Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, July 11, 1912, Image 2

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Doings of the World at Large
Told in Brief.
City Illuminated as Never Before—
Thousands Arrive.
Portland, July 8. — Portland is in
possession of the Elka.
From every
state and every clime the antlered
multitude and their families poured
More than a
into the city yesterday,
»core of special trains arrived, each
carrying its burden of pleasure-seek-
ing lodge men. ¡Every regular train
carried its full quota of convention
crowda. Nearly all the regular trains
operated in special sections.
California, Oregon.
Washington and Idaho points predom­
inated in [numbers from early in the
day. Late last night the eastern part
of the United States contributed its
share. Jersey City sent more than
100, while Cincinnati, New York, and
other points [east of the Mississippi
contributed heavily to the arrivals.
All night long the magnificent
trains of five, six, eight and,even a
dozen splendidly equipped coaches
reached the city.
Portland was a ready host.
land Elks had prepared amply for-such
a crowd. Portland citizens, too. had
taken up the burden and shared the
responsibility and the joy of caring
for thousands of guests.
The Court of Honor, which is the
masterpiece of decorative art, was il­
luminated in all its glory.
Its great
towering buildings smiled down on the
gotxi-humored crowds [beneath the
brilliant lights. The monster'electric
signs upon the
caused prolonged study from all visi­
tors. Those who have attended form­
er grand lodges marveled with those
who never had seen an Elks' reunion.
While the
care-free multitudes
thronged the decorated thoroughfares
of ,the city, the machinery of the
grand lodge was busy inside the Mult­
nomah hotel, grinding out its regular
yearly routine of work, preparatory to
the opening of the regular sessions on
Tuesday morning.
Coos Bay Wood Pulp Plant Will Be Moro Experiment Station
Visiting Boosters.
Completed Within Year,
Host to
America Takes Gold Medal at Olym­
piad With Pistpla,
Stockholm — In the pistol shooting
competition for teams firing at a dis­
tance of 50 meters, the United States
team won.
The United States team
waa awarded tho gold medal, Its ag­
gregate score being 1916. Sweden was
second with 1849, and Great Britain
third with 1804. Thia la another vic­
tory for America in the Olympic
The training of the United States
team in the Olympic games waa inter­
fered somewhat by a drizzling rain,
which softened the ground.
Americans had their first opportunity
of practicing on the Stadium tracks,
■nd in the morning nearly all the
track men turned out in the presence
of a large number of spectators.
In the afternoon the runners, weight
throwers and hammer throwers, exer­
cise«! on oth«>r athletic grounds.
The crown prince of Sweden, and
Colonel Black, president of the Swed­
ish Olympic
Jam«« E. Sullivan,
I'nited Slut«'«
commissioner, at the games and com­
plimented him upon the appearance of
the American team.
The individual competition in the
clay bird shooting was begun. This
consists of three stages, the first stage
of which was concluded.
The condi­
tions called for 20 targets a man in
two rounds. J. R. Graham, Chicago
A. A.; A. F. Gleason, Boston A. *A.,
■nd Goelden and Seidlitz of Germany,
each had 91 “breaks.”
others are eliminated for the secon«!
round, not having scored 15 “breaks”
or over. The second round is at SO
targets a man.
The individual shoot with any rifle
at 300 meters, 120 shots (40 standing,
40 kneeling an«! 40 prone) was won by
Coles, of France, with a score of 984.
Madsen, of Denmark, was second,
with 983; Johannsen, Sweden, third,
with 959.
Mad Dogs Add Terror to Chi
cago Weather.
Moro— Moro state and Federal ex­
periment farm was host to visitors
from all parts of Sherman county,
General Resume of Important Event*
Many Prostra tlons — Horsas Fall lf>
from Portland, and from neighboring
Strasts —Hot Wavs Help*
counties. The O.-W. R. A N. reduced
Presented In Condensed Form
fares for farmers’ day, ■ml thia
Cropa In Country.
for Our Busy Readers.
helped swell the attendance.
The day's program opened with the
arrival of a passenger train from tho
Chicago, July 8.— Twenty deaths in
Mexican rebels are preparing to in­
southern part of the county, Visitors
the two days of torridity Chicago has
vade the state of Sonora.
were conducted over the experiment
experienced was the record tonight
farm by Superintendent Stephens and
Nine Camorrists who have been on
when the statistics were footed up.
trial two years in Italy for murder,
In addition there were half a hundred
divided into groups, each in charge of
have been convicted.
serious prostrations and 18 iwrscns
an assistant. In the afternoon a meet­
were bitten by rabid dogs.
Elks by thousands arrive in the city
ing was held in the opera house.
Meanwhile the heat wave has “flat­
of Portland and the official session of
The experiment farm now has 600
tened out,” to use a technical expres­
the Grand Lodge is opened.
varieties of growing crops, and the
sion of the weather forecasters. Over
same amount of land under prepara­
Hot weather continues in the East
the grain fields of the West and
tion for experiments next year. It
and many deaths result.
New York
Southwest the biasing sunshine waa
has 34 varieties of wheat, the seed
had the hottest July 8 since 1876.
making millions in agricultural wealth.
being imported from foreign coun­
The suffering in the cities meant the
A move is on foot in Washington to
including Germany, France,
fortunes of the farmers.
induce both Taft and Roosevelt to
Austria and Algeria.
Eleven varie­
The temperature today did not reach
withdraw from the presidential race.
ties of alfalfa, growing without irri­
yesterday’s extreme height and the
Severe earthquake shocks have been
humidity was 71, or four degrees be­
ment farm today has 97 varieties of
felt in Alaska, wireless communica­
low that of yesterday, but men and
d«gnestic wheat, besides the foreign
tion was interrupted and another erup­
horses continued to drop in the
varieties; 16 of oats, 47 of barley, 10
tion of ML Katmai is feared.
streets, which were like hot tunnels.
of corn, 14 of field peas, 12 of grain
Some relief came In the afternoon,
A young Socialist in Switzerland has
sorghum, 4 of emmer, 15 of alfalfa,
when shifting winds brought a light
inherited $130.000, and his friends are
6 of grass. 2 each of kale and rape,
breeze off the lake.
It waa confined
now waiting to see if he will distrib­
and 22 varieties of potatoes.
to that portion of the city within a
ute it according to his belief.
are 160 plots devoted to tillage and
half mile of the lake front, however,
Max Pracht, Jackson County, Devel­ crop rotation, demonstrating the bene­
The Pacific Mail steamer City of
as the breeze was ao light it lost its
ops Luscious Variety.
fits of good, bad and indifferent farm­
Panama was disabled off the Califor­
coolness after traveling over belching
Ashland—Since retiring from the ing.
nia coast and signalled for aid by
government service at Washington,
wireless. The steamer Rose City an­
By way of comparison, it may be
Max Pracht, has developed into a
swered and took her in tow.
noted that San Francisco, with a max­
practical horticulturisL
He resides
imum of 60 and a minimum of 50, was
While digging for a spring on a
near Ashland, Jackson county, where Fruit and Grain Crops Are Unusual
the coolest spot in the country. Port­
farm two miles south of Brownsville,
he first came into prominence as a suc­
■nd Danger is Past.
land ha<l 62 anti 52, Ixis Angeles was
Oregon, the owners of the farm dis­
cessful peach culturist. More recent­
next, with 78 and 58, more than 20
Gold Hili — So assured are fruit­
covered an abandoned tunnel four feet
ly he has produced a new variety of
degrees cooler than Montreal and To­
growers of a record crop in the Rogue
wide and twelve feet high.
cherry, which is pronounced by ex­
Phoenix, Aria., claims the
River Valley thia year that the cry of
The huge street clock in front of a
the growers for more thinners is fre­ California Woman ¡Delegate to Chi­ heat record, with 104. Boston report­
ed 90, New York 82 and Washington
Portland jewelry store stopped at 11 Political Bolters Find No Place Un­
quent. Old-timers declare the trees
cago Unable to Speak.
Northwest. This cherry in many re­
der Peculiar Laws.
90. Various Texas points had an av­
o'clock Monday night as the Elks’
never have been more heavily laden,
spects resembles the Bing, being
Chicago—One well-train««! contralto erage of 96, Cincinnati was compara­
Grand Lodge was singing “Auld Lang
and now that the danger of frost is
Oklahoma City.—There will be no large, firm and of exceptional flavor.
voice waa lost at the Republican con­ tively cool at 80, or eight degrees
Syne” in memory of absent ones, and third party in Oklahoma.
Mr. Pracht sent a sample box of the practically past, it seems almost cer­ vention in Chicago, either at the Coli­
cooler that St. Ix/uis, which had pre­
the proprietors of the store decided to Republicans find there is no way for
fruit, which he has christened the
seum, where the California delegation cisely the same temperature us St.
let it remain' in that position during them to put a party in the field, un­
Pracht Imperial, to his friend. Phi)
the rest of the week in honor of the der the title of the Progressive Re­
The growth, both of old and young was shouting for Roosevelt, or at the Paul, 88/and waa four degrees cooler
Metschan, proprietor of [the Imperial
birth of the new progressive party. than
Sault St«-
Elks’ festivities in the city.
publicans or any other title signifying hotel at Portland.
The demand for trees, has been phenomenal, every ec­ The lost voice belonged to Mrs. Isabel
Marie, usually the abiding place of
“just a taste” of the cherries was so
Two Elks’ grand lodge committees
parently being beneficial.
This is Blaney, of San Joae, Cai., one of the the chilly wave, sweltered at 92. 10
great that the supply proved insuffi­
met in Portland and the city is full of can party.
of all two women sent as delegates to the degrees hotter than Memphis, Tenn,
The same rule applies to Democrats. cient to go the rounds.
Elks ready for the national conven­
growing things. An unusually heavy Republican convention. Owing to the Green Bay. Wia., also one of the
the "cold spots” on the tourist circulara,
first crop of alfalfa is harvested, with loss of Mrs. Blaney's voice,
Aviator Christofferson was unable homa carefully screwed down the lid
the second crop coming rapidly. Hay, women of Lake Forest and other north reported 94, or 10 degrees warmer
to fly at Tillamook on July 4, owing to
oats and barley will yield better than shore cities failed to hear a discourse than Denver.
dangerous cross currents of air which party when Oklahoma became a state. !
In addition to 20 deaths in Chicago,
in years, but so rank has been the on woman suffrage which waa to have
prevented him rising above 50 feet.
five deaths were reported from Phila­
growth that scarcely a field is seen been delivered here.
candidate for nomination must file as
to Build Modal City.
Mrs. Blaney came to Chicago at the delphia, one from La Crosse, Wis. and
Grand Army men refused to partici­ a Democrat, Republican, Socialist or
which is not lodged to some extent.
Oregon City—In order to aid its
opening of the Republican convention, five others from various points.
pate in Fourth of July exercises at Prohibition, or else as an independent
Honolulu because the Declaration of He is precluded under the law from employes and make them better satis­
determined to fight for the cause of
Independence was read by a Japanese filing as an “Independent Republican” fied with conditions the Willamette
During the convention
Pulp & Paper company will found a
Mrs. Blaney cheered with the r«sst of
or “Progressive Democrat,” or in any
little city for them on the West Side Porter Brothers Make Arrangements the California delegation and was one
Two World** Records Broken at
other way in which he may seek to use
Preliminary to Construction.
near the schoolhouse.
The concern
Chicago celebrated the Fourth with­
of the leaders in the cheering at Or­
the name of one of the four parties.
Swedish Olympiad.
has about 750 employes,
and at
out an accident, the first on record.
Marshfield—R. B. Porter and Grant chestra Hall when the new party was
Filing time expired June 27.
least half of them will be benefitted Smith, of the firm of Porter Brothers, launched. The strain, combined with
Stockholm, Sweden—The glory of
On account of Canadian fuel oil tar­ Roosevelt Republicans made no effort
within a year. A tract of 56 acres railroad contractors, arrived in the the damp lake winds, caused Mrs. the opening of the Olympic games of
iff laws it is likely all ships plying be­ to put a ticket in the field and cannot
has been purchased which will be city to make arrangements in this lo­ Blaney to lose her voice until she was 1912 should be divided between Swed­
tween Canadian and United States do it now.
en and the United States.
cleared immediately and platted this cality preliminary to the starting of unable to speak above a whisper.
porta will obtain their fuel in this
The rigid effects of this anti-bolting
summer. It is the company's plan as construction on the Hagene-Coos Bay
Her husband, Charles D. Blaney, gets the lion's share, for the impres­
law were not generally known until
outlined by Mr. McBain, mill manager, line of the Southern Pacific. Porter was taken tn the hospital at the close sive stage setting she provided for the
A trio of Pennsylvania men have delegates returned from the Chicago to divide the
land into quarter­ Brothers hold the contract for build­ of the convention suffering from an contests, which, with the natural
written to Gov. Hay, of Washington, convention and found they could
beauties of Stockholm—its parks and
acre tracts, lots 100 by 100 feet or 50 ing 80 miles of the line extending infection of one of his eyes.
offering to come West and extermin­ start anything in Oklahoma.
palaces and lakes- and the moving
by 200 feet, as desired, and to reserve from the end of the 23 miles now be­
ate the “herds of seal and walrus
one block for park purposes.
ceremonial with which the king in­
ing built by Twohy Brothers out of
Air Has New Dangers.
which they understand infest the Co­
augurated the meeting, makes it by
Modern dwellings will be erected by Eugene, to a point this side of Gardi­
lumbia river and kill the deer and elk
Paris—An army aeroplane accident the company for the employes, to be
More Bonds Will Not Bo Needed for far the most memorable international
and endanger the settlers along the showing the great danger of machines paid for on monthly installments equal
festival ever held.
Work Thia Year.
Work on the big tunnel on this side
passing too near to each other while to
America’s share of the honor is due
rent No interest will be charged. of Gardiner will be carried on during
flying occurred at Villacoublay, near This method of'home-building 'and
Washington, D. C. — With nearly
the winter. The Siuslaw country may $100,000,000 in the cash drawer of the to the remarkable fashion in which
buying, Mr. McBain declares, will be the headquarters for the firm dur-
her brawny young men act to work on
treasury, officials expressed the belief the cinder path. They ran nway with
Lieutenants Briez and Burlez, of make it possible for every employe to
Wheat — Track prices: Bluestem, the French army, started on a flight own his own home within a few years.
that it will not be necessary to issue heat after heat in the fiiM rounds of
876|90c; club, 84c; red Russian, 84c; from the aerodrome in separate mono­
additional bonds for tho construction the 100 meters and 800 meters; they
Power at Cascade Locks.
valley, 84c; 40-fold, 84c.
of the Panama canal for nearly a year. outdid the expectations of their train­
Lieutenant Briez had at­ Hood River Has Record Hay Yield
Hay—Timothy, $16(& 16.50; alfalfa, tained an altitude of 600 feet, when
The purchase and building of the ers and completely upset the calcula­
Hood River—“Our company will de­
$12.50; clover, $10; oats and vetch, Burlez passing him at greater speed,
velop 1500 horsepower by the comple­ waterway to date has cost the United tions the public had made.
7’hey left
$12; grain hay, $9.
100 feet higher in the air, forced a will have one of the largest hay crops tion of the big new flume that has States $276,487,000. Of this amount their old-time British rivals far be­
Millstuffs—Bran, $12.50 per ton; pocket of air downward and caused this year in its history. The acreage been begun from the rapids of Her­ $137,886,000 has been paid out of the hind.
shorts, $28; middlings, $32.
the machine driven by Briez to crash is unusually large and the continuous mann creek.” says G. A. Young, pres­ general fun«i of the treasury and the
The xmaxhing of the Olympic record
Corn—Whole, $39; cracked, $40 ton. to the ground.
rains have produced heavier crops than ident of the Columbia River Power & remainder from bond issues.
by D. E. Lippincott, University of
Oats—No. 1 white, $36<?z 37 per ton.
in former years.
The first power Light company, who was here on busi­
Balancing its books for the fiscal Pennsylvania, in the 16th heat of the
Eggs—Fresh Oregon ranch, candled,
baler ever used in the valley was de­ ness.
“We have been serving the year just closed, the Treasury depart­ 100 meters event, puts that runner in
“And Husband" in Favor.
27Jc per dozen.
San Francisco—The practice adopt­ livered here last week. In Odell dis­ citizens of Cascade Locks, near which ment issues a statement showing that the hero class.
Butter^— Oregon creamery butter,
trict, where a great deal of hay is our plant is located, with electric the army cost $150,182,000, against
The world's reconi with the javelin,
by Mrs. H. T. Howe, of Marshall­
cubes or solid pack, 28c per pound;
raised, nearly every rancher will have lights since last Thanksgiving by $160,136,ooo the previous year; the made by E. læmming, the Swedish
prints, 9c.
quantities of feedstuffs to sell, where­ means of a temporary system we con­ Navy $135,556,000, against $119,938,- champion, was not unexpected, but
to the recent biennial convention, of as in former years nearly every one is structed.
Pork—Fancy, 10@10Jc per pound.
$153,597,000, the Hawaiian swimmer "Duke” Ka-
permitting their spouses to be identi­ a purchaser of the product to tide over
Veal—Fancy, 13@13ic per pound.
“It is probable that within a short ■gainst $157,981,000.
hanamoku, covered himself with glory
Poultry — Hens, 12@12Jc; broilers, fied on hotel registers by the addition the winter months.
time some business enterprise will
by winning the United States the sec­
17@l8e; ducks, young, 10c; geese, 10
come to Cascade Locks and make use
Five Teachers Lost.
ond world’s record of the meeting.
Jews Take to Agriculture.
@lle; turkeys, live, 17@18c; dressed,
of the surplus power we are develop­
Honolulu — Five teachers in the
the new women of California. Mrs.
The Hebrew Agricultural associa­ ing. Several companies are now con­
Champion Roper Roped.
Honolulu public schools, three men
Berries—Strawberries, $1.75@2 per Harriet Perkins brought her husband tion of J Oregon came into corporate sidering our offers.”
Baker, Or.—John Spain, of Union,
raspberries, $1.75;
existence recently in the vestry rooms
ing trip in the Kooleu mountains Sat­ reputed to be the champion roper of
berries, 75c@S1.25; black caps, $1.50 Perkins and husband, Planada.” Ac­ of the Hall street Synagogue, Port­
Storage Company Host.
urday, have not been heard from since the world, may never rope again as
cording to accounts, Perkins is a pret­ land, with the appointment of a com
@1.75; blackberries, $1.25@1.50.
Brownsville—An entertainment was and fears are expressed for their
the result of an accident at an exhi­
Fresh Fruits—Cherries, 4@10c per ty good husband.
mittee on constitution and by-laws,
given recently by the Brownsville safety. A detachment of police, as­ bition at Halfway. While lassoing a
pound; apples, old, $1.50@3 per box;
the securing of a charter from the
Plague Found in Havana.
new, $1.75@2; peaches, 75c6z90c;
State of Oregon and the election of Warehouse company, under the man­ sisted by a squad of Japanese labor­ horse the rope caught around his arm,
Havana—The existence of bubonic officers. The object of this organiza­ agement of Charles Stirling, to the ers, searched the mountains without his horse stopped suddenly and the
currants, S1.75@2; plums, $l@1.40;
pears, $1.35; prunes, $1.40; apricots, plague in Havana has been definitely tion is to encourage agriculture among farmers and business men of the sur­ finding trace of the missing party. taut rope cut his arm to the bone, sev­
determined. A special board of phy­ the Jews. This organization will lend rounding country and their families, The army engineer corps, which re­ ering the veins. The arm may have
Vegetables — Artichokes, 65@75e sicians has pronounced as true bubonic money without interest and otherwise as a mark of appreciation of the grow­ cently surveyed the region, will be to be amputated.
Spain wax brought
per dozen; asparagus, $1; beans, 8 the case of Mondez Guerroa, a Span­ assist Jewish farmers in their voca­ ing patronage the company is enjoy­ asked to join in the search. The party to the St. Elizabeth hospital here.
ing. The social was held in one of carried no provisions.
@9c per pound; cabbage, l@l}c; cu­ iard, who was employed on a sewer tion.
Spain appeared at the Pendleton
the company's large warehouses, con­
He was taken ill
cumbers, $1 per box; head lettuce, laying contract.
Roundup and
Union Stock
Road Bidders at Ontario.
Fire Gets Silverware.
verted into a dining room for the oc­
12Jc per pound; radishes, 15@20c July 3 at his lodgings, close to the
Ontario — Forty-nine cars loaded casion. The program consisted of vo­
Redmond, Or.—Fire at 2:45 o’clock
per dozen; spinach, 4@5c per pound; palace. Guerroa is said to be dying
tomatoes, $l@1.50 per box; garlic, and three others are reported dead in with railroad construction material cal and instrumental music, readings Friday morning destroyed J. H. Vin­
Work to Come to Coast.
cent’s livery and feed barn, 10 head of
8@10e per pound; carrots, $1.75 per the same hospital, their cases having have arrived here. In the lot were 17 and addresses.
Washington, D. C.—Senator Jones
cars of steel. Nearly every train ar­
shown symptoms of plague.
work horses, a stallion valued at has secured an amendment to the na­
sack; turnips, $1.25.
Lumber Plant la Buay.
riving brings laborers contracted for
$4000, two wagonloads of furniture val appropriation bill providing that
Potatoes — Jobbing prices: Bur­
Car of Akron is Raised.
Falls City—The Falls City Lumber ■nd a $5000 box of silverware con­ four of the eight submarines author­
the grade work.
Bridge carpenters
banks, old, $1@1.25 per hundred;
Atlantic City, N. J.—The “car” of also have arrived. A track foreman, company is operating its planing mill signed to E. A. McCall, a son-in-law ized, to cost in the aggregate $4.440,-
new, per pound, li@l{.
Onions—California, red, $1.25 sack. the dirigible balloon Akron was raised who has been laying track on the Ida­ ■nd sawmill full time and two houra of Tom Lawson, who is building a 000, shall be built on the Pacific
Hops—1912 contracts, 20c;
1911 from Absecon inlet, where it fell a ho Northern branch, is here and it is overtime daily. The logging railroad mansion on the Lawson ranch on Coast; also an amendment authorizing
mass of twisted steel on Tuesday, understood the construction train will will be extended soon into new terri­ Crooked River near this city, The the erection of a large wireless station
crop, 25@28c.
Wool — Eastern Oregon, 14@19Jc when the balloon blew up while 1000 follow in a few dayB^when the work of tory preparatory to a year’s steady total property loss is about $20,000. on the coast of Washington and one in
logging. By the end of that time the Vincent was insured for $3000.
per [pound; valley, 21<?z23c; mohair, feet in the air. Not a body was found laying the steel will begin.
Alaaka. Senator Heyburn secured an
outcome of the Siletz railroad project
The only thing discovered
choice, 32c.
amendment approviating $75,000 for
Convention Turn* to Roosevelt.
will be determined.
Cattle [— Choice steers, $6.75<iz7; was a cap belived to have belonged to
developing and mining Alaskan coal.
Tillamook—A site is being selected
good, $6.50 medium, $5.756/6; choice Walter Gest, the amateur mechani­
Huron, S. D.—Absolutely refusing,
Roseburg Electric Line Hinted,
here for the location of a factory to
cows, $5.75@6.25; good, $5.506/5.75; cian.
by a vote of 2 to 1, to indorse Presi­
West Virginia Governor Signs.
manufacture milk products, including
Salem—In a complaint filed by the dent Taft or the action of the Repub­
medium, $56/5.50; choice calves, $7@
Charlestown, W. Va.—Ex-Governor
condensed whipped cream, cream of Oregon Electric in condemnation pro­ lican national convention held recently Dawson announced that he had signed
8; good heavy calves, $66/6.50; bulls,
Rochester, N. Y. — William Cline, rice, ready-prepared cocoa and choco­ ceedings against E. M. Croisan and in Chicago, the Republican state con the call for the national convention of
$3.506/5; stags, $4.750/6.
Hogs—Light, |8@8.25 heavy, $6.25 flying at Cayuga Lake nark, estab­ late and other products requiring the wife, plaintiff states that it intends to vention of South Dakota here adopted the Progressive party, to be held in
lished what is said to be a world’s use of large quantities of milk. It is construct its line from Salem to Rose­ a platform which makes no mention of Chicago August 10.
Dawson was
Sheep—Yearlings, $36/4.50; weth­ hydro-aeroplane record for sustained proposed to expend $100,000 on a! burg, which indicates that the Eugene Taft or national issues. The conven­ chairman of the Roosevelt state com­
ers, $2.50@4; ewes, $3@3.75; lambs, flight, covering 101 miles at a height plant, which will be opened some time extension will be by no means the tion elected five presidential electors mittee in the primary campaign ii>
of 1000 feet in 1:58J.
in the fall.
i final southern invasion of that road.
bearing the Roosevelt label.
West Virginia.
Portland—Robert Nerdrum and Hy-
alte Nerdrum. young Norwegians who
are interested in the Cooa Bay Pulp <&
Paper company, of Marshfield, have
been at the Multnomah hotel for sev­
eral days awaiting the arrival of their
wives from Norway.
Hyalte Nerdrum. in speaking of
this new industry at Cooa Bay, said:
"It will be a year before we begin
the manufacture of wood pulp, as it
takes that long to complete the build­
ings of reinforced concrete, and in­
stall the machinery.
The machinery
will largely be manufactured in this
country but some parts will come
from Europe.
“The process of separating the
wood fitter in thia country is known as
the soda process, while we are to use
the sulphate of soda process.
“We are jointly interested in the
enterprise with the C. A. Smith Lum­
ber company and our raw material
will consist of the refuse from the
mill of that company, which is now
“Our ultimate plan is to operate a
paper mill at Coos Bay, but this will
not be attempted at preset”