Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, July 18, 1912, Image 2

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Doings of the World at Large
Told in Brief.
Griatost Evant of Olympiad Goes to
South Africa,
Stockholm* — South Africa, which
heretofore has played a modest part in
thia Olympic drama, came to the cen­
ter of the stage at the moment of its
culmination, winning the marathon
race, the most important number on
the Olympic program.
This might
have been honor enough for a small
nation, but South Africa also won sec­
ond place by a secure lead.
The winner of the classical mara­
thon was K. K. McArthur, a tall
Transvaal policeman.
His com pat­
riot, C. W. Gitshaw, came second into
the stadium several hundred yards be­
hind, and third to appear was the
American, Graston Strobino, 'of South
Paterson Athletic club, who put up a
braver fight than most of the runners,
for his feet were skinned and bleeding
and he was suffering great pain.
He never lost his nerve, though, and
made a brave attempt at feeling hap­
py while he traversed the stadium
track a furlong behind the second man
at the end of the performance.
The Americans gave a death blow to
the theory that the athletes of the
United States are better at contests
which require quickness and agility
than in tests of endurance.
While 3000 spectators in the sta­
dium strained their eyes toward the
archway from under which the runners
emerged, they saw the American
shield on the breasts of six of the first
ten men who entered.
Southern Pacific Will Invast $8.000.- Lack of Corporation Law Cau«* of
OOO In This State.
Armed Rebel Guard Posted at Con-
ference In Juarez.
Juarez Tweny-five Americana, in­
cluding American Consul Edwards,
were held in the office of the Mexican
Northwestern railway here for nearly
two hours while an armetl guard of
rebels prevented them from leaving
the building.
Rebel officials had become angered
at the officers of the Mexican North­
western over a $5000 check payable to
the rebels as export duty on a con
signment of gold ore by the American
Smelting 4 Refining company in Chi­
huahua. The shipment had arrived In
El Paso, but when the rebel* attempt-
ed to cash the $5000 check, the banka
in El Paso refused payment. After
the check was given, the Federal» had
entered Chihuahua City and it is be­
loved that the American Smelting 4
Relining company slopped payment on
it, knowing that the rebels, because
of their retreat, would be unable to
trouble them further.
Consul Edwards wont to the North­
western offices to confer with H. C.
Ferris, general manager of the road.
Thomas Ryan, traffic manager, and C.
T. Carson, general auditor.
The offi­
cials were In «xmference at 5 o'clock
when they suddenly found the doors of
the building surrounded by armed men.
Consul Edwards telephoned
Colonel Pascual Orosco, Sr., head of
the garrison, who arrived in a few
minutes and ordered the guards to re­
lease all minor employes. The officers
of the road were held. After a brief
conference the American consul left,
but the railroad officials were closete«!
with Orosco until 7 o'clock, when
they were release«! and cross<»l to the
American side. It was said they had
agree«! to make the check good.
Two Known Dead and Property
Uss In Millions.
Salem—That Oregon is the stamp­
ing ground for crook«»d promoter*
from other states, who make it a
General Resume of Important Eventa
practice to come here to organise fake
Notorious Charry Creek Goes On
Presented In Condensed Form
companies because the laws of Oregon
Rampage, Flooding City and
do not give the state authority to look
for Our Busy Readers.
Stopping All I rains.
into the affairs of corporations Is one
of the declaration* made by E. C.
Clement, United State* postoltlea in­
One aviator was killed at Paris and
Denver, Colo. A wall of water 25
one at Sebastopol Tuesday.
feet high, carrying death and destruc­
Among other things, he told of one
tion with It, swept down Cherry creek
President Taft will be officially in­
person alone who was fleeced [of $40,-
here Sunday night, ripped open the
formed of his nomination August
0(H) by the Columbia River Orchartle
concrete walla and in a twinkling had
T Prospects of a huge wheat crop are
tnaroonotl hundreds of persons.
Trust company, in which these com­
sending the prices down in the Chi­
persona are known to have been
cago markets.
to secure the money and branding him
Mayor Arnold atate«l that the prop­
Lorimer has decided to go back to
as a "sucker” in letters which passed
erty liuinage would reach at least $2,*
Chicago and go to work.
He may
back and forth between those inte­
seek re-election.
“Anything like an accurate esti­
President Taft sent a message of
mate of the damage would be out of
men who did not dare organize in the
congratulation to the American ath­
the question for several days,'* *ai<!
state where they live, but have come
letes at Stockholm.
Mayor Arnold.
“Thua far we have
to Oregon to file their papers and have
learned of only two deaths from
England's protest against the pro­
already floated millions of dollars of
drowning, but there may be several
posed Panama bill finds considerable
worthless stock all over the West,”
support in the senate.
he declared.
An infant boy was drowned when
“The Columbia River Orchards com­
Two Klamath fishermen claim a
his mother, terror-stricken snd up to
trout weighing 11 pounds jumped into
her waist in water, drup|>ed the babe
tion of the way in which grafter* flock
their boat on Lake Ewauna.
and the little boy was swept down the
to this state to float their crook«»! en­
Three women bathers were drowned
terprises. These people had to have a
near Santa Cruz. Cal., while one of
The second known death was that of
dummy corporation to act as a trus­
them was trying to save the other two.
8-year-old Christopher Jensen.
tee. They couldn’t organize it under
boy was standing on the bank watch­
the laws of Washington, so they came
The United States circuit court of
ing the rushing water when the bank
to Portland and organiz««d the (Oregon-
appeals has decided that an Indian
caved in and he was carried to hie
tribal marriage according to rites of Four Americans to Cross Atlantic In
Washington Trust company under the
desth. At I-ongmont, south of Den­
laws of Oregon.
This company was
the tribe is a legal marriage.
Small Motor Boat.
ver, an«l at Cripple creek and Victor,
supposed to hold $125 worth of securi­
More Pullman cars were taken to
New York — Thomas Fleming Day.
northwest of here, the rain fell heav­
ties for every $100 worth of the obli­
and from Portland during the Elks who last year navigated the 21-foot
ily, blocking traffic.
gation of the Columbia River Or­
convention week than were handled at yawl Seabird across the Atlantic from
Word of the Cherry creek flood was
chards company.
When the c^ash Illuminated Floats. Autos and Bands
Los Angeles during the convention in Providence to Gibraltar with two com­
conveyed to the city hall by telephone
came it developed that their alleged
Cover Five-Mils Course.
that city in 1909.
panions on board, started from New
shortly before the crest reached Den-
securities were absolutely worthless.
Portland — Pronounced by 250,000 ver, and not a moment was lost in
The United States court has limited Rochelle harbor on another long and
Even the office furniture was not paid
the liability of the steamer San Pedro venturesome voyage. He is trying to
for and the stenographer was cheated people, the great majority of whom warning those within reach.
to $16,500 for sinking the steamer take the 35-foot motor boat Detroit to
out of her salary.
The public was were visitors, as the most imposing fact that the message was received
Columbia off the California coast in Queenstown and incidentally will try
fleec«»l out of about two and a quarter end elaborate electrical pageant they early was the means of saving per-
to make a new record for motorboats
1907, when 80 lives were lost.
millions of dollars on this graft, which had ever witnessed, the Elka’ electri­ haps hundreds of lives.
across the ocean. The record now is
Near the banks of Cherry creek
would not have been possible if there cal parade Tuesday night moved over
A woman rancher in California was 55 days, made in 1904.
had been a state law providing for the its five-mile court«« accompaninl by dwellings crumbled like paper, and
bitten by a rattlesnake while irrigat­
Accompanying Mr. Day are Charles
supervision of corporations, such as the unstinted applause of an enrap­ many hair-breadth escapes occurred.
ing her alfalfa field.
She killed the C. Earle, who is mate, and W. New-
A number were rescu«*d from the tops
the proposed blue-sky law, which I ture«! multitude
snake and then walked a mile to her stead and Walter Morton, both from
The streets covered in the parade of houses.
bouse and applied home remedies.
Detroit, who are engineers.
The South Platte was at flood stage
not know of anything that would be of were congested for their entire length
The Detroit is 5 feet long, 9 feet 6
Hetty Green, the richest woman in
greater benefit to honest corporations with a solid mass of bustling, good- from the rains and when the crest of
the world, has joined the church at inches beam, and 5 feet 6 inches draft
than some such act to give the state natured humanity that entered fally the Cherry creek overflow reached the
She is equipped with a two-cylinder, West Side Ranchers Will Co-operate
the age of 78 years.
control of crooked promoters and cor­ into the festival spirit of the occasion. river the Platte overflowed its banks
16-horse-power Scripps motor, which
for Mutual Improvemet
It was an occasion on which Portland to the northeast of tho city.
Denver authorities turned down a will drive the yacht seven miles an
CaatlewiMx! dam, near the head­
people in their role of boats made way
bill for autos used to haul voters to hour. She carries 1200 gallons of
for their guests who, being unable to waters of Cherry creek, about 15
the polls.
gasoline in seven steel tanks.
secure seats in any of the spacious miles from Denver, has b««en weak­
West Side of the Hood River in a
The yacht carries 200 gallons of
Canal tolls issue leads to protest
series of discussions tending to create Roads Named on Which Interchange­ grandstands, were permitted to occupy ened almost to the bursting point, and
all of the desirable vantage points should the dam go out it would be
from England, and a diplomatic strug­ fresh water and stores for 90 days. a greater diversity of industries in the
able Books Are Good,
She is fitted with a small rig for use
from which to enjoy the magnificence difficult to predict what the extent of
gle is on.
district. ¡The organization of West
in case of accident to the engine.
Salem — Tariffs for the new inter­ of the pageant which was design«»! damage would be.
Puyallup valley, Washington, is
After reaching Queenstown the De-
changeable mileage books have been exclusively for theit entertainment.
The torrential rain began about 3
Side Improvement club, has arranged
calling loudly for harvest hands and troit will proceed to England,
filed with the State Railroad cviflmis-
Included in the parade, which was o’clock in the afternoon, and soon af­
for a number of talks to be given in
berry pickers.
will sail up the English channel to the
sion, to become effective August 15.
head«»! by Police Captain Moore and a terward the water was above the
the near future, when the cultivating
North sea, then to the Baltic and on
The mileage books will be g<xxl at squad of mounted patrolmen, were 18 curbing in the business district, fl«xxi-
Two women were killed and a third to St Petersburg.
the rate of one coupon a mile on the gorgeously decorated floats and nine ing stores and hotels.
In the lower
badly injured by being run down by a
following roads:
Camas Prairie; bands, automobiles carrying th«« grand sections of the city families Were
Among the topics to be discuss«»!
Milwaukee train near Seattle.
Chicago, Milwaukee Puget Sound; lodge officers and the commissioners driven from their homes.
are such subjects as “Hog Raising in
Corvallis & Eastern; Idaho, Washing­ of Portland Ixuige No. 142. The pa­
Tho crest of tho flood in Cherry
Burglars stole some wine and sever­
the Orchard,” “Poultry,” “Garden
ton & Northern; Northern Pacific, rade mov««d shortly before 9 o’clock creek did not reach hero until nearly
al boxes of cigars from the residence Sixteenth Infantry Safe in America Truck” and “Cover Crops."
"It is
Oregon Electric; Oregon Trunk; O.- ant! completed its second circuit of 10 o'clock, coming as a climax to the
After Thrilling Experience.
of Bishop Scannell, in Omaha.
the aim of the club," said one of its
W. R. & N.; P. R. & N.; Port Town­ Fifth and Washington to Morrison floods of the afternoon.
Tacoma—After having narrowly es­ members, “to have every orchardist
A plague of gnats hit Wenatchee,
send Southern; Salem, Falls City & streets an hour and a half later.
Not a train left Denver Sunday
Wash., and
surrounding country,
Western; Spokane & Inland; Spokane
night ami none from any direction ar­
many horses being seriously injured
International; S. P. & S.; Southern
rived. Trains from the south were
The club is also planning for a
the Unite! States army transport
by the pests.
Pacific in Oregon, including town« on
stopped three miles sou the we* t of the
Sheridan arrived in Tacoma with the Chautauqua, to last about a week, in
A three-hours’ conference has been Sixteeth United States Infantry regi­ the cool region of the upper valley, Klamath Falls branch via Weed, Cal.; United States Sends Investigator* In- city.
Tacoma & Eastern, and Washington,
arranged between Champ Clark and ment.
to Rubber Country.
where the ranchers and their families
Idaho & Montana.
his successful rival for the Demo­
The men aboard told of their thrill­ will repair to enjoy the fishing of the
Washington. D. C.—A repetition of
The roads on which mileag«« from
cratic nomination.
ing escape from death when caught in district and to discuss matters of in­
mileage books will be accepted on the the horrors of the Congo rubber in­
terest among themselves.”
the grip of the ice in Northern seas.
basis of the local fare are as follows: dustry am«/ng the native rubber gath­
For seven days, off St. Lawrence
Thirteen persons w««re
Coeur d’Alene & St. Joe Transporta­ erers of Peru is the cause of a danger­
Island, to the west of Norton sound,
tion company, Great Northern in Brit­ ous mission which the State depart­ killed, eight of them women, and more
Fresh Fruits—Cherries, 20/10c per en route to Nome, the Sheridan lay
Klamath Falls—Irrigation matters
ment sent up the Amazon river in the than 40 were Injured in a wreck on
pound; apples, old, $1.50(0.3 per box; icebound, making but 90 miles in this always receive instant attention in ish Columbia on local lines, Pacific &
interest of humanity.
th«’ Chicago, Burlington 4 Quincy
new, $1.500/1.75; peaches, 55/o75c; time. For 48 hours her captain, Mike this dry region. Thomas Hawthorne, Eastern, Reid Trans;x>rtation com-
Acting S«ieretary Wilson has re­ railroad at Western Springs, a suburb
currants, $1.500/1.75; plums, 90c@ Healy, and Pilot Krarasky watched on of Eugene, for several years in the pany, and United Railways.
ceived information that Captain Stu­ of Chicago, at 6:30 a. rn. Sunday.
$1.25; pears, $1.750/2;
apricots, the bridge of the ship and, at times reclamation service at Umatilla and
art Fuller, one of the department’s
Coming through a fog with suppos­
$1.25; grapes, $2.50 per crate.
the captain stood on the prow, direct­ on Klamath projects, has been ap­
most trust««! agents, had arrived at edly a clear track, train Nn. 8, a fast
Portland — The work of stocking
Berries — Raspberries, $1.50 per ing the slow advance of the ship pointed state engineer on the Paisley
Iquitos, 2000 miles up tho Amazon, ma>l, ran full speed into the rear of
$1.25<g,1.50; through tremendous ice floes.
project, which, is under the Carey act. Oregon streams with brook trout is on hi* way to the wild stretch of coun­
train No. 2, known as th«« Overland
black caps, $1.50.
The enlisted men embarked endured The Warner and Chewaucan valleys going forward rapidly. Ten cans of try to learn tho facts.
Express, from Denver, which wan
Melons — Cantaloupes, $2.75 crate; untold harsdships from cold, the contain much of the best sage land in trout fry were taken down the river to
Reports indicate the existence of standing still on the track, telescoping
watermelons, lOtlJc per pound.
steaming facilities of the Sheridan be­ this region and that section will be on be liberated in streams near Heap conditions below the ««qiiator that two of the Overland’s Pullman cars.
Vegetables — Artichokes, 650475c ing inadequate, and two died of pneu­ the railroad when it is extended north poos«*.
The work of distributing parallel tho outrages in the Congo
Railroatl officials refused Jo fix the
per dozen; beans, 8(a 9c; per pound; monia en route.
The officers of the from Lakeview. Paisley is about 100 these fish is being shartxl by members «•ountry, where natives were forced by blame until
after the wreck has been
cabbage, l@lic; cauliflower, $1.25 Sixteenth regiment aboard the trans­ miles northeast from Klamath Falls. of the Multnomah Anglers' club.
tortures and mutilations to «»licet cer­ investigated thoroughly. Mrs. F. A.
per dozen; celery, $5/«/6 per crate; port, returning to the Unit«»! States, An irrigation enterprise nearer home Cans of fish are being transported to
tain quantities of rubber for Belgian Wilcox, who was in charge of the
corn, 30c per dozen; cucumbers, $1 have presented Captain Healy with a is in the Antelope valley, 15 miles various points in automobiles belong­
and other concesHions.
tower from which the block signals
per box; 'eggplant, 25c per pound; loving cup. The Sheridan is en route northeast from this city.
ing to club members.
Another ship­
The concessionaire in Peru is as- were controlled, said she was certain
head lettuce, 12c dozen; peas, 8<29c to San Francisco.
ment of Eastern trout is soon to be serted to be a British corporation. the block was thrown against both
pound; peppers, 12«V/ 15c; radishes,
Jackrabbit Bounty Fixed.
taken into the mountains of the Cas­ British representatives and the Brit­ trains.
15c«/20c dozen; spinach, 4di 5c pound;
Line is Drawn on I. W. W.
Burns—The Harney county court cade range for liberation in the lakes. ish government disclos«»} the charges
garlic, 8^ 10c; carrots, $1.75 sack;
San Diego, Cal.—For the first time has determine«! to place a bounty of 2
against this corporation.
The State
Archbald Case to Wait.
turnips, $1.25.
Fair to Get New Buildings.
department, although no American
I). C.—It is practically
Potatoes — Jobbing prices:
Astoria — At the meeting of the ciitzens are involved, consulted with determined that the Archbald impeach­
banks, old, ;$1O/1.25 per hundred; and their sympathizers attempte«! to system under which this bounty will
British officials and others interested
hold an outdoor meeting on a street be paid will relieve the county clerk's board of directors of the Lower Co­
new. per pound,
lumbia Fair association, the bid of in the welfare of th«/se natives, and ment case will not be tried by the
Onions—California red, $1.25 sack; just outside of the restricted district. office of the necessity of counting
senate this summer.
This indicates
Police appeared and forced the crowd scalps. Rabbit drives will be organ- Fre/I Elliott & Son, of Gearhart, for made strong representations to the an earlier adjournment of congress
yellow, $1.50.
One man resisted an«i iz«sd in different localities and those
Wheat—Track prices: Bluestem, 88 to move on.
buildings was accept«»! and President pledges that the obnoxious conditions than seem««! possible a few days ago.
@89c; club, 840/85c; red Russian, 84 was arrested. Acting Chief of Police participating will appoint a commit­
The delay is said to bo in accordance
L. Rees was authorized to enter would be terminated.
0185c; valley, 840r85c; 40-fold, 840/- Meyers says the Socialists and other tee authorized to count an«! certify to
with the wishes of Judg«> Archbald.
organizations may speak in the streets the number killed and upon this cer-
It was arranged thnt the senate should
Hay—Timothy, $14^16.50; alfal­ outside the restricted district, butthat tificate the bounty will be paid, the
be notifie«l of the house resolution of
fa, $1.25; clover, $10;
oats and Industrial Workers may not because money to be used in paying the ex-
impeachment and that the mnnagers
ed to arrange for the clearing of the
they are deemed anarchists whose penses of the drives.
made public by Postmaster General should formally appear next week to
vetch, $12; grain hay, $9.
Millstuffs — Bran.-J $25.50
ton; speeches are likely to cause a riot.
Hitchcock shows that p«>stal savings demand trial. The appronchmg polit­
Gooseberries Show Good Profit
shorts, $26; middlings, $32.
“Business Form” is Lost.
depositors in Oregon applied on July 1 ical campaign fa ored a postponemunt.
One is Kilied in Wreck.
Corn—Whole, $39; cracked, $40 ton.
Salem—Gooseberries in Polk county
Oregon City—The business form of for $5460 of the third issue of postal
Oats—No. 1 white, $340/,35 ton.
Fargo, N. D. — One man was killed hills are good money-makers, accord­ government proposed for Oregon City savings bonds.
Gambler* Overlook T. R.
Moro than $3000 of
Eggs—Case count, 24c; candled, and several passengers are said to ing to a report of L. D. Gibson, who in place of the present eouncilmanic the total amount applied tor are reg­
Chicago — Theodore Roosevelt has
25c; extras, 27c.
have been injured when the Oriental lives on the Oak Grove road a few form, was voted down at a special istered, indicating thnt they are being not
Butter—Oregon creamery, cubes, or Limited, the Great Northern’s fast miles from Salem. He is owner of an election by a vote of 342 to 65. Like­ purchased as permanent investments. O’Leary’s book yet. The stockyards
solid pack, 28c pound; prints, 29c.
Pacific Coast train, was wrecked at acre and one-half of
gooseberries wise the proposed bond issue to the With respect to the amount of the bet-taker has the Oyster Bay candidate
Pork—Fancy, lOOtlOJc pound.
Ashby, a small station 74 miles east of which brought him a check for $617.10 amount of $17,000 to erect a munici­ bonds applied for Portlanrl leads oth­ still in the “field.”
Wilson is the
Veal—Fancy, 130/ 13Jc pound.
The cars left the track and for 30,855 pounds, or a net sum of pal elevator to take the place of the er cities of the state with $4560, and favorite, with Taft second, O’Leary’s
Poultry—Hens, 12Jc pound; broil­ rolled over an embankment.
They practically $500 for the patch.
So long stairsteps leading up to the resi­ following in order are Astoria. $900, odds are as follows:
Wilson, 4 to 5;
ers, 17<«/17ie; ducks, young, 100/llc; then took fire and six of them were fortunate has he been with the crop dence section, was voted down by 222 and Roseburg and Sumpter $500 each. Taft, 6 to 5; Chnfin, 2000 to 1; the
geese, lOOrllc;
live, 18c; consumed. All passengers were re­ that he has set out two and one-half to 175.
field, 5 to 1.
The book is doing a
dressed, 240/25c.
moved from the cars before th? ttl acres more.
Warship Repairs Cost $15,000.
good business In small wagers, accord­
steers, $6.750/7; started.
Hawley Secures New Route.
Washington, D. C. — Naval Con­ ing to O’Leary.
Wilson money is
Hood River Camping Point.
good, $60/6.50; medium, $5.750/6;
Salem—After repeatedly having the structor Baxter, who went from Bos­ abundant, but little “T. R.” coin
choice cows, $5.75^6.25: good, $5.50
proposal to establish rural route No. 7 ton navy yard to Newport to investi­
150/5.50; choice
<¿¿5.75; medium,
Pekin — The minister of finance, ing season has begun here.
Many from Oregon City rejected, Represent­ gate the accident to the batteship New
Allen Jurors Disagree,
calves, $7(/i8.25; good heavy calves, Hsiung Hsi Ling, and four other min­ Portland people have joined the local ative Hawley continued to collect Hampshire, which collided with the
Wytheville, Va. — The jury In the
$60/6.50; bulls, 13.50015.10; stags, isters, have resigned.
The finance vacationists in ^seeking an outing in facts and arguments from the people liner Commonwealth, reported that case of Claude Allen, one of the mem­
$4 75046.
minister is retiring to devote himself the foothills at the base of Mount living along the Willamette river on temporary repairs on the warship bers of the Allen gang, charged with
Hogs — Light, $8(^8.35; heavy, to the rehabilitation of the financial Hood. Numerous camps have been the Clackamas county aide, opposite would put her in condition to proceed
the assassination of court officers at
$6 250/ 7.
situation. He, together with the pre­ established in the Lost Lake region, the town of Willamette, and has at under her own steam to the New York Hillsville, Va , report that an agree­
Sheep—Yearlings, $30i4.25; weth­ mier and Chose Tszchi, comprise a where excellent fishing is to be found, last secured a favorable decision from navy yard, where permanent repairs
ment was impossible. The jury was
ers, $3.90014.50; ewes, $3@3.75; special committee to deal with foreign and many visitors are passing through the department permitting the desired can be made at an estimated coat of
discharged, and another venire was
lambs, $4.50@5.60.
the valley to and from Cloud Cap Inn. service.
115,000 in about two weeks.
ordered summoned for a new trial.
Portland—“It is only because the
conditions in Oregon warrant vast
railway expenditures and improve­
ments that th«* Southern Pacific has
planneti to spend upwards of $8,000,-
000 within the next few years," de­
clared President William Sproule, of
the Southern Pacific company, at a
luncheon given in his honor by the
board of governors of the Commercial
“It is very natural,” said President
Sproule, “that in appropriating money
for investment in this state there
must be a justification. 1 am in the
city on official business, which is the
general cause of my coming here or
going eslewhere.
The situation in
Oregon in relation to the Southern
Pacific is one of peculiar interest to
myself because the question of what
should be done here in respect to de­
velopments are put up to me. It is
on my own recommendation
things are done. In assuming re­
sponsibility for the large investments
and appropriations in Oregon there of
course is something to justify iL
“The railroad business is the same
as all other business conducted on le­
gitimate lines.
The man who puts
his money into it ¡must be assured of
a reasonable return on his investment,
or at least the same return as is real­
ized from other lines of business.
“Money is not placed into railroad
projects unless there is a fair prospect
of returns on the investent, and for
that reason we must have something
to go on before we can place the mon­
ey we have [to spend in development
and improvements of railway facili­
"Our confidence in Oregon is very
apparent in our announced intention
of making expenditures here. All we
ask in return is for the co-operation
of your business people to make possi­
ble the returns which we have to
It is the ambition of my
worthy corps of officials over the Ore­
gon lines of the company to have the
support of every community.”