— LOCAL NEWS AND LENTS YOUNG MAN v TOWN HAPPENINGS WANTS SCHOLARSHIP Immediate Needs of the Season Lowell C, Bradford, a well known young man of Lents, has entered the I Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Miller entertain- contest for the scholarship ottered by ed Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McGill at dinner the Meier A Frank store. The past Thursday evening in honor of the 21st. achievements of this boy prove him to wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. be worthy of the support of this entire McGill. A very pleasant evening was community. Notwithstanding that he spent. has not been able to walk without the There will be meetings held in the aid of crutches since he was a small Seventh Day Adventist church Friday, baby, he has gone with credit through Saturday and Sunday nights. Song the public schools and will graduate as president of his class in the Washington eervice7:4O. Preaching at 8. R. Burton brought a radish to this of­ High school in June of this year. The fice during the week that is a record years of his grammar school were «|>ent breaker in size, considering the fact that 1 in the Stephens and Lents schools. In garden* have only been up a short time. high school he has proven his ability, It is of the White Strausburg variety and as wsll as having demonstrated his , pluck, by rising to the top in the differ­ weighed three pounds. ent activities of the school. As a de­ Last week’s Herald stated that the bater he has brought credit to his Woodmen of the World would give a school, being a member of the winning dance in Grange Hall, Saturday evening, Jnterecholastic l>ebating team for two May 11. The affair will be given by the years Women of Woodcraft instead of the The Herald do«* not believe in the | Woodmen. Snashall s orvheetra will jxtlicv of local people patroniiing Port­ furnish the music and a good.time is as- |W(V> department stores, when they sured all. A cordial invitation is ex tend- are able to secure the needed articles ed to all. from the local merchant, but we do Mrs. Otto Katzky and Mrs. O. E. hope that those who have occasion to Lent attenned a meeting of the Moth- go there will not fail to call for their ers’ Congress at the Y. M. C. A. build- votes and cast them for this young man, ing in Portland Tuesday. who, though hampered by a life-time Another wagon has been added to the infirmity, is cleaving his way to the New Method Laundry and business is front and obtaining an education, increasing there at a rapid rate. .................. — Al and Wm. Boland, local brick ma- J. H. Donaldson is building a new eons, are employed in construction work home on 4th Ave. He recently dispos- at the Reed Institute. ed of his home in Clemenson addition. I Lents is growing. New buildings an* T F Bridges, a furniture dealer, who going up and plans for others are under has been located in Portland was m way. New business houses are being ee- Lents Thursday looking for a building tabliabed, which augurs well for the fu-1 ¡n which to start business. There be- ture of the town. ing no empty business buildings here Thoe. Cowing has completed tne work he was obliged to rent a room and store of giving his famous little hupmobile his stock until a suitable location is pro­ an overhauling and is now trying out a vided. Here is another good argument couple of airless tires. The machine for more and better business buildings owned by Mr. Cowing, while comj>ara- in Lents. The Grays Crossing meat market, tively small, has a record unequalled by few autos, and has covered more mile­ conducted by W. S. Sanders, is one of age than any auto in this section of Ore- the rapidly growing business firms of the town. Mr. Sanders has been in gon. Arthur Geisler, Dr. Nelson and Jay business only a short time but is well Camack spent Wednesday fishing in Gor­ satisfied with his location thus far. A new electric theatre has been den Creek. Fair luck is reported by opened at Grays Crossing by A. Smith members of the party. Is your favorite among the nomniees & Sons. A new pianola has been in­ in The Herald’s Gift Contest? Ifj not, stalled and the new management ex­ you will find a nomination blank in this pects to give the patrons a good 10 cent show. The new theatre will be issue. known as the “Suffragette.’’ The beautiful piano to be given as the E. R. Weaver, who recently bought Corner «Main and Carline capital prize to the winner of The Her­ ald’s contest, is now on display at the the Schute grocery store at Grays Cros­ sing, reports that he is well satisfied office. Call ami inspect it. A new cash register of the National with his new location. E. M. Scheuerman and family have one of them lunged forward, catching type decorates the grocery counter at moved into their fine, new resilience at his right foot between the doubletree 1 McNeil Bros, store. It is one of the 1 latest models and does everything th** corner ot 3d Ave. and Carline. The and singletree badly crushing it near, residence formerly owned by them has the ankle. Luckily no severe fractures ; almost but make money. l«*en sold to Mr. ami Mrs. J. G. Mc­ were sustained, but it was painful to I Old Sol has appeared in all the glories Dougall who are now wed to focus his peepers on a photo­ meats of quality. The attention of Herat«! readers is di­ graph of a big one. Unless something rected to the business announcements of a more tangible nature is shown we ADVENTIST CHURCH contained in this issue. will be compelled to believe that the I The subject to be considered at the i Read the condensed statement of the Isaac Walton» of Lenta are fit subjects Seventh Day Adventist church Friday Multnomah State Bank appearing in for the Taft-Roosevelt club—that is the evening: Heaven or Home of the Raved. thia issue. It is a most creditable new name for Ananias dub. Where is it? What will it consist of? showing and speaks well for the man­ C. L. Gesell, in charge of the pre­ C. J. CUMMINGS, Pastor. agement of that rapidly growing insti­ scription department of the Lenta tution. Pharmacy, attended the lecture at the Helps A Judge In Bad Fix. Remember the benefit show to be Y. M. C. A. rooms in Portland, Wed- Justice Eli Cherry, of Gillis Mills, Tenn. given by the fire department at the nesdav evening, given by Stanley H. was plainly worried. A bad sore on his 1 Isis next Monday evening. Rich, Ph C., LL. B. His subject was leg bail baffled several doctors an«i long Sat unlay evening is the «late of the “The Legal Rights of Pharmacists in resisted all remedies. "1 thought it was 1 dance to be given by Lents Circle W. O. the State of Oregon.” a cancer,” he wrote. “At last I used W. Grange Hall will be the place. Lon Ward, who was recently confined Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, and was com- Admission, gents 50c, ladies free. to his home with an attack of grip, has I pietely cured ” Cures burns, boils, ul- Albert 8. Kami, chief clerk of Railway suffered a rvlapsw and is again indis­ j cere, cute, bruises ami piles. 25 cents at Mail Service, of Portland, was a busi­ pose« 1. ail «lealers._________•____________ I ness visitor in Lents Monday. Mr. “Shorty” Miller, who resides on 3d Rami says his department is doing Ave., is able to be out this week, after AT LOW COST everything possible to simplify the an illness of several «lays. He was af- Onr silk E lastic W ristlets , handling of mail. flicte«l with grip. H osiery , K nee C aps ¿S tocking « The electric light pole that has stood Miss Pearl Armstrong entertained on constantly worn, will cur« sprain* and niun'i* weakneR* meatmen teat as a nuisance for so long in front of the evening of May 4th, giving a May blank FREE on r'Mf’Hoit Bohna’s store, has beencut down, much party to about thirty of her friend s WGODARD.CLAKKEACO. I’oitlaurl. Oregon to the gratification of that gentleman The home was beautifully decorated and all otner citizens. with many beautiful flowers and pre­ A thief or theives entere«! the chicken sented a beautiful appearance. Those house of J. H. Kelly last Friday night present enjoyed a delightful evening. and appropriated a number of chickens G. W. Kibbe, a local transfer man, to their personal use and needs. Just was the victim of a painful accident how many was stolen is not known, but Tuesday afternoon, which occurred the beads of two were found in the lot, I while he was enroute from an east-side Staam and French Dry Cleaning having been wrung from the bodies to mill to Lents with a small load of lum­ prevent their squawking. Mr. Kelly ber for the Miller Lumber Co. Mr. has a fair idea of the perpetrator but no Kibbe’s team became scared at a steam Clothing, Feather« and Garment« of arrests have been made. road roller while he was sitting on the every description cleaned or repairvd G. W. Ingles, who has been residing front end of the load with his feet rest­ on 3d Ave., has moved to Sandy, where ing on the doubletree, and after the | Johnson St., Near Main I he has opened a arber shop. frightened horses had started backing J. W. Stiger, who formely resided in Lenta, was visiting old time friends here Sunday. He now resides at Brooklyn, a Portland snburb. While here he and I. F. Coffman and O. P. Lent elected a Democratic president. Whether it was Clark or Wilson we have not heard. Shoes Half Soled, Sewed and Nailed. F. B. Peterson, proprietor of The All work Guaranteed. Shine Parlor in Lenta Pharmacy, was elected a member Connection. of the executive committee of the Re­ publican County Central Committee at the meeting held in Portland the latter part of the week. Gresham and other Justice districts each have a representa­ Neat Door to Eggioian Bros. Cor. Main and Foster, Lenta, Or tive on the exeeutive committee. Warning—Sto p FamousPiieonixPurfl That Fly Do not let the fly take Is actually for command at your home. Made Beat him to Trade.” that screen it. Buy door and enough screen (or the “ Western Western When you buy this you help boost Western Industry a and we Absolutely Guaran­ windows now and enjoy tee Pheonix Pure Paint real happiness the rest to be as Good and Bet- of the summer. We ter than any paint on the have all kinds and sizes in stock. market. A trial means SATISFACTION 30 Shades in Stock Screen Doors 80c and Up Wall Paper Or “The Quality" Steel Kalsomine will make the interior of your home as nice and cheerful as these are out­ door spring days. We have 88 artistic designs and patterns of wall pa­ per and a nice assort­ ment of tints and colors of kalsomine. All Reasonably Priced Our Quality brand Steel Ranges are priced a little less and at the same terms as you pay for a not as good range over town. Come in and let us show you this line. It is a pleasure to us to explain and show the excellent points about the Quality Range. $1 a Week Lents Hardware Company Lents, Ore. Get Your Spring Needs Department Drug Store Do You Travel? That Old Woodwork If so we can supply you in Suit Cases and Traveling Baskets. We can save you mon­ ey on either. Priced from Does the woodwork in your house look dull and worn? Do you know that $1 or $2 in­ vested in Varnish will make all the differ­ ence in the world. Come in and let us demonstrate to you and give you prices. $3.50 to $6.00 Come in and look them over. For Your Garden Makes Old Furniture New Why sure, you must put in a small garden. Our stock of Garden and Flower Seeds is still complete. A small can of Floor-lac will make your old furniture look like New. Are You Crippled? They Come in Handy We just received a line of crutches, all lengths. If in need of a pair don’t forget the place. Remember we carry all kinds of sick room supplies and first aid articles for the injured. Wax Paper for lunch purposes-5 and 10c 30, 50 and 85c per Can ! WRIST INSURANCE Lents Dye and Cleaning Works First Class Shoe Repairing L. Petrovics, Proprietor per package. Full line of Shelf Paper, Pa­ per Napkins, all the latest styles at 10, 15 and 40c per hundred. • Shine Up the Old Clothes Kodak Time Make your old clothes look new. You can do it for 10 or 20c. Buy a package of Dy- ola, Rainbow or Putman Dyes. A 10c package of Hat-Bleach will make that old straw hat shine like a new silver dollar. Remember we are headquarters for all kinds of Kodaks. Pictures of present day scenes are treasures you will always cherish. We have them at all prices. Mt. Scott Drug Company A. Geisler, Mgr. Sole Agents for S. W. Paints and A. D. S Preparations