Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, August 22, 1912, Image 2

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Doings of the World at Large
Told in Brief.
General Resume of Important Events
Presented in Condensed Form
for Our Busy Readers.
Ecuadorean Rebel* Defeated By Gov­
ernment Near Guayaquil.
Guayaquil, Ecuador — Government
troops have defeated a force of rebel*
near Fort Piedra, a short distance out­
side this city. The leaders of the re­
volt were made prisoners. The upris­
ing was started by Colonel Bejarano,
aided by other former army officers,
and i* reported to have been the back­
ing of the adherent* of the late presi­
dent, Eloy Alfaro.
The Ecuadorean congress, which re­
cently was installed at Quito, the cap­
ital, has conferred on General Leoni­
das Plaza, the president-elect of the
republic, full powers to cope with the
revolutionary movement.
General Plaza was elected president
on March 31, and does not take office
until September 1.
Meanwhile the
reins of government are in the hands
of Alfred P. Moreno, the president of
the senate. General Plaza was com­
mander of the government troops
which put down the revolution follow­
ing the death of President Estrada
last December. He was president of
the republic from 1900 to 1904, and in
1905 represented his country as minis­
ter at Washington.
After the death of President Estra­
da, General Pedro Montero was pro­
claimed president by the troops in
Guayaquil. The army at Quito fav­
ored General Plaza, and the action of
the Guayaquil troops precipitated a
Plaza succeeded in capturing Guaya­
quil, and Montero, after being tried
by courtmartial, was dragged into the
streets and beheaded, hi* body being
burned by the angry populace.
Five ef the most prominent revo­
lutionists. including General Floyd
Alfaro, a former president, and hi*
nephew. General Flavio Alfaro, for­
mer minister of war, were taken to
Quito and imprisoned.
When their
presence in the capital became known
a mob stormed the penitentiary and
put them to death.
Reports from the English and Cali­
fornia hop fields are sending up prices.
President Taft will again veto the
amended legislative, executive and
judicial bill.
Carson D. Boren, the last survivor
of the party that founded the city of
Seittle, is dead.
Lawyers for Darrow are making a
strong effort to have all remaining
charges against him dismiss««!.
Eastern women are busy organizing
the campaign work of all the national
political parties among women.
General William Booth, head of the
Salvation Army, died at his home in
London, England.
While watching a blast at a dis­
tance of 900 feet, a Cottage Grove,
Or., man was instantly killed by a fly­
ing rock.
Reports of the secretary show that
the Progressive convention at Chicago
cost *19,403, and a balance of *474.63
was left on hand.
A special committee appointed by
Governor Harmon, of Ohio, has rec­
ommended a pension system for
widows with children under 14 years
of age.
A bill has been passed by the house
authorizing the sale of 10,800 acres of
rich farming land in Oklahoma be­
longing to the Five Civilized Indian
Blondy, the pet dog of the late
financier John W. Gates, will have an
imposing funeral, bis body being Women of Bolivia Send Contributions
taken from New York to Port Arthur,
to Titanic Arch.
Texas, for interment in the family
D. C. — One of the
huge blocks which will be used in the
The Chinese general assembly has construction of the great arch in
demanded that Yuan Shi Kai explain Washington in memory of the men
the recent execution of Generals Chang who died on the steamship Titanic
Chen Wu and Aeng Wei, who were that the women and children might be
loyal supporters of Dr. Sun Yat Sen’s saved, will be the most valuable piece
progressive party.
of building material ever used in this
It will be made of virgin
Roosevelt begins speech-making tour silver from the mines of Bolivia, and
of Eastern states.
will represent the contribution of that
General Orozco evacuate* Juarez, South American republic to the pro­
ject planned by the North American
with Federal* advancing.
women in recognition of the bravery
The first American-built submarine of men.
boat was launched at Philadelphia.
The offer of this interesting contri­
The Senate passed a bill placing at bution came from an organization of
the disposal of Luther Burbank 12 sec­ the women of La Paz and was made
tions of land in California, New Mex­ through Horace G. Knowles, American
ico, Arizona and Nevada for the prop­ minister to Bolivia, who says:
agation of spineless cacti.
“The women of La Paz and Bolivia
contend that the heroes of the Titanic
London firm sends representative to were the noblest men of all mankind,
this coast to Investigate conditions.
greater than Americans or any partic­
One hundred and forty-three fisher­ ular nationality.”
men were drowned off the coast of QUAKE LASTS FIVE MINUTES.
Spain during a gale.
Steamer City of Seattle, which was William*, Ariz., and Surrounding Re­
grounded in Alaskan waters recently,
gion Shaken Heavily.
is freed by high tide.
Albuquerque, N. M.—According to
A prominent Oregon lumberman a special dispatch received here, Wil­
fought a Frenchman on board the liams, Arizona, 400 miles west of
liner Olympic over a card game.
here, was severely shaken by an earth­
American marines were ordered by quake Monday (afternoon. The shock
the War Department to stop the bom­ lasted from 2:05 to 2:10 p. m. Build­
bardment of the Nicaraguan capital. ings rocked on their foundations, win­
dows and crockery were broken and
the inhabitants of the town were
greatly frightened. The shocks were
felt as far east as Winslow, 100 miles.
Wheat — Track prices—New, club Holbrook, another town nearby, also
76c; bluestem, 79c; forty-fold, 77c was severely shaken.
It is believed
valley, 78c.
no lives were lost.
Millstuffs — Bran, $25 ton; shorts,
$28; middlings, $32; rolled barley, $29.
Holbrook, Arizona'— The severest
- Hay—Eastern Oregon timothy, $15; earthquake ever felt here occurred
valley timothy, $12@13; alfalfa, $11 shortly after 2 o’clock Monday after­
@12; clover, $10; oats and vetch, $10 noon.
The shock, which lasted 15
@11; grain hay, $10(811.
seconds, was felt at Gallup, west of
Corn—Whole, $39; cracked, $40 ton. here, and also at Seligman.
No ser-
Oats—Spot, $26 ton.
ious damage has been reported.
Fresh fruits—Apples, new, $1@
1.75 box; peaches, 35@75c box;
American Miner* Besieged.
plums, 75c@$1.10 .box; pears, $1.20
El Paso, Tex.—Report* of fighting
@1.50 box; apricots, $1.25 box;
grapes, 65c@$1.75 crate; blackber­ by 20 Americans of the Tominil mine,
in the state of Sinaloa, with rebels
ries, 50c(8$l crate.
Melons—Cantaloupes,50c(8$1.50 per and strikers besieging them, have
crate; watermelons, $l@1.50 per cwt. reached here. It is said by officials
Onions—Walla Walla, 90«8$l sack. here that no federal troops can be
Potatoes— Jobbing prices: Bur­ spared to go to the aid of the Ameri­
cans. The Tominil mine is situated
banks, new, 60@90c per hundred.
Vegetables — Artichokes, 65@75c 80 miles from the coast. The Ameri­
dozen; beans. 2c pound; cabbage, 1(8 can consul at Mazatlan has received
ljc; cauliflower, $1@1.25 dozen; cel­ an appeal for aid. A letter received
ery, 75(8 85c; corn, 15(8 25c; cucum- here contained also a telegram asking
bers, 50c box; eggplant, 78/10c for assistance, to be sent to Governor
pound; head lettuce, 20@2c dozen ; Colquitt, of Texas.
peas, 8@9c pound; peppers, 8(8 10c:
Sport* Offer Big Prize.
radishes, 15(620c dozen; tomatoes,
Pari*—Edmund Audemars, a Swiss
50(875c box; garlic, 8@10c pound.
Eggs—Case count, 23c dozen; cand­ airman, who has made a number of as­
censions in the United States, has
led 25c; extras 27c.
Butter — Oregon creamery butter, started from Issy, five miles south­
west of Paris, on a flight to Berlin.
cubes 31c pound: prints 32ic.
He is competing for a prize offered
Pork—Fancy 1 lie pound.
for the longest distance covered in one
Veal—Fancy 14ic pound.
Poultry — Hens, 13(813ic pound; day by an aeroplane.
broilers, 15(4/ 16c; ducks, young, 11(8 say that a group of sportsmen have
12c; geese, 10(811c; turkeys, live, 18@ posted a prize of *20,000, payable to
the first aviator who flies from Paris
20c; dressed, 24(8 25c.
Hops—1912 contracts, 19(320c; 1911 to Berlin.
crop, nominal.
Man Thought Slain Is Found.
Cattle— Choice steers, $6.75(8<7;
St. Joseph, Mo.'— Sebastian En-
good, $6(8 6.65; medium, $5.75(8 6;
choice cows, $5.75(8 6; good, $5.50(8 glerth, 58 years old, ^who disappeared
5.75; medium, $5(8 5.50; choice cal­ from here 14 years ago when it was
ves, $7(88.50 good heavy calves, $6(8 thought he was murdered, has been lo­
6.50; bulls, $3.50@5; stags, $4.75(8 cated in Norborne, Mo. He says all
he remembers of his former life is
Hogs—Light, $5(8 9; heavy, $6.25 that he was released from an asylum
or hospital. Englerth was loading a
Sheep—Yearlings, $3(84; wethers, car with his household (goods prepara­
$3(84 60; ewe*, $2.85@8.75; lamb«, tory to moving West when he disap­
peared. He bad *700 on bis person.
$4(85 25.
Marin** Ord«r*d to Stop Bombard­
ment of Nicaraguan Caplt«l.
WsahliiMtoii. I>. C.—Tho collier Jus­
tin, the Rtate Department ha* learned,
arrived at Corlnto with 35« marine*,
under conimaml of Major Hinedloy
Many Donation* Made to Help Land $560 Subscribed by Bulness Men
Butler, who reported at one* to tho
Coos-Curry Fair Awards.
Product* Show.
offh-er, Captain Terhune, com­
Coquille Th«» business men of Co­
Portland — Fifteen thousand fruit
quille, Myrtle Point. Marshfield. Ban­ manding th«» gunboat Annapolis, who
trees, the number of donations to the don and North Bend have subscribed has full authority to deal with the
premium list for the Pacific North $560 to be distribute«! a* prl»e* In the ’’military situation lu Nli-araguik as it Remarkable Scene Follows, Juror*
nffect* American Interest«. •
west Land Product* show .which were ¡children’s industrial contest at th«’
Embracing Defendant and Judge
It ia believed this marine force was
at once dispatched to Managua, a alx
Congratulating Him.
predicted by Manager G. E. A. Bond,
Myrtle Point September 26, 27 anil 28. hours' r.uu over tho rallroud from Cor­
have already been offered by nurseries
Three prises are offi’reil under each lnto.
heading iu the published list, the first
of the Pacific Coast.
B«>eati*« of delayed «-able advices, of­
prises ranging from $2.50 to $5. A ficial* here can only conjecture what
Loa Angolas—Carene* S. Darrow
“The total number of trees that thoroughbred
Poland China pig valued happened after the arrival of the ma-
was acquittrd Saturday of the charge
will be available for premiums will at $10 I* offered for the best general
far exceed my first estimate,” said exhibit of farm products by a boy of < | rines In the Nicaraguan capital.
How this force has been us«’«! de of bribery by a jury, which was ex­
Mr. Bond, “and may come nearer 20,- school age. A prize of equal value I*
entirely upon the will of actly 34 minutes considering the case.
000 than 15.000, judging from present offered to the girl who will make th«’ I American
Minister Weitzel, but as he
Nothwithatanding the verdict in
best exhibit of sewing. Many school i has protested
to the rebel* «gainst
this case, according to District Attor­
To the 8,000 tree* offered by differ­
ent nurseries more than a month ago work since esrly Inst Spring prepar­ ns it Is with women and children mid ney Fredericks, Mr. Darrow's ordeal
have lately been adde«i 7500 by other ing exhibits for the contest, and a noncombiitnnt*. it Is believed ho has ia not over.
Fredericks declared he
showing Is expected Th«« great
nurseries in Chico, Woodburn, Salem, tine
the Insurgents away from their
variety of products which may be driven
the trial of the law­
Milton, Carlton. Toppenish, Hood raised on the soil of this section ami
River, Sunnyside, Washington. Louis­ for which prizes are being offered st ment If his force I* not sufficient for yer on a second Indictment.
As he. eat in a cafe a few block*
iana, Missouri and Roy, Utah.
the fair will mak<< th«’ agricultural ex­ ’his purpose, officials feel assured h«» from the acene of his trial and acquit­
will hold the city until reinforcement*
In addition to the tree* offered, im­ hibit especially Interesting.
In addition to th«» prizes offered In from Panama or the bluejackets of tal, surround««! by a few intimate
plement companies and companies
i the Denver, now <<n route to Corlnto, friend* and finding more relish In the
dealing in fruitgrowers’ accessories the children's contest, several hundred can be placed at hl* dlap«>siil.
are sending daily to Mr. Bond offers dollars will be distributed to adult ex­ Tho State Department has let It be perusal of acorea of congratulatory
of farm nnd dairy product*.
telegrams than in his luncheon, Dar­
of their materials for use in the com­ hibitors
...«• County ......................
Court has been
asked ...
to undermood that It doe* not prop.»*« to row ap|>arently was unconcerned in
pilation of his premium list.
appropriate $1.1*00 to b«» used for this jolerate tbis^ lawle** shelling* and kill the statement of the prosecutor.
Ten of the prominent fruitgrowers’ purpose.
; Ing of helpless people, endangering
periodicals of the Northwest and the
American Ilves and the destruction of tla/ugh declining to discuss the threat­
American property. Official* nre em- ened second long ordeal, he said he
Middle West have each offered 50 an­
phatlc In pointing out that General was too happy to feel alarmed at any­
nua) subscriptions to the commercial
clubs winning prizes for community Assistant U. 8. Commissioner Next to Menn, the head of (he revolution, has thing.
; completely anenated the sympathies
Mr. Darrow waa altowcrc«! with tel­
exhibits at the Land Products show.
Get Bunting Case.
'of this Government by hl* conduct of egrams from all parts of the country,
The premium list in its final form
Klamath Fall« The testimony In Itte rebellion.
which began pouring in within an
will be published during the first th«» cast» of th«» Unite«! States vs. C.
hour after the verdict waa given to
week in September. In the meantime Bunting, of Merrill, Ore. for trespass
the world. They came from (lalxir or­
Mr. Bond is sending out thousands of on the lateral ditches claimed by the
circulars to agricurahsts in all part* of Government. Is being taken hefor«» As Committee Acts Favorably on Four— ganizations, leaders of organizi-d la­
bor, intimate friends and many of
the Northwest, acquainting them with slatant United State* Commissioner
Holds Up Wotherspoon.
whom he doe* not know.
Most of
the purposes and scope of the show.
Washington. D. C.—The Renato mil­ them came ’from Chicago, his home
The Government bought from the
owners a canal and laterals called the itary affairs commit!«»«» voted to rec- and the scene of most of his profe*-
Adams Canal, but the owner* ha<! not ommend immediate confirmation of rlonal activities for a quarter of a
obtained all of th«» rights-of-way. To the following military appointments century.
made some time ago by President
Th«« court room acene which fol­
Hood River Valley Soaked by Record "allied from th«’ purcha««« price $5,non Taft
August Precipitation.
Clarence R. Edwards, chief of the iowad the Trailing of the verdict, just
J One of the laterals In qm-stlon. called
34 minutes after the jury hail retired,
Hood River — The rains that fell ! .• Stukel lateral, was built by th«> Bureau of Insular Affairs, to be Briga­ waa one that had no parallel In the
Stukel*. w ho th« n owned.the land. The dier-General In the line of the Army.
over the valley here last week are canal
people furnished some of the
Colonel Frank McIntyre to bo chief court annals of thia city. Juror*
unique in the annals of weather re­ I men and teams u*«»d in the work, with of the Bureau of Insular Affairs, with whose phlegmatic countenances had
cords here. E. L. Smith has a record ¡the understanding, so they claim, that the rank of Brigadier-General during given no hint of their feeling*
that shows the precipitation here dur the lateral should be the property of a term of four years
throughout the three month* and more
ing the ’90s and several years follow­ the canal company, when finished, but
Colonel George Andrew*, to bo Ad which elapsed since |the trial b«<gan,
ing. The precipitation of August of no deeds passed and the Stukel* sold Jutant-General of the Army, with the embraced the man they had tried and
this year exceeded that of 12 years ¡the land to Bunting, who has claimed rank of Brigadier-General, for a term with tear* running down their check*
covered by the record.
The rainfall the ownership of the lateral In ques­ of four years.
Colonel Edgar Steevere, to bo Brig declared It waa the happieit day of
has been far above the normal for the tion. If the case is decided In his
their lives.
¡favor, the ow-ners of the canal will
entire summer and spring. The last ¡have to settle with him If he loses adler General.
Court officials, including Judge Hut­
rains usualy fall in April.
However, he will have costs and perhaps data ntor Bristow nnd others, no action ton and the half dozen bailiffs, joined
more than an inch of rain fell here ages to pay.
was taken on the President’s appoint­ in the congratulation* and Mr*. Dar­
this year in May. The rainfall of Au­
ment of Brigadier-General W. W. row, to whom the trial waa a contin­
gust, according to records kept by
Wotherspoon to succeed tho late Gen­ uous nervous strain, stood speechlessly
Professor Lawrence, county plant
eral Frederick D. Grant as a Major- happy with one hand in her husband's
pathologist, has already amounted to All Morrow Crop* Are Promising Well, General.
and with the other wringing those of
.81 of an inch.
the jurors.
Heppner —Never in the history of
The apple crop will be greatly ben- 1 Morrow
county have the crop pro»-
efitted. The increase in the size that [pects been as good as they are this
Rear-Admiral Reynold», Now at Brem­
the fruit will reach because of the year.
erton, to Mak« Journey.
moist earth probably will swell the es­ The largest wheat crop ever hnr
timates of boxes from 50,000 to 100,- Urested In the county Is now being gar-
Washington. D. C.—Difficulties hnve Msxican Rebels Leave Big Job for
Reitway Repairer*.
000 more than those given out byex-jnered and the hay crop Is Immense, been met in obtaining a nnval attache
perts three weeks ago.
¡while all kinds of vegetables are mak- to accompany Secretary Knox on hl« • Juarez, Mexico—It is considered by
—“ r “
Irli than for several *P«clal mission to the funeral of the railway men that federal troop* can­
Ing - a * better
POLLINATION BULLETIN IS OUT | si’asons. This Is especially true In lute Japanese Emperor Admiral Os­ not occupy Juarez before next Monday
I regard to the potato crop. There will ar F. Rtnnton, retired, hns declined
In advene«» of
In all probability be more potatoes the Invitation on account of III health. at the earliest date.
Experiment Station Print* Circular cn raised In this county this year than Kear-Admlrnl Aaron Ward then was the federal army, under Generals Ra-
Apples and Pear*.
there have been for a number of | ordered to go. He asked that the or­ bago and Tellez, ia a repair train, and
der be rescinded for the same reason. two traina left Juarez to repair the
Oregon Agricultural College. Cor- ' A) ■■ | ■ kind« nt frult prom||P a bountl-
Now the Department has ordered road from this end.
vallis—A seven-page bulletin, No. 20, ful crop, and In fact everything seems Rear-Admiral Alfred Reynolds to ac-
Determined to have some vestige of
on ‘‘The Pollination Question” has to be as favorable as could be wished company the Secretary of Rtate. Ad­ civil government, the citizens of Juar­
just come from the press at the Ore- ( for.
miral Reynolds commands the Pacific ez met and named three commission­
gon Agricultural
It was r pre-
-- ' ___Pr,fp8 t°T whp;'t are fairly good reserve fleet. He now Is at the Brem- ers, each with equal power of ballot.
pared in the experiment station’s hor- ''"other conditions have been [av<’r Ierton Navy Yard, nbonrd hl* flagship In this way Juarez bears the distinc­
Virginia. The Naval attache will Join
tion of being the only city in Mexico
.. research
... .. laboratory,
. and dis- 4 present weather hold® for another two
cusses the pollination of apples «nd I*, fh„ ma](jr pgrt of fhp rrf)p w||| tho party nt Seattle, August 22.
with a commission government
pears, setting forth some of theprac-j^p jn th? Sfack where headers are cruiser Maryland steam direct for
tical results obtained in work through- used and in the sack where combines Yokohama without stopping hns been
Infantile Plague Serious.
out the state during several years are used,
Sacramento, Cal.—According to a
abandoned. Under revised plans she
past. It gives a general broad view
As compared with former years th will stop at Honolulu for coal.
statement issued from the office of the
of the important point* to be kept in «eason of 1912 is the best and will
state board of health, there have al­
mind with respect to this phase of or- Mhow a larger yield of grain, hav. fruit
ready been 60 cases of poliomyelitis,
charting. Another publication will "nd vegetables than any season for
commonly known as infantile paraly­
be issued later on, dealing exclusively
* •'1,1
First American-Built Submarine of sis, so far this month.
Moat of the
with the research side of the work.
Type Takes to Water.
cases were reported from Southern
Experiments on pollination prob­
Philadelphia. — The United States California, although there were two
lems of apples and pears in the Rogue Labor Commissioner Would Know of
"G-4,” tho first of It* type cases found in Stockton and one in
River, Willamette, Hood River, and
Working Girls' Conditions.
in this country, was San Jose. In Ix>* Angeles city there
Walla Walla valleys have been in
Salem—To ascertain the cost of Hr-1 launched at the Cramp shipyards, were 43 cases and in Los Angeles
progress for several years. Valuable
While leaving the ways the boat tilted county 48.
data has been secured from them, a Ing among working girls In Portland for
During July there were 188 cases in
a moment and two of the 80 work-
part of which is used in the bulletin.
In Ix>* Angeles
I Commissioner Hoff ha« started an In-' mon on board were thrown Into the all and 35 deaths.
vestlgation as to conditions He will water. They were picked up by a county there were 152 case* «nd 28
Honey Rates Too High, Charger*.
¡»«ue blanks to the various employers boat.
deaths. In June here were 31 cases
The sponsor of the craft was Miss and five deaths.
Salem—Beekeepers of Eastern Ore- "f wlrlw and secure Information
gon have filed a complaint with the 'hrongh the girls themselves, to be Grace Anna Taussig, a granddaughter
State Railway commission that freight '"7™
r ihtn« h. «111^ tor of William Cramp, founder of the
Wild Buffalo Flourish
Cramp Company
rates on honey are too high and that .hp wa,„>R pa|fJ ,hp coqf of rpn( car.
Washington, D. C—Lieutenant Colo­
as a result there is no chance for fnrpt food, laundry, clothing, phval-
nel Brett, commanding the Yellow­
Pension Bill Is Passed.
Eastern Oregon beekeepers to attempt f-ian, recreation, including vacation,
National Park, ha* reported to
to compete with the California pro- church dues, lodge dues. Ins’iranco
Washington. D. C.—After a month
duct. They claim that the Oregon education, such as newspapers, books' of delay a hill providing funds for the Secretary of th«/ Interior Fisher that
Short Line places the blame with the *nd other features, nnd any other ex- payment of pensions was sent to tho his men have seen more buffalo in the
O.-W. R. & N. for the high rate, and t’endttures which the girls may see President after passing both Houses wild herd In the park recently than
for ten years. They counted 48 buf­
that the O.-W. R. & N. in turn at- fltJP *
ci. . r
The girls are not required to give of Congress.. Tho Senate adopted a
tributes it to the Oregon Short Line. thp|r nampR )n connPCtlon with tho report accepting the House amend falo, he said, all of which appeared to
The tame herd
The Railroad commission will take .inRWPrSt the object being to determine mont to the measure. Checks for nil be in fine condition,
the matter up with the railroads.
ns accurately as possible Just the the back pensions ar* ready for mall which Is kept in an enclosure in the
cost of living among the average Ing nt tho agencies. As soon as Presi­ park, said Colonel Rrett, now num-
dent Taft signs the bill, all Agendo« ber* 144.
Nearly one half of the
wage-earning girls.
Teach Scientific Laundering,
will bo notified by telegraph to re­ buffaloe* in the United States are in
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­
lease the chocks Officials estimate the Yellowstone park.
that every pensioner In the United
vallis—A course on scientific launder­
Compare System* of Printing,
Civil War Heroin* Dea^
ing is to be given by Miss Margaret
Salem—Declaring that his office Is week.
of Albany,
O. A. C. ’12. ... at 'receiving many Inquiries as to the
Oakland, Cal.—Dr. C. Annette
. _
Buckel, famous nationally as the “lit­
the Oregon Agricultural college this relative merits of the old fee sys-
Uncle Sam Aids Burbank.
year. It will deal with the principles fom anrj the proposed flat salary sys-
tle major” of the Union army because
of laundering through practical appli-
|n the matter of operating the
Washington, D. C. —The Senate of her services during the Civil war,
cation, with a study of cleansing ma- state printing plant. Governor West passed a bill placing at tho disposal is dead.
Dr. Buckel was born in
terials, of the choice of starch, blu- has mad« a formal re-piesl of State
Warsaw, N. Y., August 25, 1833, and
ing and soap, and the treatment of, Printing Expert R A Harris that he In California, New Mexico, Arizona was graduated from the Woman’*
hard water. How to remove stains, f’/rffish a report, ^showing the cost of and
Nevada for the propagation of Medical college of Pennsylvania, At
fold and care for clothing, and the [Operating the plant under the present »pinoles« cacti. Tho bill provides that the outbreak of the Civil war she vol-
fee system, wherein It appears the
cleansing process for all kinls of ma­ state is paying excessive charges, and If Burbank succeed* In growing on thia unteered for hospital service in thc
terials will ako be taught.
what, saving will be made under the seml-arld land cacti suitable for ani­ Union army and accompanied the
new law If approved by the people mal food for a period of two yearn troops through some fierce battles.
the land shall be sold to him for $1.50
Big Umatilla Wheat Yield.
at tho next election.
an acre. The bill has passed the
Freewater—The yield of wheat in
Insurance Man Uninsured.
Klamath Gets New Train Service.
this part of the valley is said to be
New York—After spending a life­
Klamath Falls—The now train lie­
enormous. At the state line Sam and
time writing million* of insurance
Court Review Demanded.
E. P. Ingle are farming 530 acres and tween this city and Red Bluff. Cal.,
policies, Archibald C. Haynes di«-d
Washington, D. C.—Representatives without any insurance on his own
have a yield of 25,000 bushels of
wheat, making 40 bushels to jthe ay<i,
In hi* will just filed here he
at 8 o'clock a. m. nnd arrives North Carolina, condemned the House life.
The Peacock Mill company has pur­ 'Falls
at Red Bluff at 5:55 p. m.< where It Judiciary committee for Its delay in left only a $500 estate, which goes to
chased several thousand bushels of the connects with a train for Sacramento. reporting the Cummins’ bill to pro­ his widow. Hayne* was at one time
club variety for 70 centa a bushel and ¡The return train leaves Red Bluff at vide a Supreme Court review of the one of the best-known insurance men
the rest is being hauled to the ware-1 110:35 a. m. and arrives at Klamath dissolution plan of th* so-called "to­ in the country. He wa* general agent
'Fall* at 8:10 p. m.
bacco trust.”
of th* Equitable.
in Famous Bribery Trial
Agrees Quickly.
• •