pounds. semble rose petals. the more expensive silk undervesL Storm Is General Throughout Northwest. 9 • TART* CLEARING-HOUSE PROBE Carriers In Foreign Trade Must Pay Toll to L. S.