Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, July 04, 1912, Image 1

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Subscription, $1.00 a Year.
Portland Girl Shot Through Lents Volunteer Department i
Arm in Attempted Holdup Secures (’hemical Engine' New Jersey Governor is The
For $350.00—Danger Of Victor i n Lonyj Fight-
—Guilty Parties Are in
Tom R. Marshall For
i Fire Lessened.
Vice President
Three young men attempted to bold
up an au»o party on the I’oweil Valley
road, near Kelly Butte, just north <■(
Lenl» early Hunday morning. The
After a long and »tnuixiu» campaign
te «cure funds, and after weeks of dick­
erlng tlx- larnta Volunteer Fire Depart-
'••«»’I ha» «mured the chemical engine
hold lip waaa failure, but in the attempt, owiiial by tlx- Kern I'ark Co. The deal
Mie» l^ora Stanley, a stenographer liv­ waa brought to a clow last Friday even*
ing on East Taylor Nt., was »hot through Ing, wlwn (he Kern Park Fire Board
the tieahy part of the right arm. The accepted a <*ix*ck for f30O.<JO and tlx* lo­
auto carried «even person» and that the cale brought the engine to lamia.
The purchase price ia |20b tear than
eeca|ie was narrow 1» shown by the fact
formerly asked and Uie meintaww of
that one of the bandits fired at a dist­
ance only a few fret from the car and U m - lonai department and eitiaeiia in
art* aatiatted that tlx* chemical
from a position that quartered the car * general
ia a bargaiu al that figure. Tlx* original
an*t inmates.
Dan Hriindridge, Guy Vaughn and I coat of tlx* engine waa gHOt) <K>, and that
Gail Merritt, who attempted the holdup it ia in aa good a condition aa when tirat
were captured within a few hours after purchaaed goea without gainsaying. The
the escapade and were land*«! in the Kern Park department hat always given
Portland jail. Tltey have mail« a com­ the Ileal of attention and care to the
engine and it would lx* hard to tell it from
plete eonfraeion.
Only a few minutes 1« prior to WWV
the «-aissw;
lime a new one.
Kern ,‘Brk **” immediately lx- supplied
of tlx* ahooting, tlx* I--------- ------- .
to hold up another auto party, but the | with a paid ilcpartiix-nt, tlx* engine
driver succeed*«I in p«»»liig them at , I ioum * already having lx*eu erected and
whirlwind «|x-«*l and no L.
---- wen*
------- ’*M’ i,orti*n<l authoriti**» will »«»in diaig-
tln«i. The second party did not far»* a» nate equipment for th«- piace
fortunately, although the driver increaa- , That tlx* chemical engine is now the
«<1 his spewi to bu mile« an hour when | property of la*nte is u source of no little
lx* ir. H7\ri.r.temlmg' in”llw r*«.L I ',rllle
to ao|iure funda with which
Al tlx« comms nd of ‘‘hall”
told hie party to duck, which they did, to make tlx* purchase Though tlx* tight
but the young lady who was wounded, has been a long one, they have been
allowed her arm to remain alsive the given excellent «tipport by the many
citizens, for which lliey feel a due
It ■» almost certain that she
Would have lieen killed had she not appreciation. Il is n«*e*ll«*»s to say that
l»*nts pro|s*rty will now have better pro­
ducked below the seal with the others.
tection and it is thought that maiiy
Tlx* driver of the car reached the twelve
Ida»*» can I»* averted.
Mile House a few mioutes after the
shooting, from which place ilia sheriff’s
otliee was notified. The news of the
attempted holdup was also sent in from
the deputies at Kelly Butte immediately
after the shot was tired and officials
from there were auMt on the ground and
assisted Shen fl Steven» posse a'id the
police department in running the thug«
to ground. The quick work of the offi­
Doings of Interest and About
cers in capt nring the young tiandlts lias
Is-en comu>on«M*d by all.
It has been
the People of the Busiest
addmitted by the guilty ones that they
City In Eastern Multno­
had read ol the Robert’» escapade and
there is n<> doubt but wlial they were
mah County.
attempting to carry out the name plan
that it is allcdgid lie followed. The
fact Robeit» is in the toils of the law
Mr. Hepburn and family have arriv««!
and that the three young bandits have from the East aud will open a hotel in
ls*en captured will probably have Mime
the new building owned by the First
Influent« In the future In «topping that
State Bank.
C. M. Oliphant left Tuesday to attend
the funeral of Mr«. Langworthv at New­
berg. Mrs. Oliphant,«Im is a sist**r of
Mr», langworthy, went last week.
Tlx* Queen E»lher Circle will meet
Saturday evening at the home of Mira
Gertrude Nelson.
Mis» Viola Mathews will leave soon to
The maniac*'of .Mr. N. 0. Hedln to
Ml«» Blanche E. Relherford occurred ■fiend tin* summer with her sister. Mm.
A. S. Johnson at Klondike, On*. She
June 28, H»ll. at the home of the bride’s
will lake vocal leraon» while then*,
parents on South Main St.
Mrs. Fr*«l Thompson, of The Dalles,
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
Dr. and Mm. Thom|>»on.
Conklin, pa**’or of the Evangelical
Messrs Aylswortli, Pugh, Johnston
Cliurch and was witnessed by a large
and Shattuck returned Monday evening
number of invited friends.
Immediately after the marriage cere­ from a flailing trip on the Deschutes
mony was pel formed a pretty wedding river ami n*p**rt gmxi catches.
reeept on whs given.
At the close of
Miss Norma Hutnlly is s|x*nding the
this the c upl<* left for Portland, where week at her horn** in llill.slxiro. Mi««
they boarded the train for an extended Beaaii* Howitt i» assisting in her father’s
honeyino* n trip through the United ollie** during Miss Hundley’s absence.
Mates and Canada.
Miss Minnie Kobertson has ls«*n visit­
Mr. Ilrdin >s well known in various ing her sister, .Mrs. Mnx Davies, nt
Sections of the state and is a member of L*i»ted.
the U. of O. law department and ia
Mrs. C. R. Keller left W««!n**<*liiy for
Chairman <f the Multnomah County
Vernon, Wash, to visit her si«t**r.
Prohibition forces, and is a candidate
Mrs. Amlerxoli.
for the legislature on that ticket.
Miss Haile spent Monday at the Port­
The bride is a well known and highly
respected young lady. Sb» Is President
oftlieY.l’ A. and has taught school
for several season«, and ha» a large cir­
Prof. Live, a well known and former
school teacher of la-nte, was a guest of
cle of ftiends here and in Portland.
During ttieir trip they will attend the old friends here during the week. Mr.
National Prohibition Convention at At­ Lowe was a teacher in the local acliool
about 12 yi am ago. lie left Wednesday
lantic City
Upon their return they will lie at for his home
home in a new bungalow, which Mr.
Iledin recently completed on 3d Ave.
II. Rosimi, popular eaxlih*r of The
Multnomah State Bank celebrated Ida
birthday anniver-ary Monday.
“Slats" Carman Takes Vacation
“Hlats” Ca mil i, tie elongated, rlim exact age is not known but he is not an
He “set rm
lank, long hungry assistant foreman of old rooster by any menus.
The Herald leaves tomorrow for a much up.”
needed vacation. “Slate" has Iw-en with
The rains of the part few days, white
The Herald for more than a year and
deserves the rest. He will visit Nesside, beneficial in some rsapectx, an* detri-
Vancouver, Tacoma «nd .s. attic durougjujxcujtal il ax a whole. I lay and lierry
hi» vacation—incidentally he will ad­ crops are being mine what dai mged, and
vertise Oregon and Portland while in some anxiety la felt by the growers
Vol. 10.
After a battle of Ixdlote that laated
several days, and alter one.of tlx* m<«t
signiHoent tight» lietween boaeisrn and
popular government in tlx* history of
tlx* nation, Governor Woodrow Wilton,
of NewJJenwy, received the nomination
of the Democratic Convention for I'reai-
dent of the United Htatea. The nomi­
nation came on ths lorty-aixth ballot,
which gave Wilson
votes to Mt for
Clark. Harmon received 12 votea on
tlx* Anal ballot and two delegatee were
Chairman James formally declared
Woodrow Wilaou tlx* nominee of the con­
vention io* PremdeiH of the United
No. 24
Lecturers and Soloists For
Annual Chatauqua Are
Exceptionally Good—Ses­
sion Opens July 9.
State« at 9:85 p. m Tuesday, July 2.
A tn-mendixM demonstration follow««!
tlx* announcement of Wilson's nomina­
tion by aeelamation. Cheer after cheer
swept the hall and was taken up by the
crowds outside.
Tlx* tinsi break to Wilson a» tlx* nom­
inee for President came in the conven­
tion yesterday at the beginning of
the loth ballot.
Wilson bad received
538 vote» on the 45th. with only 725 1-3
n«v*<--«ary to nominate.
Senator Banklwad, of Alabama, quick-
lyjwilbdrew Underwood.
Senator Stone, of Missouri, in Is-half
Continued on page lour.)
Oregon City, Or., July 2.—The pro­
gram of the Willamette Valley Chau­
tauqua aaaetnbiy, to 1« given at Glad*
(tone park July 9 to 21, baa been an­
nounced. The feature« are considered
(mutually good. The program follow«:
Tuesday July 9
10:0 >— Bam I
10:30—Invocation ; addrera of wel­
come, C. H. Dye; reaponae, 8. Piatt
Jones; organisation of tummer school
and announcement by the instructors.
1:15—Concert, Cbapmsn’t orchestra;
soloist, Miss Lsah Slusser,
2:00—Byron’t Troubadours.
8:00—Byron*« Troubadours.
Wednesday July 10
8:00-ll :00 Sommer School.
11 :00—Chautauqua forum, "A Chao-
taoqoa Morning." The present session
set forth. Its aim«, purposes and needs.
Discussion, led by 8. Platt Jone«, plat­
form manager, followed by open par­
2:00—An afternoon with McCormick
I and Bronte, “The dog with the logical
I understanding. ”
8 :(X)—Reading, Professor Lee 1
son Bassett. Judge Frank P. 8acler >4
Chicago, ‘‘The Criminal in the Making.’*
Thursday July II
11 00—Chautauqua forum—“A Heart
to Heart Talk With Young People,” by
Judge Frank P. Sadler of Chicago.
I :15—Concert
2:00—Judge Frank P. Sadler, of Chi­
cago, “The Criminal in the Saving."
.3:30— Base bn!!.
8 :<J0—Reading, Prof Lee Emerson
Basset; Lecture—"When WomenGoOut
to Work." by Mrs. Frances Squire Pot­
ter, of New York.
Friday July 12.
8-11—Chautauqua Summer Schoo).
11:00—Chautauqua Forum, “Back to
the Farm,” Speakers, Calvin C. Thoma­
son ; Prof. E. D. Ressler, of Oregon Ag­
ricultural College; Lydelt Baker; Prof.
Joseph Schafer, of University of Oreg**n.
3:30—Baseh «11.
7 :lo—Concert.
8:00—The Chicago Operatic Company.
Saturday July 13.
The closing up of tin* subscription list
and the dial for the purchaae of the re­
quired site for the Carnegie library build­
ing is ncaring'eomplrtion. says the Out­
. An interview with inemla*rs of the
local cnmniith«* who are working to
tiuish'np the purchase *li«clo«ew the fact
that about »'*0 Is yet nnsuliscrihed and
ul***ut Jd'D. previously pledged, has not
b en paid in. If these two items could
la* brought up then* w*Hild tn* no further
*1* lay
The statement recently made in the
Telegram that th** entire site had been
ptirclia**«! w ns incorri et. The commit’ec
has paid Mr. Osborn $1500 mid gotten a
deed from hitn. but the option still re­
ti.. air *iii th** piece 30 by 100 owned by
Mr- .1. II Metzger.
It is understood that tie plan» have
bi * n subuii tvil t* the Carnegie p• ople
and retur.s ar** **xp cu*d on them at an
early (late
In the meantime there
should h* n delay in raising the innds
to'p'ovide the -ite. It hr l»*lievc«l every­
one hi*« a**ti«l in g'**d faith, many i,av<*
doliate*! much lime to soliciting funds.
No on«* «li>**i.d wait to In* called on I r
a pillili« matter of this kind.
D M Sinion«**n, formerly with The
lieraid, has accepted a p*x*iti«Hl with the
ly*nton l*ii'*l'»hiiig Co., a ««*r)K*ratiuii
that hits established a new paper at
Kenton Station. Portland, < »r. timothy
Brownhill, well known Co people of thia
section, is the editor of lie- new pa|*er.
The T.ectnrerof Columbia Grange has
proviti***! an interesting hs tnre hour for
th»t organization at the next r»*gnlar
meeting. The program follows:
Opening S*ing
Rei'ltation.. . .......... ............. Ixryd Ough
“The Coming Men"
liis*riime*ital Svio ... Mrs l»-<* Eva s
l’ip*r . ................
Miss Ra-mns-en
"The Nature *4 Habit"
l>i«Cll-< on
I 1'iper........ ....... ........................ Mis* Smith
‘‘L ixiiy in Di«* iplice. Sinful"
Re»*!*ng.............. ........ ... Mi— Knipp
Parental Coippanship"
Vocal Silo. ... ..
M s» Rasmuss n
Paper ................... Mrs Geo. Knierrvni
"Duty of Parents to Instruct Cld'drrn"
.....................’*<«> Krierrem
“How to llaivcst Hay Crop»"
R.citation............ ... ... Hol t Knierrvm
‘‘Modern Invention"
Closing S tig .. .
..Grange Melodie»
The program will prove d-cidi**tl> in-
teix'-t’iig inline«' in attendance »ml it is
liopcltl at all nienilier» will Is- present.
Friend»<>f “ Major” C* tl’man lunel««*n
■. nii'W t at e< n****ri *si i> g ic'ii'g bis bea1' Il
■ Inni g tli pa“t f**n day». Severa!
«Uggì*» ioli» ave la, n innde n< lo Ile*
major', quivi Sttitudv, btit thè tinsi
nasi natile s* luti**n Jet ofTvrcd i< that he
is not «cD plvaxetl wi li thè way thi**gs
we-e enriiwi oli in ili» Deuuwrmi«*
lialioiial convelliion II is s»id that lx*
«il be Ile* pnrehaserot seveial new Itala.
)x*nts is holding no celebration this
year and as a result our citizens will be
s.-attered to the four winds for observ­
ance of the great national holiday.
From indications the greater part of
thos«* who plan on leaving town at all
«ill go to Gresham, where a rousing big
celebration is to Is* held and where a
varied program hu< ben prepar«d for
the day. Olliers will goto I’. rtlaiui and
t!.e O.*ks for the day and many have
n* ect* d and shady spots for picnics,
and some are g* ing to Seaside and other
Coast points.
While many hav* their program
uiapptsl out for the day » majority of
**nr citizens wilt probablv remain at
The 1* cal public play-ground stid park
will lx* iherteneof various p*«*nu* part­
us xml the youngsters wi I r. vel there
during the day.
House Warming
Lu«t Tuesday evening the Ariete
Brmu h Library management gave a
house war ning, at which a large num­
ber of pair.-us anil visitors wen* enter­
tai* v<l. Tin* history of ill«* library was
reviewed mid a great impr >venientnoted.
Tlx* library patronage is-texdily increas­
ing mid it is an ins*itution of benefit lo
our young p*«iple as we I* as a pleasure to
(aw older citixens. Punch and cookies
were s. rvei —Mt. Scoti News.
8-11—Chautauqua summer school.
11:0 *—Cbau'auqua forum—“Child’s
Welfare Day,” in charge of Oregou Con­
gress of Mothers. Mrs. Robert H. Tate,
president; soloists at Bible and forum
hour. Charles Duncan McNeil, tenor.
1:15—Concert, Chapman's orchestra.
2.00—The Chicago operatic company.
7:15—Concert, Chapman's orch«*stra.
8:00—Chicago operatic com any An
evening of n>n**ic and drama
Sunday July 14.
10:30—Sunday school, Rev. C. A.
Phipps, president of the State Sunday
School association, superintendent.
2:00—Music by Chautauqua chorus;
under the dirwtion of Piof*s«or F. T.
Lecture, Charles E* I ward
Russell, author, journalist »nd lecturer;
‘ Soldiers ol the Common Good.”
4:tOSa*red co*.cert. Chapman's or­
8 :0»»- -Chautauqua chorus
Lecture »«*rmon, ‘ The Age of the
Yuiiug 'Ian,” by Lou J. Beauchamp.
Monday July IS
8:11—Chautauqua summer «chuol.
II — Uil-ut.u.q la fottl'ii.
Ideas on en GUI Subject by Lou J.
:15—C**n**«rt, Chapman’s or« lestra.
2:VO—Au afternoon with the poet and
orator, Fred Eiuersou Brooks.
7 :15—< ’ «ncer'.
8:00—Reamng, Profesaor Lee Emer­
son Bassett. Lac’nre: ‘ Take the Sunny
tMde,” be L**uJ Beauchamp.
luesday July 16.
8 11—Coautnuqua sntuiner school.
11 :U0—Chautauqua forum. Woman’s
suffrage in regon, Mrs. Abigail Scott
Duuiway, clidruian.
2:0—O egou Fe.iei»(i..n of Woman’s
Clubs in ch*** ge. M s Sa* ah A. Evans,
president. L-cluie, by Miss Helen
(Connu ue< I on cage fl ve)