cling work for twenty-fonr consecutive through the fence: a heap of disor­ hour«. But be kept the lead gained, dered metal which men were striving tor all that and a pace like th« loug frantically to restor« to activity, while swoop of a swallow. In the illuminated hospital tent Its "Car coming out of th« paddock driver and mechanism were undergo­ Hundred and eightieth lap. Car ing a kindred process of rehabilita­ _ stopped around th« bend." Floyd re­ tion. Other cars went tn and out ported, at Intervala. Otherwise there from their camps, for oil, for gaso­ _ was mute attention to business on the lene. for tires and minor repairs—for part of both men. all the countlesa wants ot a racing "Signal," 8tanton abruptly ordered, machine. Stanton looked for the Mer­ at last, as they rushed across th« cury, then, aatlafied. creased the track stretch of track between the grand­ and entered the apace before the stand and th« training-camps. grand stand. Floyd obediently rose in his place. Along the edge of the cement prom raising his arms above his head In th« enade were parked a row of automo­ Bv accepted signal to their men to stand bilea whose owners preferred to wit­ riesser M. lagraa ready for the car's entrance, On th« ness the race from their own cars next circuit Stanton turned Into the rather than from th« tiera of »eats be­ paddock and cam« to a stop before hind. Past them Stanton turned, the Mercury's tent avoiding the fire of attention and curi­ "Get out” be directed, and hlmaelf osity he would draw by crossing th« lighted space where recognition must left hia seat The two men who alternated were follow. He was going to the restau­ waiting to relieve the two who de­ rant in the interior of th« stand. scended from the machine. The work But as he passed a big white tour men swarmed around to fill tanks and Ing car at the end of the row, a wom­ give swift Inspection, and the fretting an leaned from the shadow of the top. “I beg your pardon," ahi »um- CAT sped back to the track. moned, her tone composed and rather Lett opposite each other in the flick ­ SYNOPSIS. ering glare of the swinging electric Imperious. The apology veiled a coiuniand. At the beginning of great automobile lamps, driver and mechanician stood rwv the mechanician of the Mef ury. for a moment weary, car-stiff, and Stanton halted. Stanton's machine, drops dead. Strange Stanton unclasped his "Madam?" he responded, astonished youth. Jesse Floyd, volunteers. and la ac­ still tense. cepted. mask with a jerk, took a step toward and scarcely pleased She deliberately stepped down bo the tent, then turned toward hia aa CHAPTER I. (Continued.) distant side him. accompanied by the crisp "Goin' to throw away the race an' "The three hours are up." he ob- sound of shaken silk and a drift ot wreck your machine, for foolishness?" served roughly. Sb« wore a 1 suppose you leave faint, rich fragrance. be Inquired. "That's just like you. me." dark motor-veil, and in the mingling Ralph Stanton. You'll risk a blow-out "Why do you suppose that? Are of dense shadows and glaring lights It an' a smash to save five minutes tn a you through with me?" Floyd asked, was not possible to dlatlngulah mor« twenty-four hour race. You can drive, with studied quietness. than her general effect of youth and but you won't use common sense.” “I msde the offer to any man who well-poised grace. Something snapped under Stanton's would go for the first three hours. "I fancied by your costume that you mask Raging with silent fury, he The time is up; you're free to get were one of the racers." she explain)! ■lowed down his car and swung Into your money from Mr. Green. and "And as I only arrived an hour sga tbe paddock gate as they came oppo­ leave." I wished to beg some Information." site it. thundering through to his own "I am on« of the men driving,” he Floyd took Off his own mask and camp. bared hia white, steadfast face and corroborated. "Fix that tire,” he commanded, as tired eyes to the other's gaze, She turned to glance at the cart the swarm of mechanics surrounded "I entered for the race, or for as rushing by. struggling for the lead. them, and descended from his seat to much of it as you want me." he cor­ "Thank you. Can you tell tn« confront the assistant manager. “Have rected. "Until you quit, or find a sub­ whether Ralph Stanton Is now driving you got me another mechanician, stitute you like better. I'm with you." the Mercury?" yet’ This one won't do." They looked at each other. "No,” he answered. Interrated fol I “Why, no,” Mr. Green deprecated. "Go rest, then. There is coffee in­ the first time. "But he will take thr —The driver who alternates with you side," bade Stanton, and swung on his wheel again In half an hour." Wrants to keep his mechanician; be­ heel. "Ah? I have heard so much of hit sides, the man isn't exactly ready to At the entrance to his tent he was spectacular feats. I," she gave a care Ko with you, and he couldn't do both met by the exultant assistant mana­ less, rippling laugh, "I confess .’ shifts, anyhow. I've telephoned to ger should like to see some of them." the company to find a man and rush "I've got you a mechanician. Stan­ "Yes? Well, half the people her» Mim here. What." he looked toward ton!” he exclaimed jubilantly. "I tel­ come to see whether some of the met the group around the car, where ephoned our fix to beadquarters, and won’t take a chance once too often. Floyd's bronze bead shone in the elec­ Jack Rupert is coming down—the They say there is a pleasant thrill is tric light as be directed proceedings, chief tester at the factory, you know, watching some one else get killed.” ."“what's the matter with this od «? who used to race with the chief him- "Hardly that," she demurred "Still Beared ?“ self, He 'phoned that he wouldn't see if one comes to an automobile race "No," conceded Stanton, grudgingly the Mercury thrown out but to tell one wants to see something more ex Just. "Insolent and interfering.” you he waa going to cancel hia life citing than a drive in the park; some “Weil, if that is all—” insurance policy first so he would not thing more exciting than—that Stanton turned his back upon the be accused of suicide for the benefit waved a fragile toward ■peaker, recklessly and blindly angry, past all reasoning. ' When, the brief operation com­ pleted, Floyd sprang up beside his (driver for the start, Stanton surveyed him through his goggles. 1 “If you are nervous about my driv­ ing and my sense, you had better get off now," was the grim warning. "For 9 drive as I see fit. and I'm going to make up these laps.” - "Why are you wasting time here, then?” countered the mechanician, Jjsactlcally. The Mercury hurtled viciously down the line of training camps and burst out on the track like a blazing meteor, Btanton shifted into high gear on the curve, and began to drive—aa be saw BL . The close-parked witnesaea stood during most of the next hour, alter- stately applauding and shouting dis­ may, climbing on seats and benches to •pee. The other racers gave the Mer­ cury room on the turns, after the Alan car tried to steal an inside ■weep, and skidding, missed destruc­ tion through and with Stanton by the narrow margin of a foot. There was neither opportunity nor wish for speech between the two who rode the verge of death on the Mer­ cury. Floyd attended steadily to his duties; pumping oil, brushing the yel­ low trackdust from the pilot’s goggles to clear his vision for each turn, watching the tires and the other ma­ chines But he made no protest at the deadly methods of his companion. Near the end of the second hour, the scream of the klaxon sounded its ■ignlficant warning of trouble. "It's us—lamps out," called the me­ chanician, after a comprehensive re­ view of their machine. ' Stanton shook his head impatiently, and kept on; deliberately passing the paddock gate Instead ot turning in. As they shot by the grand-stand for the second time, the klaxon sounded Again, long and imperiously. “I Am One of the Men Driving,” He Corroborated. “Goin’ to fight the judges?” lisped of his heirs. Funny chap! He’ll be track, shrugging her shoulders with Floyd. with careful politeness. The driver did not speak or glance here before you go on the track an airy amusement and scorn. Stanton surveyed the scene, th« from the funneleffect of light and again.” dark into which they were borinS?, but “What for’” demanded Stanton. "If darkness hiding his expression. “The Mercury is marking time with the catch of his breath was not gen­ I kill my mechanician, I kill my car tle. However, he swung into the pad­ and myself—I don't Deed two men, a substitute driver, the Duplex is off with a choked feed-pipe, and the Stern dock, on the next circuit, and halted and I've got one.” "But I thought you said—” began went through the fence,” he summed a brief instant to have the lamp re- up. "The others are driving to win llghted. Familiar with his usual the amazed Mr. Green. "I was wrong. 'Phone Rupert that by endurance, playing for accidents to wants, a man ran bringing a pitcher, of water to Stanton; who swallowed a I’ll keep Floyd. Now, I'd like to get the faster cars. It is a dull period, just now. Yet every car there is go­ little, then pushed the vessel so rough­ some rest.” The assistant manager stepped ing fast enough to face destruction if ly toward his mechanician that some of the liquid splashed over the recipi­ aside from the entrance, confounded. anything goes wrong.” ent and trickled down upon them both. She turned to him again, and h« CHAPTER II. "Here,” he offered curtly. knew her gaze swept him interroga­ "Thanks,” Floyd accepted, and tively, searchingly. But his close- The Risk and the Lady. drank as they bounded forward, tois- fitting linen costume offered no means Two hours later, Stanton emerged of identification, since he purposely Ing the tin pitcher back over his shoulder, where a reporter gathered from his camp and strolled toward kept from the light the silver letters It up and sat upon a keg of oil to write the paddock exit It was after two running across his jersey. ■ pretty account of the volunteer me­ o'clock in the morning; the dark arch (TO HE CONTINUED.) chanician who bad made the Mer­ of star-set sky overhead, the black No Danger. cury’s entry possible and of the conse­ emptiness of the central field except for the line of tents, contrasted oddly n can’t understand why you wfa\ quent regard of Stanton for him. The next hour passed a trifle more with the glistening white track where to go to the legislature, Don't you quietly. Perhaps even Stanton was the meteor-bright cars circled tireless­ think your business will suffer if you sufficiently tired by the strain to drive ly to the accompanying monotone of are elected’” "Oh, no. You see, I manufacture with some conservatism; perhaps he many voices, varied by the occasional acknowledged mentally that no car wall of the official klaxon. One ma­ things which are needed in furnish­ >uilt would stand such viciously gru- chine was out of the race, after going ing public offices.” STANTON 1 WINS n CHURCH DIRECTORY Remember the Name—BOHNA WHEN YOU WANT LIGHT GROCERIES, BAKING GOODS. CONFECTIONERY, CI GARS, FRUITS. VEGETABLES. ETC. Ice Cream, Sodas and Sott Drinks at Our Fountain INSURE NOW In Oregon’s Most Reliable Association Oregon Fire Relief, Oregon Merchants Mutual Fire, American Life and Accident In­ surance of Portland PROTECTION AND BENEFITS MODERATE RATES John Brown, (Jresham, Ore. THE HERALD WITH ANY OF THE FOLLOWING ONE YEAR Weekly Oregonian................. Daily Oregonian.................... Daily and Sunday Oregonian Daily Telegram until Dec. 20 Semi-Weekly Journal Daily Journal........................... Daily and Sunday Journal Pacific Monthly Pacific Homestead Pacific Farmer........ Poultry Journal (Monthly).... Oregon Agriculturist............... Farm Journal McCall’s Magazine (Ladies’) . $1.75 6.75 8.00 ... 4.50 2.00 5.50 8.00 1.75 2.00 2.00 1.50 LOO 1.25 1.25 This price is lor delivery by mail only and only when re­ mittance is made with’order. Papers may be sent to sepa­ rate addresses. Subscriptions may begin at any time. Try The Herald Job Department. We Carry in Stock All Kinds ol Staple and Fancy Gro ceries Including nudi well known g»oda of Méritas ALLEN A LEWIS, PRE- 11 RR1 11 STOCK «am WHITE RIVER FLOUR Etc. ' When you don't find what you want at other «toreafgo to PROFESSIONAL CARDS C. E. Kennedy 2nd Av«., Lenta. W. F. Klinentan Kennedy n Klineman Real Estate and Rentals, Notary Public Work Office Phone T. 2012 Main St. and Carline, Lenta, Oregon C. €. morland, Dentist 719 Dekum Bldg.. Thin! and Wash, ington, Portland. Ore. City Office. .Main 6966; Lenta ( )ffice, 2N.LÌ Residence, Tabor 25H7 Residence Corner 8th anil Marie StH., Lents. Ore. Office Hours 8 to 10 a. m. John R. Hughes First Avenue and Foster Road BORING-SANDY STAGE LINE First-Class Livery and feed Stables at Boring and Sandy Transportation of all kind» of Baggage to Sandy and interior point« .... For further Information phone or write E. F. DONAHUE, Prop. Boring, - - Oregon REALESTTAE BARGAINS We have listed perhaps the biggest list of bargains in real estate of any firm in the city. Our list includes many excellent buys in Lents property. We also have houses for lent and for sale on easy payment plan. Bright Realty Co. MRS. T. BRIGHT F<»St lervlt-e al II :. rr paul ' mei - huopalchuri u. woodmere Harvli-ea and sermon al 4 p, in. every Sun ■lay. t'onunun- lou a«r»l<-«.on axoun-l Sunday ot «ash month. I»r Van IVali-t anple rurdlally Invllt l and welcome UKAl'K KVANilKI.lCAI. t'lll'Ki II, I.KNTH l*ti-arhliiji Sunday Bill a m and Ttgt p in Sunday fsluuil every Huuday al In a iu You li» l-eoploa' A Illa in',- evi-ry Hutidar al Siati i- ni i'rayer iui-i-Hng and Hilda atudy eai-h Widlieaday evening Hl,erlal IIIUBlr All cordially welcome Ha» Conklin, gaalnr. I.KNTH FKIKNhH t lK Ht li Mouth Main St Hablmth Hi-hool IO: any.-llallc •orile« 7.M> I'reyer meeting Wedtieijay 1:44 p in Myra H Hmllh. paator l.KN'TH M K. < Ilt'Ki It Corner ot?lh Ave and Gorden Hl Munday Heh.Mil |0:iai a in . ger vlrea al II :i» a in and ! :■> p m.. Kpwurih league 0:*i. Prayer uu-eiltig Thursday even Ing ot each wish All tn,-alcordially Invlieii. H-v tv lioyd Moor«. |>aalor THKMONT I'NITKP HHKTIIKHN CHI'H« H— rUnd Ave noth Hi H K Huuday Mebool at 10:110 a, m Preaching II :00 a in. <*hrl«ttau Knilcavor »:*> p m Preaching 7:*) I» in Prayer meeting Thursday ,T:«i) p m Mr« Lynn, pastor MII.MK0AYK I'HKHIIYTKHIAN CHURCH _______ Kev. lavi Johnson, pastor H. aldonce »w 1-1 Lovejoy Hl, Hervlces Monday Mchool al It:», m . Morning Worship II a in nKVKN'TII pay AbVRNTISTCHI Ri II Satur­ day Habbaih School lo A M Haturday Preach Ing il A M Bunday Preaching s.-uu p M All welcome lo these meellriga. C. J, Cum­ mings. Pastor, realdauoe HR Kaal 4Mb g|. Phone Tabor Mil. ORANGE DIRECTORY (Grange« are requested to arnd to Thr II«raid Infomatloti that a brlrf a m rvrry mouth H<»< KW< h »D QBANGB MeeU thr Ar«t Wrd ncMlay of each month all p w and third hat urdav at lo a m. MULTNOMAH GRANGK. NO 71. Meet« the fourth Haturdav in »very month at 10 »)> tn. In ««rang» hall. Orient. FAIMVIKW GRANGK Mm. flrat Neturday and thr third Friday of rach month. RLHHKLLVII |.K <«MAN(«K NO BM Meet« In the Bchoolhuu«« th. third H«lunlay of each mouth KVKNING MTAR GRAM g K M h U In lhelt hall at Houlh Mount TatMir on th«- Ural Matur «lay of each mouth al 10 a m All visitor« are Wvlcotur GBKMIlAM GKANtiK Mm. «round Hatur day In ra«*h month at 10 *)a. m DAM UM I n (ill ANGE. NO. feu Meet« fl Mt Haturday each month I.KNTM GHA N« Or. Meet« aero nd Haturday o each month al 10 «0 a m ( IsAUKAMAh OBANUK, NO .-M Meet« tha Aral Haturday In thr month at 10 «0 a m and th«? third Haturday al 7 30 p in. HANDY GHANGB. No nrj Mreto «eoond Haturday of each month al lo o'chwk a. tn COLI MHIA GRANuk No »1 Meets In »11 day •«■■.Ion first Haturday In rach iu..utli In grange bail near Curbcit at lo a ui RAILROAD TIME (ARD UNION PKP ii T. NORTHKRN PACIFIC Phone A asti. Mainerei Leaves 7:10 a rn , |u:aua. in 4:»> p m . Il:l.lp.m. Arrives 7:IM> a. m,. »:•> p. m.,s:Ao p. in . |o:«0 p m. OREGON WASHINGTON H ka TTI.E Phone A aril, Private »g, 1 Ix-avea »:■> a. m . 1:4.'> p m.. 4:00 p. m.. II :oop m. Arrives a m , -J:S0p m.,0:a> p in ,4:»i p m PENDLETON LOCAI, Leave« 7:30 a in . arrives A:ao a ru. THE PALLE« LIM AI. Leaves 4:0o p. m.. arrives lO:uu a. m. OVERLAND Lravcl 10H)0 a m.. »:<« p. m , arrives 11:41 a. m„ a.a» p m. MtiKANE Leave« 4:0) p. m.. arrives 11:4« a m. ROl'THERN PACIFIC WILLAMETTE LIMITED LaavM&:Mp. m . arrives 11 a tn ASHLAND ()ptom«*trl«t an<1 dl«|M*n«ing optician. »0*1 !>«k p in um Bldg., (’or. 3rd and Wauhln«t<>n St Office leaves 0:40 a. ni . arrivas V hour« V a. in. le 5 p m. Main fluiu. ROSEHURQ Lenta ofltee.friO Gilbert Avr. two block« w««t leaves S:So p. m.. arrives 4:0t> p. tn CALIFORNIA TRAINH of «« hoot. Iloura fl p in. to W.ffO p. in . Tabor 1516. Bunday» by appointment. leave at 1:40 a in.. 5 ro p. m , 4:1» p. m Arrive al 7:oo a. tn . 4:14 a m., IK4 p m WERT HIDE Corvallis, leave 7:40 a. m.. arriva 0:30 p. m Hillsboro, leaves 7:40 a. m.,0:4&a m . » 40 p. m.. 4:40p m Arrive 4:00 a. m., lo:40 s. m., t:4S p m . 4 10 p. Phone.4x m. Mill I 1-4 mlh-a southeast ot Kelao JEFFERSON HTRKET Dallas, leaves 7 40 a. in. arrives :,;»!• p m UNION DEPOT Dallas, leaves 4:10 p. m., arrives lo:S) a. m. HHKHIDKN—UNION DKI.OT Leaves at 4:00 p. m , arrives 10:40 a. tn. TILLAMOOK leaves 4:4». Hillsboro. lo:00Tillamook 4 46 leaves Tillamook 744>a. in.. Hillsboro 1:40 Large Rtock ot Dimen«ion Lumber on hand p. tn., arrives In Portlsnd 4:4» p in Rough and DreMed lumber for all purpo«<*« NORTH HANK Phone A 04»l, Msryhall W> •end order to JON8RUD BRoH. Boring RD 3 ASTORIA AND SEASIDE leaves ttpaia tn.. !» 10 a. in.2:00p. rn Sal., »:»> p n> .arrives I4:-JO p. rn , 14 to p. m. Mun , !' 10 p. in., 10.M> p. m. RANIER LOCAL leaves 1:00 p. ni , »:41> p. m., arrives v:43 a. m . n:IA p. m. LYLE GOLDEN DALE Leaves 4:66 a. rn., arrives :>:an p. nr. SPOKANE EXPRESS leaves»:»»a. m.,7:0op. nr. arrives »:10 a. m , 7:4» p. m. COLUMBIA LOCAL leaves »:■> p m., arrives 0:66 a. tn. ELECTRIC LINKS OREGON ELECTRIC Salem anil way points Leaving at 4:1» 7:V>, »10, lo:P>: l;»o. 8:4o »:|.'> Crvln L Sells, Opt. D. JONSRUD BROS. BORING OREGON CEDAR POSTS SHINGLES MOULDINGS TURNED WORK LUMBER $6 AND UP A rr I ves » :46. 11:1» ; | : 1». » ; | j, 6:26, « ; |6, h ;,jo,| t : 1» Hillsboro and Forest Grove leaves 6:10, »:IO, IO:M, 1:00, 4:06,6:40, «H» 11:16 Arrives 7:50, 10:00,14:05, m„ 4», 6:16 7:40 9:46,11:1» p. rn. UNITED RAILWAYS Third and Stark, phone » (koi Marshall W0 leaving hourly from 6:15 a m. to A: 15 p. m. Arriving •• 7:5« a. m to 4M p. m. PORI LAND RAILWAY LIGHT A POWER Alder St Station, A 0161, «(O h Main Oregon city, arrives and leaves each halt hour from I,:»ia. or to midnight. Casadero, arrives and leaves 6:6», »:45, 10:4.5 a. ni , I4:4*i, 4:4», 4:45, <1:46 p rn , stopping at Troutdale, and Gresham, way polnta. On aham, Troutdale, leaves at 7:46, 4:4.5. 11:4.', a rn., 1:45, »:4», r,:46, 11 ::«> p m. Vancouver, station Washington and Second 4:15, fl:6o, 7:46 H On, »:«.<, trito »¡so io:go, 11:60 a m., 14:40, i:to, 1:M, 2:40, R:1O. »¡so. .. J:w'#:10' 6:IW- ":1W- 7:40, »¡1», »:», |i,¡16 Ili*.