Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, May 30, 1912, Image 3

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Conference Committee Has Ro-
ported Final Agreement on
Borah Homestead Bill.
Washliigtoii 'I II« I'oiifiTviuv coni-
mlltco In i-barg« of th« Borah-Jonos
thr»« year bnni«ataad bill, reported
Wlint la doclurixl to be a fltial ugr«e-
men I. Th« main f«atur«s ot' th« ori­
ginal hill ure retained.
An the bill I m ugr««<l upon, the home-
■lend period I m reduced from five to
three year« and entry man are per­
mitted lenv« of iilmerice of not to ex­
ceed flvn consecutive months each
year, they being required to nollfy
the local land office when they leave
the land und of the dote of their re­
A cultivation clause la Incorporated
which require« the entryman to cut
tlviite not I cmm than one sixteenth of
the urea of his entry the second year
ami one eighth tin- third yeur
bill will apply to ull entries, Including
enlarged homestead entries und nil
pending entries.
Entrymen who have not yet receiv­
ed u patent will huve the privilege of
completing their proof under the three
y«ar bill or continuing under the old
law as they muy prefer.
Army Bill Aimed st General Wood
The army appropriation bill was re
ported back to the senate and house
by th« conferee« with the anti admin­
istration amendments which would leg
islat« Major-General Wood out of of-
flee as chief of-staff. und would leuve
th« locution of military poets to a cotn
mission of retired nrmy officers and
two members each ot th« senate and
house committees on military uffnlrs.
The umendinent which would re­
move General Wood also would pre
vent either Brigadier Generals (’rosier
or Funston from «ver attaining the of
flee of chief of staff
No officer wbo
has not spent 10 years In the lino with
troops before becomiug a brigadier
would be eligible
Hous« Reaffirms Canal Toll Bill.
By a vote of 147 to 126. the bouse
reaffirmed Its decision that no toll
should be charged American vessels
engaged In coastwise trade for pass
age through th« I'unaina canal. The
provision was bitterly fought and the
result was received with cheers The
canal government bill was passed, 266
to 61. The house membership was
divided Into two groups, one holding
that American owned stupa should
huve free use of th« canal and tho
other that all ships should pay equal
Officers of Tltsnlc Censured.
A sweeping arraignment of th« con-
I duct of officers of th« Titanic, espe­
cially Ciipfaln Hrnltb. Is contained In
| the report of the acmite commerce
committee on the loan of the vens-I.
{ Th« officers lit«- held responsible for
, the disaster because of failure to b< ■ d
| th« wurtilnga of oilier vessels.
Bruce Inmiiy. who wus a puasenger,
i Is also criticised. Ims Inspection Is
i diurged to the British board of trade,
{and the report culls attention to the
luck of discipline Oil the vessel.
Luxurlns Imported Enormous.
Luxuries Imported Into I he United
{Slates during the flscui yeur which
{ends with next mouth, will exceed
*200,000,000 In value Under the term
{ "luxuries" nre Included such articles
j im diamonds, art works, laces mid em
! hrohh-rles, chumpngne and other
wines, tobaccos and manufactures
thereof, ostrich feathers, artificial
I flowers, toys, perfumeries and cosmet-
I les, jewelry manufactures of gold und
silver, ami numerous others ot this
general churactcr.
National Capital Brevities.
The house In holding to Its program
for adjournment about June IS, ul
{though no understanding has been
reached with tho Semite loaders, wbo
{ uro not optimistic.
A committee of the tioune has been
appointed to consider the propriety of
suggesting to President Taft that he
offer his friendly aid us a mediator
between Italy and Turkey.
Applications for pensions under the
new "dollar a day" pension law are
being received at the pension office
here nt about the rate of 26.000 a day.
The total number received to date Is
12 1.234
There will evidently be no wool
legislation at this session of congress
The senate finance committee has re­
ported adversely the Underwood bill;
It hus abandoned the plan to druft a
substitute bill, and has refused to re­
port the Smoot substitute.
Secretary Wilson of the department
of ngrlculture hus ordered Doctors
boollttle. Mitchell and Dunlap, of the
pure food board, to conduct a test of
th« breweries throughout the country
to determine whether the Institutions
«re complying with the pure food lawn.
The house judiciary committee was
occupied the past week with the hear­
ing of th« charges aguinst Judge
Archbald of the commerce court. Evi­
dence was Introduced tending to show
that Judge Archbald was a tool of the
railroads und susceptible to bribery.
; lumber shipments are considerably In
I Ing annually from the state *288.750,
{ excess of the cut, Indicating that the
while the University of Oregon has a
m.irket for the product Is better than
■ standing appropriation of *125,060.
It was lot i .«• iii. i four ii until» of last
A company of coast artillery, O.
Log Rat* Case Important.
G. will be mustered In ut
James an-t Fr.uici» BcaJ, aged 15
Raker. Word was—re<«lvi<I here
Muy 2».
and 17, and Thomas Williams were
the state railroad commissioner»
Twenty-three students or Ibo Wil
Events Occurring Throughout that
d row tied it> tic Colombia river at Wy­
will r.-aume the hearing of the log
lametta laiw School were awarded di
eth and th- bodies swept away In the
the State During the Past
j rate case of the Sumpter Valley rail­
plotmia Friday.
swift current, 'the boys had fulleti
road on June 18. The case Is being
The 20th annual reunion of th« Yam­
from n raft and Williams woul to their
pushed by the flak er Commercial club
hill County l*iom«r Assotlallm will
i on the belief that the rate charged for
be held nt McMinnville June 6.
Code Will be Amended.
With Hie Clatsop beach or the Co­
. hauling logs is so high that It prohib­
The first actual construction work
Ralern.—To make more effective the its the bringing ot material here for
lumbia river as objective points, sur­
on the Bout hern Pacific line to t'oos
veyors have been working for many jurisdiction of the corporation depart­ the Baker sawmills.
Buy wus dom< Friday at North Bend.
months near tjic headwaters of th« ment. which tinder the proposed new
ItepreseBtatlve Hawley is asking u
Nucanicum and Indications point to law to be Initiated will create a sep­
110,000 emergency appropriation to
tho Harriman people as the Interests arate office of this branch of the state
prevent u br«uk In the Willamette riv­
behind th« project.
Rcvenu* Officers Fall to Find Moon­
er near Independence.
A movement is started for the recall amend section 2230 of Ixird's Oregon
shiners When They Make Raid.
The celebration of the completion of
laws, which provides penalties for
of County Judge A. E. Lake and Com
Eugene.—United States internal rev­
the Oregon Electric to Albany July 4
mlssfoners C. H. Stoughton and
enue officers and local deputy sheriffs
promises to be the biggest celebration
The talked of amendment will be
H. C. Hooper by the taxpayers of Was­
found a moonshiners’ still near Lea-
over held In the Willamette valley.
co county. The trouble arises over a
burg, 30 miles east of Eugene, on the
Kenator Chamberlain is attempting
contract for a new courthouse at The businesses not now touched upon In McKenzie river, and confiscated the
to sei-iiri 200 io res of land near Pen­
Dalles to cost *150,000.
outfit. For some time past liquor in
dleton «» a r< - -rvolr site for flic city,
Tauna Tolonen, the 6-year old son of Borax Deposits to be Well Developed. ! large quantities has been sold to the
but the Indians are opposing the meas­
Mr. und Mrs. Matllla Tolonen, of
I»akevlew. Imrge development work loggers and others at Leaburg. Sher­
Smith's Point, near Astoria, was fatal
Is to be done and considerable luichln- iff Brown has been working on the
Dr J. II Robinett, third ur Istant
ly burned while playing near the fam­ ery Is about to be Installed by the Ore­ case, and. becoming satisfied that the
physician at the State Asylum tor tho
ily home A brush fire had been start­
gon Borax company, which has hold­ whiskey was being made In that vicin­
Insane, will r< ilgn his position about
ed a short distance from the residence
ings of several thousand acres of rich ity, turned the matter over to the fed­
September I ami lake up private prac­
and the lad ran too close to the flames.
deposits of soda at Alkali Lake, about eral officials. As a result, Deputy In­
Senator Chamberlain has offered an 65 miles from here. The work will spector of Revenue Shellburg made a
James II. Dlmlck, a prominent law­
amendment to the omnibus claims bill
consist of building a large evaporating quiet trip to Leaburg and located the
yer, politician ami farmer of Clack­
appropriating *193,563 to settle in full plant where the product can have the place in the hills.
amas county, was burned to death In
Oregon’s Civil war claim against the larger portion of the moisture remov­
Five revenue officers and two depu­
a fire which destroyed his home at
government. An appropriation to pay ed, so that the finished product will be ty sheriffs raided the place, finding
the claim has twice passed the senate,
more economically bandied in ship­ only an old man. some women and
President Taft has reappointed John
but was each time defeated In the
children. The dismembered still was
McCourt as United States district at­
found under a log, with sacks of corn
torney for Oregon and Frank C. Bram­
William Judah Jlrn, Klamath Indian.
meal and barley.
well us registrar for the La Grande
?onvlct«d ot murder in the second de­
land office
Newberg Editor Sued for Libel.
The extension division of the Ore­ gree for the killing of Quimby Checas- College Officials Want Assessment to
McMinnville.—Edith Patterson has
Maintain Institutions.
gon Agricultural college has been giv­ kane, of the same tribe, on November
Portland.—At a conference between filed suit tor *10.00« damages against
ing a series of institutes at Buxton on 22, on the reservation, was given a
the subjects of dairying und civic im­ sentence of 20 years’ imprisonment at special sub-committees, consisting of E. H. Woodward, editor and publisher
McNeil's Island by United States Dis­ the presidents and members of the . of the Newberg Graphic, at Newberg,
i Boards of Regents of the University this county, becaues of statements in
At laikevlcw, Frank E. Rickey of trict Judge Bean.
of Oregon and the Oregon Agricultural an article in that paper on or about
Reno, purchased more than 1,000.000
pounds of this season's wool crop, with a separate report of each Insur College, resolutions were adopted re­ August 3, 1911.
paying an average of 14^ cents a vnee company doing business In the questing the commission appointed by
»fate, and make instead a tabulated Governor West to initiate a measure Corvallis Gets Threshermen Meeting.
pound for the lot.
Condon.—The threshermen ended
II. Hlrschberg, of Indepeudence, has report. Printing Expert Harris, acting before the people providing for a fixed
filed with State Engineer 1^-wis appll >n the suggestion of Insurance Com­ annual tax levy of 7-10 of a mill on the fheir labors here and elected officers
cation to divert water of the Little missioner Ferguson, who originated assessable value of the property of the as follows: John Minnick, of Union,
Luckiatnute river to be used for power the scheme, is sending letters to 35 state for the maintenance of both president; D. Caufman, of Hubbard,
Mate officers and boards recommend­ schools.
vice-president; Philip S. Bates, of
for municipal purposes.
Portland, secretary.
Corvallis was
Tlie state board of fish and game
members of the two boards of regents chosen as the place of the next con­
commissioners gives out the state­ Ui tabular form
The Oregon statistical bureau, under at Salem the matter of providing vention.
ment that the salmon Industry of the
Columbia river last year yielded to the direction of J. A. Bexell. de jin of finances for the maintenance of the
Fruit Inspector Starts Fight.
the school of commerce at the Oregon two institutions was discussed, with
this district about 16,000,000.
Nearly every city of importance In Agricultural college, will carry out an the result that the regents agreed that
Oregon has representatives In Port­
land In the delegations to the fifth an- tor the purpose of collecting accurate funds for their maintenance should be paign in an endeavor to exterminate
the San Jose scale in orchards. He
nuul convention of the Oregon Retail statistical data which will show the raised by direct tax on a millage basis
rather than for each to depend on se­ has issued orders that this pest be at-
Jeweler's Association, held Tuesday
the counties of the state are develop­ curing appropriations through the leg­ tended to at once or else the orchard
and Wednesday, May 28-29
will have to be cut down.
An encouraging feature of the lum­ ed. An appropriation for this work islature.
ber situation in Oregon Is that the | was provided by the last legislature. 1 The Corvallis school is now receiv-
^•ia's Saturday, June 1st
Yes, we are advertising again in the Beaver State Herald.
This time we are to have our ad all alone and we are going to
give you even better bargains than we offered last week.
Pleasing our customers, both in courtesy and prices has helped
us to grow from the little pioneer shop that we once were to
what we are now, . .
Largest General Market East of Grand Avenue
Beef Boil
Beef Stew ....
10c Pound
Short Ribs
Beef Roast
Hamburg Steak
Shoulder Steak
Round Steak
8c Pound
8c Pound
11 l-2c Pound
11c Pound
12 l-2c Pound
Pork Roast
Pork Sausage
Pork Chops
Pigs’ Feet
Salt Pork
13 l-2c Pound
11c Pound
Veal Breast
15c Pound
Veal Roast
7c Pound
Veal Cutlets
13c Pound
6c Pound
11 l-2c Pound
Mutton Roast
13 l-2c Pound
Mutton Chops
15c Pound
15c Pound {.
Veal Loaf
loc ruunu
Dukes Special Butter 60c square.
5 lb Can Lard 65c.
Mutton Stew
11 l-2c Pound
Veal Stew ....
DU1K T luUrQ 1 L4C
Picnic Hams 12 l-2c Pound
Compound 11 l-2c Pound
Halibut 7 l-2c Pound
12c Pound
12 l-2c Pound
Mutton Legs
15c Pound
Mutton Rib Chops
Mutton Loin Chops
15c Pound
Bacon 15c Pound
15c Pound