DOINGS OF OUR NEIGHBORS BKEfcZY IUMS CON I klBl'TI I) BY HPKAI.O «EPOCH!« 8 AT NEARBY POINTS road and have added to Its appearance, wide porches nearly around the whole building. Workman have »pent many days in jminting and otherwi»« improving it. What it« future u»e will be 1» at pnwnt unknown to it* neigh- l*>r». It ha» changed the look» of the whol« hsolity. A laxly from Lnnto ha» been «ngaged to teach the »cbool for the corning year. Every «mi- white* her »iieceas hi our en- u-rpriaing littl«« »chool. A number of bright youngster* make up it* roll call Mr*. Artispriger is recovering from a weary illnes* of never al weeks dura ! lion. COLUMBIA HEIGH IS Mi»» Lottie B«nf>«irt«d to Saturday evening. l>« quit« plentiful on Ml. Hcott and A good many of the rancher» from the ' other hill* surrounding this place. ' Lyman Davie«, of Sandy, viaited hi» Height» were in Greabaru to Celebrate Neveral of th« boy» have lieen earning parent» her» laat we«k the Fourth. Rev. C L. Hamilton and wife and ■pending money pick ng th« berrlee »nd Mr», tie«». Hurburt, of Portland, ha* l ■«lling lh«tn »• from eighty cent» to » two daughter», Mi»» Franc»* and Mr*. moved out to Rar the depot, tine ea|te<-ially i- ' maiden, also the G<*ldes* of Liberty, arc among tlie numiair. They report to he quite i< large building, the dimcti- , I Hcle Sam ami lifly-four »mail children bis daughter here last wtjek, Mrs. F. I x loo ft. that thing» are lively not-with-ntamliug ■ion» being about who made up the Royal party. With Kniviem. tiie rain. Mr» Hutchins made atrip u> Portland , the Buckley mare* gaily catMinized with Roy Anderson ha» gone to Bend, Ore. guy ribbon* ami flag* ami attended on for a couple of week» with relatives .Mi»» Ethel llooplu and J. Wright Monday. were married June '.Ml at the home of lb« . Little Mi*» Eva Carjamter I" «|«nk a 1» an East »ide liunine»« man. Mia* I.iila Bramhall ha* just returned Mr. F. Benfield wa» in the metropolis L. M. Lawson, » »on rd W. II. Luwson from a ten day* visit with friemla at prominently popular part in th«- Natal on busim-fl* last week. ceh-brutioii. of thl» place, »in married on the even­ Corbett. Mr. F. Iliiiu anil Mr. G. I’uren, of; ing of June 2tl to Mi»» Mary Catlin. I. C. Campion ami family, of Irving­ Mr* II. D. Thom peon and son« and The wedding took place at the First Mr». It J Northlip, ail of Hoquiam. ton, were caller* at Buckley Grove on Hurburt, attended the party given at E W««*lwarf Portland, is Imilding a ol her sixteenth birthday. relalivo» A valuable cow belonging to Mr lieautiful hoim- acro-a from tin- Mct'art- Mi»» Mildred Tavlor ia studying Mr», Walter Hall, accompanied by Hayworth, wiv kill<*l by the train Tu»-»- neys on Everglade Avenue. music with Mr*. L*eEvans. Iler daughter«, Eveline and Aden!« and day morning. Mr. David Benfield and W. Hick» were her neice, My ire Simmon», are vlniting A. J. Ruay I* hal ing some improv- I in Portland last Ft) lay. CHERRYVILLE at the home of Mr». Hail'» »inter, Mrs. incut* made on hi» lioui»«. Taft'» bat i* in the ring. W II. Ia»oin. They arrived from Mr*. Waldrip »pent a coup!«- of duy* Iowa la«t week iti time to attend that Plenty <>f rain for thia time of the Bill ROSE in Portland tlic first of the week. l«ervi-d by Tiie location for the •lam is finally Mr». Corbett, and two lady friend», I the M E. i hurdi Eight jia-M-d the determin««!. It «ill tie over a mile iii—t of our ja«iple but a* there wa- no «pent the week end al tier summer examination with credit. alaive <-amji five. This will lu-o-seitate eeleliration here they fouml their enjoy­ home here. Prof II F. Pflng-m-e, of Oregon City, th«» removal of many building* and the ment else wh«*re. Many went to Gresham, Mr* B J. Kincaid bn* been very, and C F. M--lnto-h.tif Nashville. Ti-nn.. cement that is of any value ami th«» lav­ others wer»- attract—i to the Oak*, an I •lek the past week but 1» »lightly Im-1 are »pemiing their vacation witii Prof. 1 ing out of u road along the south side of ■till others to--k advantage of nutnerou* proved at this writing. Dr. Bell. of <|ut«'kall. the -amty River. Probaldy two-tliird* excursions on tl*- inter-urlaui line*. Gr-aliam, ha» Lien in attendance. of Waller Lynn wa« the victim of whaf Mo.«t of our families several holes punched in the case beside itor at tlic Frank Reed home. some other damage. Walter says it Sunday June Both. 70 gueataaMHembled Ployed Iteed caught the largest Chi­ and a most enjoyable lime we» report««!. Portland this w«s»k and took in the1 would not be healthy for the guilty party Fourth which however will not I*» in it nook »almon if the aeaaon Friday night, if he should find him. Mr. W md 1« station agent at the Mt.' with tla- Elk* Carnival this week. the weight lieing »iaty-aeven pounds. Mrs C II. Hi«-lier was down from Rood l but 1» »till very low. Mr*. B«n Mathew», of Gresham, visiting relative» at Columbia (Tity at sort of a proposition. Mrs Chas. Kadderly and son are now While returning home from the staying in their summer cottage ■pent a few day* with her mother, Mr». present. Miss Mary Bews is spending a few Fourth of July picnic at Salmon River Welches. Froge, last week. day* in Portland. la«t week the auto containing a party of Mr. and Mr*, (tin Donley are home Mr. Thorsen spent th«» Fourth at Mr. and Mrs. Keith wen» visiting Mrs. Bodkins’, her son, James ami Welches. He caught a fine basketful of on a visit but will go back to Divide, some neighborhood children struck a Sunday, where he ha* been working in friends In Eagle Creek Sunday. speekeled lieauties. Miss Margaret Reward and Mr. Simon­ snag partly concealed and threw Mrs. a saw mill. Chas. Gedenike and family, of B-idkin» out with such violence that she Mr. and Mr*. J. P. Stradlev and son have arrived from The Dalles- sustained quite serious injuries and the Gresham, are in their eottageat Welches P. Magnolia is s|*»nding a week at children were badly shaken up. One for a few weeks. daughter, Hazel, attended the musical at Eller'» Recital Hall Monday even­ home to harvest his clover crop. wheel of the auto was totally demolish­ Mr. Osborn and wile, of the Forest ing. July 1st. Mi»« Straillcy took part G. R. W ihm II«» and family were in ed. Mrs. Rodkins recovered from the Service, pa-se-i through this vicinity on in the program. Tne musical wa* pro­ Dover Sunday. shock and injuries much better than their way to Government Camp nouncod a grand snccesa. Mr. and Mrs. Seward were picking wa* expected. Claude Chapman just returned from a cherries at Mr. Giiisons' Monday. The writer while at a picnic at Salmon trip to Portland. River visiteii tiie hatchery and was Quite a little excitement neenrel last j LUS(ED pleased with tiie orderly ami able man­ week when Mr. Breiniier’s team got Mi»» Minnie Robertaon of Gresham, WLSI SECi ION UNE ner in »hich it is «xmdneted. Mr. frightened at some wire he was raising viaited her »iater, Mr*. Max I aviea, laat Miss Carrie Wilson, of Corbet, is a Humphrey surely understands his*b«tsi- and ran away. They upset tiie buggy week. hrttise guest at. Buckley Grow. ness and his assistant, Mr. Cox, of and damageil it some but he received I Dr. Thompson, of Gresham, is pre­ The Relon Well Drilling Machine, of Sandy, ia a reliable, steady man, who paring to plant hi* place her» to pn- la'iits, is at present deepening th«» well can be depended upon any time. Over ! no serious injuries. tatoea on the R Snyder place, at present ten­ 500,(MX) steelhead «almon are now on Horses and Mares Mr. and Mrs. Frank Linderman, of anted iiy Japencse. A depth of 125 f«»el hand, and preparations are made for the Light anil Heavy can be had in I.ents. Call and look them over. Prices will Arleta, ware the guest of G. Moulton lias been reached with good prospects run of chinook» later on. suit. Trial and Guarantee. for a permanent water supply. and family laat week. Inquire of Kennedy & Klineman, Real The old S»»v«»n Mile House has been Mr. and Mrs. O. Lusted, Mr. and Mr». Estate or at Grange Store Try electric Milk Shakes at Lambert F. J. Ward R. Millar, Mr. and Mr». Nick Rann, moved lau-k quite a distance from the & Thompson». BELLROSE Only the Finest Quality Ice Cream, Sodas, Sundaes and Soft Drinks served at our fountain. The only exclusive Ice Cream Parlor in Lents. Try our famous Home Made Candies. 'Phomas Brots. Ciii«»rtw and Tol>acco*» Waiting Room Lent», Ore. To The Housewives Eggiman’s handle Meats of Quality They sell Quality Meats at Reasonable Prices. Your Trade Solicited Eggiman’s Meat Market Main Street Lents, Ore. Great Sacrifice of Shoes Read Our Ad on Another Page Modern Shoe Repair Factory A Cool Kitchen Even in Midsummer with a real live Breeze Blowing away the stifling sultry air and cooling the whole room That’s your Kitchen and all others too that have an Electric Fan. PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT AND POWER CO Main Office Seventh & Alder Streets Telephones Main 6688 and A. 6130 The Herald $1.00 Per Year «