BEAVER STATE HERALD Subscription, $1.00 a Year. I ENTS, MULTNOMAH CO., OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1912. PICNIC AT BULL SUCCtSSfUL PIANO KUN SUNDAY RECITAL GIVEN WHEN THEY BROKE THE NEWS. ROSIAD WRITES I RUM SAN IRANCISCO II. Ho-tad. emd11«-r of the Multnomah Mat«- Hank, who depart«*«! several day- ago for Sun Francisco on the steamer Bear. write* that he n-ached hi- declina­ tion after a moat delightful journey. He -I m I c * that lie i* enjoying the night* of Golden Gate city and that In* neck ha* la-eu aolliewhat icnghteiieil a* a re-iilt of constant rubta-ring at the many Right*. In a postscript lie nay*: “With all her magnificent building*, numerous resorts and plain-* of recreation, I prefer < tregon and Portland to any part of California that I have visited.’’ Mr. Itm-tad m-nds hi- la-at regard— to all Lent* friends andcloses by raying that lie will return home during the next few days. Fay Rayburn returned Tuesday from a two week's trip to San Francisco and Oakland, making the trip by aU-amer. He rtate* that he had an enjoyable trip, but to of the impression that Portland li­ the I letter place in which to nwide ami -ay* that the Beaver state ia goodeuough for him. A linai delightful aa well a« instructive piano recital was given Aug. 10 at the boineof Mr». C. A. Daniels, Kenneth eve. Th,- program wa- given by some ol the pupils of J r» I'arilel», assinte-l by a few out aide mein l-er« aud was as follows Malad Kimber Piano Holo *P»ul Daniela Vocal Solo ..Violet Johrison Plano Technic .......... Milton Katzky Violin Solo .... Geraldine Max.Meyer Piano Solo .......... Nora Dorsev Plano Holo ...... Marguiretta Taft und Piano l>uet Mr*. Daniels. ..... Mahle Emmerson Piano Holo Mrs. I.. W. Handlterg Heading Paul Daniel» Piano Techiiu Mrs. lianiel» and Mrs. Piano I >uet Sandls-rg. Mr». f-andberg's reading entitled ‘Mothers and Music” by Fannie E. Hughey, »»■ eapeciallv well received »» it contained many valuable points which all mothers should know. All the pupil* did their work remark- sidy well and each number was heartily encored Th- house was beautifully decorated for the occasion, rose» prevailing. Light refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. Other* present were Franc-» Tift, Ruby Woodworth, Gertrude Katzkv, Alta Wood», lzella Hawkins, Genevieve Johnson, Mesdames. Johnson, Hawkins, Nigsrd, Hcbuybark anil Abderaon. Owing to the bad weathers great many of the pupils and parents were unable to attend, consequently the pro­ gram wu shorter than planned. LtNIS HAS NEW TAILORING HKM li.F. Rusch, who conducts a large tailoring establishment at 33ft Htark St , Portland, has opened a branch house in la-lits, ba* fitted up room» in the build­ ing next diair to the Lents Hardware Co. The u-nte firm will conduct a general tailoring, cleaning and pressing, and re­ pairing business. They will carry con­ stantly a full line ot the latest samples in la-lies' ami men's clothing and have a large line of patterns in stock. The addition of the new firm gives lent* two first class tailoring establish­ ments, la-side* a numla-r of general clean­ ing ami pressing stands SOME “BOOBS” THINK LENTS IS A FOREST There is a certain class ol city swell», They are a disgra-e t<> the brave and st y led men and women, who delight — hardy pioneer man ami uonian who they may not know Is-tter—in referring faced death a thousand times in the weary march across the plains to Oregon to lente as “the w < mh I s .” tin numerous occasions a Herald rep- j arid Portland. Men ami women who have no more resentative has las-n in various places of busiiiess in lent* where 5-cent or free J horse sens«- than to make such remark» telephones have been installed for the| are more to I»- pitied than censured, benefit of customers, tourists and other however, ami those of a different nature claaaes, ami heard some of the swells should not liehai prom- to criticise I hem. call tip some party in the city. Their Lents is a suburb, or rather an unincor­ conversation usually runs something like porated city of 10,00ii ja-ople; has rail­ way connection, with cars running every this: 1ft minutes to th«- city and other points, City Swell—“Hello Central'" ami ia made up of a class of people »ho Central—“NumIter, pleaae?” are not living in the wotsls, but who, for City Hwell—“Marshall------- " most part, have had the pluck to con­ Central—“Here’s your party.” quer the forests, or hav<- it «till. Ix-nts City Shell—“Hello, i* this you?” is a town with some thirty mid business Othe|jEnd—" Ye*, where are you?” City Swell—"Oh, out in the woods!” houses; a town with a public school cost­ Other End—“Out in the wood*, ing 1100,000.90 and employing more than 20 teachers, lent» is a town with vari where? ous churches, tine church edifices and City Swell—Why, out at Lento!” Other End—"Any boars out there?” various other institutions of learning City Swell—"Oh, no, but it seems so and culture that tend to make it some­ bloomin’ dismal after coming from the thing other than a forest. No city chaps city, anil the people aeems ao queer. and swell heads have Is-en acal|*sl in Why, 1 wouldn’t live out here for any­ lente for several years and th«- last In­ dian seen in them- parts was driven into thing!’ Other End—“O, please get out of Fort Vancouver and crucified »ome 40 years ago. there as soon aa possible!" Never fear, little city gny. You need City Swell—“Sure, Mike, I will.” "Out in the wisids!” Now wouldn’t have no hesitancy in coming to Ia-nta. that jar the fortification* at Fort The |>eople out hen- are so peaceful that Stevens? Wonder what some of the city you couldn't stir up a fight in a forthight bnil chap* would say if they were ever ami th«- services of only one man is re­ east into the midst of a timliered area, quin«! to keep the civilised babarians in where common sense anil pluck offered a state of peace and contentment. the only medium of outlet. Some of Tliere is a n«-ed of more real «silication those jake* think that when they get out in the city, or else the new branch in­ of sight of a 12-*tory building ami a sane Asylum at Pendleton is badly need­ paved street that they are in the woods. ed. No. 31 GEN FRAL OREGON LENTS DEMOCRATS IS REVELATION WILL ORGANIZE Portland Business Men En- Local Supporters of Democ­ Route To Lakeview Find racy and Woodrow Wilson Vast, undeveloped Empire Will Form Active Club— —Other Oregon Items. To Organize Soon. Last Sunday’s Excursion to Mrs. C. A. Daniels and Pu­ pils Entertain at Excellent Bull Kun Postp-uu-d Till Musical—Refres h m e n t s Next Sunday, Aug. 25— Served Guests. Special Leaves at 9 A. M. Owing to the continual* rain last week and the threatening weather con­ dition* Saturday morning, the ladies of the Women of Woodcraft In charge of the Bull Hun excuraion and picnic de­ cided to poatpone the aarne until Sun­ day, August 2fi There ia every indication of plcaaaiit weather for the next Sntxiay and then- la but little doubt but what the special tram to Bull Kun Bark will carry aever- al hundred |>vop1e The Lents Concert bund will ac­ company the excuraion aa formerly an­ nounced and will furniah excellent mu- ■ic for the occasion. Tin- excursion will I»' run <al and the mcmlier- of the order ill charge are In-tiding every vllort to secure a good at­ tendance, Ticket- an- now on -al.- at various plaiw in la-nta. Hound trip ticket- arc >0 cents for adult* and cent- for i hildren. Vol. 10. — Bradley m Chicago New*. HOW ABOUT THE GRESHAM YOUNG COMMERCIAL CLUB PEOPLE MARRIED Earl Thompson ami Miss I-ottie Baris, How about the lienta Commercial Club? From all appearances the busi- two |M>pular am! highly re*j»-«-t»-1 young men of Lenta are satisfied with condi­ [w-ople of G n—ham. w«-n-united in mar- tions as they are. It appears that r ag«- at the home of the bride'» parents, business conditions, municipal and gov­ Gre*l am. Wednesday evening at 7:30 ernmental affairs are goal enough as p. m. The ceremony was performed by they are. From the attitude of the Rev. J. W. Freacoin, of Kalama. Wash., Lents business man it must be that he a cousin of tile groom. is contented and happy in the present The coOph* was married in front of state an«l desire* nothing in the way of the parlor tire place, th«- room being increas«i business, better government leantifully dci-orau-d with golden rod, and iietter town improvements, it i a> h-rns ami rows. The bride wa.- neatly an old saying that nothing stands still attired in whit«- and carri««! a lieatitiful and that it is a law of nature that any­ Itoquel of white carnations. The groom thing must either go forwards or back­ wa* dn-aaed in the usual black. There wards. hence it is plain that unless were no attendants and the couple there is a greater ard a unit«! effort marched unattended to the strains of a put forth by Lents citizens we are liable we lding march played by Miss Florence to be subject««! to the backward way of Fieldhouse, who also caught the bride's traveling. boqnet. Let’s get out of the old rut and quit The ceremony was witness««! by 100 singing the same old song. Let’s get guests and all partook of a three-course busy and organize a real, live commer­ lunch, after which the bride and grixini cial club and start something in Lents. left for Portland in an auto. Later they Once it ia started right nobody can stop will spend a few days at th«- Welches re­ it sort. after which they will locate in ei­ ther Eugene or Tillamook, where Mr. Thom|>son will engage in the electrical business. The couple enjoys a large circle of riends and were the recipients of many beautiful presents. W. 0. B. C. EXCURSION TO ESTACADA BAND CONCERT HEARD BY MANY PEOPLE Portland, Aug. 20—Touring Interior Ixs:al Democrat* are not to be out­ Oregon this week is a big party of rep­ done by their brethren throughout tbe resentative Portland husines« men, who state in boosting Woodrow Wilson's are making an automobile excuraion to candidacy for president and are arrang­ Lakeview under the auspices of tbe ing for tbe organization of a Wilson Portland Commercial Club. Every­ club. Prominent Democrat* have had the where along the line they are being ac­ proposition in view for several days and corded every possible courtesy and Cen­ the club will soon become a reality as a tral Oregon’s well known hospitality is meeting of all Wilson supporters will tie lieing extended. call«! within a few days and tbe work To the visitors the trip ia a veritable of forming a permanent organization vovage of dtooovcry. Many have never will lie launched. As yet a suitable bu filing or room s««n this great stretch of undeveloped has not been secured ami that will be e> untrv before and to them the sight of one of the first considerations. If there the farm« lieing carvel out'of this new is a Wilson supporter in Lents wbo has territory, many of them Ijearing their a place suitable for club headquarters first crops this year, is a revelation. and will make the fact known it will be Certain it is that Portlahder* will have greatly appreciate-! by the local disciples i of democracy. As soon as a room is se­ a tsrtter understanding of that great cured it will be equipped and plenty of country after this excursion. reading material and campaign litera­ Women physicians of the state will ture will he provid«!. Tbe club will do the scoring at the Eugenic» Exposi­ also see to it that lenta is visit«! by a tion at the Salem State Fair. This is number of prominent speakers during really a »cientific baby show and phy­ the campaign. They wil! also use every sical perfection will determine the win­ possible influence in convincing voters ners. Each judge will »core certain that Wilson and his principles are the qualities an- Owing to lack of -pace this week we lialie«i an otii«* in Ia-nts. The new office will be in the Lents Hardware Co. with are compel!«! to omit many items of M. K. H«lge a.» agent. In addition to interest. It is necessary to fill up with the handling of regular expreee mcney ads once in awhile, however, as they are n««l«l to buy machine oil. orders will be issu«l. UP-TO-DATE MILLINERY PARLORS OPENED The “Win One Bible Class" of the Evangelical Sunday School have an-1 nounced their third annual excursion to Estacada for Monday. Sept 2. This year it promised to surpass even the previous excursions both in size of crowd and in the rousing good time. ' i’lie regular Tuesday evening conceit If you want to know how much that was render«! this week by the Ix-nts means, just ask any of those who have t’oucert Band under direction of Prof. Tbielke and was listened to by a larg«- gone on the other two. The special train leaves Lents station number of Lents |s-ople and wa» appre- 9 o’clock Labor Day morning and goes ciated by all. Owing to th«- fact that many of the direct to Estacada—a l-eautiful two- hour ride through some of the finest members of th«- organization are enjoy­ scenery in Oregon. Everyone will be ing their annual outing only about half provided with seats, and there will be the boys were present Tuesday evening plenty of chance to get something to | and th«- aehictiona rendered were not up eat. The afternoon will be fill«! to , to the usual standard. Next Tuesday the brim with s|>orts for everyone. evening it is hoped to have a full attend­ The park, with its delightftul paths ance and regular concert will be rendered anti the clear waters of the Clackamas at the usual hour. Thursday evening. August 29th, the in the ravine below afford less strenu­ ous means of diversion for those who band will render a conivrt in the Isis do not care for the sports. In case of Theatre and on that evening the organi­ rain the events will take place in the zation will lie heard at it » ls«st. The large pavillion, so there will be plenty proce«i8 will Is- use«! in «lefraying the to do whatever the weather. The re­ regular expense«, turn trip will be made shortly after I sundown, enabling the picnicers to get home at a seasonable hour. A special excursion rate of 7Bc for adults, 60c for children will be given. Get your tickets from any member of the "Win One Class," and don’t for­ get the day—Monday, Sept. 2nd. No new developments have couie to; light in the explosion that kill«! Percy ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Warren, and U> all appearanc«-s the af­ fair will always lx- enshroud«! in WANTED. Two dogs, a list fight betw«>en two , < i mystery and never solve«!. The Herald iieighlsira and than a law suit offer* a do««, not know whether Sherifi Stevens sufficient text for a moral: "Don’t let ■ is still inv«-stig*ting the affair or not. your dogs jeopardize the friendship be- twi-en you ami your neighbor.” On August 12 E. H. Brunke and Dr. Emma F. A. Drake, a not«! lec- Names of IOOO Ex-Kanaan's. ’ ’ turer and «iuattor of Denver, Col., will Ernest Duren, two highly reejss-table Address. H. A. Damali, Lents ¡ [ deliver one of her famous lestnres in the lent* residents, engaged in an alterca­ "Doc” McKinley reports from Du- < ' I lent* Friend* Church Friday evening, tion as a result of a mix-up lietween their Oregon. < • Aug. 2:1. Mothers ami girls over 12 dogs. The Herald will not entter into buqe, Iowa, to which place he made an the details of the case, other than to slionkl not fail to hear her. overland trip by wagon. LENTS RESIDENT DIES SUDDENLY EXPRESS OEEICE • ESTABLISHED HERE CAUSE OE EXPLOSION STILE UNSOLVED I TWO DOGS, A FIGHT, THEN A LAW SUIT state Brunke knocktsi Duren down with a blow to the jaw and floor«! him again with another well direct«! blow. Duren ha-1 Brunke arrest«l and a jury trial was damande«! before Justice Tobin’s court. Tlie particulars of the case were related before the jury, who brought in a ver­ dict of guilty, but recommended mercy for the defemlant. Brunke wm fined five dollars and costs.