— ------------------ PROFITABLE MANAGEMENT OF SMALL FLOCK OF GRADE EWES Farmer« and Merchanta Write um for our cash offer on your E m rm uiui Dairy Produce. If we don't handle it will refer you to re­ liable buyer. pea RHON-PAGB CO. r<»rilsnd. Or«*«»«. I One of Dnlnlieat of Animals Will Live and Grow Fat. Where Cow Would Starve to Death—Aim to Have I.ambs Come tn January or February, the Fnrlier the Better V R* ■1’MTtlN Àmrsr •■’1 <%«mle«’| •»*•»• |>ri»r«i Gold. Hlhwr leel li G..ht, Nil«»». Itoi Ih.I.L Qtet L m or i'«>pp»r. |1 M«IlIHf ••»«•»!«■»»••• id tuli prl>'o liai f»n* ou ai*i»licollua. Co«Mrul a»4 vmiil** li.,»»—«1 !€*■/•• »>!»■ ■• < k«i I h >ual« »Mal Itoufc- FOR SALE 2000 Nharaa World Ke«pfr«»»h ( onipany RI' m I i al I.' ùU por «bar» if lak«m ai un««*- i*ar vaio» IIO.UO. J m rartfuaoii. '<¿41 Worla bottia at Drug & Gan’l Stör«« Painless Dentistry la onr grl« f tin«! anywhrvrn. «n lualtor how m«ch yua pay. Coiupnre our tt«*fl«iah n>a«a ard bruì»* work 'oi i»< of town «>at«<»n« u <>na «tgy (f Hv«ir»l. I'aiair^a «itrartioa fr-'» when I or l>rld*t* work ia ortlrr •d. CaasuHation tr«a* MelarCraan« $5.00 22k and». Two.4. CO .‘Ullnf. 1.00 (atm«! Fillinf« 1.00 Silver Flllmf« .60 Q«o4 Rubber 5.00 7.60 Paint««« Eifr'»;®« .50 fi t«w uriMitn«« ia raantaa BUT METHODS All work fully »uarantnwd f«r f.ftwwa y«ara. Wise Dental Co.,i»e- Painless Dentists Miss Bslldlss, Third «nd WsthlnstM SOSTt ANO ORg OKU A. M. to • 2. M. Baa«**«. • N4 9 OUT OF TOWN PEOPLE ran •scalva nromr» traat- a>»»r- inanrnt relief. Let thia gwat natura healer dia*- now your vai** and pmacrlb« ann>a rnnif*«ly whow action •« quick, aur« and anfn. Ilia prrarrlptlong • llarka that have l>arn gathered from every quar­ ter of thn «lol»«. The Mvx-retB of thrw medlrito'S aw not known 'o fl.«......... Ida world Im bar«........ .. handed down from father to eon iu the phyalolaaa* families ia China. CONMJLTATVON FREE. Tf yon live out of town and cannot call, write for symptom blank and oirualar, enclosing 4 <*eata in at am pe THE C. 6EEW0 CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 162| first St., Cor. Morrison PortlsMl. OrsgM. Golden Rod Oats. Golden Rod Pancake Floor. igoitirn nnrai riasrs. Golden lioa Rod Wheat Flakea. Ralston Select Bran. Golden Rod Wheat Nuta. Golden Rod Chick Food. SHE BLAMES “SPIRIT WIFE” HOW TO MAKE GOOD CAMERA If you want a camera simply for andscape work, or. In fact, any class if photography which doos not require J. Rorrmd lland Machlrv ■ "snapshot,” you will find it no great rouble to make one for yourself, • ” s»«« h *titf*d rnune». bollar», »awfnilla. «rtr Tha J > Martin io.. 74 lai rblch will produce results more pleas- MU l’uri land. Hand tur Htucli I lai and pricau. ng lu mauy ways than those of the ln- trumanis which you can buy. W.w, U m M mc M It la necessary first to fix upon the PANAMAS 4to picture which you want to make, wtt«u to wttoio electlug some standard size in order hat plates aud paper may be obtained siywbere where photographic supplies tu sold; the "four by five" aaswors beso requirements, aud the dimon- of i>ri«-a. Mutar rafundad durwhl» alyllah hai r<*r Ib» ilons here given aro suitable for a |Ou ei>e*|irfe Àd'lteee M. (' Il Mo«ia*»iPitM liât o coated wllth a dead black paint, lloat raaulta fuaranUMii. *otb inside end out, and if any cracks ’«T ippear along the joints they must bo l’.-L Build's, Seattle Hied with putty before painting; ihould any light enter the camera oth- ir than through the lens, tho picture The Henna Plant Everywhere in lower Egypt the hen­ Vould be spoiled. laty tho plate holder against the na bush grows. It attains a height of Ipen end of the box, and mark on the seven feet and bears a multitude of 1 projecting top and bottom of the box snowy tufts. The virtues of henna are chanted by all mouths and Ils tawny tinge Is seen around the eyes, in the nostrils, and on the hair of east­ ern women. The henna paste Is made by rolling the dried leaves and soak­ ing them In liquid drawn from another shrub.—Harper’s Weekly. Origin of "Mutt.” "Mutt” is a contraction of "mutton- head," a term applied In ancient times to a stupid fellow, equivalent to "dun­ derhead" and "puddln’hcad.” An old publication has it that "Columbus taught a parcel of ’muttonheada* that an egg might be poised on the smaller •nd.” t -9 2000 «¡unimol Idil>a|a. prbitud «a y«f land adjoining my farm which was. ‘o say the least, one of the worst run- lown pieces of land In the country, with noxious weeds of all kinds, the turdock being very rank. I turned in my sheep and In a few weeks they had the burdock eaten 'Ight Into the ground. The sheep, while It Is one of the laintlest of animals, will live and [row fat where a cow would starve to loath. I usually m»k« two cullings >f my flock each year; one In the iprlng and one tn the fall. In the spring I cull out all the ewes hat do not bring lambs or those :hat do bring them and for some settee fail to raise them, unless those »wee are of extra quality and promise well In the future. In the fall I cull out and ship off I til the old and weak ones, also fatten ,tnd ship the wether lambs during the 'all and winter, thus my spring cull- ng Is light and my fall culling heavy. However, I consider both Important 1 make a point to always buy the »est registered rams I can find. There ia nothing gained In using a “cheap ram" on a flock of grade ewes. If you want to raise early lambs, that is, winter lambs, you must be thoroughly prepared and clearly tin- lerstand the business. It means sleep- | less nights, nursing bottles and warm J blankets. But lambs usually bring a food price in the market, which I think pays for the trouble of raising them. I alm to have my early lambs come In January and the first ot February— the earlier the better. My ewes are kept In good, thrifty condition, both before lambing and after. Here is where many fall to have what 1s called ’’good luck" with sheep. I se many flocks after they bring their lambs, either early or late, turn­ ed out in the early spring and that Is »11 that Is thought necessary. Conse­ quently they become thin in flesh and run down from sucking. Thus, when the breeding season eomes again, they are In no shape for •ervlce. and If they do get with lamb . «t all, the chances are they will bring •xactly wh«*re tho edges of the plate lolder come, wooden cleats are then o be nailed along these marks, as ihown. As it Is Impossible to make » light-tight joint In this manner, «trip*» of felt or of black velvet should be glued along the elges. so that the plate holder ia Inserted with some dltnculty. Ill the exact center of the front of he camera bore a three-quarter Inch Stole Then take a pjece ot tin about one inch square and dAit the center with an awl until a slight projection appear» upon the other side; tite this projection until the metal is very thin Force No. 8 needle through this thinned portion, and round out the role by revolving the needle and draw- Ing It In and out; this hole is the tens of the camera, and upon the care with which It Is made uepeuda the ex alienee of the results. The camera is now completed, with he exception of a tinder; this may b provided by drawing lines, aa shown in the aket< h, u|4>n tho top and oni aide of the box; the distance between th« ends of the top linen should eqiui the length of the plate and between the ends of the lines on the side tb* distance should correspond with the plate width. Each pair of lines come Trnvellng Timtu-r Utiyem Buy together at a point which la in th« Them Up for Munuiuiture of center of the corresponding edge ol Tool llondlea—They Should be Spared. the back. a weak lamb, "Bad luck” follows oi course. You can plainly see that the real trouble lies In their care and hand­ ling at all times. They must be made to take plenty of exercise and not be housed until just before lambing time, except In stormy weather, then It Is well to have a shed provided for them to go under during the summer storms. When lambing time comes I watch rny ewes very closely and am obliged to be with them both day and night almost continually. Of course at this time I keep them in a good, warm barn. I fence off little pens about six feet square and put a ewe and her lambs In by themselvee for two or three days until the lambs have become strong enough and sufficiently acquainted with their mother to know her and find her when turned in with a num­ ber of ewes and lambs In a large place provided for them In the barn. Of course talking about winter lambs may seem a little out of season now, but now Is the proper time to be thinking of that very thing for It will not be many months before the breed­ ing season will be here and then If the flock is not In proper condition for breeding, the winter lamb business will prove a failure. It Is an excellent plan for every farmer to put up every fall a quantity of oats straw to help out In carrying the sheep through the winter. Wheat straw will answer the purpose but It Is not as good as oats straw. Of course straw Is not an Ideal feed for sheep. It contains little nutri­ ment. but not much and a great deal of food fiber, but clean oat straw fed sparingly In connection with roots or other succulent feed helps out won- derfully. Placed In the rack with clover hay It will be pretty well eaten up every day and it undoubtedly saves some grain. Where a farmer has plenty of grain and little roughage oat straw will help to piece out the ration admfrably. If fed In large quantities It will almost certainly produce stomach trouble and this should always be avoided. DESTRUCTION OF FORAGE-PLANT OLD FRUIT TREES SEEDS IMPORTED MARKER FOR A BLACKBOARC (By J. H. HAYNES.) There seems to be a disposition on Draws Number of Parallel Lines al the part of the farmers to ostracize the old standbys of years ago. It One Sweep------ Distance Between teems like a sacrilege to do so. Crayons Is Regulated. Some traveling timber buyers went A blackboard marker, by meant | »ver our country buying old' apple of which a series of parallel lines trees for the manufacture of tool __ r be __________________________ may drawn at one movement, ___‘ hai handles. . Their story was that tho been designed by a New York man" '’r<’ worthless for fruiting and The chalks are Inserted in holder» they paid would replace the that are mounted on a lazy-tongs and trees with young stock. he lazy-tongs are slidably mounted li | he grandfather of the writer the slots of a bar, which In turn ii Planted an orchard (seedlings) 80 j years ago. He gave his children the privileges of choosing a tree and nam­ ing It. One of the boys called his tree ¡"Bill's Apple.” This tree is still living and bearing. So Is the boy who named it. 1 One other of these seedlings that was top-grafted with the Pound Plp- pin Is still bearing. Enough wood was taken front these two old trees to make a gavel to be used by the pre- ildlng officer at the annual meeting of the descendent of the old pioneer. | Last August over 200 of these chil­ dren and grandchildren met to com­ memorate the memory of the planter of these two old trees and this gavel was presented to the society. Some four or five miles from where these trees stand Is a pear orchard all seedlings planted at the same time by Blackboard Marker. mother pioneer named Harter. These set In a U-chaped frame—the framt trees are In fair condition yet, and having a handle at the back. Te reg although seedling«, the fruit Is good. ulate the distance between the Cray Our motto Is spare the old lanrf- ons, which means to regulate th< ' marks. A young tree six years old space between the lines they draw that grew from a graft from a tree the lasy-tong.-i are either extended oi 276 years old bore an apple last year contracted, ns the cnse may be. Then «nd we are sure the fruit was of the are screws to keep them rigid In anj name quality, appearance, etc., as the position desired. It Is easy to under fruit that grew on the original tree in stand the convenience of a device Ilk« the orchard at Boston, Mass. this for y se tn the school roon Grope Cuttings. In dividing the blackboard Into ver Plant grape cuttings In the spring deal or horizontal spaces, or lnt« as early as the ground can bo worked. souares. e The uncanny influence of a "spirit wife" is said to have been responsible for the divorce action which Mrs. Wil­ liam Phelps Dodge has just won against her millionaire husband. The decree, which was signed In Philadelphia, would have been grant­ ed several weeks ago, it is under­ stood, but the judge wanted to make a longer investigation of the unusual charges brought by the girl wife of the widely known author and lawyer. According to the papers in the case, Mr. Dodge, who is forty-eight years old, met bls young bride here at Suer- ry's on election night, 1909. and after an Impetuous wooing, married her in London on January 10, 1910. Prior to that time she and her sis­ ter bad been in the chorus of "Ha­ vana," a musical comedy playing at the Casino. Despite the difference in their ages —the bride was only eighteen—the couple lived happily for a couple of months after the wedding. Then Mrs. Dodge charges that the spirit of Mr. Dodge’s first wife, Ethel, appeared be­ fore him and began to "pick on" her successor. Yeung Mrs. Dodge said that when­ ever she wore a jewel, a veil or any­ thing that the first Mrs. Dodge had possessed, the latter’s spirit would ap­ pear before her husband and demand that he have it removed at once. And. according to the girl-wife, the spirit-wife was always obeyed. This treatment got on the nerves of the youthful Mrs. Dodge Anally, and she packed up and returned to this country, leaving Mr. Dodge In London. Immediately on her arrival here, she applied for the divorce through her mother, as guardian, and charged that cruel, barbarous and inhuman treat­ ment bad been Inflicted upon her by her husband.—New York Evening MaU. Red Cmes Ball Blue gives double value for your money. *oea twice ax far as any other. Ask your grocer. Snow Yourself, Little Marjorie was showing her new birthday toys to grandpa, when her mother told the girl to let grandpa show them to himself. Marjorie was unwilling to do this because she wished to do the exhibiting. Then an idea struck her. "Here, grandpa,” she said, handing him a toy at a time aa she spoke, "show yourself my dolly, 1 show yourself my blocks." And thus she went through the collection.— Judge. ________________ Exponent of Economy. A widely known Republican wa» asked if be was for a certain candF cate for governor, and he answered! "No; I don't want to west« him. Th» situation is like an event in a Dublla theater. Some fellow had made a dis­ turbance in the gallery, and the cry was raised. Throw him over! Throw him over!* Thereupon a solemn-look» Ing man rose from bls seat and In» presslvely shouted: 'Hold on! Don’t waste him! Kill a fiddler with him.’* —Everybody's Magazine. Be thrifty on little thin*» like bluinr. Don’t «* e*Pt water for btuin*. A*«k for Read Cruu B a O Blue, the extra value bine. Courtesy. The knowledge of courtesy and good manners Is a very necessary study, It Is, like grace and beauty, that whlcf begets liking and an Inclination to love on® another at the first sight, and te the very beginning of acquaintance; and, consequently, that which first opens the door and intromits us to in­ struct ourselves by the examples ot others, and to give examples out* selves, if we have any worth taking notice of and communicating.—“Car» mony of Interview •• Vontaigne. Professional Toastmaster». Probably th® most exclusive and myterious profession is that of th* toastmaster at a banquet It is not an all day job, but the function of the supreme man. who can dominate a babbling assembly, anxious for food, and hold them tulth “Pray, my lorde, ladies and gentlemen, silence for grace by ------ " and the reverend gen­ tleman gets up and bleats under th» patronage of the toastmaster.—Londo» Chronicle. That Active Germ. A single germ In a forty-quart can of milk. If the conditions be favorably The Best Way. will divide one® every half hour, so A correspondent wants to know how that at the end of 24 hours it will to pronounce Chihuahua. The best way have Increased to 281,474.976,210.65«. ' ia to say Ch> hewa-hewa and then laugh At the end of the 24 hours one cubto as though you knew better. If it is I centimeter of the contaminated milk done artistically you can get away I would contain more than 7,438.000,00« with it nearly every time. The same germs. This Is the report made by treatment has been frequently applied the New York Milk Committee In th» o decollete with great success. government’s weekly public health ro ports. What's the ”se? Ta Brea* >n New Shoes. Always shake in AUen’r Foot-Ear v, a powder, t cures hot, sweat.ng, acbhig, swollen ieet. lire» corn». In-rowing uails and bunions. A* til pulse and personal feelings. Instead of by thoughtful and careful consider* ation. They do not see what is right because they do not know bow to judge without prejudice.—Our Four* Footed Friends. Preserving the Beaver, The efforts to prevent the exterml- nation of the beaver In the Adlron- dacks have been so successful that there are now more than twenty large beaver colonies on the Raquette river alone, and there Is fear of serious damage to poplar timber through the Activities of the busv little fallows. ,........... T3 DAISY FLY HAKOLD SQMEKo, pl»”»4 anywhere, at*- tracta and kxlis all fl*ee. Neat, cieaa» vm.unental, conven­ ient. cheap. Last« all MAHA. Mad« of metal, can’t «pill or tip over w»¡1 not «©Ll or injure anythin* Guaranteed effective Bold by dealer» os 6 »ent prepaid for IL K4)Dt>Ka2b Ave.. BrocUyi*. W. T. O1FR Prisoner Went on Strike. A “one-man" strike occurred, not long ago. In the Perth (West Aus­ tralia) jail, when a man who is serv­ ing a seven years’ sentence and who was employed in the tailoring room, went on strike on the ground that h* was comretfng unfairly with outsld* trade. Because of his unionistic prin­ ciples he was sentenced to three days* solitary confinement, aud was ordered 'o resume work. For the Hair Are you so fortunate as to be well satisfied with your hair? Is it long enough, thick enough, rich enough ? And your hair does not fall out? Well.well.thatisgood. But you may know of some not so fortunate. Then just tell them about Ayer’s Hair Vigor. They will surely thank you after using it, if not be­ fore. Remember, it does not color the hair. Show the list of ingredients to your doctor. Let him decide their value. He knows. M.S« by th» J C, AY» CO.. ltm.