Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, July 11, 1912, Image 3

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Refugees Fill Streets of Juarez
and Camp on Curbs.
------ r—
Oroict Sands 3600 to Casas Grand*
and Sonora. Whsrs Guerilla
War Will B* Waged.
Juarez, Mex.—The transitory stage
of the Mexican revolution -Ila pas­
sage from an organised military cam­
paign into a guerilla warfare—
brought nearly 2000 rebel troops here
en route to Casas Grandes and the re­
gion along the Mexican Northwestern
railroad, about 100 miles southwest of
the border.
Hundreds of women and children,
mostly refugees from Chihuahua City,
now In the hands of the federal gov­
ernment, came
the troops.
Homeless, they camped in the streets,
cooking thcie meals on curbs and
sleeping in the open.
General Pascual Orosco, the rebel
chief, spent the day at Naus. 80 miles
north of Chihuahua, giving final or­
ders to 8600 cavalry which he directed
westward acrosa country toward Casas
Grandes and the state of Sonora, now
the rebel objective.
Three of five troop trains which left
Bachimba, where the federals defeat­
ed the rebel army two days ago, had
reached here.
Two more are on their
way and General Orosco is said to be
on one of them.
Gutierres 'and
members of the rebel legislature ar­
rived here also. Those who witnessed
the battle of Bachimba said the feder­
ate had every advantage, driving the
rebels away long before they intended
to retreat. When the last troop train
was pulling out of Bachimba a scat­
tered fire from federal cavalry was di­
rected at it, the passengers calling
frantically on the engineer for speed.
Border Situation Peaceful.
KI Pano, Tex. — Colonel Pascua
Orosco Sr., father of the rebel chief,
denied the report from Washington
that the rebels would direct artillery
fire acroas the international line to
destroy the plant of an Ki Paso elec­
tric lighting company to force inter­
vention. The story han been in circu­
lation here for nearly a month, but
officials here representing the Slate
and War departments, after having in­
vestigated, reported that they did not
believe any such contingency was
Scores of rebel soldiers deserted to
American noil during the day. They
declare dissension between General
Orosco and his staff and lack of money
or food were rapidly decimating the
rebel army.
-------------------------- ;--------
Police Assailed in Waterfront Riots
In Havre, Franco.
Havre, France — Women wearing
flaming red sashes took a prominent
part here in the stoning of the police
and military in the riots that followed
expulsion of striking laborers and sea­
men from the docks.
The assailants
threw missile* from windows in the
The strikers were forced finally to
retire but retreated slowly, erecting
barricades in many of the streets.
They broke all the windows in the two
principal police stations.
Marseilles — The officer* of the
French line steamers decided to join
the striking seamen and dockers.
This completely paralyses the mail
service of the company in the Medi­
terranean. Additional destroyers are
to be requisitioned to carry the mails.
All the docks here are guarded by the
Bordeaux—The strike of the docker*
here in sympsthy with the seamen of
other porta has been only partly effec­
tive. A serioua fight took place be­
tween strikers and policemen on the
arrival of the steamship Magellan
from South America. Several police­
men were injured.
Driver Dies; Horse Wins Race.
Santa Crus, Cal.—John M. Fergu­
son, well known in this state as a
breeder and driver of trotting horses,
was stricken by heart disease while
driving far in the lead in the first trot­
ting event Thursday at Opal Park.
He fell from his sulky, while the
trotter continued under the wire and
again circled the course, halting at
her stall. The races were called off.
There was a previous accident at the
track, when Thomas Halbrook, a driv
er, was kicked by a horse and suffered
a broken leg and other serious injury.
British Spy is Convicted.
Leipric, Germany—Leopold Filers,
a native of the German island of Hel-
geland, but a naturalised citizen of
the United States, was sentenced here
by the Imperial Supreme court to four
years in a penitentiary and six years’
loss of civil rights on a charge of es­
pionage. Eilers was accused of hav­
ing attempted to obtain secret docu­
ments and also the plans of the de­
fenses of Helgeland for delivery to
the British government.
Rural Carrier Destroys Mail.
San Francisco—Henry E. Volherts,
a rural mail carrier of Petaluma, has
been arrested for destroying advertis­
ing postal cards, because, he said, his
route as so large he was unable to de­
liver all the mail. He will appear be­
fore a United States commissioner for
preliminary examination.
Claim* President’* Renomlnatlon Was
Unjust and Illegal.
Washington, D. C.- Senator Works,
ot California, progressive Republican,
presenting in the senate a resolution
to Investigate recent campaign con­
tributions and expenditures, declared
that President Taft’s renomination had
been procured anjustly and illegally.
California needed no new party, he
said, and the Republican party might
better go down to defeat for the sins
of its leaders and come up four year*
hence than to form a new party.
Senator Work* said bi* resolution
was based on chargee publicly made
by President Taft and ex-President
Roosevelt. The resolution declares It
is common knowledge that public offi­
cials from the president, cabinet offi­
cers and senators down, have engaged
In the pro-convention campaign.
It directs the investigation of the
financial transactions of the Democra­
tic and Republican candidates for the
presidential nomination,
calls for
names of officials engaged in the cam­
paign and their salaries, the percent­
age of voters in the primaries and
payments to newspapers and news­
paper writers and the amount of ex­
penses of delegate* paid by others.
The resolution stirred the senate,
but was not acted upon.
Mr. Works
charged that men sent to Washington
to discharge public duties had been
giving their time to carrying on polit­
ical campaigns.
“Doesn’t that apply tn certain mem­
bers of this body," asked Senator
Nelson, of Minnesota.
"I think it does," replied Senator
Mr. Worka asserted that a new
party in California would mean turn­
ing the “purified Republican party,”
there, back to special interests.
U. 8. Treasury Ends Fiscal
With 823,000,000.
Noie» and Instruction» from AgriculturoI Colleges and Experiment Station»
of Oregon and Washington. Specially Suitable to Pacific Coa»t Condition»
Useful and Harmful Bacteria Shown So Writes O. A. C. Professor In Jour­
to O. A. C. Summer Students.
nal of Homo Economics.
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­
vallis — Germs which cause milk to
sour, bacteria which dispose of filth
and which aid in making the soil
more fertile, and microbe*
cause disease were shown through a
powerful microscope to the students of
the college summer session by Prof.
T. D. Beckwith.
“Some people still believe
thunder showers are somehow related
to the souring of milk,'* said Prof.
Beckwith. “They are not.
If you
put milk in a cold box, it will keep
sweet from 24 to 48 hours, but if it
is in a warm room it will sour in 18
There is some relation, not
between thunder showers and the
souring of the milk, but between the
temperature and this change in the
I “The change is produced by the
activity of germs.
We hold up our
hands in horror when we speak of
germa, microbes and bacteria. But
we owe our lives to many of these,
which are too small to be seen with
the naked eye.“
Prof. Beckwith then showed through
the microscope some bacteria which
cause the souring of milk, magnified
1,400,000 timea.
"How large are'they ?’* be contin­
ued. “These particular ones are so
small that it you take 16,000 of them
and put them so tWht they just touch,
you will have a line one inch long.
With the naked eye, if you have good
eyes, you can not see anything smaller
than one-two-hundredth of an inch.
Most germs are colorless; some,
however, have a red. brown, blue or
dirty cream color.
“Germs are alive. Milk sours be­
cause it becomes highly populated
with little bits of microscopic plants.
If you have typhoid fever you are
sick because you have become a great
garden of diseaae plants, which, as
they grow, give off a poison. It is to
our advantage to have milk sour prop­
erly and not too soon.
“It is safe to say that an ordinary
human being voids 83,000,000,000,000
(thirty-three million million) germs
a day. Most of these come out by
way of the feces. Since a cow is so
much larger an animal, bow much
greater must be the number of germa
which it throws off each day. What
do you think of the farmer who keeps
his cow in a dark, muddy stable, wet,
dripping with manure, or in summer
time in the dry season allows it to ac­
cumulate an armor of manure? Every
bit of the filth is full of germs, which,
if they get into the milx, will produce
abnormal changes, some of them
breeding disease.”
Washington, D. C. — The Federal
government closed the fiscal year with
a surplus of 82,000,000, according to
estimates based on incomplete returns
from the various sources of revenue
the country over.
This amount far
exceeded the expectations of Secretary
MacVeagh, who months ago estimated
that the surplus would be 810,260,000.
The surplus at the close of the fiscal
year 1911 was 846,682,000.
The failure of congress to pass gen­
eral deficiency and other appropriation
bills which would have called for large
disbursements during the closing days
of the fiscal year helped the govern­
ment to pile up its surplus.
Another big element in the figures
was the corporation tax, which, it is
calculated, brought in 827,000,000,
against 833,000,000 last year.
Custom receipts yielded about 8310,-
000,000 this fiscal year, against 8314,-
000,000 last year, while internal reve­
nue taxes amounted to 8292,000,000,
a* against 8289,000,000.
The taxation on beer indicates that
American people consumed 63,000,000
barrels during the year. The govern­
ment realized 8149,000,000 on distilled
spirits, 863,000,000 on beer and 870,-
000,000 on tobacco.
Garman* Welcome Taft.
Philadelphia—A grand festival con­
cert participated in by the thousands
of member* of eocietie* constituting
the Northeastern Saengerbund, with
President and Mr*. Taft a* the guests
of honor, was the crowning event of
the program of the 23d SaengerfesL
When the President and Mrs. Taft
reached Broad street station they
were greeted by a German song of
welcome sung by a large chorus. As
the President and his wife entered the
auditorium the chorus of 6000 trained
male voices sang the “Star Spangled
Banner," while the immense audience
remained standing.
Tap Line Cases Dropped.
Washington, D. C.—The Commerce
court has decided to dismisa, for want
of jurisdiction, the so-called tap-line
cases filed recently.
The petition
presented by the tap lines required
against the Interstate
Commerce commission’s order deter­
mining the status of tap lines with re­
lation to the various trunk lines. The
tap lines contended they were common
carrier* under the law and that the
commission had no authority to ex­
clude them from the division* of
through rates with trunk lines.
Famous Engineer Dead.
Toronto — Cecil Brunswick Smith,
one of the best-known railway and
hydro-electric engineers in the world,
died at his home here of cancer. He
was 48 years old. Nearly every hydro­
electric plant in America was either
designed or built by Smith.
He was
a graduate of McGill university and a
former president of the Canadian So­
ciety of Civil Engineers. He was the
author of several well-known text­
books on engineering.
Congras* Thank* Savior*.
Rural Business Management Helps to
Make Farms Pay.
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­
vallis—The fact that the U. S. De­
partment of Agriculture has estab­
lished an office of farm management
and that the civil service commission
recently held examinations to secure
men eligible for appointment as assist­
ants in farm cost accounting, is suffi­
cient indication of the growing realiz­
ation of the importance of better bus­
iness methods on the farm.
If any further recognition of the
fact were needed, it may be found in
the great number of letters requesting
information on the subject which are
received daily by Dean J. A. Bexell,
of the O. A. C. school of commerce,
whose text book, “Farm Accounting
and Business Methods," is in use
throughout the United States and
Men in Germany, England
and Australia have written him re­
garding it.
“No farmer has a reasonable excuse
to offer for wasting valuable time and
labor on crops which, because of cli­
matic or economic conditions, can not
yield adequate returns," said Mr.
“Accurate records and ac­
counts are absolutely necessary in the
management of every business enter­
prise. No business can be successful
in the long run unless its condition
can be determined at any time, and no
conservative business man will fail to
prepare a financial statement at the
end of his fiscal year. He must deter­
mine how he stands, not only with
others, but with himself.
“One object of keeping accounts is
to assist in accumulating property.
Another important object is to record
a continuous history of business trans­
actions for future guidance. Not only
is this profitable, but it is a source of
real pleasure and satisfaction to know
our standing with those with whom
we deal as well as the profits and
losses in our business enterprises.”
Washington, D. C.—The thank* of
congress are conveyed to Captain
Arthur H. Rostron and the officers and
crew of the liner Cgrpathia for their
rescue of 704 survivors of the Titanic,
Hi* Recommendation,
in the senate bill passed by the htuse.
The measure now goes to President
A cook has been going around a sta­
Taft for signature. The bill provides tion in the south of India with the fol­
for a 81000 gold medal for Captain lowing ’character,’ and is somewhat
surprised he is not engaged: "Abdul
has been my cook for three months; it
Class Rate'Lowered.
seems much longer. He leaves on ac­
Washington, D. C. — Class freight count of ill health—my ill health."—
rates from the Missouri river and Christian Advocate.
points of origin East to destinations
Her Reformation.
in the Willamette valley through Port­
land, Or., were held by the Interstate
Out in Reno I met a lady who told
Commerce commission to be unreason­ me she used to marry men she would­
able. Reductions averaging approx^ n't invite to a musicale now.—Kansas
City Journal.
mately 12 per cent were ordered.
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­
vallis—That cake is a concentrated
food, the average slice containing
practically as much food value as one
and one-half glasses of milk, is the
opinion of Prof. Ava B. Milam, of the
domestic science department at the
Oregon Agricultural College, in the
first of a series of scientific articles on
“Factors Affecting the Economic and
Dietetic Value of Foods,” in the cur­
rent number of the Journal of Home
Economies. “When an article of diet
comes into as general use as has cake,
the factors affecting ita economic and
dietetic value as well as its quality
justify study," says Miss Milam.
“There is a lack of definite knowl­
edge of these factors and inadequate
means of controlling the conditone.
The purpose of the study was to show
the effect of varying the kind and
form of ingredients on the quality,
the cost, and the economic and dietetic
value of cakes.
“The work was carried out on a
typical whole egg and butter cake,
one of a close grain and fine texture.
Among the interacting points in the
paper are the following : The cost of
cakes may be reduced, from the stand­
point of time consumed in mixing, by
melting as well as creaming the fat
used—a saving of half the time of
mixing. The best cakes are made by
the use of the fine pastry flours, al­
though good cakes may be made with
bread flour. The high gluten content
in bread flour is undesirable in cakes.
The form of sugar used greatly
affects the quality of the cake with
little effect on the cost Powdered
sugar is most easily and thoroughly
mixed in the solid state. Cakes of as
good quality are obtained by using
water as by using milk, either whole
or condensed. When water is used the
cake costs one and one-half cents lees
than when milk is used, but the food
value is also decreased.
Egg* are
essential, serving as leavening agents
and influencing the flavor, texture,
grain, and food value.
If fresh pow­
ders are used a fairly good cake may
be made with desiccated eggs if the
fresh ones are not available.
ing the amount of butter in the stand­
ard 3-cup flour recipe, from three-
fourths to half cup of butter, the food
value is lowered but the quality seems
improved. If the cakes are not eaten
warm, lard substitute* that are fresh
may be used instead of butter.
Colonel Intends to Appeal to Farmer*
and Laborer*.
Oyster'Bay, N. Y.— A campaign
along novel lines haa been sketched in
bare outline by Colonel Roosevelt. A*
the candidate of the aew progressive
party for the presidency. Colonel
Roosevelt intend* to make an appeal
largely to the farmer and the wage
worker on the ground that neither the
Democratic nor the Republican party
is attempting seriously in this cam­
paign to deal with the fundamental
economic and social conditions which
confront the country.
Particular at­
tention will be paid to the high cost of
Colonel Roosevelt said that Senator
Dixon of Montana, who managed bis
campaign for the Republican presi­
dential nomination, in all probability
would be hi* campaign manager in bis
fight at the bead of the new party.
The senator’s headquarter* probably
will be in New York, where be has
passed most of the time since the Chi­
cago convention.
This program ba*
been agreed upon a* definitely as pos­
sible in advance of the national con­
vention in Chicago next month.
Colonel Roosevelt has been engaged
in a study of the platform adopted in
Baltimore last week, and of the Re­
publican platform, and be believes he
has found in them valuable campaign
material. He said neither of these
platform* showed the slightest under­
standing of the social and industrial
movement which is under way in this
country. They have taken up, he said,
the old policies and the battle cries of
other years.
Venice, California, Mayor to Parada
in Model Costume.
Venice, Cal.—Hereafter.Sunday vis­
itors to this beach will see Mayor Hol­
brook parading the principai thorough­
fare clad only in a model bathing suit,
if the intended "bathing ordinance
fathered by
Lorenz goes
through as indicated.
Section 2 provide* that this shall be
done as a public example.
The par­
ade shall be between 12 and 1 o’clock
and the wearer shall have on no other
garment According to section 1 it
shall be unlawful for any person to
appear upon the beach in the ocean or
in any public place in Venice in a
bathing suit unless it shall match the
model. The suit shall have sleeves
that come to the wrists, collar a half
inch high, bloomers and a bona fide
skirt at least 30 inches long bung
from the waist.
Women shall wear
stockings of sombre shade. Hair rib­
bons must be worn by girls under 14
years old.
Men’s suits shall consist of the'same
garments but may be made in manish
How to Kill Cutworm*.
style. The penalty for violation is
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­ 8300 fine.
vallis—“The poison bran mash is by
far the best treatment for cutworms,"
says A. L. Lovett, crop pest expert at
the Oregon Agricultural
"The cutworms usually pass the win­ New Steamship Line Is Promised for
Trans-Pacifie Trade.
ter in the soil as partly grown harvae.
They are therefore present in the soil ’ Los Angeles — That three large
in the spring at the time it is pre­ steamships of the type of the Man­
pared for planting.
churia will be built at Long Beach and
“It is a very good practice to sow that five large steamships are to be
the poison mash over the field a few leased from a defunct Hong Kong line
days before the crop is to appear. If within eight months is the statement
all green vegetation is removed, the of Goon Lee, representing the Chinese
cutworms will feed greedily on the organizations that are promoting the
mash, and the ground will be freed of Los Angeles-Hong Kong steamship
them before the plants appear.
If project, on his return from a tour of
this is not done, then a small heap of Seattle, Portland and other Pacific
the mash may be placed about the Coast cities.
base of the plants to be protected.
Lee announced that the Chinese
Poultry should not have range over along the entire coast desired a line of
the treated fields.
ships that can compete with the Jap­
“The mash is prepared by mixing anese lines now operating between the
16 pounds of coarse bran with a pound Orient and San Francisco and said
of Paris green, half pound of salt, a that funds pract.eally were assured.
gallon of any cheap grade of syrup,
The Chinese of Mexico, the United
and warm water enough to make a States and South America are to raise
heavy mash."
one-half of the 812,000,000 necessary
and are now endeavoring to secure rec­
ognition for the new republic of
China, because, they explain, it will
provide the other half of the fund if it
is recognized and thus enabled to es­
tablish itself on an operative basis
whereby it can negotiate a loan or
issue bonds.
Fuel Oil Laws Conflict.
Vancouver, B. C. — The Canadian
shipping act makes it compulsory that
fuel oil used on steamers shall flash
above 200 and the customs regulations
permit the free entry only of fuel oil
that will flash below 200. The steamer
Washtenaw, here with 26,000 barrels
of California oil for the Canadian Pa­
cific, is tied up by a demand for 2$
cents a gallon duty, more than the ac­
tual cost of the oil. If the customs
ruling is adhered to, the oil burning
liners that ply to American ports will
make Seattle their bunker port.
New National Flag Flies.
Washington, D. C.—The new Na­
tional Flag bearing 48 [stars, emble­
matic of all the states including the
When it eomes to ncgligws, this one
recently admitted Arizona and New
of silk Crepe should not be overlook«!.
Mexico, was flung from all Federal
Its such a handy bit of cozyness for a
structures in the country and from the
hurried slip-on.
American navy throughout the world
July 4. Thirteen stars only will be per­
Reason for Sea Burial.
mitted in the blue square of the flags
Sea captains and sailors, from su­ that are less than five feet wide, to
perstition founded upon good sense, do avoid overcrowding. The red field on
not like to carry dead bodies aboard the president's flag is changed to blue.
their ships, burying at sea as soon as
possible all who die. In old days one
Missing Yacht Make* Port.
dead body infected with disease might
Honolulu—The overdue’trans-Pacific
mean the death and destruction of all racing yacht Natoosh, of ¡Victoria, ar­
men on the ship.
rived here safely, four days behind the
winner. Lurline, in the race from Los
Two Parties Worth Watching.
Angeles harbor.
When sue failed to
Always keep your wits about you appear on time it was feared that she
when dealing with a man who doesn’t had either been disabled or gone
talk. Likewise, beware of the one astray. Heavy weather held her back
with a velvetv voice.
and blew her off her course.
Vaniman Dirigible Balloon Ex*
plodes in Mid-Air.
Wives of Four Men See 8hip Break
Into Flame end Plunge IOOO
Feet to Earth.
Atlantic City, N. J.—Mrs. Vaniman
and the wives of three member* of th*
dirigible balloon Akron’s crew, stand­
ing on the veranda of the Vaniman
cottage near Brigantine beach, early
Thursday, saw the great dirigible ex­
plode and then dart down from midair,
carrying their husband* to death in
nine feet of water in about a second.
The women screamed and covered
thpir faces and Mrs. Vaniman fainted,
but all shortly recovered and rushed
with 2000 other spectator* toward the
place where the balloon fell, killing
Vaniman and four other*.
A* the mighty dirigible plunged
downward a body was seen to deatcb
itself from the blazing mass and fall
into the water 60 feet from where the
balloon sank.
It was recovered by
Councilman Harry Cook and A. T.
Bell, who put out in a motor boat, and
was identified as that of Calvin Vani­
man, brother of Melvin. The center
dynamo and the badly mutilated and
burned conditon of the body showed
that the main force of the explosion
must have been directly opposite the
middle of the car.
William Hili, United States revenue
offiaial, who saw the accident, said:
■ “We were watching the big ship
closely, remarking upon the beautiful
spectacle, the morning sun making
the huge bag glisten like gold, when I
noticed a whirl of smoke at the stern.
I remember glancing at my watch and
noting that it was exacty 6:42.
ship was between 700 and 800 feet
up, in my estimation.
“The smoke gained in volume and
the ship seemed to stagger.
smoke continued to increase for a
minute or two, running apparently
the whole length of the engine room
beneath the great bag, and then there
was a frightful concussion, like the
firing of a great gun.
"The next instant the ship appeared
to be a great mass of flame. It
seemed to me that the stern had been
entirely blown out.
Then I saw the
whole thing was tumbling down to the
sea and I closed my eyes. There was
a great uprising of gas and flames and
then it was all over, but the folds of
the big yellow bag just visible above
the sea."
Captain Frank Adams, of the light
bouse, and Captain Frank Doughey, of
Inlet Fleet, were among the first to
reach the scene of the disaster. They
found only tangled wreckage and no
sign of life. Captain Parker, of the
lifesaving station, rushed out in the
government’s high-power boat and
confirmed the report of the yachts­
men. He reported the Akron lying in
nine feet of water in a slough at the
end of Brigantine beach, with the top
of the big yellow gas bag billowing in
the gentle breeze.
The body of Walter Guest was re­
covered from the wreck of the dirig­
ible about two hours later. It was
mangled about the head and legs, and
most of the clothing was blown off.
Captain Walker On* Who Surrender­
ed to Grant at Vicksburg.
Santa Monica, Cal.—Captain Wil­
liam A. Walker, a Confederate cav­
alryofficer, who surrendered his sword
to General Grant at Vicksbur, died
here Thursday.
Under the Cleveland
administration Walker was postmas­
ter at Albuquerque, N. M.
holding that position he was called
upon to speak for "The Lost Cause"
at a public ceremony on the occasion
of the death of GranL
He surprised
the assemblage with one of the short­
est public speeches ever delivered:
“Ladies and Gentlemen : I surrender­
ed to Genera] Grant at Vicksburg. I
have nothing more to say."
Camorra Trial Near End.
Viterbo, Italy. — The members of
the Camorra, who have been on trial
here for nearly two years, now have
assumed a most humble attitude and
show the most profound respect for
the judges and jury, placing them­
selves entirely in the hands of the
court, which shortly is to deliver its
verdict The presiding judge read a
long list of questions for the jury to
answer to establish who were the in­
stigators of the crime of murdering
Genarro Cuoccolo and Maria Cutinelli
Cuoccolo in June, 1906.
Ship* Sail Despite Strike.
New York’— Development* in the
coastwise seamen's strike do not tend
to carry out predictions of leaders
that more than a dozen steamers at
this port would be tied up immedi­
Outgoing vessels of
against which the strike is directed,
sailed on time, with improvised crews
of inexperienced men when necessary.
Several leaders admitted the men
were not responding to the strike or­
der a* fast as had been expected.
Kaiser and Czar to Meet.
Berlin—The German emperor, ac­
companied by his third son, Prince
Adelbert, has started by way of Dan­
zig for Baltic Port, a seaport of Rus­
sia, near the entrance of the Gulf of
Finland, where they will meet the
Russian emperor. The two emperors
met last in August, 1909.