make sansrnffiorr cuivcrts. Tbs first will soon decay, end the latter Is liable to break unless It Is very carefully laid. Stone or concreta culverts are the I “eat and cheaio*e of (be maximum flow of rainwater and that they are given sufficient fall to keep themselves clean. Increased VI. — The Construction fall also increase* the capacity, but If and Maintenance of much fall la given tbe spillway should Earth Roads. be paved and tbe outlet and intake pro­ tected with suitable wing walla. By LOGAN WALLER PAGE. All material subject to decay, such Dvector Office oí Public Roads, aa sod. grass or weeds and vegetable mold, must l>a carefully excluded. The United States Department alm must always be to build a roatl- of Agriculture. way aa solid and impervious to mois- ture a* possible. Water from every Copyright by American Press Asso­ ciation. 1S12. source, surface or underground, must be got rid of. Except In sandy or very [Thaaa article* and illuatrallona mu«( not be reprinted without apaclal permla- arid regions, water is the great enemy •ton.) HERE are about 2.000,000 miles of earth roads. of earth roads In the United The earth road can best bF crown­ States, not Including the roads THE HOUDAN. ed aud ditched with a reversible road in Alaska and our island pos­ machine or semper and not with picks Hen historians have had n continu­ assions. In other words, we have aud shovels, scoops and plows, One ous rooster tight over the iloudnns. enough earth roads lu this country to road scraper with suitable power and FYeucbmeu claim to bold the |uileiit reach arouud the earth at the equator operator will do the work of many men on this poultry perfecto and are said to have made it by crossing Black eighty times, and. what is more, a with picks aud shovels and do it bet- Polish and the l-’reuili Crevecoeur and ter. The road scraiwr should be used very large percentage of these roads touching this crossup with Light will remain as earth roads for a long when the soil Is damp, so that the soil Brahma to give size, They declare will pack and bake. If it is worked time to come. they sent this breed to Englund lu Our earth roads cannot be made to dry it takes more power to operate the 1850. its first uieuthm in English ben machine, and. furthermore, dry earth take the place of gravel or macadam, history being made iu the 185.1 editlou but with proper construction aud ade­ aud dust retain moisture and quickly of the English Poultry Book. rut after rains. quate maintenance they can be greatly Johnny Bull resents this and swears Shoulders are often formed on both be made his own Iloiidan of a cross improved, and this can be accomplish­ sides of the road by constant travel in ed without any cousiderable outlay of of Dorking, the English "breed of money. Good earth roads are within one place, which prevents storm water breeds." and the French t'revecoeur. from flowing into aide ditches, retain­ But this isn’t our cockfight, and ing it in the ruts aud softening the we’ll roost on the top perch and roadway. These ruts aud shoulders watch the scrap, though our private can usually be eutirely eliminated by opinion is that the French. English a judicious use of the split log drag. and Ameri an Houdaus aren’t forty- The price of good roads is eternal vigilance in maintenance. This Is per­ haps even more true of earth roads than any other. The rains and melt­ ing snow soften the surface more or less, and passing traffic forms ruts and depressions. These, if allowed to remain, will retain more water at the uext rain, and more mud and deei>er ruts and larger depressions will be formed. It is self evident, therefore, that tbe main thing iu maiutalnlng heavy soil roads must be to keep the drainage good. For this purpose there is nothing which equals tbe split log drag or other similar devices. The principle of the action of the drag is simply this: The clays and most heavy soils will puddle and set PROPERLY CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED very hard if worked when wet. The EARTH ROAD. drag is essentially a puddling machine. the financial means of nearly every After each rain and while the earth is still plastic, but not sticky enough to community in the country. The opinion la quite general through­ adhere to the drag, one or two trips out the country that it is useless to up and down the road are made with try to do anything to Improve our the drag. Only n small amount of Photo by C M Bamltx. earth roads. This is a mistaken Idea. earth is moved, Just euough to Oil the HOVDAN ClK irBlL In fact, a good earth road is the step­ ruts and depressions and smooth over ping stone to a macadam road. The the surface with a thin layer of plastic second chlckeu kozeus. The most of earth road is the foundation for all clay, which packs very hard, so that the history is a pack of lies anyway, they future Improvements. With proper I next rain, instead of finding ruts and say plans for the future the earth road depressions in which to collect, runs The flouilnn came to this country In can be constructed at once. A com­ off. leaving the surface but little nf 1859 and was first exhibited by the paratively small annual outlay for fected. famous John B. Gough iu 1867. The time and labor Involved in keep­ maintenance will then serve,to keep "it ees ze tiue, ze vera fine, bootlful It in shape until funds are available ing an earth road proj»erly dragged nre fowl." says the Frenchman, and that’s small. Five dollars j>er mile per year ( for further improvement with a bard true. seems to be alxiut the average cost In surface. It is a compactly built, full breasted, One of the most frequent faults with the middle states. The essential req long bodied, short shanked. five toed, uisite Is that the work shall l>e done our present earth roads is that they white meated bird; is hardy, easily con are located where they should not lie. at the time it Is needed. This is the fined, a nonsitter, small eater, quick Grades are too often unnecessarily point which seems hardest to W.ipress grower, lays early and long, and its steep, drainage is poor or entirely lack­ on the average man. The little at; ,>ii- j big white egg is a dandy. ing and streams are seldom croased at tion the earth road needs must lie Unlike humans. Mr and Mrs. Hou- given promptly and at the pro|>er time dau wear a beard that should lie full the most favorable bridge site. To relocate these roads entirely or if the best results are to lie obtained. and a crest that should la* globular, We have liecome so accustomed to large, well balanced on the head and even to a large extent is out of the the old habit of doing our road work question. The general location of the falling backward ou the nc*ck present roads must be maintained be­ at our convenience that we can hardly In color the bird Is mostly glossy cause of the farm improvements which force ourselves to realize that any- black. on<> white tipped feather to every have been made along them. But won­ thing else should l>e even stlggested. derful improvements can be made by One thing is absolutely certain, and modifying the location of short sec­ that is that we will never have any­ tions here and there. Instead of going thing like improved earth roads until over a steep hill it is often feasible to go around it on a much easier grade without materially increasing the dis­ tance. The elimination of one or two steep hills on a line of road will frequently ffiable horses to draw three or four times as much to market as they could draw on the old road. It takes ap­ proximately four times as much rower to draw loads on 10 per cent grades as on a level. The earth road should have at least six hours of sunshine ea« h day. Brush and trees which impede the drying ac- , tion of the sun should lie removed. The southern and western exposures should be as complete as possible. With gravel and macadam roads this is not so nec­ essary. as r certain amount of mois­ ture is needed to keep down the dust. But comparatively few of our earth roads have been dignified by any im­ provement which could l>e termed con struction. To expect a good earth road where none has ever been built is like Photo by C. M Barnitz expecting a harvest from ground whi--h has never been tilled. An earth road HOUD4N HIN. must be built, just as a macadam or five black, except wing flights, second­ gravel road must lie built, and skill aries. sickles and tail coverts, which and experience are required In order to have white edge. secure the best results. The beak Is dark horn; face, eyes, ■ Tlie first and last requisite In road construction is drainage. This, of i comb, wattles red; lobes white and shanks and toes pinkish white mottled course, must be modified to suit the with black. SPLIT LOO DHAG. conditions of soil and climate. Where In Its checkered career the floudon the soil is heavy and retentive care we adopt a system of continuous must t>e taken to get rid of the water maintenance. The amount of work has worn the strawberry, butterfly, quickly and completely. For this pur­ required at the time is usually small, antler and V shaped combs, all made pose the roadway must be raised eight but it is imperative that It lie done in France except the last, which was een to thirty inches above the side promptly or uot only will the amount made and patented in America by Dr. ditches and well crowned, so that the be large, but the roads will tie bad for James Rigg In 1872. The V comb la standard in the United States. water will flow freely to the side ditch- I long periods of time. HOUDAN STANDARD WEIGHTS es The side ditches should be of am- I When the traffic Is not too heavy Pounds Pound*. pie size and provided with sufficient our earth road, when properly con­ Cock .... ............ 7 lien .. .......... « fall to properly care for the heaviest structed and rightly maintained, can Cockerel ........... 6 Pullet .......... 6 rains. Ordinarily the only ditches ip general t>e kept, fairly good most of needed are those made with a road | the year and passable at all time«, DON’TS. leraper, which are wide and compare- . When the traffic Is very heavy the Don't throw green corn nubbins to tively shallow. earth road must give way to a hard tbe hens. Throw them Into fhe hog Culverts of sufficient capacity should surface, such as gravel, luaoadam. pens. be provided at low places or for nat- brick, etc. But even then a g'HKl earth Don't delay to market young ducks — oral watercourses. Wood and terra road la a great gnln, as It provides the when In top notch condition. They cotta tile do not, as a general rule. foundation for the hard road. will drop from fit to nit Home Course Road Making T CHURCH DIRECTORY ■ LKCTRIC CURRRNT« CLASSIFIED NO JOKK. (All vhur'h** *r* r*que«(*A to a*neri*iic«d ■trawlwrry olekers to canili lor aliout four wseka. E. A. BAKER, Gresham. Phone 79. Route 3, Box 37 it GIMM AN KVANtIXt RIAL I. V T II X K A N l llt’IK II-Grsy« Oroaaliif. K U. H»a* |««lor Siin.l»y SrluHil *| tu uu Servio» *1 ll:ou. tlrrni*» Hrliool saltird*, si I at I'HVKi'II Uraya CroMlaa, X <1 llM«pa*lor Sumi*, SrliiHil *1 I***' Hervir* st II:US. U*r- man Hrhuol. Saturday L*> WANTED T o trade *.....1 double- ■T.PAUl.-gBrMUOrAl.UHUMH.WOOOlfgM Sarvlov. and *orni*n 41 4 *. i«.,*v*ry San- bammerle*a shot gnu wilii leather t *arh month. bain good condition. Call st J. U. Dr. Van Wal«r and ll-v <>«*ald W. Taylar Mount's furniture store. Large ntcn k of Dimension l tnnbvr on hand Rough and Pressed lumber (or ail purpose« IJtNTB BA IT 1ST CHI' Hle cordially Invited and welcome Lggs for hatching, Calkins strain of IIHACK KVANUKI.Ii'Al. CllttMI'H. I.KNTn-■ utehrwi white leghorns I ggs for Weai-hlna Sunday al II a m and ?:«0p in atching balance of season Jt' hd and Bunday A lioo every Bunday al lu a nt. Young I'eopl,«’ A Illa or.- everj Sunday al 4:80 $8.00 per hundred. Some stock for sale. o in l'r«)er iiu-oiln* ami lllble aiudy each Call Lent* Home Phone 2924 or address oleiiln* Hiwlal uiualo All Calkins Poultry Farm, Lents, Oregon. rordlally weliiiiiiv Kev Conklin, ya*«*»- Gilberts Station tf 1.8 MTU KKIXMiH i III Kt'll South Main Bl Hal,hath School IO: m Kvaovrll.Ue aertlce 7:ai Prayer meelln* Wednrada* 7:4* I’ in Myra II. Smith, pastor. WOOD FOR BALE—4 foot wood At Fl CO and |5.0O |ier c> rd. Com* «nd arm IKNTHMh- cllt'Hill Corner ot?|h Ave and Gorden Hl Huiolay Hch.iol io:ia> a ni . Her- It Good coal delivered to your door vb i • al II : I'rayer uieetln* Thursday even fer work. See W A, HALL A HON. In* ot cadi wirl AU moat cordially Invited. H«-v W. Iloyit MtHire, pastor Phone Talxir 2H88. Foster Road, Lents, TKKMONT V8ITKP BKMTIIKKM fill K«'H- Ore. >..'o.| «I. <->(h “I N I villi I», Hrhiurl at lo:uo * m. 1‘rvachlu* 11 ;oo a m Christian FOR SALE— New Tent «cuse, with Kiideavor *:«n p io I'rvacliln* 7:30 ■> in tly , tloored and ceiled Cheap for cash. Prayer meollo* Thursday ,7:*o p m Mrs Lynn. |i*etor C. F. HUNT, 9th. Ave. and Foster •and order to JUNHKl'D HKo«. Boring MD J Road, WANTED—Good, clean cotton rag* at Jgc • pound. ML Scott Pub. Co. i i ' i Windows rubbed once a week with a cloth dipped in alcohol, say* an ex­ change, will be free from frost in the coldest weather. JONSRUD BROS. BORING. OREGON I'bone 4» MUI I H mile* southeast of Kein“ CEDAR POSTS SHINGLES MOULDINGS TURNED WORK LUMBER $6 AND UP K MII.I.AIlb At K TKKHIIVTT.IltAN (Hl'kiU ____ __ Ke> levl lohn.oti, |M..|(ir K> aldrnce SV* M lovejoy Hl. Hervhia Huoilay School al loa. m . Morning Worship II a m li IR 8M.E—Jeraev cow giving 3«y gallon* milk Enquire of E. I*. Moliti, North Main St., Lenta, MKVKNTII HAY Al'VKNTirrt'HTUi II fialur- day Hahtmth School to A M Halurday l“re*ch In* II A M Bunday Preaching *:00 P M , All Welcome to three | meeting.. <7, J. Cum- mln*.. Pastor, real.tenor Ml Kaal 4Mh Bl. Phone Talxir aa.’l. FOR HA LE:—Piantemi* smikì and ; gravai. Cali Tabnr 2t)03, li llevtlng, I 45 Lincoln and Graya corner, I ente, | ( 'regoli. t « BORING-SANDY STAGE LINE FOR SAI E - All kinds <»l Rough and ! Dressed luuitier al Reduced prices at our mill two tulles from Kelso, Oregon. Lumber delivered. Sandy Ridge Lum- j Iwr Co. Phone llxl. Joel Jarl Mgr. flrst-L fass Livery dnJ teed Stables at borlnq and Sandy FOR SALE—Newspaper* for wrap ping or kindling. Mt. Scott Pub. Co. Transportation of all kind* of Baggage to Sandy and interior point* .... LUMBER—At our new mill U, mile* southeast of Kelso. We deliver lumber. Jonsrud Bros. (• GRANGE For further Information phone or write FOR HALF'.—One fourth acre,cleared, in Walden Park. Five dollar payments Enquire at Mt Scott Publishing Co's, office. E. F. DONAHUE, Prop. Boring, • • Oregon LOST—Lado-» round gold pin on 9th. Ave. between Marie and carline. Funi- er please return t<> Mn. J.E Carter, 1211 9tti. avenue. THE BUILDING SEASON IS HERE »14 RENT DI RECTORY Call and get ¿r prices on brick, cement, poster, lime, sand and gravel. We can save you money Our de­ livery is prompt and our goods are the best. We carry a full line of hay, grain and feed. Let us show you how to save a dollar by buying right. PROFESSIONAL W. F. Klineman Attorney-at C. E. Kennedy 2nd Ave., Lanta. Kennedy « Klineman Rea) Estate and Rentals, Notary Public Work Office Phone T. 2012 Main St. and Carline, l-ents, Oregon M c K inley & son C. €. Morland, Dentist ■ 719 Dekum Bldg., Third and Wash, ington, Portland. Ore. CityOffice, Main 5955; Lents Office, 2838 Residence, Tnlior 2587 i 1 Both Phone“, Tal*>r 968, Ixx'ul 3112 Residence Corner 8th and Marie St«., Lents, Orc. Office Hours 8 to 10 a. m I block of Postoffice, Lent* John R. hughes : Attornev at Law j Notury Public 301-3, bailing Building Third and Washington Sts. Portland, Oregon PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS AIL-TRACTS A SPECIALTY Resilience nt Fairview. All Kinds of Ervin C. Sells, Opt. D. Staple and Fancy Gro ceries Optometrist and diA}M*nfiing optician, um Hldg., Cor. 3rd and a ■ hingt<• n hl hoar« 9 a. in to ft p ni. Main ftOlu. Including such well known * hh I h <>t Meritar ALLEN A LEWIS, PRE FERREO STOCK canned goods, WHITE RIVER FLOUR Etc. Lent« offici*. »>0‘»liberi Ave. two blot k* umt of iu-hoed. Hour« rt ¡i in. to VIM) p. in , Tabor *■>16. Sunday« by appointment. When you don't find what you want at other itorea^go to First Avenue and Foster Road REAL ESTTAE BARGAINS We have listed perhaps the biggest list of bargains in real estate of any firm in the city. Our list includes many excellent buys in - Lents property. We also have houses for lent and for sale on easy payment plan. jOkll Bright Realty Co ■ :MRS IT. BRIGHTj » »: Foster Road£^£ East of P. O. Helt- onice . | DIRECTORY (Urattf«*« arr rr<|ur«trD «»KA.NGK MrrUthr flr.t Wad- lira«!ay of» a« h month at n p m an0 a m ‘ LA< KA.MAH GRANGE inurla Aral Maturday of each month at to go a m and third Hatur day at 7 30 p. in. i UNION DBPOT, NOKTHKKN PACIFIC Phone A SMI, Main 4M! Uavre 7:lu* m , lo:*o*. in. I:ao p. m.. Iltllp.m. Arrives 7;00 a. m.,*:*o p, m.. 7:>■> p. m , 10 :»>pm. OKF.GON W ABHINGTON HK a TTLK Phone A *1*1, Private eg, 1 Leave* *:»o am, 1C. p m . «:uo p ni.. II :00p.m. Arriéra 4:4ft a. in., 9:*op tn.,t>:*o p m..4:*0 p m. PKNDLBTON LtXiAL Gave« 7:ftua. m , arrlvra ll:*o a. m, THE HA 1.1.KB LOCAL l.eavra <:0n p. tn . arrives lo:uo a. in OVBBLAND leave« to tals tn., s : m > p m..arrlvra Ili4»a. m.. BiM» p tn. RPOKANK U arew 9:01 p. in., nrrlvv« 11 :»> « m. H‘»l THERN PACIFIC EUGENE PAM h ENGKR Leaves ft:gu p. tu., arrive«!j :uo a m. AHIILAND leva ve» R:30 a* tu., arrive* 9:t.. 7:40 a. in., 2:»« p. m. WEHT HIDE Corvalh«, biavi 7: J) n. tn , arrive ft:90p ni lilllBlMiro, leave* 7:20 a. ni., Il a m 4:00 p m., in. r Arrive h : oo a. m., lo:90 a. m., 2:46 p. m., 4.10 p. in., tt:20 p tn. JF.EFEItHON HTREKT I’allA«. tear« « 7:40 a. tn arrive« 6:4?» p. m UNION DEPOT Dalia«, leave« 4:iu p. in., arrives lo:io a. m. HIIEltlDEN I NION DEPOT Leave« at 4:00 p. tn , arrive« 10:**l0a. m. TILLAMOOK Leave« m ia , Hllliboro. Io:00Tillamook 4 M, leave« Tlllamouk 7:«>a tn., Illllaboro 1:40 p in , arrive« In Portland 2:lft p m Thrr* In mora Catarrh In thin ■ectinn or the country than nil other diseases put together, and until the Inst f* w yenrs waa supposed to be Incurable. For a terrai many years doctors pronounced It a local disease nri noon. and mucous surfaces of the system. They KANIKH LOCAL offer one hundred dollars for any case It falls to cure. Send for circulars and tes­ Iwsvea 1:00 p. m., &:4b p. m., arrive« t*:40 a. m., 0:00 p. m. timonials. Address: F. J. CnKNEY A CO.t Toledo, O. LYI.K UOLHKNIIALK Hold by Druggists, 75r. Leaves K:3> a. tn,, arrive«II:tiO p. m. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation 8POKANK EX PREMI leaves »:M a. m.,7:Oo p. rn arrives »:00 a. m.. 7:4ft p. m. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE COLtJMHIA LOCAL In the County Court of the Htate of leaves .3:10 p m., arriva* 9:M a. m. 4 Oregon, for Multnomah County. KI.KCTKIC LINEN In the Matter of the Estate of Peter OREGON ELECTRIC Tulp, Deceased. Halem and way pointa Notice is hereby given that the under­ signed lisa lieen duly appoint'd by the Leaving at 7:9», *:4A, 10:4*: 9:. I0:0o, 12:oft, *. m., 9:40. 4:4ft 7:40 deceased »:«*, 11:00 p. m, All persons having claims against UNITED RAILWAYS | said estate are hereby notified and re­ Third ami Stark, », *ftvi Marshall 990 quired to present the same to me, prop- Leaving hourly from phone «:!**. m. toft:lft p. m. l erly verified as by law required, st the Arriving •• 7:M a. m. to ft:ft* p. m. POBTLANII RAILWAY LIGHT A POWER ' office of Kennedy A Klineman, larnts, I " Ht w — station, l»*l 14911, Za A I «1*1, II • V I i IHM I“ ivi Rill M0H Main Multnomah County, Oregon, within six I Orejón Alder City,’Arrive« md I cav »»« each half hour months from the date hereof. from A:HO a . m. to midnight Caladero, srrlvca *n<1 1rs»»»