"Jumbo Jum” is the title of a pro­ duction to bo staged at the Isis Wed­ nesday evening, July SI. Kight char­ acters make up the cast and a good laugh is in -tore for all who attend. Admission 5c and 10c. Fred Hoes «as down from Gresham Mias Alice R*ny 1 Multnomah State Bank, is enjoying a much needes! vacation and rest. He and other business. Lent* people are anxiously awaiting will not resume his duties until July 31. the time a hen th«will lie favored by His position is being tilled bv A. M. La Brant, formerly ot Lawton, N. D., anotixr concert from the local band. but now of Portland. Mr. Brant has Don't fail to ait ad the boxing ami been engaged in the bankiug buainess wn ling touritem« ut in Grange Hall. for a number of years and is thoroughly Mo-lay evening ur ier the auspices of acquainted with the work. th« ent- Athlet . Club. Free concert Drive dull care away by spending an by I«nte Concert and. Mr. and Mrs os. Cowing and chil­ evening at the Isis Theatre. George Olson, a Portland tailor, was dren have returned from an outing at Tillamook. bey made the trip in in this city Wednesday visiting with his their Overland auto and report and en­ oi l friend, Joo. Schweitzer. joyable time. Hayden Havel is the name given the Remember the social dance in Grange new 9 lb. boy that appeared at the home Hall next Saturday evening The beat of Mr. and Mrs. H. Miller on July 17 of music and a general good time us- The members of the Evangelical Sun­ sured all. day School enjoyed a picnic Tuesday. LOCAL NEWS AND TOWN HAPPENINGS Summary Of Senator Bownw't Parcel Po«t Bill Foetal rat«*, on parcels vary with diet- ance, thus protecting local merchant« end competing with exprew companies. Th ini and fourth claaatw of matter are combined. A special rate of one rent an ounoe up Co four ounce* in provide«! for circular, and .mall |>ackages of goods. Rate, an* as follows: Local, city and rural delivery only, ft rente tor the tiret pound and one cent for each additional pound. Within 50-mile zone, 6 rente for first pound and 2 rents for each ad-titional pound. Within 200-mile son«*, 7 rente for tiret pound an«i 3 rent« for «<«ch additional pound. Within 600-mile rone, 8 rent» for the first ,«ound and 4 cents for each addition­ al pound. Withiu 1000-tn lie sone, 11 rents for the first pound an«l 7 cents (or each additional pound. Within 2000-mile sone, 12 cents for the first pound and 10 rente for each addi­ tional pound Outside 2000-mile sone, 12 rente for . the first pound an«! 12 «*ente for each additional pound. Thee«* rates are leased upon a careful computation of the actual cost of collect ing, distributing and delivering packag»«, I plus actual cost of transportation. Weight limit 11 pounds, and maximum charge 12 rente, the international limit The affair was held in the grove where Mrs. J. E. Carter has been visiting at Beaverton for the past several days with the Oregon City road crosses Johnson and rate. her mother. J. E. has been doing the creek and was highly enjoyed by all, and especially the youngsters. batching act since her absence. Washington. June 10th—The situation I. F. Coffman, the well known Lents The excursion advertiseil for Bull Run at the National Capital looks very favor- Democratic warhorse, attended the rati­ todav baa been postponed until Tuesday, able for the enactment of a parcel poet fication and jollification meeting of the July 30th. Roundtrip tickets will sell disciples of Jefferson in Portland last for 50c and children will be carried for bill on the zone sj stem such as provid«>d Thursday evening. He reports an en­ half fare. Refreshments will be served in the Bourne Bill. The unsatisfactory thusiastic meeting. during the day. Special cars will leave provisions of the House Bill, the unwill­ The rain Sunday morning was wel­ Grand Avenue and Hawthorne at 8:15 ingness of Congress to undertake the comed by all and served to relieve the a. m. Tickets can be secured at The plan of government ownership ot the1 Herald office. extreme hot spell. express companies, and the insistence of A nice roomy bouse ia being built on Editor and Mrs. H. A. Darnall are th«- fieople of the country that a real spending the week at Tillamook, enjoy­ Sixth Ave., South, by a Mr. Ward. effective parrel post law shall be enacted, Thad C. Reynolds and family, who ing an outing and short recreation. are the circumstances which make it very E. W. Miller returned Wednesday from have been residing in Lenta for the past probable that a zone system will be a short business visit to Eugens and three months, have moved to their adopted. farm beyond Beaverton. Springfield. The House parcel post bill has not met1 Mrs. Rife and children are taking a approval from any quarter. It is a fiat­ The social dance given in Grange Hall last Saturday evening was fairly well at­ two weeks vacation visiting relative« rate bill at the rate of 12 rents a pound regardless of distance. L'nderthe House tended and highly enjoyed by those and friends at Middleton. Mrs. La Drew Barnum and sister bill a man who sends a pa« kage of 1 i present. The music was furnished by Prof. Tbielke's five-piece orchestra and Mary Keensman, of Moro, Ore., visited ounce to 11 ounces through the mails ! was of an order that elicited general at the borne of their aunt, Mrs. Elwood, would be compelled to pay 12 rente. postage whereas he now pays I cent an praise from all. Another dance will be who lives at Ninth Ave. ounce postage. Since the House rate ia given next Satuiday evening and the Mrs. Earnest Mass and Mrs. Viola music will be the same. Tickets will Godfrey, of Oregon City, visited with regardless of distance, it would cost 12 be 60 cents and all are invited to attend. Mrs. Hogue Monday. The former is rente to send a 1-ounce package from ! Portland to Vancouver the same as to Guy Rogers, a well known Lents the wife of Sheriff Mass and was a pu­ send a 1-pound package from Portland, young man. is among the members of pil of Mrs. Hogue's many years ago, the Portland Y. M. C. A. who are en­ while the latter is an old school mate Oregon to Porilan«!, Maine. It iscertain joying their annual outing at Mt. St. and is principal of one of the Oregon that if the House rates should be adopt­ ed, there would be great dissatisfaction Heler s. The party is composed of sev­ City public schools. next December, when p«*ople would send j eral young men and boys and will camp large numbers of Christmas present« for about two weeks. Doing hard work in a bent or stooping through the mails at the 12 cents a Mrs. Stillwell has retired from the position puts a stich in the back that is pound rate. 1’nder the Bourne Bill, the restaurant business and the doors of painful. If the muscles have become highest rate for the longest distance is 12 , the Hou e restaurant will not be opened strained, you can’t get rid of it without cents a pound an«l this diminishes to an f again under her management. It is help. The great penetrating power of average rate of a little over 2 cents a thought that a new proprietor will soon BALLARD’S SNOW LINIMENT will pound for the 50-mile zone. be in charge. Mrs. Stillwell says that There is considerable sentiment the prr fits derived are not sati-factory, appeal to yon moat strongly at such throughout the East in favor of govern­ times, breause it is the very thing you hence her retirement. need. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 per ment ownership of the express compan­ ies, but this is opposed by men who be­ Nellie Kilborn, who sustained a bottle. Sold by I>ente Pharmacy. lieve that ts-cause of its already exten­ broken collar bone several days ago, has sive organization for the handling off sufficiently recovered to return home Th« Family Skeleton. from the Good Samaritan Hospital. Hatcher—Isn’t Jones wife thin and mails, the government can easily extend Bert Wilberg and family are occupy­ skinny? Seratcher—Yes; she's the one its service to cover a parcel post without) ing the residence owned by Mrs. Mc­ family skeleton he can’t keep In the buying the proj>erty, gfxxi-will and con tracts of the express companies. Dowell on Foster road. Mr. Wilberg is closet—National Monthly Since the Bourne Bill has been worked the gentleman who recently purchased out with the cooperation of the Po«^ the interests of the E. W. Miller Lum­ Try an Electric Milk Shake at Lam­ Office Department and is known to be on ber Co. bert & Thompson's tf. a self-sustaining basis with rates varying Miss Winona Anderson has returned with distance ami service rendered, Mail Carriers Will Fly from Scotts Mills, where she has been thereby giving the country merchant This is an age of great discoveries. visiting Ir ¡ends the past three weeks. legitimate protection, tnere is a general Progress rides on the air. Soon we may The city is laying pipe and putting in feeling that it will have the support of see Cncle -am's mail carriers dying in al) fire hydrants every few blocks in the those who desire an effective parrel poet directions, transporting mail. People Grave Crossing district. law The House provision for the take a wonderful interest in a discovery The horse bitched to Howe’s delivery that benefits them. That’s why Dr. appointment of a Commission to study wagon at Grays crossing, became King's New Discovery forCoughs, Colds, the subject is looked upon as newlless frightened this morning and ran away and other throat and lung diseases is the delay not Ijkely to result in a more satis­ running into a water ditch the horse most popular medicine in America. ‘‘It factory plan than S«-nator Bourne has fell. A smell boy was in the wagon but cured me of a dreadful cough,” writes worked out with the assistance of the was not hurt and the wagon was not Mrs. J. F. Davis, Stickney Corner, Me . Poet Office Department. damaged. “after doctor's treatment and all other EVANGELICAL CHURCH Mrs. E. M. Hogue and daughters, remedies had failed.’ For coughs, Services at the Evangelical church will Caro), Evelyn and Helen, spent the colds or any bronchial affection its un­ Sunday week end at the The Dalles visiting equaled Price 50c and $1.00. Trial be an follows next Sunday: School 9:45 a m. Sermon to mothers at hottie free at all dealers. with Mr. Hogue. 11 a. m. Jnnior Y. P. A. at 6 p m, % Yonng People’s meeting at 7 p. m Ser­ I mon at 8 p. m. Under New Management The Meat Market formerly conducted by Martreude is now under new management and conducted under rules of the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Work­ man of North America, A. F. of L. All meats are the best that can be obtained and our prices are right. We cater to all classes and invite a share of your patronage MOONLUHT EXCURSION. On request of a number of those who! went on. their excursion )a«t summer,, the “Boosters” of the Evangelical! church, have decided to repea' the af­ fair this year. The large finely furnish­ ed launch, Eva, has been chartered for the evening of Friday, July 26. She leaves the dock at the we«t end of Hawthorne bridge at 7:30 p. in. A program will lie rendered, refreshments served and another good time assured. Proceeds go to help pay sul>scriptton to the new chnrch fund. Everybody invit­ ed. Tickets 50 cents. Tabor—969 Pitone« B 2509 U. €. Blrnev, m. D. Mcrtreud’s Old Stand Portland, Main St. Tools and Cutlery It is the Tools you use that puts you on the payroll. Inferior Tools might loose you your job With “Stilleto” Tools, Never! Hand and Machine Needles All kinds of needles—both hand and machine —for your every want. Also a full line of bobbins and sewing accessories. Needlee. Shuttle« and Bobbin« for uee in All Makes of Sewing Machine«. Oregon Quench your thirst with an Electric i Milk Shake. Lembert A Thompson, j • tf This line is com­ plete and we can supply you to the smallest detail. Protect Your Home From The Weather King by using Phoenix Pure Paint, “Western Made for Western Trade.” Re­ member the name, it carries an absolute guarantee. We carry 30 shades in stock We are Headquarters for Builders’ Hardware, Tools Paints, Oils, Glass, Screen Doors, Varnishes, Stains, Wall Paper, Building Paper, Plumbing goods, Fishing Tackle, and in fact everything to be found in a Metropolitan Hardware Store. Lents Hardware Co. Comer Main and Car Line Both Phones Lents, Oregon New Dishes are the delight of all good Housekeepers The Herald has a special offer that should interest everybne who wants a new set of dishes, without the expenditure of a cent of money, Call at once and list yourself as a candidate for one of these beautiful 42 piece sets. • • Beautiful Omamen- mental plates given away for subscrip­ tions or renewals Call at The Mt. Scott Publishing Co. for Further Information 1092*t Hawthorne Ave. R. GOLDT, Prop. We Sell and Guarantee