Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, July 11, 1912, Image 8

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    Inaect Bite Coat*
James Parker, a resident of H ish I
A Bo»t*ui man load hi* leg from the
River, was a visitor in lent.» during the
bite of »n imact two yearn before To
week. Mr. Parker came to Portland to
avert such calamities from »tinga ami
take in the Elks' convention.
biter* of insects oae Buck leu's Arnica
Excellent progress is being made on Salve promptly to kill the poixon ami
the new residence which George Wise is prevent inflammation, swelling and pain.
constructing in Shady*«»»! Grove. ; Heal.-* burns, boib*. ulcers, pile», ectenia,
Harold Allen, a well known young When completed Mr. Wise will have enta, bruises. Only 26 cents nt all dealer».
man whobas been employed in the «tore one of the most attractive ami modern
of the Mt. Scott Drug Co. for several tv»i<lenoes in Lenta.
The natural redness of lips and
Mr». E. L. Rayburn returned a few cheeks depends upon excellent health
months, has accepted a position in a
like «“»tabliahuient owned by hi* uncle day# since from a visit with relatives and and good circulation, If you exercise
on Sixteenth A Lovejoy. Harold is a friend* near Corvallis.
in the fresh air, sleep in well-ventilat­
capable young man and his niauy Lenta
lent.-* is receiving a good share of vis­ ed rooms, live sanely and keep your
friends with him success in the new po­ itors from the B. P. O. E. convention, heart and circulation in excellent con
as are other towns of the state.
dttion, you will have no trouble with
Lou McKinley ami Fay Rayburn spent the color of your lips or cheeks
W. B. Huron a lumber dealer of Im­
Castor oil is a splendid cure for
bler. Union county, was among the the Fourth of July at Seaside ami report
dandruff, It should be rubbed into
many visiting Elks in Lents during the a pleasant trip.
week. Mr. Huron is not only a good
Dr. H. O. Wilson, a brother of H. E. the scalp four times a week Every
booster for Union county but predicts a Wilson of this city, was in Lenta Mon­ day the scalp should be massaged and
great future for Portland and her various day. The visitor is a reeident of Elgin rhe hair thoroughly brushed
and is one among the many Elka in
When yon feel lazy, out of aorta and
Dr. Hess is now comfortably located attendance at the national convention in
in his new office rooms in the new Portland. Guy Glenn, a prosperous yawn a good deal in the daytime, you
Hashim building. The rooms occupied farmer of the famous Grande Konde can charge it to a torpid liver which baa
by him were especially finished for his valley in Union county, was also a Lents allowed the system to get full of impurit­
ies. HERBINE cun-s all disonlera pro­
purpose and his apartments are well visitor on tlie same day.
“Slat*” Carman, a member of The duced by an inactive liver. It streng­
equipped and neat in appearance.
Herald force, return«»! Tuesday from a thens that organ, cleanse» the bowel»
*'Dick” Hague, deputy sheriff and a vacation trip to Seaside and other points. and puts the system in good healthy con­
well known Kelly Butte guard, is en­ He reports an enjoyable trip.
dition. Price MV. Sold by l<enta Phar­
joying his annual lay off and vacation
lents was anything but a busy town
The next regular meeting of the Lents on July 4th. Those who did not attend
Stings or bites of in-ects that are fol­
band will be held next Tuesday even­ i the celebrations held at ad joining towns
ing. A full attendance is desired ami S[ient the day picnicing and the town lowed by swellings, pain or itching
should lie treated promptly as they are
any liandman who h. s not yet become a was nearly depopulated.
imisonons. BAI.I .ARD’S SNOW LINI­
member of the organization is requested
F. D. Williams commenced work on
MENT counteracts the |M>ison. It is
to l>e present.
new five-room bungalow Monday,
both antiseptic ami healing Price 26c.
Fav Rayburn, H. E. Willson, Walter . new residence is being constructed on
50c andjvl.'O per Isittle. Sold by lent»
and Jimmy Baker spent Sunday at the east side of Foster road at a point
near Grays Crossing. Mr. Williams is a
Harry Burnaham, Frank Rayburn. well known real estate dealer b»-at«»l |
Eniil Otto ami Claude lent celebrated there, ami is optimistic as to the future
at The Oaks on July 4th.
of this district.
Borax water will restore the gloss to
Born—June 80, to the wife of Jos. sateen in washing.
F. A. Bohna displayed a turnip in bis
Use warm water to sprinkle starched
window this week that was some turnip Van Ravel. a boy.
clothes and the eSeet will be twice as
when the age of tlie vegetable is con­
Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Paul Storms, satisfactory.
sidered. The turnip weighed 51 1-2 July 3, a boy.
To make glassware clear and spar­
ounces and was planted only six weeks
A new baby arrived on July 5 to kling add a bit of bluing to the soap­
ago in the garden of B. F. Butler, who gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. I‘. suds wheu washing
resides in Webb’s addition.
A painter's brush may be used to
dislodge dust from cracks and crevices
A beautiful' shawl ma<ie by an inmat«' | Chas. Davis, a brother of Mrs. Bryant
about the house
of Kelly Butte is on display at The Lents , of Park Avenue, »bent Saturday an«l
Pharmacy. It is an excellent piece of Sunday visiting with her.
Mail Carriers Will f’ly
work and the yam used in the same co t
Mrs. Mason of 3rd and Marie is com­
This is an age of great discoveries.
between six and eight dollars. The
pleting a new eight room house. John:
Progress rides on the air. Boon we may
shawl i^being raffled off and the win­
Walrod has been directing the work. see Uncle Sam’s mail carriers dying in all
ner will receive a piece of work seldom
Miss Alia- Foster is spending a two directions, trans|H>rting mail. Ptsiple
Read the advertisements in The weeks vacation with her sister, Mr». take a wonderful interest in a discovery
Needha n. near Albany.
that benefits them. That's why Dr.
King'.» New Discovery forConghs, Colds,
The attention of Herald Readers is
Try the electric Milk Shaker at Lam- -‘“‘I other throat and lung diseases is th.
called to the announcement of the
berts & Thompsons.
most popular medicine in America. “It
Modern Shoe Repair Factory in thia
cured me of a dreadful cough,” writes
issue. It contains a half page of good
Mr». J. F. Itavi», Stickney Corner, Me
R -ad The Herald ads.
reading matter.
''after doctor's treatment ami all other
■ remedies had failed.’
For coughs,
«•olds or any bronchial affection its on-
’ equaled Price 50c and $1.0). Trial
Itottle free at all dealers.
creen Doors
Doing hard work in a bent orstooping
¡sjaition puts a slich in the back that is
painful. If the muscles have liecome
strained, yon can't get rid of it without
help. The great penetrating power of
appeal to you moat strongly at such
times, tiecause it is the very thing you
need. Prii-e 25c, wie and $l.iM> per
bottle. Sold by lent» Pharmacy.
Helpful Hints.
canker sores: Take a teaspoon­
ful of powder borax, add a teaspoon­
ful of spirits of camphor, and a table-
spoonful of water, Wash the canker
sores wi'.'h this frequently, rinsing the
mouth with it, and then spit out. Do
this every hour or so during the day
What Makes A Woman?
One hundred ami twenty [tounds,
more or less, of lame ami muscle don’t
¡makes woman. Its a good foundation.
Put into it health and strength ami »he
may rule a kingdom. But that's just
| what Electric Bitters give her. Thous­
and» bless them for overcoming fainting
and dizzy »[«11» ami for di»|»-lling weak-
| ties», nervousness, backache and tired,
■ iiatles», worn out feeling. “Electric
Bitters have done me a world of good,”
writes Eliza Pool. I>e[»-w, Okla., “anil I
thank you, with all my heart, for mak-
ing »u<-h a good medicine.” Only ’■
Guaranteed by all ilealera.
88 Patterns
Wall Paper
is manufactured in our own
plant. Buy our Ice Cream
and you know that you are
getting a home-made product
composed of pure ingredients. >
We deliver lee Cream in any
quantity—in packers of one
gallon and over
Double Roll and Up
Our Candies
are also homemade and abso­
lutely pure
Our Ice Cream Parlor is the
most comfortable in Lent«.
Full Line-of Groceries, Con­
fections Canned Good*. Ci­
gars and Tobaccos.
a Pleasure to Show Our
Lents Hd’w Co
Both Phones
Our Ice Cream
Main St. and Carline
"Where The Car S'opa"
The Trusts
Here is a Plain Statement of Facts That
is Worth Dollars to You
Six weeks ago we purchased a new and complete line of ’‘Sincereity Shoes” sold by
the Fithian-Barker Shoe Co.
These shoes were placed on our shelves and sold for
what we believed to be a reasonable price—allowing us a good profit.
that a Lents competitor purchased the same line.
It so happened
Our competitor was given the Trust
price and so were we, but, because we sold this line for a price less than the one main­
tained by the Fithian-Barker Co., our competitor reported the fact to the company with
the result that the said company would accept no further orders from us.
We tried to
get the company to take back the line already on hand and had the shoes Ixixed ready
for shipment, but they refused to do so.
Now we are selling them at actual cost.
is the result of our attempt to save our customers on the price of Trust Made Shoes.
This is one of the reasons for the high cost of living.
Now in order to get rid of this
entire line we are going to offer the public
Some Real
Shoe Bargains
Men’s Shoes
Ladies’ and Misses
A full line of Men’s Shoes in Tan and
For Ladies and Misses we have an ex-
Gun Metal leather, various styles and
cellent line of Tans and Blacks, lace and
sizes, with the latest toes and lasts
button, modern toes and lasts
Trust Price $3.50
Trust Price $4.00, $3.00, and $3.50
Our Price $2.75
Our Price $2.75
and $2.35
Men here is an excellent bargain—Don’t
Ladies should not fail to take advantage
miss it
of this excellent offer.
Childrens Shoes
These prices are actual cost prices.
A full line of school shoes for the child­
make this bargain at a sacrifice but do so
ren, Good styles and durable.
to show you the policy of the Fithian-
It will
Barker Co., and the business methods of
pay you to look this line over
our competitor.
Trust price «$2.25
Our Price $1.90
Now is the time to fit the children with
good shoes
Remember Our Great Offer In
Silverware-—Get a Coupon
Sale Lasts Until En
tire Line is Sold Out
This is not a Fake Sale to rid our shelves of a lot of old and shop worn goods,
line is absolutely new and the prices we quote mean an actual saving to you__it will
pay you to call and investigate for yourself. We are losing what it cost to handle this
line, but we are willing to do it in order to-show our patrons the hold-up methods used
by one of the wholesale firms and how certain retailers will hold you up for more than
a legitimate profit
Modern Shoe
Repair Factory
“A Home Industry”
Opposite Pcstoffie
Lents, Oregon