Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, July 25, 1912, Image 7

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    Farmer» and Merchant«
Writ« us for our cash offer on your
Farm and Dairy Produce.
If we
don't handlo it will refer you to r«-
llabl« buyer. pe ARHON-PARK CO.
>’<» lUod. OrrguH.
UnlbuBiatum-on the Part of th« Beginner is All Right, But
Patience, Sound Thinking and Hard Work are
th« E«s«otiulii—Not th« Easy Occupation
That Many Believe.
IHH7. Quality «ml U»w prie«*«
What Is a “tonic”? A
medicine that increases the
strength or the tone of the
whole system. What is an
“ alterative”? A medicine
that alters or changes un­
healthy action to healthy
action. Name the best “tonic
and alterative”? Ayer’s Sar­
saparilla, the only Sarsapa
rillaentirely free from alcohol.
Ask your doctor about it.
for aalbnala«
for L m - m I »tn»nt wh«*r« w«
«><■ t...t rupr«M»nt«M|. refait .
. quirvl
Barton«« n«M«Mu»ary.
I*a«»llr Marble A GraniU
Wvrka. IIT7-7F-M Valentìa Ml.. Nan Francisca, Cal.
paro fur pualikxv» m tel«« r «ph utp*rNt«>r<« fui
nrar-bf rnilrwla and CH y tetoitfapn comparii«»,
fuarnnt«MNÌ punitions
<«) to fJi.O» monthly,
hour« work. An« advan<om«nte. twy to l«Mim.
tiartlrulor« frw*
I’srillr lalrffrapk A ltellw«y
IMallluta, Waahlnglu« Building, Mnatil*. Wash.
bollar-, »awmllla, atr
Tba J F. Martin (*<>.. 7A lai
Bt.. l'or tin rut
fur Bu»ck I lai and prU-tna
Bilious attacks, sick-headsches, indiges­
tion, constipation, dizzy spells — the*«
are some of tbe results or sn in active
liver. Ask your doctor if be endorse«
Ayer’s Pills in these cases. The do*«
is xmsll. one pill at bedtime.
d»v«*b*p«Ml, 10c. any
Lnrtfswt and bant
■hup in Nxrthwaat.
i «io I« prioa Hat ut» raquant.
Itoat rebulla ruaran Mi.
lira. *7 ttw «. O. S7ZM CO . Ixnr.U. Maas
Costumes Indicated Conditions.
Peasant girls In parts of Etrrvp« d«
clare their unmarried condition by
modes of dress and coiffure, and back
elors are sometimes Indicated In alts*
lar fashion. The sone or girdle bad
its significance in the Greek world
and the Roman husband wore as
such garb of bis own.
l’.-l. liulld'g, Smith
l«U Wrara. UAkcke
Sturdy Incubator Chicks.
As a rule the beginner starts In tbe
poultry business with great entbusl-
ism. He carefully looks after tbs «l)ll«h hnl t«r I)»«
letalls and he gives the bast of atten-
■on «!■••• |i«m
' Ion. In time, however. In many
v i< Mr«t«*h>rffs*r. I'r«»r
Twvaty year« la I'ortlaad.
:as«s, the enthusiasm wears off and
la becomes neglectful, then he falls.
If, on tbe other band, ho does not
Making Reproof Effective.
Being to advise, or reprehend any »ecome discouraged, but keeps up bls
one, consider whether II ought to bo 'althful work, he succeeds. The plant
in public or In private, presently 01 trows. There Is an Improvement tn
at some other time, and In what term* ils stock, and his enthusiasm, Instead
to do It; and In reproving show no >f flagging. Is Increasing.
alms of choler. but do It with sweet | Now It Is well not to be too enthuel-
neas and mildness—George Washing title at tho start. It Is apt to breed
tver-confidence. The beginner In such
mses la apt to build alr-caatles and
I (et to that point where he "knows it
A little knowledge la «ome-
dmes a dangerous thing.
^rortUad. < »r««vm
It la necessary, of course, to have
Hato laat and Day Mcbaal far Girla
All enterprises re-
bar«« of Ilium of Hi. «Inka HaHlto < K placo pa I Ji tome enthusiasm.
|C«H»<tete. A<k4««kl« and Il«cMri»t«ry DtysriBMM I julre It. Unless a heartfelt Interest Is
Ma»l«, Art. KU mni U««. Oyataaetaai
I For
S*ldow TMF. "DrrtR al rKHIOM I ”aken In the work assigned us we are
<»rno«3^ at. iiaiaaa Hau
J ipt to poorly perform our duties.
I Helter-skelter methods are dlsas-
:rous. Every muscle should bend to
! h« proper performance of the work.
Picking ths Good On««.
“You see a group of girl children, The man who begins poultry-culture
or schoolgirls, or university girls, or with the Idea of becoming rich. Is
factory girls, or ballroom girls—you rery apt to, sooner or later, sell out
ean pick out. as plainly as if they it lees than cost We must not aim
were branded, ths ones whom men :oo high.
will waut to marry and the ones whom
Do man will want to marry.—“A
Touch of Fantasy." by A H. Adams
Ara.. ararais». a. v.
Turn to Motor Vehicles.
The advent of motor vehicle« h>
Madras Is of comparatively reeeut
date, but within a very brief interval
they have to a great extent supplant­
ed carriages drawn by horse«, which
formerly constituted the chief means
of transportation among th« European
Two Important articles are neces-
«ary to success. Capital and experi­
All businesses require both
capital and a trained mind.
years ago the poultry business was
boomed with tho false Inducement
t.l<l<ii<l l.lur I* a weak aolution. Avoid It Buy
Rr.1 ('r„M Kall Blue, the blue that'» all blue Asa that raising chickens was nn occupa-
four grvomr.
I tlon that cnlled for very little labor,
practically no capita! and a very small
Hjtppineaa and Piety.
Do not forget that even as "to work ' amount of experience. These false In­
Is to worship,” so to be cheery la to ducements were handed out In order
Worship also; and to be happy Is tho to create sales for stock and machin­
Brut step to being pious.—Robert
But Instead of being thnt easy occu-
Louis Stevenson.
! nation. It was found to be one that
Mother» will find Mr». Winslow's Rooming Required brains, energy, and
(yrup lb» b-»t remedy to uao tut IUair oblklteu requisite needed In any other busi­
luring t*io Ivelhlug porlvd.
ness. He who Is easily discouraged,
a victim of the "blues," or he who
Cleaning Glass Bottle«.
soon tires of the sameness of work,
A glass water bottle, when constant­
or the close confinement It entails,
ly used, soon becomes discolored. This
had better leave the poultry business
may easily bo cleaned by pouring s
entirely alone.
little vinegar Into the bottlo and add­
While It cannot be said that the
ing a pinch of salt. Allow this to
stand for several hours; then rinse care of poultry is hard, muscular
work, at the same time getting up In
with clear water. Tho bottle will be
tho morning and repeating what every
perfectly clenr and b-tcb»
morning before was done during the
Jkatomebllo Ky<* Insnmnco needr.t off«., week, working at night when a lan­
Klpmuro to Sun. Wind» nn<l Duat
Murine £y« tern is necessary, duties to perform
Bsmi itr freely applied Afford, Reliable llelief.
No Smaruns dual Eye Comfort-Try Mur Ina on every day, Sundays and holidays
Included, soon tries the grit, the push
and the patience of a man.
Key Ring for a Bride.
At a marriage service at Chelten
Rut If the man masters all these
ham parish church recently, It war obstacles, and sticks to his business,
found that tho bridegroom had forgot ho will, as a rule, succeed. There are
ten the ring. At the suggestion of times In all enterprises when It looks
the clergyman the key of the church
door, which had a ring at the end. was
commandeered, and the ceremony war
completed.—Pall Mall Gnzetta.
Excellent and Quite Inexpensive
Plan of Improving General
Appearance of the
same typewriter a table baa been pat
Typewriter for Two,
To enable two persons to nee th<
anted In which there Is a turntabh
to hold the machine.
Mr». N. Warr»n. Seattle, Wa,h., wrtfeai
“My flock of rhick.n,had Roup and upon
ad Tier of a friend 1 tried Muaians Liniment.
I find It a wonderful remedy and my bird,
ar» Impmlns foot.* Am anre that I ahull
not loae any.
I am eery «rnteful and will
tell my friend» It 1» not aafe to be without
Mexican Mustang Liniment."
Ma. «Oc.»la bottlo .t Drug *G.a'l Store.
There are many brick and stone
walls, as well as wooden outbuildings,
fences and the like, about a suburban
place which, lacking paint, detract
much from the general appearance of
the home Rut paint Is somewhat ex­
pensive and cannot be applied with
too lavish a hand by the average citi-
xen, There is, however, whitewash,
which Is easily made and applied, is In­
expensive. and which for most out­
door work will answer quite as well as
oil paint. For chlckon houses, brick
walls and the like It is excellent.
To mnke the whitewash, slake half
a bushel of fresh lime with boiling
water, keeping it covered during tbe
as though the business would fail, but
by pegging away It Is soon discovered
that only a dark cloud had appeared.
But it Is at these times that the
faint-hearted begin to reason that the
days for success In “thia line" are
gone by.
When a man gets to thst stats of
mind that he cannot see a stiver lin­
ing In tbe cloud, be Is ready to accept
In th«
tbe first offer to sell out.
majority of cases he makes hie losses
N Amerlcui city woman was
ail ths greater by selling out below
sailing home from Faria
Th« writer has seen days when
there was hardly a cent of Income,
"Charlie," she said to a
when he had to go into debt to buy
Parisian friend of the family,
feed and pay other expenses, and days,
r b e u matlc, knobby-handed,
too, when he couldn't even see a pros­
spot, but still in circula­
pect of some business for a long time
tion; "Charlie, I am quitting this Mod­
to com«.
ern Babylon, this Cavern of Folly------ “
But he stuck to th« work, and when
"Pardon. Mabel, but you got about
tbe first money came In, It was soon
with celerity," replied the gouty one.
followed by other money, and In time
f'No Parlsienne of my acquaintance
tl>« debts were pnld. and ever sine«
can begin to touch your record."
there has been mor« or leas r<gularlty
“Oh, but Charlie, it was not for
of Incom«.
pleasure,” she reproached him gently.
During those trying times, when ft "Often 1 was quite tired, but 1 kept
seemed almost Impossible to keep th« up—just to see."
wolf from th« door, the writer would
Such were her last words. His were:
meet men In other walks of life with “Mabel, you're a fraud!’’ But be was
the big rolls of bills In their pockets, mistaken. All the rich Americans who
with flourishing occupations,
but come to Paris get about the resorts
nevertheless, he held on, never losing with energy, fearful of missing some­
an opportunity of making a turn for thing. Parisians do not understand.
the good.
They just wanted to see!
H« was rewarded. Some of those
The husband of Mabel and two oth­
men with tbe big rolls of banknotes ers trusted Charlie to take tbe ladles
were not satisfied; they wanted to to supper at the Abbaye after the thea­
make more money, wanted to grow ter. Amid gypsy music, lights, toi­
wealthy, read of th« great sums, lettes, popping champagne, laughter,
realized by men who Invested in practical jokes and calls from table to
stocks, who became rich by th« own­ table, they noticed a pair of Spanish
ership of mining shares—they gave dancing girls weaving a fandango in
up their present occupations, sacri­ the aisles. Charlie stepped aside a
ficed the "goose thst laid the golden moment to speak to the maltre d'hotel,
egg" and became slaves to th« stock­ and, returning found that Mabel had
rambling lure, which finally left them invited tbe dancing girls to their table.
"It's a -urprlae, Charlie,'' she said
high and dry.
80 the beginner must not forget gulltylly; but the scolded. "You know
that he who sticks to his work Is th« you should not do it," he said. "What
one who will finally come out on th« possessed you?"
"Ob.” she answered, “it is just to
right side. Trials are often angels In
make a study!”
After all, she said to him, because a
«The beginner must know that his
fowls deserve and must have the best whole series of very smart resorts base
of care. Me must keep a close watch their existence on a previous Parisian
a "study,” to see some­
ns to conditions, must provide com­ I desire to make
cote, "on
side,” so popu-
and the
fort. cleanliness and plenty of room. thing "different"
with rich
jewel and
Likewise he must study the appetites
theatres a is here.
ef his flock.
Both system and regularity are Im­ lar aliwe Pay for Insults.
It began when someone discovered
portant factors, never forgetting that Par'rtans,
shlftlessncss Is costly aid filth Is a Alecandre Bruant’s little cabaret for
dangerous stumbling-block. The qual­ laborers and masons, to whom rude
ity and quantity of brain work put but powerful Bong writers warbled
Into the concern determines the their ballads of the “people." Friday
evenings the fashionables began arriv­
amount of success.
“Trained thinking and wise work­ ing In dress clothes and a string of
Ing” Is a secret that will, 1n the end, elegant equipages, to pay the beer |3.
bring about success, ••Rad luck” la and be good naturedly insulted by th«
merely another term for bad manftge* chorus of habitues as they departed.
Next it was the Cabaret of Janitors,
ment. No duty Is rightly performed
Quat'x-Arts, the Tavern of Assas­
that Is done in a mechanical manner.
sins, Fursy's Shanty—to which the
• The beginner must stop and think.
smart world still goes—and many an­
He must notice the little matters, lie
other, all copied on the same model.
must never assume more work than
It was seen that the fashionables were
he can accurately perform. He must
glad to enter a little ball, where
never overestimate his capacity, and
everybody could not go because fiere
he must never rush to get done.
was not room, because it was dear and
Haste makes waste,
Map out a different. As soon as the middle class
plan, and then work by It. Scrub and tourish public caught on the fash­
treatment will bring scrub results. ionables quit and tried another.
The lack of good business sense has
Grasping this taste of the rich the
been the cause of more failures than managers of those that remained
has anything else.
A man never smart kept their prices very dear.
shirks hfs duty'when he Is tn dead Thus, you pay $2.60 for the poorest
earnest in his work.
seat at the Capucines and dearer for a
back seat at the Michel than for an
orchestra chair at the Grand Opera!
process. The lime should not, of
Insignificant-looking resorts Insure
course, be confined, but merely cov
their cloakroom for a million and the
ered, as confined, it possesses consld
bonds of Its employes aggregate a like
erable explosive force. Strain It and
add a peck of salt dissolved in warm
Rich Americans flock to the Capu­
water, three pounds of ground rice
cines, hidden on the boulevard, op­
put in boiling water and boiled to a
posite the Olympia. The Olympia, bias­
thin paste, half a pound of powdered
ing with lights, has a 40 cents en­
Spanish whiting and a pound of clear
trance. You must hunt for the Capu­
glue dissolved in warm water. Mix
cines through a dim porte-cochere into
these well together and let the mix­
an ordinary apartment building court­
ture stand for seven days in a rea­ yard, where It is surrounded and top­
sonably cool and shaded place. Keep ped by business offices and flats. There
the wash thus prepared In a kettle, is scarcely a sign. Inside, a bijou hall,
and when It is being nsed put it on with 14 rows of seats, six boxes, a tiny
as hot as possible, using a painter's low balcony as dear as the rest, a
or an ordinary whitewash brush, Al- jewel box stage. Keaux-Arta scenery
ways use magnesian lime for white- worthy to frame Regina Badet and
12.60 cheapest entrance.
Her« tie young King of Portugal
met Gaby Deslys. as star of a Review-
Killing Weeds.
Here Regina Badet, one-titne
Troublesome weeds or gras« Of al ette.
most any kind may be gotten rid of ballet queen of the Opera-Comique,
by scattering rock salt plentifully on plays, sings and dances In “Sapptn
it Th« stock will eat it off close and Phaon," whose dlalojus, however
every time it comes up and tramp
it out
Young Man (dining with Ms owa
est own)—"Ob, waiter, may we have
a spoon here?” Walter—"No objera
tlon, sir, if you don't mind tbe othes
witty and refined, would never be per­
mitted on tbe stage of a large theater.
The same may be said of the costumes.
At one moment Regina might jump
When Your Eyes Need Care
into the sea and scarcely wet her
clothes. There are half a dozen of
these theaters of the first class, the
Michel, the Arts, the Madame, the
Mondaln. the Fursy, and so on. The
Grand Guignol makes a specialty of
short pieces of horror and terror, I Murine
Remedy Co., ,Chlr «<«
many of which have been adopted in
Operation Successful.
At 7:30 p. m., in the Ute Paris
Agnes—"Was Emily's operation •
spring, it is still daylight The rich
81 m
Americans, dressed in their evening
got fifteen gifts, a hundred dozen
clothes, begin to get uneasy.
Tbr witching hour approaches. Is rosea and had two hundred calls c<
Dan coming?
The Sylvan Restaurants.
There are a hundred Dans, all in a
hurry, bubbling with life and ardor,
knowing everything and everyone. I
Many are young Frenchmen of best
Many are English and
Americans grown up in Paris I do
not say that rich Americans cannot
get on without Dan in the evening,
but they'd rather have him.
At the Instant Dan arrives, all a go, How Mrs. Reed of Peoria, III*
and upsets all arrangements (This
Escaped Tbe Sur­
surprise and upsetting has its charm.)
geon’s Knife.
It's too fine a night to dine ln-doors.
Quick, telephone to the Ambassadeurs
for n table! Great crowd there to-
Peoria, III. —“I wish to let every ona
night, the Due de Montpensier re- know whatLydiaE.Pinkham’sVegetabl«
turned from his exploring expedition,
—1 Compound has don«
has a dinner party. Vanderbilt an-
forme. Fortwoyearn
other. Sacha Maghan and the two
I suffered. The doe-
Grand Dulces, It will be delightful!
tor said I had a tumor
Evidently—or they would be stuck.1
«*”1 th® on*y remedy
Dinner in tbe syi.-n restaurants of s J
the Champs Elysees is the dearest eat­
My mother
ing proposition in Paris. Laurent's is;
bought me Lydia E.
severely fashionable. Palllard's (Du­
rand's) Is as fashionable and slightly
bl® Compound, and
gayer. The Ambassadeurs. with its
/Wf ii t(x^a-v ’ ™ * well
terraces, perron and balconies under j ¡¡LMi.jlOTH V' 1 healthy woman. For
the trees yet partly enclosed from ,ae r——-------- —’months I suffered
wind, is a charmed spot of gilded from inflammation, and your Sanative
youth—and old age—and fresh, laugh­ Wash relieved me. I am glad to tell
ing beauty, a mixed world of aristo­ anyone what your medicines have dun«
crats, racing men, actresses, profes­ for me. You can use my testimonial in
sional loveliness, notable foreigners any wa^ you wish, and I will be glad
and daring married ladies with their to answer letters.”— Mrs. CHRlSTIlta
husbands. The management is that of R eed , 105 Mound St., Peoria, Ill.
Maxim's. At lunch, the cookery is the
Mrs. Lynch Also Avoided
best in Parts, and not dearer than the
other Maxim's; but dinner is out of I
Jessup, Pa.—“After the birth of my
Gayety is on the bill of fare. But fourth child, I had severe organic inflam­
always within correct bounds. Even mation. I would have such terrible pain«
lone parties of rich Americans arrive that it did not seem as though I could
at a semblance of rollicking cheer,' stand it. This kept up for three long
while looking on. Half a dozen young months, until two doctors decided that
men of high family, half a dozen pretty an operation was needed.
“ Then one of my friends recommended
women vaguely of the theater play
h.dylike practical Jokes on each other, Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com­
so keep things moving. They need not' pound and after taking it for two month«
pay for their supper. That is why I was a well woman.”—Mrs. J oseph A-
L ynch , Jessup, Pa.
your bill is higher.
Women who suffer from female IT1>
if you want to see real crazy razzle,
Dan will take you to the Abbaye de should try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta­
Theleme—reference to old Rabelais' i ble Compound, one of the most success­
tipsy Utopia, with its motto: "Do as ful remedies the world has ever known»
you please." To whet your appetite, before submitting to a surgical opera­
he will tell you Its story—how the dis­ tion.
credited Montmartre night-restaurant,
with cobwebs on Its wall was taken in
hand by the Cafe de Paris and Armeno-
ville, and in one week filled with the
cream of rioting Paris, the line ot
private equipages waiting two blocks
The supper for six persons. |50. And
cheap. All the while you have been
lulled by love songs. You have had
next to nothing to eat. If you want
more, it is dearer. Breaking crockery
and setting fire to celluloid knife
handles. $40 extra.
Dinner was dearer.
If you bad
melon, lobster, flowers, prlmeur veg­
etables. peaches, strawberries, cher­
ries. cigars and liquers, count It ISO
or 1120 for six persons. Habitue« get
it at half price.
M tUM aavmunM ■ MAMI
AU work fully ruaranteed for f.fteaaa ywru
Where Twine Are Desirable.
In China women carry their chil­
dren from baskets that bang from a
bar that crosses the mother's shoul­
ders. Twins are desirable as grocery
Ing tbe balance of weight, If not foi
other reasons.
Wise Dental Co.,1*-
Painless Dentists
Mflnf BtoMiRg, Third and Washins tan FOR Tl AMD. OBfc
Otbw Mears: IA. M. WAf.M- BaaBatK • tel
». N. U
WHEN writinc
tioa thia papar.___________