Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, May 16, 1912, Image 7

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The city farther» are hard at work
BORN—On May 1st. to Mr. and Mr*.
ItooMting the town.
Tim question of Sloop, a »on, and to Mr. and Mr*. Mc-
purchasing the »tone tract for a city Kinxis, a *on.
park and play ground will lie voted up­
A Mr. Peterson from Gresham ia as­
on al a special election, and an amend­
sisting M r. Newsome at the depot
ment to the city charter 1» to lx- made
Mr. Newsoms’* residence is the first
authorising the beuing of Ixmdx tor tl>e
As fair a» ths flowers of May
to begin building on the new townsite.
one in Welches have their crop* In.
Tlisse bright Italniy days ars firisr
been appropriated a» a ■tart toward the Mr. Wikitroin Is the builder.
Mr. Waterman killed a 2<»> lb. bear
tlixn silk
Mr. and Mrs. Wikitrom have apart­
hail. Third street from the center
■ on Baldy Ml. last Friday
A bonfire parly was enjoyed by
of Harrison street to the depot street is ment* in th* Steven* house.
Mr*. W H. Creighton just returned to I m - graded next, the ordinance pre-
pretty much the whole neighborhood
Mr*. Ad* Quay ha* an aunt visiting
Rowe after a few days visit in Port­ tainfng to thi* having paaeed at last
al the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Pugh last
her thi* week.
inerting. Section 67 of tlie charter has
Haturday night.
W E. Markell'* father I* with him
Mr. II. H Rowe I* building a beauti­ lawn authorised for amendment.
Thi* for a visit.
The public sale al J. T Friel Hr. last
Tuesday drew a large crowd and every ful little log home al Rowe tor a sum­ pertain* to the improvement of strts-te
A *i*ter-io-law of Mr. T. H. Kennedy
mer home.
running north and south. The present
thing brought a big price, especially the
■ pent a few day* with Mr. Kennedy and
Mr. J. R. Keep ha* a crew of men ■ystein taiee tlie owners of aUitling
cattle which were hlgbsr than a cat’s
Mr. S|>ear* last week.
She ba* been
!>■< k
What’» the matter with the digging poet hole* for the telephone line , property for all afreet improvements, in Loe Angeles for the winter and was
stock business In Oregon anyway, when from Portland to hi* cabin beyond the the proposed smendinenta aseesMes the on her way home to Mich.
abutting property one hail and the in-
some cattle around here 3 and t years Toll Gate.
The baptising did not take place but
lota one-third ami one-sixth re­
old have never l>een (rd a mouthful but
Mr. Reed. of Portland, ha* ju*t com­
is announced for next Sunday.
lived and have become fat and »Irek on pleted a tlfMX) bungalow at Rowe.
Mis* Albert* Snyder visited tbe
Miss Alta Wilcox who is to become tlie
the range, not costing their owners a
Mr. Henry Oak *ml family have re­
school I ueeday and returned
penny and will now bring all kinds of turned to their Mt, home, tbev have bride of Irving Province here this even-
evening train,
bee i living at Bull Run for the past
presented by her young friends here
Rev. and Mr*. Burtch visited at Mr.
One of the opportunities here is ths year.
1 Saturday afternoon. Miss Wilcox is the ^-'hase • Friday,
manufacturing of these Alder trees in­
Walter Creighton and hie young wife
youngest daughter of Postmaster R. W
to spools *n<l furniture.
Light, and sre now living at Rowe
Mr. Creighton
easily worked and not »object to check­ I intend* hauling freight thia summer Wilcox and wife of this place, and is
very popular among
- the - young
~ people of . Born to Mr and Mr*. Ned Nelson, an
ing, it makes, lieautilul furniturs and with hi* large team.
the town. I"
Mr ~
Province I. the only son e|even
Hund,y M*y 12th
can easily tie steamed and varnished to
Mr*. Archie Howard mule a flying of J. P. Province of thia place ami ha*
resemble black walnut and other high trip to Portland Tuesday.
School clerk, P. C. Spooner, conducted
made many friend* during hie year'«
priced tinilier,
Il can tie obtained al
eighth grade examination* at the *cbool
Mr. Fransetti, the new manager of residence here. The couple will renide
next to nothing. The vine maple with
Thursday and Friday.
Rhododendron Tavern I* having the here on their return from a few week» j
its lieaullful (sM-green color makes the
Mr*. 8. B. McKinney ha* returned to
tavern electrified.
honeymoon trip.
strongest and most beautiful rustic fur­
] her home in Maxwell, California, after
Missea Aneirta and Naomi Fa u bi on
Mr*. M. F. Brooks entertained IA
niture imaginsblsand for wagon tongues
a week'« visit with her folk* here.
•vecers, whitlltrees, neck yoke«, fork and Warren Crutcher ma e the trip to friends at dinner on Sunday in honor ol
Mr*. A. Dickson i* now rapidly im-
Government Camp on horse back Hun­ her H2d birthday.
The guests were:
handle, »pokes It can not lie lieal.
day and found Mr. Coleman and hi* Mr. and Mr*. J. R. Hughe*, Mr. ami| Prov,nK-
"Pioneer" lands hard on "ve scribe”
crew of men »hoveling mow out of the Mr*. Edwin Burlingame, Mr. and Mm.
Measles, in a light form, have been
on his Isiost fur Dr Ixtne a« U H. Bena-
road *o as to make it passible tor auto­ Ira Brooks, John Dotipe and Harrry prevalent in thi* neighborhood.
lor. The writer intended to say that
mobiles and wagon*.
The «now wa* Brook* and M. T. Brook».
Mr*. Harry Bickford is ill with in­
he was of the xauie heroic nature as
■ bout 3 feet deep.
Mrs. H Jenkin* «nd daughter, Mbs tiarnmatory rheumatism
that earlier I jiu « who, atChampoeg In
Tbe Toll Company have Mr. Gordean Myrtle, are spending a few days at Ix_-b-
1 M3, when a vyi voce vote seemed to
indicate that a majority were for be­ and ion, Vincent Friel and Harry anon where they were called on account I '
The lie mon* Of The bwamp
, .
coming a part of Great Brilian, when Thornton working on the road prepar­ of the serious illness of Myrtles grand- are moMpntos.
A* they »ting they put
the voice of lane ealled all present who ing it lor summer travel.
| deadly malaria germs in the blood.Then
About ten automobile* were out thi*
were in favor of liecoiuing a pait of the
Roy Stone is quite ill with jaundice. , fo|(ow ()*• jcy chilisand the tire*of fever.
United Mate» to *t*q>acmes aline mark­ way Haturday and Hunday. The road*
Mr*. G. W. Bell, of Kenton, visited ! The appetite flies and the strength fails,
ed by Lane.
When a large majority are in pretty good condition.
old friends here on Monday.
also malaria often pave* the way for
stepped across the line and Oregon ws*
Emil Donahue ami family were out to
Miss Susie Hall entertained a party of deadly typhoid.
But Electric Bitters
saved by the nimble wit and ready re- Welches Saturday night.
Portland friends on Sunday.
kill ami cast out the malaria germ* from
■ourcefulriexx of lane just a« thepreaent
Billy Welch has a tine new two story
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Thompson, and the blood; give you a fine appetite and
lane will eave the Oregon of to day building
“After long suf­
Tbe lower p*rt will be used daughter, visited relatives hen- over Sun- ' renew your strength.
from the greedy land grsbtiers and for « store and butcher *hop and the
fering," wrote Win. Fretwell, of Luca­
bloody thirsty gratters and brutal cor- up|M<r part for a pool room.
ma, N. C., “three bottle» drove all the
Mr*. E. C. Wilkenson ami son are
poratioo* that sre holding it in check
Mr». Clyde Tawney and her new-born visiting at the home of her parents, R. malaria from my system, and I’ve had
and retarding its growth and drvelope-
gixsi health ever since.” Best for all
bal>e juat returned from Portland Satur­ W. Wilcox and wife this week.
merit into one ol the greatest and grand­
stomach, liver and kindey ills. 50 eta. at
J. R Hughes has gone ou a buxine»» ail dealers.
est countries on earth.
Quite a forest firs is raging on Crutch­ trip to Dayton, Wash.
The writer has an offer to go back
Fast and get on the "firry line" (or I er bill, it is causing much excitmsnl
J. II. Schram is having hi* residence
in thi* vicinity.
In the County Court of the State of
Champ Clark in an old established and
Oregon, for Multnomah County.
thoroughly equipped new»|>aper office
In the Matter of the Estate of Peter
J. W. Moller is moving hi* family in­
(OKBt 11
but the idea of leaving Oregon in the
to his lately acquired home which he Tulp, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that tbe under­
glorious g-ssl old summer time with Its
Dodson Bro*, moved into their new has been improving.
signed has t>een duly appointed by the
matchless blue skies, unrivalled scenery ■tore building last week.
Mothers' <iay was olmervcd with special County Court of tbe State of Oregon,
ami delightful weather is es)>eciallv r«-
Mr*. E. Reed ha* rented her store services in ls>th churches here Sunday. for Multnomah County, executor of the
laxt will and testament of Peter Tulp,
However the smoke of the room* to a Mr. Knight, of Portland,
An ice cn-am social will la? given by deceased.
terrific battle impending is in eight and who ex|iect* to put in a stock of mer­
All persons having claims against
the Y. P. C. E. next Friday night.
no true American ought to be idle or chandise thi* week.
We are indeed
said estate are hereby notified and re­
fill red to present the same to me, prop­
glad to have two store's here and hope
examination conducted by Rev. Tho*. erly verified as by law required, at the
Janie* Sampler, of Fairview has gone they may do a prosperous business.
office of Kennedy A Klineman, Lents.
Robinson here last week.
to Portland to till a position »• an ex­
Mix* Irene Knapp went to Gresham
Multnomah County, Oregon, witbin *ix
month* from the date hereof.
port brick kiln overseer and will 1« gone Hunday Io join a party of friends on a
Dated this 9th day of May, 1912.
prolxbly a month.
Mr. Sampler* Is a trip to Estacada.
N. Girling,
desirable citixeu and an honest iudus-
Mrs. Eva Fox and baby, of Portland,
Executor of the Estate of Peter Tulp,
triou* man.
are viaitiug her parents here.
guest* last week, Mr*. G. M. Talmage, deceased.
W. F. Klineman,
Mr. Morrison, of Dover, says nobody , Mrs. Harah Kincaid who haa been
R. S. Shelley and wife and daughter,
Attorney for Executor.
need lose a cow from bloat as a half ■(tending the past ten days with Mr*.
M9 J8
pound of butter and two law eggs ad­ 0. E. Smith went to Portland Wednes­
ministered as a drench will releive them day for medical treatment
in Boring.
al once
Tbe writer came very near
Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Kincaid made a
In tbe Circuit Court of tbe State of
Mice Clara Meinig is Alling Mrs. . Oregon for Multnomah County.
tnvying him those four fine Jersey cows
trip to Portland Saturday,
Mary Meinig’* position in the post of­
■nd an immense strawberry bed.
Z. H Duncanson, Plaintiff, vs. Em­
Mr. R. P. Rasstunxsen and daughter fice during the latter* illnee*
ma C. Duncanson, Defendent. To Em­
A fire broke out in the building across
Ruby, were Portland visitors Haturday.
ma C. Duncanson, tlie defendant above
Dr. Burendurk and wife had as guest*
from the «tore snd post office on Hun­
Mrs Sarah Wilks who ha* been visit­ for th* week end the Dr'* tiller and named ;
day afternoon and in spite of every ef­
In the name of the state of Oregon:
ing relatives here for several weeks re­ family.
You are hereby required to appear and
fort tbe entire structure was consumed.
turned Io Portland Sunday.
sns*er the complaint filed against you
Most of the furniture was removed.
Mies Je-iie Wood, acc impanied by
Mr. and Mrs James Benfield went to her sister and brother-in-law Mr. ami in tbe above entitled Court and Cause
Ths bouse was occupied by Mr. and
| on or before the Sth day of June 1912,
the city Bunday to consult a physician Mrs. Smith, came up from Bridal Veil and if you so fail to appear and answer,
Mrs. Rhodes.
in regard to their iufauta health.
for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply
for tbe dance Saturday evening.
Miss Ruth Frisl Hundayed st home
to the Court for the relief demanded in
Road Supervisor Grant Bell, hi*
Mie* Ruth Friel wax a Sandy visitor the Complaint filed in this Cause, to-
■nd returned to Bridal V<il Monday.
pieced a water trough on tbe Corbett over Sunday.
wit: For a divorce on the grounds of
hill road side which is furnished with
willful desertion for more than one year
Mr. and Mrs. lngals are settled in the last past.
water from one of the finest of springs.
of the Proctor cottsgi*. Mr. Ingals is
Thi* summona Is published in pursu­
This is certainly a humane act that will
ance of an order ol the honorable J. P.
Mmiter Charlie Hick» celebrated hi« l>e much appreciated by our four looted our enterpriging little barber.
Kavanaugh, Judge of the above entitled
birthday last Tliursday and entertained friends.
Melvin Smith of Smith Bios. black-1 Court, made nd entered on the 23rd
sixteen of hi. young friend» in the even­
smith shop was a Portland visitor Moi - day of April 1912, s ecifying that said
Ira Byers moved bis family into the
•nnimens be published in the Beaver
ing A taffy pull caused much merri­
cottage near the Chas. Smith farm the
State Herald for six consecutive weeks.
ment. The youngsters took possession
latter part of tlie week.
George A. Halt,
of the resilience until aliout 12 o'cock
Attorney for Plaintiff,
and when time came (or leaving declared
6622 Foster Road.
The east wind we have been »xperinc-
tween trains Friday night.
Date of first publication April 25. 1912.
they all enjoyed a fine time.
ing the past few day*, while fine to dry Date of last publication June 0. 1912.
Archie Kincaid conducted the eighth
Mr». Jarves, a former reaident of the
the road*, is very disagreeable to say
Height*, i» at the prevent tiins the grade examination* Thursday and Fri­ the least.
guest of Mr. and Mr». J. 1 eaver.
United States Lsmd Office, Portland
Henry Bill constructed a fine ice box
Walter Hick», of Portland, wa» out
Oregon April 9, 1912—Notice is hereby
for Fred Shoultx to be used in hi* meat
here vieitlng last Friday with W. Hick».
I given that the Northern Pacific Railway
Mrs M. D Bailey ha* gone to Dayton, Company, whose |x*t office address is
Mr. and Mr». James Benfield and
F. E. and F. W. Reed have had their
j St.
Pau), Minnesota, has thia 9th
little eon went to Portland last Hunday. ■tore building painted which adda Ohio, to visit relatives for some time.
April 1912 filed in this' office
F. E. Hnrtow and family are spend­
Mr. Taylor came out Saturday night greatly to its appearance.
j its application to select uuder the
ing some time visiting in California.
to »pend a couple of daye with his folk*.
Mrs. Ough assisted Mr*. Dodson in
| provisions of the Act of Congress, ap­
George Kay, a Minneapolis realty
L. Deaver wa» in the city on busi- getting settled in her new home over agent, visited at the home of E. W. proved July 1, 1898 (30 Stat. 597, 020) as
the store last week.
j extended by the act of Congress, ap­
last week.
Grevish while lie was here on business.
Mr*. Corliett, accompanied by a few Ha has just cloned ups deal for 30,000 proved May 17, 1906, the NWtg SEJ<
Ray Anderxsn wa* in Portland Sun­
22,T. I N., R, 6 East, W. M.
frieud*, spent several day* at her beau­ acres of Eastern Oregon property.
day and took in the ball game. He re­
Any and all persons claiming adversely
tiful country home here returning to
Mis« Salina Fox entertained the fol­ (lie lands described, or desiring to ob-
ported a flue game.
Portland Sunday.
lowing little folks at a croquet ('arty I j -ct because of the mineral character of
Mr*. Iva Malroy waa at Hood River
Mr. and Mr*. Flenry, of Portlaud eu- Saturday evening: Margery and Evalyn
‘ with friend* la«i week.
joyed Batuiday and Hunday at their Kendall. Millie and May Christmas, the land, or for any other reason, to the
disp >sal to applicant, should file their
The Mountain school close« the 24th cottage here.
Adalaine and Edna Hogue, Wilfred De­ affi lavits of protest in thia office, on or
of May and Mr*. Uyvel, the instructor,
Eixa Wallace, a foi mer pupil of our laney and Lena Monanan.
l»-fore the 1st day of June 1912.
ha* lent out Invitation* to the parent» school but now a ie*idenl ol Tiouldale,
M. O. Nelson, W. Hurssell snd F. W,
H, F. Higby
of tbe pupil* to be present the last day waa a visitor at our academy Wvdnes- Grevieh are making pnqtsration« for
of school, to view some of the work of day.
picking and marketing their strawberries A in—M 23._________________________
the children.
of which they have a large crop. The
Barlied wire cuts, ragged wounds, col­
Mr. Salsinan I* in Portland serving
Sallow complexion I* due to a torpid lierric* are of an extra quality and very lar and harness galls heal up quickly
on the jury.
liver. H ERB1N E puriflee and strength­ ahundent this year.
en* the liver and bowel* and restore*
The Bacen picture »how was formerly j is applied. It is both healing and anti­
The farmer* of the Height* are very
nearly done with their crops and are the rosy bloom of health to the cheek. opened here < n Monday night to a full septic. Price 26c, 50c and |1.00 per bot-
1 tie. Sold by Lenta Pharmacy.
looking forward to • bountiful harvest. Price BOc. Bold by Lenta Pharmacy.
About Your Half
Let us half sole your shoes with the famous
We positively Guaran­
tee that a sole made from this leather will
wear twice as long as any other sole. This is
a strong assertion, but we will make it good.
Chrome Tan Leather.
Men’s Chrome Tan Soles $1.00
Boys’ Chrome Tan Soles .75
Outwear Two Pair Ordinary Soles
—Try It Now—
Modern Shoe Repair Factory
Opposite P. 0
Lents, Ore.
Remember the Name—BOHNA
Iron on The Porch
Get out in the fresh air where it is cool and pleas­
ant. Make ironing day a different and better
day. You can do it with an
Electric Iron
The iron that needs no stove and is kept always
at the right temperature by the electric currant
Let us arrange your porch for electric ironing.
It will cost very little, whether you have currant
in the house or not. Phone for our representa­
tive, who will give you an estimate with no ob­
ligation on your part.
Main Office Seventh & Alder Streets
Telephones Main 6688 and A. 6130
Weekly Oregonian ........
Daily Oregonian .................. ........................
Daily and Sunday Oregonian
Daily Telegram until Dec. 20 ....................................... 4.50
Semi-Weekly Journal
.................................... 2.00
Daily Journal..........................
Daily and Sunday Journal..... ................................... 8.00
Pacific Monthly
.................................... 1.75
Pacific Homestead.................. .................................... 2.00
Pacific Farmer
Poultry Journal (Monthly).... .................................... 1-50
Oregon Agriculturist
Farm Journal
................................... 1.25
McCall’s Magazine (Ladies’) .................................. 1.00
This price is for delivery by mail only and only when re-
mittance is made with order. Papers may be sent to aepa-
rate addresses. Subscriptions may begin at any time.