Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, August 01, 1912, Image 1

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Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
Vol. 10.
No. 28
Local and Personal Items of Lents Business Men Sub­
J. L. Harvey Becomes Own­ County Commissioner Light­
the People In and About scribe Monthly Fund of $50 Petition is Being Circulated to Place Question of Annexation of er of Alfred Baker Home ner Says $800,000 Is Ex­
That Busy and Growing for New Band- Regular
—Other Business and Re­ cessive Price For Top Deck
Lents to Portland Before Lents Voters at Coming Elec­
Concerts to be Rendered.
alty Deals Consummated.
of New Steel Bridge.
tion—Public Sentiment Greatly Divided.
As an appreciation of tlie efforts of tlie
John Dilley baa returned from Seaside >
Tlie modern two-story residence be­
County Commissioner Lightner, ad-
A petition in thn hands of L. A. Mc­ | thing at the present time, and hold
newly organized band in l«nta, tlie bus­ Kinley, of the Brigiit Realty Co., ie be­
where I m - lias bean working.
that the benefits derived from going in­ longing to Alfred Baker and situated on <1 rearing the Rotary Club at its lunchon
Mrs. Mabel Meade haa moved to Port­ iness men and citisens ot the town have ing circulated among the citizens and
South Main St. between die Brock and at the Portland Commercial (3nb Tues­
land where si«- will make her home. subscrilied a fund of $50.00 ¡a-r month voters of I^nts, asking that the matter to the city will more than be off-set in Deaton resiliences, was sold last week day on the subject of bridges, declared
Her address will I m - 121*, Belmont street for a period of three months to assist tlie of annexation of Leota to the city of 1 increased taxes end additional burdens. to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Harvey, of that he believes $N i O,O ij O to be an ex­
Tls-re will be a demonstration of I organisation in carrying out its objects, Portland be sobmltted to the people at
Aside from those who favor annexa­ Laurel, Ore.
Tlie purchase price lias cessive valuation on which to base tla-
The raising of this fund came as a re­ the November election.
aluminum ware Friday afternoon in the i
tion and those who directly oppose the not lieen made public, but is said to liave rental chargee for the use of tlie upper
sult of a request of lire liand that some
Grange flail.
Thu figure is deck of the new Steel bridge, in spite of
The work of circulating the petition movement, there is snotber faction or lieen about $6000.00,.
Mias Margaret Dickey, of Portland, assistance is- given from a financial was started this week, and up to the set of people, who believe in forming a said to cover the residence and a tract the rise in tbe cost of strnctiira) steel
was U m - guest of Mias Lizsie Halliday viewpoint, and accordingly a committee time of going to press many signatures separate corporation and allowing the of ground 80x113 feet. In tbe transfer within the past few years.
He held
<•<,n11><>«••<I o( Prof Tl.n lk-- F K l’<-h-r- of local voters were affixed thereto. taxpayers and citisens of Lents to con­ Mr. Baker secured a tract of ffO acres, that the cost of the upper deck ¿should
last week
Mrs. Bradfield la viaitinglierdaiigliter, son, F. A. Bohna, E. W. Miller, E. L. The petition merely provides for the duct their own municipal affairs. These partly improved, near Laurel.
be compared with the cost of tin- Haw­
Mrs. R. Izunsdownc, at Cottrell thia Rayburn and Dr. O. A, H mm was ap­ placing of the question of annexation people bold tbst there is sufficient tax­
The residence has lieen vacant for sev­ thorne bridge, rather than with the cost
pointed to solicit the necessary funds. before the voters for their rejection or able property in the I^nta district to eral months, owing to the fact that Mr. of tbe new Broadway bridge.
Mrs E, A. Kelly of Montavilla, is Tlie committee went to work last Friday epproval, but it ie self evident that maintain a capable municipal govern­ Baker was a resident of Portland, but it
"This would make the estimate $407,-
visiting her granddaughter. Mias Bt-SSIe morning and asm secured the amount thoee behind the movement ere in ment and provide ah necessary munici­ is one of the most attractive and com­ 000, and, adding $93,000for the increase
as above stated. As yet ail local busi­ favor of annexation and will use their pal improvements.
fortable homes in fjents or the Mt. Scott in the price of steel, we wonld base a
Geo. Parker and family have moved ness men and interested citizens have influence to that end.
Tbe last pulse secured from the I>ents district, and in the near future will round $500,000,” he said. “Five per
to Marshfield for a few months w Itéré not Is-en interested, and when die work
While the petition has lieen signed public indicated that the lines between doubtless sell for a larger figure than cent is too much to pay even upon this
is complete I it is expected that the by several voters, and there is every in­ the three factions were closely drawn, that paid by the new purchasers. Mr. valuation, for plenty of money can be
Mr. Parker haa employment.
Mrs. <>cil Metzger and little (laughter, amount will reach f6o 00. Those who dication that many residents will affix and apparently there has been but little and Mrs. Harvey expect to make it borrowed on public bridge tsmds at 4
of Heaaide, are visiting U m * former's have not yet mibscrils-d towards dds their names thereto, it ie undeniable change since then, unless there is a their permanent home, however, and and 4)i per cent.”
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gullick- fund will either be called upon by the that there will develop a strong opposi­ greater growth of sentiment in favor of are now occupying the same.
Mr. Lightner asaerted that in hi*
i-ommitlee or else they can find die sub­ tion and that a tight to the finish will providing a separate incorporation and
ao n.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey were residents opinion the present system to wrong,
Miaa Grace Lucinda Giese will lecture scription blank at tlie Lenta Pharmacy. ensue, lor there ie heard on every band “paddling onr own canoe.” so to speak' j of Elgin, Or. lor many years, but have an<l that either tbe county should build
Friday night in tlie Commercial.
Blie wliere tliey can contribute whatever expressions Irom prominent people who
Now that the question has again been resided at Laurel the past four years. and operate the bridges, or the city
is not yet seven years old but haa lectured amount they feel able.
oppose annexation and will tight tbs raised there will be no end to the dis­ Tliey are excellent people and are wel­ should do both. Outlinging the history of
The funds are to I m - used in paying movement to the last ditch. The cussion and arguments that will ensue comed to Lents.
many times la-tore.
bridge building in Portland, be quoted
Tlu- Miser* Rosalie and IJUie Lumber Prof. Thielke for instruction, tor pur­ people who are circulating the petition from those wlio bold certain beliefs.
figures from tbe cost of operating three
and Eva Turner visited Gladys M ic I m >1 i chasing music and whatever horns are are people who have the beet interests of
The Herald intends, in the near
Another deal of considerable impor­ county bridges and from th*»*- figures ee-
necessary to <>quip tlie band with first Lenta a v heart and who truthfully be­ future, to afford the people of I^ents with tance in business circles was brought to timtaed tbe coat of operating the upper
on Tuesday.
Mrs. O. A. Eastman haa returned class instruments. Prof. Thielke is lieve that annexation will prove a bene­ much valuable statistics regarding the a close this week whereby A. Brugger span of the new bridge. About $!«J0O a
Irom Salem and lnde|a-ndencr where she charging only $2o.o0 a mondi for his fit to the greatest number of people amount of taxable property in Izents, transfered a half interest in the manage­ year for salaries was tbe expense oo enrh
services, so that die band will have a concerned. On the other band, tbas- and otlier various points of importance ment of the Mt. Scott Bakery to E. A. of the three bridges now operated >»v toe
haa been visiting.
Mr. Henry Dahl of Milverton, la visit­ comfortable amount from which to pay wbo are opposed, do not hesitate in say­ that may liave a tendency to bear on any Wagner. Mr. Bruggerhas been in active county. The total cost of operating tl*-m
other necessary expenses. Any instru­ ing that annexation is not the beet of tlie various questions raised.
ing W. H. Johnson.
management ot that concern for the last year was $81,136.
Mr. and Mrs. J cere Stafford and little ment purchased by tlie liand will lie left
Edward O’Neill was chairman of the
past several years and has made a suc­
daughter, were Gresham visitors Wed­ Miley in tin- hands of the soliciting com-i
cess of the same. He still maintains the day. Mr. O’Neill is the artist of the
inittee and should the band retire from
ownership of tlie property in which the club and one of the amusing features
Earl Burch and wife visited the the field at any time the instruments I
store and liakery are located and will be introduced yesterday was an array of
will I m - left in the hands of this commit- .
former's parents thia week.
a co-partner with Mr. Wagner in tlie caricatures of his fellow ehibmembere,
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Rom have gone to U-e to lie used by any other locai organ­
stock and management. Mr. Wagner which were displaped on the walls of
isation that may come in existence
Rockaway Beach for their vacation.
has been connected with the establish- : the dining-room.
The management of the liand has
Mrs. L. L. Kidder has as gtM-ata Mr.
Little Misa Grace Lucinda Geire, the I Various citizens report that the de- inent for a long time. He is familiar '
and Mrs. K. J. Eaton and little daughter agreed to give regular weekly concerts talented young daughter of Mr. and Mrs I
with the business and will help to main- i
on the buaineas streets, or wherever'
testible dog poisoner is again abroad, tain, if not improve, tbe standard of the j
of Pecatonica, III.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Litth-1-age are I most convenient, in consideration of die | fore tlie Lenta public Monday evening. and as a result no less than 20 dogs have products of that firm.
moving Io Portland‘to-day. Mr Little- monthly danation, and the first concert Aug. 5, in lier lecture on "Home Train- * been poaioned during the past three
will be rendered some time next week.
page has u ¡smition then-.
The giving of weekly e-mcert* will be ing.” The discourse will I m - delivered in weeks, many of them valuable and
W. H. Congdon has sold his hotel to
tssiii to Lenta and all business in-1 Grange Hall and will doubtless attract a highly prized by their owners.
Mrs. Winnie Whalen, from Spokane,
Tom Cowing was among thoee who
Tlie liand is rapidly rounding good audience. MiwGeise is undoubtely
The next annual meeting of the Amer­
who takes poaaemiun today.
tlie youngest lecturer on tbe Pacific i lost a valuable dog and offers a reward
ican Association of Farmers’ Institute
Mias Elisabeth Dougherty, who haa
Coast platform and is interesting
The of $25 for the arrest and conviction of
Workers will be held at Atlanta,
lieen assisting in B. F. Rollinc store, iaens of la-nts will I m - treated to many admission will lie 15 and 25 cents.
the culprit who committed the deed.
Georgia, November 11 to 13, 1912.
haa gone to Portland and Misa Grace
LEWISTON, IDAHO, July 30.— the same place and beginning November
The Cottage Restaurant has reopened
Live business men advertise during
Wolfe, of Sandy, haa accepted the place months.
(Special)—The Lewiston Commercial 13 will be held tbe annual meeting of
under new management.
dull times to make business lively.
in Rollins* store.
Club has launch©-1 a campaign for tbe the Association of American Agricultural
Wla-n the soliciting committee vieited
Mias Clarriaa Haile, Librarian, left
improvement of the upper Snake river Colleges and Experiment Stations.
today for Hood River where she will
to allow for the operation of light draft
Notice has been rent out early in or­
*l>end a part of her vacation and from fund for tlie band they stated that the
gasoline launches. Tbe movement was der that fanners' institute workers in
Uien- b I m - will go to Rainier to a house
inaugurated following an address de­ i arranging their work may have in mind
party and then to the Mountains. Dur­ days from date, and through some min-1
livered before the club by Mayor J. R. the date of this meeting, and so arrange
ing August the library will only la- open
Glover, of Asotin, one of the owners of that it may be poseible for all who are
band started collecting the first month’s
the gasoline boat Prospector, which has interested to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Darnall of Lenta, subscription thia week. As noon as in­
successfully navigated the Snake rivsr
visited Mentis in Gresham last Tuesday. formed that the collections wen- not to
to a point 106 miles above Lewiston.
la- made until 30 days the committee de­
Mice McNeill, of the main library, will
Letters have been sent to tbe Idaho sen­
sisted and no further collection* will be
l»e in the library during Misa Haile’s
ators and congressmen, explaining the
made until the further notice.
navigation situation on tbe upper Snake
Grandma Wiaal, who has lieen visit­
river and requesting them tosecuredata
ing her grandson at Montavilla, has re­
of cost of improvement of the upper
turned to her son's home here.
Snake river to make navagation practic­
Meadames II. H. and W. J. OU were
Cherryville, Or., July 31—E. Henry
able by boats of the Prospector class,
Mrs. H.
of Portland, President of the
Portland visitors Wedni-aday.
using their influence to secure govern­
Portland Auto Club, has erected a num­
II. Ott will leave next week for a visit
ment appropriation for such purpose.
to relatives in Kansas.
The club also appointed a committee ber of arches over the public roads on
Mias Grace Lawrence is able to re­
C. A. I'nx. a signal engineer for the
to secure a state appropriation for the the way to the Mountains with the in­
sume her duties again after a week’s ill- O. W. R. A N. company was seriously
same purpose, all moneys thus secured scription “Private Way—no TrerepsiBs-
How long since has E. Henry
injured in an accident which happened
to be expended under government dir­ ing.”
Miaa Edna Vogel is "¡lending her V8- near the depot there altout 3 o’clock
Wetnme, whoever he is. la-come th«
owner of the Public Highway?
cation at Bea View.
Wednesday afternoon, says the Outlook.
Mr. Cox, A. F. Hainflinand A. 0. Charl­
Mrs. W. U. Burch, accompanied
her daughters, will go to Seaside thia ton, all signal engineers were on their
return to Portland on a s|s-eder, when
week lor an outing.
The home of M rs. L. S. Osborn was the sudden falling down of a eantling
the scene of a very pretty wedding last bar, derailed the car, hurling the men
week when Miss Portia Osborne, eldest violently to the ground, Cox sustained
daughter of Mrs. L. 8. Osborne, and a cut on the back of hie head which may
Mr. Geo. Istver were united in matri­ prove a skull fracture. The man was
(Special)—Crops on the Nes Perce
Miss Myrtle G. Jenkins, daughter of
mony. Mr Laver is a furniture dealer hurried to the city in an auto ambu­
prairie between Vollmer and Nez Perce Mrs. Harriet Jenkins, became the bride
in Carlton, Oregon, at which ¡dace they lance, which arrived 30 minutes after
were damaged this week by hail, the of R. W. Thorp, only son of Mr. and
the accident. He was still unconscious
will make their home.
loss being estimated to reach at least Mrs. F.. L. Thorp, last Sunday. The
when he left here.
Hamlin had his
$75,900. The storm struck the prairie ceremony was performed by Rev. George
We an- all glad to hear that Mrs. Max hand cut, hut Charlton escaped unin­
at the breaks of lawyer’s canyon about F. Hopkin at the Methodist parsonage
Schneider who has been ill for the past jured, Mr. Oox is a single man.
a mile below the railroad bridge and at Gresham at 7 o’clock Sunday even­
week is recovering. Bi.e is at the home home is at Clarney, when* his mother
traveled in a northeasterly direction for ing. The couple was accompanied by
of Mrs. Will Johnson in Portland.
and sisters live. Dr. Hughes of Greah-
a distance of about 5 miles. The width their sisters, Miss Edith Jenkins and
Mrs. Mary Preston of Eagle Creek, am attended the injured man.
of the storm was from a edto to a mile Miss Esther Thorp. Immediately after
and Mr. and Mrs. James Preston and
aad a half and much of the fall grain the ceremony they returned to the bride*»
little aoti, of Berkeley, California, spent
Read the new announcement of The
wa« practically beaten in the ground home, where a reception was held.
Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. A. Thompson. 'l.enta Emporium in this issue of The
and is considered almost a total loss.
The couple left on a wedding trip to
J. H. Hoss had the misfortune to get Herald.
The hail stones were as large as marbles Victoria. B. C.
his foot badly hurt last Tuesday, when a
and much of the hail remained on the
Mr. and Mrs. Thorp expect to reside
loaded wagon ran over it.
ground next morning. While the loss in one of tl»e Sound cities.
Mr. Thorpo
Arthur Regner has aold hie store to
is severe to those farmers immediately is an engineer for the Northern Pacific
< I
A. E. Lindsey, and will now go on tla-
< I
affected, it is estimated that the gen­ Railroad Company.
The bride has
Names of 1OO9 JSaJiansan’a. « ’
road for the Tad System
eral benefit of the accompanying rain lived here for a number of years. The
will far ovarbalance ths injury.
groom lived many years in Gresham.
Mrs Ray Todd was given a very
Address, H. A. Damali, Lanta
< »
pleasant surprise last Friday evening
I » Oregon.
< >
when a number of friends presented her
Mrs. M. M. Eaton is visiting a sister
Mrs. McMonagle haa gone to Newport,
Copyright by American Press AaaueMtmi.
with a brans fern bowl.
in LaCamas, Washington.
Oregon, on business.