BEAVER STATE HERALD Subscription, $1.00 a Year. LENTS, MULTNOMAH CO., OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1912. Vol 10. No 27 GRESHAM NOTES FIRE BOYS' GOOD MARKET FOR MASONIC LODGE EAGLES DEFEAT LENTS ATHLETIC IS INSTALLED LENTS GIANTS CLUB ORGANIZED OF INTEREST SOCIAL SUCCESS GRESHAM PRODUCE Local and Personal Item» of Ice (’ream Social Given by Gresham Equity Market Will Deputy Grand Master Wm. Two Home Runs Give Port­ Nearly 100 Young Men At­ the People In and About Fire Department Was Market Gresham Produce C. Bristol Instisutes A. F. land Eagles Long End of tend Organization of New Athletic Association—Of­ That Busy and Growing Great Success—Band Con­ i n Co-operative Supply & A. M. Lodge in Lents— 3 to 2 Score—Contest Was ficers Elected. Interesting Hall Furnished. House of Portland. cert Was a Big Feature. City. The movement to organize an atldetic Those who wended their way to the During the fore-part of thia week a William C. Bristol, of Portland, Dep­ •teal was dosed between the Gresham uty Grand Master A. F. A A. M., inMi- Lente ball park last Sunday afternoon ; club in Lente came to a culmination Tuesday evening when nearly 100 Lente Equity Market and Tfw Co-operative tuted a new Masonic Ixidgv in la-nts were treated to a rattling go>xl game of young men and boys assembled in the ball, even though the Lents Giants were Supply Houaeof Portland whereby the Tuesday evening and the new order will liall above the Alcazar Theatre and compelled to suffer defeat. The final latter will take all tie- farm produce soon i>e on a working Imais. A charter score was 3 to 2 in fsvor of the Portia nd formed a permanent organization. Not which tlie Equity has to offer during the only was the meeting well attended, but •nd number will soon lie granted the Eagle team. coning year, »aya tlie Outlook. new organization and it ia expected that The game started in whirlwind fash­ tlie enthusiasm displayed waa even This house is a new concern beginning Lent* will anon be the home of one of ! greater than the most optimistic had ion so fsr as the locals were concerned, business in Portland and will occupy a the strongest Maaonie lodge» in the coun­ Grimm and Webb being ruebed over I hoped for. large concrete structure in East Port­ ty. The order starts out with a good The election of permanent officers the borne plate in the first canto for a land. membership and many otiier» will be re­ count of two scores. The visitors were was the first order of business and re­ One of tlwir principal liepsrtrnento ceived during the next few months. blanked in their half of the first. In sulted as follows: President, Ix>u Mc­ will Is- tlie produce department by The officers of Lente Lodge are as fol- the second inning the locals drew a Kinley ; Vice-President, Fay Raybarn; means of which they an planning to Secretary, Walter Raker; Treasurer, I lows: W. M., Dr.O. A. Hess, 8. W., C. handle for farmers’ organizations large U Geeell; J W., J. E. Loucks; 8. D„ goose egg, while toe members ot the Art Geisler. In addition to these of­ leathered tribe garnered one score as couiuguiiienta of produce on a very ri-s- Dr. E. L Sella; J. D., Dr. C. 8. Ogsbury; the result of a free pass, a stolen base ficers a board of governors, or trustee» »unable commission. Secretary, H. E. Pease; Treasurer, P. and a hit by fielaney, Nolan scoring the was elected as follows: M. K. Hedge, The deal lias been ao arranged L. B. Tuttle, Emil Otto, Fay Rayburn, N. Kennedy; Tyler,-------- Wing. ran. Equity will have a man in thia depart­ Harry Mount, Lou McKinley. The new lodge will immediately com­ From the second inning until the ment to look after Uie farmer»' interests VsriotM other matters pertaining to mence the holding of regular stated eighth there was nothing doing for eith­ and tlie Equity officials feel quite con­ communications and extends an invita­ permanent organization were discussed er team so fsr as scoring was concerned fident Uiat it is by far Uie best arrange­ tion to all Masonic members to visit and the home plate preseated a picture and another meeting of the officials and ment they could possibly make at the board of directors will be held Friday them. present time for the disposition of pro­ . The movement to secure a cl tarter for of loneliness in the matter of receiving evening, when it is expected to com­ the pattering feet of base runners. For duce. a -Masonic lodge here was inaugurated five innings, Purcell, for Lents, and plete the organization. No agreements of any nature wliat- several months ago and that the new Over 50 residents have signed the Concannon, for the Eaglee, twirled ever have been entered into to buy lodge lias lieen instituted is a source of petition for membership and it is ex- championship ball and put up a real manufactured goods or supplies from satisfaction to those who have had die pitcher’s battle. Honors were even be­ pected that the list will be increased to Uiis house and whatever benefit Uie sup­ work in hand. The one who ha* lieen tween the two until the eighth, when 75 or 100 before another month. ply house gets along thia line must up| render a concert during the Last Friday the Mieses Evelyn Metl­ Ely, the referee, apjs-arod upon the out The long-talked-of cannery will lie even ng and a good attendance is ex- ing. All in all, the game was clean ment of distance over which stop watches caught the time of the auto- ger, Mamie Pitta, Elsie Metzger and stage at about 9 o’clock and after a the next under consideration and many pected. The ladies are arranging at- throughout and the visitors won simply through the ability of two men to slam mobiliete. Nellie Faris visited Mies Ellen DeHaven brief introduction time was called aud questions of considerable import in con- fairs so that everybody will have a good Wilbur Halverson was arrested at the match was on. Both men played a ! out home runs in a game where Purcell, on the Mt. Hood at her home at Senic nection with its establishment are now time and citizens are urged to keep the Twenty-second and Savior, F. P. Nor­ the local twirler, allowed only three cautious game for tlie first few minutes. line. under consideration, among which, and event and date in view, ton at Sixth and Burnside streets for It soon developed, however, that Otto hits. Mrs. A. 0. Keller •nd daughter, of of no little interest to the general public Ladies are requested to donate home- Prior to the Giant-Eagle game the' speeding on the Burnside bridge, N. 0. Ashland, are visiting the former'» aunt, had the better of tlie match, several is the location. This question will have made candies and cake and have the Lents A. W. team defeated the Sunny­ Gould at the same place for the same times picking Hedge boer- to at" home,'and Mr and Mrs. John Stiger, accidentally to spend spend at home, and most most pepie 1 A drastic ordinance, aimed to restrict ior strength of Otto was plainly seen «pend their money when- they get it and "hot himwly last Sunday morning with the sale of deadly weapons, waa passed 1 by all The men went to the mat and at the town or store where they unload a 22-calibre rifle Tlx* bullet struck the by the Portland City Council vestenlay. the contest was somewhat exciting for a instep of the right foot, passing clear It prohibits the sale of revolvers, rifles, their produce. ‘ few minutes. The excitement lasted This move on the part of the farmers f^rimgh the foot and slioe sole* Dr. i dirks, daggers, etc., to any persons not FALLS CITY , Or.. Julv 24.—(Special) Hiram H. Starr, who died here July only fora few brief moments however, to sell in union ia growing everywhere Nelson was called and rendered the nec­ presenting a permit, signed bv the 20 at the age of 85, has left all of his as Otto flop|>ed Hedge to his shoulders essary .urgieal awuxta ce and the young Chief ot Police, says the Oregonian. and meeting with more and more favor Jack Johnson, tho heavyweight pu­ ami was declared the winner of the man is rapidly recovering from the ef-, Dealers in weapons must first obtain estate, valued st several thousand dol­ every day. gilist champion of the world, is about lars, to B oker T. Washington, of Tus- match after 12 minutes of wrestling. feet» of the wound. It is a time and money saving plan from the City Auditor a license to sell cotree. Ala., to tie need in negro educa­ to become a baaelmll player. Johnson It must lie said to the credit of both and will if pro|>er)y managed be the best At tlie time ot the accident the young these goods. The Chief of Police must tional work. Mr Starr was a pioneer tonight made application for the first that the match was clean, rough tactics thing from a business standpoint for the man was at his home and was playing satisfy himself that a person applying base i.osition on the American Giants, white settler of Oregon. being eliminated ami the result finds community in general that has lieen ac­ with the gun. to him for a permit to purchase a “Rube" Foster’s colored semi-profes- So far as is known Mr. Starr’s only the two men as good friends as ever. complished in a long time. weapon is responsible, and such person living relative is a nephew, George H. al team, and will be given a chance for Otto has the appearance of becoming BALL GAME FOR SUNDAY. The <>fl.4'r* of the Gresham Equity must present a petition signed hv at Starr, of Maricopa, Cal. the place. a gisid mat artist and it is likely that Market are C. R. Keller, president; A. Next Sunday the Lenta Giant» will least two responsible persons, known Manager Foster asked Johnson to re­ I teat h of the Oregon pioneer, who another match will be found for him be­ R. Lyman, secretary: Theo Rrngger, try conclusions with the ball team r> by the Chief. Even then, it is within served in many of the esrlv Indian port for morning practice for a couple fore long. treasurer. These officers have lieen ap- presenting the Salem Woolen Milla, of the discretion of the Chief to grant a of weeks for the purpose of developing w-trs, was dne to paralysis, which pointed a committee to negotiate these 1 Portland. The visiting team is said to permit. All sale» mint be reported to caused the walls of the esophagus to his batting powers. Johnson says he the Chief of Police by 12 o’clock noon collapse and refuse to take food. played a fair game of baseball several ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ deals and |wrfvct the plans ami arrange- tie composed of a number of fast play- uients. era and a good. Interesting game is daily. years ago and be has no doubt that he Records show that Mr. Starr was WANTED. --------------------------- promised. Penalty lor violation of the law it a born IVceniber 111, 1826, and that be can "come back.’’ fine of not lees than *6U. < • Na mea of 1000 Ex-Kan»an’a. Wednesday was the date of tl e gro­ was a Government pensioneer. 11 The veteran has I nt been hermit­ cers annual picnic anil accordingly a The ladies of the G. A. R. will serve Mr». W. A. Hartung (nee Anna Mey­ ' ¡ Addreaa, H. A. Damali, l.anta like in his habits, living alone, but number of lent» stores were closed, but ice cream from 4 to 10 o’clock p. m. on Mr». Dr. Anderson, of Weaport, Ore., shortly before d«-ath he waa removed to er) of Missoula, Montana, ia vialting at ' Ì Oregon. none of the local merchants were in August 1 in I.range Hall. Everybody vieited at the borne uf L r. Hess last the home of Mra. M. E. Holeey, a the home of her parente, Mr. and Mrs i > | attendance owing to the rain. trained nurse. cordially invited to attend. week. J. H. Meyer, of l*nta Junction. Mrs F. W. Wlthaiu and HtUe daugh­ ter, and Mia» Jessie K»Hog|f "I Walla Walla, Wash , w»r» tbs guests ot Mr. and Mrs W. H. Bond last week. Mra. Bond’s son-in-law ot Heppner, was •!•<• a visitor at tlisir bom» last week. Mayor Shattuck’s uioderu new resi­ dence will soon be ready for occupancy. Mrs. J. N. Faris had tlie uiiskirtune to »raid her foot saverly last week. Tlie many friends of Dr. J M. Short and family will be eorry to learn that they hav» sold their hotu« iu Gresham ami will move to Portlaud in the near future. Mrs. Bhort and daughters are at the besch at preaent. Dr. Hliurt will continue to lie in ills office in Gresham on» half of each -ay. Miss Mae Hopkins Is visiting friemie •nd relatives in Kaleiu thia week. J. H. Metzger and family leave to-day for Keaaide to spend several weeks in their cottage there. Harvey Raney will accompany them. Mr. Jesse Moore, a pharmacist of Sa­ lem, is assisting in tbs Johnson Drug company's store this week. Mr» Harve Metzger, who Is at tlie Good Samaratian Hospital ia steadily improving. Mias Norma Hundley is taking her vacation thia mouth and Mia« Lizzie Halliday is keeping books for T. R. Howitt during Mias Hundley's absence Mrs. Kent, and daughter, of Portland visited with Mrs. Aaron Knighton Tues­ day Miss Insz Lusted Is visiting relatives in Nawbarg this week. Tlie icecresun sis-ial given by the lente Volunteer Fire Department last Friday evening was a big suo-ww from every standpoint and twlted the d<-|>artment about *16.1*1. The affair waa held at tlie lente public playground and was well attended. Tlx-evening was ideal for the occasion and hundreds of people turned out to assist ths fire department and to listen to the band concert rendered by tlu- lente Concert Band. When tlu- band reached the grounds at shortly after 8 o’clock a large crowd had al reaily gatle-red anil before the opening piece hail been completed the crowd was greatly augiiM-ntwl by others. Ice cream, cake, peanuts wen- served and the grists receipts ainouatiii to near­ ly *40.00, which gives wane idea of the number of people in attendance. That event witnessed tlie first appear­ ance of the Lents band under the present management, and that tliey were well received and tlie music highly enjoyed is attiwU-d by the fact that hundreds of people sUssl during the two and a half hoars and heartily applauded each n am her. The band waa oompowd of 20 mrqibers during tlie evening and all wlui I ward the various numbers do uot hesi­ tate in saying that the prvaeiit organiza­ tion Is far ahead of any former tiand ever organized in lente. In (act tlu-cx- preeaions were numerous that tlu-re are few Is-tier lutnda in Portland, and Prof. . Thieike anti his member» were tlu- re­ cipients of hearty congratulations. Tlx- members of the fire de[»artm<-nt desire to expretw their lieartieet thanks to tlie I muk I six ) all others who aasist- ed in making tlie event the success that1 it was. The sucee«« of the event was such that the department is already contemplating tlie holding of aaother like event in the near future, only upon a larger scale. BOXING MATCH HAS BEEN POSTPONED BENEFIT SOCIAL FOR PUBLIC PLAYGROUND OHO EASILY WINS WRESILING MATCH WHOLESALE ARREST OF SPEED FIENDS WALItK ollvtK Io ACCIDENTALLY SHOT JACK JOHNSON 10 STAR IN NEW ROLE I EEAVES HIS ALL FO BOOKER T. WASHINGTON